Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1903, p. 4

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,'!W.. ,^?PVgwr- â- asr [^ 4-^ April 16 1003 THE FLESHERTON ADVAMCE ^^•jmim»a I o^:b5C8:8»»»>^ I F, T. HILL & CO | <l^:i^^Otm.m^ HEADQUARTERS for SH0E5. ThousrtndH (if [wirs of sploudid-weuriin;, well-made, new Htyle bHoib Imve just l)peii placed in utock for Muii WoiiH'ri, ItoyH uiij UirU. Never ln'foro liHve we liud such iiii oxcellont iisRoitmont at such moderato pi ices. It inutiers not wli»t pi ice yi'U cure to piiy wo have the Bf^BT SHOE at lliat price you'll tiiid. Almusl nil our sNuus are bouuht dirwt from the maiiufauturers at llio very closont SPOT (MSH PUICK. When we buy from other tliuii a iiiauufacturer it-'« bocauDO that other ia 111 need of iniiney, ill which case wo usually make the price our xelvcK. Hi ice fui pricu ui<d ((uality for quality there's no better shoe values any where in Canada. Yi>u can judi^o our entire stuck by theuu prices: Men's 5hces (For Fiiio Weill) 60 piiii-fi Moii'a BoMtoii calf Shoos, toucap, nailett itolea, suliil leather throughout, whole foxed, coin too, special at 1 10 iK) pairs Men's Buff Gaiteis and Law il Shoes, Jmdiuiii toe, t(ieia|), nailed Hi'Ies, whole foxed â€" a splen- did weuriny kIioo for either wet or dry weatlior, ."ptciiil at 1.25 "5 piiiis Men's line Doni^ola shoes, t<iecJip, sow<-d solcH, si>lid leather ihroufjliout and beautifully Holt and pliable, special at 1.35 CO pairs Meii'.sDonyola laced shoes, inediuni-extension sowed soles, toe- cap, whole foxed, I'ery ilicHsy nnd splendid wearers, special at ..1.(55 (iO pair-s Men's very fine Donnola Laced Shoes, heavy extension sew- ed soles, whole foxed, loocap newest shape, special at 2.00 48 pairs Men's Doni.'ola Laced Shi'ea,coiiiinon-8eiise 'oe, extension se»ed Boles, whole foxeil and one of the most comfortable shoes made special at 2 25 tiO pairs Men's Fine Box Calf shoes, new shape, toe cap, heavy exten- sion soles, aeweJ, whole foxed â€" one of the dressiest and best wear- ing shoes made, special at. ...2.50 flO pairs extra fine Dongohi laced shoes, new toecap, extension sewed soles beautifully finished and per- fect fitting, special 3 25 Men's Shoes (For ordinary wear) 120 pair.s Men's Eiii;li.sb I'loui^li Hoot.s, bleed, bellows tongue, hirj{o l.ice h(des, heavy pegi^ed soli-H,«pec ial at 95 JO pnirs Cowhide nt.d Grained Leather Hoots.hcHvy pegj^ed soles, well .sewed and riveted uppi-is, solid leather throughout, special at 1.25 i)0 pairs Men's heavy Plow bouts, heavy .soies, 3 tows pegs, triple stitchetl and riveted uppers, bel- lows toiiguo.comfortiihle tittini; and splendid woann);, special at . . . 1.40 (iO pa iH iMon's heavy lacid lino's, exiensioii Soles, three rows ]>i%n aiiil 1 row iiailH, bellows ti<n<{iie, solid leather lhroii<{hout and made specially for own trade, special at 1.00 180 pairs Men's handinade Shoes • kip and grain leather, larno or small lace hi.les, extra ])egL'iii(,' and sawiiij;. heavy leather, foft, (dialile, waterproof and satisfactory. Sp. ciul at ^2.00ftHd 2.25 60 paii.i. Men's Uubberino laced boots, whole foxed, nailed soles, extra tou<<h, durable leather that will always remain soft und plialile. This is the iiio.st satisfactory shoe we know uf. Special at 3.00 Ladies Shoes (for line wear) 60 pair Ladies' Fine Dongola Laced and Button Shoes, toecap, sewid solo. This is a nice dressy line of shoes. Special at 1.25 90 pairs Ladies' Fine Dongola Ijiic- ed and button shoes, newest shape, extension soles, toecap, perfect hit- ting and durable wearers. Special at 1.50 60 pairs Ladies very fine Dongola laced shoes, extension soles, toecap, beautifully hnished in newest up- to-date styles. Special at ...l.tiO 60 pairs Ladies' extra fine DoiigoU buttmi sboj. "'The ^fational, " one of the most comfortable fitting and dressiest shoes to be had. Special at 2.10 120 pairs extra fine Dongola and Vici Kid Laced and Button Shoes. In these we are showing some of the nicest .styles and most reniark- nble values we have ever handled. Special at e2.25,»2.50,$3.OO, S3.26 and 3.50 30 pairs Ladies fine Dongobi 3 strap slipper.s, neat plain toe, sewed soles and very nicely finished. Special at 1.40 60 paii's Ladies' extra fim- Donu'ola Oxford, pat. lip, sewed soles, new- e.^t style, decidedly satisfactory in every ret'pect. Special at.... 1.75 Ladies' Shoes (For ordinary wear) 120 pairs Ladies Glove Graino'l boots, laced, comforlablo shapei nailed soles and solid leather throughout. Special at 1.00 60 [laira Ladies' Gh^ve Grained Lici'd Boots, neat, nailed soli'S, nie'iiuin wi iijbt and gu-iranteed not IO bei^onie li.ird. Special at.. 1.10 (iO pairs Ladies' heavy, seamless, hanibiiade Ijoots, pegged sides and jMiamnieHd siricily waierproif. Special at 1 50 60 pails Women's Oiaioed Leather T.ai:i'd lioots, soft pliable uppeis and heavy pejge.d i,"les â€" a shoo that foi comfort and durability is not surpassed aiiywhoro. Spei^al at 1.60 Boys' Shoes 30 pairs Boys' shoes, sizes 1 to 6, heavy pliable uppers, thick exten- sion sides, large Ince hides, bellows toigue, excellent wearers, special at ..1.36 60 pairs boys' haiidniade shoes, 1 to 5, seamle.sa, pegged soles, .solid leather. This shoe will stand any' kind of wear. Special at 1.50 (iO pairs Boys' box calf shoes, 1 to .0, t"0 cap, sewed sides, semi ex- tension, splendid wearers and dressy, special at 1.00 30 pairs Youths' shoes 11 to 13,ex- tension soles, pegged and nailed, triple stitched uppers and excellent Wearers, special at 1.00 30 pairs Youths' Shoes 11 to 13" lieavy grained leather, toecaiJ,natI- cd .soles, solid leather throughout, neatly in.ide and durable wearers, special at 1.20 Qirls' Shoes 30 pairs Girls Glove Grained Laced Shoes 11 to 2, toecap, nailed soles, .solid leather, special at 1.00 30 pairs uirls handmade shoes 11 to 2, pegaod sole.s, one of the bent shoes for everyday wear, bpeoial at L26 .'$0 pairs Girls Glove Grain Shoes, ^Lt 11 to 2, fine soft, pliable leather, toecap, nailed soles, neat and per- fect fitting, special at 1.25 30 pairs Girls Grained leather shoes 11 to 2, toe cap, nailed solos, oi! tanned, durable and will remain soft, special a! 140 I BOYD, HICKLiNQ \ 1 ' Sc OO., ^.> ^ ? FLESH ERTON = ONTARIO. \ Children's Shoes 30 pairs Children's shoes 8 to 1(1, iiiediuiii weight, pegged soles, plain toe, triple stitched uppers. Special at 70 30 pairs Child'--- Uongida Laced and button .shoes, 8 to 10, beautiful pliable leather, sprini; heels, toe cap and very neatly aiade. Special at 90 30 pairs Chili' 's but Ion and laced grain leather shoes. 8 to 10, toecap, iiHiled soles, niedinm heels. This is a reniaikably well made and dur- a ble shoe. Special at 95 I nfant's Shoes In these we have aliiio.st every ([uality and price ll. at ciiiild poss- ibly be desired. Hundreds of pairs fp»<nj which to seloei, at per pair 35c., 40,46,50,00,75,85,90 and 1 00 Almost all our shoos are made by such well-known and dHpondable manufacturers as John MePherson, Sterling Bios., •V B Hauiillon, J. A. it J. M . Cote, etc. We handle only such lines .is will give iho greatest amount of satisfaction to thu puichiiser. for iho price paid. Ours is one of the laruesl shoo stocks in the County, and our values are not surpassed anywhere. Give our shoe stock a look over before puichaaing â€" you'll be well repaid by 80 doing. Five per cent, discount to^cash buyers. lcs^cs:^w^ F.T. HILL & GO ^iJ^^CBC9C^^C8t8t^^ The Road Question Mil. KiUTou, â€" ^l notice a coinmuiiica- i tion from a corres|ioiidiiiit rtvarding this inatter.and also your editoi ial. Theipieiy in my nnnd was this : Have the county , of Siiiicoe and Huron, any previous piac- j tio<l experience in gravel roails, and j whotfiiT it was Hatisfaclory or not ? The â-  oouniy of Giey has had such, and for 20 yuar< two prooiineiit iieiii^ of taxes were for fiokiiiu fund and iiiier'est for gruil roads. It was .il^vays superate iti'iiis. It was a lax â€"olio of the iiiosi dilhcuU onus | to manage. The writer found tli^s town- • ship tbiMisands of dollars in detit tv llila fliiid, and several niunici|>alitius worn; si-iiiiurly sitU'ktetl. The fact ^as, lliu' iiioiieyn wufB used for other purposes and ] for year* other local muni ;ipa'ties failed C'l collect their a|> irtioniiient. Hut evun ^ ih H ua« not ihe most seriwus part of the i axiieiiie, for in a year or two thousands of dollars wiini roi|iiired annually to keep tjio roails in repair, until the ratepayer* uroanod under its weight | A!< :o tlid iiiilli'>n ddlars grant by the .yivoruinniii, very few peophi think but what U II a inert) poliiiivd , bitit ; at all aveiits ih« uiiinerouR roads in Ontario kli iiyii it cannot be otherwise that a iiierr ' ii^iii^i.>if â-  grant. It is sniiUthat Siiiiuou ia\lntr» i »re taking advaiiiag-' of it, by ra:<sivini{ froai the guvenimt^ut 940,000 ' tf^eM And ipaiidi>i||( each 1^,000 im.jro. IWutitiiiitf lliu county of Grey, uiitWr Ih' a^us CQitJitJiins, ai\d aljuwiiig S^ m^Q; icipaliliua in the conniy (there are more, but so no are very sinall,)tlien there would bo $4000 to be raised by each township and #2000 eiicb uivon by the governinont. or StiOOII total. N-«w 111 gooil niejidamiz ed ro.id can be built under §1500 per iiii'e -verified, if 1 mistake not, by a lonirae entered into by the pcdice villaee and township of Art'ino-iia. So that foui miles of load wou'd be the limit. If you look at the subject fiirUinr, the JI4fl(X1 would hai to be raised by debenture. for, say twenty voiirs at 4 per Ci'iil per an iium interest. That woukl be 8200 for sink- ing fund and JlfiO ioteieat annually dur- inu the term. The sum paid for four miles of I'osd at the end of twenty years would be ?40(MJ principal and 8'120() in- terest, for Ihe township poition; iie« add to it the 82000, the govcrnnifid.'s pro(X)rtioii,anil it wil: give $9200 for four. iiiib'B of load ; or if 2iV00 p,r mile less, of Course, compound interest on sinking fund deposits, which would bo appruxiin a'ely Stf)(». Now,il is clearly nemi that if the county .i.'.^Jri-v is obliged to borrow to meet tlw grant fr inv.giiverninent, she lo^»ii by m largd sunv peL-milo. Nor is this all, xj, I a'U iiif rniod the construction of auch road* arrt under. th«> cnnind of govern- iiieiit eui;ineerH and insneotora, to he paid out of such iirants, and if aiiy truth «l- iachu« to fnp rt« of rnada under- niinihar oiroiiniitHiioei>,the tin^nts wimld ba e](cei\d- ifgly ^iiinll. Now, I don't think the tuiriiaUiji u( A4't<i(iu«si» ia . i)i>tp«ii«i,. to shoulder another gravel road scheme and a much cheaper one would bo to disp, nso with statute labor, and one or two lown- sbips join ill buying a stone crusher, ai.d tliii.s, giving a v;reat iiupelus towards i;o' d roads. What, then, is guinod by stidh a «rant iropiisod? Sim))ly nothing. The interest Oil liMirowed iiioney more than lialaiicci tlii^ gift. Ii is like a iiiaii luiyiiii.' a farm on borrowed money Against it i.s paid for lUo price is doubled. If what is wriit.m bo Correct, ai d T think it is, approximat- ely so, the county commissioners are to be commended on not touching the si-henie. Lot everj'.township UkVd care of her own roads. â€" W.S.O. THOllOUOHBHKD 8H0MTH0UN ]BuU fox* Sep^irioe K»r servloo on lot t!V>, T <t 8. It.. Artcmesla ihstlioronKtibred Diirliain IxiU ••QENEKAL GORDON " Bonn OHiveil Auril fltli, KMO, lirott >>y V'tliiir Jnlini.toii, Vaintolour, Out.. Ont hv Knt bt of j flroy, UI7fl4,I)sin,I<ustreaDlli,2":i7«,l)v Kir Wslter, I LIMT- I.untrK attti â€" Ifldut, by Vi-nturer, limp.) I n44.'>. Lsilr Vinlet I,nat.in|ini|i )â€" 2m, hy Koyal ' Hoi>e (.S-istrJ). bustre lOlli liy Montrose (:HR7.H1â€" I Oxford Imstre, liv IStli Diiks of onfor.1, (837761 â€" I IniHtre .nh.by PrKioA ^rtliur (in7ai>â€" LuitreDrd, j br UAffnuiu Itonunt It^imri-Iaintre iNt, by I Ftlooniibury (01179) â€" Imitrs, hv Snd Oukii of I NorthuinberUnd CWtOI-Blne OpII, by Bsclielor i |ir«a)--by Sulun (ItATi), by North Htar {*im. Tartnii'tViV^^radeii, ^3 for thorouRhbre4i. l,Aa»:^ WM. DAV|S. Pranda^r Spring rHilliiterv^ Our opening display last week was just what we had planned â€" a distinct advance on any previous showing in former seasons and excited general ad- inii'ation. Besides trimnietl MillineKy you'll find us fully prepared for your wants in other lines â€" Ready-to wear hats- Knockabouts, Sailors, Children's hats of all kinds â€" an elegant selection of entirely new goods â€" nothing carried over from any former season. Our prices ai-e right in every article tuo ! New Ready=tO"wear Sk irts. Cloth skirts, navy, fiiwn and black • -$3*75 Homespun .skirts, all wool, black and oxford, new tailor made styles... .$,â- ). 00, ;j5.5(), ^tr.iO, $7.50 Duck Skirts, fast colors, black and navy, neat patterns, -spots or stripes $1.25, $1.75 Sateen underskirts, new styles and designs • 75 cents to $3.25. We pride ourselves on the excellence of the cut and fit of our skirts â€" their woiknuinship and finish leave nothing to be desired. Come in and See Our â€" Reliable Footwear for Spring . . We can Suit You ! '*^k^^^/»% What about a New Sprin g Suit. Whether you want a Keaily- made or an oi'dered suit you'll find by far the best selection here ! In our Keady-niade Depart- ment we can give you a wide choice, all sizes, all prices and a big range of fashionable cloths. Every garment, finished and trim- med in the best stylo. Our new ordered suitings include all the latest and most popular cloths for Men's wearâ€" our prices are moderateâ€" our trimmings of untloubted (juality, and the fit ami workmanship of every ordered sait guaranteed. Men's Ready-made suits... Youth's Ready-made suits... Boy's Ready-made suits Men's ordered suits Men's ordered pants. ..From ^.i5 to 14.00 ..From $8.75 to 7.50 ....From iii^l.75 to 5.00 .From $10.50 to 20.00 ...From $2.75 to 0.00 Men's Rain coats Men's Tweed Pants " Men's Smocks Boy's Tweed Knickers Men's O.veralls Children's Blouse suits. New^ Spring Wall Paper Our Spring stock is now complete. It comprises some of the most select pattenui from the best Va- nadian makers. We never started a spring trade with such a elojin, fresh stock as we do this season. We are giving better values than ever and you'll find an imuiense varietyâ€" larger than ever. rrices Range from to 3^0. 50o. the double roll. W«*ll be pleaded to ataow you our Wall paper sampled. Gome in. :l; • t« ± T T

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