f ' ims . <! i n i nj | .i.. i n i^winri>» REATWOBKir im BRUNSWICK \ODD'S' KIDNEY PILLS MADE F. W. HAEEIS A WELL idAN. fie Suffered From Kidney Uiseaae for Two and a Halt Yearsâ€" Only oiiiB of the Many Cured by the Great Canadian Kidney Semedy. Central Watervillo, York Co., d.B., Dec. 7.â€" (Special).â€" The case ol P. W. Harris of this place is one more evidence of the wonderful work Dodd's KUlnoy Pills are doing in Now Brunswick, ilr. Harris makes the following statement for publication; "1 sullered for two yaaia and a half from Kidney Troubles, being un- ible tq attend to ,ii\y work the great- er ptirt of the tinio. I tried many nedicines without getting any beuolit, »ut â- actually . grew worse. "I took three boxes oi Dodd's Kid- ney Pills and they cured me., I Ihink Dodd's Kidney Pills are a wonderful remedy for Kidney trou- Sle." Bi-tght's Disease is the most ad- i^anced stage of Kidney Disease. Dodd's Kidne.v Pills are the only remedy that will Cure it. But it is Wiser aiid safer to guard against prigh^'s Disease b,y-. using Dodd's Kidney Pills when your Kidneys give Ihe first symptoms of di.str^ftss â€" pain in the "bank- Ar'^slight tiPinary dis^ ^i^v. .,. :â- â- »â- , ., .â- ,â- â- â- =»•â- ;. jjj Ai;^^ '' c;aA* A<:TitTi " of sia - SAE-KY H. JOHNSTON. V. Great Eaplorer, Able Adniinis- 1;rSitoi:, -iUid Only 45 Years â- _, % ,"â- _ Of Age;-" â- -^ . â- rherw.hnB' fo\v«incn who have m- ided the two Worlds of^hougiit and Ittipn -with such- briUiant da.sh and - taiing'Sfe. Sit Harry Hamilton Jolm- ton. Without family iufluer.ce, and vy the three qualities of pluck, en- rgy, and resources, he .'succeeilod iu reakirig down the bairricrsi; of ,.!'â- or- ,. Ign Ofnto favoritism, ami at the â- ;'â- ige of forty-five .stands with the â- fttois G.C.M.G,, and K.C.B. after ps name, and a long locoi'd of fcr- , (ice behiml him as an explorer and . 'iriministrator iu East,. West, and Seutraf Afilca. But his reputation does not . end â- . dth this. As the author of many .mportant books, as a journalist With cv.- thiiigs to tell and a vivid stylo f telling them, as a nia.ster of many iinguages, as an arti.'st whcso pic- ^ uvea aie hung In tl.o Academy, as a ^ aturalist and â- zoologist- with many _ riginal discoveries to his crecit, he ;. ins won , hist spurs in. literature, art, md science. :;' .Tliis "man of restless ei'crgy, with â- '*l firm hand upon.-the •activities:' ' 'of .lublic life and worlt, who has rule! iver great countrief-, 'and doniinateil , ly his strong personality thousands if civilised and uncivilised men in lurbulont legions, lias a strangely -lual character, which ):erha;is is the ecrct of his .success. â- " A c6mpLEX PERS0NAT.1TY. "Thro^quaiters cf xnc;" ho said ro- .<!ntly in a private conversation .•raves for a life of peace and study, md retit»ment from the strife of the vorl-J. But the other quai'toris pos- lesfod by ^little demon wlich priciss Hj li-Bd eAt'i^iJ vm B>iTJi Oi no otn 'Jie practical problems of the world, »nd will.' never let mo rest." i^ t , But al^ay.s in the micLst of 'the ah- dpus cares of Colonial aiiniinistra- tioh, during perilous explorations through savage regions, and in vthc turmoil of ImlJe'ial politics, Ihc stii- - dent life, the love of things beautiful In literature, art, and nature have tugged at'^hfei heartstrings: .^: - The pcrvaoiTig irnprcfc.si^j'n of his personality is one of ccaicle'S acti- vity, rn bis quick,' tVarfhing eyua there is the power of rcadii;p men's rharacter which is Ih.o ^igrl of all toen who have loariit to KO\crn. In his square, firm jaw there is the dogged determination which has car- . l-ied him tlirnugh many a great and diflicult task. in bis b)isi<, frank, vivacious, enthusiastic speech there is that magietic InflnenCo which marks him out as a leader of men, • OS a man whoni other men will fol- low, through danger and dllhculty, with faith that he will get to the ' (Oal h.e has in view. A REMARKABLE CAUEEK. Ho was oily two: ty-one when lie ^rst made acquaintance with .'\frica, which was afterwards to be hi.) happ.v hunlini^rosind. Spending some time in Tunis, ho mastered Ar- abic, and prohed into the social and .political proLihiuB of that romantic regio;i. A "series of articles on this )subje:t attracted the attention of ILord Mayo, who was arranging a mis.-iion to Portuguese West Africa, 'and knowirg that .Johnston wa.s Jfamiliar with the Portuguese lan- 'guagc, he incited hiiu to accompany ithe expci^ition. Tie young cnthus- jiast accepted the orfor, and upon the icompletion of the mission travelled .on nlono into the heart of the Congo, iand tracked the gieat ilver of Cen- tral Africa through its tropical wan- derings. Rotuniing homo at the end of 1»8<^, he produced a remarkable work dealing with the River Congo which brought him into notice, and was the means of his beir.g 5ele -te 1 to conduct an expedition to Killmai;- l»ro, in E»st Africa. Johnston's «l«at energy and shrewd ol>6«rva- Uona won Mix th« favor of Lord Sallsburj', â- and after he had recorded the re-fults^ u( tlie e.^pedilion iii a new book, he was appointed in tfie autumn of 1885 as Vl.-OrConsul to the Cameroons and Oil River. Ho was shortly promoted to bo Chief Consul, and in this capacity tuck sole _ xharge of the great territory now known as Southern Nigeria. Af- ter that came rapid promotion. In 1868 Lord Salisbui-y appointed hi.s young protege Consul for Portugue.sa West Africa, and the year following he was nominated to undertake the task, which he succcaiKfully perfoiined of securing, with the aid of Mr. Al- fred Sharpe, all British Central Africa and Northern Rhodesi.i for the British Empire. VARIED EXPERIENCES. For tlie.so ' services be wa.s" made a Companion of the Bath in 1890, and the yeai" following was given the combined post of Conunissioner and Corsul-tioiieral in British and Cen- tral Africa, and Consul to the Por- tuguese possessions in East Africa. For the six years following he ad- ministered Nyassaland, and . of his work at this time he says â€" "If I have done anything vporthy of being called good it is my .successful ef- forts in sttunping out thp horrors of the slave trade in those regions.". During his" tirqe he wrote two books dealing with Nyassaland and pri^asK.jContral Afilca, and in,iS96 I'aidenoiub to superintend their pub- lictttiofli 'a-nd to. receive Ids Iv.C.B.' TfaB-Rexfcyear found- him^ as Consul- Uei^eKal:-. oi. ;iiuii«, where, *tf^';iM* â- j'outh, -tie lMi4^;-fliist come- In â-º-Wj.it'h' with -.thfir^o\a(annji,.;.ot. Africa. Ilerc ho stayeej until X^i*. -when fie "bS^ canifti^ijjijlg;i,qil_ . Commi.ssiuiier to Ug- anda»5-»j.is»«j?ti-y,;.,.\vitJj-. an ariia, !, 9t some .jl^)Q,6(!iO aquavc inile;-i.. and,CTOB- taining,, as he.. says: '"neaily all the Wonders, most . of. the estceuies, the most signal beaijties", anil some of the horrors c f ' tlje '. tliark ' Continein-t." 'Dpon hi.s a!''rlvar''fr.fs"''re'gion was in turbulent and"" ^lfri,^{^^'6u| 'condition, with a civil war raging in its midst. But in twenty months, an- der Sir Harry's sti'Ong iiand arid l)y his deep I;nawledge of Afiican races, it became a peaceful dependency of the British Empire. Sir Harry Johnston's great book upon the Uganda Prote^^torate, pro- duced upon his return in 1902, is one of the mo.st remarkable contri- ftutions'to the world's litoraturo. It is more than on account of his- own expeiionces and investigations. It is a masterly exposition of the great ociologicnl and scientiSc problems of the native races of Centra! Africa, containing also many remarkaJjlo contributions to zoology and natural history. \^ Results from common soaps: eczema, coarse han(is, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels. UHUO] REDUCES ^ EXPSKSS A*k fo''' tho OclBCon Bar Which Klays so prominent a part presont-da,y building. ' And it cannot shirk its work. Mi.ss Gabble seems a moi-t pleasant person, to talk to.'' "Huh ! She doesn't seem to tl-.iiik so." "Whyâ€" erâ€" how do you mean ?" "She seems to think slic's a lilousant pe: son to Itstea to." -^/%fi^ /H^'i\y fuyiL {^<u^ ^^^£^ I^^^/tj/ t?TATK oi' Omo, Cjty of Tolxdo, 1 ', , i,irc*afJou.NTT. f, FRANK J. UH15NEY makes oatih that ho is senior partner ot the. Urm uf P. J. CMIIJNEY & CO., doing .buslnosu In tho City of Toledo, County dud. Htato aforoBuid, and that Sttid lirm will •(luy tlie SU4H oJ-ONK HUNDltKl; I30J> iJAKt*- rtsr each and every case of CA- â- T.A.JUt.U tlmt caniiot bo cured Ijy tlia |il»o of HAiiL'S OATAltllH CUKli;. FRArNK .1. (JlllflNISY. Sworn to before mo and Bub.scril)cd In. .my presence, tUia 6tU day o[ UcccmDor, â- ...• -.- â- A. W. QLE-ASOM, •. sKjtT -^ â- ' ^otait/ I'ublio Cure is taken l^^fC- REVOLUTIOIsr nr BtnLDING. Machine Which Will do Work Seven Jiien. of Mr. J. H. Knight, of Earnham, England, has patented a mathine, which will lay bricks at a pace in th- orto undreamt of even by the "mir- acle" - workers at Nc&sdon. Hitherto the British workman lias considered the haying of from- 500 to 600 brides a good day's woirk. At Neasdcn, under American methods, a record average has- been struck of 2,278 per man. Mr. Knight claims for his experimental machine that it will do the work of six. or s6von skilled bricklayers, at considerably less than half the cost. Simple in construction, tho nia- MESSSRS. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Centlemen, â€" 1 sulTered for years with bronchial catarrh. 1 commenc- ed in Januar.v last (nS an experi- ment) to use IMTNARQ'Sj Llt^flMENT which gave almost " instant relief. And two bottles made a complete cure and I have had no symptoms of a return of the trouble since March. Gratefully Yours. MARiv -BURNS. Vanklcck Hill, Out., Oct. 3, 01. • ' X-t chine weighs about 60 lbs., and d<5e3 not require skilled labor for its working. It runs uppn a light gir- der, which can be raised as the work progresses. The bricks aro fed to it by hand; a lever pushes them homo, side rollers keep a face on the work, add other rollers press tho bricks down on the mortar, which is run out b.v a hopper, worked, like the machine, by hand. It is not suited for ornamental work, but buildings of a plain char- acter can be raised b.v it frAm tho inside without anj' of the scailoldiag lIoJl's Catarrh oalJy»- aiuL-'acla directly on tite 'MHod- .«}at^.. mucous- 8urface0^ of tlie systum. Boiid Sgr tcstimoniala, free. â- ViJf. J. CHRNIOY â- &. CO., Toledo, â- OlJit: Hdld by all Druggists, 730. . Hall's Family, l^iUa are, the beat. Mrs. Billui (after the company had gone): "Johnny, you shoiililn't have' eaten -tho.ve-pre.'erved tVuits They were not intciii'ed to bo oaten. Th.ey weie put . on the table to fill up." Johnny Billiis : "Well, tliat's what I used 'em for, mauiina. South America.n KSdnoy Cui>a is tbc only kidney treatmentlhat has proven equal to correct all the evils that are likely to befall these physical regulators. Hun- dred.'! of testimonials to prova tho curative merits of this liquid kidney apecific'lu cases of Bright's disease, diabetes, irritation of the bladder, inSammation, dropsical tendency. Don't delay. â€" 22 Hu.sband 'looking up from a book): "Do jou know what I would have done if I liad been Napoleon ?" V.'lfo: "Yes, I know. You would have set- tled, down in Cor.'-lca, and .spent your life griindjling about bad luck and hard times." imn Mm Gorgs m^ in cows, BIGGEST TOB.\CCO FACTORY. Tie largest tobacco factory in wo; hi is that belonging ^ to French Governmcii-t at Lille, turns out .5(1,000 tor.s a .voar, giinn and Holland' smoKe iS'loz. tobacco a i ead, Uormany 4Soz. England obly 24oz, the the It Bel- of and Hover Worry. â€" ^Take thea and go nbout your business â€" they do their work whilst yo-a are doing yours. Dr. Agnew'a il,iver Pills are system renovators, blood purifiers and builders ; every gland and liasue in the whole anatomy is benefited md stimulated in the use oi them. 40 dose* n a vial, 10 cents. â€" zt, He : "'VVo liad best elo[iO about two in the morning. I will bring my motor to ll.e next corner and ' She • "Oh, coulrin't you luako it a little eailiei', dear ? I'a and ma do so want to See us off. and_ 1 don t like to keep ti.cm "p so late." For Over Sixty Vcom Sn." wi!«»i.ow SoorniHo Syr-vr hwi Doon aaert b» nillloinof motli.MJor Ihoir ohildreii whlSo ti-olhlnj^ luooMie. thfl cliiH, lottens tlio i;uni3. almyii ii»in. ouim sind cdUo. rogiTlaieii the Ktomncll ami IjOboIj, and i« Uia Hrtro.ne<ly (or lM«r,h«a. T-oiity.li.u oei>« a liotli^ â- â- oM 1 jdnneift'i Ihruillliio"' t^-e '^"r.i. Ho _Eiiro .-inj u-ttT •â- Musi. Wl).BU>W 3SOOIUI.NU SVKIif-. .=M^ mr^gmftirtei^ti WtyE^^'AND MOTHERS Lawyer Bruco Thorntpn ia'ejtalfiWinig Intofthe'-afTairs of his late friond and tlli^v^ <iW*^v ;i Pt)hciea.' are only' "attellp' Ho linds that his Life In.-jui-iuica ;^.'*jiSH! all'iri<*.tgaged 'to 'the"'mon-T ey lenders for advances u^d''ti^'^Wcuft.tlah."'331iei>e is, ^therefore-, no- ' thing leJ*. foy .thcudeac^ Sian'a faa&i<^;-""^<'"A'veij.y-S[Kl-''casc-, « very' sad ca»o '1ndc6*;*''^emar*<i>-i%V«i5J<»S ,!Piorntbn. ' -'"I wish'th* psirlt fellow had carried a poji^y ij^.'ithe' .Injlependenti'f Ofder b'f ..Eorfstcrs; -r, that Ordeii,;jy.o-ijld -not have, ailoWqditpi to ihprtgage iC oiul hia , family wottld'^irtrt^ ye-abfe to . crltjy, . it. '.; . '"'• ..,».:,.â- TcuV'Fainily's Ddily'Bi-eaid. It ig handy to have % Life in9ui'ahoc''policy'tip<jfa which you csui ^ raise a loan with which io spocoiate. ' Reme'niBer, however ,r'*hat it^ is youi- fomiry's'dnily bi-cid that * you are''- risking.' ' • ' " ' ; '"^^^.,„ ;f.r.#»Vji- â- :-%jr-,r.^*«i ii*-**^ â- â- -"•â- *» Every J^WJi should carry a, Iffa fhsiirance policy w'hicli is "pupe life insurance," and sucli a policy is th^ policy of the I. 0. K.._ T. i'' Mrs. Chinch : "Did you ever catch your husband Uiiting â- ?.""' Mrs. Got- ham : "That's ti.e way him." Ifiiaafd's Llniir.ent Cofss Colds, elc Mis. Kinuer (reilcctivoly): "I won- der why a man never iiays his wife any coniplimenls after t'rey a.e mariied"?" Kinder (biL^kly): "He docs bottdri my ueaiâ€" he pays her bil'.s." Denth er lunacy seemed the onlys lltcni.iuvc for a wail-known ;ind highly respected lady of Wingham, Ont., who had travelled over iwoioontinents in a vuin search for a cure fer nervous dobilily and dyspepsia. A friend recom. mended South American Nervine. One bottle Lclped, six bottles cured, and hor own wnUen l-5timony closes with these words: "It baa laved tny lile," â€" 20 Biggs: "Your f. lend Dobbs .seems to be a very well-educated man." Jenkins : "1 should say he is. He knows so much that ho doesn't ba^, liu\e anytiing." Toa'-her (to Examiner) : "You no- tice that boy- who stands at the foot I did catch ' of tho class ? Well, last summer ho v.'.is the smartest boy in tho 'KChool." Examiner: "Bo is now. I notice the foot of the claB.s is nearest the lire." insfii's iiieoi Ciiiss bioofOcfis,: Ethel : gagei"e:.t Harofd : finally suiiceeded '?' succumbed." 'Did .^'OU hear of Jack and- I'ear me of tie on- I'oncloi.'o'.'" T!cn Jack has Ethel : "No; A.n admirable Eood of the Hntritious and Economical. 48â€"31 ... â- THE BEST WAY TO NSW YORK IS VIA THE LACISRyV'A^rlA HAiLEOAO, Fi 23-71 l\mh Lin![n§rit Ceies Gislempe.?^ A wa.sherwonian appli^'d for help i to a gonlleinan, who ga\e her a note i to the luanagor.p.f a certain club. It ' read as I'clliAvS"^' "Dour Mr. Xn , ; This woman wauls wasliing. " Voi'y shoi tly afterwards tho answer came 1 back : "Dear Sir, â€" 1 daresay .she I does, but 1 don't fancy tho job." ; INVEST in rHE BEST. Ir.Tiin iluily from Buff iln, over tho Po:;o-in MuiuHfttne. Ihe Delasr.'ira Valoj Oa|»,..,a'j:os.i tba (^ 110 ev, Su-quoh-oiha, Dnlaware^^iid HutUon tivora. Ul'> oit to all stoaniar ilock.^. Write to FBliD P. I'OX, D.P.A., Uuflalo, N. Y. 77 King St., East; Toronto, JAUKfiTS, CAPKIUNS.^. 3T0tE3. UUFFS, at clo5opri.;e* .Sand I'.ir c^taiosr. BAW <'U33 ANO CBHSiHa wanted. Bend (r| : , prleo.-Ust. 83- U TOBACCO AT A-DISCOHWr. Tons of War Office Mixture -^s Ly- ing at tlie Docks. The talc of British War Oflico bl'iur ders during the 1-ate South African war is nut .vet coutpleto- The latest instance concerns the injudii.ious pur- chase of tobacco for tho troops. Several thousard !:ackngcs of black cake tobo.'co, a strong vaiiet^-, were i ''''•" â- purchased iu Antori. a and .shipped to I iâ„¢!;* o'S'^v^oars, ^'!u^,aK" which '"^ TiTC Cai-c, the idea being llial the , icnd has 'bech stopped un ttnd SMITH ^ OAMeROtl .-.uilcitoraof >*atsnc<i @.liN ALU Do you catch cold easily? Does the cold hang onf Try lion s Consumptioi^ V-rXlS*© Th« Lung Tonic It cures the most stubborn Idnd of coughs and colds. If it doesn't cure you, your mouey will be refunded. Prices 26c ^ 50e. juid St.OO S. C WILLS a CO. tamtto, Cuk Ldlojr, M.Y. f sddiei s might obtuin a chenp to- bacco fi'oni the canteens. It was cither too stronf;^ for the stomachs land nerves of our men or the con- |sip;nment never left the wharves at jCaiO Town until the campaign was lover. At any rate, some live hun- dred tons ol this tobacco are ware housed at the present tinio at South- ampton docks, England. They were taken from the holds of the trans- ports Syria and Statfordshire some time ago. It is difTlcnlt to soy what the War Office intend to do with the tobacco, .^s a marketable commodity it has little value. Theie is not much de- mand for it in England, and it must be sold at a loss. A previous stock of returned to- bacco was sold from the Southamp- ton Customs at Sid a pound. It probably cost tha country double that atnoynt. (foRtJsrfu! " Tcstimon'^r to Ore Guratiug Povvors of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. ^ â- Chos. O. Urown. journalist, of Dultith. I writes: "I luivo hcoii a sufToror j liroat and Naiial Catarrh for ! time my my con- Jition truly nii-scraOlc. Within 15 niiii- atea after usiiifj Dr. Ajfuow's Catarrhal Powder I obtainod relief. Three bot- !lcs have tthnost, it not entirely cured no." '^ )r. Agaevj'e Ointmont rsliovos piloa laulantly i T. V. A Gift^A(Svitif .ayb.ee 103 Oay St.,TOROr*Tp. - *^ ^^""^ TO i^ATEfJT ' LITIQATiOMi Sua4 for HHndljaai on Patant-', .£0. 44-15 Wash greaay dtsTies, pots or pang with Lover's Dry So^p a powder. It will rcinovo tha great* 'with tho groateat eSM. The best hoUdBypifta are aiio*Vil(,-iftfi,ani\<Hieo the meet aoefol ia tto Now luid Ti:iil&r;?ca KUitlonof WEBSTE.R'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY ..»,. of EnsUiiii, BiogTihi>b/, Cco:;rapb7, I'icticn, Eto. tTseftil. Reliable. Attractive. I/Osting. The Hew Xdltlon Has 3B,000 New Words How Otuetteor cf tha World New Blograplilca! Dlctlonttry S3M Pasee. &C0-) lUustrAlb-i9^ l^icb Blndinc*. Why Not aivo Soms Cna This Ustful Present? FR.EKâ€" "ATestiaPron'iaoiation." IlMtcvctWe an4 (-iil-ruin'iic fur tb.i »h<,:o lamllr. ninetrated p*nip!iletalto froe. . . ^^ a. b 0. MERBIAM CO., PuVilshers, j^ Springilold, Mass., u. 3. A. .^j. Ooi^itiion Line Steamsltips Monir«a! to Liverpool ••â- ton ta Iklvertra^-i trfrtliiDiU'astSl.iamchiBi. Superior ;ini">innioi>»tl»3 tf ill cUntei of p»'ion:^e--s. S--kK)ni and SUtoroucMa m eul'liiiilFe. Sptcial alt-iil.lou I146 Ixim ^Ivon to M lw;;^d tt;iloo» and Third. CJafs aiiconimixiation. Wet i«ief«(l>a«.-<«ti^uii(; all particiiiars, apply lo »aj sgrn] â- f the Con>»*Jir, 01 to vuui^nta.- aiiciic. Ml »OMt»ION UMK OlffWEi: t BtKslt.. S«at*e. If St. Skcnunaiit St. tlaautsi OARPET DYEING ^^ aiiil C cinlnu. This it ft â- ipccinUv »ith iho BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. Souil ptrltailam l.y poll and wc arssnro lo»a-'i»tj AUdioss Box :S8. Montreal. ALL KSNDS OP riKKTS And Farm Pro- duce fi^enerally, consign it to us aa.l we will get you good prices. THE Dawson Oommission Co., :^gS, T. F. ^0â€"03 ORIGINAL ILLEGIBLE