N OeroBER 15 1903 THE FLESHERTON AU V A C N E ;f 'A. ; f^wvv^uwvy I F, T. HILL & CO I wyv^wwy^^ For rja Never licforu at this soasoii of tlie ye»i liave wc li.iil liotter vjilu(i» llmii nmv. Kviiy di'pTrttniMit frocn one on»1 to tlic othor of (lur store is full to ovoiflowiiiK with llie very bi^et kochIh in the ruiirUft and iho best imd highest viiiUoM ohfaiimhK- anywhere. We again omjihasizo tlmt n v>.'iy large porjKiilion of our stock it bought direct from the tnaniifacurer at lowes'. fipot cash iiricos. Thut ensures to you the lowest iniiiiMiurn of cost whib? the yoods i)ur- chnsed are »li of. Standard Quality. Oivo our stock a look overâ€" wo have values not duplicated by anybody. For example : - 45c. Ladies' Rubbers for 25 cents ' ' 10 cases or 240 pairs Ludiea Rubbers, sizes 3 to 7 â€" the qu.ility that is Hold everywhere at 45 cents, on sale now, special at only 25 cent/). 50c. Men's Top Shirts 39c. 15 doz. Mom's knitted Top Shirts, self collar, made of gO'd lieavy yarn, and oxceplional wearers. These shirts are good values at oOc.vcry special, only 39c. 2J25 Men's Coats for 1.75 IDS Men's Riiinpriiof and Stormproof doublo breast coats, sizes 'Mi to 48, lined tiiroiisjliout. doublo stitched seatn.s and otherwise abaolutely perfect, specml for any size $1.75 Two Pair Men's Braces tor 25 20 doz. Men's Dress Braces uood elastic wel), unbreak- able buckles, inoliair ends â€" the qualities that are fnijd everywhere at 20 and and 25c., special, 2 pair for 25c. 2r5 a/ifl 35c, Seats Z/ies, 2 fof 2Sc. 25 dozen Gtnt's Nobby Ties, just placed on our count- era. This lot is the balance of a manufacturer's stock and includes .some of the prettiest good.s and newest in till- market We tioujjlit this lot particularly cheap and as is always the case we sell ttiem accordingly, Uciits 25 and liac. ties, spucial, 2 pair only 25c, 20 cent WasA .'Boards t/c. 50 dozen heavy solid back Wash Boards. These goods are u.sually retailed at 20 to 25 c. e<ch, but by buying in very larjte i|Uantitie.« at spot cash prices, they are offered to yon at just a trifle over the bare cost of mak- ing. Reg. 20 to 25c. Wash IJoirds at only lie, 2.35 cent G/tildrcn s Qoats for 9S cents 14 oidy Children's Eiderdown Coats, assorted cob^rs and sizes, nicely trimmefl, lined tiiijuoliout and splen- did wearers. You can now buy one of these garments alKready to wear, for actually less tliaii the bare cost of maloriai, choice, special 98c. SO cent Granite Goffee zPots 25 cents It) dozen imperial 2-iiuart Coffee Pots, in the best quality enamol ware, guaranteed as such by the man- ufacturer and by u.i. These coods were bought by us direct from the manufacturer, faud while we know tlioy are being sold all over the province at BOc each, our close buying enables us to offer them to you at a roasonablo profit to ourselves, at only 25c. BOYD, HICKLINQ I & CO FLESH ERTON - FURS 1 FURS ! FURS ! -ja In extent, variety and prices, this department would impre.ss you as being more of a whole.sale than a retail busi- ^2 ne»s â€" -such a profusion of first cla.ss Furs at remarkably moderate prices, it would be hard to conceive unless you t5 once saw them. Ljdies' and Gent's Coals of all descriptions, Capereiieo, Collars, Ruffs, Mitts, Caps, etc. 'All .^J pleaso bear in mind that every garment and article of our Fur mast pice absolute saisfactionâ€"iis such we guarantee ^5 them and protect you. Besides a very large selection of Ladies & Misses Jackets we are showing some special valuesin black Beaver Capes â€" our special Cape is 28 in. long, high storm col- lar, very full ,sweep, trimmed 10 rows pip- ing, and inlaid satin and sontache braid. Price $5. MARK DALE WftW^J^ % Cadks eiofD Skirts GAMEY AT FEVERSHAM U. R. Oaniey, the member for Mani- ! (oulm, spoke on Thursday evenini^last in the agricultural hall at Feversham to an audience of betwet-n live and si.x hun- dred people. The chair was occupied by Mr. .Jos. Fer>{uson. Ttio lirat speaker was Dr. Scott, of Maxwell. He was fol- lowed by I. B, Lucas, member for East Grey, who paid a very high tribute of praise to the member for Maiiitoulin, and modestly explained some of the things lio had himself accomplished wliile represent- ing till' riding. After Mr. Lucas sat <lowii an address of wolconio was read by Mr. Edgiir Morrison, teacher at Fever- sham, accompanied by the pre.seiitatiou <if a bouquet by four little t-irlsâ€" Misses Jennie Graham, ,)uslina (jardincr, Kath- leen and Onrriu Kurnahaii. Follow ing is the address : Feversham, Oct. 8, 1903 R li. Oamey, M. P. P., MaiUtiintin. Deak FttlBNU,â€" We, your olil school in.'tes and early friends, tako this oppor- tunity of welcoming you to your old home <tiid scenes of boyhood days. We assure you it Ims been wiih much pleasure we have from time to time lieard of the Social success and financial pros- jjonty which you have achieved in your (shmJ home. We assure you when you pnteri'd the sterner field of politics we were glad to learn of your election and its handsome majority. We are now pleased llitit llie lirst day of the first session of your pill lianientary career, your couiag<<, your honor and aljility were eimaiied in the manly and dignified protest on behalf of the iiidepeiidenee of parliament ami IiiiieNty in government. We therefore beg you to accept from your old friends this bonqiiet. May its rpoiless whiteness liu Hyliollcal of that purity of political cliar.icter of which you are now the ac'cnon lodged thanipion. Long may you continuu. •Signed on behaliof former school mates and boyhood friends by ItoiiT. Kinnear KkE1> Sl'OFKOKI) JoH.V I'hIM.II'S â- Joseph Gamey R. R. Gamey, in reply, said : I thank you all very inucii indeed for tlio very kind reception you have ttivun me here to-night. I might shy in l>ehalf of my old school friends that I deeply appreciate the addvusa that has been (resented to mu to night. This is my home, tliu jilace the representatives of a government in power arrayed ai^aist mc, as well as pucli men as J. W. .Johnston, probably one of \ I hu cleverest criiiiiiial lawyers in Canada. ; I am not going to muke a political sp:,'cch { I to you to-nigbt. You did not come hori'; I to listen to a p iliticul speech, You, Ii think, camo lure rather for the purpose ; of seeing me .iiid to listen to any e.xplaiia- ! I tioi. 1 might give you of the course I liavoi I pursued in the political arena. I have I b(!cn away from you for a groat many I years and in looking; over the audience I â- \ CHiinot tell how many of you are Liberals ! I and how many (Joiisorvatives, but I want' to say this, that 1 do not wish to offend any Liberal present ; 1 do not want you to think that anything I am going to say reflects on you |)etsoniilly as Liberals. Ic has 1)0011 said tiiat I wa.s attacking the( judiciary of the land, I want it to bo j thoroughly undcistood that anything I may say to-night is not intended as a le- flectioii on the judiciary of tlio land in any sense whatever, and when I speak of Sir John Boyd^nnd .ludgc Falconbridgo in connection with the charges I made against J. R. Stmtion and the govern- ment, I do so only in their capacity as connmsaioners and not as judges. I know that tlio people of the old town- ship of Osprey aiipio:iato fair play. Fair play is all I ask for and is all I have de- manded from the commissioners of the government at any time, and if I seem to speak severely to-night it is because I be- lieve I have a right to go among the people of this province aiul tell them my side of the case. 1 want to tell the people my side of the case, beciuso I know the people of this province are intelligent and want to see fair play and will assure iiie that measure of fair pliy that is my due, irrespective of any political liias. Any two iiion of the township of Osprey might have been chosen to act as coniini«sioner« the same as Sir .luhii Boyil and .Judge Falconbridge were chosen, but tlieywou'd not have beru likely to have been chosen from this section, because thoio are too many ,Toiies in Osprey. When 1 sjioal* of thecninmissioneis I refer to them in coiinectioii with this particular case and not ill regard to tlieir integrity as judges of the land. J. R. Stiatton says tlmt the judges of the land should be and all above criiisisin. Neverthelosa, I propose to oritiiije the two gentlemen who sat upon what I call my case,to-niglib. I want my critisitm to be fair and I am prepared to stand by anthliig I may say. Piople say to mo, "why in the world did you get into whore 1 was born, and the reception given ' tliisat all 7" The f.ict of the inatior is .. .: I.. . ,_ _._ . . .1 . __ .. .. I, ,1.... II: 1 : ;.... _c mu tn-uiinht assures me that you, as we'd u< your repre^ohta'iTe, Mr. Lucas, Inivo stayed by me, and 1 want to say to you people that Mr. Lucax w.is one of the bust friends I had iji the Iioush. He ih the clevorejit youii</ inuii in the local leitis- latuto to-day â€" n man who has uiado lii< mark, and who tl.oroutilily undorstundsall I be details of the public i|Uostions of t'le day. I wi^iit to thank Inm for what he has done for luo. A frii-nd in trouble neetls a friend Indieil, an<l I think it i^ kfunurally rbOotfnizeJ tlmt I have had ii I ttle tr. liable quring the Insl six nioiitho, but duriii)} all '.hat liiuiil h.ive felt that I had the |n>oplo of Oipruy behind uie- Wliat ediMation I have rttcuived I got in a public i-^h'Kjl in this lownaliip, and you tail easily iuiaKiiio tlie gravet ditticulties I \,^\<> ui«l wiih iu having t^« braius of all that I liveil in u prosperous portion of Noiv Ontario. I understood the condi- tions and retprrements of the particular suction in which I lived, and beinu some wb.kt auibitiuu^ 1 tliouuht I would try piditics. So I said to myself, "if you are lucky ennuiih to got the convention, and you know how these convi nti'ms are got, all you hatte to do U to make believe you | know a whole lot about politics and jolly | the dalegatna pr perly and the thing is done, Suitice to s-iy, that I secuind the convcntiun and wasulecied by 345 of a majority. It was a gooU, clean, respci-t- abl)tii|bt. 1 ran my elediun ill a good, clet^u, slrai4li*foiwaid way. Itut piiortu my eleetmn I Imd met the Hon. B. J. Davis up there in New Ontario. I had bftim appointed a delegate t<i wait U|miii litin Id 4^«r t<i discuss the qiiiiiiig law^ and in the discussion I managed to incur the viideiit displeasure of the lynorable gentliniaii, in fact he left the delegation wi.h tears in his eyes. The result of this interview with Mr. Davis was that 1 be- came a marked man, and after my election I was up for a protest. - I knew very well that I had run a clejin election, neverthe- less there was the petitioncimfronting me, the next c|nestion wirstj "what will I do." It would cost me SoOOO to defend myself. You have heard Mr. Lucas soy that the Liberals had spent ?11000 to try and un- seat Mr. Sutherland, so that I am not mis- roproseiiling the facts when I sny that it would have cost me at least $6000, Then I had Cap. Sullivan to contend with. This was the man who was sent from Tor- onto, a distance of nearly 500 miles, to see me in connection with this protest. Be camo to my house at 12 o'clock at night and said I have three propositions to offer you. The first is, that you resign ; the 2nd is, that you figjit a protest and we'll put you to all the expense we can. Now I said, what is the 3rd proposition you h.ivo to utTer me. lie siiid if you be- come a supporter of the government we will give you ?5000 snd withdraw the Ci.iiiduded on l(ist paqe The Markets. t'urcfiiUy t'orrcr cd Enoh Week Wool 14 to l(i Oats 27 -o 27 Peas (50 o 60 Wheat C5 to 65 Barley 45 to 46 Butler 14 to 14 Eags fresh 15 -I) 15 I'lirk 7 50 to 7 50 Chickens per pair.... 25 to i>0 Ducks per pair 40 to fiO Tuokeys jier lb 16 tt 15 Goose per lb 10 'o 10 Hay 6 00 to 6 Oo Potatoes bag - 50 lo 50 A Good Time Piece is a FaitMiil Semnt. We make a Specialty of Reforming tbe "'«ron't-g:o*' kind. When we repair a watch or a clock we rnarantee it to go accurately, ana pnarantee It to keep a-i:oing: accurately. W. A. Armstrong, flWr.lCR AND OPTIClA?<. fi.e:sherton. Since the first of October we have added to onr regular assortment 50 New Cloth ISkirts,in black ami gray friezes,l)lack and grey cheviots, black Venetians and blue and black flaked cloths. Our range of sizes permits us to fit any figure â€" the fit and hang of our garnientij are ])erfection â€" the styles are the newest and the workmanship is beyond question â€" every one h tailor made. PRICES FROM g?2,50 to $9,50 Our Special $5.00 Coat. Sporting Requisites Guns ONTARIO * A SPECIAL CAPE FOR $5.00 * Jail Overcoats There is every reason we should say a good M'ord for our Fall Overcoats â€" they thoroughly deserve it. We never had such an elegant range to interest cus- tomers in any previous season. All the leading styles are represented in all styles and in fit.style and work- manship our garments cannot be excelled. Men's Heavy Knotted Wool Cheviot Over- coats â€" medium length â€" box backâ€" deep velvet collar â€" lined good ()Uality fanner's satin, well cutaud beautifully tinished, SIZES 35 to 1-1 A Special Black Clay Worsted Suit For $10.00 Twelve Black Clay Worsted Suits made up specially to order from our own imported cloth â€" linings and finished equal to made to order garmentsâ€" stylishly cut â€" guarantead satisfactory in every respect, liegidar $16.00 value to order Special $10.00 DEPART. {Single Barrel Shot Guns Double Barrel Shot Guns, Repeating Shot Guns, Rifles tor Deer Shooting. AMIVIUNITIOI^ Shells â€" the best makes â€" all sizes. Powder â€" Black, Smokeless and Nitro Primers, Wads, Shot all sizes Reloading tools, Nipples, Sights MP