Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Nov 1902, p. 5

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T il £ t' L E S H E R T N ADVANCE Novembers? 190!? V ^-iM-vice-^SirincJay 1 1 a vn.Sc 7 p. ul fiiibjtfta (or next Sabbatli â€" fev. V.'niy R. S:i:itli "f Dui!'.:im will pri'ich iiiornin; ninl «veniiig. ;farvi^;c ill Ci'y'.on lit 3 p. m. Vicinity Chips if'h-.iriicteristifs of thft Past j r^-iik <;arv'fnMy < uliad for the hand. J. H. Fresh li;iio always oii , Duckett, Eugeuiii. Bdhiâ€" ()nTiies<Uy, 18th Nov., to Mr. anJ Mrs. S. Irwin, a son. Moiiv-'y to loiin at loweat rateH. A. S. V.inDu.son, Floshi'iton. S'orm ci)ll:<r lost- Sumewherfi in Flesh- oitdii or vu;i]iity. Fir-der kindly loive at thi.'J i.ffii.-o. E. W- Atwoud of Walkerton has fcvkc:i a iidsitljn aa bookeeper with Mr. H. J. Sproidt'. • Mr. W. B>yd and family have taken up their resi'lciice in th'.-ir handsome new h')iTi J on Ti>iont'i street. Mr.Thmnpsiin Wilson has taken along lease of tliu Flesher waterpowcr and will tis, it up for a sash and d'lor factory .begin â-  nin' opcriiiiono fia-thwith. H. Ale.xander, tailo', Flesherton, Ont., Clothes cleaning and dyeina. Special at tenti.m given to ladies' suits. Office op- posite livery stable Full line.s ol overshoes, heavy gum . mbbers, light rubbers. Men's heavy set. Also a large variety of f;lovos and miits at Clayton's. Blacksmith nhop, good business, also brick hciuse and goocl stable, village of Fevursham. for sale at a bargain. Apply to A. II. liikster, Fevei-sham. Rev. Wray Smith of Du.ham will preach in ilie Methodist chuicK on Sun- day uiMrniu'.; noxt. the pastor, Rev.Ivison Wils-m, taking Mr. Smith's work. H ghest cnsh price paid for furs, hides, sheepskins and tallow. Don't sell with- out giving mo a call. Mark Wilson, Flesh- eiton. Sheep Strayed â€" From 'he tindorsigned. Lot 10, con.lO,towu.ship i.f Osprey, about. 23rd October, two ewes. Any informa- tion of same thankfully received by Samuel Colquett, Fevcrohaiii. Sunday was pledge Sunday in the Sah bath schools throughout the country. In the iNIethoiUst church here some experi- lueuts were made with alcohol which in terested the children very much. Farm to Rentâ€" Lot 9, Durham road, quarter n.ilo east of Priceville. 75 acres, 60 cleared, good buildings and well wat- ered. Must be rented immediately. Good farm. Apply to D. McArthur.Priceville. .. Mo.NEY TO Ld.A.Nâ€" At 4V lo il per cen- ' K.xpenses low. Also a number of im- {irovcjl and uniniprovtd farnis f<'r .'^ale Apply to Geo. Rutherford, She!- or DumlaU office Saturday aftcr- ! Vanz.uidt â€" Riceâ€" At the Elm strict ; Metliodist [•aiKon.ige, on tli« 17th Nov- ember, by the Kov. Joseph Odf^iy.Mervyr. I E. Vanzandt, chenn^t. to^Ei'ith Mania, e'der dau'.{hter of Mr. anil Mrs. O. F. Rice, Tori'Uto. -A lariie number of your;;' people, 'Jlui-.liau Eiideavors and otl.ers, drove imt to t'lj residenc;; of .Mr. Alf. Thistle I waite on Wednesday evenin!» of hint week wliuii an enjuyab'.e eveninij was spent and the funds of tlio society auginenied by a nice little sum. Mr. \V. J. Diiugla.s, chemi.st and druL'gist of CoUingWood, bos purchased the drug business here from Dr. Christoe, and will place an experienced baud in charge. Negi.tialions lo thi< end were ctmipleted on Tuesday. The };entloiiian who will take charg>: here has practiced in Chicago and elsewhere. Immediate possession is given. We arc lu receipt of a new in ip of the DomiTiii.n of Canada and Newfouudlaud, issued by tlio Depnrtmjiit of Interior, Ottawa, which canm.t tail to prove of in- calculable value not oidy to business men, but lo al! students de:~iruus ot obtaining reliable infHrin.ition along that liiie. The colorings and marliinijs are biiglit ami ilL^tinct wh le the paper is of a very Some Results of Impure Blood .â- \ biolcheJ, pimply, distif^uied face, feeiir.g of exhaustion, wracked nerves, headache and a dull bran. The proper cute is one Ken ozone tablet after each meal. Ferrozone clears and beauiities the complexion by making rich, pure pliiod. It restores the cntueMed brain and unhtruc^ nerves tn a healthy vigorous comiiiion. It invigorates all the physical and ment.il powers, and brings strength anil ambition to the depressed. Refuse a subijtitute for FeiioEiine â€" it's the best tunic, rebuihier and invijjorator known. Price 50c., at druggists or Poison & Co., KinKKton, Ont. ^â- '^•-'^•^^^^^'^•'S'^"^^^^.S'''$^'$'^^'^^'a?. ^.i call W. Mr. The sypeiiiu" ipiMlity, County council matters are now beginn- ing to bo talked about. Mr W..J. Bellamy of this place has been appointed returning otiiocr for Div. 5 and has issutrd posters announcing the ehcticm. We have heard of ini one likely to offer themselves in this section of the division in opposition to Mr McArthur. In the south pivrt of the division, however, there appears to be no dearth of possible candidates, ac- cording to the Herald, which mentinus the Binies of three or four aspirants. Postmaster R. J. Sproule had a last week from two nephews, Mr. Howard Sproule of Winnipeg, and Milti'U F. Sproule of London, Eng. latter has boon tisitiiig friends in Mani- toba ai;d Ontario this fall, and the former accompanied him thus far on his home- ward journey. Mr. Milton Sproule is in business in London, and combined busi- ness with pleasure while in Canada. He sailed in nil New York on Saturday. Mr. Howard Sproule left for Winnipeg on Monday. Both young men are sons of Mr. Wm Sproule, whii,removedto Winnipeg from Maxwell eight years ago. Tile correspondent who reported the Maxwell debate for Orangeville and Shelburne papers must surely have been slightly deaf or he would not have eivon so biased and misleading an account. To say that the judges could not agree on points "because those given by the min- isters were largely from prohibition cam- paign literature" was e.ertainly untrue, as also ."vre some of the reporter's other statements and the extolling of one side of the debate while disparaging the othL. is altogether out of place m a newspaper repoit If it VV.-.S done with a view to in- Uueiicing votes d' wn in Djflerin it was ceriaiuly a de.-^piej.ble piece C'f busine.ss. 1" ctteap. bnrne, 6 Sheep Lostâ€" From my preinise.s on Nov. 6, six ewes, one black. Informa- tion as to their whereabouts will b thankfully received by Wm Sharp.Flesh- ert<n P. O. Mr. J. I. Graham of Vandelour is this week in Guelph attending a conmiission which meets there. An eflVut is beiiii! made to have the railway act changed so that farmers will not Bud it so difH ult ti> recover damages for stock killed. The Tliibadoau farm on the gravel be- tween Fleshertim and Markdale has been recommended by the cininittee.but the exact location of tlio poor hou.se will prob- ably not be fully decided until the De- cember session of Council convenes at Markdale. The local piohibi'ionist committee are fortunate in sccuriug Prof. Clark Braden of Illinois for a last grand temperance rally in the town hall, Flesherton, on Mon- day eveuina next.Doc. 1. Prof . Draden is an able debater and will no doubt give us some iutoiOsting facts. Don't miss hearing him. A most deplorable accident occuired al this atatiiiu on Friday last ab<'UC noon when George Bennettjof To'orito Junc- tion, a brakesman on the C. P. R., wa.<i run over by a fveigh'. car which «ai shuntinu in the yard. Both leifs were nuiigledtolowtheknees The injured man was taken to Owen Sound hospital where liolh legs were Htnputated. No tme saw the accident but he is siipp. seU to have iiiiH'icd his footing and fallen under the Wonder Who They Were Deputy Game Warden Thoiusim has returued fioui the township of Pmton, where he caught several parties in the act of hunting deer without a license. Com- plaints were made against the offenders, who immediately e.-cpressed their willing- ness to'seltle." â€" Meafi-rd Mirror. Joseph Cooper, who formerly lived tme mile west c.f Shelburne, dropped dead on Wednesday afremonn while drilling a well at John Newton's. The Dutf'erin Advertiser, Orangeville, has suspended publication. Mr. A, R. GrofI, who has been conducting the paper duiing the past year, has returned to DuiiUas. There are still three papers in Orangeville. There are lots of "Hielan" Scotch over Chesley way, and this is a conversation overheard recently: ''Well, Dnnald, did she got the sheeps she lost?" "Yes, Dugald, she got them all." ' 'And where did she got them, Donald?" "Oh, she got two by itself, and one tuuether, and three among one of McDougald's." Mr. Patterson, of Proton township, drove 60 miles to Collingwood last Fri- day, bringing with him 1,400 lbs. of butter under the impression that this was the very best market for this class of produce. He was disagreeably surprised, however, to find that Uc. a lb. was the best offer he could get for his h>ad. He then telephoned Owen Sound, and sold to a dealer there at 15 l-2c. for the rolls and 16c. for boxes and shipped to that point on Saturday. â€" Enterprise. On Saturday afternoon, Nov. 8, John Muldcioii, a young man who lives near Kenilworth,was out shooting with a com- panion. While in the act of shooting at a stjuirrel, the gun, which was a breech- loader,did not act properly at the breech, and exploded with serious ci'nsequences to the young man. His forehead and cheek were severely cut,and the right eye received injuries the ultimate results of which are no: known. The curious part of the afiair is that the squirrel was killed. The unfortunate young man was brought to Mount Forest and had his injuries at- tended to. Edward Small, a widower, who had been living aloue in his residence in Shel- burne, W!is found dead in bed recently. death resulting from asphyxiation by gas from a coal stove. Deceased was last seen alive on Satunkiy night at ten o'clock, when he made some purcha.ses in a local hardware store. The attention o.'' a paisser-by wa.s first attracted by the violent kicking of the horse in the -stable, and upon investigation ho found that the animal apparently had not been fed for .sometime. He then gained an entrance iut-i the house through a window, and found it full of gas and the owner dead in be 1. Coroner Norton was iio*^ilied, but liid not consider an inquest necessary. Decea-ed was a retired farmer and was supp.iseJ to be worth about twenty-live thousand dollars. m ili \^ 1^ T. J. SHEPPARD FX-ESHEHXON AND EUQKNIA Seasonable ioods. for this .season at We have spared Cattle Estray Came to the promises of the undoraipned.tsu- genia, about Oct. 1, four veaiiinu cattle. The owner is reqiKstO't to provo properly, i)fty os- pouses aud take same away. S. FISHliB. You will find all needful good.s this store up to your expectation no pains in the selection and the many who visit us is proof that this store gains in favor daily. Our Ladies' Suitingrs In this line we have all the new Fabrics,and they are worthy of your inspection. Gents' Furnistiincrs Our Men's Suitings in black and colored worsteds.and Scotch, English and Canadian tweeds are complete, with a tine assortment so that when you want a suit to order we would ask you to call and see our collec- tion before buying. In" Men's and Boys' Ready-to- wear suits, Overcoats, single Trowsers, Overalls, Smocks, Ties, Gloves, Collars, Underclothing, your needs are well looked after. Boots and. Shoes Our Boot and Shoe department is filled up with a full stock of seasonable goods, heavy leather and felt for Men, Ladies and Children. Our I^iibbers We handle the celebrated Maple Leaf Brand and we have a large assortment of heavy Lumbermen's in the Snag Proof and heavy rubber; also Snag Proof long rubber boots as well as a ftill stock of rubbers for boots. m Millinery The stock in this department has been replenished since the openings by large shipments of the latest and most fashionable styles. The assortment is most complete and will be maiatained throughout the season. C* 3* Sheppard* "^S. S; S; CM £; S; & S. S.; & S: SL SL ai; & fc £. «.• ^; ff_- ^ • ,^- ife- I am just receivicg a very i^/ \if iit \b »\ w it/ % i^ \4 \i» \k \A \6 Hit 0^ \X, Oi Oil \b iXi m # in Viif e i^ Import . , Stock ~ - . ^ Direct tor Christmas Trade Suicide at Proton. James DoU!;hi.s, a liboriuij man, ci^iii niitted suicide.it Pioton Station on Sun- day evening. The case is a peculiarly re- vr>ltmi; one Douglas was aged 3'J years. Three years ajjo he married a girl of 16, by whom he had two children, a gii'l 2 years old and an infant of six days. Tlie family were in very poor circum.stances and this seemed to prey on the mind of the father, who was not a drinking man .Mid was said to bo indus'rious. On Sunday niisht the uian ^oi> out of bed, remarking that he could not stand it any longer and went cut. This was the last seen of him until lie was foun-l at 8.30 iie.xt morning lying in a creek at the back of the lot with his throat cut on both sides and stiff in death. Dr. Bibby, coroner, of Flesherton, went down and viewed the remains but decided that an inquest was niit iiecessjtry. IMood luarki *ere found leading from thj house to the creek, but the instrument with which the deed was done Could not be found. Douglas was an English orphan and was adopted years ago by a man named Douglas li\ini{ near Swiiiton Park. The trugedy was (lanieu larly find, and the young wife, who is still ill in bed, ia tlie recipient of much syiu> p»thy. Apology Flebberton. Aug. 0, 1002. ^:ns. JlAULB l.NKsrr.n, 1''kvkiisiix.m : I bereby hu:obly apologize to you for the in- sults ulfGied to you by ino OII you. ou July IGtli, A. U. 19C2, at your house in the viliaRC of Feveisbftiii au<l e.xi>ress niyreerut for my cod* duet oil tiiat occa.»ioii. I also stiito uni-edorvQiily tbat tUeso inauHs were leaentotl by yon, and that your eomluct in every sense was proper, and Ihtit no blaiuo can bo in any way attached to you au(i that t.Sero can be no possible iiupiitalion against yonr chastity or modesty ou the oeoivsion referred to. 1 .\. T, Hutchinson Witness \V. H.Wrifiht â-  Look out for more par- ticulars in this space next * week. W. E. R 2 C H A R D S N TO CURE ACOLDINONE DAY Take Ltixativo Hroiiio Quiuino Tablutn Al (Iriiggists rdTunil ib') tnonuy if it f&iis to cure \V bi.Uiove's bisuaCuro is uu uaob box 25o Xarnworth Boar for ^Service. Alvln ( No. 728 ) The undersigned has a thoroughbred Tamwnrth. Boar bred by John Bell, of .Amber. Ont., for service on lot 170. con. 2 E. T. & S. R. Terms $1 00. Sep.tyc. Uichard .\l!en, Klesberio Horses Strayed. Caino to the ^realises ot tho uudorsitnod, lot :r.*^ou. 1.1, .\rteniesift, about Oct, Ist.. one h:>rKo. 1 lio owuer is roquestad to jtruve property, jiav e.xpeoBos &ud l&lKo the »aiuti aw&v • Wm. SAKTLa Kugeiil* P. O. have overcome the misty vision tha; creeps on witii the advance of years, and now I am the most pleased man 1 know." A pleased patron is the be^t advertise ment. We give tree tests and guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong, 4EWCLEB AND OPTIClA'i fLT-SHEBTON. m J EDSlliESS EIIII[iTlBI, Get THe Sest. QRT IT AT I HE Owen Sound, Ont Where you can gjt the most thorough trainiUi( in either Busiiii-»n subjects or Shoilhatid and Type-vriting. Tha is wh .t "ur !>^aduate^t will tell you. \V|.y \ Because we have the best college promises, tho best text- Ixo'^s and rhc best methods.. l'"or fuither inforination address C, A.FLE.MINO, PRIN. mm& \m m. sebvke Tho uiMlerninneil has a ftno tJioroiiKhbredl TorkslMre boar ft r- service on Toft Si, tlTtA'coar* ooKsion, .VrteuBesla. Teruaa $1.

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