sb^rtun <S.iirana. ^ •' TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." 70L. Xim, N3 U52 Flesh.ertoii, Ont., Xlmrsciay. October 8 10O3 W. H. THURSTON, BDITOB PBOPKIETOB The biggest display of high grade Jewellery north of Toronto is to be found at ARIVISTRONG'S . . . j . FLE8HERT0N 1 « â- I And at Right Prices lAXwaMirf â- 'J\^ ^ Osprey Fall Fair Year liy year the Osprey f'.ill f;iir con- tinues til iraiirove, urnil now it hns roach- fd the proiut eminence of bfir>g one of the liest, if not the host.tonuship show ii. this county. On Kri.lay last the little vilLwe <'f Fevenjh*in was thrcnijed wioh it crowd of ai^htst?tTs whicli must have uladdrned the hearts of Secretary Kern»han and t.h- (liroorors. The kjate ruci'ipfs amounted to S'lrO.OO, the largest in the history of this society, and the concert, which always draws a bij; crowd, this ytar outdid aay former re'.-ord by a txinsiderahle amount, the receipts at the doc.r rencliing the large %ure of §124 CO. Ths exhibition this year Was a niarlsed iuiprovement on pre- cidiiig yeavs, there heing an advance in vxeellence all along the line with the ox- «;tfplion of poultry. The exhibit ofciittlu was much the best we have ever seen al th s fair. Sheep, p'w^ aud horses were also superior. By the way, CouncilliT Alex. Muir of Attenusia took ten firsts »«id eijtht secouds for hii Cotswold sheep. .Mr. Geo. Burk of O.sprey took the red ticket for Durham calf, fur an extrA tine spcciineu of that bieed. But the list below will tell all the Ntory of the prizi- winiitTH. Duudalk baud, un<k'f thi' Kadi-rship of printer CoirigaH, rendered ^ot.>d music durii.^ the afternmia. THE PRIZE LIST HuRSE.S Draus{!ic horses â€" Pairgeldings or mares Win Brewster F Hawtoii. Brood mare, Wui Brewster. 2-year-oId col', R Haw ton, R Ilawton. One year-old colt, Wni. Bre««ter. Spring colt, \Vm Brewster, W Brawster. Aitricultural horso-o â€" Pair horse.s W. Scilly, I Hawton. Brood mare, J A Kurnahaii, D Mclntyre. Twoyear-old col', Alex Stephenson, .Alex Stephenson. 1 yr-old Colt, J X Kernahau.D Mclntyre. Spiinj; colt, J .A Kornahan, D Melntyre. (jreueial purjKise â€" Pair h u'so.s.R Adams, W Netr. Brood mare, .1 Elliot, W Hod- eins. 2 yrold to't, C Service, J McK^n- i.on. 1 yr-old colt, J A Kernahan, D FieLcher. Spriiig Cv,lt, !> Fletcher, J Klliot. Roadsters â€" Pair Hor.-ie^, D McKinnon, II Smith. B: Old mare, F Brownlee, S O^llaway. 2 yr-old colt, .\U'X Stephenson. Kpnniicolt, F Brownloe Single driver, J Morrow, II Ilawton. Carriage pair, AV V Winters, .Mex McLean. Sysar-old col*, Goo Giuiiunol G. oOriimm-)t. Sinitle driver, II McDonald, D McTavish. Speci&l by VV .Brewster, best co!t eired by Oairobronie Stamp, This Stephens, J R liinif .\lock Siephenson. Special hy J Kl«-cher, b. st one year old colt sired by Duke of EdmbourKh, D Fle'cher, Guy Kiiitin^;. Spring cult , D Fletcher, -las Elliott. CATTtB Durhamâ€" Aged buU.W. H. Guy. Bui' 2 ycaisHud under, J. Millfr 1st and 2nd- (^>lv, John Miller 1st and 2iid. Two year- old heifer,John Miller,J iling. One-year- old lieif-r, John Millur. Heifer ciJf, R Y liurk, John Miller. Best h>-rd, John Miller. Bcsl bull any aj-e, diploma, J Miller. Jerseysâ€" Cow, J Spcers, W Guy. Two- year-old heifer, W Guy. Grade cow, VV MolTat, Jaa Buckingham. Two year old heifer, R King. Jas iSuckin|<;ham. RIIKKP Shrojwhire â€" Aged ram, J Kcrtv^han. Shearling ram. J Kerna'ian 1st and 2nd. Rani laiuKJ Ke^nahan IstandSnd. Ewe, J Krniahan l«t and 2nd. Sheai ling ewe, J Kernahan 1st and 2nd. Ewij Innib, J Kernahnu 1st and 2nd. Best ])en, J Kernnhrii. ' IPottvoklâ€" Ag«dnn),A Muir. Shixrl- ing ram, .-V Muir lat and 2nd. Ram lamb, A Muir Ist and 2ncl. Aged ewe, A Muir Ist and 2iid. Shc-irliug ewe, A Muir Ist and 2Dd. Ewe iHmb.A Muir 1st and 2nd. pen, A Muir. Le:ce.-iter â€" Aged ram. A Mnir, J Speers. Shearling rain, J Stewart. Rum lamb, J Stewart, iV Muir .Aged ewe, A .Muir Ist and 2ud. Shearling pwe, X Muir, J Speeis. Ewe iamb, J. Stewart, A Muir. Best pen, A Sluir. SWIXB Berkshire â€" -\ged boar, R Ruthvan. Boar pig, R Ruthraii. Sow pig, U Whewell. R Ruihvan. Yorhsbiieâ€" Asjetl Iwar, W H Conn, R Ruthvan. Boar pig. VV H Guy, R Ruth- van. Ag«d Sow. R Ruthvan. Sow pig, VV il Guy, Geo Burk. Tamworih â€" Aged boar, George Aged ROW, J A Kerualian. Sow pig, J. Kernalmn, Geo Ross. POCLTKY Pair Leghorns, light, I H Periuoe. Pair Leghorns, brown,! H Perigoe. Black, VV Hodsjins. Plymouth Rook, J Speers, VV Scutt. Pair chickens, A J Cotiron. Pair ducks, Pekin, VV Scut.t, J A Kci-nahan. Pair geese, VV Uodgins. Pair turkeys, W Moffiit. GRAlir Fall wheat, white,R Ruthvan, J Buck- ingham. Fall whear, red, R Ruthvan, G Whewell. Spring wheat, N Fergu.son. White oats.R Hawton, R Ruthvan. Black oats, A Muir. Barley, .\ Muir. R Ruth- van. Small pejis,.) .\ Kernahan. Larue pwis, A Muir, Timothy seed, A Muii-,R Ruthvan. Alaike clover, J. Jaiuieson. iiooTs a:*© vegetables Potatoes -Rose type, J J-imieson, J Buekiiiiiham. Hebron type. Neil Fer- gus 'U. Lii.g white type, Neil Ferguson, VV Rilling. Collection ot potatoes, J Janiieson. Loiii; mongohis, A Muir, R iVdaiiss. Globe, R. Adams, .\ Muir. Swede turnipa, J Jamie9on,J McKinnon. Aberdeen luruips, J. McKinnoti, I Haw- ton. Sugar beets, J Jaiuie.son, U Ueit- man. Lonj; blood beets, \\" U Conn, J Jamioson. Any other variety, W H Oonu, VV Julian. Lonsi table carrots, J. Jam- ieson, R Adams. Early hum T »J Gard- ener, U Plumnier. Field carrots, J Jdinic.'ion G Whewell. Parsnips, J Jam ie.soii, 11 Plummer. Potato onions, R Plummer, R Hawion. Onions from seed, J Jauiieson, R Plummer. Top ouious, R Hawtoti. Black beans, T Cooper, VV Mottat. White b- aus, J Jamiison, R Aa.uu3. Table corn, VVJ I'riddol, I Per- igoe. Wii!nint,stead cabbage, K Plum- mer, I Perigoc. Red cabbiwe, A J Coii- ron, Jas EUnitt. Any other kind cabbage, J McKiimou, J Elliot!. Cauliflowers, U Uuituian, 1 H Perigoe. Squash, J EiUott, W H Conn. Pumpkin, A J Con roil, J Elliott. Vegetable marrows, R Adam.s,J KUiott. Cilion?,\V U Conn, A J Conrou. Cucumbers, J Jauiieson, A J Conron. Vegetable oy6ters,J Hudson, H Heiinian. White celery, I H Perigoe, A J Conrou. Red celery, R. Y B'lrk. Special by VV J Dou,jlu8â€" giant sugar beet, Alex Muir. mUlT AND FLOWEBS Ben Davis apples, Jas Ktrckiujiham, R Adiin.s. DuchcfS, O Walker, J Stewart. Snow apples, R Ruthvan, Wm Rolling. Alexanders, .\ J Conron, Jas Bucking- ham. \V(dt River, J Stewaat, R Adams. Russets, J Crawford, Jas Elliott. North- ern Spies, Jas Stewart, R .\dams. Pe- waukee, Jas, J^hu McKinnon. Lombard plums, J Crawford, O W.Uker. Plums any other kind, Wm Guy, O Walker. Bartlett pear, Wui Hodgins Collection fruit, R Ruthvan, R Adams. Pears, Clapp's Favoiite, J Stewart, R Ruthvan. Begouias,dowering, J. A Kernahan, I H Perigoe. Begonia, Rex, J A Kernahan. Geranium, simile, I H Poiijioe. Palm, J A Kernahan. Any other decorative plant, I H Perig-'e. Collection plants, I U Perigoc. Special by W H Thurston, J A Ker- nahan. D.VIRT ASD OTHER PBODUCB Extracted honey,! H Perigo.T Cooper. Honey iu comb I H Periuo. Tub but'or J Jamieson, R Ruthvan, Wm Moffat. Roll but'.er, Wm, J A Keinahan. Crook butter. W J Moore, R Ruthvan. Homo made cheese, I H Perigo, Wm. Hodgins. Jelly cake, W H Guy. Neil Ferguson, Fruit cake, T Cooper, VV ,1 Jtfoore. Lemon Pie. I H Perigo, N Ferguami. Home made bread,J McKin lion, W J Moore. Maple sugar, Wm. HiKlgiiiH, J McKinnon. Maple syrnp, W Hodg US, J McKinnon. Jar peaches, T CiKiper, Win IltMlviiu. Jar pluuis, O Vv'alker, 1 H Perigo. Jar peirs. 1 H Perigo, ') Walker. Jar grapes, I H Periuo, Wm Hoduins. Jar Sirawbcrries, VV J Mwire, O Walker. Col!tH:tio.i of JoUioM and preserves, T Cooper, Wm Bodiiina. Special crock butter by C Stephuna A Co., VV J MiHire. Special by Dr Irwin, beat 10 IKs butter, J Jamiesou. Special by Gniifoyle Bros., best 10 lb«. butler in blocka, Neil Ferguion. LADIKS vroRK Berlin wool work, Walker, H Beit man . Crochet work in wool, O Walker. H Heitman. Crochet work in cotton, H Heitman, W H Guy. Crochet. work in silk, O Walker. Embroidery on linen floaa. O Walker. Embroidery on cotton O Walker. Embroidery on silk, O Walker. Embroidery on satin, Walker. Embroidery any other kind, I H Perigo, O Walker. Netting plain O Walker. Netting, fancy, O Walker. Tatting, O Walker. Centre piece, embroidery, J Janiieson, Walker. Table centre piece any other kind, O Walker, R Heron. Tea cosy, J Jamieson, J PrtdeL Collection of doylies, O Walker, J McKinnon. Neeille work, ornamental, Walker, W H Guy. Sofa cushion, mounted, J Jam- ieson, T Cooper. Pin cushion, J Pride 1, O Walker. Set table mats, J Jamieson, IH Perigo. Knitting in wool.O VV'alker. Knitting in wtton, R Heron, O Walker. Table drape, J McKinnon, Jaa Pridel. Photo frame, I H Perigo, O Walker. Whisk holder, O Walker, W H Guy. Fancy foot stool I U Perigo. Pair of woollen stockings, hand knitted, T Cooper, J Jamieson. Pair woolen socks, T Cof per, J Janiieson. Pair wool mita, gents, T Cooper, M Ferguson. Pair wool mils ladies', O Walker, J McKinnon Patoliing, not ijnilts, L Cooper. Pair of pillow sham!, 1 U Perigo, R Hawton. Machine sewing, family, T Cocper. Hooked mats, rag, J Pridel, J Jamieson. Rag c.irpet, Wm Juiian, Wm Hodgins. P.-itchwork quilt, silk, J Jamieson, O. Walker. Patchwork quilt, cotton, J. Jumieson. Patchwork ([uilt any other ind, R Y Burk. Collection fancy work. O Walker. M, tcylora- Ur. and Mi's. Gea. Latrrence of Klrabertey spoiit Suiitlay watik with Mr. S. Iiawreaco o( this lO.;v;0. ii;-. H. Tnckor and Mr. J. Cushnie visited Duriiam fair last week. .^IiiSsi-s. Will and Walter Hemphill, who have been renewing old acqiiaiutances here for a week, baverotnraed to their home iu Toronto ^liss Ella Ijawrauce has returned to Detroit, aftnr spending a month with her pai-ents here. Wo Itave to auuounco the death of Wm. Kclls MaJIulleu. third eldest sou of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMuUen, of tlie wost back line. A little over a w^i-k aao Willie was in good lioalth, but after a week of severe 3nlf«ring from aiipendicitis, patici:Uy buruo, he passed away ou Sunday, Sept, ifrth, at 7.15, at the early ago o' seveuteeu years. Thd casket was covered with many beautilul wreaths, cue, au anchor from Mr.aud Mrs. W. J. lioss aud family ; a wreath of rcbos aud lily cf the valley from Flusbei-tju Preebyterian leojgue : a wreath of roses and smiia.x from his Ce>]ou compauiouH ; The Qato'j .^Jar, from Ceylou Sabbath school, o' which bo wa? a member. Other wreaths were from Mr. and .Mrs. W. liawrence. Master Koy Piper, Mrs. Cushrie, air?. Piper, besides several tHwudsome baud bouquets from Flosbertoa f*-ieuds. ThOi funeral, which was a very large one, took place to Flesheitou ueiuetory on Taeuday. Much sympathy is exprcsssd for the parents in their berevemeut., MisJSproat rotumt-d ou f-.iday after a week's ab:;Oiico iu Grand Valley, Mr. aud M.-?. J. Cuoluiie visited Traverstoo friends last week. Mr. W, McMullen is visiting friends iu Uroe- more this week, iSn. H. Tucker and sou John, visited Holstein and Mt. Forest friends luss week. Mr. T. Cook, Toronto, is speudluga couple of â- ,veeki at the parental home. Mrs. U, McUill aud Mrs. W. McMullen spent Sunday with Melancthon friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. Tucker ot Dromore spent Sun day at Mr. H. Tucker's. Miss Aggie and Ida Jonoshavo been speudiug B fortQifiht with friends iu Gloncl;^. ricFARLAND, STAFFORD & CO, riARKDALE. ONT. . . . GREY COUNTY'S BIGGEST AND CHEAPEST STORE . . v A Few Good Values Picked up at random through tho different departments. many others eijually as good. They are siiggestive of 900 yards fcowling (bag crash) with , 7 yd, / a border upsides usually sold at 5c. per yd. Our price, 8 yes for 2oc, 50 Towell Racks, nicely made of polished hardwood, with easily adjusted roller, only requires two nails to put in place usually sold at 13c. each, our price 8c. 3i3 pairs towells, sizes 15x30 inch, nice, fine dama°k with red border and fringed ends usually sold at 20c. pair our price 15c. 120 pair Damask Towells, large size 20 by 40, red border and fringe ends, regular 33c., our price per pair. 25c i 500 boxes hair pins (the monster.) each \ 72 Feather Dusters,purehased direct from an American manufacturer, 8 inch feather duster with polished screw handle, half price only 19c. About 1000 yds. finey striped flannelette, 30 in. wide, bought, months ago when the war was on among the in;inufacturer9, worth to day 7o. a yd., our price de. 12 only Lidies Taffetta Silk Waists, nicely made, with hemstitching and tuck- ing down the front, back and sleveeB,good quality Taffetta iu creams, pipks rose, blue and black. VVe tbiuk them gooi valve at §3,50 20 dozeu Men's Silk and Satin Ties. box contains lOO pins, oiiher p!ain or »f "'^^^'^ '''^'f }" â- ^'""g'- '^n"*^' P"/^ ,.rim,„.-l »,.M „!l ,V..o,. ,.f .r,.. „„, „ri.„f etc. , many of them regular 25 and 3or. crimped, sold all over at oc, our price 4c. .greens, browns, reds, creams, h:i!f price per yard 121 per box 15 bolts " No 40 " Silk TaffetU Ribbon 5 ill. wide, nice tine even silk in pinks, bines, Tuscanb, etc. jUit â- 20 bolts No 60 Ribbon in assorted shades i ami qualities, some pure taffetta silk, some satins, others fancy, six inches wide, I regular 35 and 45c. ribbon for ITc. 10 dozen Women's Uorbets, latest straight ] front cut made from good heavy jean with fancy sateen str.apingiu pii:k or blue ' and all steel tilled and good value in the * regular way at 75c. pair, our price 44c. 100 dozen co'ored handkeicliiefs, either plain white or fancy turkey red aud white qualities' Your choice this weekatl2ic 10 doz. Men's 6ne Cloth Caps, double slip bands, cloth covered leather peak, heavy sateen lining, the kind that usually sells at 50c, each. Oa sale this week ^t 3;)c. 50 pair men's Moleskin Pants, fancy strip patterns, all . sizes. We think them cheap at per pair 49e,. 60 pair Men's heavyeltoffe pants, in plain brown and grey, well made and Hned. These triusei-s were purchased month.-« ago at a big cue, usually sold at S1.75 per pair, our price S1,1!J 25 Boy's two-piece suits, made from plain gray English Tweed, nicely braid trim- meaium size, just the kind for the school | ined, sizes 4 to 10 years. This line of child to hise, ou sale this week at half suits wo imported from an old country piico 2c. manufacturer and are extra value at SI. 05 Samuel Waidell, well difg-'r, met with a bad accident, while at work on a well at Wm. Jackson's f»im at Cavd»el', Mono township. The well was 38 fei t Jeop and VVardell was placing in cur .mg lim- ber, which "^as circular in form and 12 feet in leng' h. Tho curbing went down very suddenly and VVardell lost his bal- ance and tumbled b.ickwards into tho well. His companion went down as quickly as |)o»F.ible and placetl a rojm around his body auvl was immedately b:Ouahl to theauiface. Dr. Ibnry was summouetl ai.lhe found Wiirdell'a thigh w.-js broken and he w:is otherwise unin- jured. It will be a lonsi ti i e before he is able to get around agtiii. He ia still at. Ml Jacksous and receiving the l)est of utteniioii. Mrs. Sarah BUimdcn of Chit»gr> is ] a sister of the late .Vlcxander McPlieifum l who resided near Fleahertoii. At the, lime of hi* deith Mrs. Blumden clainied j to have loaned him 82,700 and pro UiceJ a tiote for that amount, .\fter hoaiing ihe evidence of experts and relative", who disputed the nnlhenticity of the sigua- ture, and ibo local master at Owen- Sound declared tho note a forgery. Mis. Bhimdeii made an effort to have the re- jiort of the looil n»atitcr set aside. Tho linditig of tho Incnl ma.Htur was ausiained by Mr Jusnce McMahon on Tuend.'vy »t Tomuto. J. VV. Frost appeared f-ir tho clainiant, W. H. Wri«bt for the executory aud H £. Siuiipson for the plaintiff, Laura McPhcrsoii -0 S. Timea. millinery. Our Millinery Openinifl'ist week was a huge success, and we wish to extend our ihaiiks to the I.-.dit.s for milking it such. We think we can sjiFely say that never before on opening days were s;) many hats sold and orders taken. Miss Smith, the lady in charge of our inilliiiery dejiartment;, has proved ht-'rself an artist of high rank in regard t^ trtmining. aud if present indications count, our millinery show rooms will be a pop- ular spot with the ladies this season. You are cordially invited to look over the mil- linery styles whenever you can find time. McFarlaxii^j Stafford. «4 & Co. W. Hocklev Proton Station Great Bargains in Summer Goods lOo. 8Jc. 7c. iic. Barg:ains in Boots A liirge table of Bargain Roots, Regular prices $1.00 tu $1.25, now ou salo at 30c. per pair. Jem Jars We are clearing this line at the lowest market prices. As we have large orders of Fall Good* coming in, wo must have above goodi sold out t»ni;vkc room for new goiKis. Ladies' vests on s»le :it each 5c. Gent's Summer Underwear, per suit 30c. A largo stock of now Boots has just ar- lived, tho right thing for fall wear. Men's heavy Oil Tan Cmme Bluchors$2.oO Woman's heavy I'ebhlo Langtry for$1.6<» sIk.'Cs for Min, Women aud Children. Prints Cheaper Than Ever ISk. Prims Selling at ^o. Printt Selling at 7c. Prints Stlhnt' iit "c. Prints Selling at no- Prints SelHng at 3 jo A Snap In Husllns For Two Weeks of a large .\sBortnient of Piit'eriis in the some 10c Muslins sellinn for Ti^- 8c Muslins selling for 3j.c. 12 Jc Muslins soUii'g for 9*0, Ladies' Sailor Hats On sale at One Half the Regular Prices, ^1.00 Hats for o9>"- 7,ic Hats for •^•• 50c Hat« for 26e. 40c, Hats 20c Wo also carry a nice as-sortment of tine . HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR TRADE HERE . . YV. HooKley I>r'otoM. Staiiion Co CoitsiJittptlvcf ♦ The nn.lerKlKnefl havlnn boon rest -.-ed to henltli by 8iui|iK> mesno. sfuir «uReriu,z for bcv- eral ve»i-« with sevpre Inoa affoctioii, an.t Ui^*! ilroo'1 .llKi'a.iecon-iumptlo«. I" •iinlous to make known to lai^ ftllovv RiiSorois tho inoann <>( onre. To tboae WHO <lt!sli'« It. bo â- "lUohiiert'.'.'y B»ml (fiooof cbarxpla coin- of tho jirwcrtpi .-ii ukwI, wliicli llu'V willftnil a noro riiro for con.^omp- tlon.uthma catarrh, bronchltlltuil >,•< tliroat anil InuK in«l««5lc«. HeliO|»««»ll nifl,^r.-r« will try lii«reioe.ty. »»1l U* Tli t B<lfc.«lr- iiij.'tlK' \no»crliit|oii,wtiich wlUowltli^'.'ii uoth ini; »ul mav l>rov« » Mfnnitiji, will pleiv.. ad dros^ Jt«v. KDVVAKU A. WUiBON, BrooklyB, h»w York Ibarra Kor Stale Rfljnfli'i f«rm for sale. oiiW •3SO0: *jOO to flAio, baltfc'.ice j*sy terlll^:(>^ aci'i^ ,flt. for anv iii8c!iiuory, ttlu»'-c« iiiof^t t'liiber ofT. talmico vtBil tiiub'.'.ui'; Hood rraiu.bam ai;(1 dWHlIiitjc, well watrru*! hud c1of>o to tt.liool, churchtii, r. 0., fctor**, oto. Apply to K J. 8l'hOl.'l.,K,. Conv.yanoor. Flenberton Pig Came Astray Caino to tt'e preniiw* ot th. nr r^.rKigneil nlKiat Se)>t, '.S, :i biai* I'R. Tlie owner is re« ! qncBl^Mt vo vrovA proiivi ty, f»y cssieuMs uiA take rtie sanio nwny. B. aiatniiT Flesti'CTton, oct.J IWK driMMbauMHliMlfai iimOiii I • 'â- • " • • • 'â-