Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Apr 1899, p. 3

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APRIL 37 i8rg THE FLESHERTON D V A N C E THE PLfcSHBBrOfc ADVANCE APRIL 37 1899 -188/' Advance rI.IMI O W KKKI.T AT THB oFKIrK, svn KMIl* iVUKKT, rt.KsllK.HToN, ONT., BV W. H. THTRHTO*. I pi*r annum utrirtly In advanrr Advortising Rates: Column. 1 voar. t'>0, tialfcol. 1 v, ir. > i|uarlur col., line year, 15. Trati<i'i:it ailvortUonii-nt oharRnl a', tlii- rate cint per Una (or flrtt Inmirtion an.i tiach mliHiuiiieiit iiiiertiiui. iririni'sia Arliiiii-iia townihip council nn-t in tin- t.iwn hall. Flrshi-rlon, on Salunlay, April -L'lhl. AM tin' iiHMnln-rs pn-'riit, the n-n ii IN tin- i-hair. Minuti ol last KI s- .vi..ii W.T.- r-d anil cunliriin-d. A |" i timi fnun I>onald M<-l>n|iitld and ollu-r i i'1-p HIT< i if HIM towti'hip of Art< IIP -i i. i i.|i|. y I'nl Mi-1:. in-ill- :i and tin- vill.-iy of Diimlilk, in additinn of .-.Tlain lots in the lir-t nnii.-1'iwinii of tin- toni.hip of IVoliiii to I'. S. S. N.I 5. Artfini n, <Kpi.-y and Mclnn. thnn, WIM piv^.nted l.y Mr. \N'iilier Itell of I'mtoii and rend liy tin- i --. I'.yUw No. 52 to nulhori/o thi- Imrrow- iii'4 "f 810(1(1 I" iin-i-t currmt i-xpi'im-g wa* intrixluriKl and read a tiritt ami HVO- HcFARLAND & RICHARDS TORONTO, DDNDALK and MARKDALE Direct Importers & Manufacturers Although llin ruailn iiinl ni-HKiiii of tin* yn.-ir i< against briiim -HS we have i i-ry I-I-HMHI to conijrHtiiliite miri<flvi-<< in tin- way liiisiiiet~H in coiitiniiiiiL' I'iiily ' innl tell to niBloniiTM living many miles from Ilundalk who all L'O I e well |.li-i-i-d with lioth imayi- and prici-H. 1,-trp; i-onsijji.meiilH are arnvini; in r|>id uvctioiiiiii, kiM-pint! our olatl busy iil.'ien.r,' umi'U Our Millinei v li-| artincnl input in n-ivini of a large amuntinunt f White Kuibroidt-ry, Kaby I'loniietn, Tinn*. knibroiili ry Ca|w<ni.d Silk HOIMU rnni: in Many shinies. DliKSS ii(n iliS A l.u.-e eii-iM^niiii-iii jn.it to hanil. i .iit.-kiiiini; a nuinbt-r of [lien K of the fikiin. us I ;, .M Med-il ( ioods til.oYK DKI'T I>.n Kul Cloven in Tun and I'.lack color, one of the 1- nil tig iine, fe^iilnr prire 1 .'_'."i, our pun- jtl.tHI pel pan. You cnn make no nnsl.ike in buying the ho\u r.-iiin.ii-. In u, I tiKNT S mtNISMIMI PKi'T IK i-,,ni|.lct* with all that in n- and (u-aumi able. Sp.-rial attention IS being paid bl OfJefed el .tliinu', (irikTs riu'ht. See our T .il at L'.'i i ' -. 1 1. r \ar.l, j in' llie ibit'rf for buys wear, ti"ii'.! an'l . M.-II'S Spring Tie" helling '_' for !>. Men - bow ties Vtry speeiril, Ii n-iitu each. Thu stock i liiri'e. i-:iii_'ioL' in pr.n: from iV( ci-iits -luwn. I'.i H 1 1 ,v Sl|i i|. 1>KI'T IK u mi [Kilt. mt "lie tl'is time ..f tin- yp.ir. Our nim ii In invi- ipiali'v for your money an-l by H . dmn^ rrtain your custom. Men's Ki n' Dun t'oiii;, f.'nr siiieheil. r.-L'ul.ir pi iri- ?-.L'.~i, very Hpirtnl $1.7">. Men's Plough BaJ., regular 91.10 Bproiftl Tte. M-,'.-. ri..u.-l, ll.mi, n-n 1 '.HI. M.'ii K I'l' m;!i Ilil, I'. -.:nl:ir gl .".". s;>r<-inl 81. 'XI. Men - I'lough Ut "'", i|>n-i il S1.1K. I )i;r Htn. k ol 1 !...-. anil Sb.-es ..f nil kiml. l s|. i ' will i|..t permit > in i 1 1 u. .tint; kinds. r--|ors ami pi i- -i-. ' PIM'T .Vi I! \ . s l:-.,..n. Kim- StiN-k. -'H tbv. fl.lS. Corn L'M tbt. MUtfrir. *l. We inaku specialty of Trits. Two ions -.;,r,-|al t : l ti.'l. I', i! . Ue-.-iil;.r ioin|.luie, but Ki-tN M.ur That Bylaw So. M12 be i.ow ii-.ul third tnnv. i,:nx'. M-ahil and rnti inl in the bylaw hooU ('arr-i!. K--II- Thoiii|iiii Th.il the petition ..f D .n.ilil Mi-Donaid and nthi-rs, mclu l- iiij .ix ruli-payeni of the Uiwunhip "f \r li-nn-xia. to have i-i'ain lotft ill il.r timt .MI, . .n of i In- towiiNhip <-f rrotiui nildi-d in I'. S. S. No. . r i, Arti-inciia, (>Hprey mid Mflaii'-tlmii. In- t-nti > mid Ihut NV. .1 Kfllatny is In-n-liy np- ]Kiint.iil arliitratiT mi l-li iK of thu '"-MI n!,r. of ArtiMin.-iiit in tin- nialtir. ' n -I K.llh -IViyJ-That thu lir*t iiirtrtinu of the Court of Hrvntioii on (hi- II.IIW-SK ini-nt nf 1WK. of this towimhip, ln> Inh! on Saturday, the third day of Juiu-, 1HW. 0*rrid. I -,iin. 1 1 ailjoiiini .1. in- Si u.'l jiiit I .V pi T | ai-k:r/i- hand. McFARLAND & RICHARDS - - DUNDALK /'oil/I "ur ( i'-ii I'flli .{HI Hill III. Thu |i.-..|.lr in this in i^lil-i ill. i. ..I ari' b.l-v si i illli:;. Mr. .1. I. (iraliani ii very ill with Inn.: .i .i.i--. Dr. ''.nh i i* in atutinlikin-r. Eddie Huchanan in still on tlu-iiirk Imt. M ln .S rllli- Allili'l-Moll of (ili-lli ]j. i tin of IOT MiMi-i. Mrs. Ii. Hut. -Inns, jr. Mr. (Jeo. Wright is abli- to .-iitriul to Ins work auain and |iurpom<M worknii; II I 1 . . !i iii.ui'-< farm on n)i4ruii ilu- HIIUIIH, -i in . niin-ction with IIIH own. Mr U. .1. 1-. Miili-hiiiKoii IH fiuiitiii); him wi'h IIIH niiiiiint'r'H work. Mr. \Viii. HnmiTH Kot hi^ unn In cut ai-cidi'iltally by bis non wlnh> t.i. \ wi-re u'rtinik; out timln-r for n bun i nlmii IIHII- iigii. Dr. Carter |iut in m>.-i.il ntrlif nnd he is doin>{ as wull iw cmi l v| I ml. \\ i iir.- a'.ol to ri-|>"it that Mrs. .l.il:ii \ \ it nonvvfing tron her ltr illm---- Mi-s lti'ln'1-ri* lliili-binsi'ii of t'lu'iiy (ii.iv,. > |iont list wui-k with frii-mls in tlni nuighborhocid. fnun Our <>n <'"t ra/wmlrnt Mr. (ieorite Curry hiiN in i.i.- ijinin an i|,i..vi-ni..|ii iii llie -i|i|.i-.u in. .- of In. Idler >linp liy K' V '"K '' n ^'""' " ''' "' it, -, A ({oo.l opellino for a |.ll\li I III "' villrtk/e, an Dr. |!;lilu-y will HOII I"- Thi ii ' KOOI! rlialirn fora livii M likn to N.-I- nonin of our cili- nmvo to bi\-n our Hiilrwitlka 1 1 nn V, I'll liiir.ii/ has n-.i-ii in a olili- .1 iii-tllcr \N i- ir ( - i;|ik.l fi l>in Hon. If rn-. n, fi'ceiil i v"r<< ill Wo are aorry tn W(W U Uli'ler l of Kii','i''n-i |i'iil n fi-w wri-k. .' II i! 'n- -: is riiiting .ir I'm o ur. k< t '.i- Heaver iu-\i-i tern by tbn 'ur <i'il frieit', Mr. afd-r his >W Mr. Fm-.k Jlre Popular Wheels / See Them . . . Before Buying $40, $5s and $80, j/J7Z Pockets Br*\c Men fall. VictiniM tn tomach, liver and kidm-y tmnlilmaii wi-ll u woini-n, anil all f*el the ri-nult* in I""' of B||K-tii-. poimiim tntl.s lil.Hid, backn.-ii.-, n-n.-ii-iii -v I - """ "" I nrinl. lli-lli-> run il'-n '" ' ' I l; ' ''",' ' no iiMil to fi-i-l iil.i- tht. I. HI-' l" J- '* (lr,lnr.. l.lanil... Ind. He iay*:"BUeUi Ilittcn an- JIM: the tliinc for a mm Ii* u all ri.n .l.iwn, an. I .lun'i <f'- " M* IITM or .in*. 1 'I"! <"''" t" i-' v nvw triu-lti ami U''" I a|.|-tii'- 'I' 1 '" any ilniiK 1 i-i.u .1 Ink.. I ill n.'W eat nytbin| , l hvr in v I,,H,I. on llt^. 1 I'i'lv .'" u". At mi) liiuu .Inn. I'.v.rv bolil* gnaran in J. Iti-v. Mr HmriMoii bi.bN tin- n-ronlfor tyinthe i|iiicki-Kt mitt rim mini Utmt ' bfimti li'-d in thu M.lii^n. IXIM! wi-rli a youtiH iMiii'b- thro i^ii MOIIII> nirawWr* taiiilin ith Mr ll,irn..n .u!i-l i:i v.iin itt tin- boino .'! tin' l.riilc, (or *oinr ..MI' iiuallli-il to linUn tlu-iil l.-L-nlly i'llS to |illt ill llli ii|i.-:u:in -i-. As till- lr .Ii- iMld iirooin I. nil t.. ilrni- iklKHIt MX nnliH to iM'rll ill'- rVi-lllim trilill for Tnronto it vkH dut-idi-d t" ri-M-rm 1 tin 1 tinu- imiioi.il oi-ili-r of c. i-'-inmiy nnd j.nrtulii 1 of tin- Wi-.lilin-,' MI|.|H-I- l.i-f.iri- tin- ' I 1 ' 1 -iioiu- '< |ii.|-|.iluii.|| ; i-til: I!-' ii.ioi-.trr ; l.ii illy in th. h.nuU of tl.r [iiniily L-loi-k |'.'iiiti-l to w thin 11 fi-w tniiiiiti-n of t' i- tun., ulu-n till- |-X|II'-H-I WHS ll II- !l iMlUllltlltlOII .l- hi'l. 1 and n d "h in nil- for ih' 1 |>r. iiclu-i' riMiid- nci' : ihry hail c"o.l lioi>i' who ki'pt ihk- pnm *et by tlio groom; t'l.n win riiiht ni'iiuti-ii in winch In Hi' tli knot itnil ri-ai-h lln 1 ntntioii. Mr. II. i i-.son \k i-. r.|inl to tin- oi-ri-iioii; tl'u ln|.|'V i-.-i:|ilo writ- |>roin|it mi tinu 1 , li'av ,ii^ for Toronto auml eongmtolatltHtl if tin -mis inn) Hhi.wriH of i 1'iiiulnlk Rvrald. llc.l-i Ihc KlonJIko Mr. A. '. TliKinii". nf .NUrynvillr, Tn., Kat foiiii-l a linn, val.i ., ; -n- ill. I-M ry than lia^ yi-t lifii inailr In -In- Klnn.'iki-. I r \ n In- viiTrl. .1 i.lllol I 'I 'i UN I- ipti.i.i ^"I-.HII|> i-ii il I'l Ii- ii n 1 "KI a 1 .,., , tr i\ i-i.ti.l l.y IM. KIII>; < Y'i- d,r ('onKiiii'l '. ''' ' I'M". II- ,|..i''ar tliit (jn'ii it f liltli- VI'MP in iiariinii * th l1 "" iniirl"ii i-'in-, i.nl iiavi- it, even if it i-iil :i I in..lr.il .!,.!' ir n butt If. Antloiiii. lliini.-l,it > a -il all ihrnai ml IIIIIK altoti"i" iri- |-oitm|y c ii'.-il In nr Ki-' New I'Ui'ovt-r* for (.oiiifm')'' .- Snlil al any drug itnr. Uegn'ar tine ftll onl ami fi 00. (iuaranti-cil lo cur* or jiriet refund*!. A Well Known Toronto Traveller Cured of Catarrh After Eight Years' Suffering. JAPANESE CATARRH CURE CURES. Mr. It. K Hi-iuiiiK. tin' wall-known ami Popular Toronto rtjirewtMIre of Mr. KwInK * Bum, Cork Mniiiifar'iircpi. Monl real, wrlton: "I have bwn oonrlnBt i-itrvnr from ea urrh of a aevoro and mot ilUai^ciiablo i>p<- for i Iglit j-fr. whli- MI nti r, ln|>ilrf thohii-.i minufiiollais Iff^ Mi cmairii |Hvl>il i.ii'l man* rt-iii'ill - which OBll .(f..il .1 i.: i> rur) i>-li' f. 1 t f. Ju|i I--W *'|IHT|I Cur. ulnii* one ywr ax" a'nl ^IK-C r.xnplotinic IhU Irratment h >r i. -i (rll Hie i'-i't -jinpiiiiiiHiif m> (ornirr troul 1 \ f.-w inin'-.ii .ut I m-iMiitnfH.'**! t' lo i. fr i- <l i-linllrirlr air.-rt. d. HII-MH' U now <* m RlcU-lr eiin-il u .1 1. I .an hinhlr rro .mmcm' in uiiy i- r~ n troubled with thin nvv-t nnniK III. llmna**" I.'. I .l.n .u-.-. dt irrh Curn n'lli-Toa cr>M In thf u iinr n i'litt- .null i al>-i'tllM*)v JTMrun*<H (I tn. niriiiiri ii-imf i-ii .ti-hiil th.i N o*u ur Throat or iiioii -. ni.i Ii.- ii f I.I.IIN! Hold ti) all dmtf .-i-Miit. A fnn- mniplo will t lit ID o<y ji. r-.m lr\.ilbll wttb c.*lrr ( ,. Kn ri-nt -laiiip. Aditr . Thr tlrlftlth* A . Mm iilu i-un I'o.. l.'l t'liureli St.. Turoutu. i -M liy T. J Phrppard. 3n tho mattor of th astata o/ jfnyus WfcjCood, /off of Me township of jfrtjmasfa in the County of Sroy. farmer, de- ceased. Nuticti i-. livridv ,;ivoli |iurmiiiit to thu "Id > BlatotM o( Oinarlov' i-"., i-ti*|.'i i tllil all o u.lltiim mi. I n|iii-i^ IIHVIIIK rlaluiK Malm! UM Mat* of th 'i>l Am wli .In- i i. n nr nil.. ut tin- i-n.Mliil.ki .-( .i.oin ni inn, ai-i ri-.|UHB.I mini I..I.M. il... l;.| Inv nl MH>. I-I-.M . i . MIII I l>v |.,i.t |.n|.io.l i.i . . - I- I uran. \\ M lit ,V Hut-nil, or lllll Vlll.il- ill .Ma.k'tftliv -i.i., Hi , I,. I V v 1 V I'll (111 .-111 Mmr. Dm KM-.-H t -r nl flu- .. I I! MI .1 !.-*; n in v lit nf t ii |. i h ~t, i . an I s .1 II.IIIII-K. n i I, l... full ini.ti till n: nl III' i it to. h I.i I i in Hi! ifti-r >i t-ll lt >-.--. .\ I ,j. unii|.|( h 11 inij i ball . , ni I ' hut t hi. -ill! r\. i-tilniM wl . 1 I. I. Hi. I.' I III.. HHI'I .I,|.H ..I ll!l\ (Illl ! Ill HIM |K-rll" 111 IWIHIIIm Ol W||H- .' mm* niiliri- nhrtll lint Illkvi- Ii nl i i-ol vtnl l> . ih- in at tin' time of mieh dttlrllmllnn I't...l iln- i.'i . \> i of A|iill. I K.lteUora for Itie Kiooutoii Mixed Colored Cununds. Colored I Fawn fj round*, lliinlsonir Scroll Pattt-rns Light Colored (ironnds, Policato Flnral Denials Maroon (ironiul.- 1 , Frrn I'utti rrs Cri-atn (iroiiiiiU. t'olorrd Floral I>-i,'ii Dik Urecn (ironnds, Lrge Artistic dosiij'is Hemp CarpetReversible Rtrii^d rat'erns. Y^til Wide 1'ark Fl >ral Tatti-riK. Hd iiu-lit-s wi.li- Colored Floral I'atti-niK, 30 iuchfs wide Dirk (iround?. Floral Patterns, yard wide Durk Ground*, large handsome design Striped Patterns, two yards wide t II.'c 13c 15c 18c H| 35c 0c M. Richardson & Co. ^ J'leshorton - 'Dundalk House Furnishings ! As the spri i<j season advances it brings with it the dcmnm) fur something new and nobly in the line ol Honse FurmshinL'S, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cur- tains, Art Muslins, etc. With full anticipations for the requirements of our customers, we have selected an elegant assort- ment of these lines, and ofer some exceptional val- ues in entirely new goods. Reversible Wool Carpets One Yard Wide ! Tapestry Carpets From 4sc to $1.25 gapanese Jflattin$s! Oil - Cloths - and - Linoleums A Full Assortment of Handsome Fatterns at Special Trices jCacc Curtains *, J*trt 7Ifuslins Our Special Curtain ! Hanil.ti-iiie I>. -!-,MI. (i 1 \Vultli 1'^ yards loni, Tu|>ed Kdijps, pair 1'ctter (Jtiiiliiii R anil Lonu'cr I^t>tii;tli9, at per pair 45c, rf ":>, II, anil $1.2.") oer i>:ur P I Pegigtis anil Colm ings in Art Muslins. All pi ices, 5c, 6c, He. 10c. 1-^cand i:.c. Ladies' Shirt Waists We nre sliowini; sonic vi ry liaiulsotuo Shirt Waists in a variety of Fnluirn I'nlnrwl Mntlitis. (iin^liauis, Zephyrs, Diinities n. 'jn:. i. s. i,-iwii.s nml Kir 'irnuli-reil Minims, a \t-r\ full iiinl I'omplrt. imige of sizes, pnci s ii"l , tlitirs NKW \iOOD8. I I A tt 1 )\\ A K 1 1C I > i-: I 'AI^TM EXT 7000 ROLLS WALL PAPER Onr rniii.'ii-ti- rmi^c of Artistu- Wall Papers enables us to tnri-t litiy |- >-^ili'|. <li inai.i! i.i i-olm . i!. ,i^n and quality. Our prices ci'iiuncn^ lit Hjr |>ei loli ;mi in every histanto we place btfore our c list mn rt ilu- best vrtliii - o. Hapdsome Wali Papers /From 3 Cents per Roll ' ' - ~ - - 1 " j Accessaries for the r A-T nhiHT PKU'l-.S- v i!k Pn, Creamers, Strainer Pails, Milk f P.iils. Knot >ry fans, etc., etc. >eH Cycle Goods? Well, Yes ! l>i C nu- In-rc f.'i 1 any Cyi-'i- l;. i|ii's:tes yon Inn. -r Tulx s, \.i!\s. I'atrli Kubbev. ei-g, (\, ' . ~ i Hall Accidents will Happen f you livi> H lnviik, C'Miv to IH ami wi-'ll ;> t any brokt'n f ,r Mm in u liiifi-j --clu-.ip t>" ' No matter what Richardson & Co. iMMdilpMIMM \ * Art i . l * of | ( MI-J nCoi. A in,,- V 9 (NORTHERN * / 5 ""?' \ ownx MX so. o.rAMK> u m-i-l w .mn ta . logu*- c Vicinity Chips I'l irnrtrrisllrs of thr Pisi <-r<i <-.ircru:i> Jillrd for the 4'nrloiio MM T 'n.- ' I n cvt* t fn.mt-.' .|-r M,l. up at R. .. I 1 \ ;ily at >fiee for | Mr f i i - .- n: HKPO" \'.\ il i'i I H H t Fur mutiny t 4j rwr c>- Vaiil' -iirr-i ti. Tli- tr ut Tuetday rV)u will opt , M . Mr . * -styli-'i .til.ir just ui t M - T nun e' i.. \ <m*. : '..ii u u cheap nd 4 -"d, pric^ 93.'-' \V . rUrnhouHf Fall whear hi r injhil.- *m'.r nd>;iu> : K T M.I.- . m .-n..l E Io- nian of Durham w<*r ttu-Ht* .-f Mr. Mark M- i- . fvm pn-jwrty at tive |T i-i-ii' fr-f if .i.*t^. lU-llimy A Call and . W. H Ht-nrd'n sample* if ('levrland ! i.-;. ->t any i M irrii in pi-rf. -" ..r.ior I Ji-sin- M ml".. mi t! i- puMio that I am *<t\ agvut for the Wiikn^-n farniit'.' iiii|ilvmeiits nt-il - -il ' ~ I i-!> Win Str.nn. rieahrrt >n. Mont-y t.i loan on ..'i future* \t 4j per .en', and "ii farm ^n-u:i'\ iti -u 9400 and upnanl- 5. prr i-.-n' K\ .jiencea guaran'vcd low. Apply t" ii. H. .x f>7. S The annu il intftini; .-f the public '.-.! r.iry nit-iiii<t-pi uill U- held in the libnry r. i in ..i. M ',-i iv rMii ni;, M y 1, *' i* i.'cli-ck. fur the pui-;.r ..f rvceivm^ the .tnnnal rx-port, electi'.:i of i-rtKvr-, rt -. An aui": :i - iU of a larye i|U.tnti'y "f l-.>U!i*lioUl furn;ture uill be h-l-l in -^prmile blcvk, FK-hvrton on SutunUy ift*ruoiii | .an,' .it L' U. J. Si-k..i M., Auctioneer. Klethrrton hi.-yi-le livery. CillinKW'-l street. >;. .-i ,,U Ji.-pt fur hire. Reputing di.:.. - -! Irtti.l " i- r sale Any.ni.' il> ini.j[ Sutaiay n - ~- . ;r ', y \ x KIT - -.in arc'iclea- are offerd -it i-nv - ' ' van bugiiy, one 1 nu-li ^teel rope ami pulley, >' v-i.-k-. o-iiip!,-*!?, for r. n li.iild-ii;-. 1 plow atnl li-irr 'W. 1 t 'mule dnviii- I. aims.. 1 1 nns o.t-li. Apply to l> M I l''l.-lurtoii. Aid yoin iff to boaut.fy your h iu<< by buym-4 a t\w rotl.-t "f Mffbrt* A Jiivr .u IK l.nely i-ifk-rn -: - ; ..Ills alii^HI iVIIts up, Ck-'llIU-* ""' i-i'ld- VI9 to b*h\ I 'ir !*'. I.ICI- I'll' la ..,;mil eVl* McKartaii-l A Co. liirry il,,- la ^-Ktii^-k nf any Hun m thi -. c-i'Ui ni .1 vll :it closeit pric.-". Mnn or %oy wanted to toJ. Hickhag, Maxwell. plow. Apply A few tmm of /.! hay (u aU. Max. J. The aQi.": ti,.i,iini of Flenhert.iii < Vri,Kr.;ry Ti nit will ); l.. ; :.i in t!ie Town H .. ... \l LJ It>, at p in A full .i-'- inl nice .if pl..[.h.ii.l-M w re- \\>j. Ci_vj- 1 u .- -r KI.-OI h.tM a gai>g of in-.-n on tin.- h.-r-o-li-iu MU thi< wi-i-k with t'.i- m- tenti .ii >!' inakin-.' a CUIBfilut* joli if it. The road will 1>e cl>K>-<l daring th wi.rk and all traffic from tli ea-r will l.v to take (Kline i-ther rnUte into th It u : - i 'he entitle 1 :. make the! :/ naf and au eaxy fade Mr K.'-'..- : hinia.-lr nct>eeintf the w.,rk. Mr 1' ;! hia the .0 fl-<;k ..f Imii* wu have yet hennl of. Tliere re jirr Ijfty in the ..'..' ! .f i: . t'll ..f M Hf-y cri- leathered ffoiii rhe-. During th^ tirnt fourteen ' -il 3W e .;r* were x'' : TLe largest number laid OD any one 1 .y during thi pernxl wax 24 and the . An en'erta.niiiei.t on lo-Li ilf -.f the puti- * .!! de i(\ THWI. Hall mi '' . t K.ulay, My 5, wlim I - ,;-iK-ll will t>e preaent and delnfr 'i < .1 Llr.fH.1 mi "A tnti to E- rup- Mr. ('.mi;, ill ji .' i . r-niely L-nf-rt iiniii.- BM| HMtruetivH aMrvM. The pri'Kraui w:,! \ ut conNixt : club - iltul> f-ell . tali-. im l.y ta.- i-hilir-i. of the Hchoi-l Mid 'th. ni P. pillar pr!<.ua will rule. 8w - Am i < the Buceefttful candidate* ar the runtit T'.' ' >1 Coilegu exaiuina- we ii'Krcx the n.-ituea of three yuunf men ir.-m thi district, and :\f- ur'ti who i well known her-, uamely : Mr Kdwtd P.ul. *m..f Mr J..|IH 'i'aul ..f Feiir-liam : Mr. Fre-l Murny and Mr Ertusxt C. Murray, la'e ; ^Vrham, and Mr K i r- n H n.l.-r~m, hrother of Mr. K. N. Heinlrv>u of thi p!ao. These four JIMJII^ gentlemen arc now fni! deii^rd dentK--. aim erv all p;uU -if Dr. T. rsi.ii, th sucuenful and wcllkuuwn dentist of Tupinto \\ . > i . ^ - I'r '.' 11 n ' r- im the extremely pr*it *i<rthy li. iwint; ma ! frmii hf ..'!! i .4! buaiuM n.eetii'. Epwi.r'h I^-a.-ue of the Mithoilpit church : \! , . oheti the t.i b* in a hiuh- ly pruoiKTui-. >n i everytluiu working btr nt.-ui>ly. L>unn< the paat four in. f I ii;ue haa raud t ;. w i> i f Mil'M-r eto., $36, and hw a balance mi h in.' of f i Tho following- oiS.-'-r* were elected fur he curmit year : President, (!. W. Slauy' r V-- .u -, M ^ Obrtit.-e ; lit \ . \lrx K. N. H.tv r^.i, ; -Jn,; M- W. H Tlnr-i'. n ; :Jr.| Vic.. M - I. Irin ;4'li V:c>-, Mi. \V A. A K rxln.u Secretmiy, Mr. T. Buhner ; C T. .S-c., MiwJ.y ; Tr. as.., MIM K.n. My ; ('r,-ai-t. M m t III iin ; \ > II nit t iryanis-, MUa XilU Trnnl>!e. Personals M - I K M - r r- - - e.-tvinu I- k with her fiwmly l ; n hor li'is'-it:.d I Mr T -I. Slit-inuri 1 , i* o.mf house i '-. i rxsipi-la* %ir the leg nx revilt of a conflict uhV > i few . tl.e wound Aever Ii . prop. i \\>- truWBthe initttrr will not a*tiiiio a n ore *tnkJ& nn. Mr .Win Ili-nnlo' Kei il^WH' . r. Mr. .1. H. }(lff Mr a> 1 Mr* J. W. A two i i thrw- . in t mn \ Mr. C,... An :-ti- iu -' tli.- ' mil , !'.-- l'i- In i n ri-rii>u<'' 11 in.* out of lUnL'ir lowartla no-Viry All.--- i; u ey of T"r i;ii*Mt of fiiviiiU m town. Mr. K Th niiw in, who I --m-itiig :th \S . M Tueeday for Wi**!. ,.ck wh.- a tu it mi |tr..inj of of tie We iV'tico t:mr ioim ot our *^chmvT On WedaMkay alterBn " IHI n j'-i' li>liinj mlieitis, inxnt-i for t M. I the D- mini- n t' -mpwiiy "f Cliii-ni!". Our < the c> ne of pretty x t rinik'vH i.!i t 1 M linn int ; * winch Mr Tho* SU.l .if Xi n. i tei.kl t"in.k.- -.is )-iiliiu.-< of any tnni- MIM Annie I 1 ' ' was ably lupported by bin bruther, Mr. George Sled nf Nottawa. The bride wae -1 in a suit nf blue niat.-n i . 'r inmeil with white brocade aatin und nblmn. while "he dn^w of the bridesmaid wa< made to harm. >mKe with that of th - bri.le After 'lie ceremony allnatdoWD to 4 taHtfully prcnarcil !un-h*-n'i KI ren by the hoMieHH. Mrs. Dand, aftrr whicb the contracting partifii pri<eleil to thvir future home, whe'e a tunipttious repast a* heartily enj.,yel with a number rf Int'iitrtl ate frieiiil.i. On the foliowiii^ evening the young couple gave a recent.. .11 t i a ho-it of their young frieud*. The newly wedded couple were the recipteaki ':" mny brauliful pieavnt* which atte*td to tlix extocni m which they lire held. They will trnid..- near Poplar Ur -v e< r.,l- iiii7W.>l. Tha Advaoa* tel jraMi- Utioi.c and thok* for n luuid*. II,L lice of tl.e weddiiu cake. The rev v Tucker at -ttion raa the MM>D of a happy but {uieterent at 4o'i!--cli \\.itnesd.iy- :iu. 1'Jth int The occanion was ' inarr a^ of Mn. T .---r i .i !.'. r, MIM Annie Cuhnie. M < 'ruikhnk .f Wiarti.n. The kiint wan tied by the bride's piKf.-r. H- J \\ .rd, in the pres- ence uf *l)..ut cwrii>y of rela tirea and fnei.di. The hride w t -u-n away by her brother. Mr. .-inie. while Mb* H 't assisted the bride and Mr \\ ... (.'ruikihank ti.e .r.~ in. T!.- i r:.li_- w attired in l !>! bj ford cord trimmed with chiffon talm and l-kce and carriel a msi<nilicent bunch nf white bridal roa^*. The hruleMii.t d wan becuminitly attired in SWIM ej^^ and carried a large bouquet of pink roeen. re-ent vcrn nuiuerou* and well choaen, which twtilied to the i.uli eetecm in which the I. ml* waa held. \\ hen the ceremony wan oer the guest.i jiart--. k nf a tumptanUft iU|-:er, after which a in -t etiji.yable evening wa* "ent in parlor Km* and .-'h-r auiuMOirot*. Tli band from K'.ehert. n .vldcd much t" the pleas- ure i f rh* evening by ir* sweet strn.i * and waa much appreciAted by all. The . Ci'ti}'!.- let' for their tie* home ID Wi.-uton ni the 9.30 p.m. train ami'Ut "e M n, ' r .:.l.ank will . n the Stati n Sabbath . where she wvs r mid wi.rk-r Mr. n I Mr. C. curry with them the brit wishes of the entire WHERE YOy CAN c* on uaue //fonct/ That People are quick to aptireciate a itooii thinz U -*l...*:i hy th* very lnrg quantity f H.,ta w. it e iv .-Ihni;. We have a very i.itf ir.<:k in all the lat4l .Styirsi. Cil uni we will ^ive you a* goad w ever y.-u had ' Ordered Work and repairing Promptly Attended to at WM. CLAYTON'S Agent for Dominion .Money Order Express f FLESHERTON 1 Wrfcla ( M ( .tMiiDy The baiiect ao<l -.hint that er w nia.l.- nl'r. Kuu- .% pill i A -m:r o.t^.l 4! .MIC . f n i! TI, mt i-tiaiici -t w. ikn- intu tin nuth. < ! into <>i r-.-\ hr uti '{ itihi nieui 1 p. w- r. T ,-c won I. r'ul !u buii'l:- tb nealtb. Only 2.V per h"X. S..Ml.y in .its Important to Mr. Hack WWt*. th* wII-known trlo*r Mall K,-..t:>.,|i ri,,;,, write*: I mSS&tr Mf-nth.it l.lalmrat onqaall.| for Sheppard's \arcain * b*t ucr,-a. l It f.,r ?MCfu. and all forma of fwelllnf an.l AU drualM*. V> ctV ,. h**rtllr re- * vrralnt Inflanima- The Marke;^. Cnrrfullv *'rr--Crd tnrli KL.ut . (i .. lo * . 4 . white. .. . . rd .. R krlt- y i all . - lull . ? .- n r,-, Ii t.K ll> m 19 -v additions to oui large stock of Seneral *Dry-Soods Hardly ;i Jay pa?- < but something new finds its way to our counters and scarcely a day but we are t^ making new and valued customers a sure sign that It \ve rtrtail at Right Prices ! Our stock is now complete in all lines We might mention here that we have some extra values in New Prints, Cottonndes, Shirtings and Tweeds. GOOD - BOOTS ! ! I -"or the pas' two seasons owing to the steady advance in the price of leather, manufacturers were at their wits end to keep boots at okl prices, and in nine cases out ot ten the quality suffered. Only the most reliable dealeis maintained their reputa- tion by charging a higher price and keeping up the quality We have been verv careful this season in msisnng on the quality being ri^ht, and we believe we have as tine a stock of" bo.ts and shoes for the spring trade .is it is possible to get by buying in large ;::: quantities direct from the manufacturer's and ) spot cash we are still able to sell good boots as |::: cheap or cheaper than you buy :nt~i_rior ^oods tor. Just ::e word about - WALL PAPERS - Our new Wall Papers, beautiful ir designs and ja - -me ot the finest effects ever seen in delicate tinted grounds with glimmer and gold i at- torns are nov shown by us. The prices, consider- ing the quality are remarka.Llv 1 u. '5 T. J. SHE~PARD (HI to 00 I Notice toCreditors IN T(i ^v\|. . ity uf llrej, ' ".n w k'.-t b r IXJ* r.- i .| \; i .ir |K|I\ . -.. K. - FLKiEITH fDBHITOBE t .UOUfcu it:i 1 } I liiniiit .: -.1... >*i I i . UrflO- 1 -EAlvtUvDt O' lli"ir Hi i . I \ i ' ' l'- *.. * - . ... - I. . . _ ..-.- ,.,, I;...,. i -r 1 > i-kbic f..r . . D'lt .. u- at ib*ti.ii -u* I'm.- * - ! ^*^*^% + v^-%* v We-.rr,i ...- J B SIOHH & SOil SEASONABLE GOODS P ~*^* ors in!iiit: Sasb- Dors, Hooring, She Newel P-jsts, -<r3. ty rKi'M 1 s Hand K.ii'.mg. jrner and Sfedroom 3mtef, Hlocks,the best c: Spruce , Sidf-lBoards. Cxtcm- a'on and Centra 1j.ibles, Chairs, Window Shades and Curtain Poies. Pictures, Casels. etc. Which * otfer at / Lath, No. i am! : - VeranJa an-! 'ttir Sidings, etc. our cuin-iii vl.i I Mk-lOMU*. Ill It ull. Wi- t' i-ollM \ jn ciKlravoring to ilo *v liv brill* IVi k-- iN- froiKtiii.: in i and Fl- ih.rton, the cere- KM. U. vet * cvnt of value out of them and F.-^U- n "f < ' ir S 1 ' S( - >'fh'J *t chu-. -I. oimanderrit a lot of KIKM! po U.-e ainjl T1>e brii)* *a* a8i.ted |r.y MIMH Kill BOAR for 5ERMCE / Irhili; thegrouMi Timw rJiBotr l*(iRT LAW I>A> f. r . i i.- *C r.-rt Law can b* tf> l)j s; (lying W. uwnr. Uv. .11 M. **. Lowest Prices *^ ,-nm..fti.hfCta r f- ~ f-tin in *\\ Mr liana Picture Pruning ard General Repairing ri.iU-rt.il. in.- in all its Branch** \OtlwC tjtl\e Satisfaction Guaranteed \v, ,t..i r . to fcfn^Tta* . W f H RI TVIT ' -^'*o" VV . 11. l)U l>i I . b uuab.e -. oil at at hur (arm* tu U'K talU* "^'^ Rl i L . ON \.

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