NoVKMOER 27, 1902 TH£ FLESHEltTON ADVANCE F. T. HILL & CO I ^^m^^^^mi^^ SPECIALS IN HARDWARE From time to lime opportunities coii<e our way by which wo gut Hu-usuiinhlu linus of nooda muoh below their rcgulur value. And i'lJit. «s sure ns iv« eecjro yinuls iit ii low pricu, just so certiiin are our cuBtomers of partici- patiiis.' in llie hHiifliis. This wntiU wit plnc^u on s:ilii part of a traveller's Kot of Hiunl.i knives i\ mong wliioli are : 25 Finest SUivl Imiohcr liuivus, C to 8 inch bladiw, tinust tempered steel. Theiie re MpUjndul goods â€" worth in the usunl way up to 50 cents each and are olearitiR at one p rice, your clioico only So ;J7 trays, heavy, h "lutiful p.iltorns, iiiclilii-platiKl <,'o()dH. T ^,,^nl, â€" j^odils that with n-nsonablo care will kis>, a life tiuie- irays for r>0 cents, half (h)lliir trays for lis is a i)aiticularly nice assortment of up to date -and all to be a<>M at hnlf their value. Our dollar 25 yroVKS, KAN(!ES, HEATKRS. Our slock of tliesu is now at its bestâ€" both as reuards nssortinent and values. Tliink of thisâ€" Ninereen difffriiil kin U of Cook Stoves and Heaters, each u gem and without an equal at its price. Several new lines of Stoves added to our .slock within the past few days. Yoa'll ho interested in the prices we are in a P'lsitiou to quolo yon. X CUT SAWS AND AXES Bushmen and <ither8 interested in the purchase of (>ood saws and axes we invito to examine our mag- iiificicnt collection. We've gone to a lot of trouble both by test and inquiry in selecting those and have secured a nianinioth stock that we know is right. Our aim is to have the best no matter what the price, but as it happens the prices are not any higher than common goods are usually sold at. 5pecial in Dry Doods Thesr lines are all on sile now. Some are in sufficient quantities to last ton or twelvedays, others pndjahly only tlire.1 or feur days. In view of this its important that you make your selectinn as soon as possible. Come as early in the day as you canâ€" say 8 o'clock. Everythini; then is in perfect readiness for business and the store cimlortahly heated. We give a prompt service and cireful attendance on customers at all times, but our very best attention is given those who shop ill the forenoonâ€" as a rule we're not so rushed then. SWEATERS 29c. 10 dozen Men's extra heavy Sweaters, perfect goods, full sizes in ordinal, bright navy, and heather mixtuies. Tiiis is the biggest snap in such goods that has ever c. me our way or yours. Genuine and thoroughly dependable sweaters, worth in the regular way 50c. and 76.each. Your choice now only 29 BOYS' SUITS 81.50 24 small boys' suits, in navy worsted and T«""et cord- uroy, prettily m»dc and thoroughly well trim -led. In the rcgulai way these goods are worth 82 25 per suit â€" uood value too at that priceâ€" but having bought at a particularly low price we pass thein on to you at a proporlioate saving. Your choice of '.he lot, per suit only 1.50 BOYS' LONG BOOTS 98o. iii pairs Boys' long hoots, all thoroughly seasoned and just the correct article for present wear. Wa expect to clear these out in a very few days â€" they're goods that will give absolute satisfaction ill wear and will keep the boys' feet dry in any kind of weather. Sizes run ikshigh as 5, values 1.50 to 2 25, your choice now only 98 TABLE LINEN 75c. 68 yards of finest satin-finished 'Table Linen. The cloth is the newest design and of the finest quality linen we have ever handled . Full 65 inch wide, reg- nlar value 1,25 per yard, clearing at only per yard 75 ALL WOOL HO.VIESPUNS 56c. 125yarda,54 in. .beautiful all-wool homespuns in grey and fawn. Those who know anything of homespuns will admit that for serviceability and comfort they have few equals and no superiors among present dress fabrics. This cloth is worth in the regular wsy 90c. per yard, clearing now at only 55 Please Shop Id the Forenoon it you Cau. F.T. HILL& CO There is only one week more in which to decide how you are going to to vote on the referendum. Aa tlie day approaches enthneiasm is becom- ing more pronounced among the prohibitiouists, and weak and undecided voters are being added to the ranks every day. When the electors begin to understand that under piesent conditions they are partners in the business and that the coming vote gives llicin a chance of getting out of this partnership, tiiey are not slow to make up their minds. Many fathers will vote for the bill as a future proUclion to their sons and daughters. Others will vote for it because it is a matter of conscience, still olliina to put a-,/ay temptation from themselves or a weak brother. As a matter of financial investment even it will be a good thing, bijcause the liquor business is not a producer of wealth hut a de- Btroyer. It takes 150 million IVoiu the people of the country and pays back eleven million. Let us save the lijfi million by placing our cross under the word "Yes" on Thursday next. selves in this respect with the country press, which certainly has as a whole done yeoman service in the campaign. 1 he people all over the country are rubbing their eyes and asking them- eelves what is wrong willi the Torouto dailies. These papers appear to have no ideas whatever to offer tlio tilectors on the great moral question now before us. To our raind this condition of affairs proves several things. First, that the rofereiuhiui is Poliatoea bag. An announcement of great import- ance to Canadians appeared in the dailies of Monday, which stated that the Grand Trunk authorities have decided to build another transconti- nental railway to compete with the C.i Ducks per \mi P. li, This will be good news to the l^u^k^y^ P^, lb " (jeeso per lb. . grain growing yeomen of the west, to ' Hay consumers of the east, and to mine owners, stock raisers and others of llie Pacific coast. C. P. H. stockholders are aboi!t the only ones to grumble. | 'J he United States has three great! transcontinental lines. With the G,j T. li, Great Noithern and C. P. R.} Canada will moniii to the same basis and trade will lluurish. It is eslim- ' ated that one million settlers will come to Canada from llio United Slates during tiie coming year. All these l thii'igs indicate that Canada is "gettiu' i a big boy, now. " I The Markets. tarefullv Corrcr cd Each Tt'eek Oats Peas Wheat Barley Butter Eags fresh Pork Chickens per pail': . . 30 -o 70 o 65 to 45 to 16 17 -.o 7 00 to 25 to 40 to 9 to 7 to B 00 to 60 -.0 I Ticsberton Furniture marerooms* Wo are carrying the newest styles of seasonable goods in all lines of Furniture, consisting of : Parlor nnd bedroom suits, lounges, sidebo.ird.i, e^ten8ion and centre tables, chairs, window shades and curtain poles, pictures, easels, etc.. Which we offer at County Council. Continued from last week. FltlllAY. Messrs. .laines McL:iuchl m and Dr. C. M.Laiig wore present ns a tlepu'.ation from the Owen Sound general and marine hos- pit d. They addressed the couni;il, show- ing the gioiit and good notk done liy the institniion sine.e its inception and the ni'cossity for further enlargement. A long list of accounts were reciincnended lor piyuiunt in the several reports pro- selitoJ. LOWEST PRICES Picture Framing and General Re- pairing. Cndei taking in iiU its braiicliod. Satisfaction guaianteeU. W. rt. Bunt, - - Prop. Our C tubbing jCiit SATUltnAV. 'i. The bylaw of the Markdale council «as Strictly and absohUt ly outside the accefiied as sati.sfattory and sidlicient by field of politics. Secondly, that in^ the council and a co,.y will bo printed in , , , ,. , ,. . . the minutes. The niesseiijer, Aluster Stead of moulding pubhc opinion, q„,,|„„_ „.as paid 4*1 a day for his ser- when it comes to a qtieslion of moral vices, and ihu thanks of the Town of reform our daily pi ess is willing for 0«'>n Soimd for the of of the cout.cil •' ' cnaintier during the session, whdo the public sentiment to mould it and it is cnrelaker will uo paid l?6. The chairman f the various committees weru paid 91() now in the plastic condition prepara- tory to the operation, After the result of ihe vole is known we will hear plenty ou the subject It proves also that there is someone pulling at the reins whoso financial interests are at stake in tlio way of brewery and distillery stock, advertising patronage, etc. It is a '^orry uxliibitioii of itself tiiat the each, with the oxciptioii of the chairman of tliu audit, who gets £.o, and the chair- man of the house of refuge committee, S2.J, The council was evidently in h thankful mood and Warden McKinnun received a standing expiessicm for the courteous and impartial manner in which lie had presided over their deliberationa. The nintttfr of insuring the eouiity liuild- ings was K ft to the county trvssurtr to s.'cure the best rate from some responsible company. The council then adjouriu'd to muitt in Maikdido on Wuduesdsy, De Papera marked with a * give balance of this year free. TuK AnvANCK and â€" ♦Weekly Mail and Empire with pre- mium !? 1 75 ♦Weekly Globe 1 80 Family Herald and Weekly Star and premium 1 80 Daily News 2 30 Toronto Daily Star ... 2 30 Tor(mto World 3 00 uardian 1 9o Sun 1.80 duily press is making The greatest moral (lueslion that has ever oom« c"'"''""- 10th.â€" Times. before the electors of Canada 18 now ;. H* Ulilson ' Tksberton « « « Fleshertons* Tonsorial Parlor December Millinery Many ladies defer .selectii^n of their moro elab- orate headwear until somewhat lato in the season â€" contenting thera.selves earlier with Keady-to-wear hats. "We keep the interest well sustained in this Department right along by constant additions of late arriving novelties, and cau promise as good a selec- tion now as earlier in the season. Specialties in Children's Headwear Novelties in Ladies' Ne^fewear New Ready-to-wear Skirts Ladies' Waterproof Coats Ladies' Winter Underwear 1'. ' .....^â- .,-,;v'.;''C '^^'^' „. •" â- Ladies' Cloth Coats. Our Ladies'Coats in Oxford Grey Cheviots in half, three quarter and full lengths are deservedly })opular â€" those who appreciate genuine tailor made gar- ments car't fail to become interested in (bem â€" in cut, style and finish they're absolutely correct. Half Length Coats from $5*00 Three Quarter I-ength Coats from $^,50 Full Length Coats from $^,50 Underpriced Coats. A Special OfferingI Fifteen Ladies' Coats â€" some tight-^ semi-fitting â€" in Beaver, Kersey, Frieze and Curl Cloths â€" all pop- ular and serviceable colors â€" black, grey, fawn, brown, myrtle and navy. Sizes 32 to 40, Breast. These sold at $5.00 to $8.00 in the regular way and were good sterling value at that. Our Special Price for any Coat in the lot is $3.75 They're all prominently displayed don't miss seeing theml ::. Rubber Footwear, - We're handling the Granby Rubbers again this season because we can find none better â€" they're the most reliable and satisfactory in every respect. Specialties in Snag Proof Rubbers. Men's and Women's Fine Rubbers to fit any and all the new Lasts. Overshoes â€" Men's, Women's and Children's, all sizes. Women's and Children's Combinations. Goodyear Glove Rubbers â€" Si'eoiai,. Overshoes Underpriced. 48 pairs Men's Overshoes, perfect goods, NOT seconds, waterproof jersey uppers, red fleece lined, full fitting last, medium toe. Sizes 6 to 1 0. Regular $L05 goods, oux* pK*ice $1.2S. Chenille Table Covers. We've all sizes in these popular Covers, in Pea- cock, Blue, Fawn, Cardinal, Terra Cotta antl Green â€" all with heavy knotted fringe in liandsome new de- signs. Prices 05c., .$L25, $*2.25 and $3.25. Specialties in Damask Tablings, Linen Table Cloths, Table Napkins, Sideboard Sairfs and Tray Clothsâ€" just the things for Presents for any occasion. Hardware Department. A citizen seven years in arrears for his leiug fought out on the rostrum and country paper, wha had never had a good not one of our daily popcra has the word to say for the Editor and who wasi \^'^aNTE:)--BaUBER Al'I'KENTICE courage 10 take a manly sland cither always opposed to public ''"P''"v«'"0"t, I p^Qfl (.l.nrir.p (q ]earn for the fur or ajjttiiiiil lUo bill. Henoeforlh wiwdyinj}. "How do you fuel?" asked " riilht VOUUS' man ihe Kieut daily jnninalB Blionld not the editor, who was on hand lo *iitB the!„ . ,.l,,„„ Vh T ..„.,rl"..., talk 100 loudly of their ability to lead , "."'"«^y- "â- '^' '>"• ''"»>'* '""'"'« me,". """K »'«"g ^^ l^aundry. II :_ .1 „ .......... ._ I I Kft**!'"'! the dying man. "I thoueht so," ^ A. A ^pat^t.of. all slipnl J th^y compare tbcm- Xmast medding and Birthday Presents. Specialties in Table Cutlery, Silverware, Fancy China, Dinner Setts, Fancy Glassware, Tea Setts, Fancy Lamps. We're placing all our New Xmas Goods in stock this week and will tottUly eclipse any former showing in this Departn)ent. Some Handsome New Parlor Heaters just arrrived. %^^ tbem and get our prices. Bovdtl^ickHng&c:o. 4^; ISf.*.'" ,. 1^ i^ abuut ttfn minutui," H. Wilson - TiesDerton I ^'(^^(:^^^^^Xi^s:^V^^^