Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1902, p. 1

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MARCH IS, 1W THE FLESHEKTON ADVAKC .1. 'l''"l * YOUNO Heuaers. Mr,ll at tianmt usuiilUK beae. Muy locuwt at > i,.*eoaabl. rl Cell oil u- M H A H VANUU8RN, J P A (Tier* Stli UlT Cimrt, Co Grey Ssiier of Uarrtai* I.teeo.e.. Conveyaiiej jury Public Auctioneer. Uouey to loan "' " ui '" 'JuttBMTOrt r O Con RJ 81- HO II Li B Pottuiuter, KleshertoD . oiuMilnloner in H. O. i.. Auetloneer veyn3r, Appraiser and Move IkeM) Klttwttf eVfl'l lDiMlrttlM.1 Aft Jort,-M. le" an* wills carefully dr.wo p i 1 rlutlou. ine-le oo uortt notice oa.y o loea at lowest rates of Interest Col le.-tl./n e,l*eo<Jea to with |>rou,,,tn,,s. U4T... low. Agent for Ocean Dominion t-mmiliip Compaoy. A call aoheited. AO U w ni*st. ou tlie last Monday in ecii uioutb, la their louge room. I rit ' block. Klesnerton. at 8 |> at. T. , W. M. : AM Oloson, Ueeordar ; W. I.. -ny.noaewUr. Vlsl.lng brethren |LVI.I P" KIM i VHTHTK 1.0WIK. No s:.A. .;,,.t. In the sUsoutebail. Ht rain's ck Kli.stu.rton. .very Krlday ou or bolort. full uiocn. J a. noyd W M VV J KLKSHKHTON. 1 O. F. meets In V riuistoe'n Kloek the Uct Prt4a) evfiuu* Vi*itinK Kursxtors heartily C H.. K. W.llr K.S.. W. A. Arm- trouic. ^^ ittcrtical D H A M C \- * H Out. 1'by.lcian, - an I reiaeoo-rtr t.. fleaberton . tc 1-fcK ; i U et.- riMhwrton, Ont Ofllcc au.l Baldo.T..roito ntrt. oppo.lt* Ik* cMinlirr may b* found Uiore day ana klcbl Coroof for Coouty ol Ory. _ SCOTT. AND HOPTtiY MnuitMn CollM* I'ty.lc A HargeoDi Ontario (*ra<luaU in Mullein, of Toronto Ualvvnlty Kcllownlilp Diploma , Poet UraM- at. Ulioal Hchooland Ho.i.ltal. rblcaip throat .|nKilly FLESH ERTON IONSORIAL d ARLOR Haircut, 5hve or Shampoo Or an> thing In our Una wben aceoin- |ianl*d witb |jro|>r cbange. A. Wilson, - Fle*herton Bring your laundry tnfure Tuewlay uoon, rl of eye, ar. no and th H SOITLT. r.v.rtbaoi. JOHN A SCOTT. Mawll. JP OfTKWKl-L VBrluary Hurgvon urad it of Ontario V.Urluary llr.i l.ic ccond door >outb wM oo Uar. trrt. Thii rot rau. KiuUi Prolivl.-rlan Cliurob. QW. M A 7 <. ' V.ai-iii.aiy Wt L Rradua lUti I w n en, I Dentist, Max- M o Ontario Veterinary Collfwe. th l'..<-..nl.i L'nlverelty \i-it-. tuii-iO* Weilnes<1T from II . in to 3 p. tad K<->-rliiii "' in-. from t to .'. r in xfgal J W. FltiifST, I. I. I' Barrister, HnllcUur Cooveyauear. .to >!B' Next to postofBce, Hprouln'. block Xleili "ton. "very Tliurda au.l. lonvt r)a) V H i*...i KIIUII-I otnoe, Krokt m bloek I- .ul-ii street east. LUCAS. WKIIIHT ft UcAUDI.K lui rioters Holicitors Oouveyancars, et DfB".-. -<>wu Bound, Ont and Uarkilale Ont. W II NMoniir, McAauLM I II L.r. N lirie.herton office. Mitchell's Hank Very S.itur.la> . TUCKKH * PATTERRO* IUi riiters. Solicitors, etc klolsou's H.nk, Owen Bound htU'CV H T' t -KKIt (IK.d W 1'ATTKKiWN MAK A VA SAMPSON. Mrrlti-r...olloitnAo ,11 I M KS : llwitll S, .. ..I. M.-li llSllfn Ita'ik Itlui-k, N >! Pntt.tr ... II .II-.. l..imlalk, Main treat, every Hutu. Ui M.II>"\ to I.M.II at tjper r.-nt A (! M iCK \1 M \ . II I. >>\ Ml'. ,!'>, I. I, Alwave In attenilanr* st rimliei ton mnl Uuu.Ulk li.\ . r, .nils. D < I! C. Ml RAV, ,. . . t I ..i. ml. i I nl\. IMI-. ami , Itnval 3feacl> in ... I: isi I .ii I,. D. . >tni:tai KiirRft.in . f 'I ..... tit) SllKi"lll ' i ,n .trniii;' Jei Mixwell Ilio la*l . an .IIMin. I.Ik 1 aii'l <Pi. '>!> iv Hl.in- \\. i .' Thursday YORKSHIRE BOAR I ,.,..,, i,. .,. , .,, lot into, Sri - U \,i iii.ii*. a th.ii.Mi ek . l. I >V T . Eugenia Planing Mills. . . (iel your Sash. Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Me\v ell I 'osts. Itallust.T.s, Cor- in-r Blocks, Hand ICailin^, tin- hest of Spruce Lath, No I and No. -' Shingles, N'erandu and Kill in^.Sid- in#*. tc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop pin-. Satisfaction in all our Hues gttamtiteed. S. Walker Sloan UOPRIETOR. Photos *: TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in firat-clau .tyle and at lowest rates. Siiecial attention L-iM'ii to copying. Itabiea' photos. a .pecialty. Picture, framed. MRS BULHER - i/inAn/uvnji/uiiruuuux/inAri/i/vfvru WlfwM Telegraphy House d Lot For Sale. lilock r.. No. IV 1. PlMherton, good tram* houM anil laru talilf. ttood nnr.lri. and fruit UMI. good wcU.aUo Park lot, block H lot 4. cxinUlnlnK I acre*. Apply to Au<lrw Wickn urto W. H.HLOAX HthJuly tf KltnUrUy. atop, in the of wir.-li--N tolegriphy follow eiich other with a rapidity which ia quito unpreced- ented in the derelopunient ot a uew in- venti .n. It i.a ii >t many week* ihice tfw ttrnt nuccemful signal* were tranmitted acrotu tho Athtntic,and in tho interim th invi'iitiir him returned to England, coin- { doted hie arranxnientH, mid is now on lia way Itauk to America for the >>; of eitablinhing a pennanvilt itation for the regular traii8ini>ion of commercial wireleM ineHsajje.. Purtheniiore, it U announced tint a contract ban been made with the Canadian government for the tiiitmmiKwion uf ordinary tranaatlantio iiieaaauuji for ten cent a word, with a pruwi r.ite of6ve cent, a word. In accordance with the coutract, the Canadian govern- ment will contribute $80,000 toward the erection of a station in Nova Scotia. At preMtit the rate for general racaaaaes in J.i i-i-ntK ; si i that the general public in Canada reap the immediate liem-ti- of a reduction in tho rate o' fully (V) per cent. Thus af(ain do we see the indomitable patience of one-man bring to fruition, afUT yuan of patient invest igt ion, another of those epocb-makinK inventioiiH, which wao (It-Mined from the very Knit to bring un tild bein-fft to tin- world at large and well-earned prestige and wealth to the inventor himself. In t hie age of increas- ing travel and multiplying international intents of a political, commercial and private character. thin facilitn'inn of com- munications between Inn ->M and new world will be. linti-h. n' t.i a di-i;rei- that can scarcely l-u OKtui.i'' 1. '{' tlie pri- vate individual parti ulmly, "ill ibis great rhenpi MIL' "f tuli grdiiu c muiuni- CHtiou l w> Icome, as it biin^i the trans- atlantic 'cablegram'' w thin reach of a va.1 numb r of people to whom it INIVI ii"i.-u*i- Id-i luxury at the preariit pi ice It is true he commercial HUCCUSS of the .y.tein has i-t tol-e deinoii.triit.-d ; but Mr. Marconi las bjn ao unf irmly modes* and omaer alive in hi< claims, and has i-\iIeiitly >een careful never to announce his achicvmentnuntilhAhad proved beyond a J.uilrt their practicability, that tho public will have every coo6<lunce in the iuven- :or's ability toctrry out to the letter hi cntra.-t with the (Canadian government Sdtntitic American. >'ii(ki Bill" Stick Fin. I'larew. riinn,i>ii> Hutterciiu*. ranxlian ll,ilty ami Imported llvanty, with Irit l.av andar at li.-t I of herd. Yn IIIK anLiiaU of botb , . for tale ; aleo on* bull i years old, ir<l dy AburUalo an. I from an linllan Chief row. ABTHUBJOHNSTON. Vandrlour.Out Taniwortli Boar for Service. Alvin ( No. 728 Tin! undiTHigniHl bus thoroughbred Tamw.iith llonr for m-rvii-e on 1 .t 140, T. & 8. U., Artemesi.. Ten, IN $1 00. Tmm. LKVRR, 1'rop Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord IHinto, 2^068. <1 llintiain Tlie nndrmlKnexl lies a Ane aet-il nil fursurvlce ou lot III. T. A H. II. Terine-CI for grade cow. *'i for lh..u.ui;li rods r. iiu-i .-. <ai a|>|>li"ti " JVfOIi I.KVKK Klehert<Mi I'.O. KILL MM: NO JSilI * General Gordon - The uiiiUnliino'l linn Ant elans tii.>ionli- Kho thorn bnll for serrloa on lo< M. I s i- \i ,. i> Tins Is one of the brat aa in tin, i-.iii M appUralloa. TerMi -*i. Thorouthhred* $j \VM, DAVIS THOROUOrlBUGO IMJKHAri BULL I <ir Service 27510 Tho un l.-rsi^ni'd ha a lino Durhmii for L 1 ! M i ' i "'or i,.ih i>n lot I4T. TKS\H 11.00 for th . on N|i|ilit-itinii. ALIIKIU STI.W vur May H -1 yr. Klr-hrrloi llnl T S U Boar for Service Tin. unili-iMnni'il Ims s rtiin \itinii' tliniiiuuli . mi I. n nuvit-i. oil I. a 17I.T..V S It, .\lll-lll|.'l. Illl'tl llOUl .lo-|lll IflLtli.-l Htone's ( I'Diiiiilo T>.wh<lii|i, Strut li.villi-1 IHIK stnok. Toirr.e *l. l.lsii.W M (I moi ESoui lull Sei^vico. I ,t M r" -i I. i>i>re). TEKMS 1$ Maxwell. isltiri* Hoar for M-rvloe on Ask lor \VM.i-I.INTON-, r>ii|i n ift. Home odd experience, am lokl liy the Irantl Valley Soil- < )ne morning Uat eek Mr. K. Campbell MW a Urge sized art er snake tiwniiiiiiug in t he water trough , nd at oiice killi-.J ft. Til.- rrplUe had no nulit come out -.11 account uf the warm eatlii-r. Mr. Wood*, SiU cunceaniiHi, Uaiafiaxn, illed a foi in close quarter* one day re- mtly. It waa being hnril iiroened by tlie f, and running chxe by thi houte eif- ied an |>viiiiig in the tiround and ini mediately |'<niped in. It Unded in a cia- rn where Mr. Woods *>aMily deitpatched Mr. Uuvige .Smith of En*t Luther hud rather mutual exiic-rienoe with a wild cat r lynx the other Jay. HvarinK a noise ut aljuul ike ctiicki-n ln.uiK.he found thu barking at tlio cat, liich on ae<-fng tr S>nir|i put for the xwaiup. ftlrSnn'li ill, will with hm 'xiin. but to no avail. ut un arriving back at thv !nmu, abtr.it it- first tiling iio H.-I-.V wan tho lynx, and t once shot it. Tin; bei.t v*m ijiule a arge "in-. By t 1 e rcc<nit o|K-niiii; of tl Cape usTr.ili.-in trlvgrapli cable aa fitri l'i-r,l . rvhtcrn Aiutntlia, pracricilly the wh-lo f t(u- British POSH.-N-IOIIS are n-iw linked .gather by telrgmphic cotiiuiuni^tion. *or thin Cape Australian S.---IOM, nearly 5.000 mill's of cable have >x ni ueil nt an xpeudituru of over $15.000,000. By hia liiteM m liH-vctin ii! thu whole cable Ween Ijoudoii .-mil Australia is in I'.nt h hamlH i:nitr..|y. Hy next r'uSruary ho csblo will ho exU-nlxl t.i AiK-I.i.d.-. Thi.s new i' Ir rotitn iipt-lii n in,.:r -liruot iiiiiiu i.f t> 1- _;! ij.lu . i,iiiiiiiiiiicHti..n w:th \u~trHli*. 'Ilif inc.-ii-s w.ll lu Iraits- mitted from L"i.ilou to 1'orthaniioii n Cornwall. tSoai-e Btniiifht to UaJM Town via M.nl. n.i, St. Vii.cent, and St. Helena. From Cajie Ti. they will then te trim. mitt il , iv.-i-|:ui,l to Durban, th vitith African terminus of the n^w Cap-< AuHtralian route, ihenoe direct to M.iuri :iua, Rodrixuuc, Coooa Island, and on to Perth, Adelaide, Sydney ami New Zea- land. Prohibition Resolution* At the bin prohibition convention held in Toronto on Feb. 25, coniifttinR of 120< dt-legatcH,the following rrnolutionK were |iait'd : That this coiivuntion hail, wiil pleasure the dociaion of the 1'riv t '..iin.il suHtainiiiK the Manitoba Liquor Act. thus .ilhriniiiK tin i i.'ht of a pi.ii m c-ial Lvgrnlature to prohibit tranHaclion in intoxicating lii|uor which take.|ilac< wholly uit inn the ti-rritorml limit N of it juruuiietion, by the tesiid.MiU of the pro t ince. Tint the hill inii-.Kliiivil into tho Out rio Lrgialaturc making prohibition con ilitiuiial II|M>II diflicitlt, niinxwoiiiililo an ijukt re(|iiireniuntx cannot be accept i-i n Inlhllini'iit of tin- Govprnmeut' eduoa, and thiaconventinu express.-, it deep rttgret that tin- (io\criiiiient haH no curried out the ttimple definite proniue u Sir dhrer Mowat, roiterati-d hy Hon. A S. Hardy and Hon. <>. W. RI.HH, lo in troduce a bill to prohibit th > li>|iiii! t rathe to tho limit of the declared (N>we <>f the province. Hint a apecially object i.,iial>le and un fan leuture of the bill ix the provi.ion th.r. i-n-ii if Hie bill ia approied by in, j,, my of t!ie electorate votiiiK thcn-oi it will not IH-I'IHIIH Uw unli'M that nmjor ity atlaina very large d nienii"ii, am thi.s cmivi'iitioii beg. to re*|MM.-tfully in form the (i iM-rniin-nt th.il li-gislat liiniii'il by any con<lilion that wotitd |n-r nut tlio npniK UN uf a minority of tlo- vot inuuliH-lontto to prvvail, would not In- nm aiJenul by the pinliil'itionisti of Ont:n,i in it fiilnlln.t nt of tho Gun riiiiient 1 1 minis. *, nor IIH 1-11 itliu^ iiu-inln-rs ol III I.i nii'aiuru who vi.tiid for it to tht-ir c ui InlmiiT mil kiipiHirl. 'I'l,, it 'In- .-munition )ii, objivt- In tli unfainiee* of a nutlm-l li.li n ni'c m*iy for pn.liiUtioiiis'* to p.>ll 1 iii;i- vntu In 01 dt-f to <-riiir K-yi-latioi I lu-v ili'Hirt-, wh l<- :u,ii I'H'lnliitioioHtH art, not rvijiured to do .o, but m.iy Htiocetx i Ii ui t iking the trouble of v iti'i^ That thin loiivi-ntion fintlicr proto.HU rtgaiii't tin' lixi :: ,if tin- il;te for the pro (loved voting :it iui un in, n ,i t time of i municipal ulvctimi with un imp -,ii,m ivonoiny of uublic fui'dn ar.i I.i' lime and ill'.i- 1 of tli- votet-N, ai > i-,ll for a rote, if at all, on that dat 'I'h it it dcputti,iM !>,- Appointed to liefiire the (iovt-riniiciit tllV forgnilia rcno lutioiiH, ai.d to i^k for tbr ri'iiiovnl fi,,i the bill of unfair ionditi"ii* oomplail nf, ttntl that t-\i-i) ni.'iiil'i'i of the Leg lature l> uttiid lu .'o all he oan to -n-ur tin- rini. in ii imi (MIII the bill uf iho u coi llllinlis It Will (live You an Appetite An, I a Nli.macli to tnku rat,- of it, iliciHiiini that will (ill yonr veins wit rirli lilix.u ; if ttnik. it will Htrongtlu' i In- In- u i ; nl iiinku the bvi-r iliMch it< [iroprr fiiiH-timn. K rroT: mo will d .ill iliit, iiinl n .'IT i,.". Ki-i-io/.iiif will in- craiif yonr nortu fori-o, and cupm'ity for nu'iii.il I ibin, mill will inaki' wurk a lenl pi -a-. in- Kvery limn, winin-n unit chilil i ,n .I, n\ i- lii'in-lii fiimi Fi-inii>..iiii!. At all iliiigui-l-. I'lii-e oOuelitM. Sold hy Richarwon. Thre Animal Items Twenty Year* ot Bronchitis. u l.ii,|..|i ,.f K'.ix^t-.rn.. -..11111, -uni- er of the dti-siuer IV/homian, of the K. & O. fleet, imffered niiCc.DiiiiKJy for tvrc-nty yeai>, and HltliKUgh be timk ireatment nil that time permanent relief *a mit ob' taincd Oi.tH IM (Hed CaU'rh',z ie wbiclk' cur.tl huu i|uickly and peruiam-ntly. The C.ptain uijra " OveVriMVeM ii th cure for bronchi tin on the face of the i! lobe, I'ieiiwtnt to use, ((iiiuk to relieve, and HUH- t i corn, " Catarrhozono U woiidrrful treatment for ail diaeanefl of the thr..nt, lun^s and bronchial tubei. Tiro month.' treatment, price 91. 00 small -i/.- 25 ctH. Druggist, or Polnoa & Co., KingHton, Out I ARM I : OR SALE ily int.i.-t unil.i $.V>0, lubr.i-o eNV tin |ii .ui,-, 7ft cleared Tin- I'm V County Council bus pii.swd a by I.i* ii-iiiiii in :lo>t mi auctioneer Imfoie i'.'iiilti itii!K ! till 1 shiill allow IIH liotuui* in il .imiiiiiooo tin- ilste of I|H i^siu- ; <d.n niliu id ion. Iwlnnort half t^dar ' thai hawk.-ia, p. illi^ inul cul un'ii I- HI., I b.ill inix.i: lnii-d*ii..d. Com- ': |mn-.l to tTy a lu:. -IKK- r -rd lu'H it > fiatuc dw, ll'iig, fraini' p. st hum ' i- m Ir .-i-n ly 'In- politic. A ri'.Miul of f, ^,,,,,,1 ,,,.",,,,,1 a n, | ;| in Ins fill isi.'b-r- il by the l fur <-\i'ry |-IM>II ii fi* tl.ior other by- lairi in thi, btli..!l. - rsl.eiti.n. . Apply to U J. BE ON YOUR BUARD Against unscrupulous iiniutorj who] may claim to be abU to furnish you a] mecUcine u good, or the Mine ar OUR NATIVE HERBS.: Tho Formula is town to but ono parson, ALOHZO 0, Imitations of HI her Tebtrti . iwder ' '.rr no only worthless, but may t uifrer-' *nns to the health of your customers ia being' 'compounded by inexperienced persons with-' ' n' IVR 4 'nut n>rrect knowledge of the lurmHla ft nf the medicine There U only or ' 'remitne Herb compound. OCR NATIV lIl.KBH, manufactured only by ; THE ALONZO 0. BLISS CO 232 St. Paul St., Montreal, Can. ALBERT SILAS JOHNSON, LOCAL AST, CEYLON P, 0,] r Tl MO. CAHADA, BLOOD POISON IfToaercr contractrd ny Blood Plceaaa jroc ar vert* nlm Balen the Tin* or oclWbaa bi-^-o eradicated f torn lh .rsti-m. At times 500 w alarming symptom. iktiiv* la bo ( K- no erun. iwulti wnl lollow. liar* JOB anj ol the foKowmr irautomat bore throat, nicer, oa tlie tongar or In the noalh, hair Ulhngoi,atb- jril-ialtchiniu of ths .kin, dorr. or b 1 . .ut^s on the body, ye red and .mart, dvnaottc ioinich,..-xaal waknea Indication, of the wcondarv te. Itont truitto lock. Doa*lruia yonr syHem with tbc eld fo tretment-inierciiry and U -whica only t v viw* tt> .yraptom. for a fan only to break out iffaii. whs DT In dome.tic life. Dm't let quack, iipenrr.ent on yon. Our N KW M Ir. TH BATMKNT ii euaran-.L-^l to car* you. Our urotcc. re t,cki bmnU bontia that dedUaaww.il rrrrr return. Thousan.l. ol patienta .l*? TalnSJy cnr?d by o.rNKW METU-'U TKKATMKNT f. r oyrr fcyeafa, nd co return o( the di.o.tai No eiparicant, no rtak-iuX a "pate* ap," bttt a pod- ited. Uva cu: --. Tn. woi.t solicit NERVOUS DEBILITY OVJM MKW MKTHOn T7K ATMfHT will cars vo, ardeiakea tnae I of y.->o. Under its ialloooco th. fcrala bx.mc act ire, the blood ptmsed so tn^t aMj.Unpl.ri, blo!c!i-3 and ticer. disappear: the ner- become strong as . evl. o ; tie I aurruma , I and free of chirr** | dollars. WEWILIUC We tr ii and ISIONA. SYPHILIS 1 , GLEKT, " : DlbiiAbES, and ill eU*s*M peculiar to meo and wuaea. Cures cuiraj- : Don't let qua.-ks and fk.irs rob yo of your Surd-c.tii.cJ W K"&%a?SA. 8XOALtTEAK ! * EMIS- GLEET, STRICT-ORE. VAKICOCSLK. K/PNEY and Are TC a rlctlmT Haw vo 1o borwT Ai TO contunplatln ni.vu-^-e? Hi^jror I \x>d tf<-n dmcMrd? H.'e yor.v wr.t artsT Our New Metbud Trta'sacut will cen YUM. Coitle I free. No maucr wie ksi treated jou, write (or an honrsi ov.uiou I'rec o( I'h.irtf >nblf. steoka rr^.-*T >> UoMen Monitor" linuMratedl on Pieeo)f ..t Wom-" -Ta Wa, cl Sla." "Vaosocale, St. iciuie and tiloejt." | I A 11 rent frtt *.*'&. No meiicln. .cnl C. 0. 0. Ho nimw en bote er o.-nr&lors. Eviri;iir.fl | cortP.dan'.UI. Qutstlon list inJ Cost ol Trslm:nt. FREE, lor Home Cur*. U8 SHELBY ST. DETROIT MICH. EKi For M:iy Harris, N;\on, Kli'tiry and Wilkius iii^iiii"iiipleinonts, Kleury and Verity plow* >n hand nil iho timo, also .ill kind* "f repairs for tllo mine. Wo umiiufactiiK- vl r,itt.T, Sleighs. etc. . i! it'tvntion to tolldi-l coirui.-ti'd fct. c.nutanily <>M hand. mill Httendt-il to t'haina \&^&W^ are out for business ...BOUND TO PLEASE YOU... Kxaiuinc our slri^hs and t 'utters licfoiv Imy5nr. It is nur aiul.ition ti> load in the Carriauc ti-ade untl want you to help us out. make a specialty of horse shoeing ami repairing of all kiwis, particularly, Kine Carriages of all kinds. J. H. Heard & Son \\ \VokreatiuatnIur Cuts.ni Sv|r.(om. Strsw sn,l til ai'.i ill niili'i . JUftaitce. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL XXI, NO 1075 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, March. 2O 1OO2 W. H THURSTON, EDITVB A PHoPhlETCB . Illl I VIILV/ IIIIW VLV/JllL'f An ovt-ill-n\in-,. st.^k which we are <i<-- iroiifi of rurlutii.g this nvnth. C' -mo in, rxarutoe and x?t p-icca. You wi I be surprised at tl.c b-iryaiiiH. PP An endlea. tariety, fr MSI 26 eent t.i (tf, and all !..w in JTIC - I'm the <inality. Chains Charms Brooches Port Law A ftpleudid line of S.lvrrwarc, at the 1 went living price*. W. A. Armstrong - Flesherton Xaxwrll r*rowi On- Own C<trrt*pmvient. At preewot the roads are in a very bad c<mdiiir. eti account of the .ft weather. Misa Brrnie < ilaerfned is >iailin< frien Is in T .r. t tu. Mr. Alb-rt Long omir'* home fnm Ry non lant week sulf-rm/ from rhuma- t iain. Wo hope to hear of bin speedy re- Mrs Schet iman spent a few day. lart w-k with her datih-er, Mr.. Will Cousins, of Stnghamtiton. Mi..* Soilie Roy of Ku-.-rnia i. risiting her ictr, Mrs. Medlar (!uv. Mr.. Kubt. W'ellnr ia vi.iting fritndi in King; for a few weeks. from Oir-n Ci/a t The Sank St. M ,r of Feli- ni.-ry _.''t!i brio..', tin- foil. .wing iu-iii of i.t:s which is vu-y n.toreeun^ to the Ix- de'a nuny fruniia in thus p-ut, where { she is wdl known anil h ^hly esteorned : | "A very pretty wedding wan celcbnfed , n \VrdntMl iy altiTiiouti at ih- re*i>ieace <>f Mr. A. M I'h.ul mi V ....Ow.iul *VUIIUF, bf ci.ntratt iig p.oti-K < ii'-_; Mr. John Ch;irli AicIVm.i.d of tin- township if J iinsTon atid Miss C.thrrme McVlaater ,-nf tVo rowiiship ">f 'Mfii-y. The crre- 'niony waa perforn.i'd by Ki-v Dr. Stone, I Mna-er I' 1 ' .-n K uruoiusiiWiO 'and MisSpriy rv.-.K-h bride.uianl, with 'itikc N'.iina V. K- :tck iut maid of honor. After a sumptuous ilinn.-r a. served the huppy i.ouple 'eft for tlirir ho-ue nt Furl I ..-k." rn On the Utb i- t.. r.i Mr. and Mr*. Wnlti-r Taylor. . daught. r Two little cb'l.lr.-n ..f Mr. and Mr. 1 Franc-ics S!iii;r h.-ive b-en scnonsly ill with ii'tJ.un i a'i. n "f 'hi: lungs. Mi* Jiina Hi. I. who h;u* been f'T nouie tini.' ui T "nt i. has returned home D.ivi.l J. J iinu-n.n haa H.M tu .sp-nd s,.inc time m Toroatu. Mr (i--o ThomfoD, jr., took a iuai- IM.i| trip ;o Toronto hut week. Mr. S. P<fd!ar ia prepariov to build a ne* barn the com tu .uinrner. Mr. J. Coiirii-lii is A man who pride* in hAving a i^ood hois* Ho Mild one of his bautie to a Braniu'on a* a f,>r tho h <:nli>nii* SUBJ of ti4O Mr A M I .tn, who ha* been vi> h .s Ki.ter, Mm. (>eo. Beecruft, aid friend., left laat woek f, T Mr rV-thune, the evAngvlint, preached for Mr Th"tn t Kugenia on Sunday morninu Hii serurin i try impres- ive. < *u accnuut of iln- bud n>iwli) nt no mnny were prem-ut. Tb ah^ent will fet-l -<iirry for th>-ir uexlct of duty. Mist Aliua Pi-tub. <-f Fli-*lieri>ni wiu the litient of" tlia Mwmw Era and lir.-icie Jam irf.iu on Sunday. Tli remaina of tb l>ia Mrs. Mclv>r, wli . <litji here th past wrek, were taken hy train on Wedneadity m <rntnt; hy her ilauh--r for intirment m SunnHalu. Miaa Aili,. Will mint gar,, birthday party on (he 3rd of March t<> a lar , numlier of licr young friends. S, ,uie pretiy prwen's were received and a v-ry happy , tame wa ipuni by the lutle fuJluL Me R'lg ir Johnnon w t' pruud wnpr of a span of brniii-h<. They nee little bvamien and * gwntlr a child could drive ihi-ni Mr*. H Bowerman, whu him bwn in Tery i^ior heal'h the pant winter, wo are phase I to hear is some better Vlre Klijih Hiul i> I!M recuvering fioin hr recent severe McFarland, Stafford & Co. HARK DALE, ONT. Crey f.n<ys KIVVEST 411, 1 CHEAPEHT Storr ir,,-.- 1 ill,- "' " Mrs. Minnie Gorvii.n of (l*en Sound ha* laMifd a wnt at < )*x'iude H ill againKt ' tneC P.ll. for f 10,0<)0 J.maxea for the death of her hii.bami.Thi.iTia. .1. <>rdoo. a ear turner in the Owen 8<>und round- h<.UM), who I, it his life in the explomi.a of the acetylene ga generator. Nervously Exhausted Slerplu*.. poor digeation, ewaily tired, , bkie an indigo that', bow you f I Do yo-j want .1 g, m.,k plenty uf d, CM. joy mi ynoy, -.trva^thand run. T.IU can do *.i by using Ferr. nu,e How t it .herpemi th appetite .nd iruparta a firlinu <,f buoyancy, rrtntfth aod vim ' Iinpr-.vea the appetite, digeition, Donl Rush.. From Our "ITU (.' The .now M almost all gone aod a therr are to'tie wuhinu fur a few 'days more .lei tini.sh ilrawtng From 0r Oirn Currnpoifl'itt Mrs. MoMannn* of Shflburne visitvd ln-r bii'tli. r, Mr. John ItoUtid, but week. Mr. Ttioa. Knight i f Altiaton m n-ncw- iug aci|U.nntancea in this neigbljorhotxl. ! Mr. U <; Kclls h*s leaard hw farm to! Thoa. I'envltun, tH> t ~>k poeaewmn a xhort tun. ; .. Mr. Kelt* bvi moved to the Knittht f.in.i. Mi-w IloKJo (i-l'icrt viaituil fricnda in I'ri,-, v il a i-h-irt timo ai<o. Mr. Skyler Douglvu DM sucurud work with Mr. J. I Graham for the Manner. Mr. Ed Hutchinsi.il left mi Friday fur Onnti n to ork fur the summer. Mr. J".' Allen of Glonelic spent a few days of I.int week at Mr. ,'olin Warbna'a. Mr r.J Wailing hud the misfortune 10 1 cut his foot h U- he'ping Win Lever to take nut titnU-r for ldsl.ri'. He will be la d up for H>>metin>e. Mr. Sid : lix-it box been laid up with infUniintMiry rSruiimiisni. Ali-s K i'ii- Xei lev of Rucklyn U iit- HW li> r Hunt, Mrs. Robt. lluchanati. Mr. A. Vviity of H'ghgilx is visitm; hi brolhtT, Walter, at Mr. Wm.Buchan- HII - M . John We l r 1-ist a fku Ie hore iaat w >-k >li~s lit- II McOrp of Toronto visited her father, Mr. John Mdl.T, a short time ago. Min!.,rlr> /rom Oiir t 'iru C'o,-rc pan fcnt. A \ -nit wxldint; t.-ok pliu'i- t tho hmue of Mr. W. J. Black, nil tin' rv-'iiini; ,'t Match IJ. !i-ll his <lau Jit,-r <;.',>r.iii W.-MI nnitiMl in mairiaxe to \lr P.iwson Knot* of ibis place. Tho bride . atieoded by her M.-tt-r, Miv< Klhi, wluie Mr. Geo. Kn,.tt, bro'her of the ^t". to. | < rf> it.i'd the duty uf brut man Tl. i.tticia'inu inin ; s'er was Rov. W. H M,4 ddfii of M. afoid. After the wedoing the ^uesti were invited tn tho ilium; looiu, where a mmptuous di nor was wrved Ample jutttice having done lit tho table tlie gurstM then (piiir- <n\ to tliM parlor nd spent the lest of the fv-iri -i; in |>1 .'i*;4Ut rvoretti'-n. Mr J' W diii.-v hud vnry succewful nod boe on 1'lmixliy last, when be got a l >out forty cords cut during a uart of 'In- isfierniM n. Tin- untMicv nf many of the fair < x no il.'ii t inspired tho young men t . d . I'xot I , n' u,.rk. Afi.Ttbo work a ooiiii e>'>-ninK win spent. which woie away (he tli.nixht-i of 'ho lird w. rk . MI. K. Kawcvit, r , h.is notio to FUah- i-rti-n in reHi le with her mm in Uw, Mr. II. li.'imi U ,. ure aorry to UMW her, aa he endi-Hivil hi-'n.-lf to the people here. Mr. II. Cwrruther* lenvea for Hurt's Falls to i-ri.. :no in work. Hi* brother John >;tki' i-'.Htg of the farm. Mr A. 11. \li LfHti moved his family M*> leW sWtvMf T. 1 Carruthrrs .lore. Mr McLenn hai left for W.hin;toii teiritory. Mr. A. llclieud, our oneigfUc uwrutll man ha a fine stock of lotf s m and is bu.y DOW cuttrait them htl then* lapk-nty of water. The mill ii now in good o-ndi- ti. n. and is making pplenilid work. Mr. and Mm. 8. Blakrvton have xne '.. Kinii.ville to visit th? lat'er's p.-iri-nf", Mr iiid Mm (ll.-v.) HarloT. Sidney intend, going on to the Weht, and if In- l.kes the country will l.n-:ite there. Mr. and Mr- Jaoob Prs'o* hare timv ed on to the Blakeatou farm. Wo wo I come theni th<>re tn the MsxUoviMXl*] MnKsn. Dan Whyte aod Duncan M I'hail returneil last week from Alifonta, wln-tv they h.-ive spent the witiforuiontlM. Mr. Will Waiter, returned tc Chebuy- agan after h"lul.ytn for the paat oruple uf inon'hs at Ii .- honie on I he O. D. R. Mr. M. Reilcy spent Saturday aird Sunday in Tor. ntyi. Mr. John Mclntyre left on Kriday fur Strathmy, wliere he expects to yt a p- M Hi -n an cheweniakrr. The Ii me '->f Mr. F. McKiMi.ni, .outk lit.e. Arti nii-sia. wan the acvne of a iilosw ant event on Wi-dnfiAty, M.ir.12. Tht-ir dnuvhter MIM Mamie, waa united in the U.i <U of nintriiiKiny to Mr. Janivs Oliver. son of Mr. Ki.herr Olirer.S.L. 1'h- hippy coupl^ took th<- tri'n from Hi-sherton th> same evcvia-^ f"r Owc-n Sniind. Wi- wish them auce*w in life and prosperity. Has anyone *evn anything of our bar- ber this week ! We heard he got "waiup- . .1" .ui Sn,,d.y. I ut hope to ire him .round before Slurdy next Frvm Our Otc.i Prospect, for a boom at Eug-.tni* are K-'-.-d. Hleiity of W'Tlt in prunpeot f,.r llu u niu.'r. The vvueor fuct. ry h,i iio."l supply of kms on hand and i l.-my i t onK-n for all sort-s of tiinslie.1 niiU.ri.il Mr. Walker Slo-in Ims run' nl Im *aw null ton Mr. Stul.ls of C.-Uedou, us h>- could notattend t hi sash ami d.KT > factuiy and iriaui vh <ppitig. s<> ho i ! tho saw null as he w.ia uverwIiHlinol wi h ordars. Wr hopo now the Wt.t T |owcr so long runtitng uniiH-d may aoon Is.- do i vel.-ped and I r.uy prosperity to our ! romatic littl- village. Mr Peter Munslutw baa g"t t'i.- lu-i.-k ! on the grouird to Voneer his already 0"Ui ni'ididu. h'ltol. Mis(!ia-c J*o i Sim and MIS.S Ida ll.-n n rf lonrninK dreasmakin-.; with ^l - It'akely of I lesh..rtmi Mr. Will-am Wil.son hai g .1..- to the Toronto grnernl honpit-.l lo uinb'rg < an ope rut on on Ina tlin-nt. Mr. Tom Ki-nwirli hu gone to the city for a abort vi.Mt The young people are sorry u> lo<o Mr Moea Meun fcom tli.-ir iuid--t. He hu< gone to his old h'liue at Trout ,n. The riickliiig KM*, have nw L-O' their tplrn ltd sjiw tinll on the S'h in good runiiiiiii order and have large f roo of men i' ork. They I, u.- the null furn iabud with the b^at in.slrrn machinery and ar- doing a ruahii g business. Their mill yard ii we 1 movkeo with logs. Maituiiatioii. sleep. H- w surely Kern xoi.tt d..f thin, you can vx.'t-rtiD oy uamu I it. Ki-rroaoue is a bki.il buildor, nervu I strwiiiUivner eod brmm mvtgorator by Riohi\M" Pric* 00 cent.. r'..- K.C.incaml>eiit at Irish Lake omit yoe_* gu, tviiioviax au'i- ; wi|uently to Stratford, gftt into troahle at that 'owii on Friday evening hurt by . striking two young Udiee wh-nn be m', iwihacane. One Waa hit un the heud, ' the ,-tb. r on the .rui, the priear onU-r ng them to "<o gome ' The young 'adiee were members of thu Presbytmian church A wairant was io.wcd for tho pnest'a MTest by the father of one uf i!n- ynntiic ladieii, 1-nt >he f.^incr U4t town bvfore n c'ulii ; Dr.Kilp'p, und.-r -..h.-ai F.ithor Waiah lab, red. a'tribute* the aftair to the fact that Father Walsh s nimil livi been nick for somr timo, and has Itt'ely recrived new* of brreaveoietit in IreUntl, bveiden which be tutd i-.- takc-n up a p, collar ntea regarding tlie tiu.e hu youni< women should be ai home and off th* i reeta. A Scientific Voice Improver Bec.iuHe of it stri-iigthuiiir"^ indueoee up- n the vocnl chords. (' u rl.oaone uatuiot b too highly rc-oniitn-ntlfd a. wi.iid'-rful roice unplMvi-r, It alimt io- sUntly removes liu-skin. ss ,,r h- >ai senens. thu.s im>U'in< uUarin-w and bnllian.-y "f tone. CManboeni.e) ktepi tlu- iniK-.nis iuif.,cfs in porfrct oimli' i.. n, nnl its t< g- ular use arwnlu'rly prevent* co'd-i aid throat ir- n.it. ui, th,-r. I .- rvm,.vinx the sin.'ei Kreatest ai,xt-'y, unli'ti - voice. The rnos* rini i-nt F->rnkon iind Pnina Di n.-ui wnui.l ,, c. arrhozoiiv audcridtt in ii" :.iii 1! d their ui. if. mi s'r.--.i_ !i :.:i 1 Li li-incy ol toilet, its mdu.'i.c--. Tim h.rJ iub' inhalc-r fits conveniently into a puise , r vest p 'ckrt, md may INI urn ! n chur:h. tho.itro, any pla.-u ot any fun. . Complete nut tit 91- S^iall K.Z. s ir I'o M.. i A I' ..Ki ^ !,,.,( int. to spend your money KEEP COOL- Y, u might .* tripr-d up. Yu know oar reputation f., r .!*, h-in^ the bM goods and bent v.lu.-n. Thisasmeun we are better prep.re,J that ever be 't,re. The new prin tf im- j> rtationii aro b^re. Ce afwr CMC- of new good* h* hern put into sfi.ck and the (tore u rd- uitlly chaniiin,} ila o,)ujpleiioii The hr. ath of root, you,,,, all d,. D a the nll prio asked for many linn i^l.7J r r ;v K *~*!r~ m * M " w ""r^uhtr Zl .r. runy other. M good. .(JO LADIES WRAPPERS FOR 95 CENTS J L>di M Wraer ,rte pattern, o Near i Sight Slightly nearsighted to-day. More so to-morrow. Progress of near sight is the forerunner of blindness. The smallest amount of near sight should not be neglected. Examination free. W. A. Armstrong. JCWCCCR AND OPTICl* FLESHERTON. uit. t.oo.sKR(;E srrrs FOR *; ;w JM "H n,,, bliieawuf U iU,lIMat, brtof tnmm.nB.ml r,rkman- ). eiihrimiie .,r double breaM coat, made frwn puiv Irt-h .,-rif- the hw.1 l JrlK lu6ni.h that wnn , welt. The kind usual] v old .t M W) * On tale tin, wueeiatonly ,; ;., 26c. CASHMERE HOSE FOU 12jc peira Ladirs tihhetl Cahmrra ho**, BIZ--. 8i. .\u.l !>^. S-m,j a re imported direct frotn tho matiufnclutt-r*. tvol.l by maay itturei >t 26c pr [MT. Un Ml* thin wek it p*ir f.,r " ^., 92 W MEN'S B< H TS Ki )U ;. CKNTS. 50 pair Men'. nd R.yS boot*, ataiTted ^yle and i-., nioi-t ..f th, m init-r^ nlithueljwtic Juma^eil Th rr.juUr V!IIH w^re 1 00 aii.l ' ex;h pir. )n cal. thin wet-k .t your clmi. t- f..r OU 4 SPOOLS l.l.NKN THI'KAD K< >K J CKNTS 100 nmw Linen ThmU, Mack .ml white, bought at a bix reduction in price On wle lhi week t 4 x\v*>\t fur 30ct DooK M UN I OR 19 o. 36do,r matt, tnnd^ f r m hipewry and brun-wl cirpuu Frmge<l all itroutid with wool fringe. K*uinr ralue 31* cuii's. On -u.1,- thm *k i: ! i 10 c. iiXFiiKDSIURTINt: \T .,; )pattrnmn fin* ) x f-ird Shirt mm Cluunbray'., etc.. in-:h wide ood heavy weixht and g-^ ralue t 10 eta. a yard. \V B imported .1 din c fruui nanufnct ucvn and t.ut thvm on mUe thu <re-!t at ; . 25c HAIR AND CLOTH BRl SHK.S KliR 17, W) liair n<l tlntli l.tu-lui. awHirtcd styli-K. >iue wirv, on,., nhvr.htutihe* iritli iiiirrorm Uck, ro^. *lueii 2" and 30 cf.. e t h, tin-, we^k hicu I7 91 25 FLA NN KLETTE HLAS K ETS K -K !>D cu. 1)0 pntr white FUiiuulvit* Ulnki-t. v Tt 1 fancy bonlen. the l*rge*t izo, bt .guilty, rv:ulnr vlu 91 '-'a pir, ..n **!,- thin werk at '.L, Co. Putting- : in : Stock This w,vk\vf;u-",'xn-. nicly 1-usy marking ...Tatui purtln-ou our sIit-Kvs ;m iiuniensi' stork <>( BOQT5 and SHOES Pnbf&.V tlM lugttll c-uiisi^iiintMit cv.-r shown iii Flcshfrrmi. ut*ai-.' |in>ji.;iv<l ti. -v-ll iit prii-i-s that ue'y .-<>:!:|i,'fiti.-n. This stm-lv Kt-iiii,' so l.ir-r puivliaMTs Imvc an iiiuncjiM to chooso IVoiu an<l cannot Inn li.- |,1 -.I,,-.!, ('nnvir. an-! !: -!M,\ \uu what v.-f can il in the lino of Ixiots and sin All \\r \\,;nt is the- opportuninv. fl : Full t Dne : 0. Srocertcj : / > roceres Hashet-u s-.-t.-invd. ;ind spot c.;sh for our I'"' 1 jmaruitee che;;p L: ..... Is to l-Usliiii, - Hi-ill-- ;,Inti U ' \,.;;- jfaviYl IPx^cllICe liiti' ^. ,-t, . \\hich we aiOLl-id to iak. same 4VS < Ii i'>v lion o -aM u .iliii- ai. d si p;ly ; ng gcoils at price* we hope to u! - l) \v J M . - ,,', our luisiiifss, ,-\s well as into t'hc tMite t>f our I-et IN -t-t F. 0. KARSTEDT, FL.KSH ERTON.

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