Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Oct 1903, p. 4

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October 8 1903 THE FLESHERTON. ALVACNE / 1* I** ^iVWVV^^ I F. T. HILL & CO I wa^^m^' OUR Millinery Opening I I 3 I LAST week was in every respoct A decided success â€" laraor proparaHons, bissrer crowds, and a veiy gratifying patronage n» evidenced hy increased orders. \Viti> nn exceptionally large and Bkillful btnif ne ate now in a pueitiun to execute your further orders proo>ptly and to your entire liking. 60c and 75c Tweeds for 40c per yard 278 yards, extra heavy, pure all-wool Tweeds. This is an excepti3nally select lot of high class ((oods (niillendn) U to 10 yards in Iciijjth, that in the usual way of selling would be splendid value at CO to 76 per yard. We place kbeni on sale at one price pur yard only 40c $1.00 Wakefield's Unshin kable Underwear 75c 40 dozen of this, the moat satisfactory wearing Underwear at the price we k.iow of. Wakf field's Underwear has a -world wide reputation. Kvery garment is made of extra fine, selected, pure all-wool, excellent weight and guaran- teed unshrinkable. N'' place is or has this special line of underwear been sold at less than $1.00. Our price, special while this lot lasts 75c Ladies' W inter- w^eight Vests 18c to 1.10 Wo have this season, without exception, the very heat value in Ladies' Veals to be had anywhere, not a line but is special at the marked price and not a line or price missing. These vests are boii^'ht by us personally in the mill where they are made, consequently the price.^ are aa near the actual cost of production as the retailers cnn make them. Some very, special lines at 18 to SOo. Better lines at 55c to ?1.10 Dress Ocods, Silks, Blousinj:, Trimminsrs, Jackets, Capes, Fura, (Jloves, Hosiery, etc. (Abundance of thc^e all prised low) American Wrapperettes 8lc Another large shipment of new patterns, fast color, American rFrappcretts, direct from the nulls. If bought from wholesalers which is the usual way of buying with mo.st retail stores, these goods could not be sohi at less than 12Jc. By knowing exactly how and when to buy wo are enabled to effect you a hand- some saving on anything jou may require in the Wrapiierette linn. I'er yard for your choice, only 8Jc Flannelette Blankets, pair 68 125 pairs Flunnelett Blankets, full size, colored bor.ler, soft lofty tiniih. That we are enabled to sell these blankets to-diiy at a profit and at less thau 'vholftsalo prices, is suthcienc proof (â- { our buying ()restigo and proves conclusively the advantages of buying direct from the manufacturerâ€" advactages that we never permit to pass us. Full size, excellent wearing. Flannelette B!»uketB, per pair, C8c 25c Oil Baizes for 17c 6 pieces, New Patterns, Oil Baizes, 45 inches wide, just placed in stock. 26c , close buying enables us to offer it to you at i)er yard Although the regular sollin<; price is 17c Groceries! Groceries! Groceries! With all linos at all times as fresh and low-priced as you can get them anywhere. It often happens that by buying in Jaraeijuantities we are able to give values not approached by anybody elsB. For instance we place on sale 100 boxes Valiiucia Raisins, lino goods, stemmed and cleaned. 28 pounds to the box, at pur boxf 1.25 i BOYD, HICKLING i FLESH ERTON - ONTARIO I >.yriuuner£/ department MARK DALE W^ftWW^ Two prcnjinent Ontario politicians Lava passed away during tho past week in the persous of H. Cargill of linice and Dr. Laudorkin of Hanover. Tlie latter had endeared himself to very many by his genial, laughing dis- position which was his strongest point daring the many political campaigns tliroiigh which lie passed. As a raat- tcr of fact the Dr. had uo political enemies â€" only opponents. His recent appointmont to tho Senate was re- cognized by all as a lilting tribute to a long and valuable life in the field of goUtics, and the regret is universal; Uiat he did Qot live longer to enjoy the honor and more rGuauueraiive, diongh less active, life of a Senator. The Dr. was a welcome visitor at all news- paper ofliccs within his conetitueney, iixeapcctivo of party, and his death is regretted by all as that of a friend. ing read and confirmed. The several Wood, Mi.ss Liln Love and your humble lioudH of collectors for 1903 were present- servant, while the merits of tho hi'rae ed, as also renewal receipt Guarantee curity. McKeiizie--Best of the L'lndon Company for^ruasurer's .se- Bros. -That Boyd were expatiated upon by Messis. Fred Pedlar, Jokn McKee ai.d S, Shaardown, jr. Tho judgua were Mrs. W. II. Mc- Nully, Miss Annie Sheart^own and Mr. account of 65.00 for timber for culvert at Richard Allen, who yuvo their decision repairs on Saugoen S. W., be paid â€" The Sault troubles will, wo have no doi)l)t, .bo slrai){htenod out iu time. but the tangle is a bad one. All tho work- men, however, have been paid off.pub- lie seniimciiimaking it necessary that the govcrnmcut should take action by giiarauteeiug payment of wages. In ttiis conuocUii.QQ >vo will say that it is :i great pity Canadian capital cannot find a way of taking over this great plant and making of it the groat Can- adian jpstiiution it ought to be. The sole, or at Itiast most importaDt.cauBe of failure was loom^ioh developemont vilhout wailing for, plar.is already treotcd to earu suiiliotcut to aid in Ou'llier developcraent. Everybody ijow knows that Mr. Glerguo as a pro- uiotcr stands in the fiout. rank, but t4ie knowledge that lie ^i a poor man- R({cr camo too late to aavo the aharc- l;a!dcr8 iu one of the moat magnili- wiit iudaslrial concerns that has e/rr f jund fooliug ou this con iinent. !Svery ynrson who has seen tli^so works t.\A kiiowri their possibilities exercises V.trong faith iu their ultimate succobh %^ moneymakers for thoHe who own «tock ID tbu to-las reorganized, com- pany. Again we say, it ia a great yity if Canudians cannot retain it for Ui«uuelv«i. Ceylon, nl.so $2 fjr budge at lot 170, 2 Carried. Muirâ€" Gibsonâ€" That George Moore be paid $6.10 for three accounUs for gravel as certified by overseers. Gibson â€" Muirâ€" That Boyd & Hick- ling's account for coal oil for towu hall, 88c, bo paid â€" Carried. MoKenzieâ€" Bestâ€" That the account of Municipal World for six copies of paper, 85, Ih) paid â€" Carried. Muirâ€" Bestâ€" 'I'liHt the account of Saw- yer Mussey Co. tor grader blade, $8.50, be paid â€" Carried. Gibson- Muirâ€" That E. Adams be pnid 81.25 for removing st(mes and other ob- structions otT road at deviation 150 side- road, coa, 2 S. W. â€" Carried, McKeiizie â€" Hostâ€" That thn time in which John Weber was to have coinplettd his contract on Valley Road having ox- pirod on the lat instant, I ho reeve and Meesrs. Muir and Gibson are appointed a oonimitteo to inspect tho work, ami settle with the contractor as per agrec- monl». â€" Carried., Council adjourned. Port Law in favor of the adirinalive. Mr. Win. Fislierlost a valuable ou Sunday fioni inttanialiou. Robbie, youngest son of Christhoper Johnson, Dundalk, had five teeth Knock- ed out and his face badly cut by a kick from a horse. Wai'deii Shand, who was charged be- fore P. MtGregor, J. P., a week ago last Saturday with resisting a constable in the Seizure of a threshing outfit, was up on demand before tho tamo magistrate last Saturday uvoning. Shand was com- mitted to aland his trial in Owen Sound and was t'lken by Constable Sharp to the County qaol that evening. At tho de- pot tho crowd gave him an encounigini; cheer as he boarded tho train. There is considerable sympathy felt for Shand in the neighborhood where ho has been threshing season after season. â€" Herild. The Markets. Carefully Corrcr cU Enrlt Week Wool Oats Peas Wheat Barley Butter tlugs fresh Pork • Chickens pur pair. . . . 14 to 10 27 -o 27 CO o 60 65 to C5 45 to 45 14 to 14 13 -o 16 50 to 7 50 25 to 60 â- J â-  ' . " â-  f . ArteHt*i»Cou«ciliii(it:lu tb»to«a>%lt oa Mundaj, »U uianvb«r* pmaent, tho aifiiv«ioJJii«4h*u. Miiu>te«.,«>(,l»»tt •»»«(' Hay. Potatoes bag. 40 to 16 tc 10 'o 00 to 60 io Tho forest trees now look Iieautiful, decked In their autumn garb of variegated hues. This neighborhood is shocked to honr of the dreadful .iccidont that beful Mi^R Rtla Thompson of the C:)llingwood roadj Ducks pevpair, and the many fiiends of the family here Tuekoys per lb trust that lite hope entertained of bur re- Geese per lb coveryinay ho realized. Miss Clelund of Manitoba viiitod with her aunt, Mrs. W. K. Simmons, and other friond.s. Misses Tressy McKeo and Reka Pedlar visited friends in Owen yound recrn'Iy. Messrs. David J. and fc}dward Jamie- sou loft for Toronto, whore they have seeuriHl (viaitions on the electric light force. Mr. Geo. Boecroft visited his father and mother in Nolt^awasuga and look in the CoUingwood fair. Mr. an'l Mis. J»M)es Blackburn of NottAwasitga droppe.1 in amtinnold neigh- bors, who Were pl>;asod to see \\vm^ on- joying goxl health. Mr. .John Kerr visited for Kome days with his fathiir, near H.«nover. Mr. John Winters visited his daughlor .Mabel, w!io is attending ColbngwotHl oolli^iate, at fair time. Mr. and Mrs. Cliapinan of Rgremont viaituU the foniior's *iste>t Mr:), U. T, White. The R.T. of T had a R -vai time "t i permanent cure. their Inst niei-tin«. Mr. W. Mulho'land, | J, , - ., â€",,«-««»**«•" of Tois.ui... who has charge of tho prov«- 1 Satlsiactlon fuaraniccaa, K«»ii.n of tho inaursiico de|wrtment, *"" . COHSUltatlOll ffCC. prOM'n^' anfj enlii(htonMl the oouucil on litany ^MilK. "is racy remarks were tiiiitijt liiid ujtucli, aupreuijited . The de- hnt«, " Rf^Moivrd^tlut the cow !• of more beiiedt lomiinkindthaa, th« horsa," wm an iiilerrsting feittara of th« PTuniiin. XJw »m«;m»tlt» «t»« uj^iald b^ »)U»«. H. 15 10 COo 60 Eyeache and Headache. Eyestrain causes both. Drugfs relieve only temporar- ily. Pro- perly atfjnsted glasses remove the cause and effect a ZOi Novelties for this Week-= Lake Styles Reafly-to-weav Hats New Neck ware New Cloth Jackets New Cloth Skirts New Goods For Fall The constant arrival of case after case, and bale after bale of ne^7 goods of every description for Fall selling aftbrcis us an opportunity of making a splendid dispUty of seasonable purchases, and we especially desire a visit of inspection. Special Clothing Overcoats Mantles Skirts Furs Values and the fewest Stifles in Dress Goods Blousings Suitings Mantle Cloths Flannels Shawls Raincoats Underwear Trimmings Gloves New Laces Boots & Shoes Belts Ilubbers Fancy Goods Your Special Attention Is directed to our display of Ready - to -av ear skirts and Mantles â€" designed by Canadians â€" made in Canada by Canadians for Canarlian wearers. The quality, style, fit and workman- ship of every garmeut leave nothing to bedesired â€" and the prices aro right, too. Furs ! Furs ! Furs ! Although early in the season )• ou'll find us fully prepared for business with a splendid display of new stylos, marked at prices that ensure quick selling in view of tho advance io Fur values. Ladies' Fur Mantles Fur RufTs Men's Fur Coats Fur Muffs Caperines Fur Gauntlets Fur Capes Fur Caps Sporting Ectiuisities â€" X>E5»AK T. I Sliot Guns, Rifles and Ammunition of all K-'nds. Jl? "Wood's FhosplKxIino, . Tke Qrttt Eaglbb RciMdr. I ia an old, well eHtat)* 1 IIbIum] anil roUnblo proparatiou. }Iaal>eea l>ru3crilxHl ami used OTpr 40 years. All drajT* I glsta in the Uoinlnion of Canada sell and GSLXtX^ Astray l«oomniti>LKi an tK'luff the only medicine ol its kind thHtouKnend W. A. Armstrong, flWiaCH AHA O^TiejAM. rceSMRRTQHi Stifiirt and After, riTM nnivereal «a«irfBC«on.""lt proinptfy ind uermanontly euros all fotrai of iNcrvoiii Hf«*> ««•.", Kmimiont, ftpcrmalorrhira, Jmvolmey, and »lleflwit9otabug*>ore«e»9o3; thecicessiTe nee of Tobaoeo, Qjitumot SUmulanl$, Meulal and i»r<i(n H'orrv. all of which Iwjd tolnflrmitjf, IniaDity, Conaumptioo and an .Early Orate. Prio« 11 porpackate orilx for IS. One u'«I plea»«, tiz ttilJ cure. Mailed prpmpty on r*- oaiPtMliiriO*. Bend tor tree pamphlet, iddreu ^^ XlM Wood Cookima^, ^ tVUkdWbQBt .0«0*^ Wood'trhotpbodine liaolit in Fleahertoo b Dvjuglaai A U • ^nd W.li.Hlo'.iai-.Uoa, U ugjiat. Farm for Sale IjOt W, eon. T, Knphnuil*, one hunilred teie*. 6o olearud. Iwo fratne bariia, «be.1, a)ipe|. pen. h/OK pen. (wo frame houaoa, kooiI ttrohaiil, never- talllDaaprinK, ('ouTenlenttocliurcb aolaohool, Akout •Igtat udlea (rotu Ueaford. Oood iin- proved farm, ami a aaap for the rieht man. Ap. . .. VoaU fcJlWiMo IN biT on premlaea ot to t evuraham J ulv U lOCO JJaowN For an Education that U practical, uauful and up to-to date Htt«ti(l the Owen Sound,' Ontario. Bbst Totirsra r>( atudy in Business Suhjerti, Shorththd itn Typewriting. Bwt Methixla. The mwit thoroiiKhiy equifpid Ovlleee In the DomiatooM Siudetiii may enter »t any tiiup. Full pariicuhn* . SMtk froe to any addr«M. I «â-  Ci^FLEIlim PriKiMf)

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