Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1903, p. 2

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r SWEET I'KAS. , "Tho iweat pea is a peculiar [plant," sayis K/ben K. Hexfonl, "in soue rMpects, aii<i rvtjuiros treut- jment quite unlike that givon other I plants if we would have it do its best. It must be planted very early . â€" as somi, in fact, us the ground can Ibe dug up to ruc«ivo the seed. This jbocauso it is u plant that doi-s Inst- I'ter in cool weather than in heat, and the coiKlitiuns which prevail iii spring lire precisely those best suit- ed to it in getting u start. If it form strong root.s before the hot weather is u|)<>n us, and these roots are deep in the soil, whore they will remain moist and cool, we may ex- pect line Hovvers, and a great many of tlicm, l)Ut if wo give it a shallow planting, which brings its roots near the surface, and a late one, which obliges it to get its start in w<'alhpr not to its liking, wo need not won<Ier if it disappoints us. Tho plan r follow with it is this : In April I dig V-shapod trenches about six inches deep. 1 sow the so("d in the bottom of these about an inch apart. 1 cover it with about an inch of soil, which I press down firmly. WTien the plants have grown 'to a height of three inches I (ill in about them with some of the soil thrown out from the trench. I con- tinue to do this at intervals as the vines roach up until the trench is fillo'd. In this way I succeed in get- ting tho roots of the plant.s deep in cool, moist- soil. The best trellis for them is one iiindo by fastening coarse me.shed wire netting to posts. It should 1)0 at least si.\ feet wide, as the sweet pea makes a rampant growth under favornblo circum- stunci's. In order to nssui^e a bountiful crop of (lowers throughout tho season it is absolutely necessary to i)revcrit the formation of seed. tlo over tho vines daily and remove every flower past its prime. If this advice is foUowe^l, we can have lino flowers, and filenty of them, from Juno to November." NOT TOO LIKKLIKE. "You just let mo have that photo- graph for two weeks and I'll send you a life-size portrait of Mrs. Iler- liby that'll be a really speaking lik('ne.ss," said tho agent for a now "ciayon [iroccss" in liis most per- suasive tone. An expression strongly akin to ap- Iireliension appeared in Mr. Her- liliy's dim blue eyes, and ho passtHl hi.s hand twice across his mouth Willi a nervous gesture. "Well, now, Oi don't know as that â- <1 be annyways nicossary," he whis- pered. ".She was wid mo in this loife thirrty-foive years, and that gives loiino fur a good dale of talk- in'. Oi'll ji.st have a picturo that shows her looks, widout anny ino- rhanical conlroivanco to roprojuco her v'ice." A TEI{UI1U.F. NAME. The King of fJreocc has an uide-do- cump who rejoices in lliu name of I'uppadiamantoiioulos. In the ordin- ary i!ourso of things, tho gallant colonel would accompany his Hel- lenic iMajosty on his travels abroad every summer, but his name was found to leave a train of dislocated jaws in tho royal wake ; moreover, it was charged as two words in telegrams and was mutilated by lelivgrupliisis beyond all recognition; so he is now left at home, and a gentleman of the name of Thon takes his place in alteiul,Tnce on King tieorgo on his annual visits to Aix-les-Bains and Paris. STONE SUITS. Tho weaving of stone into mater- ial for clot'ning, I' t> making of lloxi- blo and lasting granite troi;Fer.s, black marble coats, and fancy onyx waistcoats may bo a iio.s-s-ibility of the future, says one of t'ic sclontillc pa!)ors. Already curtains are inndo of a.sbc^Jtos and cloth iiiiinufnctured from clmlk, wjiile a certain spinner has an arm-chair covered with a soft and silky fabric of Titian red which ho wo\e toilsomely out of a rocl<.-rod alioll. What shrunk your woolens ? Why did holes wear so soon ? You used common soap. SONUGHT Soap REDUCES KXPENSK A«k for tk* OetaccB Bar. i tf; SCENT SECRETS. Tho Monks of tlio Convent of San- ta Maria Novella at Florcnco havo been famous for more than four cen- turies for tho precious soiret rov-i|.c:i of jiorfuinos and healing balms hand- ed down to them, which thoy pre- pare entirely from herbs and flow- ers grown in tho convent garden. A CHANtJE. AT I.A.ST. I.Ike many good, fresh jokes, this one is built on a very ol<l un<l very common experience : "Your daughter has improvwl won- derfully in her piano-pla.ying," said Mrs. Nexton. "I'm glad to hear you say bo," replied Mrs. Ilomor, "if you aro reall.V sincere." "Why do you think 1 am not sin- c<>re '.'" "Well, you see, wo didn't know whether sho was improving or whe- ther wo were merely getting used to it." A well-known business man Is gift- ed with a kotm sense of humor, which sometimes biriibles forth unex- pectedly, as In tho ollowing in- stance. .Just before he started for a short holiday he called one of his clerks to hie room njid said : "I al- ways notice that you look very well when you work hard." Tho clerk looked up. wotMlering what his em- ployer would f»ay next. "Now, I am going awny for a few days. T ho)>e you will enjoy good health while I am gone." "What can I do for you ?" tho ;Iihy«iclnn asked the gof)(l woman Iwho hnrt enterrwl his ronsultind room "I think 1 xhould have a ronimlsfrion," shit return«l, respect- fully but (irmly. "Every chlhl in our street caught tho iiieubles from • _ I If my l>aby," "I thought all the toasts to-night wpi-o to bo of a light and amusing nutuj-e." "Thoy aro." "Hut you have IJinks down for a topic that is decidodly heavy and .serious." "Of course. If tlioro is anything funnier than Dinks trying to tacklo a great principle that he dcM'sn't fully under- stand I don't know what it is." Little Boyâ€" "Father. may I havo that big encyclopaedia a little while '?" Proud Father â€" "Of course, you con. Your thought aro turning to higher things, I sco. " Little Boy â€" "Yes, father." Boy's Mother (to herself, two hours afterwards) â€" "Ihmip ! More of that jam gone. I can't understand how that boy can roach it." King I^eopold of tho Belgians will visit the United States in ]9().l 'to .see tho St. Louis Elxihihition. Me will be tho very first EuroiK-an monarch to visit tho United .States. yinard's Liniment Cures Dlsfempsr. .So long ago as 1879, a (ieUI at .Sormui/e, in I'rance, was ploughed by an electrically-driven ])lou«jh. IIAiMBUHO PUOPS, Thousands of people have good cause to be thankiul to tho memory of that eminent (German authority, IJr. August Koonig, who oiiginally iisoovercd Hamburg Drops (more than CO years ago), which restore.9 tho wasted energies, cix-ates an ap- jietite, o\ercomes exhaustion, weaii- ne.s.s, languor, and that tired feeling, makes pure blood, cures constipa- tion, dyspei>sia, hysteria, nervous- ness, fuUncfjs after meals, torjiid liv- er, sluggish kidneys, ringing noises in tho head, all skin diseases, and is a general restorative. It euros where all other remedies and pre- .Mcriptio-s fail. A circular descrip- tion of Pr. Augu.st Koonig's Ham- l)urg Drops will be found round nach bottle of St. .lacob's Oil. Undo the wrapper curei.illy and read the I ircular. A now-j)lay to bo llnnnciiilly suc- cessful should attract at Icas't .""it),- 000 sfM'ctators in its lirst throe months' run. C. C. HICHAUPS & CO. llonr Sirs â€" For some years 1 have had only p.artinl use of my arm, caused by a siidden strain. I have used every remedy without olTect, un- til I got a sample bottle of MIN- AHP'K LINIMENT. TIk- benof't I received from it caused nic to con- tinue its use, and now T am happy to say my arm is con\i)lotely i-e- stored. R. W. irAHUiaON. Glaa-.is, Out. 8â€"59 mAHVKST FUOM THU SE.\. In a rc;ent yoai- tie lish caught around Hritish coasts weighed Hou,- 000 tons, being wortli in money from S40, 000,000 to Si ,-.,000,000. A year's catch in tlio llnileil Kingdom conipri.ses, among other things, '2TM,- 000 tons of herrings. It is not easy to conceive what the figures mean. I'ncked up in thousands, the ho rings would (ill 2,r>00,0tl0 bar- rels. Kor would the wealLli of tlirei' n«illionaires buy them all. Klght niilliiin cod aro caught in a .\ear, and (),00O tons of salmon, with a value of between .?;!,000,000 and ?;!,,'i00.000. , ,; HOUSE SAVES ITS MASTER. A romarkablo subsidonco occurred tho other day nt Little J.,over, a vil- lage on tho boundary of Holton, England. Joseph Jenkins wont to attend to his horse for the night, nnd found it ovidentl.v in a stato of terror. Ho attempted to pa.ss it, but it prevented him. Wliilst ho was persisting in tho attempt he heard a loud crack. Ho clutched at the hayrack just in time to save his life, as tho door gave way under him. Investigation revealed tho ex- istence of a brick v/ell, 1.5 yards deep with 12 feet depth of water, into which Jenkins would inevitably have been plunged but for his horse. TABLETS ON WARSHIPS. Tho practice has just been intro- duicod into tlio German navy of sot- ting uj) memorial tablets on board ships to sailors who hove fallen in action. Fifteen warsliljis up to tho present have earned tliu distinction of jiosso-vsing tablets. . ., Ueafnc.«s Cannot Be Cured by IocrI applications n.s they cannot roucli llie diseased portion of the oar. 'I'liero is or.ly one woy to euro deafness, and ttiat is by constitutional remedies. UeufnesH is caused by an inllaincd con- dition of tho mucous liiiinf; of tJio lOu.s- tachian Tube. When this tube is inflam- ed yuu luive u rumblmg uuund or Irrt- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely clo.sed, Deiifne.'iS is the result, and un- le.s.s tho inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed for- ever. Nine cascy out of ten aro caused by Catarrh, which is nothings but an inflamed condition of the mucous ser- vices. Wo will give Olio Hundred Dollars for any case oi Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. fScntl for circulars, free. K. J.CHKNKY & CO., Toledo, O .Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family i'ills are tho best. The ratio of school children to population is 17 in 100 in lOnglaud. 10 in the 100 in the United States, and 3 per 100 in Russia. For O'lr r-ixtr Yfarn. Av Olo and Wei,i. Tricd IUmedv. â€" Mra Wiuitlow'a r!O0CJlit)KS]rritp ha« been tibcil for over six'r iwn by uitliioni of mulher* for ihcir cLildren whi c ieething. with p«rr«c( ^t(i;.J*«». U »oot)ie« ttie chlM, BofUiiB chs cuniii, Kittys all imiri, cur-is vt\n<\ •'« ic, kt,d litbe.bot rtm«ir ftir Uiarrho;* f^ p.ea Ri-.l to (lis IM 0. Sold by drujjbti bi every pun of mo wer d. Tirauty.llTtio«iir.s ft l)ocUe. fifl vunie U i-iCA-oiilable. Ba 4Urtt and »*lc for Hn. Whiilow'a Sooth. n( Syruii and Lakf nuuiher kind. i-.tt Strikes arc by no means modern institutions. Three hundred years ago the workmen at Dover, Knp"Jaii(l, struck for a minimum wage of 112 cents a day. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. Cycling is falling off in Canada. In Montreal only 2,240 licens-es have liiH'ii taken out this year, against l!,7,'j,") last year, and (5,:!47 in 1000. TOBACCO .SUIISTITUTES. Mnn.v are tho substitutes used for tobivco. Dried holly leaves, tho bark of tho willow, and leaves of the stag's horn snimach are used by tho American Inilians. In 8wlt/orliind a weed called mountain lobarco is smoked in great (|Uontilies. It causes the smoker to beconio a men- tal and physical wrccV. The na- tives of South Africa aro rendered nervous imbeciles by smoking the dried leax es of thn camphor ]>lnnt. The wild dngga. another .South Af- rican plant, iioisons slowly anyone using it. Bigger."*â€" "Old Orahall fells me Hint ho liegnn life by running nwny with a circus." .Snigg<er.<»â€" "I don't •loiiht It. He would run away with anything that wn«r't nailod down." Ifiâ€" 03 MWs Liniment Cuies iJipliihnia, Belgium and Holland u.se Orcen- wich time. In Germany, Austria, IVnmark, Italy, Scalndinaviu, at.'.I .Switzerlnml one hour iK'forc Green- wich time rules. HMffl's imiingii cures cafoei ^n zm. KLKPITANT.S AS ROAD MAKKR.S. The Congo h'ree State (iovernmont is constructing a road in the north- ern part of the Stftle for the tran.s- port of passengers nnd goods by means of motor-cars. The in'W route, of which nearly d.'iO miles havo Ik-H-'u complete<l, will join the important Iriuling centres of Dongu and Lado, While making the roiwl a local engineer hit uixin the happy idea of driving forty elepluuits up and down the profecte<l h gliv.ay un- til the thick undergrowth v.-as trampUxl down, allowing the natives to complete tho task. The Gate to Health ia a hale heart, anQ the better thu blood pump the raorevlfforoua the vitality. Some know they hnve weak hearts : others only know that they're ill ana (U>n't suBpect tho heart. Rut cure the heart cures every part. No heart is too sound : ninety-nine out i<f a hundred are Jiitoruered or diseased. Doctors ds set |st ts tbe burt of the lubjact; tobeeffectf e that iswhatmed- k-ine must do. Dr. AGNEW'8 HEART CURE eathroass health where disesie reigned, in the (rest center of the Byttem, the heart. Then good blood pumps in full measaps, sendi new life quiverlnf through every organ and tiisiie of the body. 1 1 means new couraye, new cheer, a new lease of life. -__ Dr. AONCW'8 PILtS icAvem^ertof tne alff«atfv« Hjritem and hMl*r« of th« 4iturdered apparktua. Puraly vefetabia and oatld, forty doaea for tan casta. Ona-8fth tha pHaa of tba neit tMat compatinc plIL IS A lot of people tliink Mre're too care- ful in puttin(^ up Blue Ribbon Cev^on Tea. We can't be too careful \«rHen ^ve're reteiimn^ the orig^inal flfivor and aroma of tHe best witHered tea in Ceylon. Black. Mixod. Ceylon Oreen. Aric for Bed Label. rOR.TY CENTS-JHOVLD BC FIITTY 2 ^ t-f THe RIGHT PAINT PAINT RIGHT If our name is'nt on it, you'll kavB tronbJc vrith it. Ramsay's Paints, paint most and p«int beat. Ready for use and price just nght. write OI, nicatioiiln£ tkla paper, for beaklct atiawiiig bow aame tKaiitif til bMnea are painted with our palnta. A. tUmSAy 5 SON, Pabit anken, HONTKE.''U Satd.1843. 14â€"28 Don't Experiment with otiisr and inferior brandSf USE EDDY'S! In Inh-.iul tlioro arc 22 lantUords who own ovor oO.tA-'O acri>s of laiwi ai)iocc, nnd in Scoiland thoto arc 47 who [lossoss an oiimilly largv area. Mlnafii's Linidient Cures Celds, etc. MartiniqUo, which will piobably bo totally abniwloncd, i.s 35 milo.s long, and from 7 to 10 miles in width. AN ADMIRABLE tUtO IH COLD OUMATee. 1-10 PATENTS SMITH a CAMERON ftolxtoraof Tatent? Can.oii Lte Uui'ds. To mto. Writa i.rtrcu ad» lca 1â€"4â€"65 " ' "y"**"**"** *«» :E>-a3ix<o3i.caac br okUrniDtf, », r .-.iply deliv r,-. i^ute raa' )mii;k CO.. I Toiuuto St.. Torour-. Ttst pbone M.ou 707. v.v^u,., aot 7â€"19^ Cents' SuftsCIeaned â- aiTIBH AMHRIOAN DYBINQ CO'Y Msateeal, Toronto, Ottawa k guebiw, ' 1-44 RUBBER GOODS Latest Noveltie.M, all styles. Correspondence invited. Kn- closu 2c stamp for circular. THE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., F. O. lios 1143, Montreal. 6-57 lna>rumonts, Druma, Unlforma, etc. EVSRY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND LoW!3<t price? evoi' quotad Fins catalugue. 60Oil uutrHilonB, mniled frea. Write u« for any- ihing in MiKlr or )la«lrnl Iiiiirnroeit'. WD.ILEY ROYCE & CO.. Liniiteil. ToroDto, OaC, aad Winnipeg, Mao. 1>20 Oominion Lino Steamships Montreal to UrerpooL Cotton to Liver- pool. Fortl&ni tu Liverpool. ViaQutt&a- tcwu. Lftrse aad VaatSta»mihTp«. Superior accommod4tlon for ftll claMtsft otpa-i>eDsert. S;ifooni aaU St&t«r*oi&s Km ftinidtfhips. Sixioial atteDtioahu been clvca to the Sw-ond S^ilooQ ami Third-Cl&u acconimortfction. For rates of pU'-ivgsftDd ftU puticuUrs, itpply to anj iSflDt of the Company, or -_ * Eichards, Milli X Co, D. Torrance & Ca. 77 btftteSu Bo.-toa. Montrckt and t*ortlRDd. lOOD THING*/' TO EAT Libby's Natural Flavor Food Products Thftso tlolicious preparations atlnw of all tons n( impromptu spreads without the impromptu appearance, ar-d permit the hoateHit to enjoy rather than slave. Our iKxiklct, "How to Make ii<H»d Thloffs to Kat," free to housekeepers." Libby'a At- laaof tho World, containlnff 32 reiv maps, published espresaly for us by tlK* larirest map and atlaa putaltahers in Anierii:a, 13 ruadr now. indexed, and aives nrw nupa of China. South Afvlca, tho Philippines. Cuba. Porto Rico, and is of as much prac- tical u^o aH anjr atlas published. We mail it to any address f»r 5 two-cent stamp^i LIbby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago The Worlift Greatest Caterers ORANGES We have Mexican.s, California Navels, Valencias, and Sevilles. LEMONS WE HAVE THE BEST Carload every week. All the above at niarket prices. We can also handle your| Butter, Efirars, Poultry, Maple Syruf/and other produce to advan- tage for you. THE CAVV80N COMMISSION CO., Limited., Cor. Waaj Market at., TOSONTO. 1-45 PAID-UP CAPITAL] $8,000,00S FOR THE PROTECTION OF DEPOSITORS DEBENTURE HOLDERS. Inii*r« t pud or conipoundcd mica a year. Every Paoillty. THB Danada PepmBnent 1*4; Wistern Canada • MortgagiO Ccrpcraticn, j Toronto Slroet, Toronto, :! RlSERVe FUND $1,600,000 J i-3â€" 27 >V' i 4

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