Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1899, p. 4

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Itakarrlben who do not rwmir Ihrlr paper will iileaas notify a it onou. \ Apply at Miss <Mt for advertising rates. THE ADVANCK. FLKHIIKHTQN. ONT. Tlir ^niur lr I h "The flrat essential to plnasliia; Is no*. M it has often lieen enld to be. dealrr to e. bnt H desire to make your compiin pleased wttb himself." U the not-Won taken by Florence Hull WlnVcrluiru when Hsruiwirig "The Ulftof Personal Clmrin 1 1 Tb Woman s Hume Companion "What please* a* gain* an awM-mlmcy *r us, and nothing really plmnw, that as not some relation with oumrlve*. wiuio thing In common with ui and drawing us en to a better opinion uf oar own merit* than we had before. For one of the mi mnedetilrc* of human natnre li to nee it sU graciously rvflivtud. A man endears In proportion an he shows that he by llif motive* and opinions we nderstand and like, only carryliig.tacm oat uiorw agr<mhly and suooeasfully than are competent to do. So It nppuan that Ik* secret of the | r~.na! charm that ! aaaXus some men and women delightful m | ot marked luperlority, but flattered llke- * to ourselves. Whether we Itiuiglne the Ukrnew or whether It rmlly ci I Ht.M It no alter no that the Illusion In brought aU.ut. And the ability to bring It iibout belongs to the nature that U gifted with power to divine the fueling* of other* und Sympathize with them To be sympallca' to better than to be beautiful or talented. A certain apparent subordination uf self I* Involved." K r , ,,.r nr I .r I I, . Hair. A woman recently iu>M-rtd that the fln appearance of her hair w.w entirely duo to prrslstont and thorough treatment with the fiuiillur ki>rum*ne of corner grocery commerce It wan applied regularly once fortnight In the following way: A little waa poured Into a saucer at.d rubbed with the flngon Into the root* of the hulr The application wan itlow and thorough, the gentle manaaguof the root* with tin* linger Up* bring ncciled to open (lie pore* for th aheorptlon of the oil The treatment wai acnally made at night and the hair after ward tied up In a ullk handkerchief. The silk handkerchief U recommended by hair- 4rt*MerH a* UM-ful In retaining the natural electricity of the hulr I'y noon of the fol- lowing day I lie odor uf thv keroiwnu hud dlaappiutid, anil In another tli hour* the oillneas that followiil it* use had aim DM. Thi effect of (hlH trratment on lha Ir was promptly nntlcMible; the falling outstripped, u rid M n new Hhort haln were found nil over the head A* the keroaens application was iiintiruuil the hair be eaine thick and smooth When, after m-i ml monthM, It WM llnally discontinued, abundant p.\imj luck* ruplitcnl the dry and lunterleas hair, thu fonncr condition (111 nxtitlng. though nu keruwrie bax Iwen ad for several yuan. Now York I t j WcikiMK Hum. <br.l. A Tnrklib working day lam from anrlw to sunset, with certain tnbi-valu for n-fn ~liMi'"it und rent. In IScrvl.i, the principle of Individual convenience rule* every caw. Klevi-n hour*' work i the average day'i lalior In Belgium; but brewera' men work from 10 to 17 houn; bricklayers, 16; cahlurtmakpni of linn all and Ghtmt often work 17 hour* a day with one-half hour (or noon; and In mlD tog dlmrlen wiimi'ii am ofu-n kept at tmnk loutllng ami -inillar hvy labor for 14 bonm The normal \vork dav through- vat Saxony I* IH houni. In I laden th* mnlinm dnntMon of day labor li from 10 to 19 hour*, but ID unit- earn* It Wtrn r.xcond* thla, aoiuetiuien rtalng to 17 bourn in om imiUit In manr ffcotoru* Sunday work ! the rala. A M..I.. -I il.l. K.t-,.., Not long lino* I wiu iqienillng a night with a friend In New York, and wa In- Tlted to an early ride In Central Park. The offer wan gladly accepted, an I knew be had a number of vultuibln blood-hornen, which were kept nt u public itolile. When I npmml iurprte at hU wllllngnem to entrant uch valuuhln hortmt to the nan of anyone but hli own trained groorn, he aald: "Thu mail who keuo* thin NtahU U a born liable, ke '|HT and a gnntleman. Hll men art* c ar. fully NeleeNol, and thn following aru hi* riilen: Klrnt, no nun will be employed who drink* Intoslouilng Itquora. II ia men, like hU lior.*n, mtut drink water, nilil wittrr only. Second, no man mum ipeak loudly to any of tht borax, or In the xtrible where they are. Hone* of good blmxl are nervoui, and loud, excited conversation i felt by every borm In the (table who hear* It. Kxolled word! addrmweil to <>n home are felt by very other horio \vlui heam rliem, and keep then) all uenu-, and nrn-ay- Third, BO man muit UM |inifann Ungiiag* In the hearing of Ilia liorw* " ^. I waa not mirpn-^l ii.i r that that ray Mend wai willing to luai* hu hbrM \m Mah baud* A man who lately eama ovr from Cana% told tho writer that on hoard the lenma} one of thu |in*Hungiiri went up to anoil.ntln the iinokmg riKim ami aakud him in Wive a drink wlt.li him The man thus Invited coiitlunetl reading a newt- paper ant made no n-ply The other man again Mk>l n '"> to ( l rl "k with him. Mo answer igaln. A thlnl Invitation wai then given 4 thiw wort)*: "Sir, I have ajriMl you in M friendly a way ai poul bia to drink with rim. and uu-h time you t on with Jftur rolling, anil hml rmt the elvlllty to Mawor rim. Now I k you for lha thlnl urna If y ai will drink wina, wlilakv or ari vt.hhg el*- with met" The man thnn put aWe hl paper and an- awerod very quietly: "]>o you aa thai gUaa, *tr. Well, If I were to take even a quarter of It I oould not leave off until I bail drunk all the liquor on board. Thli to why I would not drink wlth^rou " All preaent adrnlrnd the lu&a'l teit- ontrol, and learntri a Nrlklng laMon an th* danger af putting winpUit! ui U a wa/ k'niio Tk* QlUvW. Canada's Greatest Seed House SWEDE~[URNIP. jsi TME . c #%** A GOOD TURNIP CROP Means Wcll-Ped Stock GROWERS' FAVORITES: IS "JUMBO" Swede r .- , ..-,-.._. ...-,. roots, of > porpUab-crinuon I.T .*hop gnuinii yrllow beneath ; M*ndt, wrll out of jcrovod. Irowm root* o* erlauit ala*. Prioe ipou-pnldj J Ib7. ice. , jc . i Ib , jc. , foe i-lb. loo ^iui over. aic. Ib. ..% "SELECTED" Swede For orerlea year* ih* ttvortie with beu (rower*, even, hand - fur -iV[>r *nd gretit cropper. Many lorn of erl ar re- I ir. -1 4i]!i'ijlly to tupply ipr <)t mrxt lor this fin*- variety. Pnc (po-piHi | lb., toe. . ^ lb., 130.. lb., a*)C. , for 3 Ib. lou ind over, aic lb. PCCIAL MOTICC. S.rrk, Bn^f "Sl*Ct<l M Swrdrs ar*- ltf In only * lt> <tnd i tb ) at ithowa in acc *lway. branntf ib ir fume. n <i n Ulusiratioos STEELE. BRIGGS' EXTRA SELECT TURNIP SEEDS ASK FOR THEM FORCIBLE POINTERS seeds obtainable. Whatever crop you grow, success or failure is largely governed by the seed used Successful grower* always use) the best All seeds have a value, which varies according to the care and selection of stock in produc- ing them . indifferently grown seeds cost less to produce and permit of beiDR sold at like low. cheap" prices List* produce)* Ilk*. The labor necessary togrow a crop with cheap " seed is thn same as when using ihe best then why Incur unnecessary risk by using "cheap" seeds ? TMt BIST CROPS AJIB Steele, Briggs* Seeds BE SURE THAT YOU GET THEM WHEN BUYING SOLD irv CAKBPUI. MBHCMAMT* ENSILAGE CORN LARGEST STOCKS OF BEST KNOWN VARIETIES Mammoth Cuban Yellow Dont Corn The heaviest ear producing variety, with a favorable season has yielded 3^ tons of ears per acre, and ripens in most parts of Ontario I'ncr, bush . 6c . biuh.. 5c . 2 bush, and over. HOC. bosh. . bags, 16c. each EARLY HURON YELLOW DENT CORN Oneo! tbe earliest dec' varieties in cultivation. .1 strong grower, stalks and can of good size, small cob with deep grain, prodactive Price, \ bosh. AOc . bosh . 90c . a buh aad over. 86c s biuh. . bags. 1-V each. FAMOUS Garden! Flower First Prize VEGETABLES and FLOWERS GROWN Steele, Briggs' Seeds You can get Steele. Bnggs' Famous Garden and Flower Seedi from your Resident Merchant, or send lor them direct. THE BEST SEEDS THAT GROW. FOR A COatPi-ITI LIST OP Newest & Best Seeds, Plants, Bulbs, Flowering Roots, Vines, Roses, Small Fruits, etc. If you have not received one, send your name and it will be MAILED rF. Mention this paper When ordering, please send money by Kipress Money Order, Postal Note or Registered Letter All orders receive best care. The Steele, Briggs Seed Co. LIMITED Toronto, Out. Her Husband Was a Drunkard. Mli Finally .\ilmlnl4rr<"l it HriitiMt y, Without III- Kim Ivilur, Uiitl < ui. .1 Him. A pathetic iiturv i-> rnvi>itlH<i ID th* fol- lowing Wttrr "K-M- M-viT'tl yritr-, ui> hua band liai limu a cuullrnml ilruuk.ini. lie conM not hold u |H>*III<>II, nl'.hoiiiih lie Wii an riiM-rt b>Mikir[-r. 1 vainly en- ilravori-l lu linhire linn to take it liquor cure. I. lit fall we were ilispoMxritwd for non-payment of mil, nml rlie fX|Mx>ure canaril llie dralh of our only cuilil. U aolMTfil In in f"r K f-w ->>ekH, but theu he tm>k to drink auain wm*' I linn ever. An olil frlenil of our |irux|HT<>iiH ilayo m- .in nifiidril me to try jour SuniHria jm"ri|>- lion, nml I ua>'e it to inv luixlutnd In Ills coffee without liln kiiL,wh<ili{e. It aecinnl to iniiko liquor itiiiitxtelul to him lie v i Mopped ilftiikintt alloKuthrr, but I ronilnnml to n.lmni -.irr the remedy until ,i^~\su->ii .<> fiiiii'h fr. < from llie rf- Ii-ot ( ui -otinl. l,i-i >vii'k lie M*cnrnl a K<MM| (Mmiiion HIM! innv we iiro as happy a ouuple aa rver lived." Tins tnarveloiiH rcmrily will be inailml In | Itin wrap|HT to any Hildrcan by send- liiK K.OO to The Samaria Remedy Co., Toronto, OnU "Why do you thlnkshe must have picked op her musical education herself? "When ho uliifru 1 can uuderstaad near- ly every word she Mays." At All Time*. In winter or In nininwT Pan0l*S)'a Vi-.-riahle 111N will cci|H>Miili iiinl MVI !>, mi- any lrretclari- i i-- uf (he iliijfstlve nri4 ni wliicli clmnge of ilirt, clinu.-r uf resKlrnce. or vnn.itioa of rriiijici-anirr may bring about. They 'uiil I l al wnvi kc|i* at UaiKl. ami once iln-i- beuaAciai aclktu Ureumaa known, no our ,,. Ivr :.li.,:ic them. 'Divre la uo tlniii! iiau-M*nlinic in tlii-ir itrucr urv. and thr uioHl deluvili* cau us* tlirm cunUdeul ly. Can Wltliout \Vhl. Stnt cars without whotls are tbe latest nn\i liy In vehicles. The cars run on lll N .ir.iiir.,. and, being near tbe line instead | of raiMil alx>ve It, aru not subject to the I saint- amount of renlittance In the form of jrvntrifuiral forre. Much greater speed U i thus ol.iainnl. und the w.vir of the balls I in i-nrrriiiK the cr Is much leas than tha vft-ur on tbe w !n-vl rlins. The movement of the trauicar IH CHM.V and agreeable. Are your corn* hanler to remove than thotw) tlmt niliiTs have liail f Have they not hu.t tlm siinir kind ll.ive they not been i-urt>il by u.inu Holloway's Corn Cure? Trr a bottle. Hhe John, tho .Inlilots' new bouse Is so much larger tli.m ours. lie Yen. my ile.ir; MU Is tliclr mortgage. Miller's Worm 1'owdun urs all all uinuiaof i-lultlniii like m:kglo. Home Important Invention* aave bweu dtaoovrroil tif lunittlcs. iaard't Liaiment RiliitTes Neuralgia. There Is only om .-mtili-n death among women to sight among inon. Tour friend. Mr- U looking much Improved In health. Yes, she U _ dllTrretit woman We persuaded her to try Millur's Coiu[><>und Iran Pills, with the result you obwr\ .-. l'i. i nir. Through Inxet !>. One of the latest marvels of little things Is the taking of pictures through tho loot of an insect's eye. We are filled with astonishment, says Mr. F. W S*xby, when we relleot that from a dragon fly's head we oould obtain .','>. 000 perfect lenses, so minute that a million of thrtin would noi cover a square Inch, and yt each bs oupablo of yielding a recognisable photo- graph. Inard's Liniment for sale eytrywhere. l.lo... \Vlllt-ll M ., A glove manufaota Germany, ban luven nutnulauture of which oun be wu color, and which w maiu pliant and and ould. The luithur nuppleiurliiary THE AGONIZING PLASTER THI ROOTS OF CANCER sannot b r v*il by ilan . r .us ui> i>t mii or by (C >n- liln; ilasioia. HIII .... trraimont Is aot iuftii lnt. Send f >r tktrlVuUr* i<t oor rn> riy in.-h U inaktiiK liunilrd uf net maiituil awsa Sii|,aiii .Nokuli* K If the child coated tongue, of Mllle.r' quired; very Carlsbad, to procvas for too leather for glovsa without losing Its tbs sanae tiinu n- the action of heat Is submitted to a to thr rluiiine restless at night, IUM illnw oompleziuu, a dueo Powders Is what U ra- it and perfectly harm- T.N. STOTT 4k JURY, lOWMAMViui oil An ingoulouf paper labels 1 KI * Q a shoot ot oaasaod wl f i. h.l,-t Uovleo. nieohaalcal devloe pastas 1UU,UX> cans in ten hours, a nasinlsas nmirnsslnn A pioks up' A new back fur .'<> c. nts. Miller's Kulucy Pill.s und I'lastar. 1 ItWC III.I^M k( lu - -Well, I are you ve taken ov the whlto man's hurden." "What do you mnanf" "Wasu't that your wife's mother s trunk I that wa* cairns! into jour flat yvsterdayV Hoard's LiDltuent Cures Dandruff. "I t*"!! you. liisn-ire. therv isn't much pis In a convict's life " "No; but be gvta his deserts just the same.." "Benedict Jonea is a deep thinker, Isn't be?" "lie has to be, baVs married." Fhe best phyoiclans speak weU of Mill er's Compound Iron Pills. A roby i oiapliln. Mr. DsBulllon What a peachy complex- ion Miss Prattle has. Miss Beautls (a rival ball*) Yas, isn't U stwful? Just full of Inow atnlAKD-8 LIU I M KMT will ,-r. Dlphtbaria. JUHM U. M.HTII i.tsa. rrik-h Village I KHOW MINAKD'H l.IN'IMKN T will cur* Orou|x J r.CmonMBaM, Cap* UlaiiU I a low MINARD'H LINIMENT Is tbs best remedy on earto. Norway, It*, JoanKa a. 8or tAKN *~ *' irt A WAIUH irtvs tb1 One watch TREK fur aeliing U lijjk-u Gniil Plated L-vvr C Bur BUUOIIM W:tcn tur 3^ at lite. each. your address .mil we furwiini the Hutr ion.4 POHI paid. N o monvv required s. :i tn< Bur Ions to roar frlvuda, return the money i id w send th* Walua lrepal A Kfuuina A i fit an \vt h. ^uaraa- Uwd lur a law hours work. Th R.O. Smith Co. Orll Un, On*. T. N. D. 217 FREE 1 '>' <...IU yJ-J-k ^JA Ki'irlllUf 1 .1..,. I Mfl Boll >lrui*. KMM Mitl VtolM Mr. nin ,Vo bran 9r immt^M. Ml I luc *< luim u, tLOud """ ftLKM *T MB* ' u.,n i i-ri t .o. In ruo. There are 48 different materials nsod In ' ron-i nictlng a piano, from no fewer thun 10 ilifT. n'nt countries, employing 4M Uifler- eut huuda Miller's Worm 1'i.wili-r-. .-ire it wonder ful medicine for the itiltu< t- of children. He I only married you out of pique. She I know it. That was why I oeptwl yon, I I .anil in the oily ot Landaa Is U,bOO,000 an to m wtlh your nwit4 .M4 wr will forwaud ibn wy uprM for .xnfuin tUi h ll fT*MJ It U*. k III* ft . . fltud )*1IU Aii Mli'Mltrtlt that The H. i NELSON & SONS CO., Usalwd. .. A BEAUTIFUL ^-"PIRATE By Guy Boothby. An hour l.ner u iar^n iii.iuil bill i. from Highl uf tlin M-ef jini our pursuura but still, ui tim ^uUietiUK KIIIUIII. wu Steuinuil ahead an l;it OH our propellers oouM ilrivo \:.s. At 7 u'rloi k tli gfiiiK iHiauded for dinner, ai:d .i:ter u last luok round we Weut below io .1 When we ruiuembttrol how iiiiuf."-.i it uad appratrwl at the o finning, it - K difflcnlt to believe thai we had emer^ -.1 so iaf ely from uur awk- ward scrcpe. During tlix m-al I could hardly snt tor l(X)king .1- Alia ami thinking of all tae ovnois v- nil had ivuurred HIIII'K Brst I sat at that table with her. Mi- must iiiiv been thinking something of tbe same mini, fur at thu eud uf dinner. jnst as we WITH about to gn on deck, she bads tbe steward charge our glasses and proposed tins toast: "I drink to the Loan Star and those who have saved us today. " Wn drunk tbe toast with enthusiasm and set our Classed down again. But just we dul no tburu was a luod crash. a trembliuK of tbe entire v easel, a curi- ous pause, ami then another awful I.THMI. "Ws have strack something," I cried, springing tn niy f.-et. Then, if by in- stinct, I raid. "Run to yonr cabins and f*t yonr nhawU " They did so. and by the time they merged again tbe hubbub TTM deafen ing. The sound of rending snd tearing oould ouly be described as awful. Then there wss sudileu and oompleto silence whiah waH almost worse than tbe noiHa. Wo ran on deck and made oar way as fast a< wa could to tbs bridge. "What ban happened?" I cried to Patterson, who was issuing orders an Cast as bis tongue could utter them. " W have struck a rook that is not on my chart," he said, "and I bare re- versed tbe engines to pnll her off. " I oonld that wa ware going astern, bnt even a child could have told by thn way tbe win oner moved thai it was a bopoles* cane witfa her. Even while b was (peaking she wan inking perceptibly. "Tbere is no hopn," he said al last. "We mutit leave brr. " All the bauds by this tiine wen st their stations, anil tbe boats were low- ered with exijiiinitH cars and precision. Fortunately they bad been that very day uncovered snd ;on>|md in case of xx) i dent. HO that tbore was no possible oauae for delay. Keeping Aim and Janet by my side, I daseended to the boat allotted to us, and w* took our Heats in the (tern. By the time we hud pulled to a distance uf boat 100 yard* tbe deck of the yacht waa Isvel with the watsr. Five minntua later the gallant bnt ill fattxl Lone Star tipped up on end. gave a sullan plunge and disappear"' | beneath tim waves to be no mom HH>II by morta' man. I slip- ped my arm arnund Alie'i waist and *\rew her clonnr to my side, dbe waa rerabling vioUntly "Be brave, dear love," I whispered. "For all uur sakua, be brave. " She turned her bead in tbe direction where tlm poor yaoht bad ihkapuearud and said alinonc undnr bur bruatii "Ooodby. Lone Star, gixidby." Then ibe Ntoopeti forward and buried her face in her bands. To divert her thought* I tnrned to tb* boat nearest us, whiob was com mandril by I'utterson, and aaktul what bo thougut we bad better di>. "Sail up thecuaat as fast an wsoan, " o answered. "My boat will take the lead The rmt bad bettor follow in sin- gle file. If this wind bold*, wa shall (etch tbe mtttarnent or be somewhere thereabout by daybreak. " Tbe wind did hold, and wn did makn tbe asttlement by tbe time be speoifled. Then passing behind tbe great doors wbioh, s I have said before, concealed tbe entruucH to tbe canal so cleverly that oven from tbe close distance of a vile I bad not benn able to detect where <bo imitatinn began and tb real cliff a4ed, wf pulled Inline. Tba. - .:!:> a, standing Imfore tbom all, I uncovered ay bead and cried, par hap* a trrtte tbe- trioally: "Gentlemen, tbqoeen.baa cumebaok to ber own again. " As tbe i-liertrs that greeted my an- oonoementdied away we left tbe canal and entered the little landlocked harbor. L'KNVOL Three yearn have panaed since the wreck of tbe sobooner Lone) Star, and today is the third anniversary of our ro- torn to the settlement. It is a lovely Boning, ami I am sitting in tbe veran- 4 a ef our bungalow on the billsido, pen In band, waiting for step whose muHio grows every day more welcome to my an. My putieaoa ls rewarded when woman, to whotte beauty time hns but added, turiiM tim comer, oloHely follow- ed by an eiinrmons white bulldog, ami eomes toward mo. When nh reaches me, she Kets down the rosy toddling in fmnt she i-iirnes in bur arms and, taking Mat beoidu me, wys: "What iitiwn. innl yon by the mail this morning, my husbnu.1'" "Nothing of very mnch moment, Alie," I answer. "The negotiations in England are still proceeding, and Brand- won oouhdeutly hopes, in view of oor- tain considerations that he will be able to carry out biH plans and win a free pardon for a certain beautiful lady o/ my acquaintance." "Then it is uil as satisfactory as we ould wish," she says. "I am thankful for that. And now i have some news for yon." " Ata yea goitj to tell me that I aai tho b> t -. j.i uu^.ad in tba wurid, o> "What if iO" (h whinprrnl. that that boy, playing with old Bel yonder, whom we both worship a good deal mure than is good for him, li being spoiled by tbe entire population of tbe sit lumen t?" "Neither of those things. No, it baa to do with yonr lister Janet." "Ah, tnen I can guess. She is so en raptured with the settlement that she is willing to prolong ber stay indefi- nitely." "How did yon guessf" "Have I not eyes, my wife? Ton don't mean to tell me that yon tbink yon alone have seen tbe outrageous court Walwortb has been paying ber tbese six months past?" "Yon IIBVII no objection, I bops?" "Not tbe very slightest. She is a good woman, if ever there was one, snd be is certainly a man after my own heart. If they marry and are destined to be as happy aa we are, then they'll bs lucky people. That's all I can say, my wife. " "Can yon truthfully affirm that ynn have never regretted giving np so muub for me?" "Regretted I How can yon ask me neb a question? No, my darling; rest mured if there if one tblug for which I am grateful to Providence it is" Here 1 placed my arm round bar neck and drow b- lovely head down to me. "What in it?" she whispered. "That I was permitted to ba tbe bus- band of the beautiful White Devil I" THI KM). A manufacturer of tombstones in a flourishing provincial town one day re- eived a call from a customer wbo wished to buy a stone for bia mother's grave. After looking anxiously about for ome tirnu and mskmif numerous re- marks as to bis mother's taste be finally fixed bis gaze upon a stone wbiob tbe stonecutter bad prepared for another par coo. "I like this one," be said decidedly. "I'll take this." "Bnt that belongs to another man, " romonstratud tbe stonecutter, "and it bas tbe name 'Francis' cnt on it, yon we. That wouldn't do for yonr mother ' ' "Ob. yea, It would 1" responded the countryman. "Mother oonldu't read, and besidex, " he added aa be saw the stonecutter's expression, "she'd like it all the better if she could read, for Francis was always a favorite nave of berx anyhow." The story is suggestive of one told of London tradettuiuu suddenly grown rich, who, having set up bis carriage in great state, went to a harness makei to havii a silver letter put on the blindors of bis borsm. "What is tbe initial?*' asked th* In r- oeas maker. "Tbe what?" asked tbe rich man, looking bluuk. "What letter shall I put on'" in - nnin-d the harness maker, suppressing his amnswnent. "Well, I hadn't quite mads np my mind," answered the customer, "bnt I guess W is abuut as handsome a letter a any, isn't it?" .St. Louis Star. Too Hnoh For Tbalr Cariosity. The mini t> r of a country church greatly anu> ed on Sundays by tbe wo- men turning round every time any one came in and HO interrupting tba sermon. At last he hit upon a plan for stopping it. Tbe next time be preached be gave thli notice out : "So that no one need turn round I will call out the name of tbe person or persons entering this church during my sermon." Ami then u* started: "Dearly beloved brethren Farmer Jarobs and his wife tbe text for todny will Ln Miiw .(onus soventli clni| tcr, second verse of Mrs. Brown and baby St. John, where it says Mr. and Mrs. Smith, with a new bonnet on" Hers be discovered bis mistuko nnd was going to correct himself, bnt it wax too late. All ibu women in tiie plaoi a,! turned round. Peartvo'i Weekly BALLADE OF THE MEDIOCRE. AmblUoua bard* with mnf lubUia* To win eUirnal fame mmay To ootoo througb the duoua of time The voice of Hume tcr and yesterday Or on man's throbbing lieartmringa play Love's harmoniea unspeakable, alas, 1 a in nut framed that way) I beat the cymbal* that la all! Bow sweet in Mlpnder nnarM of rhyme To trap the tender dreams of Hay. To oaU'ii tlm blut-btill'H snbtlv chime Of fragrant*' "" the hills nsrray, To muck the wildwood'a blithe ballet Of blooms and Bitting birda thai oall The chorus to ^princ'i* roundelay! I beat the ojmbala that is alll To be a king of song and climb Olympua with a lyre for ay* To rise above tho toil and grime Of life and from 'hi. ntarii aarvey This poevuh war Id 'H dimiurdant fray Ah, thu WITH wonh a masMr's eorawll Bat 1 the mauler uiuiit obey. I beat tbe c/mbala that Is all. anvov Maud, In life's changeable array Home may be great, aome most ba> amall And eome be travn. a few be gajr I beat UM ojinbaht that is all. Ouoafo Baoord. THE LITTLE CURATE. The curate and Miss Edmiston wen walking down the mam itreet of the village engaged in conversation, which, being that of recently affianced pail, need not here be repeated. Miaa Ediniiton carried herself wi a an air of pretty dignity, made none the lea* apparent by the fact that she wa* tally two incbe* taller than her lover, the EOT. John st John. He was a thin, wiry little man. dark haired and pale oomplezioned. and waa nine h troubled in his daily walk with a certain nncon- qnerable ahynoB. That be ahunld have won the heart of handitome Nancy Ed- miaton waa a matter for nirpriae and diacnniun amoog the reaidenta in Broi- boarne Siu-h a very aninterenting yonng man I" aaid the maiden ladiworer their afternoon tea. "So ridicalonaly retiring I How did he ever come to propone?" remarked the mothers whose du tighten aativted in giving women m. overwhelming and not altogether nniu*d majority in Broz- bonrne society The men. OD the other band, voted St John a good sort, and bia pariah- ionera, in their rongh ways, owned to hia many qnalitiea Ymi're a dear little girl. Nancy/ the cnrate was HtauiuierinK. looking np at his beloved. wht-n they were both topped short on thu narrow pavement A bnrly workman wa engaged in chat- tiding a auiull boy with u weapon in the shape of a stoat leather belt The child screamed, and the father prs- nmably earned. "Stop!" cried the carat* The angry man merely scowled and raised the atrap for another blow St John laid a detaining band on the fel- low's arm. the temerity of which caused the latter nurli snr jiriw that he looitened hia grip for n moment, and the young- ster fled bowliog np an alley "What the" upluttered the bully, dancing round the curate, who suind to shrink nearer to bis sweetheart "Let as go. dear. " he aaid. He bad grown white and was trembling. At this juncture two of the work- man's cronies appeared at the door uf the alehouse oppuxite and. seeing hew matter* stood, crotwed the road and. with roagh bands and soothing curses, conducted their furious frmud from the scene. "Horrible!" sighed the cnrate as the lovers continued their walk. Mias Kilinisinii > bead waa held a trifle higher. "If I wore a man. " she aid, "1 would have thrashed him. I would indeed." Yon think 1 should have punished him then?" said the carat* mildly "He WHH a much larger man than L you know. ' Nancy was silent She waa vaguely but m.rely diaapiMiiiited in tur lover Ha was not exactly tlm hero she had dream- ed of. How white and nhulcy he bad turned! "Yon surely did not expect me to take part in a street row. Nancy." bs aid presently, aouiebow suspecting her thought*. He knw her romantic idea*. But (the made uo reply "ScL you think I acted in a cowardly faahioalt" be qutwlioovd after a chill paurn \^ "I don $ think yonr cloth is an excase anyhow. " .th blurted out suddenly and cruelly Th , ouxt iuntnnt she was tilled with sbanie and regret Before she could speak agtuiu. however, the curate had lifted bis lj*t uutl WHS crowing the street An icy X'Uoodbyl" waa all h* vouchsafed her s Mi St John wiV retnrniiiK from paying a visit of o.nKlohnce noine dis- tance out of the village, and be had taken the short cat in-Jpaithe moor It was a clear. snuuinT alMTBoon. a week since bia pirtiun with rNaacy A part- ing in earnest it Inul bjfn. 'or the dayi bad gone by without ilWlDK or com- munication Ix-tw. , ri thf'U- The curate was a aad young uuiu. tVKl> tlionngei in his heart stijl bnrneV nen-elv To hare been called a cowarf y the wonv n he loved WHH :i thing ajj* l*kely to be f(irotten. Uis i-e< -nt vVit- *- nlMl been particalarly trying. | D n ^ 8on ' Dt feJt that his w.>rd t mfort bad been i that. f>r 'l ne taao striven, bs bad failed in hi* luiiwinn to the bereaved mother Ho be trudged acrom the moor with alow step and bent bead, giving no hnd to the summer beanlit* around him He was aboot half way borne when hia Miinlier rjucditutii>u8 were -inldenly iuterraptd. A 111:111 roue from the beiither. when; bw luul ix'n lying, and it(Mi.l in the path, tiurriuy the curuUj'* pgognaal "Now. Mister Parson!" he aaid. with rm-u.u-e in bin thick voice and bluated face "i Ji H) af tHrniMin. rny man. ' returr d at .Inim. recoKiii/.iug tbe brute of a week ago and turning as red KB a tnrkej cock. "I'll 'good afternoon' ye. MinU-r Par- jon I No! Ye dun't pan:) till I'm ilone wi' ye!" cried tin- num. who hnd been drinking heavily, though he wati too aeasoned to ahow any nn8teadinM8 in gait. Tbe curate drew back. "What do yon want?" heaeked. He was painfully white now. "What do I want?" repeated tbe bully, following up tbe question with a volley of oaths that made the little man flhudder "I'll tell ye what I want I want yer apology 'be fniuliled with the word "apolugy fer intcrferm t'ween u father uii In* kid. But I licked him more'n ever for yer blunted inter- feria. ' "Ton infernal coward!" exclaimed St. John. His ojiponent gasped. "Let ui paw'" H.-iiil the cnrate. "No, ye don't'" cried tbe other, re- covering from IIIH aMoniahraent at bear- rug a Htrong word from tbe parmm st Jehu >;:i/..-i| hurriedly abuut him The path wound across the uioor. through the 1^1 >< n and parple of tbs heather, catting a low hedge hi-rn and there and losing itM-lf at laat in the heat hare They were alone The bulJy grinued. "I've got ys now!' "Yon have indeed.' said Mt John, peeling off bin black coat and throwing it on the heather Mix soft felt lint fol- lowed Then In- "-li|i|H'd the linkr- frnm his raffs and rollci< np bis shirt aleevei. while his enemy tiunped at bia proceed- ingti "Now. I'm n-ady 1 " said the carat* gently "Are ye goin ti tight?" burnt out the other, loolcim; at him m" Goliath might buve liNiki'd .it David "Come on. ye." But the font wiml never paiwed bis lipx. hemK 'toppi-il liy a carefully plant- ed blow from u -mull but singularly bard nst The little cnrate was lilliil with a wild, nnlmiv joy He bud not felt like tlm> MIH IIIH college daya lie thanked I'rovidi-in-i' fur his friends, the Indian clnba innl iliunlihells. which bad ki-jit him in trim the pant three y.-ir The blood -;i:ii; in Inn veins as he circled round <iuli;itri. guarding the giant'i brutal smiihlieN ami getting in a stroke when occHMiuii ulTiTed It was not long era the l>u mini tmiud himself liopeless- ly oiitinat'-lri-d . his wind was gone: Inl jaw was nwiillcn. mid one eye was nse- leaa He miule n tinal effort and nlnng out a territic lilow t David. Partly parried, it caught him on Thu ahonMrr. felling him to the enrtn Now. surely, the victory wa with tbe Philintiua But. no The ynnnu man recoiled to his fret likfl n yunng nupling. and the next that Goliath knew was. ten minntes later, whi-ii IIM n|M>nd bis availablo eye anil found tbut bin enemy waa bending over him. wiping thn Htnins from bis face with n fine, linen Handkerchief. "Feel better?' Mild the curate "Well. I'm" "Hush, man: it's not worth swear- ing niHint. interpueud hia nurae. "Now. get up. ' He held out bin band and assisted the wreck to its feut "You'd better call at the cbemist'l and ;;et patched np Here's money " Tbe vanquish<yj one took the silver and gazed stupidly at the giver, who was linking hia toilet "Please go away and don't thrash your boy anymore," said St John pur- natuvely Ooliath made n few steps, then re- traced them, holding oat a grimy paw "Mister Parson. I'm I'm" "Don't say another word. Gondby. ' And the cnrate nhook hands with him The big man tnrned away Presently be halted once more "I'm beat!" be said. It had to come. Then he ahambled homeward St John adjnuted his collar, gave bis shoulder a rub nnd donned hia coat and hat As be started toward the village a girl came swiftly to meet him. "Oh. John, John, yon are splendid!' she gasped as she reached him "I watched yon from the hedge yonder. " "I am exceedingly sorry. Mim Ed- minion. ' said the cnrate coldly, raising bin hat and making to pass on Nancy started as though be had struck her Her Hush of enthusiasm p. lied oat In her excitement she had forgotten that evt.nt of a week ago. but the cutting tone, of his voice reminded her She bowed her head, and he went on his way He hud gone about SO yards whnn she culled his name Her voice jnst reached him. but something in it tiild him tln.t he bad not suffered alone. He turned about and hastened to her. Twenty live years ago tbe United produced 70 per cent of the cot- ton of tbs world. Today she produces so per oaut *1 the world'! outton. Talr llrlulr.il ll r t.-rlnll. . One of the new Belgian breeds of poultry, says the Au. Ticau <.<onsul in Antwerp, is tbe Heave chicken, which in black and ha a moderate single, trnu'lit comb, retldiab brown eyes, red gilU and ear lobes, amall roundish wat- tlex. Htocky rji-cK and abundant flush, The breast is ra'*iT strongly developed. and the vertical tail ia quite well feath- ered. The legs, of a very dark blniah or blackish color, are not long. This fowl is healthy, active and rivals the beat layers. It is originally from the district of Herve hence, its name in the prov- ince of Liege, where it has long been known to fannern. It has. however. been much neglected and bastardized with breeds of leaser value. The Manheid is similar to the Herve. U has the same characteristics and dif- BLACK IIKKVR BIN. fen only in its plumage and its height both of which are leas developed. In color it is bias black or light ash bine. Its comb is single, straight, not too large and slightly notched. Its eyes are reddish brown, its ear lobes bright red. and its wattles are not highly devel- oped. The shading of the neck is darker than the remainder of its plumage; tb* breast ia rather wide, the tail slightly developed, the legs bluish gray and mostly covered. It is a good layer. The Herve and the Manbeid weigh about 4't pounds each. Within a few miles of Brussels the breeding of the Coocoo of Malines is be- coming daily more und more important. Fattened specimens of this race, called Brussels fowls, are being perfected roar* MA.NIIK1O KB*. velously. The hri-e<ling and fattening of theae fowls give employment to hun- dreds of peasants. There are specialist* who thus prepare as many as 1.000 to i. .itiu chickens nvery three weeks. The tale price varies from 68 cnt to $1.38 pier-, according to the aea*on. Th* Coocoo of Malinns sits summer and winter, and as a result of great care by skilled breeders a sufficient number is raised for the demands of th* annual* ly increasing trade. In the vicinity of Me.rchtem there is foand a variety of Coocoo of Malinea known as tbe Coocoo of Horchtem. which is gradually sur- passing tbs other varieties in weight and delicacy of meat Under the direction of the Belgian minister of agriculture lecture* on poultry raising are given to every group M A.L.IHES CHICKEN. of avicnltnrist* who expw* 4s*Jr for them. Under the inflono* of thi* Instruction It is now rW ke * tn t *** coops are much bstter P* than for- merly ; that much great* O"* " giv to the nests, and that tfc food ia mnch better prepared. Thru <. fonnarly almost exclusively m* 1 tooA ' * U seasons, is being H** ** ** mo ^ varied diet, according to *"' * year and it* prodnc- cooked potato** mixed with grain d milk served tepid In winter. buclrl"*t- barley, wheat, oats and occasion*"? in summer hemp Md. The use of 'Cashed oy*Ur ihttlU U oaroair know*

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