Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1903, p. 6

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I fft*Mt**««**<>4i«!ti|*^«M(j| <utgUKh sti-ip»>lM«1 beea gathered for '» ; tlio nigs, they were tiikcn to ri wcav- A 't^ritfi' ♦! »'*''â- â€¢ w'lO" '""""'shed the chtiin anitma r\%jijUV *"® J. tlio.jvciuiiyj. BaiJviiiK*a'-b,of the mgs f^tjdl'ty inches \mii and (iiio dnd piKl- I_j ^^-- <> half yards long". Oue wus' ' p\ixfc'<t , , - . Of 1 i SC .'I Ijcrfde the U-U.^orc in.-froiit of the • ••* • dl•o^^^or niKl Ihc .ithor ul the door. ii^LMAA j j « ai^a nia^^iMt^X '^ '"^^ "' "^^ '®'* "' '"^"i' "o'"'' were, â- â€¢â€¢â-¼â-¼^^T^^"*^'^|r'T^RFW j^<^ftl-t«rO<l a^!',ot!icr thil/gs that Bug-. i UIJI.TT1V ni.-m>/inu fiosted the tastes and occupalions of -, . .^ i'«i-'TT\ HEDUOO&I. j^j.^ j.^,.„g j^,j^ ^^.j^^^ oicuiied It. niaMJ>young ludius worry hOvauBO j 'iVy ).er i>laii. girls, wid see %vl>at ' i* their (ulhcrs cui.iiot fiiriiiah uiid re- pioasniit co/y i)liuo yStir room will fit U<«;ir|ji-oon)S when with a little bcrbuio. ttoiioyund .--omo effort on their puxt. they 4uiglit do a gicut ueul toward lni|irovipi(f their tipiioaJ aii( e wiitca a corrospoiKlont. , A youutf lady of DOilKSTIC nKCrUKS. npicod Apples.â€" Knilt wns scarce niy acquaiutancc hue just fmcceodod ' n"tl..Boi"c\vhnt JiiKh-pried in niixny 1.1 Wfikliig a piotty room of one tliiat Iphnos lant siiniiiicr and lis-ss wns put looKtSiI" .S;..-ibby and .'orlorji whtn k1:« j "P than usiiol. To o'e out a, defl- begufi.. Xt was a cold north rooin, jciency, try spiced upiiles. Slal-.e u Dine by tweUo, v.ith a large dolibfo rKy'rui>'of or|Ual purls of suga;, , wtito!' window iu the end, woodwoi* that Jieedod paint, end wal.'B tipon whidi the pai'or h^tl .'grown cinpy and Boil- ed from I. my: c-x-. Not a piciios>- .•:essing plar* surely. ' The flrut till, gr to he (;ono wns to clean the |>aint and viijcfjor adding noino wh, li> « Lives ai d" stick cinnanion. Whcii boilin^T, put In.iirni, toj t iiliplos par- ed aitf nuaitercd. Slnuiier gently till tcndor*-- but do not let t) eni break. Take out with a sl<ijnmer>- on all the woodwork by t;crubhi»g it : boil the fc-jTup until thick and pour vlg;jro;isly. Tl;en rhi) pur.lui.-o.V o\er tlio .-^pi li'.s. Foiiie icai.y mixed piiii.t, a yellowd.sli Uraio Sjionjie.â€" A light afcd' (Snlnty brown color, and;n [Hiiia Imish nntl '^ot'aoi. Is grai-o sponge, lartitfiMai ly tot to worrc. Tie win<to',VK, doors Rood after the lioarty, heavy hbliduy und liuKCliOiirdB ie,ei\e<l two cop.t8., '-CHSBcriK. Soak one-fonrth "ol ti box ol lai.jt, which in\pi-o sod Us appear- Ui-iic!atlt:c in one-fourth of a. cup (f apart. ^ TIm« ' It would b# possibly to (uWo a innttrcfs for a double bol ttfld by «l,i»e tj'inir'iiia: o two .tor single botiH out of it. it i»j j»ot a ploaJnuit Job, .nor a light liac^' l)Ut with, a >,owlng machine anil a niat- â- irm' r.ewile it iiiny bo doi c at hoihe;' â-  fi, borno-innde hi Ing thi't will not rust the, clothes ruqi^iefi ^ vents' »or<h of CI 1 e-c bliit) aid 2 tents' wc^th of o.x'alic a'-ld, afldod to two fpiaits of rain walrir. ilottle, and keep whore it wil). riot f. -a'C. One toftsfpooiifi.l will b1 .0 ten jrailoons of waster. iCeioscne oil and vvhllin;,', mUcd, will lonioio iron rti-t. u aljjo clea eorry ".you mind," said- the King; "unfortunately, I am the King of this country, and T havo'nowhfre el.so to ontertijiji my friends," , But Hi. lionnier, yuxi^.poun set fti hia ease. , III-. 'Aston Webb, U.A,, is the ar- chitect of many thiug.s, his own for- tune and his house near Ladbroko .S(|uare, l.,oudon, among the number. Mr. Webb's houso is a pleasant oasis in a desert of sameness, with its Quaint pillared porch and overhang- ing bow window. It contains a num- ber of art treasures, one of the most reniurkablo being a portrait of (iueon Elizabeth, which is siipposod to have Uus per/e tJy, and remo.os'tho ris- rf^'f':' painted from life. It was found • oloraliou from |,orcelai;i l.Al!i..g P*'"'"' ^^° panels in an old Sussex <;i- he.s. cottage, and hanps in its original They ray that in por)T)i"g corn, ''"'^"'o "i Mr. Webb's hall, tho res Ills ae much Ua cr il 'ho When the boy King Dnudi Chua of kf*rne!s are moi-.tened hei-jij bein.;,' Uijaiula appears on State occn.sions pii(t. iii tho jioppo.. Af' cr t o loru 'he Bitf; on his best throne (he has a i.s in tho I'oi'per â€" iheio . lioi.id bu â-  second best one for less Important Old \ (OKI water, setting' it in hot, water to cj; Pi ho. DissolJO a cirppf Kugar ill a cup of grape juice, add, tho juiie of a lonion and strain into ti.e tiin- folvcd f.^olatitic. Set tl o mixture in iinceAvonn'oKf illy."', n'hen Bi:e tore'sll ihe old paper . frgm t: e woiJji, aiul bougl^^ new p>aior with a creum "col- ored ground upon which was a c'c- fian In golden brown and-a little pink. .With tho help of an acconi-ij.J'iPvWatci' to i ool,'' siliring oi.'ca:<lon-? niodatlrK b: other, it was foon hunglfjiV- "eat tl;c wliites <jf three eggs and the ro^jji wnsreudy t.)r I'Urnish- (toa'slilT'f.oth and .when tie gelatii e ^"S- , , j Itriixture begins to thic-.'-ciiilidd ii A cari ct "waV. heeded, 'of course, gradi:a!ly to t'.c houtcn whiles,, beat- aiid an'ingialn or biu.^sols was out Ing till thc.ti'Rolc is vci.y light and of t|i|,;iii.eirt.ion on account of ., U;e ,' ftifl enougii. to keep its shape. Se^^c cost, sp she colloLted all the ,r(M^4^vit)v iLji^n PWocHs cieam pliitkjtly sho coWd find fur a n«^v rtig ^(^.rn,'Riilt<>i..en.-- '' ' ' ' -' ' - -• .'^'«T. â- ' '^fiV 'â- â€¢v''"^''j.,'^'*'f'*' isevpral' jsheets, j >,Salmon Lpaf.-r-Minco a can of sal- pillow. . ca^-rft aiirt otKor whi;o pietdp j inon", w'.'A a- cup of stale iread whl h »• woPtl aml<o:Klic tariet â-  trfo'l "Tuiiibf, 'two hfiiiten eggs ard â-  half 'Ik -t. i- Sq t ov.,wore Uved ^>atla.w. J:a can of milk. Season to taffcwi h lAr, paisley a: d leiuou j i e. mold and rtoam or bake for nai-ram^Eti-ijis, sewed and wound in- j half ap,hour. 'J'urn from tie. 'tool.! }-° '"^H- I'lo chain was arrange I and .'orve hot with a white sauic. Jn st:ij'*s. â-  the prevailing ttia os' Quickly iirepfl,icc) and goodria.j hoi-'ig -.brown and canary; the rag.s oi ftn (jmerfeency.^' >-â- '•. ;.«.i wo.e wiqven lilt or miss, and wiion red CO .. â- > ^ i>v,«>*.A Luinivu.ruie carf et â-  too i *â- -' iii4io> , i ' •*â- â€¢ i: ^9, t oy-i jyore dyed y^llo-n?, jja ^gj) of i d ami gi<!en 'with (U'anioiid dyefor if^a't,. | epi ttorT' All t' fi raurs'-'Weip tirti' ' in Pi't in' 'a function.s), which is upholstered in red velvet and decorated in red, blue, and gold. IIo holds a toy gun in his hend o.nd has a leopard skin, the emblem of Uoyalty, under his feet. At other times his costume seems far from regal. It consists of a lonp- shirt with a tweed coat over it, a linen toga, and an embroidered Indian cap. lie knows only a few. words of Knglish, and is described as a quiet, dignified boy, well grown for his age, yet somewhat frail. ly enough to <o\or tho bottomâ€" potir over it slowly a la- go cup of ivajer; sl.at^e tl c water oil, pans the I'op^di' o vet tho lire, i iirh up, to let tlia^ kernels swell a littl.', then pop us usual. HOW TO I'H1.;.SS SL,i:i3VRS. In pro-eilig E'oe-.o-, wll h is the bai.e of t uma'.our's life, Veep a wooden rolling (in lor ti.at pur()o&e aim 6. Jnseit in the sleo\c, and the prossint; of teuniii ai.d wri ts ril 6 i.s as easily c'oi e as t' o"gh it we e a flat surface. Cover i In wi h.flann^. Keep a leavx7|tf'^c_^or^an cl^lo J^ ^^ '^^^ GKAUD BANI-CS. <>\er, tic iidiing Ijoorcl when pit-s - ing woi;l goo 8. Thjg pre cits the HaEardous Life o£ tho Newiound- Iviny s, ots so objoctlbnallj \xi a i^nd Fisheriuen. .Onij^iiefl gaimeiit. There is no niodt?rn industry that causes niore.sullcriiig and death .in proportion to .the number engaged in â€" â€" jit than tho fishing on the Urand Gqf?ip About Some of tho World's Hanks, neither is there oiiy the daily â- ~ â-  â-  â€" ' rccoVd of whicli is a more inspiring story, of heroksiu and self-sacriiico. On WOMAI'S BURDEIS. PERSONAL POnrTEI It was" put down tjc crie; t was Ve y eo.xl jJMleed. The furniture was all ck-aimd and v•arI.i^â- llec^. tl:e windows fcha ed with cream coloicd s.riin curtains, ai.d a co\cr cf yellow f:ilk- oliie draped on tho "Jock The tied wns â- co\ored with a spiea-i, and 11:c pilluws with A WOHD TO MOTHERS. Prominent People m. Johh D. TJocTcefeiror is rorbid- ^^^^ Grand Hanks, those vast sub- dcn by his physici^i to eat (U^- ,i,.j,.in(. shoals which lie about one thing which haU been'' Cooki-d^'' :' • qpt i,^mci,.ed mUes oft the co.ti,st of Ncw- evep bread or cakes. His diet I3 foundluiid, there gather every year coitflued- to uncooked , meat, willi <'Bes , i,oitie twelve hundred vesscia carrying twenty thousand men or more. A von Ilofnioyer, writer in Frank Leslie's Populai' There is no dispuling the fact that tie rcspoiiibilitics of moiherhood lie too liglilly uiion the he^'';'ts,...*'Ot many, it is an awf.l re3po...^ibiiity while '" li'^'^ ''f'' ^'^^ boil g to a soil who ]]Qm- "^"y "â- " "â- "'.V riot botonio a good and fheli. fctitched sllp.s. Tie cover for t!o UEcful citi/.en, whetl er male or fe- lioad-ic-t and cushion if the rocking male. This thoug t too raicly chair wore of .yellov,' silUo i e. Oi u comes until late in lie, w! en t e wlio hu.i re^cr tried it, will be siir- '^-es and orobablc (.i'-appoi. tmcnts pri.scd to ree how biig't and cheoc- ' f""-'P "'t upon tho mother. if only ful a north-room can be made bv yoiiug umUiors could lealizc this and ' choosing t!-e proper colors in tli"e ^o.^'i" ^^i'h t! o dawn of intellect to >,. f i-iii' ! ing. j train thi.s heart ani .soul 1 ,r etor- Upon a survey of tie room our i "-ty. nioro laofrlly than for time. young friend found that one impor- 1''° would hold for them more plens- tant item bad been firgotteiiâ€" there '"'"S fi"'' H ° afternoon of lie linl wcio lo rugy. and after gi ing t! o fewer clouds in Its sky. The respou- niailotj^, (O! sii'oralilo thought, she ' npain'Kotigl.t her nlil fiend tie rag- hag. She Kele.;ted the woolen raps this time, bOWjftlhipw und ol i, little jleics were left' from d.oss making sibilitics thi:s wifely met woi.hl atld g cater pleasure and coniful't to tie mother and prove a be;!elicial legacy to humanity, l^ot yo. r child alw.-ij-s go to sleep and (piilt i ieciiig, and the best parts ' ^^"l^h a glad thought in its heart and of Rovorai worn (lre>se.«. The latter "• sniilo on its fuie. The next morn- were d.\cd \arious ...hades of brown ''S. "s it springs from lis hed, the and red witb c ianioiid 'lyes for w:ool, nhid tlioug t will biiist out in songs. and after tiicy were riiised and diied and the Kuiiles in shouts of laughter. 11 a wroiiif has to he rei-rovo', le' tho work b<-Kaii. 'Pie ft.i.-.s wore cut bias about oi e ii cli wic'o and any len|.-tli they happened to be. They were giilhered t rough tl o mid;,l(> upon (oaif.*- thread, and when nece<^- saiy to ioln the stM: .s. the en's wcro lapied and gathe-od through ti.em i sicad of sewing t cm togeth- er. The colors were jila. od hit or mis-, for the gicaier the variety, the prettier they will be. When to child he u'^.'-rro! ol forgivgieS'- aiid let the niolhor be ossri'cd that forgi\ei:ess Is a.cei'led bcio o tl:e eyes .shi.ll .lore. Let tie child full asleep lo\lng all and assured of the love of all. CATARRH .W.CHASE'S 01^ RRHCURE... dLUO, 1» Lcni liircct to tho diseased pins by Ihe Inijirovcd Blower. Jlv:.-'!s ilie ulceiB, clears the .ir pjss.-iscs, Slops droppincs In Ihe Uii-'iiil and lieitnanantly cures CiLirrh and llay Fever. Blower All dealers, or l>r. A. W, Chase dlclne Co., Toronto and DuffiUa HINTS TO UOUSKKEKrEnS. If you suspoit that you have a tough steak ol "elderly" mutton chops, rub tic meat ovcT with lut lemon. 'i'o lay the meat in vii.ogar for a shdit time o.-cerchses a ber.eti- cial infliien'e in softei.ing the liboi'. A good ho' SO! ee: er li.sists that both economy and coiiifa t are served b.v the clu.se tufting of hair .-iiattress- es. Out of Ol e good, thick nuitt.ess two (an 1)0 made, she .'in.vs, if (l.)!e- ly tufielâ€" nut more Ihnn four in he.-i ancr I'cgetables. The late Alflxatn'o of ^-rankrort-on-thc-Maiu, was an in-|jjQn^,.,,y describes the fishermen's lUe at the Banks us follows: The captain and cook remain on hoard, while the rest of the. crew, numbtring anywhere from tvvel.e to delatigable collector of zoological .spetini«na.. Of birds' egg.s he had more than lO.OtJO, reinvsenting aiiout 1,.'J00 species, while aiiophefof his collections included over 30,000 , i„.enty men, go out daily .a few butterfl.es. . , ; nii-les from tlie ship in dories to set .Some time ago West Kidgnway w«s Uhe trawls. 'I'ho doriiis are (lat-bot.- about to take his passage to Ceylon ^om bouts so built that they "nesf to assume his position of Covornor, ji„to p^^^j, ^^1,^^ ui^^ cheese-boxes but finding that tho rules of thc|„|,e^ ^^ev are piled up on the vessel's lOn^lish liner would sepiuato hmi!,|ccK. rpi^^jy ^^^^^^ ^^^^ jj,y^_ ^^^^^ ^f from his dog, to whom lie is sj,,v[,„,u works a pair of oars, and, much attached, he actually .c:av9 up (^^ii gkilTs as they are, they make the English vbssel aiid went out in a spien^id weather when well handled r.erman steamer, where a dog is not.; 'p),^ trawls, which are long lines necossftrily regarded as a steerage I „nh hooks attached to them at in- passengor, but is allowed the free- jtervnls, are overhauled and baited dom of the ciuorter-dcck. j every morning bv tho men, and the Pope Pius is a moderate smoker. I,;..,, caiTied hack 'in the dories to the Italian priests, even of tho htmibler s^ip, there to be eIeo,ned and salted, ranks, do not consider it clerical do- I -ii,o j,j;riig of this kind of fishint; corum to smoke in public; and C'ar- are very real and very great, not on- Brain Controls Every usole injury to Brain or Nerves, Deficiency o-f Nerve Force Mean Paralysis and Heipiossness. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. lOvory muscle of thu body controll- Iritabillty, sleeplessness and low spir- ed by the will is connected with tho [its disappear and new energy and brain, and every muscular action is iStrength take their place, originated by nervous force, general- j Mrs. C. Corkey, !52 Maine itreot, ed in the brain nnd transmitted j St. John, N.U., stntec : â€" "1 bad been along the nerves to thu mmscles. I in very poor health; nnd, in fait, When the nerves are injured or dis-lw'^''" ^ began using Dr. Chafe's dinal Sarto lias alwa.vs observed this : j^ to tho vessels from the sudden and rule, but in iirivate ho enjoys a good violent storms which sweep that cigar. Lik« I'ius IX., the now Pope part of the sea, nnd from the ocean is musicnllv inclined. I'ius I.X. was'iinp,..., racing throufih fops across a proficient player on tho piano and these anch.orage grounds, but still organ and sang tho Mass in a richjmore to tho men in their dories look- baritone voice. Pius X. has similar ing after the trawls. It happens accomplishments. again and again during every st^asou l.ndy Henry .Somerset, the well- Uij^t fishermen, separated from their known iempcranre enthusiast, isigchooner by sudden squalls and lo.st probably tho only per.^on living who ; ;„ the waste of w.aters, drift about ever ndminiatered a rebuke to Queen ! for dn,ys, sulVei-ing froni cold, hunger Victoria. It was more than forty jand every attendant misery, and of- years ago, when Lady fsalnl Somers- |tpu peri.sh miserably or arc pennan- Cocks, as she then was. was a tiny U„tiy erippled from 'frost bite. = maiden of about seven summers, with ^iherc is no lack on the Hanks of an adoquato idea of her own import- stories of quick acts of heroism or anco in the scale of creation. The | tales of sulTering. Baring a furious Queen, one day, seeing the little lady Igalc on the Hanks lleurv Oeorge .sitting demurely alone, walked to-lo„o of the crew of the New-foimdiand wards hor. and patting her cheek, nchooner Pioneer, was swept ovei- said: "And so you arc littlo Isabel''" ii,o„,.j, i,y ^ ^^^.^ ^ comrade. Jos- ... '"'"' '''""""V,"-y ^^hich. thelepi, Moonoy, grabbed a bait plank as daughter of anLarl could not|a support and sprang a ter him, brook; so, to.ssing her pretty little i cumbered though he was with his oil head, she answered, .loftily: "I am Viothes and sea boots. Mooney first n-l^ ,,,"'â-  "/Vt P'""'""^" i worked off his foot-gear and then his Ihe Puchcss of Aberconi possesses i coat, and sw.iim for his chum. Oeorge a unique ornament. It is a goldjwns floating uncon.scious on tic siu'- chain. from which hang thn teen ame-i face of tho water, haviuf' been thyf.t locket H. Tho central one is thrown against the bulwark nnd large, and those on either side d.- |i,i„.t as ho was nuiig over the side crease >" s'^c till they n aoh the After a long struggle Moonev rea.h- clasp at the back A pretty story |p,, ,,!„> o.nil gripped him bv ihe rol- ls attached to the necklace. Tho ;,„r with one haml. while' with the Hichess bar had thirteen children. ,„ther he held the frail |.hmk in posi- When the (irst was born her hushandjti„n tetween them. In this per lous asked her what gift she would like p,i^,,t tho two men remain 'd for rom h.m. She chus,- an ainethy.st three hours, until tho schooner wa- locket, nnd after the birth of eaeb THE HEALTH OF MANY 1W) MEN IN A PIlECAEIOUS CONDITION. Headaches, Pains Easily Accom^t- edFor and Functional x)»tSLn^e- ments Make Life Miserable, Throughout the 1. ngth and brcndlh of (-'nnada there aro thousands and thousiuida of grateful people wh.o admit that tliey owe health end strength' to the use" of 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, nnd who speak alwaysâ€" as. they should doâ€" in terms ol warmest praise of this medicine. Among tho many friends Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pill.s have made there i5 perhaps none more enthusiastic in speaking of tho pills than Mrs. Ed- ward Atchcson, ol Orangoville, Out., who for two years suliered intensely, but at last found a cure through th« u.se of this remedy. To a reportei of tho Orangeville Sun, Mrs. Atche- son said: "Three years ago I btcaine very much run down. My appotit< almost vanished, I grew pale, was subject to headaches, dizziness, pal- . pitation of the heart and a ringiup noise in the ears. 1 tried se'.'cral medicines, but they did not help me, and I was consequently much de- pressed and feared J was doomed to go through life a chronic invalid. On( day I rend the cure of a W'omaii Who.w symptoms were almost identi- cal with my own, through the' use ;ol Ur. Williains' Pink Pills. I sent tot a box, and by the time it was linish- ed I Was sufficiently encouraged, ^^ Jo send for another, and so on uni)l. 1 lad ^al-en six boi^.s. when I was in every si.\ns« ;pf tho. word a dlfiorSnt person.. Every s;^'inptoni of- piy lati" illness had vanished, nnd I was once more evia^jled to look-after my- house- hold ilutios «fith okl-tiMe heallh*'-&.nf! vigor. I feel that 1 owe nil this i:: Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I cheer- fully recommend them to othor>we.ali and sulTeriog wo.i^fen.'' . f Dr. Williams' â-  Pi'nK I'ills ai'o a real blessing to all weak, weaiy, wo,- liien. 'I'hey build up tho blood aniJ cure all the functional ilia froin which so man.v women surer in sil- ence. These pills may be had ffora any druggist, cr will be sent bv mail at 50 ceats a box or six bo-xot for $2.50 by writing The Dr. • Wil- liams' Medicine Co., I'rOckville, Out Remember that substitutes cannot euro, nnd see that the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," is printed on tho wrapp'Ji around each box. vâ€" LIGHT OF COMING AGE. Merctirir is Heated to lacandes ceuce by Electricity. The new vap6ri.':od morcury light is being e.xperimc'ulcd with consiuet- ably in Boston. A rc-aiarUible at- tribute of tho new illuminant is that it casts almost no shadow! Iiu- agino that, ye devotees of physics, who have always believed as (irmly that there could bo no light witli- out a shadow as that there, could be- no two mountains wilhuut au inter veniug valley. The lamp consists of a 50-inch glass tube containing' niercu''.v, whichv b.V electrical current is heated to- incanileRConcc. It is 10 times as ef- ficient as an incandesccitt for giving caudle power. The actinic quality of the light is far .superior to any olhci' form of artificial light. Photo engravers find that bottt work is obtained b.v tho use of thee lamps in one-half tho time and fc one-seventh the current consumption of arc lamp.s. Tho lamps are tlso u.seful for ph<.. tographers and all foruis of printinr They are especinll.v adapted for ma- chine shops, drafting rooms, oflice and the like, because of the pleasing 'lunlity of the light. Lord Kelvin, of the l!i-'tish A.s.sociation for the Ad- vancement of Science, has said that it is tlio mo.st important electrical discovery of tho past decade HliiALTU FOK BABY IN WINTim eased, when there is a deficiency in the supply of nervous energy, par- al.vsis, locomotor ataxia or somo form of helplessncsH results because tho brain no longer has control of t)ic muscles. It may ho vvoak heart action. Ina- bility to digest food, fnihiro of tho lungs to purif.v tho blood or iirtpair- cd action of any of the vital organs, but the cause of trouble is with tlu nerves. Tho reslorative oction of Dr. Chaso's Ner\o Food is noon felt throughout the entire system, he- cause it restores the vigor and vi- tality of tho ncrvo»-f1lls them with new nerve force, the vital power of Nerve Food I had Just got up from a be<l of ii.kness, my nerves wore in a bnd state, I was weak and could not fluep. Now I am getting up iu yeas a, and, of course, conhl not look for immediate iosuUk, but must say that I have been delighted with the use of this ). reparation, as it has done nio a groat c'oal of good. I am now able to sleep \oiy much better, my nerveH are i.toadier aid my strength is giadually InireaMng." Dr. Chiu.oH Nerve Food, M) cents a box, boxes for $2.r>0, at all deal- ers, or Edinanson, Bates & Com- pany, To,o:ito. To protett you against imitationr. the portraif and the body; weakness, nurvousncss, it- every box. signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the reaching tho palace the Identity famoi.'s le. cipt book author, are on his unknown friend, and then of her children she received another locket to add to her chain. Canon Unnhani, the Uural Dean of tho City of London (l''a:it), is the son of a working blacksndth who lived at West Moon, in Hampshire. As a small boy he ottonded the Na- tionnl school there, niid tho parson, taking a fuTicy to him, had him edu- cated. When tho present parish church Was built he was a boy in the choir, and at the Jubilee ol the con- .secration lie preached the sermon. Tho Canon in a great archaeologist, and there io little concerning the City churches which be docs not know. King Oscar of Sweden is a great botanist, among other things, and once when out engaged in this very favorite occupation ho met M. Gus- tavo Bonnier, the celebrated botanist, slmilarily cmplo.ved. M. Bonnier did not recognize the Klngf, and, after tlHi two had fraternized for some time, he invited His Majesty to lunch nt Ar with him. "No," said tho King; "como and have lunch with me." Tho botanist only realized on of an- nble to l)Pat back to them. The sen w*s running inountnins high, and it was feared a dory could not live i'l it. To lesson the risk for the skiff and Winter is coming on wl e will (f no e;.!!;ity be ronfim-d hot so .1 great 'ieal. Iliile^-s ttitution is rugged tie clo.e meat will soon Uil on 1 i II baby. to t:.c- ids con- coiifii e- i.e:ilt!i. An oc^asi'.iial doRe if liabv's Own- Tuldots wilj a'.t ns a ::; f.gjard dtir-. iiig the wliKer month';. If begun be- foie tie winter airivis mriUie s ca.: be reasonably certain tbat'tieir li^tli ones will retain good lu-e.l.h duiins the men in the w.ntor, tho schooner | the mouths of indoor conUnement had to be run down nluio.st .sheer 'Baby's Own Tabids euro iniigesti"" *»*vored to excuse himself. »m upon the men, nnd then a dory was launched bodily by n mighty heave by tho rest of tho crow, and in the "lull" created under tho sheltering lee of the craft tho rescue was ae- compli.shed. Ceorge had not recovered conKcioi.'.s- ness, and lay like a log. Mobiioy was at tho Inst gasp. lie had not only sulTered the bu0oting of the Waves and the chill ol the cold, but besides tho elTort of keeping his com- rade on the pin Ilk ho had to swim most of the time. Ho fainted when he was dragged into the boat. but hia grip was so tight on his com- panion's collar thot hIa fingers had to be priod open with a niarlinspiko. swei-rcn the doiiiach, hi oak iqi <.ol(l;:, present (ruu;., ie.:?ul^te the howelk nnd kco;j baby lea'thj- and hapiy Concerning tie Tablet!;. Mi.', (!. u' Sawyer, Cla'o:!Ccville, (Jue., .-r.ays : "I have used Babys Own Tablets "foi niy lltili,- gill and fuid that t'^oy an the very best medi.ito that l' cat give her." lUby's Own Tobb'ts arc .â- ^ild at L'< contH u ho.v by all me. i i e de.t'e ! or niny be had ci e t by a idre.->-i a Tie Dr. Williams' Me.i ii.e Co , Hio.lcvi!le, Ont. Remember they ar« guaiaiifeed to coi.tria I o p< i>a.:oi:s drugsâ€" they cannot |)oisi|.|\ .;o fiatin and always do good. Carrie â€" "Harry has proposed at iast." UeBsicâ€" "I always said ho thought a great deal of you." Car- rieâ€" "1 don't think it was that. He found out that Fred Uorris thought a groat deal of me."- "I am doing my best to convinci Oeorgo that 1 am iconoiniral." "What have you done'?" "I ha-.« worn the same dre.ss twice." "Sweet and Twenty"â€" "Jfy face i.- my fortune." He (forty, yet ardent â€" "And let mo assure you, my dear you have spent none of it."

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