Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1903, p. 5

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THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE Dmc lOrdO? Vfcfnlty Chips "Che Craemore Star hai been enlarged. Fresh lime always on band. J. B. Buckett, Eugenia. Chopping dona every aftavnoon 6a. per 100 lbs. T. W. Wilson. Comfortable felt house slippers at ^ Claytons. For men's and boy's heavy gum ru bbsr» stmi; proof a large assortment at Clayton's Call and see them. Mrs. J. Runstadtler returned on Mon- day after spendinf; a week with her mother and sister in Dundalk. Wantedâ€" Grey broncho pony ; mast be good size and sound. U. P. Legate Sfi Co. Ceyl:)n, Ont. iXmble-barrel shot eun for sale cheap â€" $43 will sell for $15. Apply at this office. Sometimes it is hard to decide just what to get for a Xmas present. Read Boyd Hickling Oy'a ad. JUi will help you . All municipal councils will meet on Tuesday next.Dec, 16, to wind up the year's business. The latest candidate for a seat at the Artemesia council board is Mr. J. H. Duckett of Eugenia. Bee Doaglaaa & Go's, displ^y^of Ohrist- mas goods. It it decidedly worth look- IDK at. "^ If you want Boots, Shoes, Rnbbeta, Orersboes and homemade leMintcs for nen and boys, also Gloves, Mitts, Mitt faetngs.' FsUi slippoes for ladies and gents. ' Clayton wUl girsyou good valu«. The' annual aneertainment of No 3 school, Artemesia, (the red school) will be held on Tuesday evening, Dec. 22. AJmissiun 10 cents. This is the eveet of the season. ])(U>'' miss it:, B. C. Russel, missionary elder of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, is giving a course of discnurses in the town hall. The first meeting was held Tuesday evening. Richard C. Tackabery, one time a resident of Artemesia, died at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. J. M. Davis, Owen Sound, last week, aged 75 i^ars. Mrs. W. J. Fawson, Thornbury, died last week of consumption. Deceased was a Miss Sadie Myles. dnugbter of James Myles, Kimberley, previous to marriage. Frame house for sale, in Flesherton, ei^t roomSjtogether with three lots,goud cellars, etc. For particulars apply to Miss Park, Flesherton, ui R. Park, Eugenia. Read the Christmas announcements in this iasue. All of uur advertisers cater to the Christmas trade and their announce- ments are worth looking over. F. T. Hiil & Go'.s\ change of advertise- ment took a journey to Teeswater last week and did not return in time for last week'o issue. It appears this week. Scan it for Christmas bdritains. Dog lost â€" Htlf spaniel, white ring around neck, sligittly white on face. Finder will confer a favor by communi- cating with this office. Married â€" Irwin â€" MoNevin â€" At the Methodist parsonaee, Eugenia, Dec. 2, 1903, hj Rev. W. A. Sinclair, Annie Mc- Nevin of Artemesia, to Alexander Ir;^in of Proton. Sawlogs Wantedâ€" All kinds of timber, but especially soft elm, 10 or 16 ft. long Other timber in ordinary lengths. Good ^iciespaid. Armstrong Bros., Markdale and Rock vale. An extensive auction salt: of farm stock and implements will be held on lot 19, Con. 6, Osprey, on Thursday, Dec. 17, when a large duai>tity of farm stock, im- pliments, etc., the property of Mrs. Geo. Ottewel, will be ofiured for sale. See bills for list. J. J. Eaitting, auctioneer. Wanted â€" Telegraph poles, peeled all the way through ; piles, R. R. ties, tan- batjc wood of all kinds ; also all kinds of sawlnga. mghcst market price for any quani'y of above in cash. R. P. Legate A Co., Ceylou. (Jeorge Smith of the .'trd.line Euphrasiv bad W. McClung before Magistrate Van- Dasen on Thursday last charged wifh assault. Mr. McClung came out to town, acknowledged the soft impeachment, and' was fined $1 and costs. Mr. MoClong says Smith cjiUed him a liar, and McClug's Irish bringing up wouldn't stand that, so he guvc Smith's jaw a gentle dig with his '.'fisht." It cost him quite a bit, how- er«r. The centenary of the founding of the British Hiid Foreign Bible Society will be celefirated by a Universal Bible Sunday, on the 6th March next. The increased interest in Bible Society work in Cinada has found expression in a monihly jonr nal called the Bihie Society Bulletin, just issued by the Upper Canada Bible Society Toronto, lit 10 cents a year. It is an illustrated, IQ p'lge piper, and contains.a number of faits nnd tiaiires showing the wonderful work done by the parent soci- ety in trai.slatinij and publishing the Bible in the last hundred years. Sample copies are sent free. The special serv ces are still in prouress ittthe Methodist church, and the attend- ance i.s increaMing as the work advances. Bvanueli^t Kennedy is proving himself a atrorc preacher and has a very sinking »nd.,eHective mode of presenting truth. J^g subjects for the tmlance of tlie week are as follows : â€" Wednesday, "Gideon's TJ>*ee Hundred," specially interesting to OritogemeD." Thursday, "How to Take the Conceit out of a Man." Friday, "Judas Iscariot Denfended." He wiK conduct both services on Sunday next, speaking in the raomiAig on '"Ehree Circles," and in the evening , on "A Bad Man Caught." Mass meeting for child- ren at 3 p. m. The Rock vale school held their annual entertainment on Tuesday night of last week. The school was packed with a jolly audience, who voted Mr. W. T.Pedlar to the chair. Mr. Pedlar made an ideal chairman and assisted the program very materially The program was probably the best ever given here and reflected very great honor upon the teachcir, Miss Hannah Stafford, who had trained the children in n painstaking and thorough manner. The program was composed of drills, recitations, dialogues,and choruses by the school, as well as specially line gramophone music on Mr. R. Hoy's splen- did instrument. Among the items worthy of very special mention was a Quaker song which called forth rousing cheers and a parasol drill which was on the same piano of excellence. The whole program throughout was of unusual ex- cellence and elicited much praise. The proceeds amounted to the handsome sum of «2i.70. There is a possibility that Flesherton will be without a public library after the end of this month. Public indifiference and apathy on the part of those who should assist in its maintenance and the impossi- bility of getting any one to act as librarian are the causes. In this event the few who have paid in their subscriptions for next year will have their money refunded. We look uponsuch an event as apublic cal- amity and an utter disgrace to the place. In a matter of this kind there must be a large amount of graiuitoas labor perform- ed oy someone if a library is to flourish in a small place like Fleaheiton, and the burden falls, on. a few shoulders. This has been becomag heavier and heavier to bear, under increased difficulties ow- ing to the govennmeut witholdinn por- tions of our rightful ^rant until at the prrsent time the crisis haa been reached, and when the people will not come to the rescue of course the institution must go under. There is just a possibility that it will be preserved, but those who have paid out private money for the redeeming of notes and other matters feel like clos- ing it up immediately and recouping themselves, for which they certaii.Iy cannot be blamed. As we said before, such an event would be a public calamity and a disgrace which would be keenly felt by those who have labored for its maintenance for years without any re- ward, and by those comparitively few people who do appear to appreciate its value to the young people of our town in particular^ » m t I Alleged Horse Thief On October 8 last W. J. Talbot, near this village; lost a valuable horse which was stolen from his pasture during the niglit. Mr. Taloot's efforts to trace the animal led him to the vicinity of Orange- ville, where all trace of it was lost. It was learned that the thief bad stopped over night with the horso at the residence of Thomas Bronghton, Melancthon, where a minute description of the horse was sec- ured. Later it was discovered that a man answering this description, one Duncan Mackintosh, was working at Minnis's timber camp in Euphrasia. Mr. Brough- ton and three constables drove nut to the camp on Thursday last andarrested Mack- intosh. The prisoner was arraiged before Magistrate YanDusen on Friday evening, when Mr. Broughton postively identified him SIS the man who had stopped at his place with the horse. The prisoner was committed to Onen Sound jail to await trial, bail beii'g refused. â€" m t ,et < m Two Funera's It is a very unusual thing to report two funerals in one day, but this occurred on Saturday last. The first was that of Mr. Charles James, who died at the residencj of his brother-iu law, Mr. Thorp Wright, Toronto Junction, aged 75 years. The funeral took place m arrival of the noon train from Toronto. Mr. James was one of the oldest settlors in Artemesia town- ship, having owned a farm on the west back line, recently sold by Mrs. John Benthain to T. Quigg. Subsequently he lived on the fouth line and for a time nn the Manitoulin island. Deceased remain ed a bachelor to the lime of his death. For many years he was a consistent mem- ber of the Methodist church. He was a brother of Mrs. Thorp Wright. The second funeral was that of Mr.John Flyiin, who was also a resident of Arte- mesia for many years. Mr. Flynn for some yesrs past has li-,ied in Flesherton. Ho has been failing in health for some time and his decease was not unexpected. Fat Fawl and Fun Tlw Flefherton branch of East Grey Wouian's Institute treated thimselves to a fowl supper at Dhe home of Si.ster Trice Teeter, back line east, on Wednesday evening of laat week. About fifty ladies jvyd geutlumen eseorts were present. A magnificent spread whs done full justice to at very tastily spread tables. Aftai supper a most interesting program was given, wi(h Mrs. Robert B-jst, president, in the chiir. Rev. L. W. Tlioiii f.ivore<l the andicnoe with a chatty address deal- ing with his trip to Briiinh Columbia last sum.ner, which was listened to with ab- sorbing interest. Short speeches wer» al'io given by the president, Mrs. Best^ and the vice-president, Mrs. Will Stew- art. Mrs. J L. Wood gave a roading... which was excc>ediugly well reoeivcdt Instrumental music of the most choic^^ qua'iiy was supplied by Mrs, Thorn. Tl|a vocalists of tbe. evening wfE9 Miss Qfiit Crossley, Miss Richmond, Ht. and Mrs. J. L. Wood and Mr. Will Teeter. The program was brought to a close by a short speech from Mr. K. Best. Games were niten indulged in for a time,artor which the part.y dispersed, with the full conviction that they had enjoyed one of the most delightful evenings in their experience. All those who were present appreciated the kindniiss of the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Price Teeter, who so freely de- voted themselves to the welfare and pleasure of their guests. The ladies are desirous of securing more members for their deserving society, and will gladly welcome any who feel disposed to join. Meetings are held the last Tuesday in each month in what used to be the old division court building, Fledherton. The admission fee is only 25 cents, and the benefits are many. Attend the next meeting, ladies, und investigate for yourselves. Election Card To the Electors of <*e Tp. of Artemena L^imcs AMD QPNTUUCSNâ€" Your vote and la- flueuos is respeotfullv solicited for counoillor at the Artemesia oouDcIl board, (or the ensuing year. W. J. MBADH Ceylon, Nov. 31', 1008. Election Card To Ute Xlectori of the Totonthip Artemesia lukcras AMD OBHTT.BiniN-As I hkv* deoidcd to offer myielt (or the raeT«ahip (er 1904, as I am th» senior oounoiUer o( tb« township, I tael with m> pait axparirace as though I am in a posiiion to rendsr tha toWashlp good •eivioe. Thanking you (or past tavora and hoping (or (utora, I ramalo raapaettully Toura aSO. TBOBPSnN Fortlasd Nov. 9Mb. Election Card Lionn'Aim OiifTt.BiiBH,â€" I cordially thanic yon (or your support in the past, and I respect- lully solicit your Tote and influance on my be* ball (or tha raeveibip (or 19M. Toura ra>poot(unT AliliiX. HUIB Election Card* Ija>im' AMD GBNTLmtsH, -Having boon re- qneated by a large number o( ratepayers to run (or oouncillor (or the townsbip of Artemeua, I hereby offer myself oa a candidate and request your voto and influence. ALEX. MoBAB, jr. Ceylon, Nov. 23, 1903. Election Card To the Electors (tf Artemesia ' ' LADIES AMD Gbntmuhrn,â€" Haviug been re- quested by a larRo number of ' ratopave rs to enter the field as # candidate for councillor, 1 hereby offer my lervioes and request your vote and influence. R. D. Purvis Bugenia, Nov. X, 1903 Election Card To the Ratepayers of the fp. Artemesia Ladhs and GBKTLBMaH,â€" I aiu a candidate (or the office of reeve for the ensuing year. I respectfully solicit your patroiiofie. i thank you kindly for past favors and hope you will consider my request favorable. I have the honor to bo Xours Siocorely JOHN BOYD Notice of Transfer Notice is herabv Riven that a transfer of the license of the hotel at Maxwell is intended to be made from K. Brown *o Geo. S. Flusber, of which all perdons interested ar<> hereby notified. Dated this 7th Docouiber. 190:1. ./OHN PICKBTT License Inspector Centre Grey Teacher Wanted Wftuted for S. S* No. I. Artemesia and Ea- phraflia, a femalo teacher holding seoond class cartiflcata. DiitiaB to commence Jaa. 1,1904. Apply, Btating salary. AliEXCABKUTHERS Ku gen lap. notice to Ele ctors To the Electors of Artemesia Ladibs and Qentlkkbh,â€" For many years I have boon patbmastor in tho Kugnnia diviRion and my work has given enHre satisfaction. I have hoeu requested to stand as councillor in the coming election and after weiKliii);^ the mat- ter seriously I have decided to olTer my sen vices. Trusting that you will see your way clear to giving me your votes, I am yoiirfl sinceroly. J. H. DUCKETT Bugenia, Dec. 5, 1903 Farm For Sale 8plendin farm for sale, on'v S^fOO; $500 to S600, balance easy terms; 65 acres fit for any mnciiinery, lOacroB most timber off, balance well tiinborBd; good fratne barn and dwelling, well watered and slose to srhool. cbnrohes, P. O., Bturas, etc. Apply to U. J. 8PltOU£iB. Convevanoer, Flesherton FARM FOR SALE. Lot MO, 2nd W. T. AS. R,, Artemesia, contain- ing fifty acres ; frame house, small orchard, tiOoA framn barn with stone baRomontanJ largo straw shed ; well watered. Half za^\o from rieshorton Station. Kor tormsi, etc., apply to T, A. Lawrence, Nantoii P. O . Alberta, or to KOULQ-LAWafilNCK.Ceyloii P. O Farm for Sale i60 acres in the Township of Ouproy â€" part of lor 8 and all uf lot 9, in the 13th concMtioD. Ahoiit 40 scren nnilnr eultlvation. Tlieira l« a larsn quantity of timber. A Kood (r^ron barn M>(V) feet, frame stable nnd a^oniiifortahle dwelliiiR, alto good well. Apply on the prem- â- s> or to , W, J BBI.M1MT, Plesherton. i. SHEPPARD Hit \i iit ii: 1? Of m Of \b Or # \A A (Blotkuig. We keep everything a man wears, the newest, the most, the best, the cheapest clothing. New Fall Top Coats in large variety. RiJibl>e]?s 61c Felt Boots We have th best that are made, it will cost you nothing to see them, it will cost you less to buy them from us than the best can be bought else- where. FU.17S ! JFu.]?s ! We are handling a full line of fui-s, in ladies' and gents'. You will find one of the best assort- ments of Fur Jackets, (Kapsand 0enf $r FUf 0Oat$ to be found any place and our prices can't be beat. ISrixx'cex* XJndLernireciii*. Our Stock of Winter underwear never was so full. Our Special All-wool Shirts and Ciaivers. This line at 50e« is ^ bargain. _ Clotli. JaolKetn. "We have a good stock of them yet, although we never sold sold so many before. The reason is that the style and prices are right You can get value from us you can't get every place, as we* nnported them oiirsei'ves. HdilllneFy Dep't. As in the past, is taking the lead. When you â- want a real nice nobby hat, come to ras. COAIL. OII^ We are handling Pratt's Astral, which is the highest grade American oil to be got. It brigh • tens the home, makes peace in the home and don't cost any more than common oil. We take all your goose, duck, hen, and turkey feathers at good prices. Now is a good time to bring them along % Or Or ^ Of Or in* 0^ Hit \» \Si 0^ idh m ilk Oil a t %l^- .^ Ui ik w iHf ^c^<^c&:i^o^o^^'C^o^o^^c^ new * *• '' Xmas Goods " Arrived For The Ladies' We have the finest line of Xman Presents in I own for the Ladies. Alhuins, Work Boxes and Toilets a specialty. Other articles too numeroun to nioiitiun We have also a very select line of Xmoa Presents fur men and children. All Up-to-date Stock Wo delifyiit â- '- Try us before purchasing elsewhere, ill shoniiig goods. <7Ae SP/eaau/v is oura u/Aen you call and inapect our »A,maa ^tock. I W, J, DOUGLASS & COe g 'â- t.&k.^.^i.&)kS&.S'M.^% f^?-?!?^^^!?-?!? ^fWVj? »!«â- ; CHRISTMAS I CHRISTHAS I Only Two Week's Till Christmas Crtll early and maka your selections from a full stock specialties. Per- fume?â€" a very large .stockâ€" all prices. AlbuiBs, A«t<i from five oents.and Photo Albums from tw.-nty five cents. Dressing caseo.Lndies and Gent's Companions, Shaving Sets, Brushes for the leeth, nails, Iiair, or clothes; Lather, or Paint, or iinytliing ; Tea Setta, Cups nnd Saucers, Dolls, Sleighs, Toys of every deacripti.n, Gain.'*, Sw^^s- fiixii 7o. per pound, good ; also Nuts. OrauKOs, Slialled Aimomls and Walnuts, Guns, Pi.stoU, Horses, Trumpets, Whi«tlo», Organs. Ball Ping l»ong, Over the Garden Wall, B)oks, ^aiicy N.'te Paper and Envelopesâ€" all kinds. Ask for what yuu want and we will show it to you. yl ,) > >, ^ or. €. Kicbardson • FlesbeHon, Ont.

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