Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1899, p. 1

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APRIL 13 1899 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Card? U'CULLOUOH * YOl'NO Hank.'ii. Markdalo Uo a c.n.rai banking buln*a. HoatJ loau*d ft ra...>i.*i>lf> ' -'" ou "" AS VANDL'HK.N, J T Cl.rk 5th l)iv Court. Co Or*y .nt>r of Marriage Ucenee*. Conveyancer !,.tary. Public. Auctioneer. Money to loaned ftuui 6 to 6 |xr c.ut. Charg.* uiodorat.. FLKHIIKKTON P O K.BTS n.lartako the coll-.-tio.. .,1 .11 kiudi of debt* HoM bought. aucouuU MlfMMii etc. K N HKSUEBBON, KlMbertou I Photos -TAKEN -AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery TCHI8UK.TT KlMborton station Po.tm.U.r. Co;umllou..r in H J, Convey- ancer. U-mle. tuorttiaKe.., laa*e* and will, ,..n. Mon.> to lr.ul at 5* l*r cent and np- wiM. UobU collated. Charge. uiodrt. Rj oi'itoru: l'o.tuiat r, Flenherton CouiuilMlon.r la H.O.J.. Auctioneer Con wyauc-r. A,.|.ralier ..id Money I.-n,ler U.al K-tatn od Immranoe Atinnt. Dewli UH,*t...e.. laa aii-l cart-fully ilr. u u *j I valuation* made ou tliort4K u.ti.-i- foa.y to 10.11 at lowent rto of ii.lrr. . atW,lld.l to With prompt.:.-.. Ouarie. low. Atf-mt for Ocean Doniimuu l'ou|>*uy. A call oiiciioa. T M AUltl\c.v: I.U'I KCM At Oov.rnui.iit i,i..- u . !K)ei.H at them ; New Vi telaM: U. K an.l .luliilee. For aingl. pur ou. Ill UAIK ur lU at a tun.. H. HCLKAM ITHDI. Iura. AO U W meMeery b.nao.Uhlrd Honda; ID each uiuiith. in .mlr lo<t room. t..'a Lluck. I ;-... -. t.'U. atB|. ui A .N Liirl MW . A M liiuKin. Hecordar , W. UMMKr- s I-UIDK br.tlirea ii.vlted AKTIITK I.000, No. M . A \ iiimti ill lli Maaonloball. htralii i lock. Kl.hrf.u. every Fri.lay oo or before * full uiooo. B McUIII. W M; W i PUUHT H.KSHKKTON. I. O. V. *U In U i-bri.i.*. III.H-H tlit. la.t Kri.laj vniliiii lu M.-II montl. MMim* K.-rMU-r. heart il) elc..u.. I H.H.It. D>u; K. 8 , r. ^all. L>U.MI _ are done in fint-clais ilyle and at l.ivreit rates. Special attention given to copying. l!ul.u-' |ihotoa. a apecialty. Pictured framed. MRS. BULflER DR. E. LITTLE D.i.ti.t. Uia-luato l - iilriiily "' Toronto and BoTal C..llno of Uuntal HurgooD*. Fl.ihoitou - Uoiiday ami TueiJay of ach w..k Dundalk-ThurnUy. Friday and Saturday ol u uck. Jr 1 M.u. -H U.I. M U 8, D n 8, L D S Hooiir (traliiatoToniiit.) University and Huyal CollK uf Uvulal MIII)|IM<UI. Vl.itu Klrali.ri'iii cvrry Friday aftarnoou THK.M'KUHON H li H. M I) K. Di-titUt of Toront* (Doll Me.uli.ti vlll viil Fluiliarton pro- f.>.l.uiallv ilia ft" \Ve.lncJy ol each moiitn aad Uuii.lalk tL. lulloirluK day |Tborday.) WATCH REIPAIRINO Silverware, wan-hex clock* and jewel- lery, SEE OUR PRICES ! ! before puicbaainK. No trouble t uliow jr. '.!. (iieatly ri-<lm-'sl pr " on every tiling in clock Uuriny February aud March. J. F. VanDUSEN . te JOHN W KKOHT. I. I. 11 lln.nnter, K.. ll.it, .r OL. Om.-i- Next t.i |...M"lli. t>, Hproul.'s block. ITIr.hf.rt. m. .ferjr Hatur lay auil court .laj, X il Owen -...iiii.l xtllce, Frost'* block Puulott str*t MSI. Just Arrived ! fl Nicely flssorted Stock of TRUNKS and VALI5ES ActeUtMM Hoof iliiti. imnt I'.iiii.'V Waaber* II .' - - Mitl* Sweat Collar* Mon'n Lratliir It. ace* Wbilw and l..i'ies llarint>a Oil P,-li.k All kind* nf names* krpt on hand a*d rnad* to order. Everything in harm-iis goodn and *t ri^ht prices. \V r M. MOORE LUCAH. WltKIMT * HairlnlKrn s.,;i. ,i,.i Conirayancert. .to Urflo-(>wun Hon.i'l. out >n. I Mark. lair Out W II is HI. .MI. C A IUr>uN I II !... M II r li.lirtou oOic., Ultob.ll'* llauk *ry Hatur. U. Wanted All kind* of nawUigi wanti- 1 for which tli )il|(lirt |irlrr will b. |.i I In oali. at Hi. Horkval* mill* (PotMOM ('nrnr.i Artinr>ia a'i.1 Rt Kli". 1 !..!.!!! hnii.in. K... full particular* ..ffivr. Markdal* M.M-. I K. IN. liHOH aii|>ly ai mill or ln-a.i . TUCKKlt A l'ATT>:l:M)N liin>t. >, ivillclturi, .to Molion'M ruik, Oweu Hound HAUK\ (i 'III I.I K i.l i> W rAlTKU.-IIIN ..- MACKAV * SAHPSOn. lutn.t.ra. uKI-'i.-l.M : -DW..II Hruntl, M.rclia.ii uk hln.-k, N .1 ratt.irHiin II. .me. Uuii.lalk. I.I" hti.ul, .vury HktunU) A.U M.I KAY. M A . III. HAMPHON, I. I I' Crown Att'.'tiey for (iru). Dn HUTTN M !' M, M r 1> A R Ont, Prlo**lll. on.. .- n.xt .ti.-.r to lirown'i. tor. ; rvaldonc. oi'|H..it.' i tlio|.l II.P.I nrtii-n, r*ldnr of lt Al.< llrown. o(0o dayi TuMday* and Batur- aajr*. Hddress arid Presentation A number of guests t!-i red t t 1 .. m ins.-, Maxwell, mi Friday evening, March 31, and presented Mr. Mc\\ hin nev. the renting teacher, with ;t drewing caae and the follow in ^ addreu : 3S r. Mf Whinnry : I>KAK KKIKMI. We, the ti-ncln-rs ;ni'l pU|nU "f tin- Maxwell Siiml-iy si-iiool and nieinl. ets nf the yoiiiio ptoala'i society of Christian Kndeusur, have l en informed that you are about to |.-iv Maxwell. We then-lore take this opportunity of exprrs- miitr our reyret at your ile.parture and of si, ..win. 1 ci.r esteem of y..ur inornl and intellectual worth and nur appreci .iti.'ii of your character. Diinni; y.mr three yuan witli us your life ami influence h..ve been of such a character s t lead u* into a higher and better life. You will kindly accept this memento, not for ita intrinsic value, but as a t. ken of OIK ea- t. i-in ..f you personally, and of our ap- preciation of your faithful service, b-.th in tin- Snbliath who.. I and Christian KM de.avor society. Our prayer x that the I 'testing of our divine Lord and Master ui iy LO with you to your new Held ; Inbor, and that when yur work on enrlh i* do.ie y.iu may IK- received int.. that ti inj>'e where all Khali be rewarded ac- cor.ling to faithful service on eartli Sitfiied on behalf of the Kunday sch. ol and I'hrisii.in KniK-i.vor oci. tv, AKTIII K ItKowNKinuB S\H\H MI-KEE. Sec. JENNIE KCKOI Mr. McWIuniiey, tlt!...uuh takpn greatly by surprise, made very nuit.tblu reply, regrrtting lii-i dep.irture> from tli,- pei.pK- in this vicinity and thanking them for inch kindneM* shown him. Tin- . -v eni-.ij wan spent in social fmnei. Mr. M \Vhinney has now taken hi* |M*IU n a* teacher in thu Walkirtmi public m-L.Kil. lie i* followed at Maxwell by Mr. An- drew* of Horning* Mill*. Just Like A i-ou^li is like smoke. Smoke indi- cate* that there ia fire somewhere. A iiugh indicate* that there ia a terioua ! hidden away in the breathinu tk. 1 in- I'ut out the Ire with water and lie smoke will disappear I'ut nut throat nil lung diseases with Shiloh's Coniump- i"ii t'ure and your coutih will disapp.ar. 5ct*., 50ct* and $100 a bottle. Uuar ntued to to do everything claimed for it. Logs Wanted Any .|".ititv of s..ft Mn.. HaMwood. and Ma|>l.l."-iii'"^ thnrwr thai will .ntniifm- tur Into in*relia.itahl liinilt-r. at tl .(wiinll, for wlni-li w.. ar|irr|iarl to |.> u rlo.t In raili. He. ui fur furth.r |.arl!cuUr 0AM Oil I'AUTKH M C I'.t S Ont I'livxlrlan. Biir.on..t 7Ui..-i i. nualii'M block. Kld.ac. limnliaw'. II..I.-I JOHN A SCIITT. M B I1.-iill.r i ..llrfc.- riivnio. A .lirRfnnn Oat*rl<> rira.|n*tH in M.- ii.'i-.e nf Toront. ll.lv..,.', i . i ...,1,1,. ii, (.Ionia, I'nl <lra.lu- U \l.. h.-.l Hilio.il an.l lli.|.!tl ( -|ii,- t ..i' tn*paM* of .v, .ar, no*, nnil tnroat .ppclally %r l*<1 H.Hiil.to. .Maiw.ll.flilM F.v.riham 'IMliir..l>. 1 J Cash : for : Hides! Khcepikin* and all kind* of furs pur chaaml, fr which hi|>het market pric will be paid. HoniKtrimU *antax* o* hand, all* a kiudi of meat*. M. WILSON. Flcoherton Meat Kraporiura JP Ul'TKWKI.I. Vi.'.-rlnarv Hnrv.on '4l iMn ..f Ontario V.turlnarf (Villra*. nil.l..r r.*e..in.l door no.llh WMt an Mr.- "-! Tllll ! runi nulh Prlill.'i ii .'licrcll BOAR for SERVICE VOMT LAW DAN f .r >V4/ iltteat. nan IK- jpi. l. Tb. rcfUUrad Tarn worth Boar irrvl.-. at Port Law .|>|.lvlnu u> oii*r. N. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE IOHT* Ac H^g a sttt>h an<1 nV<-rl[>M"n nmr am onr .iplm.in fr.. wholh*. nn Anynn. qnlrklr nannrt lnii..u I* BTobably pt U..mMri,-tlyc..iinilnlll MiU fr.'O. (ihliMt ngn.'i for nrriirn-il . .iti.i laknn Ikroaib Munn A ( o. ntMlT. l'.it . wlthovt tlliarrtX '" th. Scientific flmericaa. A Xatiiilnimolr H1qtrMM w*fclT. L-*** 4 .^ 1 *- o*i,k\tum <f nnv nrHetjitna JoiiritiU. T "i" 1 *. * ft ,nrmolh, It Huld tiy *i!1 ncwxlKaUcri., j Opportunities for Explorers Mny poopl. (uppoM the whole orl.l, flept ouly ih* eitremi) Arctic im.l Ant- ar. u.- r.k,"' n-. to li\e bcon explored ami UA(.|.I alira.ly; but, in fact, trier' u i. > .l unknown land* tiiwbich our imMvru <aiiaiiioiii*Di .-an turn th.ir attention. ID Africa Wa.lai hat oiuy bv*u vinu-d liy tnree ravellen, and alibough it would br very ulli.'iiit to |K-netral niio tu territory a-. 1 , i 'lul tipl'.riDK work tuight be ilon* in .'iu .'I tlie outlying .lutrieta. approach. th.. ruin tlio upper Itroue or the I'bon^i \Vrll... I be r.i. ii between Lak Uudolt un.l Abyi- nia, and th* valley ol the .-obat, tributary ( the Wi.it. Nile, ar. Iwlieve.l to b* uf .real tuU-re-t, but are entirely unkutwn. Ju'.eui* ibeiu) three rtKioua, tin re u a lair tuowlnliie clth. ||rii ral Keogn.yhical fea- unr- t.lAfiica. but much i.etail i.maloi to tl .led in in. I inucli iudifferenl wi.rk rrquirm tu b. oo e over again. There are aUo reiiion* wlucb b*e in.lm.l len trav- , hut wbicb ill repay further detailed ni on. 80 tbat Africa Mill offem wid* an.l u t rei.li g lie.u n( reneanh to to the .toting .xplnrer. In A*ta there trv une.il". rc.i rao in variuii. iln. ctioo*. In e f r. ut Juurtir.M ui I >it. an and iu II.. tta.irauiul, n. er.- ii snll an unkn wo region in Arabia upward i four hun.lr-.l nil .K .|iii. . and t 'tie i llao much yet to b done m Ada Mm... In 1'ermt, part* i-l Lurittun iin l t..e cunatry ol th* Peinuii Kur.t till i. main ui.u t i or. .1 K rthe. fiBl Mr . 8>en ll.ilm, i-it mte a* hi* n.i v. la hav* i.eeii, ii- left a threat oeui el U.TK lor the futuii . \|. n . I r. ar* th. pa- B. t Ir.'in Till, t mi.. N.jial, nni.-b uiiknuwn .i.nutry in i.ut: weni.ni Tibet, tue mighty tang, wnicb l.onn.ia the laaupil valley o the north, ami ctlciKiv tr.oi of tb. n rtt.ern pUt.au , wliile Lha.a, the rapi al, Imi never tren vicit d iin'e th. ilayi ui Hue ami tinbet. oho ei tli t. upwuri of tif y yrari. ago. Tli* |i"'.>t river Taatipu Inuu latitude iiini*t\f..ur ilf.ki.-eN an.l leu ieron.li .at to Iti^ e. k- anee Into tin \ . . ley . ( Aaaaui iin.ier tne uuiu. of Dilnn r, >< who!*y un- known. The wlnile region or complicated niuiinUin aud river (.Titriii* i..'t.. n lull. ii.. l I'hina in n-nt l\ . .11- for bolil an 1 hardy eipinrert to tiiMatnntilr it. There i* also iinii-b lo be don. iu the luuuutaiu rm^rK ul w*ntftrn C'bini. l'i--mj to the IMAM ol Inland* lying t tin- ...nth . f A in, tlieic n a great lie). I lor exploration in tin) Dutch portion 01 new Guinea. lu interior tl a coin) lets blank, w.th i < ehaiu u( tun n tan.* believe. t to li. - vt.-.-n tii.'ii-.ui.l feel bigb. Sum* nf tlie larger iitlandu to the eaiit ol New Uuinea are al*o *U.l virgio grouud."- Voutha' ( iiiii|..tiii,in. A Frightful Blunder Will often cam.- H horribl.- llurn. Scald. Cut or Hi inie liuckleii'd Arnica halve, tin- bent in the world, will kill the pain itnd promptly heal it Cures old Sore*, Kuvr-r S..re, I'lcora, HoiU, Ktiluiia. C'THa, all HkineruptioiiN. Hi -t l*ile cure on earth. Only '26 ct*. a bos. Cut* ijuar- antr.i.l. 8 ild by all .Inii'gMta. BMaMBHiiasssBas^HtsWfc '.** i tJ . - - " ^! RheumaiJcf n Torture HUT South American Rhu- niKtlo Curo Cures In 1 to 3 Day*. Solomon \Voodworth, of well Hill. N.J.. i-. reicue.l deplorably liclplracoiid. nun. by the a^onuiof rheumatism \VjuJ*u. th hod ci r.Ui.tcJ i tistn of the scvrrcit "ocm and in a verr*shoTt tirne was in. work (or weeks h suffers] t:ie ni'^t > ' '> ... . s/rrs and shv. .. I.-M -A felt hr bu su-Termgi hi* arais bcca feclly hrlpl<n. Hr ' iyiulh A ..-v-cjn Rheumatic Cu:e after the second ij*r I..- ' g'-.it rC..^( a::.! at ti'.e ei. I ul 1.11 _ r r> e.--.y VC-.IIE* of the pa.n J1 gone UM me ofbu band an.l ;n. returned gradually n.l he feels alto- gether liitf a new m.. i an.! t | juice* in a cure wlmh he f. al*io*t a miracle. South Amerxan kfveum.'.c Cure currs in 1 to 3 il.iy* bj'^H ~> very form of rhcui>uu<m ai. 1 rt"j- J r \lfia. Do not sufftr longer ili!l : { l tn six hours, anui American Wenrln* soothe* ' toe nerves and cures all form* of ner- vousrvea*. uth American Kdn.y CUT* ewes only k.Jaey rliieatrs reliev** % y \ ; nnnnnn/vrt ruxn. . nnnn ruyin r\j\tu\ nnnn nnnnnnnr.nrLnn- KEEP5 ON HAND D. McTavish FLESHEI^TOX REPAIRS... w- Kor Maey- Harris. Nuxon, Fleury and Wilkin*on farm itnplrn.e . l' Kle'.ry and Verity plown on hand all the tune, aUo all kind* of repair* 'e '. Kr the nauin. We manufacture Wa^.m*. Buirijieii. Cutteia, Sleiyhs. etc ' i' H..r*e*hoeiuK promptly attended lo. Special attention to tender c. n trac'ed feet, uocxi.n; and Flow Chaina c"tiatantly on hand. jt/uvuuiAruuinxuuxnirauuxru 5 iain id sold, but be liafl a tine line of 'Demo- crats, Waggons and Carts ready for apriug talei. Speciality. Plymouth Rock Eggs for 8le J. HE. Heard ... FlesHex^ton Eoo00**m*#o00MWaHW Bora II > IKK In Fl.ch.rton. on Hutidav. 9th lu.l. to ill . aud atri. NV. Hear. I. a .taughtor. tm 1 r tu WMt.iu.i New tort too.ua in ArttiiiiMlanu WdnMday. Aurtl 9, (ioral Wl.v lufaalxni of Mr, aud atr. WMl.y butkiu. awl 6 tla>*. K> ni'o At riwb.rlon Htatlou on Saturday A|.ril 1, barab. daulitr of M.luuliu t'wuu- vu. a*u i3 >ari U Dioa, ADVICE. Tomkin*. "(!i>od morning, Mr. \\':nn im.iker. I have called to Me if you can give me a p< mtion in your establish- ment. I can turn my hand to almost amttinu ' Mr W. "No, we re full in every de- partment, and you are the twentieth man I have relniu-d to-day. Why don't you take up a liu. in which them is lea* coin petition and bettrr pay I" Tomkint. "I'd only be too thankful if you can put me on track of such a position. Mr. W. "When I waatwurty yeais of age, 1 wa* a *traii|(or in a strango I. ml, with neither work m>r money, when fru M.I ..f mine, a lawyur, lulvm.-il me t.' take a iNiok auency, Haying be had edu- i-Hte.l himself by caliia.<sini{ ; like diown in.. 1 men i:rtv<p at a utraws, [ took his ad v . -, and in (is.- >i-ar >aved *C> IXHJ, and wiih tins sum st.titi-J my present busin- em. It is just titty yearn a^o to-day that Mr. HiHill.'i , ihe founder of the present tirm of the Kradluy (larretai>n Compatiy, Luniletl, ..f Toronto, tent me my brut book 1'io-ve, (MS, and t hiH beautiful let tersaml KOO<| ailvire, 1 owe much of my prenent tuecvas. Yfs young man, if you have anything in you tlieiu ix ju*t aa good a i-hnnce for you to-day Kith thi* old established House as there wa* for mi Write them HIH I tee whuthey have to offer." T ink mi "I have seen the advertiae- uientaof thi* line, for agenia, for years back, and have often ihouKht of writing them, but have never done so. I will write to-day ; and 1 am very thankful to you Mr. Wannamaker for your good advioa." W. BARNHOU5E VVln-s t ' draw the attention of the Public lo tho followiiiK : FLOUR IN BAGS t if all iAri and i Cheau a* the >-heap- i-tt. Sfivcial llar^ains in 3 and 5 Barret lota. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . . . Groceries and Provisions. \" (i and C(KN MITTS and LEGO- INC.; made to order aud on Shortest Notice. WH. BARNHOUSE. Flesherten senile pinions Jf. %. jC*Sa,ct, Prop. If you .hnnlil with an .any Bbav* An good an barbn- eror Rav.. Jilttt .'Hll At ins Mhatinif Haloon At morn, or '*. n bu*y noon. I'll cut au I ilrm* 'In- hair with <rao*. To iuit tb. .. .nte in of th. fam. My roctn in Lat, towul0cli.au, s. i-MorM Hhar|i ft.iil ra*on kcn Anil evervtl.l.iK 1 .hoik veii'tl fln.l Tollilt thn U*li. an I |.l.iwstb. niiu.l. And all that ait or -Kill ran do if TOu'll juit call, I'll do for you. I sliuve the yonn H . the old. tb. Ray, I'll HtntM. \on all fi.r tea U pay. An.l clean the hoad at any lini.. An.) fur ahav. Iv.t a dlT. . I do not in. -MI a dim. In trust For tbat would i. ak. iho barb.r tnut. 4 AUEMT FOR ROIaSTOH 8TKAM LAUNDRY AND**. PARKER'S . DYE . c r ( : ^ > ; - . . p L 3 TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NUT MEN." VO. XVin, NO 942 Fleshertoii, Ont., Thursday, April 2o 18OO W. H. THURSTON, ^',7,^ FBIKTCH F. T. HILL & CO. \I A R K D A I, K . . uhe vwGcp of Success . . --f ,i iif at.J '^i' atiy . in to our !i. ,n, j <ji.,ci . i Centers will eonii , .\- i in buiHi!i. It won't be loni{ l).;(.(iv A -i .! ;o ..ur :>r. *-iit Ur'jH ami complete :<:j) '' ' . c.i:n^!ew stork of Crockery, vln-.i c.-ruplett- wonlil : c - l^purttiitnul dioies. Our Ob ' . Ml.-:, in i rir illi[i;irai!ul i il bllsilMM - ' . coiisuiniiv iinTi-iirii'i^ sale accoit'iM for this i.n|' I - i- ' . Mi-8 ii)4 to '> into die market uiteiu-r an.l buy to better advanta^o. Tliat fact louchc-s many of tlie .-I'tcial U^IUM in t.,i>* list. Y"U can do bi'tttsr liero b^-4!ue we we doinn b.-itor elsewuere We sell ai we buy, More About Dress Goods ! Kn..u-h bat been naiil t.. emi'tutMize "Ur (MNUtion in Jrvw g HK! selling In Clmice Blsck tin-uiul.in.- Dn-ns K.il>rimi in Clievillo C'ln-ck nd I'l.iiii LAC-L- Klf<-ct, newettt miveltiiM in DruHii-liuoJi, per drvn length .if tij yrd ........... $4.50 and ........ $> 60 PrUtluy'i Fine Ulavk and Navy-Blue (jraveii^tta Dre S,-r.'.-, 52 uichtM wido. xura>uteU waterprimf at [-r yitrd 06o Hid ............................................. 75c Colored Poplint in Bvautiful KaiiKU <>f rich clun f Blue, Castor, Brtiwu. (irren. Grey and Black, 4^ in -ln-s wuli-, Price f>vr yard 4*1 aud ............................ 53c We are als showing a Beautiful Range of New Kffects and Styloa in Black Silk Mohair Crvpuna, now HO popular for Ladle's Dru*a kirt!t, pricvii per ytl.. 6uc, 75c, 8oj $1, 1.26 and.. ............. .... 91 60 CLOTHING! Qmitty, Fit. Style iwiu Fiti'sh amuri-ti -Men.' f\tir. Black Wonted Ciwt mid V.-t, anck or morning Hiylo, t-|ofly W..VUH, poaitivvly all W<MI|, fwt colors, perfvct littinvt, 1'iie'l itli Kan.it-rn Stin, thoroughly .<tn..l brugltJit and aiiwud with mil, use* 3tf to 42, solln.g |irii-t- ") (N) ami .fA.oO or the tail suit, troiiiM-r t match, 7.50 and .................................. W 00 \V'ut*^rproofs J EXTRA VAM'K -Men's VVarerpr.n.f C.-atn in Hlaok ?2 inch. ci|"-, M>n -nni, cbcck linini: perfectly waterppxif. guarantcvU not to get danl, MIZ?* ;ti to 44, wpeciai i-n talu 8 1 - 45 1500 yardn Print, all th-s wn.'Min's ^oodn, linvn that have been regulnrl> .fill wi rt- g'Kl valuen it 7W, lOc mid per y.l. in light >t"<l Oark e.d--r, ou aalu for quick COME EARLY ........................... 5ic ' Hlotist- 200 Iji.iu- HloiiKCH in I.iijl.t an.l l>ark (.'olors. These H' HIM-* Wrr inado to rft.-il t :t5< . ">H; nd tM) cts. each, anil r [Mifectly fnat colors, your choice while the lot hu<tM for 25c Cah purchicsers can aiw.tys aare money by their purclutavx at Prirrvtlte Prum O.|.- ' i. . ' The water* of the ijaugeeti river n 10 rapidly iaat Friday and Saturday, but, contrary t(. the general expectation, the ti.M.il ha* not rwc'ied a* great a height u, .11 a. uie former nccaMmui. However 1 ihete is a ireineiid'.u* vulum.- of water rusl.nijjdowii thechiuinel and in the even; i of * heavy downpour "i IM.II e ui*y yet .K iivi-r rtw inorc than it h* done |frnuiiy yeais. It was thought that Dui bam Ht.eei Imd^u would be carried 'taay, UN tlie water w.is within a few | m.'l'es of the [ihinkiiu, but it is still : i- -1 Hi;. Had -.iieie been ice at the tun.- ii.tiui'g could have staved the struc- ture. Fortunate. y the roadway thruuh ihc. niilldaui form* au uupaasablo barrier to the ice on tho upper part of the pond, thu* keeping it im; r.->. u.-.l until it melu km..,, ,-1,-v NV b'-'.red t'orrrrird Card Wrrk ?3 x .. ti<l to The Marker. From Our Own Corretpondnt The tallowing items were intended for laat week Kl'.ur \\e in: sorry to report the death of rhe <>*l .. . i:jfant son of Mr. ami Mrs. Thos. Lewn Wheat, white Tlii'e on the sick list are Mr. Ben Carruthers, Dan Henderson. M.'-. .1 unei Mattee, sr , Mr. D Wallace aiU Mr. G. Proctor. We hope they may soon recovi-r. Air, C. C. JaniiH ..f 1'riceville waa in town lat week on buainew. Tl>e luijli scb. ..1 students, Mr. John Haiumiiiid. MUM Clara Hurtl and Mies flfHsW Cklbftrt have all returned to their '! ,: .rd. Mr. J. K. F.n ^ hone BuU.-r E^^K freih . ' J<) toe ba ,',' ' '.' (l tf6 10 .''ft to I.' -o 11 6U :,. 4 75 to 00 to 7 00 to ::* i fit- u> U il IK) 4 75 i i l . i D Bismark's Iron Nerve a the r<-uit of hii iiplendidh*altli. In- ..... . . ently. The animal dtoppeU dead while doluu " 1 ;' ' ''".' -reiu.u.lou. eo.rR.r are nut *i ill t>. I U i ,i-rm StntrtttAh I i VAV iT;.i_. u ^ hituling n load ol liny. It Will or It Won't i- Ciwuiniitioii Curo will either through an o V .r.iht .. your oouh. or it won't, ... i -.'1111,1 win-re Stomach. Lirer. Kidney* and Bowcliai* .ml ..I .rdr. If v.m want them <|naiitiaii an.l ilix IIII<'IM they bring. u< I'r. King'* New life pilU. Tky develop rry power of b am ana botly." Ouly il c-Dii) at any ilnii,' -t..r. . . , '.he lecture .111 other .lire. Try it and aev. If it I'vr- u '.y the Kev. J. Mat hewn. !' A The lecture, in excerxlii<ly m- rerenni! i.e. w.i^tven under the au*. (Ids .1 'h.-C. K. ill.) wiui liHtellrd to Iy tnd appreciative .ttulieii. . . up f.T iiii.ntii.iut,amuuted A '111111 . i "f Hie undents on Kinroa* Artemcsia ktreeta organized iheni- into a K.IHIW shoveling coniuuttee j laal fr'mlay evening and gleaned ..if the curoa, Dru.'gml ki-<-| s i!,e innni-y y..u [y for I 1 ' lf "''""'' tllr <-'- t! "' driit-gi.t gin-, back the iiiiiiu-y. Ki-ery Uttlecarrie a ' aiid $1.00 School CMldren's Eyes '"'tie Otiod fur Coniumpt ions. Cough H, NIlTlT)|V ;, I'.t nchitu. and Thi .r ^^rr^J Their Intellect r Trouble* if.'nepilly. Trie Late eJohn Inkster The late .J..'ri Inka'er, who wax laid to , reat ou the lihli iut. in the I'retbytenaii . ^^ -i U--al for a conaiderabU diatancv. F Fevenham, f i >*prey, >iie of the ' who, through ._. V -" <ny pioiieert oi hiprey, who, throut<h Tliey could not wait fur old Kuiu Sol to ' i ... in.luuntablu eiu-r.-y. nnluMry and perae- do the ii-li. \ r4lli->> ll.iwuil i>ll* ls- Kinkui.lf u .^._>f. ._. I \ iy few trnier in this vicinity ha j commenced plowing aa yet. Many who] did not net in.iu.i J.me lant fall am burtu- iiin_' to look ahxioualy for suitable j went her. It will come. The Rev. J. 8. Humphrey* occupied tin- pulpit of St. i.'.'luniba church lait Sun. by morning a* Rev. Mr. M.tthenon waa taking the work of Rev. Mr. Harri- j N"t withstanding 'he bal c<md:tion ..f rbe t.>il.s :i .ery large crowd attended G. fl \\. liters sale lat Saturday . Mr. Archie Mcl'hail i* preparint; for the erection of a conimodioua c..n houae. It ia to be built wunewlia! il.U. r- ent from the ordinary hcuiw of that kind i u. i will no doubt be i credit to the I., sjllborh.iod. veMnce. hewed out f..r hmirwlf a comfort able home, rained a lur^e and highly re- spectable family, lived ,i ^ood and ua*j- ful chrmtian lifu and died a chri*tian's dealh. HIH bvniun niHuenca will live for years in the church in which he wa* a faithful meinltvr and tlio n.iiiiiniy in winch he resided. He waa born in < )rk ney, Scotland, in April Irt-Jl, hence he had attained the ripe ay i.f 7S years. He witt) a ship-builder by trade, .-mil in early life engaged with tli Hudson s Buy Ooiu- p.iny in the old land aud nailed with them to the (now far famed, but then .ln>. ( uiiknoio Yukon country and t!iere built ! fur them the ant ve**el Unit navigated . in.- jolden tivor. Aftuf n-mainiiiK six yara in service of the company, en- during many prn.-ttion* and Intrdhhip* in . that mucli u. .known arctic region, he re- theie. 4'.l i years ago, was joined in woulock tn bin ' lifelong and living piirluer. Mi* Jane Kleit, Io .if Orkney, who Mirviv.-s him. After their marriage they sailed t",,r Cau- aln itml routed in Quebec f.-r .-i short 'nil.-, then cn.ne on to New Caledonia, near Hum lion, where they resided one Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped ? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN FLESHERTON. tl\e ^r.V'-l!^^^ Messrs. J. Mcr'hail and Debuiey are i . J turned to In* Hutu-eland, ami | busy at Mr Sam Hendenton * barn. ' I butter late than never. Mr. licorite Williamxm ha purchaned wluit 18 known ax the Kini( farm on the "s. ulli Line. (le..ri{e will have to i;. t i lius'le on this pring. What next ' Never mind. v li J, il-.-ir'h arrived home last year and then moved r., i i^jirey, ibeii a ; wilden.eSH. LVceancd wa* elected an eliler in i ho Prt-sl.yteii.in church, of which he was it lifelong, fiiithful and! w..itby ni. inl>, r. when lirst eHlitblialied in Osjiiey by the late 1>. Bunn. about I the yenr l^'ii), nd remained faithful to ' ill* trust and bi)ih ot)ic until ho was c led up burlier by hm Maatvr, whom he i had faithfully served thn.tigb life and in j whom lie c.'iiHtaiilly trutted, to receive ! the rewan) of hm Lib.. is And thua $00<) ft. dry 1 inch Spruce. 5>0 ft. dry 1 inch, hard Maple. 50<l cords No. I Cedar Shinxle Ix.lw, for which we will pay the hiithest market price* in ensh on <lelivery . Alao 50 toi.s Old Iron at once. D..O.-S, Naxli, Frames, Kl... TIMKK itiid Stair Material always in st-ick. Plou.h Repairs cheap at the foundry. uek fii'in Dtaflilgtwu, where ha had lit-en iHt-niliii^ the funeriil of hia mother. M s Berllia .1 units spent a ptart of laat week viiiting fnen.if in Markdale Kev. Mr l-ln.wp, who ha* been awist- inj Rev. Mr Dnrrocll at th.' revival .<er- i vices, returned to In* home at Kcmi- worth. The meet ings are cloaetl for the prune, t, Story ol a Slave w.- .llr to Inform tn. farnior* of tin- **""" "'-* 't i- iit-ri iiitnlT n.rnn.rT to ha<e a'l male Uinl .-m-tratc-l. .itlu-rwiae tht-v will br mmli;,. to -ell at .ny fair i.nce. It will pay HMnai .ttuntl tottin oiattor. J. BOLLLNCKlt Kant Buffalo, Vaicb 49. TW. BOAR FOR .SERVICE Th. under*i|{nU hai a fln. thorontlil't. i ROTkabin boar " ArtapiMla CbM.' No .MI: f'.r wrvlea on let .17. c.-n, 9 Ait.nn-i.ir. HUMS $j.uu. pligr M a|.i.llrauuii J, W. BKSbOi^, I'ro, To be bound hand and foot for vears t'-r this worlil the lifu of a faithful by thocliina..f diiwaaaia the worst form hiinband, a kind, indulgent and loving of slavery, Ueorue D. William*, ..f Man- paieiU, an ever oblitjnn/ neighlxir and a R. P. LEGATE Ceylon . . & CO. Ontario FARM to RENT LOIS III EIIEEill FOB SUE Two LU. ,W an.l St) 'Hh con.. A-tenu-i _____ tuinlmi I"" aore each, won rt b* let in h.ock ; .... , XJOacrtw improve.] \puly to Ix>t >o. 7. on tb. corner of Napolomi an.l J HK'NI l.\U Alma .onainili|i* acre. Alo park lot No .viwell. b'eh. \\ IHO. te iioi-th i,le ,,f s .nth M.. voritaioiiii/ .14 acre* l'th In Mi.. t..-n ..lot of ' ^pplvto J M MoWMINSK, For Sale at Eugenia LotNo l. V.lllr tr.I.KiiKerla,o.i halt anre nf 'a. d on winch ib t . ..n.r.-i Mt>ltj.lwlloi(i iho.i^i\ vii hi fruit %fMi m-ailnR. w.)l ft-uc.-.l. A Id. ww MUi I A si, IMS aiMford, v ut. th.Svuod of 11 in. .n i .mi. i, .11, Out. uf BULL FOR SALE A w'1-hri Darhani hull, twolv. montlie oM. |i-.|v to W. H HUUUT,rlotHI.. TOM.. Maieh U, InVB. cheater, Mich tells how such a slave wan made free. Heaays: "My wife lias been i> helpless for live yearn that she could not turn o\ar in bwl all .iit>. After lining two boltlen of KliM.-'rio Hitter*, she S) wonderfully unproved and able to do h*f >n work." This supreme remedy for female diaraoes <|tiickly cured a nerv-.ua- MOSS il.-epliMiies<, melancholy, headache, backache, faintu u and di/./v s|e-'l 1 felong, faithful chrmlian whose end miracle working nieilicii.e M a gdsei ,1 i weak, s.ck ! y. ni'i d..wn people. K.MTV hut tie guai-ni leed. Only I'M) cer.ta. Sild by all The ciinrer for the pr..p<.8ud Durham furniture Kacl.Ty has been apphe.1 for. and will probably be grunted ere thi* paper ri-ache* onr renders. It ia h jjbly Tbi* gratifying to si-e the cnterpriiiiiiL; FIB1ITIIE W A REROOMS ! We are carryin,' newent atyle of SEASONABLE In all lines of Lady Kituk the hitherto ni.iei.vo old town of D.irhain in now puuiii ..n. Last year the diiwn nf mi ten. il |'i('Ki-ess nprung rnpidly into a brilliant .ll.tln.Miee. and over two mile* of granolithic, pavements were laid. Shortly ai(>iin 'mi!. Inn; npeni'i. n will A Ldy Blink coin sp,.nlent sends us coniurrnue a we understand, Metnra. the fol:owiii)> item 'I'ho Lady Bank McCracken, Calder, Kress and others iiru Sundiiy school h.i.s elerted the followm.' pi epHrin^ '" ItWK MW bvtMtH* to car- : Supt., Miss (iegiand ; AasiHtMiit, ry on their xrowiiiK biismeMt. Tin* tu- Mm. l)and ; teachnr. Mrs I. Oliewull, gut her with tin. hum of the new factory, Mis* M A. |{ iiHTls. Mm* C. Otrewell will roiine thu latent enuruie* of the placo, Mr. 8. iioheriM, Minn lieg'find ; Bible wbic'i liaa Im hi r'-i been locked ii|..n as cla teacher, Miss C. Ortewtll ;treararr> dori..a..tly iiin.:t.if-, if not |>. Mtnely ;of Parlor and S3odroom jCounyis, Sida-Sioard*, Cxton- aion and Cantr UaA/vs, Chairs, Window Shades and Curtain Pot 'ft, J^ietitres, Gas fit, tc. Which wo offer at Lowest Prices Picture Framing and General Repairin.; in all i:s l!ranhm Satisfaction (Juaranteed W. H. BUNT, "KOPRIBIOK . . 1'l.aSHBH Il-*

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