Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1903, p. 5

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*;» â- r*^,;*/,--"- -1^1* -f.e^' -#m !;â- Â»â€¢â€¢ i-' /'•'^.*'^'t -â- â- -â- )- T it E V L E S n E K T X ADVANCE April 9 1903 • . • f'Sf t â- '^V . s 3a.ptist Cli-upoli. PiSroR:â€" GlO. F. HDRLBDBff. Service at II a hi each Lord':$Uay B.Y.P.U. meeting 'â- ach Wrdmsday, 7.30 p 111. TIk^ pastor will pixMch. T.iijicâ€" "The Kiupfy T'linb. " mttDoilist = €burcb, e^ASTO:-i-I2.<v..S. tviaon WiUoii ««rvlce-* Sunday 1 £x.in.& '!p- m >!'â-  mnuâ€" ''If Ohrlat bd not risen, what the'ii? â- ' Eveniniiâ€" "True and False IdeiiLs of Suc- .(;ea.s " â€" Seciind in tlit) serie.s tciyoui;s» "nieii. The chiiir will furuish special pr(Vr:ini at the ev^-niiiij aeriice. Vicinity Chips t'niiriicteristics of the Past ♦Vcck ("arerully Culled for the Ciirioii-s -«=â€" â€" Fresh lime always on hand. J. H. Ouokett, Eugenia. Forsil'-'- -Cheap ou easy teriiis,a couple cheiip f-inns. R. J. Spruule, Flesherton. Money to loan at lowest i ate.s. A. S. ViuiDusen, Fleshertun. The G;i".iey Stniitoa investisatiDn will opeu ill eHniest iu Toronto '>n Moudiy ol next week. Thoroiighbrod -lersy Cows for siileâ€" One new milch, one to c;ihe May 1. X Luiwreiice, Ceylon, Don't forget when you want nAn^.^n Seeds that Sheppard's is the place to buy tliem. 10 packages for 25 cents. Mr. Charley Phillips of the Toronto police force is visiting friends here for h few days. A memorial service was held in the MetUiidist church on Sunday morning for the late Charle" "^I'les. Farm to rent or sellâ€" Lot 137 con. 2, S. W. T. & S. R.â€" 50 acres, 40 cleard. Apply to Noble Lawrence, Ceylon. Our wall papers are acknowledged to be the hnest selection ever shown. Price and quality considered. Thos. Sheppard. Noticeâ€" I wish to annonce to the pub- lic that I ara open for stone masonry and lathinj! contracts. Jas. A. Felstead. Flesherton. Grippe has been tpideniic in this Ticin- ity for the past couple of weeTcs. Ye editor ^was among those hit hard by it. The season has been a very poor one for msple sugar, and very little syrup has been offered in town. iMiss Minnie Munshaw returned last week from Toronto hospital. She i* quite lame yet from the effects of the needle penetrating her knee. Timothy seed for sale â€" JamesStusrt of • Kimberley. hiis a quantity of good, clean timothy seed for sale. He will leave a Sew bags at H. Cairns', Eugenia, also at fiproule, Crossley &Co., Flesherton. Steele, Brinys vt Co. will give ca?h " prizes of 83 and $2 for lest samples of Royal su.:iir beet exhibited at Flesherton- fall show, from seed purcha.sed from Doualasa & Co. See their advt. W.J. Hatton, Owen Sound, has been upp 'iutod junior judge for this county to â- succeed the late Judge Cvcasor. This appointment hat, creited a gront deal of eutprisH. Creamery ;nid butter factory at Flesh cr"on, all complete, for sale cheap and on easy terms. -Apply to R. J. Sproule, ro.\l oataio a^'ont and i:oiiveyanccr, Fle»hertoi». Opened this week at Sproule, Crossley * Co.'s, Flesherton, beautiful dutch so's, only ICc lb. FitSih aarden soe<ls. Mani- toba and family tlour, groceries, all sjld at lowest prices. Mo.sEY TO Ia>anâ€" At 4i to 4J per cent. Expenses low. Also a number of im- proved and unimproved f.irnis for sale cheap. Apply to Geo. Rutherfonl, Shel- burne, or DundaU ofticu Saturday aftor- aoon. Fanii to rent for a tcim of years, consisting <' v>ne hundred acres, lot 32 on the 10th hrir of .\rtemesia ; gooil s'.ime dwellini!, bank barn, well wa*ered with pum^isa.ui snrin.', nod a g'-o<l orebard; A^so «',uantity of small fiuit, andabou' tK) acres under cultivation. Any oue wish- ing to rent apply to Johnstone Gibson Credit Forks Mr. Charley SuUivan, who for the (lost three yeitrs or more has been with the M. Kichardsim ana Royd. Hicklimt Krins, has been offered a lucrative siiuaton at Indian Umi<I, Ama , tnd will li-«v« for that place in about a week. Charley is a ttill honor his biir,bplaee by shewing Ihe wusteiuers of what aturd stuff he is made. MisH Froet uf Unen Sound is a guest at the manse. Mr. John Stewart of Nebraska is the guest of his brother, Suudy in town. V Rouple of young men fri'm out west of Ihe station came to town one day last week loaded up with station fiubt juice and proceedevl to make themselves pen- erally obnoxious with frontier language and actions. One > f them went through W. Moore's Imrniss shop window. This isiy yi-utb was locked up for a time in Boyd & Hicklinii's oil bouse, where his rusty and linipin'; faculties became lubri- cated to such a degree that they *ere able to carry him at ieast part of the way home. Next time these gay young men come to town with such a load of bad iannuage they will be apt to get something warmer than coal oil to digest. Mr. Thompson Wilson now has in full operation one of the best equipped plan- inij factories in ihis country, ccmtaiiung a lai;;e quantity of up to-dale machinery. The t)f»ttlat cootidnsthe heavy machinery, such as heavy'^ plainer and matcher, pony planer, rip saw and cut oli' s,iw. On the second tl.it there is the following ma- chinery: Buzz planer, rip saw, dado ma- chine, band saw, scroU saw, shaper, ten- noiiing machine, molding machine, sand papering machine, turning lathe, emery Slimier, mortise^r, mitreing machine, etc. All these machines are of the latest pat- tern. The beltinij is all long and every- tl.inir runs like clock work. Mr. \\ ason has recently put in a slock of very fine lumber, including cherry, butternut and pine, and is ia a position now to make estimates on contracts. Dragged to Her Death A frightful accident occurred at Max- well on Mond.vy by which Miss Annie, daughter of Mr. William Scutt, of that place, met her death in a peculiarly sad and trauic maaner. Miss Scutt had driven her brother Ui Duudalk station to meet the morning train and on her return journey the accident happened. While descending Fenwick's hill on the 4th line, something gave way allowing the tongue to drop. Miss Scutt wound the lines around her hands in order to hold the horses, but the democrat became overturned and the unfortunate young woman was dragged by the frightened team for half a mile before they were stopped. The young woman, who was IS years of age, was dead when picked up. Her neck and otker bones were bioken. The sad event has cast a gloo» over the neighborhood. The parents of deceased have much sympathy extended them in the terrible loss which they have been called upou to bear. Xo Bu.ilder>s and. Coxxtir a>c1ior*s The undersigned will receive teuders up to Monday 13 April, 1903. for buildioga solid brick church at Providence. Tenders will be re- ceived ou stoue, brick, and carpenter work. plasterini; and painting or on the â- :vhole con- tract. Trustees will furnish rou^h uiaterial. Plans and specificatioas may be seen at tbe parsonage. Maxwell. Thomas Scott, ilaxwell.Ont. Maiwell, April 6, 1903. THOROCCIIBRED DURHAM Bu.ll FOR iService For service on lot 166. 3 S. W. T. & S. R., Artemesia, the thoroughbred Durham Bull. * Hotel Bov," N'o. 36656. bred by Conn Kuapp. Durham, t'edigreeon application. Terms $1 Wbslet Bcskin, Prop. Co Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple mean!?, after suffering for sev- eral years with severe luns affection, and that dread disease consuinptlon, is anxious to make known to bia fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those wbo desire it. he will cheerfully send tfreo of chai-gel a copy of the prescription used, wbich they willfind a sure cure for con^ump- tiOD.ssthma. catarrh, bronchitis and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desir- ing the prescription, which will cost|them notU- iug and mav prove a blessing, will please ad- dress, Rev. EDWARD A. WlLsON. Brooklyn. New York. Notice to Creditors Stafford Mr. Charles Stafford of the -ith line, Artemesia, passed >iway on Monday even- ing, after a lengthy illness covering a period of several years, at the ago of 7S. The decea.'ted gentleman was born at Huy- tield, Derbyshire, Eni;l.iiid. Early in the ijOs. he mairied Hannah Beard ami to- gether they immigrated to Canada in 1854, settling tirst in the township of Uxbridi;e. In the year 1866 they cime to Artemesia, seUlaig on ihe 5th cot.., where they hrousiht up a fam.ly of four sons and three daughters, all of whom, with his wi.lo\v,the dt ceased gentleman leaves be- hind. The children are, Trof. John StalVoul of Pomona college. Claremout, Cal ; Jo.seph, profeosor of i>iol.><y in Mo Gill college, Montreal; Cb.irley and .Jus. at home ; Mrs. J. P.Uttew, ll.Flesherton; Mrs. \V right, Maxwell ; and Mi-s Hannah, teaclur at Uockvalo sthooi, Mr.Stat?"oid was a mail of strict intigntv and a Re former in politico. The funeral took place to Klishertoii cemetery ou 'A'ednesday (yesterday) afternoon. .\ barn belonging 'o John Katon. Kpp ing,was struck by lightening this morniiit; du iiig the very hmvy thunder ami light- ning storm which visited this part â- >( th* Province Tbe barn, which was one of the best in Euphrasia townsbip, together with all liis grain, about 40 sheep, a num- ber of hogs and farm implements, were destroyed by Hie which lit up 'he oimu'ry for miles around. The b sa is a vety ser- ious one, there being only Jl4lH'> insuuince. Mr. Eaton has 'he symjiaiby of the whole community in the severe lo*» ho has sus- tained â€" Claiksburg U Hector. An iutcrejiiing case of insurance adjust- uient IS repoitni in our H.u>ctum. R. J. Dillon, a resident of Kgreiiiou', insur«'d the coMeuts of two barns .some time ago ill iho Germanic luiimn.-e Co. They went situated ua Mljoiniux lots 4 & 5,con. tt, RtP^iuoB*, but ttiai^nt in taJtinf th« ripltde»crihed the property, bu: specified one lot only, viz , No. 4, leaving out lot 5, on which the other barn was located. Tbe risk was 8800. The bam on lot No. 5 was burned, and tbn company, we are told, refused more than $200 on loss sus- tained. A largely sii^ned petition was sent the company requesting payment of I ^^ further amount of claim, but they viewed i ^ the matter otherwise and refused to do so. i '•' The ca.se was subaeqirently taken to Suelph, and last week the claimant re- ceived judgement for ?800, the judge ruling that contents to the amount bad been destroyed, and it made no difference where â€" Durham Chronicle. Mr. Jacob Bricker, near Hawkesville, went with I wo of his sons to the bush to cut down a large beech tree. The tree stood almost perpendicular, and under ordinary oircumstancts could be cut lo as' to fall in almost any desired direction. It was the intention to cut the tree S'i as to fall east or west, bui just at the p'inr when it was severed from the stump a gust of wind blew it southward, where one of the boys wjis halting with a team and wagon. Tbe tree had two main branches. One of these fell upon the horse.*, crushing them to the ground and injuring them severely, while tbe other fell upon the hind part of the wagon Tbe young young man stood unsoratched between. ^:fc&««-& J^iUi nery a? ening . AX-- IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of HiiLth Spotford, late of the Ttiwnship of 0»prt?y, in the ccuuty of Grey, farmer.de ceased. Notice is hereby eiven pui*suaut to 'The Revised Statues of Ontario'* 0*37. chapter I'29, that all creditors aud others having claims against the estate of the said Hugh SpolTord. who died ou or about the Twenty-second day of November, 1903. are required, ou or before the Sixteeth day of .-Vpril, ISCi, to send by post pre- paid or deliver to Messrs. Lucas. Wrijiht & Mc- .\rdle, of the village of Markdale, solicitors for Daniel KuApp X're.^on and'Kobert ij'euwick, the executors of the Last Will and Testament of tbe said deceased, their Christian and sur-* names, addresses aud descriptions, the full par- ticulars oi their claims, the statement of tiieir acCi un^s and the nature of the securities, if any. held by them. AND furtlter take notice that after such last iiientioneii date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amoni; the parties entitled thereto, (lavinti regard only to the claims of which they shall tuei> havu tK>tice, and thur the said executors will i!ot be liable for the said a.sset^ or am part tli veof tv au> pt'isou Ol piTsons of whosi? claims uoti-i sliall not have been receive > by thorn at the time of such distribution. DATED the Teirth dav of Maich. .\.D., HXXL Lucas, Wright it ^IcAhplk. SoUcitoi-9 for Daniel Kuapp Preston Hcd Uobi-i t l-'ertwiek. F.xecntors of the last Wi'd and Xestameutuf Hugh .ipofford.d-ceastod. THOKOCr.Hr.UKD SHOKTHOKN Bi:tll for* Soi^iu^ice for service on lot l:»5, T. ^t S. R.. Xrtemosia the thoroiiKhbrod Dtirbnnj bull '• GENERAL GORDON " Roan calve t \pril »tli, ItXX), Ln-d bv Arthur Jolinston, Vandeleiir. O-it. G"thv Kni ht rf (5re». •i47tq,lUui.ljustro 20tli 27-J7r>,liv Sir Walter IXLi?â€" Lustre 'A'ltbâ€" 160a<, by Venturer, liuiii.l (il4."». I.atly Violet Lustre Ui»p.tâ€"*riSI. bv Ko\ftI Hone 'SiRWI. Lustre 19tli by MontruKx (.H87:ii â€" oxhiiHi Lustre, bv 15th Huk'o of oxfor '. (iJ77r,)~ Lusfu .WLbv Prl.ico Xrthur ilUT*!)â€" Lustre Srd." bv Mactuim l^onu»i> U:!^!77l -Lustre 1st. bv blooiusburv (a975>â€" Lustre, hv -'ikI l3uko ot NortluiintKTlaua (aM6)â€" Wno Hell, bv Kaclu'lor (I0l«i--by Snltau (14t«), bv Noitb Star fV>S\ Termsâ€" ijl -for Krailes, *:l for tborouRhbioJs. I .\ug. WM. DAVI5, Proprlet«r I T. J. SHEPPARD'S, Wed. and Tliurs., April 7 and 8 in iit ^ W^ ^^^^ make our annual display of Spring Millin- ill \^ iA. ikt \i Ui \li \li \^ The Gentleman \li \^ \li \b ery and invite every lady wbo is interested in the great question of " What to Wear"' to visit our opening and jind the answer to the ([uestiou here. The Millinery styles are prettier, ilaintier and more striking than ever. This year om- buyers took pains to secure the prettiest and newest MiUinery they could tind, and we think when you see what we have to show you,you will reiilize that this search has been a success and that Millinery is quit§, different from what is usually shown ; then our lovely models of French. English and New York bats, and original conception from our own trimmers. which for variety, elegance of style and artistic beauty have never been equalled in any of our displays. â€" WILL PLE.\SE NOT FORGET OUR â€" Spring Suitings ! And new styles in Felt Hats. Everything right up- to-date. Order your suit early to avoid the rash. You will always find us letidere in our lines. We are also well supplied with a choice stock of Ready-tu-wear clothing to suit your prices right. T. ik a \k \b \b It it Xt >li il» i^;W^^^.^^^.^.^ J. SHEPPARD, I ^&^&&&&^&S^^^^ VOK - ; Lumber. Lath, Shingles, Flooring. We have just placed in piisitiuii a new jilaner «ii<l in itoher nml arc preu'ireil to Cu^niiili huiliiiiw iitiiterial in all the abi>ve Koi-s. l>et our i|ui>iation« when yun wxnt an,\ thin^. Hickiing Bros. 8ih o>n.. Arteoieaiaâ€" aiMswell P. U. July, OS To the Farmers and Cattle Feeders I would call your attention to the Blatcbiord €eubratcd battle Tood Axp Calk Meal. This food is very highly re- commeuiled by the Great Stock Breeders in the States, and is now being tested by Mr. 11. McGill at our Station, on his farm, where he has some forty head of feeding cattle in stall. Those \vi.-:hing to try it can get any (juantity for a trial, and from the reoommendatiou 1 have no doubt it will repay any feeder of stock. .. W.E Richardson, : Fiesherton. id Important to T^arm.rs , an " '' QavdnQTS, W. J. Douglass & Co., Druggist and Seedsmen, Flesherton Will f'>r the folUowing till dayS s^tdl at the foll«)wing prices Ke-deaned Alsike clover seed from $8.00 per bushel Ixe-cleaned Mammoth clover from 7.50 por bushel Ke cleaned Common red clover from 7.."iO per bushel Re-ckvxned Timothv clover from â- _'.•_'."> per bushel Curnip $ccd for 15 cents per lb. Garden and Flower seeds at 2 cents a package and all other field and ijardeii .><ecds. Dru^s, Metlicinos. Stationery. Books an' I wall paper at low ♦ . prices. c<rm$ £a$b* • Also notice tliat the Steele, Hriggs ^: Co.. will give a cash PRIZE of $3.00 and $2.00 for thti best siunples of Koyal Giant Sugar Beet exhibitetl at the Flesherton fall show, liK)3, growa from seed purchased from us and our certifiicate of the tskct. will be accepted as to the genuiness of the roots. ^^^ . i. \^ *:;â- 

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