April 9 1903 THE FLESHUUTOK ADVAJrCE Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Jiulhistei's, Cor- ner Blocks, I land Kailiiig, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,8i(l- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of .stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our linos guaranteed. S Wall<er Sloan PROPRIETOR W.nOORE Business Cards I ribulations of Tom and Amanda WE ARE .SELLING Blankets, Bells, nuts . . AT CCST PRICK Flesherton, = Ont. umm I mi. MAXWELL kM'OVhhOVQH A YOUNO 'U Haiikure,Murkds)a Oo a goiieral baukiuij businoss. Mouey loitneo a reaaouablu rate Cull ou us. A S VANIJU8EN, .1 P & clurk Sth DiT Court, Co Grey SHUor ot Marriage I,iceusoB, Conveyancer Notary I'ublic Auotloiieor. Money to loan ii per cent. Chargen moderate. ' '^ FLESHEKTON P O RJ 8PU0UI.B I'oatinaster, Fleaherton ^orumiflslonor in H. 0. J., AUotianeor Con voyanoor, Appraiser and Money Louder Weal Bstiito and Insurance Agent. Doodo mortgaijes, leases and wills carefully drawn up and valuations made on eborteHt notice, money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col ections attended to with proinptncBS harKo.s low. Ayont for Ocean Dominion teamabip Company. A call solicited. Societies AO U W meets <ru the last Monday in eftcn montii. in their longa 'ooin. Ohristob's block. Plesberton, at 8 p.m. M.W., Uobert llest ; Uecorder, Jan, Felstoad ; Finan- cier, Win. Bel. amy. Vtsitiog brethren Invited, No. HSil. A. nlilNCE ARTHTB LODGE, . . r A ?.I, meets in the Masonichall. Strain s block, Floshi-rton. every Friday on or befors the full inocD. K H W Hickling W M. Chas. Munshaw, Socretury. OOUHT KLKSHEETON, I. 0. P. meotB in ChristoD's Block the last I'ridas evening each month. Visitins Foresters hoartiv welcome. 0. U.. C- W, Hellaniy ; K. V.., W. BusUin ; Fln.Sec.Dr H. Munay ,„ , ,^„„ (I'ay dues to Ur. Murray on or before last <.ay of each niontb.) Medical Ou CARTER . „ . M C P & 8 Ont. Physician, Surgeon, etc Omoe and residenceâ€" Peter St., Plesberton •W^R. y. T. Dltjby,â€" Physician, Snroton MJ ' etc. Flesherton, Ont Oinco andRosidonce. CollinRwood street, one block east Presbyterian church. May be found there day and night. Coroner for County of Grey. SCOTT, AND SCiPTLY . „ Members College Physic. & Surgeons Ontario Graduato in Medicine "' Toronto University, Fellowship Diploma .Post (.ladu- ato edioai S-^honl and Hospital Chicapo. diseases of eye, oar, nose and throat specially ''"""'softly, JOHN A. SCOTT KeverHliam . axwell. this space next week yiiillMi Xaniworth Hoar for fc5 0»rvioc3. Alvin ( No. 728 ) Till! llllilorsi;^Ul^ll Ivi.S II tllOri MH-IlllI'l'll T.iiiiwiitli. liuar Iji-uil by .lolm IJiOl, nf AmliiT, Out., for .si;rvici' c.ii \ni 170 con. 2 E. T. * 8. n. Terms «l OU. ISii.lyr. llichiird .Alloii, Klisliirid 1 IP OTTEWRIili VeteriuRTy Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence - Bjconrt door south west on Marv street. This street runs Presbyterian Church. south H WILSON â- jraduate of the Veterinary Science AHSociation. Uesidenco, Durham itreet, op- posite lloyd.Hickling's hardware. Legal ,1. W. FROST, L L. B. Barrister, Solicitor Couvcyancor, etc offlcoâ€" Next to iHWtolIicu, Sproule's block Fl-lhortun, every Tiiursde N I)â€" Owen Sound oliioe, Poiilott street east. and, court days Frost * block LUCAS, WRIGHT & McARDLK Marristers Solicitors Conveyancers, etc Oincusâ€" Owon Sound, Ont and .Morkdale Out. W H WiiioHT, McAiim.K 1 H Lucas N ISâ€" Flealiovtoii olllce, Mitchell's Bank every Saturday lU'JKKR & PATTERSON Harristers, Solicitors, etc Molson's Hank, Owen Sound HARRY TUUKBh GEO W PATTERSON ACKAVSSAMPSON .IlarriBters. uidlcitoi.i "' U'chuMt'r r.undalk \\ " ilK|.'l(;l''.S : â€" llwoii Sninri, MiuchiuitV Hatik Hloi-k, N. of I'att.irsnn House ail) Street, every Saturday. Money to loan at 4i p(tr cent. A. n. MACKAY.M A , H.R SA.MPSON, L.L.D .â- \!wav« ill attondanco at Flesherton and nniidiilk liivit:ioti Courts. Dentistry NO. 4 Ainaiids was intereateil in the poaltry butiiness on her father'H farm Sho had a number of hens and Hume of the httns hud coiiHiderHbly hirge familici), yet »<> young that they rjjquiied the attention of their jiareiit much leSM than llio uttentiun of Ainundu. At least this whs AnianOa's idea ru;;urilint; the matter. She had,HlN0, a spite against a huge pig that seemed to think il'u pr.sence was i'e(juired in the hen pen too, dfispitu the fact that she al- ways objected when she found it there, and was in the habit of (;ivin.{ it .1 re- minder by way of a broom handle which she always left in u coiiveaienr place beside the door. The pig was of a long razor back type, had considerable speed in its makeup and took the utmost delight in wickedness of every kind. It soon became accu.^tomed to the intrusions of Amanda and used to give a volcanic snort and then bolt throuijli the door upon the appear-mce of the prop- rietor. On one occasion, instead of being sta- tioned at one side of the door, she stood right before the opening and waited for her sweet revenge. The pig began to hum and haw as was customary. At last it bolted, h(K)ked its snout in Anmnda's skirts, and its persecutor was on its back doing a circus act ridinu backwards. The pig, now lilindfoldtd, bounded hiTlw.'r»»nd thither through the Held. This was 0|i- portuiie for Amanda and she clubbed away vigorously tiiouah she, herself, was scream- ing all the while for lielp. Tom was changing work with his pros- pective father-in-law and he and oui heroine's father were bu.sy ftuciiig a short distance away. Tom was so boisterous over the all'air and laughed so uproariously that when Amanda dismounted ivear him she poured some very uncoinplinwntary epithets upon him. "Say Amanda", said Tom, "you could train that pig to the saddle muob quicker if you hiid'nt it blindfolded." "I am uol in the piy training Business myself," she replied, "but some one ought to train you to draw a distinction Ijetween a tragedy and a comedy. I con- sider him no gentleman," she went on, "who is so ready to laugh ata lady's mis- fortunes." Tom felt bad and he tried to fix things up a bit. "I beg your pardon An.anda," he s.iid. "I really thoutjht to rejoiee- over I your goodl fortoryc, but if the piij did not go tlie way you desired wait till evening and I will get a lialtcr on if, then you Biay have .* satisfactory ride." .4manda turned. "That cabhasje laugh of yours has put an end to our friendship however," she sjiid, "you and I are not speaking from this out." Then -Amanda went into the house. Tom was in hopes she would be over lior "mad" at .supper time. But no, her father referred to her ride and she seem ed more vexed thin ever. Tom's heart beat in loud unhappy thumps. After supper he went abcut B.'iinga good Uoor on her chicken pen so that the rude old pig could give her no more trouble Amanda saw what he was aliOut and was glad, yet she still retained her mortilied look. At length the vvoik was completed. Tom was fearful lest his labor would not even now, brinu about the reconciliation, liut he again reUictmi'ly approached the hou.'ie. "AiiiaiKla," he.saul,I ha fe cheat- ed the pig mit of his farce now," that of parading in llio .saiictu;iry of your chickens. Won't yon come and see the door I have made V Tom ivas a wee bit siublornyet â€" just enough to keep liim from getting serious. But Amanda con- sented to go at she was deeply in- terested in that .same work. She treated hor.self to a litile satistied smile, befoie she came init. When ihey cinie to the [HMi she e.xpre.ssed her npiproval of the scheme and then they nent i!owii the lane for the ona. â€" H. Perioo School Children's Eyes. PkR E L* i,o„ E C. MURRAY, !â- , D, R. dental surRoon bonni- mn liliit't <if t'orontn t'nUwsitv and Hovill ('"llete of DcnljU H.ir'.'i'ons .>f Ontario. olMci â€" Opimiite AviOi.tr"ii!;'s .lewolhrv Store. Will v\A\t Ma.iwell the hist We.lniis.h. y if jacli iji'Mitl;, and Durdalk 1 and S Thnrsday it) i.Nirli iiiritilli. For over (Iilrty j-enrs wo fiavo treated nnd cured nil forms of Blood Illsenscs, both bercdlt.iry and ncqiilrcil. Our New Method Treatment Is original with ouiHclvc^-. nml never fails to eradicate the poison from tlio Bystem. Bow.nro of ir.^rciirv nnd other mineral poisons, which so many flnctors proscribe for this tcrrlMo diRc.iso. as thev will ruin tho system. Other trcninionta drive tho poi.«on Into tlin sy.stcm, whereas our treat- ment destroys tho virus or pnlKon In tho blood and removes It from the Bystem entirely, fo the .qymptoinH can ni-ver return. If you have nny of the foIInwInB symptoin.s ronsnlt us before It la too lalo: Blotches, eniptlnns or plinples!; falling nut of tho hair, itchiness of the skin, Htlffness or pains In the joints, pnrenc.'-D In the muscles, soro thro.it, ulcers or bad taste In tho mouth, soro tongue, sournoss of the stomach, onlnrjjed (7land.>4. rnnnlncr pores, etc. Our New Method Treatment will purlfv the blood, heal up tho sores, remove nil pains: the hair will prow In nKaIn, nil organs will bn restored to their normal condition, and tho patient prepared to renew the duties nnd plenaurea of life. We Euarni. je niarriago poaslblo with absolute safety. CUSSES CUARAPJTEED OH NO PAY i. . We treat nnd euro Varicocele, ITervoua Dchlllly, Etrlctnre. Gleet, Blood Poison. Uriaary Brains ar.d IiQBSCb, KlCney and liladucr ?>lBoaBuy. ITavo you lost hope? i.tn you con. laKo? lias your blood been diseased? iy weakness? Our Now Method Treatment | will cure you. OonsultotJcn ITea. No matter who bus treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Cliaruea reasonable. Books rrao. â€" "The Ooldon Monitor" (IMustratrd) on Ijiseases of men. "1 diseases of Women," "Varicocele, Strlcfaro i:nd Gleet." All Bent rHEXl scaled. HO MEDICINE SENT C. 0. 0. NO NAMES OH BOXES OR ENVELOPES. EVERYTHINO CONFIDENTIAL. QUESTION LIST AND CD8T OF TR EATK^NT. T Tl C Ik; , FOR liOMF-: CU RE DI" ATn?Tl I â- '^''" 5''^u o- victim? n Pi A II Pi n I templ.itlnii marrlai i.ii.iuuxj.1.1 . Have vou any wen 14a6HELDY ST DETROIT, MICH. K&K K 8.K About n year ago Wm. Simiiinnsgot a horse ironi a man n.imed Curraii and in Jan. last sold the diurnal lO Fred Hopper. While Hopper was in town wiih tbo horse wi ThuifsdHy last.l, Paul, Massey- Harris agent at Feversliam, aiipencd on the aeene andclaimed the hor.-^e,! n the ground thai he he'd a lion a^ain.sl '.t. (l(ip[ier, of course, very naturally d. c;in"d to give up posaessiun of tho aiiinuil wiihout some further pn^of that he would have to, and loft it in 'ho care of Cimstalile Turner until ho would see Siiniiiui.s, the man he got it from. Wlule ho was away eon- â- suUing tS mmous Paul seeii.s to have li^piiotiacd tho coiisiable and persuaded him to deliver him the horse whidi he ti'jk and lefi fur home, ivideiitly think- ing he h.id a sn.ip. Sinuiidi-i, l^iwover, hiving b'UL'hl aod.-o'd ihe lioy.se in good faith was not satishel with the turn of alburn, iiud .ifter arming hiuisu !f with the pri'per legal ,iu hori:y hied hiiisulf off to Fevi rnham and ret. ok pos.-ession of tho horae ar.d broU'jlu it back to Hopper.who still holds it ill (lonsablo Turncr'a charge anaiii. â€" CreemiU'o S^ar. Armstrong Br.i.s., of this place, aro I cruetiig a priva'e telephone line from I Markdale to their mills at U'ickviilo. Tlio j iiie will run via Olieeseville, one mile I 01 th-et'.t of the \ ilLige, then along the lack line till it atriki s tho giavol road, i» mil« noith-east if riisherlun, and thence III Rockvalo, a distance in allof ten mihis, Tho poles ate being peele.t, distributed and planted this week, and ihey expect to have the line in o|jerali'ii in ten days. Three hundred poles are neceisary. â€" Stanv'ard. Many lives have been rulniecJ through neglected eyestrain m childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee Satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTICiA ' .jtotWU'tnriJTrin.T^trinrupMiiiWtnjiTWjriJi/, I FLESHERTON TONSORl.AL | I PA RLCRS g 2J Don't you want your u.mr cut ? S ~A if so, you can get it done in tnu tS M latest style and in the (|uicke<t ji order. Als.i Shave, Hhaiii|M) 1, Singe ^ Etc done in the most up-to-djie a w ,iy. U1<ING YOUl< LAUNDI?Y I3EF"ORE XLTESDAY I A WILSON : FLESHERTON | :»!& ^(?^p^tFlS«="«5..4Jfe=iS^%' ^jS:^jj:;jj^^^$,3p The Markets. Carefully €orre«' e<l Each Week r» 'â- â- â- 'â- " â- 'â- *"'«*iiiii^;*li-*fc "H iL iiiiii ffum SPRING TEJ^M AT THH Owen Sound, Ont, Begins Monday, April 13th, ipojf If yoiT desire to secure a good bus:- ueas education wnJ be ready for a good position you cannot afford to ini.-s this opportunity. Best college premises. Best courses ofsiudy. Our cour«e.<» of study in both Business and ShorDhsnd departments are up-to-date, piactionland the same as used ill the best bu.>iiiie88 houses of the Do^ million. Full particulars sent; to any address free. Address. C. A. FLEMING, Prin.'ipal rinjjruirujnnfUTimpjTjjf^ Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE m Oats Peas Wheat Barley Butter Eags fresh Pork Chickens per pair. . Ducks per pair . . . . Tudkeys per lb. . . . Geese per lb Hay Potatoes bat; 27 -o 63 o 65 to 45 to 16 o 10 â- ,.. 7 50 to 25 to 40 to 15 tc 10 to 5 0& to 75 -M 27 6.S 65 45 16 10 7 50 50 60 15 10 H. 00 80 Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord IDintd, 1^06$* The uiidoraifitied has a fluo at^otl D ni-ham lUill forporvioe ou lot Ml, T. & S. H. Tonnsâ€" St fur f^rade cows, â- i^;! for thoroufih- brt-^'ls I'odiyroe on api'lioati ii. JACOH LKVKU KlesbcifcouI-'.O. I Flesherton I Photograph I Gallery e iire done in firai-clasa style and al. 3' lowest ratBS^ Special attention ^ given t;o copying. Babies' photos a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS BULHER HjtnWiinutiirtninWriHhlni SSrmliiSiSX i flesherton Furniture marerooms. We are carrying the newest styles of seasonable goods in all lines of Furniture, conaioimg of •. Parlor a»(i bttlronm suits, lounges, sRleboanls, extension and centre table.", chairs, window shades and curtain poles, picture*, easels, et^;. , Which vie offer at LOWEST PRICES Picture Framing and General tie V pairing. IJudertakini,' in ill its V , branches. Satisfaction guaranteea ^ VV, H. Bunt, - - Prop. ^ TREES! TREES! TREES! That'9 our business. We want men to scM TREES of all varieties, fruit and orna- inantal. We are looking for a few hustlers. Are you one ? It so, get our terms, CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY HttfMryman, OOIiBORMB, • ONT. D. McTAVISFi lifMiieiPiiiniiiiii l'\.r First Oiasi Buggioi, Carts, Ploasm-e and Luni' or N\ agons, cutlers, Sleiylis. \\ e kerp a stock ou hand to clioo,«e from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING ANOaENER.'"«?|^LACKSMITHINO and liU'uaMloo flr.^r chiss wivk. We. keep on land Ploughs ai\d Plofgh repairs, and "h'^o Ma'ssey- Flarts and Noxon rei.airs for t.iii'iers, Moiveis, -tl kinds of ma hiieiy, a'^^o ISinder Twine m l.xnd. '^ l^ben m tov^si gii^^ us a call « ^ . . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND FLOUGHS . . ^ ^ Heard^s Works, Flesherton ^ We have Cutters, Sleit>hs,Biiggies,Waggons and Charts ^ Floury, Dymout Butterfield and Wilkinson plough .s § Sharon and repairs of the best quality. Spring tooth ^ autl Iron harrowj*. Also first class handiTKide harness. % p Iforse Shoeing ar.d General !llack$tnit!)ina. S