Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Mar 1903, p. 5

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Tfll?; laESlIEkTON ADVANCE March 28 1903 1«I>«.<jrAf<'' â-  I'iMif -itliMUnrm Vicinity Chips rri.«r;5i:tcrisiics of thtt Past *»ft«it Ctircfiilly t'ull«<i for the Freah lune nlw:iy» on huiid. J. H. Buckotf, Kugania. For aiil:>- -Clieiip on easy toriiis,ii couple •jl:e.ip fai'iiiH. R. J. Spruule, Fli-slierUm. Cupt. Fiiuli!,a Well known lake captaiD, died ill Owen Sound last weGk. Fi'.rm to Rentâ€" 100 aoi'oa, 70 cleared. Apply to Mrs. A. McLeod, Ceylon P.O iUoney '.o loan at lowest rates. A. S. VunDiisBii, Flohlieiton. Houseketper wants positi'ii â€" country or viltagu. Apply at this office. Mr. Halliday, tnarWd dealer of Chesley, was in town last week iiml gave The Ad- vance a call. Fnrin to rent or sellâ€" Lot 157 con. 2, S. \V. T. & S. R.â€" 50 acres, 40 cloard. Apply to SoUIg La'vreiice, Ceylon. Noti';o â€" All accounts owiiii; to Jacob â- Williauis, Eugenia, must be .•fettled by March 25, as I am makiiis a chani^o. lUr John Htoin;on I of Kiuiherley, was a Ciller vn M;uday while on hi.i return to Ton.n'o, where he 13 attenain^ B. A. College. Aitcnitaia :iuditor-j' repO't for 1902, a \)aiii;}hl(-t of twenty pa-jes, is n w i.i the liaijds of tlio cb.k, fn in v/Imoi copies ni..y fae secured. Mr. John Cliard attended the grand ludge A. O. U W. ill Toronto last week and at the samo lime visited friend.s in Scarboro and Asiincourt. Opened this week at Sproule, Crossley & Co , Fleaherton, fresh groceries, con- fectionery, .stationery, school scribblers, ;;^en, ink and slates. Tlie Centre Grey Women.s' Instiiue will meet tlie last Tuesday in p.ach month, in the town hnll, Flesherton.at 2.30 o'clock, until further notice. Mrs. A. Stewart, Sec. Mr John Osborne of Collinffwood visited friends in town for a couple of days. Mr. OHboine is chief engineer of the Chamborlaiu, a steam barge plying between Midland and Buffalo. Creamery and butter factory at Flesh- erton, all complete, for sale cheap and on easy terms. Apply to R. J. Sproule, real estate a^rent and conveyancer. Flesh ertou. Mr. Wilfred Whitten, son of Mr. John Whitlen of this place, who has been con- 6ned to his bed all winter, was removed ,to Toronto general hospital last week, wliere an abscess was successfully remov- ed from bis bip bone. Money TO Loan â€" At 4i^ lo 4| per cent. Expenses low. Also a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale cheap, --^pply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne, or Dundal& office Saturday after- ocon. The undcrsiened has a large stock cf crwai'.s and sewing machines which he is prepared to sell at sacrifice prices for the ne.xt fiftoi^n days. It will pay you to in- veotigate. C. Patterson, FUshiTton. Farm to rent for a term of years, consisting of onu hundred acres, lot 32 on the 10th line of Artemesia ; good stone dwelling, b.ank barn, well watered with pumps a.id sprins, and a good orchard; also aiiU.intity of small fruit, andab.ut CO acres niidor cultivation Any one wish- iii'-' to rent apply to Johnstone Gibson Credit Forks Mr. Percy Andrews, who for the past .seven years been working for Mr. VV. CVswell I f tins township, left last week for \Vinni[>eg. Mr Andrews is a Parmido boy and is given a high character by liia jBteeinploypi", who believes he will succeed in the great west. His many young tiiocds here wish him pro.spority. About 9 30 Monday a lan/e number of hiiwlin'X y' iingslcrs came teaiing down the «! reel with riutticient noi.no tocelebrato t'le relief of Luckiiow. Enquiry elicited till' t.ict that I'lincipal Fawcett of the public sch 'ol had Ibc nuniips and the c'lildren had bei n dismissed until a sub- s' i'lite Could be secured. A youi g man in tMs tonn who is much tivrn to a< n;irriti> n if the fair sex, â-  and who is only slightly acipMintcd wit'i a certain youiig Indy, attended a tathui ii g recently. Now this younu lady tja.s a mairiod sisttr who «."»s al80 present at the said gathering. The youi g ninn mi t"ok ber fi>riho^uiim.ir:icJ eis'er ai.d gillantly askeil ner if she would have tea witliliiiii. He 8f course met with a re- fu-alas the lady was engaised, and was vu^y det-piHi^e^l a« a coi st-ijuencu. Sub- s«.i|ueni1y lijrfuainedhis mistake i>nd do- fiioj-d that ihe juko was on hiiu. A Tjuantity of good seed peas for sale â€" T. Grainger, Ceylon. Winter is again at our doors â€" but thank goudiuss it is the back door thiji time, 100 busheUgood swedo turnips for sale. A. Shackleford-, Fleshertoii. Tboroiighbred Jersy Cows for sale â€" One u<3W milch, one to oalve May 1. N Lawrence, Ceylon. Good seed buckwheat, nats and barley for sale at Sprou'e, Crosai*y & Co., Fleah- erton. m For baleâ€" cheap and on easy ttrms, two 100-acre farms, both well tinibeied. Ap ply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Notice â€" Commencing Monday, March 30th and untd further notice we will uidy do chopping on Monday cash week. T. W. Wilson. The fiiendsof the Rev. D. A. nolman wiil be plea,sed to hear thac he is able to rusuine his duties as pistor of the Con- greuational church, Freeport, Michigan, after a long and severe illness. For Saleâ€" Good driving mare, 1 set light hariiess, almost new, 1 buggy only used a few limes, 1 light wagou in good condition, 1 set single harness, will be sold cheap and^ou easy terms as the owner has no further uite forthem .^pply toT. W. Wilson, Fleshertou. Mi.ss Hannah Bellamy has removed her dressmaking establishment; to Clayton's block, in the premises lately occupied as a tailor shop. Miss Minnie Bellamy and Miss llcMullen iu charge. Children's wear and fancy waists a spei-ialty. All kinds of dressmaking done. Always pleased to have laclie-s call. Tha exodus of farmers to Manitoba this spring is something phenomenal. Al- though there are probably not so many going frt.m here as from some sections, still ^he movement is very marked. Eleven tickets were sold here Tuesday morning and others went by evening train. Of those going from this point the m.ijority are young men bent on seeking their fortune in glowing golden West. Rev. Ivison Wilson has not yet return- ed from the bedsideof his mother at Brigh- ton, whose life's thread is very frail and whose death may occur at any moment. The Sunday morning service in the church here was conducted by Mrs. F. Nicholson and the evf>nini; service was under the auspices of the Bible Society, the speak- ers being Sir. A. S. VanDusen, Mr. J. Pelatead and Rev. Mr. Hurlburt of the Baptist chapel. Mr. Lafayette Badgerow of the 4th line, brought in a bird's nest on Monday which is certainly a curiosity and has been added to our museum. The nest is beauti- fully woven with horsehair, lined with wool, in form like a bag, five inches deep. It is strengthened with cotton strings woven in and around the fibreand by these strings the nest was actually tied to the limb on which it was built. We believe it to bo ail oriole's nest, but would like some of our expert oriiitLologists to call in and give their opinion. It: is certainly a marvelous piece of work for a bird and displays a wonderful degree of intelli- gence â€" an intelligence almost; human. This piece of art was found in the top of a large maple t;ec. A startlingly sudden death occurred on Friday last in this township, when Mr. Charles Hales, a wull known farmer of the O. D. R., w.is called away wi bout a moments warning. Mr. Hales \>:is an un- niavried man, 46 years of age, and was the support of lii.s a<»ed mother and a sister. Ue farmed the oldhointslead. On Thurs- day evening he went to bed in good health, apparently tiale and he.irty. On Friday morning be was found dead in his bed, having apj arently pissed away peacefully 111 his .sitep. The phys'cian who was snniinoiud pronounced it. rbeiimatisin of the heait. Mr. Hales was in town the previous day and apparently never oiijoy- ed better health. Woi.l of his death c:.ine as a groat shock to liismany fi'ieiids. The funeral look place to the Kli shecton c. in eti. ry on Sunday, the sei vices, in the ab- sence of his pastor, Rev. Ivison VV'ilaon, being conducted at the hou.= e and 'jravo by Dr. Chrisioc, who had known him in- ticnately fr- in bo)hood. The funeral corteg"^ >"as a large one. A very pictty and ipiiet house wedding was celebrated on VWdnesdny afternocm of last week at the rcMdence of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Neil, whin their nieco, Miss Mary Midi, was united in marriage to Mr. John Stewart of the west back line, Arte- uii'sia. The service was conducted by Rev. L. W.Thoin. The bride ira» prettily attir- ed in while organdie and carded a beaut- iful bouciuet of white carnations Allie Joy, the bridesmaid, wore a dre»8 of wh te cishmere and silk and carried a liotHiuet of pink carusliorm. Mr. Chaa. Stewart assisted the groom. The travell- ing costume of *\\o bride was a navy blue snow llake. Mr. and Mrs.Stewart left on the evening train for Toronto and other points. Tiie piesents bestowed upon the bride wore unusually numerous and costly, and are indi:ative of the general esteem in which the young people are lieM. We join with their inmiy friends in congratu. hitions and best wishes. The young couple will reside on the homestead, west back line. Ghost or Lvnx? Miller's swamp, six miles east of Flesh- ertou, has a bad reputation and by a recent occurrence that spot has had still further horrors added t.c it. There is a rumor that a ghost has been in the habit of "walking" in thus swamp. The ghost is said to be in the form of a white horse which disappeared with a commercial traveller some years ago. So much for legend. Now for actual fact. Mr. Elijah Simmons of this village had occasion to walk alony the gravel at this spot one niabt last week when some animal came out of the woods and attacked him. It was dirk and he could not see what kind of a beast it was, but he fought it as best he could, kicking it off. He eventually suc- ceeded in beating it off, but not before it had lacerated the calf of his leg pretty badly. When Mr. Simmons arrived at John English's his boot was full of blood, but after getting his leg dressed he brave- ly continued his walk home, arriving about 2 o'clock a. m. The victim thinks it was a lynx. Others think it may have been the ghost. All are saastled that no dog would make a wound such as .'Vlr.Sim- inous carries. In any event it was an ex- citing experience,and a very sore leg nives indisputable evidence that ':he animal or whatever it was had the capacity for wounding developed to an abnormal de- gree. IMr. Simmons appears to have been fortunate in frightening away his assailant before it did more damage. Co €onsumpt!ve$. The uuilersitiueii haviiiy buen lestored to health by simple uioaus, after snlforlug for sev- eral yeavs with sovure lung affi-'Otion, and that dread disease consumption, is auxiouK to make known to his follow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of ebart,'e} a copy of the prescription n-ed, which they willflud a sure cure for consump- tion, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis and all throat and lung maladies. Lie hopes all stilferern will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desir- ing the proi-'eription, wiiich will eoHL|theni noth- ing and may prove a blessing, will ploaso ad- dress. Uov. EDW.VKD A. WlLSON, Brooklyu, Now York. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of Hu^h Spofford, late of the Township of Osprey, in the county of Giey, farmer.de ceased. Notice is boroby civeti pui'suant to '-The Revised Stamos of Ontario" I8B7, cliaptor 1'2'J. tbat at] creditors anJ otliers bavii'^ claims ai^uinst tho estate of the said Hn(,'li Spollonl, wiio died oil or about tlio Twenty-second day of November, 19l>2, are requira.1. on or before tlio Sixteeth day of .\])ril, 1903, to send by post pro- paid or deliver to Messrs. Lucas, Wriijbt it iMc- .\rd:e. of tliu villaao of Marls. lalo. solicitor'^ for Daniel Kiiapp PreMtou aiid^Uobert t'ouwick, th--* e.xecutors of tb« Last Will and Testament of tho said deceased, tboir Cbristian and sur-. names, addresses aud descriptions, the full par- ticuSars o£tbeir claims, tile stateiUHiit of their atci uii^H aud the nature of tiie securitias.if any, beld by them. .\ND furtiior take notice tbat after sucJi last mentioiiod (hlto the said e.vecutors will proceed to distribute tile assets of the decea.i(;d among the parties entitled thoroto, '.aviiig reward only to the claims of which ttiey shall then have notice, aud tlM! tho saitl ctecutorB will note bo liable for the siiid assots or an v i»art th. reof to any person 01 persons of whose claims noti.-r shall not have tieoii v'Xioivod by thorn at the time of such distribution. D.-\TliD tho Tenth day of Marc'.i, .A.D., 1U03. LuCiVs, WuiGHT A; MoAi-.m*?-. !:>olicitois for Dauiid Knapp Preston find Kobert Konwiok. Kxecutors of the last Will and Testaii-ent of Hngh opofiford.d-COttseil. Thoroughbred Durliam SuH for Service \» ill \b Hit Oi Hi idi ^fki^^P^ ^r^^^^^^ The gfrcat attraction of ttiis , . store is ♦ 4 Which we are opening up daily. As case after ease are opened.new andattractive good.s are brought to light, and to the Ladies we give a personal invita- tion to vi.sit our store aud inspect all the different lines just come to han<l. New Prints.New Flannel- ettes, .New Lace Curtains, New Table Covers, Corsets, Gloves, Art Muslins, Cretonkes, Rainy day Garments foe ladies and men. Tho unth'rsigned has a tine a(?cd Durham Bull for sciviee on lot 111. T. A S. H. TermBâ€" SI for grade cows. ^;1 for IhorouRh- bredB VcOigvee on applicati' n. J^'i'JB LI^\1EK Pleshe rtonP.Ou Tiarj.1 worth) Boar for Service. Alvin ( No. 728 ) The undor.'iigned has a thoronvhbred Taniworth. Uoar bred by John Cell, of Amber, t)ut., for service Ml lot 170 con. 2 E. T. it S. R. Terms $1 00. ISp.tyr. Uichard .\llen, Flesherto.i. i Wfl.II PflOerS the 1903 wall papers are more SV- ' beautiful in etteot than any ii \li \ii Hit an (1/ iH ilif \l/ Ui \b iHi seen before ; the stripes with combinations of floral heraldic scj'oll patterns, from the cheap goods to embossed gold antl colored stripes. Reliable Seeds. We have purchased large- ly in garden seeds this year direct from the grower, L. L. May Co., antl will be prepared to give you any kind of seeds. 10 pack- ages for 25 cents. Boots and Shoes. be found a large assortment of J Among our boots aud Shoes assortment will D. King & Co.'s make of boots. The name above will recommend them to you as good wearers. Our grocery depai'tment is always well supplied with choice fresh groceries to please the taste. Our teas are always reliable. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER AND KQGS We are agent for Butterick patterns. When you want one we will get it for you. iit h it iii \A ikt « ilif iXt ik iH Hi iit an 0^ Ob m iii \^ Hi \li \b \l^ \in ilii m T. J. SHEPPARD, i To the Farmers and Cattle Feeders I would call your attention to the Blatcbford Celebrated Cattle food And Calf Meal, This food is very highly re- commended by the Great Stock Breeders in the States, and is now being tested by Mr. K. IMcGill at our Station, on his farm, where he has some forty head of feeding cattle in stall. Those wishing to try it can get any quantity for a trial, and fi-om the recommendation 1 have no doubt it will repay any feeder of stock. '^ W.E.Richardson, : Flesherton. JillV:CP^IP(SP:«:^V^SPr9BPJIP^SP:9P^^ TuonouanBKED shokteors Bull for Service For Borvlce on lot 1:1.5, T. & S. K.. Aiteineaia. »hothoroii((bbioil Durham bull •• GENERAL GORDON " Roan calvod April 8tb, 1900, bred by Arthnr Johnaton, Vimdolour, Ont. Git hv KniLht of Ore». 21784.DBill.Lu8tlo 5flth 27T(r.,by Sir Wn'tor. i:a"7- I.nstru 26thâ€" ino2«, hv VuiiHircr, limp.) B44.'). I.a'ly Violet Lustre (Imp.)â€" 3181, b.' Koval Hope (.'RKJW). Lustre 13tb bv Mont'one iUWmâ€" o.\fopl Lustro, by IVh I)uko <if oxforr), caTyri)â€" Ijustvo Sth.bv Pvl.100 \nhur ilGTi))â€" Lustre 3r<l, Miss I by Vocnum lk>nuir> 113277) -Luetre Ut, by BlooniBburv (9ir7«lâ€" Lustre, bv Sol Dnke of Northuolberlanil (3041!)â€" Blue ficll, by l^achulor (1800)- by Sultan (1«61, by North Btar K-"*). Tarm*â€" (1 for gra<l«a. *3 (or tboroutibbraJn. lAng, WnU DAVU. PrapftotM. - V « * * OET OUR I>31ICES FOR Red Clover Seed, Mammoth Clover seed Alsike Clover seed. Timothy Seed. We will save you money and supply you- with choice clean seed Give us a call when you require « Drud$» medicines crStaiionary « We are selling WALL PAPER at cost See it. half of the original W. J. DOUGLASS <Sc Co., FL«sh.ertOEL. *- ^ rtita

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