Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1903, p. 7

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m Ceylon Tea is the finest Tea the world producesi and is soid only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. »pan tea dtinken try "Salada." Gtctfi (i% __i t£ A PRISON NEWSPAPER. The "Star of Hope" newspaper is published tvi ice a week in the fa- mous .Sing-Hills Prison of New York. Its contributors, editors, ar- tists, compositors, and publishers are the convict inmates. From be- ginniii<r to tnd the work is carried out scls-iy by the prisoners. The (irst issue appeared three years ago, and the journal is now acknowledged to l;e one of the most educational and reformative factors in Sing- King and its four subsidiary in- stitutions. CANADA'S EXPORTS. â-  Canada produces one bushel ol wheat to thiity bushels grown else- where in the world. Notwitjistand- ing tliis tact, Cana.da is by far the laijj.st e.xportor of agricultural im- pltMR-nts in the world, her i)opula- tion Ijcing taken into consideration. 1 luini; the jiast seven yearn the cx- [lorts of Canadian Implements have readied the vast total of ten mil- liims of diilitirs, or equal to the ex- |iort of twenty million liusl.els of wheat grown in the great Norlh- wcs-t at lifty cents per busliel. Those facts .should certainly e.-Jtnbli.sh in the minds of all tiiiiiking fanners the excollent quality and the higli ici'utation which ajipcrtain to Cnn- iiclian-tnade iinplenu'iits. Canadian iiniileir.eiits arc exported to e\oty count r\- in the world whoie grain is grown, e.\cppt to the United States. That niarket is a sealed book to Canadian implement manufacturers as well as to the Canadian farmer, for hardly any of his products find a market Ihure. while the aggres- sive American is conqpeting all over the world, and in Canada, too, for evory inch of giound now held by the Canadian fanner and nianuf.-icturer. Don't yon think it would be to your own ni!v.<i.nt£gi'. as well as to the advantage of Canada as a na- tion, that articles .â- s.liould be grown and made at home that are con- BUtiicd by "' the Canadian people? Think the matter over, and see whe- tlier it is iint your duty to work for this end. WHALE'S APPETITE. A whale's appetite is phenomenal. His chief diet consists of jellyfish. He has simply to open his mouth and paddle along leisurely in oruer to take in jellyfish by the wagonload. Such is the methoff adopted by the whalebone whale. Thie sperm whale, on the contrary, captures huge stiuids, weighing often several tons. Like his brother, the whalebone whale, he must be constantly on the lookout for food; otherwise he would starve. As many as fourteen seals have been taken from a thirty-foot "killer." (ither Ijshes of enormous appetite are not uncommon. The bluefish, for e.xainple, thrives on sar- dines and other small fish. Most curious of all eaters is the hydra â€" a strange creature that can he turn- ed inside out without impairing his appetite or its power to eat. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach tin; di.seased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, anil that is by constitutional remedies. IJeafness is cau.?ed by an inllamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tachian Tube. When this tube is inflam- ed you have a rumblmi? sound or ira- pcriect Injuring, and when it is entirely closed. Poftfness is the result, and un- less tha iiitlamniation can be taken out and this tube .-estored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever. Nine cases out of ten arc caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous ser- viCL*. Via will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrli) that cannot l-e cureti by Hall's Catarrh Cure. .Scud for circulars, free. F. J.CHENKY & CO., Toledo, O. fctold hy Druggists. 75c. Hall's Faiuily i'ills are the best. SHOOTING PAINS. Mrs. John Quick Cuced of Sciatica By Munyon's Rheumatism Cure. A Wonderful Cass and Remarkable Discovery. SOLDIElfS IIANDKEKCniEFS. The Russian Covernment has de- creed that in future all soldiers of the Empire must use handkerchiefs â€" heretofore not one soldier out of a thousand has indulged in this luxury â€" and that all the handkerchiefs must coptain pictures emblematic of a soldier's life, both in battle and in time of piece. If an owner allows his trees to overhang anofher man's land, the other ma.v lop them. But the lopped branches belong to the owner of the trees. There are 1,330 public buildings in Berlin. Of these the State owns 833, and the municipality 497. A Woman of f orty-five is young and loveable nowadays, but she is at the threshold of tho I time of rheuraatiim, lumbago And r neuralffi*. SHE SHOULD KNOW that there is one sure and true and speedy cure for them, giving relief almost the in.'itant th : first spoonful ^ is taken, and drivinjj Oct the last of ' the discaao in one to ttire. days. IIolIowaT's Corn Cure is the medicine I to remove all kinds of corns and wiirts, and only costs the small sum of twenty five cents. "Spring has come!" cried the ice- man jubilantly. "Nay," sighed the 'Winter has gone." "If my remedies will not do what I claim for them, their sals should bo prohibited by law."â€" MUNYON". "I hare had rheumatism for a number of years and suffered with pains in my joints a great deal, and shooting pains all througJi my body. I procured a sample vial of Munyon's Rheumatism Cure at the free distribution, and 1 am indeed thankful, ily pains have all left me. If any other sufferer wants to get cured of Rheumatism I advise Munyon's Rheumatism Cure." â€" 'Mrs. John Quick, 102 John street, Toronto. MTJinrON'S BEJIIEDIES. .Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness and speedily heala the lungs. Price 23c. .Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains In tb« back, lolus or groin and all forms of kidney disease. Price 25c. Munyon's Headache Cure stops beadac&a In three mlautes. Price 25c. FEEE MEDICAL AD'TTCE. rersonal letters addressed to Prof. Mun- 7on, Philadelphia, U.S.A., containing de- tails of sickness, will lie .inswered prompt- ly and free advice as to treatment will bo Klveo. 2b TALL AND SHOUT MON"THS. Averages for the height of women show that those born in .summer and autumn are taller than those born in spring or winter. The Tallest girls are born in August. As far as boys are concerned, those who first see the I light during autumn and winter are [not so tall as tho.se born in spring , and summer. Those born in Novem- ; ber are the shortest: in Julv the tallest. OERMAN WEDDING CUSTOM.S. Oermany has a pay-wedding, at which the bride receives her guest;; with a basin before her in which each pei'son entering deposits a jewel, a silvgp spoon, or a piece of money. In soiue parts of (Germany the rule is that the expenses of the marriage feast shall be met by each guest paying for what he eats or drinks. The prices paid for viands and drinks are high, and the young couple often make a handsome pro- fit out of their wedding, realizing a sum quite sufficient to start them nicely in life. Sometimes as many as 300 guests are present at such weddings. The Polish wayâ€" to be seen at their weddings â€" of getting the bride a •dot" is very similar to that of the Germans. Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun^ ligiit Soap. „ i tf. tB Use Lever's Dry goap (a powder) i to wash woolens ^ud flannels â€" you'll like it. IIIVESTIII[|ITS London was made a bishopric A D. 314, Bangor in 516, Winchester not until 635. LlandafT is another ancient bishopric. It dates from A D. 450. Suffer No More.â€" There are athou.'iand who live miser.tble lives because dvspepsia duils the faculties .iiid sluulowi existence with the cloud of depression. One way to di.spel the vapors that beset the victims of this disorder is to order them a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are among the best Vegetable Pills known being ea-sy to tiike and are most efficacious m their action. A trial of them will prove this. The Fijian fossil coral is the best building-stone in the world. Soft as cheese when first cut. it hai-dens in the air to the consistency of granite. Minard's Lloinient Cuies iJipMlifna Britain's revenue department costs 17J millions yearly, while the whole of the Civil Service costs but X.'2 - 607,000. 3 GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL CORPOR.\TION BONDS YIELDING FROM I 0/ Tft t\ Oj WE ESPECIALLY INVITE CORRES- PONDENCE. BOND LIST MAILED ON AP- PLICATION. but; It may be only a trifling cold lect it and it will fisten its f.int;s in your lungs, and you will .soon be carried to an untimely grave. In this couutry we have sudden ciianges and must e.xpect to have coughs and cold.s. We cauuoc avoid them, but we can ettect a cure by Using Bickle's .\iiti-Coiisuinpcive Syrup, tlie medicine that nas never been known to tail in cur- iug coughs, colds, bronchitis and all af- fectious of the throat, luugs auJ chase;. The road constructed by Kapoleon over the Simplon Pass has :;;64 bridges, and rises to a lieiglit of 6 - 560 feet. DoMiKiON Securities Corporation, Limited, 26 KING Sr. E., TORONTO. i 13â€"25 ORANGES We have Mexicans, California Navels, ^'alencias, and Sevilles. X-45 LEMO»' WE coal man. For Our SIxtr Years. Av Olo and WKLL-TitiEn Remsi^v. â€" Mr9 Wiusiow's .soothing yyrup tias Ijcen uifit for over aisiy yean by millions of mothers (or iheir childreu wtiilc teething, with perfect Biicoe.si". It tooth-3 the ctiilO, eoftaiis the gum?, ullayti all puin. cures wttid coiic. sed i J the liOsc remedy for l>iivrrhcea Is pleasant to the lasio. Sold by drussiita iu every part of the word. Twenty-IWeceuts a bot'le. Its value i^ i"Cilculablo. Be sure and aak for Mrs. Nt'ius.ow s Southing Syrtip and l::ke do other kind. 1-i'J â- The Croat Sotith American Rheu- I matic I Cure does !t. "I fancy Jones must have paid Hobinscm what he owes dim." 'IWTiy?" "Well, ciidp't you notice that he pasted Robinson's baby without kissing it?" Parents Iniy ^fntlier Gr.ives' Worm K.x terminator becuise tliey kr.ow it i."> a >al\) iiU'iliciiie for tlicir children and i;n clleo ual cxpeller of worms. Miss M. C. Kennedy, Toronto writes: ' ' 'Before tnkin? 5oufh Amtrlcaa Kbeumatlc Cu.-e, I vhs unable to put my feet on the florr au.l could not obtain rclKt from (he doctor who attended mo. Shorllv nfler takinâ„¢ It I recovered 'romp t'elv. "^ THE aHEATToUTT'AMERtCAN KIDNEY I. 'JRB .s invaluable to women especlallv Kclleves pain in uriitary organs in six hours, and elTects a cure, a pcr- btill Another Triumphâ€" Mr. 'I'lionias S Bullen, Sunderland, writes: "For four teen years I was H.liicieil witli Piles; and freciueiitly 1 was uualile to w.-ilk or sir, .â- ind four yen rs !il;o I ivas cured by usiuy Dr. ThoniaV Eclee'rie Oil. I have also been subject to (Juinsy for over fortv years, but I-Jciectric CTcure.! it, and i't was a per:u;inent cure iu both cases, as j neither the Piles nor Quinsy have troubled j me since." I Old Pr. Grimshaw (to th.e medical student) â€" '.Ynd now, remember that to a physician humanit.v is di- \ided into two classes." Studentâ€" i ".Vnd what ate they, doctor?" Old Pr. Grimshaw â€" "Tne poor whom i he cures and the rich x.hom he doc- t0!S." Minard's Linimsnt Cures DistsdifB:. TRUE FRIENDSHIP. Author â€" "A\1ien you come to my new book, I hope you will not be too severe on me." Critic â€" "1 read it last week, and my criticism was certainly not detri- mental." .\uthor â€" "Why, I didn't see any notice of it in your column!" Critic â€" "Of course not. We have always been friends, and for that reason I refrained from printing my candid opinion of it. ' HAVE THE BEST Carlpad every weeli. .'Ml the above at market prices. We can also handle your Butter, EggSf Poultry, Maple Syrup and other produce to advan- tage for you. THE [AWSON COMMISSION CO., Limitad., Cor. West Markot 6^, TOCOrKTO. Any qua iiiy of dry. mixod wo d suitable (or Brick burning, fcr I'arlj- deliT: r,-. State i-aah price, f.o.>-. your « a ioa. Address. 8'MrSON URR K CO.. I Tocouto St., Toronto. Tele- (ihone Alaui 707. 7â€"19 Tho nev,- international code of shipping .signals became compulsory last .January 1. it consists of 26 llags and the pennant. In the new code C means "yes" as before, and L> is "no." L flag indicates cholera or plague alioarcf. â-  â€" .â€" • "' I m' 11 r ' -" maacntcu'-e. very q'litjkly. iX Madge â€" "Tell us. dear, did he go clown on his knees when he propos- ed?" Polly â€" "No. In Ids confu- sion he went ilown on his hat." l^osswn.v, Jan. 23, IPOl. C. C. KTCHAUns & CO. Dear Sirs â€" This fnll I got thrown on a fence and hurt my yWSt very bad no I could not work and it hurt mo to bi calhe. I tried all kinds of Linii::cnts and thov ijid me no good. One bollle of .MINAllD'S LIM- MiKNT warmed on flannels and ap- phed on my bicast cured me com- pletely. C. 11. COSSRBOOM. Rosswoy, Pigby Co., II. S. 8â€" 89 _ Two tori;odo boats of tho German navy, aro in future to be stationed on till' Kliine. Mrs. Uppson â€" "Your gandfather is an octogenarian, is he not?" Mrs. Neurich â€" "Imreed, he isn't anything of the sort. He is the most truth- ful man I ever bumped up against." "Do you know an.vthing about the people who ha\e moved ne.\t door? " she inquiretl. "Not much," he an- sweied. "except that their h'oney- nioon is not yet over. " "How did you find that out?" "By obbcrving. It wits ruining when he came home this evening, but she did not make him stop at the front door to wipe his feet." A I'ill for Generous K.iters.^â€" There .'U'e many per-ions of healthy npiietite and puor diges'ioii who, after a' hearty me.il are subject to much sutlering. 'i'lie foo<l of which thiiy have partaken I'eslike U-ad iu tiieir stomachs. Headache, depression, a smotlierint; fetlnj: follow, tine so af- flicted is unlit tor b;:siness lu- work of any kind. In this condition Parnudee's Vege- table Pill will bring rtlief. They 'vill .'is- sist the assiiniia'i ni ot the nilnieut, and used aecor.liiig to ilirections will restore healthy digestion. "I tell you, sir, kissing the hand that smites you is nothing to what I saw in this hotel this morning." "What was that?" blacking tho boot that kicked him hist r.ight." W\mh LiiiiiTieot Cores Colds, etc Would-be Cyclist â€" "1 thouglit you said that after twelve lessons of an hour each I should know how to ride? " Cycling Instructor â€" "So you would, dir, if you hadn't spent the best part of the time on the ground." ^^1 a That's " the greatest thino: ia the world," â€" in anything that's worn. You get style, lit and finish too, in D, thing 'ut the one Wearing Quaiities. "Granby Rubbers wear liRe iron." t-i I SiufTered with nervous headac'no and indigestion. The use of Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg Drops cured me cniiiely. â€" Frank Darnard. 410, Avenue D., San Antonia, Pe-x., Maj- 22. "Tho.e is somotiung e'evating in music, " said the artist. "Yes, " an- swered tho manager; "music certain- â- Thc porter :,y ,,^j, fi,^> ^ff^^^^ „( stimulating lofty ideals as to salary." WItH the olrf surety^ St, Jacobs Oil to cus>e. L wmbggo and SciaticQ ^;^ "â-  t % TH*r« Is no Buck «rord «• A»1I. IPrlce, 85« *nd 5PC« loarfl's LiruOi ciires Cflfoei m mi WHAT TROUBLED HIM. I One day two Irishmen, one of ' whom was summoned to appear be- fore the I'ench on a certain charge, were standing oiit.side a local police court. He who had soon to stand somewhere else â€" in the dock â€" looked anxious antl downcast, while his friend, who was trying to cheer him. said, "Come. Mike, kape up jer heart, me boy: shure, now. an' it's justice that yell be after gittin' this da.v." "Be nie sowl, Barne.v." re- turnotl Mike, lowering his voice, "an" that's jist what Oi'm afeared av!" 15â€"03 t-t X N x; 423 1-1â€" S6 Frost Wire Fence is*a «Strcn^ Fence j The 10 wires and 6 st.iy fence h.is Heav)' uprights. There is not a weak spot iu its construction. It will last three lin»es as louj? as other fences. Pl.ice your order for Frost Fence, -satisfactioa {guaranteed. Write for catalogue. The Frost Wire Fence Co., Ltd., 'WePaiirt. Ont . nnd winnlt^it. Mnn •

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