Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Oct 1903, p. 8

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October 8 1903 THE fLESHERTON ADVANCE Don't von lUant a TlV net for Vour iilorse ? "We have just received in stock n fine selection of thorn, also Axle Gr*ea.ae Truinlis i^xid ITalioes (live us a call and see the wonderful display we Lave for you to pick from. REPAIRING DONE PROM Pi LY iw^m:. moors: FLESH KKTON Eugenia Planing Mills Oet your Sash, Doors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballusters, Cor- ner Blocks, Hand Kailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfiiction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR Business Cards ! I 9 Out of Every 10 Ila- this turriblu iliaeivsu in the Head 9 out of every lo X Aro losiu({ tbcir (luir â- 9 Celt of every lo X Huh Diindruff. WK OO.MIANTBB TO CUllE nOTII Fle^herton Tonsorial Parlors. «^^i^^^TW%«/%/%^/%%'«/%/»^J Y[es!)tridn Furniture marerooms, Wiuirj cirryin^ the iiuwust styles of su;nnniljli' g lous in .ill lin.'s df Kurni'lure, consisting of: P'lrlor imd beUromi smtn, lounges, sltul)o.ir.li<, o.xtiTisicn lu.d ceiitio laliliis, cimirs, window slmdps tind oiirtiiiu {toli^ti, picturui, uiiKuls, oic , Which we otVer at LOWSET PRICES I'lcluro FirtiniiiK mid (JuiioimI Ko- lMiri(^. l'nd«rl:il<in'/ in a11 its hi'iinohux. SiitiRfaction guiimntecd W. H. Bunt, - - Prop. hM'VUVlMVQB A YOUNQ 11 Daukur Murkdale Do m geoera) baiikiug business. AtODoy loaned a ruaioaible rata Odll ou ua. J SPBOULE! foitmaator, Fleiihartoii R uoiutnlsaioDur in H. O. J., Auctioneer Con reyauour, Appraiaer and Money Lender Keal Kstate and luBiiranco Agent. Deeds mortfiBKes, loases au'l wills carefully drawn up ami valuationu made on !>tiorte8t notiue. incney to loau at luweat rates ot Interest. Col ectious attended to with promptness cliar((oa low, Agent for Ocoau Dominion Btaatusbip Company. A call solicited. Societies A O O W meets ou tlio last Monday in eaon mouth, in tlieir longe room, Clnistoo's block. FleBDerton.ttt 8 p.m. M.W., Uobert Host; Becordor, Jan. Fulstoad ; Finan- cier, Wui. Bel, amy. Visiting bietbrcu jLvited, pUINCE ARTHTll LODGE, No. .-aS, A. I A M, meets in the Mascuio ball. Strain's block. Fleshirton, every Friday on or before the full mocu. F H WHickling WM. Chas. Munahaw, Sotrotary. Artemesia S. S. Convcution nOUItT FI,E8HE»T0N, I. 0. P. meets in " Cbrlstoe's Hlock the last Fridaj evening each month. Visiting Forestere heartily Telcoino. O.R.. C. W, Itellaniy ; K. 0„ W. Bimkiii : Fin. Bee. Dr F,. Jlnrrav. (Pay dues to Dr. Murray ou or before last day of oacb mouth.) Medical fkB CAUTKB rfm ",*^ ''â- '^ ^ °"'' P"y8i'-'aQ. Surgeon, etc omco and rosldonee-Poter et., Pleehcrton ]QK. K T nit.by,_pi,y8i<,ian, Burgeon •â- ^ etc. Ploshertou, Ont '' bloc0^°«a.'l''ifi'"'i'^';'"=?' '''»l,""R"oocl street, one block oast Presbyterian church. May bo found ^lera day and night. Coroner for County of Grey. SCOTT, AND SOFTLY nutarlo Oraduato in Medicine of Toronto â- imvorsity Pollowship Diploma, Post (iradu- i"i „ )' School and Hospital, Chlcaco uIhS °^°' *""â- â€¢ """"""Itbroat .pecially H. SOFTLY JOHN A. SCOTT Fevers ham. axwell P OTTRWKLL Votorinary Surgeon Grnduato of Ontario Votcrlnnrv Collene Jves^ytod^rChurei'.'' ''""" "- -""' g Mii.soN \8Hoolaiinn'''"'u'''''<'''""' VoJcrinary Rcionco i.ositn nL;i „"",":•'"".'='',• Durham itrcet, op- poMto iloyd, Uickln.g'H hnrdwaro. Legal T, , ,•'â-  i^'i. fliOST, L L. 1). Uarrinter, ,SoIicitor Oonveyaticor. etc omea-^cxt to postomco, Pproulo's hlock F.^ibertou, every Tlmrs.lo nurl, oonit duyn N iJâ€" Owon Sound oillco. Frusta block Foalett street oast. r UCAS, WRIGHT * McABDLK " Uarristors BuHcltoiH ConvByanocrs, oto OIHces-Owou Sound. Ont ond MarltdalnOnt \V H WniOHT, MoAiii)i,E I II Lucas N IIâ€" Flosherton oIHoo, Ultclicll's Bank •very Saturday. MACKAVaSAiMPSON .Parrl«ter«. folicitors. OKFIOi'iS :-()\von Honnrt, SlHri.hunt'H Bank Ulocit, N. ^! Piittuvaon Honsu. Enndalk aiu Stroot. every Kr.ttirday. Money to locn at 4j por cent. A. O. M.iCKAV.M.A., H.K. SAMPSON, L.L.D AlwavK In att.ondnnce at FIi-Bhortcu ami Dundulk Divioiuu Courts. Dentistry DR. B C. MURRAY, L.D. S, rtor.tai snrgnon houoiRriiiiuatu (if Toronto University and Iloval College of neiital S.irci-oim of Ontnrio. Ollliio-Oiipositii AnuRtroug'a Jewi.Ilery Store. Will vlBlt Mtt.\will tl„i 1,11.1 Wi'.tnoailny >t each nuiiith, anil DiifKiull: 1 and 3 Thursday in tmi'li month. For over thirty yonrs wo havo treated nnd cured nil forma of Dlood OlHcnsia, liciiii horcilltnry nnd nonulrod. Our New Mothod Troatmont Is nrlBlnnI with onrKoIvps. nnrt never LtIIb to cradlcnto the poison from fho I system. Hewnre of mereurr nnd other ininerni polpons, which so mnny rtoetora prescrlbo for this terrlhlo dlaense, ns thry will ruin tho system. ' Other trentmentn drive tho P'^lson Into tho system, whereas our tre.-it- ment destroys tho vlniB or polnon In tho blood nnd removes It from tlia aystem entirely, no the symptoms c.in never return. If you havo nny of the following cymptoms ronsult us before It Is too lixtc: Dlotohes, eriiptlons or pimples; f.^illinir out of the Imlr. Itchiness of the skin, stiffness or pninn In tho >ilnts, ioreness In tho mnscles, sore throat, ulcers or hnd tnsto In tho mouth, sore tongue, aournosa of the stomach, inlarKert Kisnds, running- 'Bores, etc. Our New Method Treatment will purify tlie Wood, heal up tho rores. remove nil pnlns; the hnir will grow In nit.iln. nil ornrnns will bo restored lo their normni condition, and the patient propnred to renew tho duties and pleasures of life. Wo suarantoo niurrlaEo possible with absolute safety. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We frent nnd euro Varleosalo, Iferrons Debility, Rtrlotar«, OlMt, Blood Poison. Orlaarr Drains and I<ossca, Xllsoy and Bladder nisaasss. Aro you n. victim? ITaro you lost hopo7 Are yon con- templating marrlape? lias your blood benn diseased? I ll.Tve yon nny weakness? Our Now Method Trentment | will cure you. Oonsnltatlon Frea. No matter who hns Irentrd you, write f&r an honest oiilnlon Freo of Chnrce. Chnrgcs reasonable. Books rrss. â€" "Tho Qolden Monitor" (illustmlftd) on DIsenses of men. "Dlsi-aaes of Women," "Varloocele, Striature and Qloct." All sent rBES | sealed. NO MEDICme SEHT C. 0. 0. HO NItHIS ON UXSS On CNVELOPIS. tVEIintllHO CONFIDENTIAL. QUESTION LIST AND COST OP TKUTMINT. FR EE, FOR HOME CURI READER! DRS.KENNEDY&KERGAN 148 SHELBY ST. DITROIT, MICN. A ^r^ K <s K K A, K K A K K & K K K »! The fourth annual convention of ihe ArleincsiH 8abl>ath School AfsociHtion wnd held in the McihcxUht church on Wed- nesday of Inst week. The niveiinK opened with the Rtv. J. A Malhtsoii, U. V., 1st Vice I'res., in the chair. Tlie devotional exerciKct were conducted by Rev. L. W. Thorn, after which Rev. 0. F. Hurlburr. cavea pn[>er on '•Teacher«Qu«lifi'Rtioim. ' The first and most necessary quitliiication it that the teacher most be a christinn for be cannot teach the truth unless he knows It. Then he must be trained we expect our secular teachers *.o uo thtuuKh a course cif traininf> nnd why not the Sabbath school tencher. Mr. Hnrlburt strongly urged that teachers attend normal school, where it is possible, where that cannot be dune, the next best thinf; is the teachers class, which should bo in evei'y school. Rev. W. F. Koach di.scucsed the "Re- lation of Church and School." Thechurch he defined asthe members, Iheschool, those who do, and those who should but do not ittend. He made the teachers feel their responsibility by pointing: out that out of those children present uiijjht be evolved a D. L. Motxiy, a Frances Willard, or it might be, if duty were nei/lected, a crim- inal who ini;^ht end hisday.s at the scaf- fold. He said God has a plan with re- lation to the church atid the Sabbath school, part of it is that the schoul shall be 9o equipped with christian teachers that as the child conies to years of rcspunsib- ility, everything; will be brought to bear upon him, so tlint he will decide to be a christian. He .should be so taught at home as well as in Ihe Sabbath school Ihiit he will never do willingly that which he knows to bo wrong. One of God's plans is that the children shall always bo in the Kingdom of grace. The rev. gentleman thought that in.stead of the school being comprised only of juveniles the whole church mepibmship should attend and be formed into a Bible cla^s. The Sabbath school should bo found in the church, parents should take their children to tin church serviots and if that were dotiC toa larger e.xter.t than is done at the present time, the preacher would simplify his sermons to .suit tho sni.iU people in his audience. He showed to the good house keepers present how imporlant he thinks the Sabbath school is by saying the teacher should come to her clns-s fresh in body a.id mind ; she should not be so wearied that she would be incapable of doing her best ; bettor let her ironing mildew ; better for the shop keeper to shut his store an hour eailier, thiin that one of those little olios should sull'er. lie made a plea for those children who are neglected morally and spirituilly, s.iying that thoy are in every village and ucijjh- boihood. Mrs. W. n. Thurston gave a paper on "Sabbiitli School and Wis.sions." She showed that youth was the time to begin to train our church menibersiiip to bd in- terested in missions. Iinjjrnssinns were easier made and were more listing thi a later in life. The Uiblo is a good |ilaoo to begin to study mi;3;ons, then couics the lives of men who have consecrated their- .selves to this work â€" in other words your church history. Rev. N. Wellwood wa» to have talked to theihildien ahout "Thj Good Shep- h rd," but was unavoidably absent. It was decided that Eugenia bo the next place of meeting, the choice of church be left to the local pastors. At the elo-se of Ihe afternoon scs.^ii n all repaired to the lecture room where tho ladles' of the three congitgationa had pre- pared a Uiuntiful re|>a8t, here a. social hour was plea.santly spent by the delegates and their frioiids. At 7.30 the convention was resumed in the auditorium of the church and was continued by Uev. W. A. Smcluir, lo.«d- ing in ihe devotional exercises. Rov.W. A. RodwcU adcliT.ssod tho convention on evangelisiic work incannoction with Sun- day School, He said the Sabballi school stands for throe thingsâ€" tho highest civil- ization of the nation, tho overthrow of the drink tratlie, nnd the evangolizatinn of the World. It is not enough for the loaclur to keep boys and girls quiet, nor merely to teach them the history o( tha Hihle.tu r even to keep their, cut of the penitenl.-iry. Wo must do m.ro than tha; ; wo must m.'iku u supreme special efl'ort to biing ihe boys and girls to a Having relationship in their youth. If we never try to win tho children tor Christ, we are like the t'mmer who sn w», but never renjB the grain, ir like the tiHherman who never draws m his nut. As encour.igeinonk for the teacliiT, he SJ.id, the children n»v more oHsily saved thun the adult, aro nmro I'lieiy to stay saved, make better christians and liu\e more yeaisot service to give. Kev. .1. S. I. Wilson spoke on "Paren fal Ruaponsibillty.,' He b- lievcs tint eveiy paru.1t hna a right to set himself ti the task of seeing that his child turns out xell. The child must bo taught to obey promptly nnd inip!ii.itly ; he has no fniih i 1 "iliu greater the â-ºion r the greater the raint " I'nrun'R should send iheir biiys out into tho worhl with the priucipal of integtity faiily ground into them, and to ih:<tend pari.<nt« must set an exainple,fi> they note *ho incoii8i.sicincies in th ir |>arent.«, and o.vamplo is lu.ire than pri - copi . I'nreiits nie responaiblo for thu a - iciulanoo of I heir children at ihe chnri h service and tho Silih,>th solioo'. T:ity h'tve,nnt d< n: tl eir whole duly hI on ih -y diVHS their cMihlreli nnd send ihuu lo Sahbiith ftchool nnd then no for a drive or g.i to sleep. Tha hoys too , iifien drift from Ihe school becausu their fathers do not ntlend. A snog plea Mas made for ptrenta to attend tho scImhI with their childicn. Her. ,1. A. Matheson discusS'^d "Chthl Life the H.ittle (iMund nl Ihe Kingdom." In his (>|>oiiint! remaiks be t-tid uhtistiaii' ity nlinie o|>«iiS jisbosi in to the young, no other ri ligi"n oaroi for the oliildreit. j Mahomntrd n sni h' Idi womrii nnd obiUl- reu of n lower caste. Child life is the bntlle ground of ihu kingdom, bectu^cwe who have arrayed ourselves on the side of the right must do »aliant battle for tip youngâ€" from the ranks of the child to- day comes klie 6ghtingnieii of tomorrow. Christ has 4ald on tho parents the re- sponsibility of oanng for tho iambs, and it is in ohildhotxl that iinpres-iouj are re- ceived and retained. He i ointed out tlu- fupt that the ii)i]8>onary in former ye.irs failed in his eftorto to win the ohi.so they turned iheir attention to the youna and schools are now built before churche . Ill his closini! remarks he said "Win th- cliildrcu for Christ and they will be win- iiinif others when we arc no louger here." The following offi'iers were elecfed : Pres., Ucv. G. F. Huilburi ; Ist Vice Pres., Mr. FelsteadjTreas., Mr. W. H. Bunt, Flesherton; Sjc. Rev. W. A. Sinclair, Eugenia. » Mtnnriririnnruxr i nojiri rinrx/iJinnririn I Photos ^i ^'^ i1 â€"TAKEN ^1 â€"AT THE ' Flesberton Photograph Gallery A nian to represent "Cavawa's Okeat- EST Nfr.sERiEs" in tho toa-n of FLESH BI^ TON and the surronnaing country, and take orders fi.r Our I>ardy St^^claHsts In FitriT Trees, Sm.vll Fki-its, OllAMENTALS, SlXKUD.S, lioSE.S, Vi.NKs, Seep Fotatoem, & c. Stock true to name and free from San I Jose Scale. .\. permnnent position for/ the right man ou either salaiy or com-i inissi.>ii. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES ovL-rSOO acres Toronto . Ontario S are done in firsi-olaa.i stylo and at 3 lowest rate3. Special attcnthm ^ aiven to copying. Babies' photOfl. 5 3 a specialty. Pictures framed. a I MRS BUCHER | iiuiiutnjVtiJiriJirJWSTSiiiiiTUiiiiiixnJins Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord minto, 2^06$. The undersigned ban a tine aged Durham Bull for service on lot 141, T. and S. U. Tonupâ€" .â- ?! for grailo cow.^, â- ?;) for thorough- breds. Pedigree on application J.\CUU LSVEK Flosherton P.O MAXWELL BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS \T^a are prepared to lit Man Woman or ~ Child in Boots of 'he much ceie- br.ited " AHRENS " Boots and shoe.s. Now is the time to buy your Fail Boots. Mothers bting your Children and have them fitted with tho Shoo that wil' wear and lysep their feet dry. "THE AHRENS SHOE R. KINNEAR & SON PAINT THIS FALL There's no better painting time than the fall. Weather conditions are usually very favorable to good results. No heavy rains to soak into the lumber as in the spring. No gnats and flies to stick to the fresh paint. It's best to protect your buildings against v/iater weather. You'll get a good job if you paint now with 1 The S her win- Williams Paint ft COVKHSMOST. looks MCST, WrARBLONSCST. MOST CCONOHICAa Come to us for color cards. -.^v* n-, ,-^7?^' Boyd, Kickling & Co., Flesherton D. McXAVISH Fur First Clna* Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons, cutters. Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO MORSE SHOEING ANDGENERAL BLACKSMITHING and uu'iranleu lir-ir class wo> k. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and nUo Massey- Harris and Noxon rop.iirs for binders, Moweis, •\\\ kiudu of )n>A.;hhiery, aUo Binder Twine on hnnd. » Ulben in town give us a call « \ . , FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS . . ) â€" GO TOâ€" Heard's Works, Flesherton We liave Cutters, Slci^'hs,Buggies,\Vagj:^on.s and Carts I'lcnry, Dyment Butterfielil ami Wilkinson plough KSliares and repairs of tho best quality. Spring tooth and Iron harrows. Also first class handinado harness. Horse Slioeing and General Blacksmitbing*

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