Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Mar 1903, p. 8

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^.3ag!jgaiiy.»Hipwiniil| - M Maroh 26 1903 THE FLESHBRTON ADVANCE Eugenia Mills Planing A*' ;.>>* 'j&- Get your Sash, ])oors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ball listers. Cor- ner lJlocks,Han(l Kuiling, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Si(l- ings, etc. Tuniing of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Sati.sfaction in all our lines guaranteed. Walkei Sloan PROPRIETOR W. nOORE . ._ WE ARE SELLING Blankets, Bells, nitt^ . . AT COST PRICE .-^• •lesherton, = Ont. *â- ' ft . li[IR I Si. MAXWELL \^ The one prico Rti>rflKsE.s the reniaimlia' on tbeii WINTKM^^BODS »• a fraction â- <i>f tlie ruiil viiliiH ill (irilcr to inako r'H.iii for Spiing Gooils. which will bo arriving .sucn. Come Soon ^uid seouro your share of thu l)Hi|/iiin.s. We (ire l)'mi.irto sell. We h*vo a lot i.f Men's .Iiif;l;i'rs .iiul Unik-r- '*Ciir, LiVilii'S Vests ill. il Hose, eouoii^do, ITluedaiiy, â- iiiil FliiimolrtU', [I'liiini-l fur the hoys, Prints, Wrii[)pfrei to iind rilibmia ^r the tills, luitl Ourseits for nil., JuKt â- (XJiiie and .see for yomsolveM. You will find our Grocery do|imtiiientcomplnto in quuli y Hiid i|U»illtitv. And the Hardware we i,a„aie h ho- comin^' iiiorea-k.jcl for every d-iy. Wily? IJecau.so ,wo Hell riyiit. All kinda of N:iil.s, IIii)<,'es, GI.i'.s, Putty and oils. Wo limidlu the American W. W. Oil, H-ljioh we uill sell by the gillon or barrel, HobriiiK y.airein aloii;; and (ret the best im1 on the innrkol. mm Biis â€" KOR Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Flooring. We l.ave juht plicud in |ioiiiio:i n new plaiiiir and in-itcher aii<l are preonred lo furniali bniliiin^ material in nil the above lijvs. Get. oiir (|uotntioni when you want anything. Hjckiing* Bros. Business Cards M'CULLOUGH * youNa Ilankere.Markdale Do a guiioral l>aukin|j businosu. Mouoy loauoQ a ruasouablo rate Call on U8. A a VANDUSKN, J 1' O- Clork Sth Div Court, Co CHloy SHUer of 5Iarriage Lioeuaos, OoDTeyancet Notary Public Auctioueor. Money to loau 'lll'srceut. Cliargos modulate. FJLUBHEBTON f Presentation and Address D J SPBOULB »" Poatmastor, Flesherton i^oriimisslouur in H. 0. J., Auctioneer Con- »Byanoor, Ai)i>r.ilaor and Money Lender ireal Btitato and lusurauoe Agent. Deeds luortgatjefl, luaKoa and wills carefully drawn up and valuations made on ebortoHt notice. uioQey to loau at lowest rates of interest. Col eotiona attondud to with iirouiptuese barges low. Agent for Ocean Doiuiuiou taaiiiship Compauy. A dall solicited. '-^ Societies A O U W meets on tlie last lionday in oaou moiitb, in tboir lodge room, Christoe's block. Fle&lierton, at 8 p.m. M.W.^ Itobert Host ; Hecordor, Jan. I^elstead ; Fluau. oiar, Win. iiul.amy. Visiting brethren invited. Kt'i 'M., .â- \iloiiie')iii- July, '02 U*.'(w»ll l>. O. SF»ffti^y<a tjsiim: AT TH H m â- 90 J •i,^\'n\ l)lni- '•r a y 1 PUINOH AETHTK LOOaE, No. .S33, A. A ?.I, meets in the Masonic ball. Strain's block, Fleshtrton, every Friday on or bofors tho full moon. FH W Uickling W M. Chas. Muushaw, Secretary. GOUUf FLESHERTON, I. O. F. meets In Cbrlstoe's Dlooli the last Friday evening each month. ViiiitinK Forostora heartily TolcoiuB. O.K.. C. W, Dollamy ; R. C, W. liuskin ; Fin. Soo.,Dr E. Murray. (Pay dues to Dr. Murray on or before last day of each month.) Medical OR CABTKB M P & S Ont, Physician, Surgeon, etc Offlce and rosidenceâ€" Peter st,, Flosherton TTfcK. V-. T. Bltjby,â€" Physician -3-* etc. Flosherton, Ont Burgton OlDco andjlesidonco, Oolliuswood street, foul of block east Presbyterian church. Slay be found Coroner for County there day and night Grey. SCOTT, AND SOFTLY Members College Physic. A Surgeons Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University, Fellowship Diploma , Post (Jradu- ate tidioal School and Hospital, Cliicago. diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat specially treated, H. SOFTLY, JOHN A. SCOTT, Feversham. axwell. T P OTTBWELL â- ' Votoi'lnary Surgeon Graduate of Outarib Veterinary College, resideuce â€" second door south west on Maw street. This street runs south Probbytmian (Church. H Wily SON 'iraduato of tbo Vo'^cnuary Sciouce AiiHociation. Uufiidoiico, Durham "itreet, op- po^ilu Boyd, HicIJiiin'^ taai'dwaro. Legal J. W. fHOST, L L. b. Bavristor, Solicitor Convcyftiicor. eto (ifriuoâ€" Next to pOJftofRce, Sproulo's block K". : liiorLon, ovory TUuibda autl, courthXla>R N Bâ€" Owen Souii-l oUloe, Frosit ** WoclT Poulott 3tro(it; oust. [/ UCAS, WKIGHT & MeAUDLE Uniristora Kolioitors Conveyancers, etc '')IIicoHâ€" Owep. Sound, Ont and MarkflalnOiit. W H V/nioiiT, fJcAiini.R I It Lucas N II -I'lushorton ollk-e, Mitchell's Bank every Saturday. * pCJCKEK & PATTEUROn'- *• liarrlstors, Solicitors, etc MoIhou's Hank, Owen Sound tiAHRY G TUCKKU QEO W PATTERSON \\ ACKAV&SAMPSON .narristors, solicitors. *â-  OFFICKS ;â€" Ownn Srnnrt, Mm-cliBnl.'s H.'irik Hlock, N. '>r Piitt.TRon House. Laudalk â- ain Street, every ftivturday. Money to lohu at 4* per cent. A. (i. M...(!KVY,M.A., II. E SA.MPS0N,L.L.D Alwavi lu atlondancn at Fleshovton and Duudalk l-livision Courts. â- *!! Dentistry DR. E C. IWURRAY,L, D, S. dental surgeon honor gi'aduttto ()f Toronto iJlilvuituty and Itoval ('oll<t!^o of Dental :4,irg(.oua of Ontario. OIHcoâ€" Opposite ArmBtronij'B .Towollcry Store. \\'ill vlsjt Maxwell tins hi.st Wednesdnv â- >f o'lch iniutl-,. and Ouiidalk 1 and a Thnrsday n each iiiutitli. Owen Sound, *nt. Begin.s Monday, April 13th , li' yn dwiiie to seenre a flpR.s ediieution ami be re.idy t poKitioii yon cminoi nfToul to „ opiHii tiinity. I IJt«Kt eollegu preiid«B». R. .st courfeii I of M ndy. OiK e(nir«i'n of Htii ly in- Ixtli It'iHine^s and .Shoitliand dupartin-nti are ' up-to-date, psi(\t'c.l and the!':i'no ii« iim'hI i ill iho hc.it btmii eB.i houHeH of tho Do- j uilMion. 1 Full p'iitieii!ni-K Ncnt t/i an* addrf^M frM. AddroM. C. A. PLBMTNO, 1 Prinoi|Hil. Photos ^p â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE iPIesberton Photograph. | Gallery | aro done in (irsi-elass alyleiind at n l.'west rntea S.|)oeial attention IS ^1 uiviiii to copyina. I'abioa" pliolos. (S 3 a ^pooiftUy. PiotiiFes framed. (5 MRS BULHER | U ,jijijiiiHSfQjS!nTOiHn!iQ CrCH^ S •- 1^ *r>.0/3JWDJMy3niM"i5y3UMnMyMt(3^ M'> % FLHSHERTON TONSORIAL | % PA RLORS ' On the oveuin!> of JIareh 0th a; large number of friends and i.eiuhbor* <;aU)ered at the homo of Mr. and Mrs Daniel Sin- clair, 14th line, 0:tprey, on the ev<^ of their depariure to the Wo.nt, vrhtro :they intend to reside. A very social tirao_.>}|U4 spent in gamete and niuoic. After a sump- tuous lunch- W88 served, Mli|^j. IkiUino read an, addrens to Mr. and ilrVT5TTicJiiir, and Mrs. G. Miller and Mrs. N Ferguson presented them with a silver tray and tea service. Mr. Sinclair then made a suit able reply, thanking I he neighbors for their kindness and invited any who go west to call and see them, as the/ woubl enjoy very much a visit from any of ihe friends from Colliiigwood and Osprey. After the pre-sentation was made a pro gram was rendered, Mr. F. Brownlee oc- cupying tho chair. Speeclies were made by Messrs. Ferguson, Rolling, Pincli and Tyson. Solos were given by Mr. J. Flet- cher, and Mr. Irwin of Ccdiingwood. Instrumental niusio was given by Miss M. U. Tuplin, Miss Hawton and Mia.s K. Ferguson ; also music by the Bucking- ham and Gihralter choirs, Mr. Sinclair left for the West on tho 10th of March takinj^a car load of horses, machinery, ant! furniture. Mrs. Sinclair is visiting friends and old acquaintances around here and intends going west in the near future. ADDRESS To Ml . and Mrs. Daniel Sinclair Deak* Friends â€" Wo have assembled here this evening to pass a few hours of social enjoyment and pleusure together on tho eve df your departure from our midst. We carmot find words adequate to express our feelings to you on this present ocousion in regard to Ihe loss we shall sustain in your removal from our midst. We sh.ill nii.ss you in all our social eatherings, where you have so earnestly laboured with us to mtke a success. You have always responded to every good work that was conducive to the interest of the community at large. We each and all have so fully appreciated your kindness and generosity in the past that we could not harbour the thought of parting without in some way conveying to you our ap- preciation of the esteem in which you are both held by presenting you and your good wife this tray and tea service, not for their intrinsic value, hut merely an a slight t-iken of-our regard. Trusting that when you aro permanently settled in your far off western home, and are seated v.-itb yinir family around the tcstive board en- joying your evening tea, that yinir minds will often revert, back and recall fond old friends of Ospioy and CuUin'.:wood. In leaving us you carry with you our sin.eero love f.iid be.st wishes for your fnturo wel- fare. We trust Divide Providence may bo your guiding st.'xr and that suugegs may crown your best eflbrts. ^S^. Signed in behalf of your manj''' friends of Osprey and Collingwood townships. G. M11.LEK, Ne:l Ferguson. Address and Presentation An OrigTiial Spring: Poem J. has a dog, his name Is BIul'. Oh.cau't he make tho foxes sing! J. delii^htH to see him go f jvur the bills an.l throiigh the iiuow, And J. unto tho bush doth cliug Tojisten to bis greatdog King. Awa" to Ktooes J. cue day wentâ€" Aftci the foXes lie was L>OQt. He climbed a mouutain high in air To try and h. ur his dog from there. He stood sua listened tor lialf a day, Itut the muHio ilid not come bis way. He said, it's a n ighty poculiai- tiling That I ca .not heijr my great dog Uii The dog was fouiid thaC-eve, I vow A-feas(lng on an ol 1 dead cow ! ug. ^ Don't you wast votm hair cut ? ^ if ni>, you c.<n i{«t it, done in tn« ^ iit'esl ftylo mid In tho (piickost ^ order. Also ainive, Shani| ,Singo 'Ji K-c doiio in the tni.'it np-to-dAto A very plras.mt event took place at tho homo of Mr. .jnd Mrs Uicli.ird Ottewell, 8ih con., Osprey, oii Wednesday eveninsj, 18th iiist., when that worthj? couple were presented with a very handsome parlor hi:wp and photograph album by Miss J. Hanloy, in behalf of their neiyhbors.after which tho fidlowing address wasrend by. our highly esto;med tertcher.Miss Hnsoon . ADlJREgS To Mr. and Mrs. Ilu-hard Ollen-ell. We, your neighbors, do fully appreciate your kindness in givitlg us ibis party to. niglit iind we crivo you this surprise for tlie pni pose of show in|s, ill ihi.s iiriniitivo iviiy our esteuni for youand your family. Wliile wo feel you sliall bo mi.ssed in • ur iniiiicdiate neig!, boihood. wo do not have to regret your departure fro-.n annnig us. We usU ymi to accept this parlor lamp and alhnm, not for intiiiisio va'uB but as II Slight token of our feelings toivaulsyou. May prosperity and happiness follow you to your now homo is the wish of your ni'ighbors and friends. Sianed on behalf of your neighbors. .Ien.nik IIanii.;y, E. M.Museoni, M AMIE WlLUAM.*), 1.51. PhoWNIUDOK. Mr. and Mrs. Oitjjwell were tukeii un- ti rely by surprise, and Mr. Ottewell re pliud in his usual fiee and cheerlul man- ner, which made every boily peifectly at home. A bomitiful supp r Ans served, tlien the proceedings took the form of L'anies nnd mus'c r.nd other ntuuseinonis, until not late, but an early hour. After wishing [Vlr and Mrs. OlteweHand family aui:ce,ss in their nevr home, tho crowd dit- persed. a c- â- ' The iSIunieipal World is in fsvor of tlie extension of the teini for munieipal co'unoila. i'eith oounty council at its last He.tsion^aditp'ed ii rosolulinn , to ci^- <>(SorHte with the county council iif Oiey. in asking for legislstion ' e-itendini.' the term of b»wn, t-iwnrhip and village councils lo twoyeaiR, tho o'o, lion to lake p'aee at ihe same time «s Hiose for county coimcilH. There is considerable to 'o siid in favor of it. Tho tiue s'anding of iin editor is ap- preciafiid after deiith, if ntit bofoto A lawyer sent the following words of consol- Mtion to the widow (if fen editor: 'I can- not toll you how pained I was to hear that yinir husband had gonu t<i l.eaven. We FLKSHERTON ^ ' were bonom fi ionds, but n>in never meet Ruain. A pool- fellow "down cast " -boughti. ^ pig from a ricli ni-iii, and the pig grew'in- to a big /at ho^, and the' poor nian still owed the rnjb imm for hiin The law ex- empts one l.ov, 8.1 t!.o rie.h->qan could imt attack the solitniy f;it bog. What hap- pened?This:â€" Tlie licli man said to tho poor man, " You need .iii.,ihcr pig, let me ser.d you one." Thbp.., r im.n said to tlie rich man "I owe yon for the other yet." "Never miiot thai," s.jd the rich man, "You need a nice litt.lB piv and I will make you a present of it;" The pig was sent, and an bout latei the constable c.ime and took iho fat h. g, and' the rich man a.id the lav/ wuresilisllKd, and the poor man softly sad " Gotli " to himself as he fed the little runt. p. J. FostVr, lot G,-con. a, E. H. S., Mulmur, will enter a ea.-,e agninst tha^ township fordam-i-jes. Mr. -Foster lost his tlu-eo children by sc»rlet fever, and claims thair he would have had a chance for saving their lives had the township health authorities done their duly. He claims that, while the authorities quaran- tined the house, they did not supply a nurse and provide the necessary fo id and attendance, and that consequently he has .1 good case against tho township. Lawyer A. A. Hughson, of Orangeville, will con- duct Mr. Foster's case.â€" Econorai.st, Dalincny, Ilus.soll County, ha* a e^aiice of being the first in Ontaii) to hate a consolidated schocd. It u likely that at least two schools will unite with Nernon and form a consolidated sch.>ol, and have the scholiirs dia,wn to school in vans. If the plan succeeds, an endeavor will be made to have a rural mail delivery in con- nection. Tho vans could -collect ant' deliver the mail each day. Hev. Tho<. Mnrdock, until recently a Baptist clergyman at Staynor iind Cree- more, is Jie plaintiff ill a«uit for §.o 000 damages aijinjjt .lol^n L. Sinclair, a member of Nottawasaga township council, (or alleged s'ander. Rev. Mr. Murdock a shoit titne »;;o had some trouble with a I ""IB r#x: DKKOEJE 'rtIKSn..\Y A wFlson f^tewne^mmimw w www tie hadn't been huuting at all, thoy say, While ./. stood waitiug a whalehalf day, Out in tho biting wiuter Coldâ€" And this is the story the bird« bave told. -AW. sect ion >(f his congreg.ition at St.iyner and the slander suit i» likely the lusult of this trouble. The caae will iRely come t^^ at the spiing a.ssiz, M at Barrio â€" l,.ill«Bi.'-.v-.)od Enterpli^ie. . .• €ONSOÂ¥PtiOM Prevented and Cured* Four marvelous free remedies for all sufferers reading this paper. New cure for TubercuIoslSjCoDsutnp. tlon. Weak Lungs, Catarrb, and a rundown system. Do you cough ? Do your lungs pain you ? Is your throat sore aad inflamed? Do you spit up phlegm? Does your head ache ? Is your appetite bad? . Are your lungs delicate? ^ Are you losing flesh? Are you pale and thin? Do you lack stamina? Theso symptoms are proof that yoo have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous malady that h-vg ever deva.s- tated the earth -^consu:nption. You are invited to tost what thU .^ystsm wPJ do for vou, if you are sick, by writing for a, FfSEE TRIAL TSEATMENT and the Four Free Preparations will be forwarded yoil at once, with complete directions for use. _ The Slocum System is aiiositivocuro f-irConaump- tlon, that most insidious disease, and for pll Lung" Troubles and Disorders, complicated by Loss og H^shf Couehs, Catarrh, A£tnma, Bronchitis and Hcl&i Troubles. SJW^ly write to the T. A. Slocutn Chemical Compoity, Limited, 179 Kinj Stroet West, Toronto, grivin^ post oftce and •x^fww a<lcke9*, and ihe fi-s* medicine (the SkMnm Cor») will hm promptly sent. Pernoiis i« CMuada smaiwx S4nctt«i's u«e odWr In Amdrtcaa paper* _ vnl p>««e« aeod for sjunf^s to Toroutc. SSoBtit^a thm papor. Nerve Energy and Eyeglasses. A constant dropping wears away a stone. A slight eyestrain injures ttie health because it is constant. The strain which first manifests itself as a slight discomfort - should be remedied at once. This we guarantee to do with glasses. Consultation free. Delays are dangerous. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTJCIA i ARE YOU AN AGEl^T? Arc yott carfl'ng $15 pif week? If not writs to | ? CHASE B.ROTHSRS QQh'^PANY, 1" Nurserymen, CoJborfie, Ont. Es^bli^d iSS7. "3 For Fii.st Oliiss Buggifes, Carts, I'lc.isnie and . Lumber \\ agon% cuWIers, Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to elwdse frtmi. ALSO HORSE BHOEINQANO GENERAL BLACKgMITHINQ and L'uaranleo lirat class u'iik. . , *. We keep on hand rimiolis and Plough repairs, a\id also Miwsey- n^.nis and Ntixon rep»ira for l.inievis, ^.MoWers, 'ill '-kinds of mi hino-y, h'so IJnider Twine 'n h.'xnd. â-  ; . U^Mn in town give us a caSI « . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND I'LOUCiUS . "^ -GO TO- Heard's Works, Fle'^herton We have Cutters, Sleigh.s,B"{-gH's, Waggons and Caits ^ Floury, Dynusnt Butterfield and Wilkirfson [ilougb^ ^ Shares and repairs of the best quality. Spring tooth ^ and Iron harrows. Alsti first clas.s handmade harne.ssi m. f^orsc $l)d$ina aitd General Blaeti$mitbind* ^ 4 < I 4 â-  ! i * 4- X t * i 4 » K t > ^ ,4 » * « i i ♦ .J I: / I »• r V III

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