Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1903, p. 4

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/ t n < J April 1&03 rttE FLESHEHTOI^ ADVANCI: MUgOWinefai ^o^os3tyxo^K^i:^iÂ¥t F, T. HILL& CO I Our Millinoiy Opening last week, notwitdstanding the unfavorable weather, was a (leci(l(Hl hucccss. Witli an exceptionally capable staft" this department of GUI- store is now ready for the bii^f^e.st kind of business. We shall endeavor to keep our stock in such excellent condition throughout the season that the most exacting customer can be perfectly satisfied at the most moderate price. New novelties will be added fioni week to week throughout the season. â€" OUK ENTIRE STOUE IS â€" Bristling With Bargains. . . Kvcry department contributes something of especial interest to somebody. Many of our best l)arg;uns never a|)])ear iii print from the fact that (piantities are not suUiciently large to make it advi.sable to advertise them. Hence the reason why you should as often as possible visit this- store in person. These few lines picked indiscrinunately from a score of others just as good values will hell) show you the money-saving opportunities we olfei'. 50e. NEWSHIKT WAIS'IS FOR 2.oc 20 dozen â€" 240 Print Shirt Wiiists, hciiuliful a-fortiiii'iit i)f piitttTtis mid ci)li>riii<;s,lif|lit, medium and c'lirk croimds, Hulf c illiirs, vory prctiilv iiwwli' iiiid iihsiilutLdy purfoct titiin;^, Thin entire W wdl be pliiced on side Thursday moriiin.' imd is sure tn lie picked up f(uickly. All sizes, yoiii clinice 25 7oc COUSKTS PJOn PAIR 39c. 10 diizi'iiâ€" 120 piiir Corsets, new up-to-diite styles, steel tilled, splendid jetiii cloth and nicely finished These ccirset.s have no superior anywhere at seventy-five cents, but having run across this lot sit uii unlieard of price we |)US8 the entire siiviny on to our customers. All sizes, your choice only 39 In Our Hardware Department will be found a big stock of : '• Tinware, all kinds Milk pans Churns Shovels Oranite, all kinds Stiainers Washiiia Machines Spades Milk Pans Butter Howls Clothes Wrinyers Garden Hakes Creuni Cans liutter Ladles, Clothes Lines, Hoe3,etc. Repairing and ordered work promptly and carefully executed. ^ PAINTS ! PAINTS ! PAINTS ! PAINTS ! ~ In RaniBfty's Paint we have one of the best, most satisfactory and dependable paints that is to bo had any- where True there are more expensive paints in the niaiket, but they're made more expensive by reason of costly advertising. Ramsay's Paints are all put up in imperial measure cans; will cover the greatest surface of any paint in the market; will stand the test of wear and weather, and in addition to manufacturers guarantee, are backed up by our own as having no si:rEUioii, no matter what the price. Ask for booklet and color cards (free for the asking) giving important and raluable information Full stock of painter'i! supplies always en hand. BOYD, HICKLING I cSc OO., $P I FLESH ERTON - ONTARIO. I K^od:)^o^o^o^'0^o^ F. T.HILL & CO ^s:i^csck<^c^i^ THE ROAD QUESTION. A querist writes elsewhere in this issue asking what our county com- missioners are Joing towards securing the available government money for our roads in this county. Wc do not think a move has yet been made in this direction. We are informed that some ten or eleven oonntiea are pre- paring to secure their share of the â-  million dollars set aside for thi.s pur- pose. Among these, Bimcoe on one Bide of UB, and Huron on the other, have decided to go into the movement Huron County will iaisej8SO,000 and receive $40,000 from the government, making 8120,000 to be expended on th<! roads of that county. The money will be expended over a period of ten years. Careful estimators assert that at the end of ten years each township will have at least 25 luilca. of road with gravel or broken stone. Considering that Mr. Richardson, who was our coiinl.v commissioner at the time, was largely instrinnental in getting the govermiient to place aside on.; million for road pnrpofles, we in this county arc certainly slow in reap- ing the benefit accruing to us from his efTort. Ollnsr cuuiilies hiive lalieii the initiative in going into scientific road improvement when Grey eoniitv o'.iiniid have been llie lirst, instead of shyly hanging back as it has, with its finger in its mouth and letting thf other fellows step in ahead It just uiiniunts to ihis ly open to anyone who feels that he has any ideas to ofler. The Qood Roads Jlovement Editor of TJie Advance. Dkah Sirâ€" I notice by the public prints that various counties are taking action to participate m the ?1,00<),000 fund set apart by the Provincial Government to iiiiprovo public hi^,hways. Mr. Richardson, M. P., while in the county council took an active part in the good loads movement. What are the County Commissioners do- ing in this matter 7 Are thay going to take Bctinn and get our sbare.or stand idly by and refuse to take advantage of the priviliges placed at our disposal by the province and allow others to protit to a still larger extent at our expense? ^Iopin^' t.> hear from some one who knows what ia being don.>, â€" J. W. Township Council The Municipal Council of the township of Aiteniesia, nu^t at the town hall, Flesh- orton, on Moiiilay the sixih day of Apn' A. D., l'JO;(. The inembi'rs were all pres- ent, tiiB roevii in the chair. The uiinnteH of session of March 2,1903, were read and eonflriiu'd. liylaw No 02."), to appoini municipal otlioeisfor lltOIi, was coinpUted in coni- nutloo of the wholii. The following ad- dili'inal oversi^ers weie appointed, viz;â€" - R. Waller, insle.id <if P. Qniiig ; .1. H Duckeit, instead of O. Ij. Latiuior ; R. Ouiioe, Ilobi. Oiahiim i.nd .lolin WoVer. (lihscni â€" Muir â€" That the Reeve pro- cure SIX drag sciaptrs for the use of this Tlicic- ia a million I io«nshi|i - ("arried dollar fund to be divided. Ulherj McKenzieâ€"Hesi â€" Thai all parti.'s who counties arc taking advantage ol liiis I h-ivo left obstructions on valley road be and aicgellii.g their share. Con proper time to wait upon theGoverninem in conjunction with the delegates to uri.» that an ade(piate subsidy be grant2d the above named railway company.â€" Carried. Council adjourned. I Spring IHiitmery^ ^> Onr opening display last week was jnsl w-hat we ^ had planned â€" a distinct advance on any i)i'evions 4» showing in former seasons and excited general ad- J^ miration. ^ Besides trimmed Millinery you'll find us fully ^2 prepared for your wants in other lines â€" Keady-to â-¼ wear hat.s- Knockabouts, Sailors, Children's hats of ^ all kinds â€" an elegant selection of entirely new goods ?F â€" nothing carried over from any former season. TT Our prices are right in every article too ! Ready =to°wear Skirts. ; Cloth skirts, navy, fawn and black $3*75 Homespun skirts, all wool, black and oxford, new tailor made styles. ...$5.00, ?5..50, $6.50, $7.50 Duck Skirts, fast colors, black and navy, neat patterns, spots or stripes $1.25, $1.75 Sateen underskirts, new styles and designs 75 cents to $3.25. We pride ourselves on the excellence of the cut and fit of our skirts â€" their workmanship and finish leave nothing to be desired. teiineiilly.if we dj nolulaim our share wo will have to pay our proportion to- wards bnildin;{ tiiese other roads and reap abs.iliitely ini bnnolit our.selvrs. Would it not be wise for our county coiiiiuisiioners td organixo a forward movement along the lines of peimaii- ont load making anil get th ir sliDre of the government money going '? Wo are glad that .1. W, has ojiennd thin ipiestion ind feel that tlio time is opporluno (or a disicusHicu of the matter. If oi<r county comiuissiunors do not feel that it is wipe In go into tilt- tclieme we would like to publish tlioir iTHBons. Many rai4'pay<u» with whom we jiuve spokiii think it n slion Kighted (Hilicy to delay adopting some 4 1 lU of pnimanent load iraprovcnieiil «ud we think with thi'tn. Uowevcr. it is • question that will boAl' t lot of di'iciiVHion, ft'tid unr oolumuf are widc- n Hitii-d by the ilerk loriMiiove the same at once. â€" C.irriod. Muir â€" MoKenzio -That the Iti-eve and Mr. Giimon bo a coimniitee to iiiH|ioct and pass ^if natiiifHelory) oiilvjrts built on Vidluy road.. â€" Carried. Muirâ€" McKonzio â€" That pathmastoiR «nd p<iuiidkei-pcrN of this mtinicipnlitv bo furnished with a copy of bylaws, roferrii.f; lo their duties as such otliciTs. â€" Carried. <lilrtun- Muir -That the accoinits of his corporal lou with the Hank of Hamil- ton bokepi ill the iiaino of the uorpoia tioii, but that \V. A. Arnm'roiig,the trivifi- iirer of said eorporation.bn and liii ishoru. by niitlioriiced to nIku eheip'es upon the same on bulialf of the eorpi'rHlion, in bin own nxme an sueli treasurer. Muir â€" Bestâ€" That tliiH council rocni(- ni/. 'â-  the im|Mirianue t<> the towi.Nlii|i pr^igroja of soeiiring increiiHnd railnay fnciliiiai, and lirliovinK th.tt the road known K« the Poit llurwvll siid (•eorgi«n lUtf railwny would supiiljr â-  loiiti-fult wnx^ TbL-reforo the reeve in in- •ttiUt^tAtm proceed to Oltawi* At th<- Another cement company has been formed, the Hanover Portland Cement Company, Limited, with a capit.d of 8500,000. The provisional directors arc D. Knecbtel, .1. E Knechtel.J.H.Adams, Henry Peppier and J. S. Knechtel of Hanover. We are informed that Judge Klein has received word from Now York capitalists that they ara prepared to begin work iinmediatoly at the electric railway to run through Hanover upon being notified that the charter has been extended as per application now before parliament. â€" Post. Collingwood will have a thiid newspaper, lo be published by Messrs. Goodfellow IJros. of MidUnd Free Press. Mr. C. A. Goodfellow, who for the past tivo years has been editor of the Free Pivss, will bo editor and manager of the S.'iuaphoro, the name of tlio now journal istic venture, which will bo independent in politics. The firm of S. and .1. Hisoy, of Cree- niore, are enterprising. They aro going to install a system of watorworkR for their private rusideiices and those of their neighbors who wi.sh to tske advantage of it. Tlu) wuli<r will bo brought from a s(iring 2,400 feet distant. They will have a tank of 100-bari el capacity at the sjiring, and expect lo havo force sullicient to throw a stream over any house in the villagu. At llie hist sitiings of the Division Court at .Mliston Mes-rs. A. Wfssons and John Ilayden of Nicholston had a n-ighborly law.'uit. The plaintiff claimed $2(1 for variims services oovoiing a num I) r of years, and 'ho defendant had an otl'stst of 9'V.\. Tho C'tae occupied the ciniit fi r .ibout half a day, judgement being reserved. Judge Boys last week handed out his decision, whioli awards the plaiiil iff 20 cents, each (larty to pay his oh n costn. It haa boon learned that in the amount of sugar turned out by tho fimr sugar factories ill Ontirio the Berlin refinery Uwis by a good maruin. The Ontario sugar refinery turned out 6,000,000 pounds ofau^ar. Walaccburg 4,000,000 pounds, Drtwden ;i,600.000 iwiundi, and Wiarton l,i>00,000 |M>unds. Wiavton had ii'iirly as many beofd aa 8'>mo of the others, nnd of tho best ipixlity, but iiicompeteni luanngement on the i>art of tho luffar niiker re<Iuceil the output by inoro than one half. There'* a nigger in the fence t«<S and theae tiuurea will raquira to b« veriOed bofora the go*en)ineiit grant is psidâ€" Wiarton Eeho. Come in and See Our â€" Reliable Footwear for Spring . a We can Suit You I What about a New Spring Suit. Whether you want a Keady- made or an ordered suit you'll find by far the best selection here ! In our Keady-made Depart- ment we can give you a wide choice, all sizes, all prices and a big range of fashionable cloths. Every garinent,finished and trim- med in the best style. Our new ordered suitings included all the latest and most popular cloths for Men's wear â€" our prices ar^ moderate â€" our trimmings of undoubted (juality, and the fit antl workmanship of every orderoil suit guaranteed. Men's Ready-made .suits ... Youth's Ready-made suits.. Boy's Koady-made suits Men's ordered suits Men's ordered pants ....From !?4.-J5 to 14.00 . . .From $3.7;') to 7.50 ... .From $1.75 to 5.00 . .From $10.50 to 20.00 From $-2.75 to 0.00 Men's Rain coats Men's T>veed Pants ' Men's Smocks Boy's Tweed Knickers Men's Overalls Children's Blouse .suits. New Spring Wall Paper I . * " k :vr %\:: • I •.â- i» â-  » < f V^ Our Spring stock is now complete. It comprises some of the most select pjitterns from the best Vn- nudian makers. We neverstarted a -spring tradewith such a clwin, fresh stock us we do this .season. We are giving better values than ever and you'll fintl an innnense variety â€" larger than ever. Prices Range fmm to HJe. 60c. the double roll. We'll be pleased to show you our Wall paper samples. Come In. ^^^^^a ^^'K'^

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