Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1903, p. 8

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Maroh 12 1003 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE •"•â- --^Hw Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doors Floorin<^, Sheeting, New- ell I'ost.s, Ballustcrs, Cor- ner Blocks, If and Kailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fi(.(.ing,Si(l- BusiNEss Cards M'OUIJLiOUaH 4 YOUNG ISankoi'B.MarkrIale Jott gauoral LiaiikiiiK buaiuaus. Mouey loaueu a reaBouablti ratu Call on uh. i H VAN1JU8KN, J 1' "• Clerk Otli Div Court, Co Groy HHuor of .Marriage Liceuaes, Couvoyancer NuCary Public Auctiotieor, Moiioy to loau ik i>or uuut. CbaruuB luodurate. FJUESHEBTON P O ing.s, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our linos guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR W.nOORE WE ARE SELLINC Blankets, > Bells, nitts AT COST PRICE Fiesherton, = Ont. MAXWELL The (â- 111? price st'ire oftem the ivniiiinder on Ihoii WINTER (iOODS .it a fraction of lIk> ro.il valmi ill orJor to inakH rnoin l'or.S|iiing Gouila, which will bo iirriviiig Slll'll. Con:e Soon iimi socuro your Kbure of t.he liiir'.'iiiiis. Wo are boimd to soil. Wi> li^vo II lot "f Ml'h'h .lauki'ta iind Uiulcr w.car, l„«lii'.s Vustdiiiiil llosu, Coitouadis, I?Iih'(lairy, .-inil Flaniieli'tlc, Fliinni'l fur the lidys. 1*1 ill's, Wrii|p|)iTeiti( aiul rihhons for llio yiiU, and Cnisetts for all. Just Loiiio and Hue for yourselves. You will find our (irocery doi'artnieiil complete in (jualiiy mid (iimntity. An J the Hardware we handle u l.e- eoiiiiii;^ nioioa^ked fcir ivery diy. Why? Ujcau.se we Hell right. All kinds of Nails, Hingus, Glass, Putty iind oils. Wo handle the .American W'. W. (Ill, which we will sell hy the tcil'on or hanil, BO lirinu' ynur otii alou.,/ and j^et Ihobestoil ON the uiarliet. I mm I m W INTER TERH Owen Sound, Ont iJiiiaiNs JANUAifv a, looo Our Konry(!3 in both BuNinosB and Shorthand drpai iinonta are nptod.ito, lioriiujjh iiiid ciiiaplute. The d.niaud for yoiin;» men m olii.-e HBsiHtatiiH ii inuuli greater than th« supply. Cireuhtm and full inforniifon free. Address C, A.FLEAliNQ, PRIN, RJ SPKOULB rudtuiastor, PleshertOD ,,oiuinis9iouor in H.O. J., Auctioneer Con voyaiioor, Appraiser aud Money Lender itual IJKtato anil Insurance Agent. Deeds uiot'tgagoH, leases anl wills carefully drawn up and valuations made on shortest notice, lucuey to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col ootious ttttourted to with promptness liargoa low. Agent for Ocean Dominion tiiaujsUip Company. A call solioileil. Societies AO U W meets ou the last Monaay in eaeu month, in their loiigo room. Oliristoo's block. Fiesherton. at 8 p.m. M.W., Holwrt llBst ; Mecordor, JaH. Kulstoad ; Finan- ciur, Win. Belianiy. Visitiufi bvethroB iuvited. DKINClj! AHTHTR LODGE, No. M3,A. r aTj, meets in the Masonic ball. Strain's block, Flesh>.rtou, every Friday ou or befor« the '.iiU luocii. F H W Hlokliiig W M. (Jbas. Mimsltaw, tiocretary. ftOUUT KIjESHRUTON, I. O. F. meets in U Ohristoo'8 lilock the last Friday evening each month. Vi'iitinB Forostrra heartily volcomo. C.H., 0. W, liollauiy ; 11. 0., W. liuskin ; Plti. KucDr E. Murray. ( I'liy dues to Dr. Murray oti or before last day of each uiontli.) Medical UW CAUTKR U M C P & S Ont, Physician, Surgeon, etc Olllca and residenceâ€" Peter at., Fiesherton TT^K. i'". T. llltaUy,â€" Pliysiciau, Surgton J'LJ' etc. Fiesherton, One Olllce aud Resirtencu, OoUiugwood street, one block oast Prcfibvteriau church. May bo found tlioi-o day aud night. Coroner for County of Oroy. SCOTT, AND StlFTLY Mumbera College Physio. & Burgconn lOataiio Graduate in Medicine of Toronto Uiiivorsity, Foliowship Di)ilouia , Post (iradu- iitj .i.lical School and Hospital, Chicago, disoiisoa of eye, ear, nose aud throat specially bloated. „ 11. SOFTLY, JOHN A. SCOTT, Fevorahaiu. axwell. JP OTTF.WBLL Votoriiiary Surgeon Graduato of Ontario Veterinary Collogo. reHtdeijco â€" sacoiid door south west ou Mai-v street. This street runs Bouth I'rubltyteiian Church. H WILSON 'iraduate of tho Veterinary Science Association. llusidonoo, Durham Street, op- posite boyd, HicSliug'u hardware. Legal .;. W. FUOST, L L. H. ll.in-istor, Solicitor Coiiveyancei". oto oiUcjâ€" Ne.^t to postoilico, Siiroulo's block F',.; lliJi'ton. overy Tllilrsdo and. court daya N liâ€" Owou Sound olUco, FroaS ^ block Poulott street east. r UCAS, WUIGIIT A McAUDLE Li llarriaocra Solicitoru Conveyancers, etc Oirico.sâ€" Owen Sound, Ont and MarkdaloOnt. W H Wniciur, McAudlb 1 H Ldcab N U-Floshurton office, Mitchell's Dauk every Satunlay, llUOKRIl & PATTERSON * llarristcra, Solicitors, etc Molsou'H Hank, Owen Sound hAllKY G TUCICKU GEO W PATTERSON I1ACKAY&3AMPS0N ,HarrlRtorp, solicitora. H OFFlCHH :-Owc,u ticunil. Merchant's d;k'il; Ittock, N. ofratt.trson Houfo. Lundalk aiii Htvoot, every Saturday. Moiiov to I01.U at 4J p:,r cent. A. (i.M.^CKAY, .M A., IT.E SAMPSON, L.L.D Al'.vavi ill attendance at Fiesherton and l>iiiidal!t Division Courts. 8 FOR â€" Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Flooring. We have just placol in poiiiioii a now j4uiier HUii iii>t<:her and Aro jiruiiarrd to faruiah buildin.; material in all the«li,ivu Hoea. Get onr quntntion* when you wnnt aiiythinj;. nickling Bros. 8th o>n., ArlemetU â€" l^»«U V. C>. Joiy, '02 Dentistry r\I!. P C. MURRAY, L, D, S. dental .surgeon •-' honor graduate (if Toronto University and I'n' 111 fiuilo:":, of I^ental .S.uliooiib of Ontario, 'ill!.-, â€" Opposite Annstroiig'ri Jewxliury sti,re. Will vi^it Maxwell t!i,) lust \\«lni!Mli,y of I'.Lc.h iiiout.l;. aud Dnudal:: 1 and t> Tburisday n eiu-li uiuiitu, noJWiMaiiUii iwuit n fUiUimj-ijmn rujirm,b .'r,.Ts?l\/iS(5 â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE i Fiesherton Photograph Gallery are done in firgi. class style and at I 'west rate.i Spooinl attention i| liivoii to copyiuc. Rjkl, ills' |ih(ilos. p aspooinlty. Pictunia framed. ij MRS BULHER JiJnirilhSCrutnliilrQiliuiSijiIm ilitiiinjiSuX Uis rian Foster Some amusing sturies are told in con- nectiiin with the North Ontario campaign. A Fren^-h-Oaiuidian horse buyer from Montreal, who is known from end to end of Canada, lulls of this embanasaini; ex- perience at a Cannington hotel : At zo table dere wa.s a vair intelligent lookinir m^n, and I tink I get sume in- forniation from him, so I Hay: "Dere is going fur be an election here soon ; dia man Foster, it seems lak he ^oing to have a bad tain for get in," De man ho niak no reply, so I go for niak Ireus w^id him and 1 pa.ss him de bread and de liuiter and don 1 say again : Dia man Foster, ii seems lak he goin' to have a tiirble tain fcr get in," Dell he don't iiink any reply again and I go for mak frens wid hiin a^ain an' I pass him de poekle and do bnn an' de cheese an' den I say: "Dia man Foster, it seems lak he )^oiti to have a dcville of a tain for get in. Dat man he is â€" Den he stop luo an' say: "You don't live ill doso parts," and I say: No, I live in Montreal," and ho say. "I tot you no live in dose parts. Fos- ter, dat is my nam'.' Den by gar 1 look lak thirty cents. â€" Uuiitsvil'e Standard. k FLESH ERTON TONSORlALife S PARIORS I Ol'K KAIB CUT? S it done in tn« S «^ Dim'* -JfOU WANT YOU if <>•, yi«i can get it ... .,.., H hif'St t»ty)B and in the quickui-t I A order. Ali»> Sliave, Shaiiipo',,Singo 2 E,c dune in tho most up-ln-date % »»>•_ _____^ I ni<INO YOCri<"LAtJNDKY !| « E KO t< K T t7 KB DAY Mk A WILSON > RKStlERTON I Was it Whisky Straight? The Cidlingwood Enterprise recently censured Nottawasagacouncil for lowering I he tavern license fee. Au irate hotel keeper, sent in an order to "stop the paper." Judging frcirn the following ijuotation he iiiu.st havi> sent something stronger along with the order. The editor starts out all.rioht but as he gets w,irmed up tlie effect of what he has taken is painfully apparent as it works up to the climax, and tho paragraph ends in a djize of iucoherency. Here is what tho editor says : "While wo have been too lung in the busiuesi to be in any way alarmed by the "stop my paper" inaudate, wo wish to remark that we have no quarrel the tavern-keepers' endeavor to secure a lower licensa foe, and further to say that License Victuallers have no cause of com|)laint a.s to the treatment they have received at the hands of this journal, which has at all times been moie generous to them tha nany re- niuro generous to them than any re- turn they have made. Principally from bout such a. reign of degradation .ind debauchery, that we wore reluctant laliug men sober, hitmg inore sober." Tho life motion pictures Friday night, this week at town hall, Kle.sherton, give promise of being one of the very beat pro- grams ever seen in Fiesherton. See the n. .tiers in this paper. Nothing could bo more honorable. No masic lantern pictui'o.sâ€" Eierything alive. Mr. L. Frook, Proton, delivered a span of niaros to Mr, E, Liniin on Tuesd;iy,^he pric'j being S'iOO fllr, Liinin is bundling some nice animals, and tho Proton corner among tho Frooks, tho Paltons, the Kinnels, &c. , is the pl.ice to get them, â€" Review. The Richalieu A' Ontario Co's fine new steamer Montreal was burned at Mnntreul on Saturday nioht. Durii'g the fiio a shed cruwdi'd with spect-ttors collapsi d. Oi.o mail wa? killed, two f.itally hurt and about a hundred more or le.ss injured. The vt's«el is estimated of Iiavo been wort'i ^500,000 IiisuroJ. - CoiiiinL' â€" Fiiday iiioht.this week, town hall, Fiesherton, Luiug Bros.' groat mov inn piclutes, Mr. T .1. S^h••pi.alâ- d will Sill tickcta, by rocpiost, .tn 1 if in t ple-.sed aftir seeiii.; four or tivo piciurcs you may retro and hu w;ll refund your inoni^y. Wf. do this solely on ocoonnt uf fakes. The cotoimtiou scenes alone are worth* the price. Ticke's 25 cents, children under 12 yeirs.loc. There are more jier.sons •Ahi> reid tho nowupaper of amall cirjulaton than those who road 'h-i nietropnlitan dailies and in certain dire-jtions tho influence of the termer is iiv'ie iHitent, The great daily aiuis 111 uivo a summary of the news of the world aod is perforoo debnrred" front th,' nuader details of tveryd ly hfe. It is ihe country i.owspapor which Rlla up this ;.'ajj witli new.sand gos-ip lliat i.n ofien more ea.;orlv toad than an account o' Eun pom political broil. 'I hos thi igs as a rule, most iiitirest a pos' ii v\hich are nearest to him. The man who would not road ail account of the biggest priise fijjht in the couutJ'y is apt to got ex-'itoJ over a d"g light in front of liia own door. A tjfty dollar lire in his own street is more iiiioreaiing than a.mi:lii)ii dollar lire in Sm luaucisco. It is 'b6 principal on which tho most KucceaHfui countfy nowu- papers arerun. Thoie area number in Ontaiio which have achieved a li'gh repu- tation and made fortunvs for llnir owupts which never print a. line of telji! a ihic matter from one yeaiK end to the olh- r. It in coinmou to aay that the day of tho small nenspnpor is i.vor. It is only l.c- Kun. Tliero are porhapn 15.000 of theiu in tha UiiitMl Statta an I thak they suo e««d It bvoaoMi they fill a wank that can- n.>t p-issibly l>if uiet iitherwiso. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUR EDITOR'S NOTE ^The Slocum System of Treatment for the cure of Consumption, Pulmonary Troubles, Catarrh, General Debility, and ne.irly all the ills of life, is medicine reduced to an exact science by the world's foremost specialist. By its timely use thousands of apparently hopeless cases have been permanently cured. The Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is needed by some, the Tonic by others, the Expectorant by others, the Oxojell by others still, and all four, or any three, or t'wo, or any one, may be used singly or in com- bination, according- to the needs of the case. Full instructions with each set or four free remedies illustrated here. Our readers are urged to take advantagi; of Dr. Slocum's generous offer. The honor of thus effectively arresting the progress of this fatal malady rests with the wonderful system of treatnieiit which has been reduced to an exact science for the cure of Con.sumplion and for the cure of Catarrh and other prevalent conditions which pave the way for Con- sumption â€" that successful method evolved by America's greatest scientific physician. Dr. T. A. Slocum, who.se .threat liberality, through his Free Trial Treatment, soiit broadcast throughout this broad land, has contributed most to the rout of the most potent ajfency in the destruction of human life iu this hemisphere. His Free System of Treatment has arrested the hand of death iu the cases of thousands of consumptives and has pre- vented the disease in countless instances. The Slocum Treatment consists of four distinct remedies for the cure of CoH» aumptlon. Weak Lungs, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all pulmonary and 'wast- ing diseases, and is based upon principles essential to the correction of^ function, the rebuilding' of the tissues, the overthrow of parasitic animal organisms and the estab- lishment of health in all the departments of the human body. The four preparations embody all the necessary elements of a complete treat- ment for Consumpticn â€" it.s cure and pre- vention â€" as woll as for most of tho cbron'ic â- ind was'cing ills of life. Apparently hope- less ca.scs are cured by their timely use. T!i«-sc free remedies comprise X\\i great curi-.tive forces discoviued by the emi- nent pliysiciau, Dr. Slocum, they represent the acrno of the pharmacist's skill and with theni v.'iil be found explicit directions for their use iu any ca..se. You are invited to lest v.hat this systen) will do for you, if yon are sick, bv writing' for a Ff?EiS TRIAL TREATMENT and the Four Free Preparations will bo for- warded you at once with complete direc- tions for use. Simply v.'rite to the T, A, Slocum Chemi- cal Company, Limited, 17i) Kintj Street West, Toronto, giving- post ofTice and express address, and the free medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent. Persons in Canada seeing Slocuni'.s free offer in American papers will please send for samples to Toronto. F..r Fust Class Buggies, Carls, I'lea.siire and Lnual'er NAa^jons, C'Jtiei's, Skiuhs. Wo ko-.-p 11 stuck ou hand t» choose from, ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ ANDQENERAL BLACKSMITHINO J] ?B and w'UuaeleL' fivit ohiss \v<>, k. J) We keep on land Ploiig-s an 1 I'iongb rcpaiM, and also Massi-y- \([\, rj, Hiirns and N.ixmi re|.>ir-> for Liiic'er*, Mowers, ill ksmls ot '^ jn nvv hiiiOry, a'.-,o liu.dir Tw;ii:i in land. FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAQBS AND I'LOUCHS . . 3 -GO TO- Heard's Works, Fiesherton We have Cutters, SleighsS,Biiggies, Waggons and Carts Kleury, Dyment Butterfield and Wilkinson ploughs Share* and repairs of the best qtinlity. Spring tooth aud Iron harrows. Alsu first class han(Inia<le harnosa. ^ ^ Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmitbing« ^

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