V ' •"â- ♦ * !â- >:r^. .^' antt. *k "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PfiXNCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. xxn, N( Fleetiertou, Ont., Xliursday. 4 • April 9 1903 W. H THURSTON, EDITOB _. PKUPhBTOll I : ynuiis; {icqije, wlio, ne<?ille.sa to I i'joyert thtui^e'vi's tlormiijlily. llmyiG^ -v."- â- , - Mr. Jtfnie» Lit'Ie Hud Mr. Wiu. Jack- this wee|^ and in a few d^s an easy sun hIso g.ivu p:irii-H U) a large number of mejins of coiBiauDication between the two say, en- great business establishmenta will be I complete. * A little liirl ariiveil at thehoniaof Wm. j Mr. Jos. Armstrong, manager of the Mniton fic°nily. ntilljju|^, received th^?ad tidings on Mr. Andeiso.i, fr.im above Wareham Thursday morning last of the death o^ hiM niiive>l into the hi)u.se vacatad by Mr. hitf^mther fn Markjiale. He lyis the! WhIIhcp. We extend to Mr. Anderson sympathV of many frQdds here. . i and family a coriial vvt^lcfSine, ftlao to Mr. â- Mr. MoHiu Phillips met with a very' Liullow, who T' ceiitly mi.'ved to Mr. II. heavy loss on Saturday morning. Three CorntjeId'.s plnoe. , valuable cattle were found dead in his , -_ -«..• • -m--^ ^ 1 stable from some niysterinus ea«se. and i HcFARLAND, STAFFORD & CO. ?- ^' HARKDALE. ONT. , ' ' -:'^, ^ ' Orey County's Biggest and Cheapest Store. ^ 'e'^ ' Eutfeiiia The CiUiawiiiii band i.i .".adiy out of tune tl'.e.se day.s. This coM .><pell has kept the ploughinj Ij^ok considerably. We are pleased to see Mrs. Johnstone I Always Interesting, This store leacts in interest at all times. . Stocks t two or three others ^re under tre atment. 'â- â- j^pgf {jpj.g fjjg yarfetv is greatgst ^md pHces are Hlfariably the "^ „ "*'r,ii : lowe.st. A^'the logic at our comiimnd won't bring s'&oppers Stocks are big- \ unless they choose t6 come. Extra good value is the magnet^^-. Honor roU forjS. S. Xo. V class â€" Willie Diiisrwall. .\riemesia. that 'draw.s gAstomers to tliis store f ucni fiu' and near.' Sales IV cksa-Edith -Dm^-waii. >jei«e i ^^'"^ J^^^^^PJ"^- "P '^^^^ntinuallv. and tlMjj^tire organizatiOYi keep.-^ home after a pleasant among her friends. ; Pleads, Louisa Dingwall, John Oliver, J. i paCe witli the niacch of progre^. WTQtCCept the responsibility ot'doing better tlinnlhe average. 'lrf*^ianv elasse.s of ways we Pricevillc The soiree held in the Presbyterian church on March 30 was ii decided sue cess. The proceeds amounted to nearly 850. Dr. Hutton was chairman. Rev. Mathes<m of Chatsworth spoke well and interestingly on the "Crofters of the west." Able speeches were also deliv- ered by Rev. Mr. Little of Holstein, Rev. Varley and Matheson, Priceville. The Dromore choir fumi-shed splendid music. Of course-you are aoing to the school concert ! It would never do to miss that. We are all going. Why ? Because we believe we will get the big.;est twenty cents «-orth of entertainment, , fun and instruction we ever yot. By all reports the quantity is very littge, and the qtHiIity very excellent. Several new features have been added to the oiigiiial program. Five violins will be in the orchestra. Gaelic ducts will have a principal place, â- nii<hland dancing wilHie a strong feature. Intricate^dflTls will delight the audience. Bagpipa accompaniments, and so on. The bills do not tell li.ilf about it. Wat- son's hall, Priceville, Friday ev'g next. ' '^i*;, Klmborlcy -â- 'jAS - 'Spring is here ag.iin, and has brought its usual work. Mr. A. Ellis is burning a liuio kiln at present. We are Korry to report Misjs Emma Iluiilin-, sick vvith intlaniatory rheumatism Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorge McConnel and family hBve returned to their home here, havii.s; .spent the »intor on , thoir bush fitrtn iie«r Markdalo Mt. A. Sluiuk IS holditig .speo^I meet- ings in the union churuh at present. Mr. andAJrs. J. Alexander have moved to IJicnibmy. ha\ ini; KiiM th<;ir farm to Mr. H, Wicken^. Tliey nill lie mi.-!.sed in the cUnrili and sabbath Sehno!," -where thoy bo'.h were workers. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Fawoittt have been forsi'Mte time in Heii^;'oi*c8. â- The latter 's fathiT fell oii^'.ho sideH.ilkaud recidvod in- jinie.-» T,liicIi|iiovi'd fat il to rheoMgontle- mr.n, who IS oV6« 80 years of .age. Mr. John Cillesp-e spent Sunday at the p.iru'ital !ion)e near Crnigleith. Wc lire glad to be able to report Mr. Hugh Hainiiiund improving, after his ticnit attaek of appendicitis. Muiiiit Zion ItonHi Our Sunday .schoid trhich has )K>en elostd duiing the winter month' has been re-oi{{inii!ud -vith the follown n otli.-ers and toachers : Superintendent. H.D>wn; •eacher of Bible elas-i, H. D iwn; othe» teachers, Mrs. J. Goriitield, Mrs. W. J. Henderson atid Mrs. Kerr. Sec -Trcas , llolle Heiiderso.i; librarian. R. C iS.hojd opens on April I'.'tii an' ^ct a »ueoos.«fnl term. A siicces»fiil \v<«>dbei' liHikfl.ieeat Mis. J. Tkylor'i lately, and alxjut fifty |^ip1r ! thoroughly enjoyed Ihemselvrs tripping tbe light fantastic '<>« 'ill th« early Kour pf thc^ >(> ^^^ morning. are mstrumeritftl ii\ bringittg prices down, from the large^ <^kI \j^ai Old Country firms, from the CanfvliJ«Vtii;^nufacturers. and are The r-ung people are sorry to loose Mr. I Whyte. Murdoch Carr from their,midst, as he was' „^^^ classâ€" Robbie P^ton, Mary Patou, , r u . II I. I n ' Harry Oliver, ilary Muir, Bobbie Oliver, a general favorne, but all hope he wdl , ^^jn;^ jj^^^^ j,^ J y,,^;^_ j^^^ j,^^^^; enjiy life in Dundalk «nd 6nd it veryj It classâ€" Jennie Miur. plea.sent. ' I Pt. II sr.^olm Wrftt.^ Maggie Hen- Mr. T. E. Fenwick has gone to Colling- 1 derson, Annie Muir. , ,. , ^^ u- f . All • • - ' Pt. ITjr.â€" Wilhe QJiver,Einrui.Meads, wood to better his fortune. All loiu inip,,,it4;„ j t,„, ,-;â- â- ,,â- â- .'=""0, •' 'S''" nenaerson, James (jillies. i " 1 ^ 1 â- " wishing him success. He will be areatly i id classâ€" Garfield VVhyte, • Ira Whyu,-' bUCh ValueS as the'Seare OV nO meaUS COmmon. missed by the young people. ! Willie Oliver.^ ', -- Xote CiMih item Carefuliv Rev T. R. White has been for a short ' b . E.'Stoxb, Teacher. _ v time holding services at East Mountain.! ' * 1 75c. O^ BR.\LLS F(Wl 39c. 'The pen pie of that neighborhood consider' ..•^epo'"'^ of Rockvale public school for") 50 pair <\i«u's to^ftn^de overalls, as V^e import direct We buy direct in close louch with the best minV'^We are at all times satisfied with small profits and mark all goods in pkiin figures with one price t© all. The ineetiims arei March El wood It a great pnvi.ege. .iue meeuu^a »r=, ^.,^^ V. -Victor Phillips, well attended, ^'her.- not convenient for : Genoe Mr. White Mr.F. T. -~'arr takes his pl^ce. | Class IV, Sr. â€" Bessie Rus.sel. * A Sunday school has also been oriiaol^ed ' Class IV, Jr.â€" Jessie Phillips, George ^. ... .. " ,., i Enijlish, Mabel Chard, Vera Phillips. Ill connection with the meetings, which 1 ,-.1 ttt c t- 1 n 1 . ^i " Class IU>F. â€" V ickio Park, .Arthur will be a great blessing to the young of I Chard. Fred Ru.ssel, *Maagie Fisher^ that community. .^ 1 Ed. Chard, Great piles of excellent lumber are aceu-' Class II Sr. â€" El ma Armstrong, Sam- mulat.ng iiround Mr. C^rr's saw mill. He l""?-^^"- l\^ R^'^'^^V, Charlie Hoy, F. =• , , , ^, , Porteou.s, Ediar Belts, and the grand 0I4 Beaver must J)e putt- ; Class H Jr-Ellie -Vrmstr-ni,' Ernie ing on e.\tra speed. : Russel. Edna Fisher; Carl .Atkinson, Reta Some sneak thief entered Mr. Robt. [ Fisher. Ednji Piuk, Lnwis Pedlar. WiUianW barn recetitly and carried otf ' .^f ';''" vi " '^V-^'^'t^' ^Hvi'''' ^ll' , , .. , ^•' White, Ed.vui t>iuithA.MM-v White, R. a l-jt of hue apples. Some oue is carry- ; ciark, (^o. Chird, N Jh? Fiiher. ing the joke a little too far. .\ d.>se of- A? lass Ft. II Jr. -Gertie FUher, W;ilter lead .j|W»y-ifive thorn something harder ' Fisher, OfU Betts. ^ .<|. to-irgcsr than apples. ^ ' mS'Tp^'.i ^~n"" ^I't"'" ^f'"'' ?r '"^• * ^^ Mabel Radley. Eiwo.d Partridge. Minnie smne in 39 sorted stii^^aiM check patterns, , .. with bib anrfSikuspender, others pla gtilar <?Nti^'. qualities for ; \D^m 89o. in assorte\^fancy pat- .hite,. pink aH^ white, ra lara\size, ek wide,ii8ifey reuular valiiV ce block, regti §1.25 BE 50 Bed ' terns in .and blue HXl incles kno^fl'ing 81.25 eijch, oa 50c.' TWEEDS' 300 yards Fine- Wool Tweeds, in as- sorteifli^htmeiiiuinii and dark patterns, very suitalile for boy's seR(x)l wear and good value at 50<i a yard, our price 3S [• I6c. DR ESS DUG KS FOR 12ic. ' ' '. - ! 20 pieces, about 800 yards. Dress Duck.s' ..,,iUi navy and black, assorted >rripe and spilt pritlerns. eitra h.ivy weight and ! full 26 inches wide, splendid for girl's I school wear, regular value to liiiy, ItJe. ' yaid. our ].'rice 12i ' 5«. W ALL PA PERS FOR 3k. l.i-XK) mils new patterns Waff Paper, white ground with ne.it uesigir in'j^liin^ i mer.the '(uality usually suld at 5c.siU{^'^ t* roll, on aale this sea.soii a: *'^L.- ^.4<pT0ILET SETTS FOR $1.68. 4f 10 Rn^et Setts in heavy porcelean china, six p'ecfewsio set, in fancy colored de- covHtiiMis o?>)ijik. blue, green, brown and penci; R<*i;ular f2.lH) values, on sale at '--, *â- -' l.i;.'^ â€" ^.v ^ â- Grocery Special: We are^]K;ase.l to welcome Mr. Will AnnsM^n" Liiwrence as a resident of Eugeiiia. May! Average attendance for the mouth 55 he find lite veri^lensent here. H. W. St.\FFoKD Te;ieher Mr. and jji^.' J. .\ Williams have moved to Dundalk. They will be i;reatly ' Standini; ot S. mi.ised a.-- they were bntli popular, but all March, h.ipe life's path will be pleasent for them iu their new home. .. Jlr. M. Sherwood of CoUingwood visit- ed fviends here the past week. for Kockvale Artemesia Class V, sr â€" Frank Harrow. Clas.s V. jr. â€" Sadio Fietchei, Ethe! Har- ' row. Kale Fletcher Cla.ss IV. sr.â€" Hunter Harrow, James I WliitaNer, Wm. Fletcher. Thos. Murlcr. Class IV, jr. â€" .lohii Clinic. Cl-.ss 111â€" .J.dii. McArhur, Janet Flet- cher. Ve:oniiea Butler, Spurgco'.i W'ait- taker, Uiilibi^ .Spicer. Class lI--lKMt Whirtaker, Magu'ie B.yce, Wi;l Me.Artlair, Tom .McArtiiur, Pearl CiSrns, Ai:i;ie Harrow. Class Ft Il-Stel!a r.utler, Fmnia Whi- ^Ibs.pureJamjica browu suj;;ir,^ut&l4H) d^fi|gaswffiff?5-'r;Mi bi.ok i^a fi.r^o:) choice new Halhiwee Dates pjr lb. 5c. 10 Ib.tiu choice clover honey, ner tin 8O0. Large size 'tin canned peaches uii'y 10c. Lar^je sized tin ciinued sugar bee;s (sliced) 5 cents. '• Lirg. t- and beans) per 61:1 lOo. j Choice spice English tiiixev 1 b..rtle.'; 2.5c. - ' Try our special l>rands of lire of «»!*â- ••-<-â- «â-º.- picklv'. 'i^. â- iA-. .Va paiu Bhi^k tea at 25c. lb. Pi>stivel be3t':55i.>. viilue in the tride. that .w<iu't 1' nd _ \ These are everyday prices, reaiainiflg in force as long as tlie g ifcds last long. Vour uu^iiey back if nii: satisfied. M:cF'ax»la,3n€l, Stafford. & Co. Intended fdi- last week .Again the laborers ^as.senible at the sonorous call of the mill whistle, and a thrill of " business â- '# is sent ctuirsiug taker. Tommy Spiccr, Edna .Fletcher through tha veins of all as they witness theexlensive supply "f timber awaiting manufacture. Mr. NV J. White li.as been a sufferer fruin (juilisv fi.r a couple of weeks, but is able to wi-rk again' Mr. Thos. Fisher »as attacked •» few days ago w!i;h what is feiued to be ap pendioitis. Mr. Jas. Blakey of Osprey has reated .Mr. Ceo. Radley's farm and taken pos. session, the latter havin.; gone to ton. Minnie McAr luir. Chiss pt. I, sr. â€" jBhn Hazzard, Harry Hazzard, Riii Bnyce. Class Pt. I, jr -S.ira IIaz:wrd, Geneva Kutler, Wilfred Liu.ier Butler. .Alteiid'isce li7 J. li Woon Te.Tchor It is prob.ilde th;ft a bill will bo in- troduoi'd in the LeL'i.slaUiro to strike out the clause in the .Municipal .Act, tnevent- iiig iiiemliersuf scliodl lioaids from .serving on Munioip',1 eou'icds. It was intr. duc- Hamil. "'' last: session by Mr. U.>yle. I'f Oulaiio,tii meet a special case in i .Me.-srs. J. andS. .McCnibe of Owen "Jin^- I' Soundi who vi.sitoJ relativoH»here last, cu.ssion, an: week, attracted and entertained local audiences every ni-.;!ii until a late hour, with their upti'-date kiiamophono. Mr. Mat hew Gillespie has niov.d near or to Fiefchi-rtoii. Mr. Wilfred Pliilipj?,. »ho rotur.ied « C'Uple of weeks asjo from his lenghty trip, lirouiiht with him several souveiiiis from Alil>aii)a at d other S'Uthern S'ates. Niurh s ow n went through with 111 ^dis- few weio eve. I awaro that it was on the stfitut- book. The result h.is been that there have been unseafinents eveiy week smco the lirst of Jaiumiy, of men legitiinat.'ly elo.ted in ii!n<>ranee <â- ( ihecIa'iKc. It li.is proven a g.MMl source of nvenuivto hyvyers hut is not re;;arded U-efuI in other iispeels A siorv cumos from Carrick township to the elloct ihit a we'1-known farme Four y*>unj ni'-nfr '111 hT.',Mes.sis. Jfeil "anted his smi {,, yof up e.irly and '^o to McDonald, Jas. Jamicson. Robert Philips W"rk. X'le boy had a habit of answering and Richard Noble have resi'Oiiiied to "'yes sir" and goinij to sleep again On the i.ijuiiciion " Go we.st, youug man, go '•hiH occasion last week the father to make wcjit." and are ii'«w on their way ^• the 'i^* mistake, called ihe Uiy, «<>* the " yes ud which, in the opinion of so ..lany, sh- ' and then si id up the .stair, turned js flowing with milk and " money." down the covers and gave ilic (lersi n h This Week s Perns * lood sjiankii.;.'. It liappene.l that on that Mr .Artley of Markdale is drilling a "iubt the hirevl yirl had b. en t,iven ibe well for .>!r. Jos. SlieiWLod. boy's teoiii. When the tumult was over A telephone is in process of ooostmc- ' the nwni sat down behind the barn snd tion between heie and Markdslo. About drafted a wiitl.-ii iqioloay to tie hired three hundred poles are being planted giil. â€" Han- Acr Post. I W. liOCKLEY "W. HOCKLEY | ^ . PrOTroii St;_\t'ion ^ ^ .^ s^ I Thirty Dii^s' ^^ ~ | ilBars-asii Sales.' .'. . I Ready-to-wear ClotMog -4 Grcceri.s A Specialty â- ' *° ' II) Tweed Suirs, roiru'ar .?S 50 an. I ,^- 5 li's. Ctu-ioe Japan Tea i on Si' OO for ^t; 01) t lbs. Oi ..ice lllack Tea 1 CO 5 Twied Snit.s. regular Sfi.OO for. . 4 50 c.„i,d sjihnon [i. r can 8o .Men's Fur Caps, l!ol! coney, oniy i'. ^^ :'i V ^ set na;sn.« or, left for 1 4~ ,. ,, „ , p. ^ -"- (> I '•.•«. fresh I' igs .. -^ only Ladie.s"' Cas>eria\s, regul.ir __ 3 Ib.s. CorouMtii^i biscuits . ; . USc price 84 for : 2 75 ._, ^,„„,.er '^ynt Bakiiii: posd.'r . ..... 2:-- Great re.Uution in Ladies' Clotb F"ak_-d Peals, per packet Coats. .A l.im' a.ssortiiient of ,, „ , ,,,.,' . ., . n , , . 1 u o Iso'tUs bxtiacts ov Men s Pea Jackets mid Heai v -•."- llsteisa* rock luttom prices..' 'â- "'' •'i-"'ii'lHle.l Sugar 24 lis. .... 1 00 Men's He:.vy ,il!-woo^errse)S at ^. Bn.w n <ii^«r, 31 11^8 i ^^l p r suit." ^ SOct.^" Tri.iidad Siigir, 2S lbs.. ] qo 100 |iair» Ladies'^all-w.i.l hose, very 3 pki^s Prince of WaUiToba^co. . 25c heavy at p.r pair. 25ei. 3 plogs I'rier T..I->j(eco 05^ «£ Como i-incl in^i:)ect Our stock of Carpets. SE ^ Whi will find the prit es right and the good.s first clas.-<. t ^ .All wo.. I ,><heeiinu' 72 in wide, on s»le a' 4S , ei.ts i«-r yaiil »- . ^ 12 Men's C.r.tij.rs. regular $1 .-,0 for ?l.l!) eael,. Large X'rw St,K:k of SaPr ^ Hl(M-liniT l?oots and SIiogb ?^ TOKSiiSE ^m FOB Stlimt ^^1^ ^r ser^ ice •I . ' 1 Thp iii.rlP'si^Mie,) ln« a fi.st iImm, iiipfp,,,,,, Th* nm'i r ig'iti) b«« « flue il oicm libtett ntcd Miort Iloiii onli. 2 wt. 1 lii f.n Toi|ui-ii» l.^w for seiTici- eu If.i 14, filth con. ; l* K. T. .1 S'. K. Ait>iiit<i«. crs'-iOD, Aiti'uistiii. T4>uu« ft). .;♦., »1 fcr '"t ii;<*i* e