Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1899, p. 4

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i ANGELS OF THE GRASS. ^^^ .. I. .. . ^^^^^ \ The Eloquent Pulpit Orator's Discourse on the Easter Season, H Draws Inspiration From the FieldsLessons Which the Flow- ers Bring to the Anxious, the Dispirited and the Bereaved. Washington, April (.In thl* Eatr sermon l>r. Talmafre lnt.iri>rets the ines* t|C* which th* flowers bring to the anx- lou*. th* dlHplrlted and the bereaved , tect, tiuk* ill. 88, "If then nod *o clothe th* jrtum, which I* to i lav In th* Held, and to-morrow U cant Into th* ovon. how iniich mar* will h* cloth* you. O 7* of little faith f" Th* 111/ U the queen of Rlble flower*. Th* roa* may have disputed her thron* In modern time* nnd won It, but the ro** riKliutlly had only flv* potals. It wa* under th* IOIIR continued and Intense az* of th* world liat th* >\>*e blushnd Into It* present l*-uiity. In tb* Bible train, cassia and liy-ump and frankincense and myrrh and spikenard and camphor and th* ruse folio v the 111*, fourteen time* in the Illbln is th* lily mentioned; nly twle* the rose. Th* ro** may now pave wider empire, but the lily reigned In th* lime of Ksther, In th* time of Sol- riammr* Alw.,. Approprl.i. Flower* are approprtaUt on mob oeca- ilons. for In ninety-nine out of a hundred caws It I* tho very best thing that oould w ave happened. The nrorld nmy orltlcts* and pronounce It an Inaptitude and ma/ lift Its eyebrows In surprise and think It nilnht suggest something better, bat th* Ood who we* thu 20, 40, 60 yean of wedded life before th*y hav* begun arrange* for tho bout. So that dowers In almost all cases are appropriate for th* marriage day. The divergence* of disposi- tion will bocomo corruKpondenoe*, rook- lns.sness will boeoma prudence, frivolity will bo turmtd Into practloallty, Thore has boon many an aged widowed mil who had n carefully locked bureau, and In thu human a box, and In the box a folded paper, und In the foldod paper a half blown row. slightly fraarant, dl*- oolorud, oan-fiilly ]in-s-,t<l She put It there 40 or 80 years ago. On th* anni- versary day of her wedding she will go to the bureau, she will lift tho box. she will unfold the paper, and to her eye* will be exposed tho half blown bad, and are flower* good for?" I answer, "For religious gymbolUra. " Have yon trvw studied rsoriptural flora? The Bible I* an arboretum, it Is a divine oonsnratory, H Is a herharlnm of exqulnlte beauty. If you want to Illustrate the brevity of th* highest human life, you will qnote from Job, "Man coninto forth a* a flower and Is out down." Or yon will quot* from the poalmlat, "A* the flower of th* 0*14, o he purisheth ; the wind passeth ov*r It, and It Is gone." Or yon will qnot* from Isitiah, "All flesh Is giasw. and ta* goolllni'ss thereof U as tho flower of th* field. " Or you will qnoto from James th* apostle, "As the flower of the grass, so he paaseth away. " What graphic Blbl* ymbollmu! All the cut fljwers will soon be dead, whatever care you take of them. Though morning and night you baptlz* them In the name of the shower, tb* baptism will not be to them a saving ordinance. They have been fatally wound- ed with the knife that cats them. Ther are binding their life away; they ar* dying now. Th fragrance In the air I* their departing and ascending splritc Oh, ye*l Flowers ar* almost human. Botanist* tell ns that flowen breath*, they take nourishment, they eat, they drink. They are sensitive. They hav* their llkt-i and dislikes. They deep, they wake. They live In famllie*. They hav* their anooston and their de*r*>n<laBt*, their birth, their burial, their oradla, their grav*. Tho lephyr rocks the on*, and the storm digs tha our Lord Jesus, that grmt Shepherd heup, through th. blood of the oon ant, make you perfect ta erery good to do his will. *! f III.IMI. II ,.r.-.l,,.., In Jnpan most of the borsuM ar* *hod with straw. Kven th* clnmi'lent of cart horse* wear straw ihoa*, which, in their cams, are tied around tb* ankle with straw rope and are made of toe ordinary rice straw, braided so a* to form a aola for tho foot about half an inch thick. These sole* cost about a halfpenny a pair. Iceland homes are shod wltb (beep'* born. In the valley of tbo Upper Oxn* the antler* of tb* mountain den- aro traed for th* same puqiose, the shorn bt-lng fastened with horn pin*. In the Soudan the horses are hod wltb Kink* road* of camel's skin. In Australia horsesbooa *r* made of cowhide. A German not long ago invented a hornesboe of paper pre- pared by saturating with oil, turpentine nd other ingredients. Thin layer* of such paper are glued to tb* hoof till th* requisite thickness Is atbtinttd. and th* shoes thus mode are durable and impen* trable by moisture. other. The cowslip in tint leave lu cold, the Illy mint leave lu silver, the IXMM mu*t Inav* It* diamond necklace of morn- Ing dew. Dust to dust. So we com* up, we i.rosper. we spread abroad, w* dl*. a* the flower as the flower! wfnand land < MrlUnu. The caribou, or rulmlonr, of Nowfonnd- lftn.1 roam over an area of nuine 36,000 tnlli-i of unbroken wilderness. They are . magnificent crmturtw, some of the larger trench for th* | Htu< weighing from 600 to MO pound* At might be expected, venison Is pretty plcniirul In St. John'* market and ha* been sold for as licle an flv eent* a pound. Bum that wa* ertir preached there tnly imo flower. ami that a Illy. The Bedford dnniiier, John H.mjan, entered U>e house of the IMITOIVKT and wa* hown a clutter of flower* and wa* told to "consider the 1 11 lea." We rouv Htudy or reject otker nlrnoe* t our opiloii It t* *o with astronomy, It U *u with chemistry. li i* *o with Itirlnprudmioe, It U no with physiology, |t U *e with geology but th* nlennu of xitany Christ uuinnianil* us to study When he lays, Consider tb* llllea." Alei<ur Uirin fnun root to tip of petal. Inhal* their bruaili. Noti< the graceful- I'M* of their pol*. Ilmr Lb* whisper of lite whit* lip* of i Im msturn and the rod lip* of tho American 111? ilulnnglng to thi* royal family of lllle* am the Illy of the Nile, th* Japan Illy, the lady Washington of th* rllnmw, th* Uuldun Itand Illy, tho Giant Illy of No- iiuil. the Turk'* cap lily, the African Li/ from th* Cape of Uood Hope. All Ui'iw Hlii* have th roynl blood la their vein*. II it I take tlu- llllu* of my toil t!.u inuriilng a* typn-al of all dower*. ami Uiolr win* of floral beauty *H-m* to addrow UM, vaylng: ft Con*id*r the lllle*, oousldi* the axaleas. consider the f uc-hkias, oonaklar tha geraniums, oon*ldr the Ivlos, consider the hy.winlhs, consider the heliotropes, consider the olcniidtTrs. " U i Hi def.trcnllitl anil grateful und Intollt- et-iil ai.d tvii.-slilj fui sou)*, ttousldiT them. Isnt \\iih tuHlpid M-iiliniHiiialUiii or with upliomoil.: vaporing. but .for Kmnd and pille..l anil cverviiay. and, If need hw, Louiely tiws. . ......luer thcju. man, In th* time of Christ. Ckesar had hi* throne on the hills. In* Illy had her I tha memorlc* of the pa*t will rush upon throne In tha valley. In the greatest ser- | Dor - n " J n '''" r Wl11 l|r "I> upon the flower, and suddenly It U tninnflgunxl, and tbor* Is a stir In the dust of tho author, and It ' rounds out, nnd It U full of life, and It begins to tremble In th* procession up the . huruh aisle, and the doad music of a half century ago come* throbbing through the air. and vanished fane* reap- prnr and right hnnds are joined, and a manly voice promises, "I will, for butteg lurlvprudeno*, It U *o with physiology, or f " r worse," and the wedding march It 1* *a with geology but th* olenne of thunder* a *alva of joy at the departing | botany Christ commands u* to study crowd, bn a sigh on that anniversary , day scatters tho *one. Under th* deep fi-t- v-d breath the altar, tbo flower*, tho ' eongnitiilutlng group* aro mattered, and Uinre Is nothing left but a trembling ' hand holding a faded rosebud, whlrh Is put Into the paper and then Into tha box, and tb* box carefully plat -ml In tb* bur- eau, and with a *barp, sudden click of tha lock the *cene Is over. Change and dtway In all around I IM; O thou who ohangeth not, abide with met IHowiT* aim afford mighty cymbollnn of ChrlM, who oomnaml himlf to th* Knr.lva l'alltrn*. -r I haven't any change with tl Is in trnlng; will you trust m for po-. ago sL-tnip until to-morrow? Drug i:liTk Certainly. Mr. Jonea. Customer But suppo** I should gat ancient queen, the Illy, and the modern. kUfoi, or queen, the row. whnn h* said, "I am th* roM of Sharon, and the Illy of the vl- \tj. " Redolent llkft th* one, humble like th* other. Llke'both, appropriate for th* ad who want *yiupathli<<r* and for th* rejoicing who want banqueter*. Hover- ing orr the marriage ceremony like a wedding bell or folded liko a chalet on the pulwlan heart of t.ia dead. O Christ, let tho parfumo of thy name be wafted all around tha earth Illy and row, Illy and ro*o until the wlldrrmv* crlmm Into a garden and th* earth turn Into on* great bud of Immortal bmuty laid again** the warm heart of Ood. Snatch down from the world'* banner* eaglu and lion ai d iut on 111/ and row, Illy l)ru C'erk Pray don't upenk of It, Mr. Jone*. Th* low would b but a t ri Je. Ab, my friends, lot not tha propheclM of tho flowers on your wedding day bo ' f.ilse prophecies. Ro blind t< each other'* faults Mak* tha most of each other'* ' BXiellences. Kemembor th* vows, th* ring on the third fingnr of tba left hand, ' and the benediction of tha calla lllle*. If you ask m* the question, "What ar* I flowers good forf" I antiwar, they ar* But, my friends, flowers have a* grand.tr use than when on Kactcr morn- Ing we ocl.-l.rnte the manlmatlon of Christ from tho catacombs. The flowen poll resurrection. There U not a nook or comer in all tba building but I* touched with the Inoenio. Tho women carried pli-e* to the tomb of Christ, nnd they dropped spine* all around about the tomb, and from thane splnts have grown all th* good to honor and comfort tho obnetfulni j Bowers of Raster morn. Tho two whit* The worst gi\sh ever made Into the side '"'bud angels that hurled the stone away of our poor earth U the gash of the grave. It U NO deep. It Is no cruel, II 1* so In- eiirul.le. thut It nemU something to oorer It up. tin) What . . o| III* i m-,m. 1 he flower are the angels of the grass. They all tmvi- voice*. Wliun the cloud* ) ...ik Ihcy thuii'ln when the whlrlwlud* t|Hvtk Ihrin sen-mil. when th cataract* ujKtak they roar, but whnn the Mou r. |. ,ik thny always \\ ln-| .-> I stand hitra to inleipr"! tin ir uie*H*go. What have >.. i to wiy to us, O ye angels of the yritiwf Tin, morning I moon to dlicuu \vlmt flower* an- good for. That U my kiilijrct, \N liat uru Movvrfx good forf 1 remark, In the lint plant, thi<7 are giMxl for lessons of Uud providential 'wiie 'I lint wuii < hri-a first thought. All Ih.-mt flower* -MS-UI u> addre** u* to- day, nn.vlng 'i... I will glTe you appnrvl and food. Wo hnvn no whonl with whloh to iqiln, no luoin with which to wmrn, no fcirkle with vhi. I. to harvetit, no wnll \vorp with whi.-h to drnw wulr hut (Jil ilnkit* our tlilmt with thu di<w, and Uod toed* lu with tint hrv.ul of the HUH hlna, and tiixl ha* ap|nrelitd u* with Dior* tban Holuinonir n K .ilnr We ar* |iro|>hntni4m uf aili<i|iiaUi wanlroun. "If iloA *u ololhod UK. i In. iri'i-i of tha flnld, will hn mrt iniirti iiiiirv i lothv you, O ye af llttlo fnllli' M.in and wonion of worldly nnilittUw, lake Mil* mr**g* Loiux ulth foul How lon|{ haH Oml biVrii oan< of von ' Quarter of thit journey of llivr Half thit journny of llfef Throe- quarter* tint juiiriu-v of llfor Can TOU not trutt him llir ii<Ml of t,hn way r Ood Ao<* uul pioinlw you anything like that \vlil.-li th IduiKkii ;'.iniHTiir had on hi* abli> at vn.il nipftiiHt 4.IHI nlghMiiKaln*' tnnirufl*- Init hn hn iiniinlmtd to Ukeoara of you UK hax pmmliMl 7011 tlut ni!il- tl.-, not U>o luinriiM Imtul, not mke. If Ool M> liiiuriaiiUy clntlui ttii. frrnn* I- lower-, for the racket, flowers for Dane, flower* for the cemetery. a contrast between a grave In a i-ountry churchyard, with th* fonoa broken down nnd the tombstone aslant und the neighboring cattle browsing sndd tbit mullein stalks and the Canada this- tles, and a June morning In Greenwood, the wave of rostvtte bloom rolling to tha top of the mounds and then breaking Into foaming crests of wblt* flowers all around the pillows of dusk It li tho different-* between sleeping under rag* and sl.t-ptng under an embroidered blan- ket. We want old Mortality with hi* .-his.-! to go through all th* graveyards In Christen.! un. and while ho carrion a ehl-s-1 lii one hand we want old Mortality to have nome flower lead In the palm of tho otuur hand. n..i u n of WII4 Flower*. "Oh," yon say, "th* dead don't know; It makes no different* to them." 1 think you ant mistaken. Tier* are not so ninny si'.iuiei s and trains eomlug to any living elty as them am convoys mining from h. -aven to onrth, and If thore bo Instan- taneous nnd constant commnnloatlon be- iu'.-.i this world and the bettor world, do you not suppose your departed friend* know what you do with their UidlesT Why has Qod planted golden rod and wild (lowers 111 the forest and on the prairie, where no human eye ever *MI< them* It* planted them them for Invtalblt) Intolll- gonnes to look at nnd admire, and when Invl'lblu liiu-llljt.>n.-.>s eonio to look at tho wild Mowers of ihe woods and th* tabl* lands, tvill Hi. t in>- make excursion and M thn flowers which you have planted In nffoi tionatn reit.cn.lirain-o of them? When 1 .no ditrtd, I would like to hv* a hnmlf'il of violet* anyone could pluck them out of the gr*<M, or some one could lift from the edge of the pond n water Illy nothing rarely expensive, no Insane dlsplny, as nonifltlmo* at funeral rite*, f the (Mil, will h.. not provide for you. ^ her..' the dlnpluy tnkos the lirea.1 from bin llvlu,( and will Immortal uhlldrnur 11* the mouths and tho clothe* No %mdiir Martin liiithur always had a noori>ii hU writing desk for Inspira- tion I Through tb* nrnnks of the prison floor a flower grew up to .-hei-r I'll i iU alungii I'ark, thi- great traveller and ex |.lo..-i , hud bis liftt savol by a llow.tr lie nek down In the dtxcrt to dl-. but, v Ing a Mower near by, It suggiut<id God's inoii-.fiil tare, and h* got up with new itoniitgn aud travelled on to safety I wild the flower* are th* angels of the grass. I add now they ar* th* evaugels of th* sky i If you ask me the question, "What are fli.w.-r* good forf ' I racpond, they are good for the lu-I.U! day. Tb* bride must lutv* thiim on her l>n>w, and she mutt hav* tlu-m In her luind The mat flag* kllar must b* ooverud with thorn. A w. -tiding wl'.hiMit HOVT.TS would be ns In- a|>pr*prlate in a widdlng without inunlo. At suoh a time they arc for oongratula- tton anil propheole* of good. 8* much of thn |lhwaj of Ufa U covered up wit* MioriK, we ought to ttover the with orange blon.-n.iiu from their backs, but *oniitthlng from th* gniat deiiiixTiiey of flowen. leather tlian lni|KTlal eat4t(ali|tie of Russian Czar, I ask some one whom I may bavo helped by goH|iel seriii'tn or I'hrli'lin dnetl, to bring a sprig of arbutus or a handful of China amers. It was left for modern time* to spell n-peet for the departed nnd comfort for thr living in letters of Moral gospel. I'll low of flowers, m.tnnlng rest for th* pil griiu who hits got to the end of hli jour- ney Anchor of (lowers, suggesting th* Christian hope which we have a* an an .-li.tr of the noiil, mire and steadfast. Crost of flow-rs. suggestlna th* tree on whli-h our sins were slnln. If I hail my wny, I would cover up nil thn dreamles* sl.s'pers. whether III g.ilden linndled cas- ket or pine box, whether n kliif s man olutiin or potter's Held, with radiant or aronintlr itrb ii-t-vrneiv The Mllile *ays, "Iu the midst of the garden them wns a *-|uilcher. " I wlsii that ovory snpulch&r mljhl b* In the nd.lst of a garden. If y*u asked me tb* ^uoMUm, "What from the door of the tatnb hurled It with such violence down thr hill that It crush- ed In the door of thn world's epulc.her, and million* of dinil shall come forth. However labyrinthine the mausoleum, however costly the saroophAgu*, howcvw architoniurally grand tho necropoll*, howevttr btnuriftilly pnrtorreil thii family ground*, we want them all btokon np by the Ixinl of the resurrection Th* forms that \TO laid away with our broken h.i-t must rls,t again. Father and mother, they must come out. lli,-tv\nd and wlfo, they must come out. llnttheri and sitters, they must oome out. On* dnrllnz chlldmn, th.-y must come *nt. The eyes that with trembling flnger* w* rl.s<td must open In the luster of re*nr> ractlon morn. The arm* that we folded In denth must join ours In emhnio* ol reunion. The beloved voice that wa* hush.tl must bo retunrd. The bclovu4 form must ttome up without It* Infirmi- ties, without it* fatigue*. It must com* up. Oh. how long It seem* for enme of you I Waiting, waiting for tho ntsiirrea- tlon I How long,, hmv long ! I make fas? Tour broken heart* to day a cool. *ofl bantlagn of llllea. 1 comfort you this day wiio ihu thought of rmiirrectlon. When lAnl Nelson wns burled In tit. I Paul a (athiilml In London, tbo hoart of all England wa* stirred. Th* prorouloa nvMod on ntnid tha nobbing of n tuition. There, went 80 trumpeter* stationed at the door of the cathedral, with Instni- | monks of music In hand, waiting for th* I slgi.nl, and, when the Illustrious dead 1 arrlvnl at the gatiw^f St. Paul's t Ath*- dnil, ihoto 80 trumpt'tnrs gave one united blast, and then all was silent Yet. th* trumpet* did not wake the. dead. 11. t slept right on. But I have to Ml yon, what 80 | trumpeter* could not do for one man. on* I trnmpetur will do for all nations. Th* age* h.-ivn rolled on, and the clock of th* world's dostiny Mrlkit* 0, 10, 11, 18. and time shall be no longer! 1 riilc-.l ! th* lt.nrr.<.tl Iteh.ild th* arrhangel hovering I H* takes tho trumpet, point* It thl* way, | put* Its Up* to hi* Up* and than blow* I one lung, loud, terrific, thunderous, . n-v. trivial Ing and rcMinnctlonary blast) Look, look! They rise! Thn doatl th* dead! some coming forth from thn family vault, some from thedty oemotorv. mm* from th* country gmvoyanl. her* a pint I* joined to another body, and mil- lions of depnrVxl spirit* ar* assorting th* bodies, and than roclothlng tuemsclvc* ta forms radiant, for awxinslon. The onrth begin* to Imrn the bonflr* of a great victory. All nvwly now for th* pnx-cn.lon of reoonitrucUtd humanity I Upward and away I Christ leads, nnd all the Christian dead follow, battalion after Ktttalion, nation after nation tip, up I On, on! Forward, ye rank* of ('.IH! AI HNrtl \\ork. Boys, do not shun hard work. Go at It, rejoice In It. It is a blessing to yon. And understand us. By real bard work we do not mean study, or *Uekln elooa- ly to keeping books, keeping store or teaching school, or any of the professional pursuit*. Tin** are all honorable and when followed dourly exhaust tho nerv- ous ennrgy and make men tired too. But by hard work we mean work thai re- quires a great dual of nmwuUr force, surh as chopping, rulllng logs, iguarrylng rock, doing i-urpentor work, laying brick, carrying tho hod, nnd working in th* forge*, furnaceo, rolling mills, lulnos and oar shop*. 'I his kind of work devi'lop* muvcnlar Btrength, tho power of physical endurance, grit, courage and good health. Said an old man, now up In tb* eight- lea, to mo a year ago, "When I wa* fifteen year* old 1 wa* a weak, spindly kind of a boy, and went into aulack- nulth shop, learned the trade, worked at It elghtcnu years, and 'orgnl out a oon- Uitutlon worth a mllftun dollars." H* %a* evor since been a hoalthy, vigorous man, and old a* h* Is, Mill walk* th* trn-ts, port, enourtul and straight a* an Indian'* arrow. Hard work la good medicine tor boy*, and aspeolully fur young man. Rlrli l'.il K.rl.l. ltlM-avr*4. New pmrl fields of great rlchneiw hav* been dlwweml off the coast of New C'alo- donla on the wtMt Hide, according to United States Consul Wolf, at Noumea. He says that one shell contained the fabulous number of 50 pearls. Up to thks tune th* water has not boun sounded to a grvator depth than Sli feet w- ven Inches, bnl the flsherleo are to b further rxploltnd by French and Austrian wyndi- cales. Mr. Wolf *iy that the quality of the pearl shells Is remarkably fine, and h< urfre* that Auiericuns profit by the disco vonr. Ji Hiiti-k I;,,.... Tb* Xorostl of St. Petervbarg give* a description of rose* that art- jet black in color, and which are the results of ten year*' toll and thought by a florist limned Fetlwff, In Woronoa*ch, Ruwla. This man ha* produced *om* remarkable effects In the garden world. His latest rooopBi with the blnek r**ra ha* stirred np quite a (ensatlon among the lover* of flowers In Russia Some s|Mx-lmens were sent to the Czar by Ketl off, and a beautiful collection of them has bn-n *ont to London to be exhibited at th* coining annual tlower show. AX ARAB SLAVE HUNT DESCRIPTION OF A RAID ON AN AF- RICAN VILLAGE. at th At lh K...I .r lh \ .i We all Ilk* to put aside a surplus of proot at the end of a term of labor. '1 hat in. MI in we ar* gaining. lint If we mak* fair living and meet our expenses, with nothing at tb* end of th* year for sur- iilus, w* can hardly *ay that time* ar* hard. We hav* hod our supplied all that we needed and only when w* fall In them and really suffer can w* lay with renson that time* are bird. But w* hope, iiHverthrtloHS, that every one of our f ilks will be Mcure In a nli-o surplus at th* nd of th* year. Farm Journal Til* I . .. u .--.,, W* oarry about with us ooinitthlng by which wo measure men and thing*. You have a de*lre, a hoptv an Ideal, and you go about to find th* thing In man to fill th* hill. In f.irn or days a man would search thn woods to find * natural crook for a aitythe snath. II* would not tlnd what was In his mind, but he would find a stick that would do. Tb* greatne** of man U In the fact that he can nlw.ivs tugfrest soTiiethln ( ItefN* than th* thing a* it Is. Ther* aro millions of hoincM, but In this city ther* Is much variety, and s, lr| rir. Ik* ltrn- nil the < nplur* U .,..,-. and < hllUren T ...! UW II U 11. I t L.rtrd .n.l I ... I'erhnp* the slmploKt method of dtvr >- (PR thn raiding sysu-in an practical >y the Arab Iwtruls in the forest rKlon I v tu.en the Arulml and the Kongo woi.d be in thu form of a brief narrative if rvontH tuuHsJ upon porwinal obtervMttot 'I! .ant van whose adventure*., wu an uUiiit t<> follow \v,is mill. -r the e^nniam 'it Osni.inl a inidillo ajn-d Anibwhohad ; ..... in.ti-il the rontini-nt fnui* Xan / \ftg than at) yi-nrs ln-fun* Forftvn wi-My !.. i he wr.-ti-h.tl |mrty h.-iij traveled tliroiigh an uninhalilUd jmrtirSn' of th* f- -t-nt. tnuluing t-nch ilny through .!..,-:> i:iattil iniilorvruwth tumeath th* iral'le canopy ol primetal ttttn*. 11 'I -i'.-|.,n K nud night hungo and wearv i, mm Ih.. ~slil,-:. ground lothe vi- One aiterniHin wht-i. i in- parry wn* al- most In n condition ,,t iii-spalr. one'nf th* .MMM.-IIIH follower, sustained a< Round Inini a hard wiMnl s|p,-ar i Ixs-M art'iilly coiuiitliil in the hintlie* b*- F.de^Mi-ll worn i lephaiit mu-k ait a trap, for the itntivi-H ol the lon-*t an- well skill nl In w .K.ilrr.ilt I'ptm diM.ncnng thi* rtiden.eof nmn t exiMviuv m the vicinity t:ieca-ivaii haltitl while scouts were lent to fiirvi-j the mirniiiiidtnK is.untry In a hort tune it was reimrted that within an hour march a Inrgv tuttive vilUtgv h.ui Ix-t-ii -i^htix! Osmaiil Instrui-tions . hrier Two hours ..-t.in- the dawn m.in-h upon that village Tonight no lir oo nois... Sikia 1 The niirht air gn-w gradually colder A flcn-i- Mtiirm swept over the forest, and th* rain. filfrriiiK through thu thick filling* oierhitittl Irieklrd in continuous Mream* D|UII the nnkitl Unlit* or tho rttlder* It was *tlU dork nnd raining when th* b<virse whisper, 'lendttlo tendelu uptwl" (Man-h luarch quickly) puwd from on* t.t Hiiotli.-r The party net forth in -ingiu file No word wnn pnkcn. and the only sound thitt U-tok.-ii.il their prugrra* was a light swwhing of l.tivi. and thu muffled tread of uaktd fts-t upon th* *(M>ogf ground I'poii nearing the village clear- ing each Hum huckd-d hi* aiuiiiunltioa bell more tightly around hn waist and wound a ctnp of dirty it-hitc cotton cloth Siul his hend to serve a* a distinguish- ing mark in the coming attack upon tb* naked n.-ttmst With a ahrUI"H*e yah!' th* raider* find theur lirm volley dm. fly towartl th* huts wlK-re tha natives uera sliv|iing 'IJah la Ihu!' rxMvrttd the Manyema as they cranncd thrtnigh tho hushes Into the midst of a multitude of panic sirickua s.iv;tgisi. chAnltig the liliwk tigun-* hither and thitlier ttomen and children shriek- ed, fowl* flew cacklitiK toward the wtxida, ai.-n deep voice* kti.iuu-d Incolit-n ntiy. bu' ihe loud rilierc|itirtand shouta of 111* rclentlei* klaiijciu.i drowiutl all other .mids Soon tl.o Milage becam**nv*topr4 In a deruo white fog of sulphurous *in..k* and :-t.i.st. In tho ulmcunty of which th* rut. *r*' guns llashwl inrth Umgue* of (Ira 'iraAntlly the tnmiilt ei-ascd Thu cool ni..n.itig brettxedUpelled tho heavy cloud of mist and miiokc, revealing the victo- rious niulersswaggermK through tho dev- altsl vilLtgo. driving scores of miseniiil* u nnd children neciired together In couple* l.y means of lo*hlngs arountl th* wrist* Soon the cnrly morning sun shon* In all Its nidiainv. ItH t right Uniim glint- ing tlintugh the distant tnss in s.-ul con- trol to the dewil.it l. .n of divul butlie* and (inoldoriiig Imts Uy noon th* rnidirs hud Obtablmhni themselvi-s in the former homo* of the nativcH. a rough Ecrthnof brushwood was funned around the otitsul* to *or\-e n* a precaution against any mid- den attack, and the trembling captive* were plmvd in the neuter under a watch- ful guard. A few ditys after the attack upon th* village the Arab chief Osnutnl gave in- itriu-i ion* for two of the oiu, .1 of thu c*n- n\e women to be liburatcd Two ftvbl* ematuru* were brotiKht forth and stood la ahject terror uclort' r.ho marauding ehlct 'Ho to your people who are hiding In th* forest," *ald the Arab. "Tell them thot* women are alive, ami tell them that w* will *et them free when they bring UM ele- phant tu*k* For each tusk of an elephant wo will Klve back one woman If witluo five tlays froui now they do not oomo to nswlth Ivory, we will take th* tvomea with u* to another country and up 1 1 thcta to ptplo who will kill and oat them. Uol Tell our words truly I' When the poor women realised they were free to depart^ they tlaru-d forward with extraordinary agility into the wooda On tho morning of the fifth day tb* Arab camp wa* hailed by a voice from tho fore**, "U It truo that our women itro still all vttf "It is true It I* Indeed true," replied a Blnnyema In tho native dialnet '1 bring tusk* of elephants, liut flrst let me hear their voioos that 1 niny know you s|ie*k truly.' The women were *ona produced and were nimlu to khout a re|ily to the na- tive chief, v-bo was all this time concealed front Hlght among thv trees After much delay, during which thu Wanycniaiii turn* coaxed and threatened the timid aud u.- pl. ion* native, the young chief at length mustered sufficient courage to *tvp forth. IVpoKltlng his burden of l\.tryln the open, he glanced nimutngly In the direction ot tho Anib scjinip Instjintly '\cral women went liberated, and they rushed to th* wood* In this fashion, during *uveral hMQMM dajs, tln> Arab chief was grnd- tinlly n-llevod of his priMoncnt, and In thoh? pl.u-f he became enricluxl (IT a mibHUUiUal tcuk of Ivory Cankells Magaxiua Lift up your 'icjuls, ye cverlast- | noUMl.r li quit* sutlsllcd with the house Ing gnt* and let tho contj uoror* com* In I RoKiirrocUon I Hesurrtt- tlon ! And so I twist all tho fustal Mower* ol he has built. Oiu- with Niagara Falls not quit* nttislled Things and mon fall short of your standard, and this stiuidarj Th* Astir. Ilo ml View. Uncle .loe ( reeling r The IX> IKwr* ill* MOOd niinos viuldod uv*r M.uuo.uuu oaraM lust year Aunt ll,tty-l*w rnkesl Mrs De lioer. otiRht to boaspleiulid bnttrr maker wita the chapels ami euthixlral.s of all C'lu-lston- ! that you carry atant with yon U no *] tuch oow f,vU Ji u. u-r \v, v kly doin into one grmt ohaln, and with that ' memory. It H a hope, a prophecy. Th* Chain I bind the K.ISUT monili g of MtfO only pi ture of llcdven that I car* about l< a MOM and a place In which I oaa sar. v. lih the closing Ktcr of of the world'* ' history resurrection! May the Ood of that brought a*alo from Uw dead 'I am *atlftai." Myron Th* \V. The Inventivt by (,\ 10. almilt \ I* Mid to bar* Nw* 'tlno, a monk of Are*- _. i *-ale, with material liffcn-iuvn in niflVii tf mm* of Uiu outu^ was sulxtan isllj to MUH* a* U now la a*a. TllE LECISLATI'RE ation of tha Ontario As- sembly on Saturday. MERELY FORMAL CEREMONY, Ht...r th. M,ul'" t. II K-f.r,U anil Spirit! <> -.' v<> Rills U.-.i i... . i_. I . - mt llo.m.. Toronto, April 3. The Ontario latuivvms prorogued on SiminUy ofter- nooo, by . w ir Oliver Mowat. The (irooeetl Ingu'w.-ri- of a very form.tl chitrm-UT. and wer*jnvitneiMvd only by a ooiniurativfly aU^ number of persontt. His Honor, chtdjh his guhernauji uil uniform, arrived Wlil| charucUTist i p'in.'t.ualltr, atttrtitlet' by his. private "-rruuiry, Coiumamler LawAjiixl his All C . i.ieu:. Klii'-K-y of tb> RSVil Canadian Dnu.'oonn. Sir Oliver Mowat ap:>eni!tl :o h\ualmort recovered froiri his n--nt s|-ll ,rf sickness, but *p- portetl hiiust-lf a* be walked In antl out of tho chamber upon a stout walking tick. HU Honor was received at the lain entrance to thu Vsrliament Build- ings by a guard <*f hooor oomntwttl of MM) men from the 4th H iirli landers, under tbe command of Capt. Mk-hie. . OnT^r ,, .... K ,."> lllvr I; ..%... \ The Attorney-Oeneral wlshitd an alfeT- atlun In the rentilution re aids Oo rail- way a. Mr. Hardy wished the grant mink- on the previous day to the Ontario & Kalny River Hallway" tnm.sfemtd t that IH.' tton of the railway extending fnim i - junction with the I'ort Arthur, Diiluth * Wrntern Kailway. for a distance ..f M mili-s iu a \VI-SN-I -!y dlnriitm. and thi.r the time for complying with the eondi tlons on which the (rant was matle U ztendetl for thnv yitar*. The ktiiler of the Oppnmtkm ksianlly appntv.si of the snggtuioii. Then the bill in it* various s*a*. with the concurrent resolution, wjs Uw In a few minutes. A few iuinut4 afti-rwiirdii. Sir Oliver Mowat, in stale uniform of gol-l urakl and with the blue and nl rttsh of K.C. M.O.. with the nsiuU formalities took his suat upon the throne. Assist Clirk t^ydere then read the titles Of the 121 bills which the Hotine hod pasKd. To thee bill* the royal a***nt wa* announced by Col. Clarke, clerk of tbe Legislative Assembly. The Sfxker oddn^-.! Hi> Honor, told of the llou*- having couio to tho close of Its labors, exprwssed wtntlment* of un- feigned de'otum and loyalty to H'-r Majesty's 'n-rson ami (Jov, rumciit and presented the formal bill grunting to Her Nnjeiity it iy to defiiy the eipenso* of civil gtivernment for tbe year lo-JU and for other purpcMHL To this bill Utc ntynl aancnt was ao- by tho -lerk uf tho House. (ration or Jti/rtic.- and rundering mor* effusive the government of municipal corporations and for other purposes will. I am confident, be of material advantage to all olaiMS of the community. Tbe auM renpaottag public schools, tbe i amendment to the election laws, tbe fur- ther imppivi-n.ent of our mining Indus- i tries, for the protection of our fisheries, . and for the better administration of the i gsmt) laws meet with my hearty an- proval. 1 have with muoh satisfaction aasented to an act fur facilitating and leiMcuing j h oost of pnx^tdure by which working- men who sunVr Injuries in the course of their employment may obtain such Dom- ination a* I ao\ onnfldent It U th* tlosire of the Arably they should re- ceive. I hitvu no doubt this act will greatly aid in securing to workmen and render le*i onerous nptn employers th* cost of recovering compensation in tbe event of suh acciJ*nt-i as are Incident to many of tbe industries of the prvivviii- I noiie.- that the private legislation thU *e*sion ha* been umprecedentedly large. fact which marks the ever incntt-ing want* of an active population. The*t men-ture*. *om of which :ire of a very Important character, bear evidence ol having received careful consideration. I thank you for the liberal appropria- tions which you havw made for the public service. Tbe supplier which you hav granceil will be expended wltb prudeuct and in the public interest The Provincial Srvrutory then said: Mr. Speaker and Oentleraen of the Legis- lative Assembly: It \ HLs Honor's will and pleasure thai this Legislative Assembly U aoooruingl) pruroguud. DEATH OF MR. I\GL!S Head of the Toronto Engine Firm Suddenly Called TORONTO ELEVATOR BOY KILLED tl.. t-ur.b... at Her Coun.il t,.p..lnt. K t ouirn...!.- for rhi I uriiuM- . >ilti .1 U.I..HJ. Hull*-* I MIT.., silt- ll. . .* In U'l.l ..-* * ^-l.li^o Mr. William K VanderbUt. jr.. of New York, and ills* Virginia Fair will b* married on Tuesday. A cable rwv ived at Montreal states that the Allans have charterwl for flve month* the Donovnga, a tine 18-knot ship, to re- place the Castilian. Willis Jonej of Bruadbt-nt. M.-KdUu- Township, Mnskt>ka. killed a tine lynx .uio-sured about fSiATIOIMAL THE BEST FERTILIZER KNOWN The annual meeting of the South Nor- fol Conservative As*x-itttlon elected offloers on .Stnirtliiy. and pledged connd- t-nee and uuboundcd support to to* ' Vv r tho I.ieiit^iiant-Oovernor then, in a clear voice, read the following uneven : Mr. i-i* iki r ami (ientlcnieu of the Legis- lative Awumbly: In di.i- - n.you from the arduous labors 01 i lie s,;.sion. 1 hvw to thank you for the atU'litio i (jlveri t the public dutle* ImpoHtxl upon von ar.d for th valuable iepi*llion which I luv jut awictUined. 1 eordlally approve of th iiteasure* dopbxl for supplvnwutlnc tbo nwitioe* of the provliuw. By tho aut of last year, which requirvd the luaitafartaee of aw- log* In Canada, U WM> luevitjUle that th* receipt* from the Crown Lami* DrparV ment would be In.pauvd, auO, whsn to the probable low of rwvermr ta adstad the expenditure arising from the iiM-roane of population ami the growing needs of the people, the pnblio iut<!rtji rwi'il^sl that provision should b>i made for all neiviwary expenditure nnd for the niniut*truine' of Iho liruuicial standing of the provlm-e. am glad that you havo b'n able to effect this by a moiU-raUt tax upoa the MVIIIIIU- latlon of capital and b}' a ruMDDnblc In- cnusu in tho dut.o* UIHIII distillers', bn-wiT)*' and liquor lux-nans. Itlsunitlfy- Ing to bi-llovo that the kt\i-s iuit*Hl will not be burdensomo to any of too clause* aflected. I aiwut with much nUsiir U) the act respiting aid to certain nvIUvayn. Sln.-o Confts.K*rntl<>n tho eno-gn-* ol the A~-m hly have l.s-ii .l.ncuxl tuiwatN tho de Wlopment of all KVMOIIS of the province, and as t n-sult of a wsc and prudent expenditure ot public uioruy.s noarly all (bo outlying portions of tie older m-tlle- meiits have bwn plmxxl wiiiiin e-sy reach of tho market* of tho world by the tin- pr.iv, -,1 trnn. sports tj in fwililkw thu* affonlml. In ordt r. however, that the agrk-ultural re*>mvoi of the northerly and westerly parts of Ontario may be opened up for f-irtluj sen lenient and that tho valuable, mlueral deposit* now g.in'nilly U'lievid to eilst, in gnwt abunduiuv lu the name district* may be brought within the poHBlbilitlos of devel- opment and that tho timl.T ind other resoiirs.t'* of tho*- district nuw be iiuulo aMii!:il ! the fuuli.r ..\i-iislon of our railway systems to iliowtH., lions bnvmos ii,,v^. \ I ;" pUviMod then-fore to thin.* iii.i? n.hln two or thnv year* acctss will probably be ohtalnod by rail way i.> ' -rl. uliiinil lanl In the Hauiy Hi;, , , i Miuiiiiei-ii' arul tinituT lands lying Utwvu kUiuy l<ke and I \ i, r . 1 am arw plou-**! to nnti.-e 1^,, .art of tho nillnxid s>-st<-ms pnijivli-.! n '- n,'. iMl.sl t. pl.iee the eiipi- tul of tho province hi tllrei-t. eonr' tlon wi-.h the tldow:ife-m of llti.lson Hay. Uins openUig a new region to the energies of ,.ur own |xo)tle an.lis..il isliinn a new hichway U-i-wwn our own provlneaBj way of Hllson Hik.v and tho northern ll-rrltories of the Dominion. The aiueiulment* whiohyoa have made to the Statute Laws of tb* province, and t* the Municipal and AMuwment Acts for th* purpo** <* fcUttatlug the PERHAPS MARR_WAS MURDERED A MOB rr..i*,l - .i-t>i'i- H- I'.u... in All(a i nn, l Ulut. Michigan. Flint. Mich., April 8. On March ,'l. A leva ndi T Mnrr. an old man of parsln onious habits, living on bis farm at Clio, Mil hlgan, W.M found doml In bed. lh lo<-nl doctor srud. an he viewed the body, "Heart failure." But the undertaker, Mr. Abe UuodMlow. who is also a mixei of drug*, mill, "r'.nl play." He hod found a bottle label). -.1 chloroform on th. flour of the ho'is.- l>... U.fUe ho Idi-ntl- flisl on one ho had sold pr-vlou-ly to on* William Snears, who w.-s a journeyman pai>erhanger, with headiiuartcn at C'lio The a>ronor hold an in.|iiost. The vital organs wvm sent to Klril for analy-i-. The ontiiilnr beonght out the facts that the night Spuars bonvhr. the chloroform he hirud a livery nic that was biter seen In front of Marr's !.:-. This wa-s 1'iiiHday. On Krlilav Suoari left Clio. At Hireh Hun he w i ami l.Migod In jail. Man- is said to hav* on.-.' llvl at Sort. ilk. Out., where his wife and daughter n-sMo. It is alltfcvd that Marr hod a nrpnriti'in Irjm his wife. I'his .lo.-iiineni .uul iO are missing from Marr's houso. It Is stuted th.it S|nrs knew Marr In Norfolk, and ..no theory for the supposed crime is that Sptrs ehlomfurtMod Marr to got tho pajors of separation, but, ovoreoloulatod the dote. Spears was eianiiuotl hero, but tl.-ni.sl all knowlisl){" of th- erime. Tho. police declare that they have evidence that Sptiars wa* in Marr's hou*- the night tho rig wa* *uen before it. and that a piece of the label of the bottle wa* found in Spiwrs' pookon and Identified by the dtiiicxlst. Spears Is said to have b<n formerly a nwlitent of i:<i>rgi.'t4iwn. Out., and wa* well known In Ualton County. RESUSCITATES worn out Lands, IMPROVES Gcod Lands fnd OKkci th? Best Lmds BETTER. IMPROVES the QUALI'i / or the Crop and increases the QUANTITY. E-AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY DISTRICT IN CANADA. perns were severely Injun* V4TIO\U F \RMERS CO'Y, TORONTO, ONT. and it 1* feared that two wn> drowned, 1! A llVMiVl- ^ v * In a collision between anocean-goiiig tug ____^ . . " ' ' - ~ and the Brooklyn ferryboat Pierpont on Saturday nigbt. The Minneapolis City Council ha* paused a curfew ordinance. After thi* children under H who an- found on th* street after 9 o'clock at night will nnd <va* wonoertully pa- themselves In trouble. The customs dutle* port of Ottawa for the Bra tub!* Th* the tie. Thorn* Not a dry ey* in snpuo** linuubla Not on* Even th* were la tier*. New York J mma! th* boo**. I eol'.ts-ted at the month of March The duty collect- wad N7,*U.a*, and amounts to 949.496 1 in March. IS'.IH lu 18T, $1. 047.7<i. YV Y Kniery. colli-ctor of customs for St. Thomas. "dropiwd dead suddenly at his residence there on Sunday. Mr. Emery was In the act of wahmg when he fell bock and ex'.lred. Mrs. Highcmcyer. reliL-t of the late Mr. |UghtM**r, i..r niiiiiy ytar* a salt' manufacturer of Kincardine and at one tune pni-ideiit of the Salt Association of Canada, is dcud at Detroit. Tha Km* of Slum ha< unued a deer** to th.- .-tTis-t th-- f no children who ar* i entirely nakts.1 will be henceforth allowed . u> play in thestrvetsof K.ngkok. and that . every person over the aifl- of 10 must b* . clothed trom the. knte to the neck. Williti-i Gordlmvr. employed at th* Wallltri-li;.- Hemittite Mine nmr N: was |.i.Ud int.) the sl-.-tit. fjillinir a dis- tant c of :. fet-l. to the tlrst, landing. He bad a tlti.'h broken, wrist Uully *pruluud, and w.i- I '. rwt* everely brn.-sl lite IVtroit. Mich , Coinuion Council on Saturday evening, by a vote of Jl to 1 1. apjiuiniiil u commission, headed by i;..MTti.>r I n: -rs-e, to ii.-goiiatc, pur.-ha-e and operate all the street railway* of Detroit, under municipal ownership. Joseph Nixon, a 1 1! year-old elevator Cklp of tar Old Black, Mr Mlggv ily. but inn ttb* baby lea* at nlgbtr He'* bound to iuu my buud for a pillow Mrs Mlgg* Of course. H* want* touiuihlDK soft, 1 luppoa*. Chicago Newa >l>.hi,. Ih.l < I. nil.. >-*rr. A bill posting mochino which Micks bill* on wall* u* high as W feet, without tb* u<- of lo>Ui*r or pan* p t. i* doing suc- c.Wul werk In I'^iri- 1 htfatricoi pvopl* ar* dcUghfe d with u. T-*rt t* mor Catarrti la thl -e1o of tt* country hau all vilic-r ,i rut* ;mt I *ruu-r, suit Li-it I llu 1 l-l 'ew yr>: wsmil*l " liic irn le. F'.r * *T**I m.iiiy >eur* di-t pf.'i'uu " l it s l>v:il d'st-:!**-. And ;trr*-rd' 4 tiraJ r -ii. 'll-S. Hid li co ! tlv -all.. IK U-cii . . I T.UI fill, i "iiu- *-tl a I ieurl ^ Beirut* li** pr> trn * .*Ulu'i- i- , . . .-lltuli.. I 4 kjMUnvni. : ' " m.iiu M-IUI xl t, y K. i . ."10. .in . 1 unsltlut. 'iial .-.ire a i tin- inrk.<. It is t<> li.ter l-i . . Miller's hiMron 1 Wonu m'.thy Puwdcr* mat* tb* silk Kr.on Spi.lrr VI. In pltc of th* fact that the manufac- turer* of tli-ml Britain have for ymr* oflervd 110.000 to anyone w'-.o could deviw a mains of ui; -i.i.'ers web* for weaving silk, no ono could O!TO th* dlfflcuity tllll M. One-hot, a Frenchman, top-,>fd'into the arena. Ho has disruventl the process by which a silk finer and .fwr than any we have drwimod of may l mad* froni the web of the common spider lie ilivlxncd a machine wltb diminutive bobbin* kept constantly re- volving. Th enil of tha wub is uuughl when a spider bog'"* to WHIT* aud attached to tha bobbin. As the rpi.l.T web U wouud on fui l. A.-!* *" muci ?. - ' o Uiv *' Mrm. Ttiev ff.-r ou huuili do > < r in- .M-i- 11 f . " . .-ur n.l I * eir. a .us mil triil'n - , irrs* f J . -HUSKY*. CO.. Toid.ui. b. Druirwu- A Ctrl Kiruinr. Manitoba Is (uffcring from faniln. I i nts, apt*re.itlT, cannot 's hired. Tb* young woiu.-in woo act* an general i<erv!int In a private family c.i camlv command |ld a month at \V innlorg, , tho parlor maid >. the cook Hi. an > th*) laundres* |15 to ^W. A number of Soott-fc laMios wor* brought to tb* provlne* last spr ng and already aver M p*r out. al them are married. GREAT BRITAIN KINDLY. A C...J... Itmrlal ttar* *! to 11,111. 740.000. 'I he incorporation fee* amounted to flid.OUO. . Will ! At Beauport. gue.. * Mrs. Carlepy wa* tb. 1 in the act of iHvling potatoes when her I 3 -year-old child, un not iced by the mothvr, s '"***** seized a small potaW anil trWd to swal- Sew York. Apr!* . A despatch to i ow it. The p -iUo stuck In the child'* The World from ix.nd.m says: A deflnit* . throat, and before medical aid could be agreement has buen arrive<l at between obtained the little victim expired, tho United State* and the British Govern- Jt ^ j,^,, detlnitely divided that the men t by which the United State* will Q uel)l ,. dUii.-t cami! will be held at have complete and undisputed control i A . xU f^,,, J mlr , i7 to July 8, and will over the Nicaragua (Vial consist of 8.40O men. There will be three A stah'inent to this ettis-t wns maile to ' pull* to gisj way the bov emploTe.1 bv the Toronto Jewel Case tho bobbin. Then the spider Is pitted Co" lost his bHl'anou on Sutiirduy and fell and fed until It I* rva.lv to weave another ,lown tho shaft from t.lio vond ll.ir to web, M. Cm-hot ha^ advertised for iqxdora tb e h. ni His mjiiri.* rn.ingl.td him u-rribly uud ho died in tho afternoon. Two hundred and llfty n. w .-omiianie* have buen incorporuUsl at Trenton. N J during the month of M;irch. iuul the total capital of those authorised to issue sux-k and bomU of owr f 1 .000. 000 each auiouut* DBA n Si R, -This is to certify that I bavr l>eru troub.eU with a lam* back tor nfir.-n ywirs. ,ve u ! three botr>s of vour MIX- AKD'S LINIMENT au- urn ouoipk*t*ly eure.1 It gives me great pleasure Co recommrua It aud you nn at liberty to UM ibis in any way to furiunrUi* UM of, your airU > IwoUivcr*. and v* he will buy all supplied. Natnr- laJly. women w.il "bo bard to nnd who will work In his i ,.-rory. % sn.ruif >i.ih.... To paint th* lily and adorn th* r Had the genlle art of advenlslng flour- always regarded a* a waste W enargy. Lslunl In India during the eurly sinies, to prrfuni* anmnted duwar*i*frequ*n4t^: the ilMl walls and fences of that eoiinrry d*alrable. and in franc* (h* m*ihod I* would have undoubtvtlly burn* th* i offc n (.racticcd. Tb* bloo*u ar* k|irinAl*d with an sleoboho (uluttoD ot ***eoo* niticd with (ClT.-vriae. In ta* proportka of 100 gcamm. * of gl/ixrine to tea gi*nmi** ol ehu**n p*rf urn* OMience. The World correspondent by a prominent official of the Canadian Government. Shortly after the ras..iiibllngof 1'arlla nieiit a statement ooiillriiiinn this Inform- ation will bu matlo by Lord Salisbury. KILI.KD His s\V K THK AT. \uuu( rrsnch-1 .n.lin Htbld lu,ll> .l.l to Uvillll. Toledo, Ohio, April 3. A romant'c ami tragic story comes from Point I'cleo. Ont. James Lablanche, a yonug Kreii. h Canadian, killed bis sweetheart, an I mi Lin girl named Olgo Posbtml. The Frenchman lived on the mainland and hod not men the girl during the winter. When he went to her homo he learned that sho hod given her love to another, an America*. He Kve<l the young woman to take a walk with him. When they arrived at "Lovers' Rock." a spot maile famous because an Indian chief hail there murdered a French girl who refused to marry him, Lublanche Is said to have Ktabbed Miss 1'osiaml Me threw th* body Into the Like and th. n drove thx knife with whU-h hn h.t-l killed tho girl he loved into his own heart, falling doad Into tho water after her. HICKH-BKAfH II l.l'CKV. ta<l'<l HU ttlmt br I, III 0,000. N.'W York, April 8. --Tho I/ondon cor- rrspondeut of Til Tribune says: Hi,- iln.-tn.-lal yww whieS endisl ye- U-nlay elosisl U't.u-r than was e\|>.s-iisi. Sir Mi.hi.l lli.-ks li'xu-h, the Chancellor of the Kxchoquor, has again bei>n lucky. The revr-nuo itv.'ipi .s d.in n ; i.iieyiwr httvo cxceedtHl his budget. .-M i in lie by nearly Jtl.S.MXtHHi. 1'hit RbontHliiiii wealth of the propertied clnsstw Is again demonstrated by sutistiiiiiLal Inoreases In the > l.-ld from the inoouie tax ami ostntivs' duties, and there Is an expansion (n the returns from exolve and the pontolfi.v batteries ..f artillery and ten rural bat- talions of Intiuiiry" In camp. Two city bttttAlions. In additioa, will be atuiclwd for two days. The complete morgue r.i-)rd of the Windsor H-.i.-l. New York, victims up to Saturday night was as follows: Killed during the tiiv and diiil suu*iiuently of i Injuries nv.-ited during t.lie tire, 11. j Hollies taken from the ruins and Identi- tl.-d, d. Unldetuilleii Ixi.lics taken from tho ruins, 3-'. Total known dead 45. John J. Sehmitt. .1 \\ illiainsbiirg, X. Y.. tailor, a.'i yeavs old. wnile in a tit of j.tilous ragw on rNiIiir.iav ni/ht. shot his mother hi law. Mrs \\ild. who Was ii; stantlv killid: his wife, his sister in Uw and his lu-o. h r in l.tw, and ended by tiring u bullet at his 1-yeivr-old Infant. Mrs. Schmitt was shot in the arm and thigh; Nicholas Wil.l. a linii hei in law of Si-hiiiit.t, iit.teiii)it4d tti nn. -ili-re anil received a bullet in the ht<ad ; a SHUT Ill- law. Paulino Wild. WNS *hol In the arm, and Sehmit't then tired a hot at hi* l- yuar-old Infant. Schmitt was, arivsutd. Mr. John InglK heatl of the tlriu of InglisX Sons, englni* bliildern, loonto, dlisl suddenly alwiit 4 o'clock .-. morning, the direct, cause of lU-aih i-ing hittrl falluro. For noil.,' montl * jvi-t ' he de.wsed hcs been snllcring rruin atie.t, but otherwi* his hi-nlth was ^,t ,,1 aiui In consequence, his sud.len dettth nimo a* a shoe!; to hi* family. Tho dcc.-a<ed wa* born 7rt years a . In I' - inty Koxborttuih. S.-oii.i'nl. ttn.l enme lo I'n-i- ii.la iiltt.ur 7 T. 'i : rt In Dundas. nnd iifterwa:iN re i'tvlng to i;n,l,.:i. wht-n- hti Utly wi.l lv buru-d. Ho has iivc.l In lorouto IS years. "Decapitation mad* easy: or. rvery man bis own headsman," for It Is ud that a machine existed then, con- tructrd lately fur th* u*r> of would b* suicide*, whereby they could cut off their own head*. It wa* In thu tbape of it half moon, with a sharp edge, and was fasten- ed at tho back of the neck, chains being attached to the ends. The man who don- ami this Instrument of death put bis feet In th* chains, gitve a sharp Jerk down- ward, and thus severed his head from hi* budj. PmrllrMl Pit 1 1 ,..! It r|T. A yonng 1'hiladoli-hi.in went to a mll- lionair* friend and anked pecuniary aid to start him In buitlnes*. "D you drink?" anked lh* millionaire. "Once In a while." "Stop It I Stop it I Stop It for a year, and then com* and e* me." Ihe young man liruke off tha hnlut at once nnd at the end of th* year came to see th* milllonoir* again. "Uo you smok*?" aski-J the sue- cciuiful man "Now and then." "Sutitltl Stop It for a year, then come and sec me again." 'Ihe young man *to;-pvd smok- ing, liut he did not go ! a. k again "He d h.i%e uld me," ho mid. "tlutt now that 1 hitM) stopped drinking uud smoking 1 must hav* *nv ed *utnigb to start uivsoli In busine.*, and I nave Hurt's Linlmeat Cures DiphiierlL Anlmitl I' .nit. ...* ii'-nil*. AnlmnU ar* th smart fails In umbr*lla hvl!t just now. Wit have had h.'r-sit he.-tds and dog*' heads and monkeys' hetuls, but now th* famous animal of Manila is the favorite of the fair scv Next in favor come* tho bunny of Kitstcr fame, and then i-ocks hen s and ctn-ka oo*, tho laitcr In their natural coloringn. 1 'in luckv ).ig i also out as i* chArm to bri g, wealth and meo-wi. Uo h.it. leen out iu gold for *ome time, but uo\v >io .1, ] between two plevea of gold riinmeil crys- tal, with a ring at on* uud, a-s a rival M th lourleafwl clo\er popular Dr. Tho Piffer*nc** of Upinioa regarding tha internal and external remedy. Kvlectric U.I do not, so far as known, exist. 1'h* tiimouy Is poak> lire and ooucurreu-: that, th* itrticl* r*- li*ve* physical pin. cur** lameuesa, c i*cks a cuu^h, is an excellent for imini nj rheumatic oomplumu. It ha* no n.iu.*aii.ig or other uupUaiuMil effect wliea takeu iutvrually. Everything for j the Printer. ******* INKS TYPE PLATES ROLLERS PRESSES READY-PRINTS Mnde by tho celebrated of Auli A Wiburg. Th* latest and b**t N*w, Miscollany. S-rnis. etc. Be*t la tb* world. Ciutt hv ch* "Oat- liiig" Procrss, Th*) only plant of ta* kiud in Canada. Of all makes ao4 kind* new and a*- com! hand. l'um|ii illed bv suy Ji ill milter. |>>ip*r .in, I ler in Canada. uwork. A ohi'iip and rehal'K' etlg pickle U ni;nlt' by ili-.M'lvit! : itne pint of tt,-sh slaked stone lime ami a pint of Mlt in three gnllonsof watc r by Unl.ng tnam off ntul put CKK" in cnrefully v.lul* fi.-h Keep in tirkiti wbefe Ul* tou- perutor* i* cool and xvea. I u M.I .1 I . .1 .1 % ... I-. Vowels can be c.is.l> rx-inoveil ftxtm snni!- bar* by a now a;.; t itus , .. -Listing of mi endl -ss ch.un of ', -n. ki-is to K- at ach d to '. of t!i* vi Mel and driven by engine* .\:n.- ill.- s.in.1 from around th* hull until the klup ti.kittt Iree. STEREOTYPING Promplly anU *ffctively exec ELEGTROTYPING 8 mi* other* in.iv K- good, hot without d .u. i MUUr'* Compound Lrun Pills ar* tho i i *t. Fin* deep shells, aud clear working guaranteed. TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Co. IMMMMb 44 Bay St.. Toront*. 48 ( '>r si., Mnnivtoal. )A l,, HI., Wl'.nlyvi. I ...-<! T M., V.n.i.i**r. t*Lwr Water .. Balfaa.

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