1 ' aft*rnbr ho do not rrdvs thvir reulrir will plsss notify us at one* Calltt ihr oOlr* (or advertising rtr THE ADVANCE. FLESllKRTON.ONT. tv T ll.'..i.-. . I . l,..,l, .,..1 < ...III. Marie ( Virulll has advanond an ingeol- os tbitory which make* Christ the oeu- tsr ami snunv of the rarth's eleotrlo cur- tent She linds In many of the most reroarkahle hintorioal uvent* of the Old and New 'I. lumen striking lutanoos at rlwi rn-nl jihen.niiena Sh* would place In thbt category the thunder and llgbtn- hkc of Klnal, and the fin- In the burning b i-Ji w hn-h btirned but did not consume. All these \%en- *lotrlcal mauifmtations ef the nil pi-rviMlIng Spirit. The tire which bora Kjljah, tfce radlanoe of the Hen of Man who walked In the fiery furnacf, the Spirit diwendlng in the Conn of a dov* at the Jordan, the light ef the irun-llgiiration. the tonguos of dre at reiiNx-^t. and tl.e light which ihuzled Paul near Damascus, were all electrical theopjtiaiili-n irptt-lallzallons of that ono ever pr-- at fluid whieh In physics we eall i-lert.rielty, but which in the unsorn world of the soul in known as the Ulvlne Spirit. And the offl( of the Spirit U to reveal Christ; or, In other words, the wplrit is Christ. lion lU-tio Kuvlvw. Be Where do you suppoM I found my olior button this mornlngf Rbe I'udur the buruau, I suppo*f "Na 1 <r Dowa in the Janitor's aparuuentaT* -Ke. ' "Out la tb* book yardr -Ka" "Oh. well, I can t ne*sl Wheref" "In my shlrtl" Vonkers (Haummaa HOW TO GET STRONG. alar, should It. Aw. .lr.1 u> Throw off til, I'.. I..". lliKl tr. IIIIIUI..I. ! th* ,Bl llunnj th \\ n.lfr llunlli-. ISN'T THIS PROOF Clear and Convincing that Dodd'i Kidney Pills Cure Diabetes. lMHIIi ThoiiKinds of people not really 111 re- quire a tonlo at t Is snoson. Close con- nvment In badly \rntllated houses, shop* and school rooms during the winter onths makes [mople feel depressed, lan- guid and "out of *orts." Nature must br aw.i*ui In thrrwl.ig off th* (xilsiin that bus accumulated In th* system during these months else people fall an easy prey to i. .use. A tonic U enled and Ur. Wlllmin. I'lnk Pills for Pal* People U the greatest tonlo medicine In the world. Them- pll s make rich, red klooil; mrengthrn Unit nerves, and make dull, llstlos* men, women and children feel brigh', active and strung. Mr. John Slddn<. Ixjndon, Ont , say*: "I can i eak most favontlily of th* virtu* ef Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They prove tnvalnablc In strengthening and toning p the system whrn drbllitaUxl. Having Bsnl them for some time |-ait I can speak most favorably of their betieflclul renulta. As an Invlgorator of th* constitution they are all that they cl.tini to be." lint you must g< t th* genuln* Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for I'ulu People Imita- tions never cured anyone and there are aiiiuerous pink lolon^t imitations against which the public Is cautioned. Th* genu- ine are sold only In boxes, the wrapper around which U-ar* the full name "Ur. Williams' I'lnk Pills for Palo Pe .pie " If your dealer does n t keep them send to the Or William*' Meillcln* Co.. liruck- Till*. Ont., and they will be mailed poet pawl at 5uo. a box or six boxes for t : ;tt. ! Jmm* <Jrhn' C*M WM Pr*> i. ' by I.*MI||IIB .. . 11. 1 .-t iit<id' K i.ln.f fills I IIT...I It. Montreal. P.Q., March 87. Thick and fast come the moot convincing proofs of th* rually niarvullous cure* of Dodd'* Kidney Pills. Not a day pannes on which wer*nnot read report a of several care* at hume, right hnn In M mnr.-il, at oar ewn door. In the face of this vast maas of proof, we must believe what such an enormous number of our fellow -citizens write on the subject, viz: That there Is no other medi- cine known to science, that can at all equal Dodd's Kidney Pills an a cure for Kidney Diaaaau* of all type*. Many hundreds of Montreal penpl* have been cured of Dlabetos by IKxld's Kidney Pills, but there am |n the c.ty silll hund- re U of other sufferers who do not know that by using this famous remedy they [ can b cured, pottltlvely cured, for all time and at almost no expenne. That such Is the CUM let tbe experience of Kngineer Jittues Orilham, of No. 60 Vio- torut Square, prove. Mr. Gr.ili.ini had Diabetes for six year*. On* of the moHt eminent of Montreal'* physicians examined him and Informed him that his ca*e was beyond all aid Incurable. No wonder the sufferer grew despondent. But one day ho read of a wonderful cur* of Dialwies. effected by Dodd's Kidney Pills. He at once bought a box and began to use them. 1 hey canned marked Im- provement, and he used two boxes more. Now he U as hearty as he ever was, robust and hearty. Isn't this proof enough that Dodd'* Kidney 1'. Us will cure Uiabelesf It ought to be. surely I Worth Remembering. That oelery engenders sleep. '1 hat aiqioragux purm* the blood. 1 hat Vmiatoe* act directly on tb* HTBT. '1 hat spinach and dandelion leotes ar ei( ellent for the kidneys. '1 hat onions arc a preventive and ofteB- tinien a cure for malarial fever. That, If poMMlhle, vegetables should b* rooknl the Mauie day they are gathered. '1 hat poultry should never b* eaten until twi-lve or fourteen hours after It is killed. That mildew spots can be removed If th^y are rubbed with a mlxturv of soap and chalk '1 hut warm tuvad and cake can be neat- ly rut by iiMng a knife which ha* bee hiratcd In boiling water. 1 hut onlonm garlk, lovks. olive* and shallots stimulate th* circulation. Increas* the mliva and gastric juice, and prom<.ts) A < <|ii iltvtl. Voltaire, when on hU estat* of Ferney, was fond of anurulg the air of nobility, and <li-]il i; iil a nm-i philosophical hatred of pauchers. One luc-kle-s fellow was caught and brought before him. Voltaire dfU-rmiiiod to try him according to law, and took his seat an juilgr, directing his vcretar) to act ascuunwl for the prisoner. The advocate tnatl* a long speech In favor of th cul|irit and stopped suddenly. "Why do you ln-.ii.iti--' asked Volralr*. "I wish 10 read a passage from .t volume in your library." He procured the tiook and sllontly turn- ad Its l.-:ivi-i. Volt HP- I..-, ami- Impatient and donmodoti thu UUIHO uf his silence. "Well," ,iiiser il tin- seeretary, "1 hare been looking for the word 'humanity,' and 1 are you have onitu.il It." Voltaire thought tho argument so forcl ble that he w t the |.<iu<-h>T f n > Tr*vU -.1 \ t/. i A dnnclng master at Gardiner, Me., has ealeuluted the dutunce u wultzor travels during the courso of one evening at svvun miles. 11* say i that, allowing six foul for one walu *tu|>, and thttWulu tempo UO IIIIVI-HI es a minute, and taking throu stup* t i tin meiuuru glvos ItMmeps In a minute. Giving ton minute* for each waltz, and 10 waltzes In an owning, the wullzur has oo\ erwl a disuuu-u of s.-\ i-n nillos In waliae* alone during i he evening. Beat tho ;olk tit one rg , ml. Ing In one pouml i.f Hour, a pinch of salt and just rnoui'li milk to make a Tery stiff d*ugh. Bmi with th* rolling pin until perfeo.ly moo h Hull out Trry thin, rut Into sh I|H. and Ink* In a slow oven for about flftorn minute* MllVer'n Worm 1'owdum for mstlunsnoss aa i pecvUhni-wt. llr*|,'nt M t'ntnw. If thi-r* Is an inrisrht t-l.tno In th* rnnm d* not .am It stiffly antlnstth* wall. Put It crosswise, almimi In the middle of the floor. ilung a pin* of ti-et rv or a por- Uero over the buck. pLio* a box on the floor I. lilnd It, put t- mo i-iishliiiii on the box mi i ton linxn the Uti-it thing, th* SUUt " llrl..,.. ,..! tflrr. "Mr. dear," said Mr*. WMlcrly, "what Is tbediffcmno* betwuen UluolUm and rv.il tamf" "Idmllnm." rt-plletl Wedi-rly. "Is what we ?xperlnoMl durlug uur i-ngiigoiucuk." "Ywt," sold she; "and rvalisiur" I'h." he !>). linl, "that's what w ar* np against now." People wh'> aroilubllltatvd and who lack nergy as a ntsult of ovt-rwork, care and anxli-ty will rerover qul<-kly by taking WUl*i's CoiM|H)iinil Inm I'llli A I'lenani Mul. rim. '1 lii-re are some pills wlncli luivr n<> oilier pur|><M* rrl- ilfntly in. in to iit-u-ft piinfiil Inlerual <1U- IIHI..I iri lii ii, r pin it-iii, milling to hi* ir .iii.n- , and perpu-xiiir* rather tlmn diminishing tin-in. On* might Ha well sWHllnw Koine rorroKiv* Tn.it.-ri-il. Pur- M-Ws Vfgi-iahiv IMN bar* not thin di- aiirn iiiti* NIK! Injiiriuii* |irpnrty Thy am r-y to inke, r nol iinplruiMiit to lb<- lii(e, mid tlir r iiiuion U mild nnj Mil iiin^ A trial of tlirin will prut* Uiis. Tuey ollr prnte to the dy-<p<-pua >|.*i.. . II,, > >...,! \.rl.rr Only <nu In tluilr hltory a* a nation hare th* S|n anls achtured a naval lo- torr. That w.isat the litle of U-iuinto, In I'd, when, with th* aid nf Vnnotlan* and Oi-not-M!, they annihilated the 1 urkUh Owl. MoI^Otlfl t liliiM( \Vnniftn. A OiTinan -. l--nii.it state* that mus- tachen aiming w nn-u are commoner at the prowMit tlmn ili.m thny \i I to tw. II* has observed that In ConMtuntlnopleand M/uli hi one woman out of Trry ti-n has a distinct niiiiJirhi-, while In I'liil.nd-lpMa qtiito i Im-.' IXT i fit of the lnlli-i U-ur un- mistakable sic m uf down opon tholr uppur Up- There CAM lie a ililTi-nMior of opinion aa 1110*1 -n I'jivt *. Inn tht'i'i' LftoiilT one opin- ion HH to the rrli.iliilny of Muiner Urave' \\ orm Dxu-riiniHiior. li I* Mi(e, sur* aud sffeotual, A < iiuiiflran Whan her bmibaiitl aui Um brmd she had natlu. hi-r >>y wn-< for thu moment com uli-Ui. lnt pi- - ni Iv thr |cothonl Ihu In vlUkblocUiuduf (liiiibt "U It bunauso lie lovua MID. site nxkud bentelf. 'or is It to kcwp nra from mukuia bruxl puddlngr' Not In the liiHcrnUtTile fnou of UM man ouiilil ab*an auswur Hud. Uetrotk Jour '1 hat peas and beans ar* the most nutri- tion- nt vef etablcn. containing a* much i-.irionas whent and double th* amount of n i uscle- forming food. '1 h.it a Miiitll plnrh of carbona'v of soda In the v,;it. r j-n-M rvi-s the color of veg*- taMe- and li-sw-ns the unplr-UHuiit odor of and onlmiH when cooking. n. . i ~. , , < ,..,,,.. i u., r. This IK a delirlou-. l>rtkfoit dUh nd very easily preparud. For a breakfast for four UM; a half pound of iimoked l>ee/ rh.|i|il very fine I'ut a heaping taM*- r. oiinful of liti t.-r In a nau<i-|iun and let It onie'ii a bulilile over a slow fire. Then oild a heaping tsblespoonfal o* sifted floor. Mir flour and butter till they on- of th* coroMieiicy of en am; add a pintof almost Lolling milk Mir the mixture constantly tn Lii-p the flour from lumping When the runce bolls drop the rhlp|*d beof Into It HIM! let It boll for two minute*. Uerv* at olli e Minard's Liniment Cores Colds, etc. i rent TliiiiL" 1 from Little ('niine* Grow. - It tHke vrry little to dirrHiige the utom- KC|I. Tlir cmte mav be slight, a cold, Minirili.i _ rnu-ii or ilriink, anxiety, worry or Mimr ot hfr simple cnune. But If pre- rautioiiH Iw not lakrn. tbis simple CHIIH* in -y have moot Mrloin coiisrquriiL-es. M.iny .1 rliroint-Hlly ilpl'ilitaled conotitu- lion toilHy owrs Ito denirnctiou to simple (mix.-* not ilralt with in tlmr. Keep th* digrktire apparatus in hralthr couilition ami all will be well. I'armelrr't Vege- table IMN ar* better tbau auy other for the purpoe. Th* DM. nf ltlhl.a>. Narrow velvet rllilion trims everything. White mulin made up for June, bright gingham* ready for May, linen*, clothes, all sort* of fabrics are udorred with row upon row of the narrow velvet. Some- time* t Is half an Inch wide, but It Is generally narrower. On some skirts It Is I in. on In curves, so that it ruachus tb* waist in the bavk and 1s barely to the knees in front. It may be bought in cotton backed quality, which is scarcely more expensive than "liaby" ribbon, bat which lasts much longer. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget la Cows. Mlh...| 111 Hi- Mi, I i.... "You say Mrs. Week* wa bore during my absence?" said the superintendent of the lunatic asylum to the attendant. "Ye*, sir," was the reply, "sh* called to see about taking her husband home, but In- iNihltlvelr refused to go said he would ru'hcr stay here." 'I thought there was something saiplcl- out -about that mm," said thu superin- tendent. "He Nn t crasy at all." Are yon not well Are you pale, weak- ly, depressed In spirits, melancholy, tired, Nervous and IrritnMef Then try Miller's Compound Iron 1'ills. '1 hey will tuilld you up, tone up j our oervuus system, giv* you energy. HU 1. 1 |r i iwii . Mrs. Yonnglove I)o you think absence rmlly makes the heart grow fonder, liar- old r Mr. Yonnglove I guess It doe*. At all pM-nt", you are about twlos as dear to m* when you're away at ono of those hlgh- pi i. <l summer hotels as when you're at homo. New life for M quarter. pouud Iron Pills. Miller's Cos* PrakvHIjr th* Mr. Spelter Oh, you may talk a* yo plena*. Jan*, but you were aa Ignorant woman when you married me. Mr*. Spelter Yes, that probably ac- counts for it. MHler s Worm 1'owders fur sallow silo, old ur young. A r.. -<!. t IK (-..vrir lOifiw-l A tin ttrrrtw, who flve months ago vi a pn- .ileiii nf ,-nl\ailor, Is Kild In he llv.ng In illra | overly In llomlums. Hu tinill -lit iili ml tllO rualtv re; 111 In- of Ceiitrul Amurloa ami that pi-ovwl to l< hi* ruin. I lir, . . \\ d, Edith Who wuru thus* (Hiople here thU afUirtlfMMI, IIIAIIIIIIM' Mum ma I'mfeMMor I Up head aad hi* * t'r iti-.ir Thu pr. ii.ss,.r t* on* of the bust infirin.il men in larflty "llowdoyoii know bw Ms? II* never opeiiuU his uioutb OIIUH " Yonkurs Utattie- "t'oiiM yoy toll me what this prescrip- tion oaiu forf" ik kiwi tti* luii "YiM," anuwcrort ill.. . IT , as h* glanoad ever It rapidly, "fifty NO KNim-M) I'LAHTKB. Severe ookN nra eii*ily curoil >>y ths as* of Id- kln' A-ii i O'liisiiinptivK Svni|i. a | nvilii i'ie of i-xi rnonlinnrf IM-II.-I nil IIIK 'toil : beilltllK |iro|..TIH-s |l U neklliiwli-tllfrtl ' by Iliosr who IIIIVB uswtl It as heliiK til* r-Mt n n* liriui. Holil for conuli*, ool<l<, lu- tiinii:i: inn uf the In is toil nil itffncilons I ef th* thrtutt anil clivtt. Its ftnreit*hl*i!*M* ru CTflTT A. IHDV OAU.I i aw* loth* twit* nmka* If a favtmrtt* with .N. 5TOTI & JUHTi BOWMANVILU HT Ladle* aud oulldreu. LUMBAGO Is rnsy to GET aad J ii -' ns easy to CURE If yoa ii St. Jacobs Oil Ask the 6ENDRON Rider what he thinks of hi* wheel, and w* will abide bj what he KH. Al waji lellahle, the handitoine eajj-rtinuinr; l-'-mlron irln limit* the preeeaalon fur Gendron MTfir Co., Limited TORONTO. ONT. Send for u Catalogue *>. J. J.Vipond & Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Correspondence Solicited. Advance* Made on Conaixnmenta. MONTREAL. EPUBLIC MINING STOCKS. Rj I Invlit* lV* li.len Inc ptirrh.woeT io Writ* for 44 * r>P7 Ot in* r*>* nl pit 111 Irul Inn , mill!**! Till* U I It 1 1* fl r ri / ruin* (1*>Nli <c with **ti*or ilt> nrhri e- l "l i"-.Mllri mr*** In th- w*rl1. I MUI rir-i.i tonally wll taformed tn prr r ** <l nt * m public, ftitrl 1 Mill *! *ty riM|iilr**r Mini -wt v I *- fty inland Inr piirrhr. At |r**> n rrcntutnrud tn- l'lt, Mult* ami tt.*lnn, t'rlno*" .* it,l. U*ln ~r^d J nmb-s PILES . Jit rnrs* sll Nr*w of then " "*' Ihs knife abai-i It l w n,lrf*l r*i *.! v It li imi.li- Ml - f oil Is in* to OM' ulTeren So id i d I' * id gt il '. A. LEWIS, ll2 StUtr Strut. TtniU. Him Will you scrvani for v our father if i kiss|ouf M.T -Tea, lint I'm su hoanw with ka. I'm I'WtUv* tw won't hear ma. Health for tbe \\ . uu 1'owden. i-hil.lr.-a. Miller** CPCCI TW. lonly rncbt uuu tj WkU-h. with ruArd or kwUlMlofMlWlitoi. our full-MMd Lmrn BurUns.tUnr Wuch tor xniiu dot DoyliM io lt.t Mid I ill dnifo. Tbr **U i Wn n.l w*Mnd tbm i'l arllUim, murooor ryo4wproipUf fo nua CM. faiSd .'. UHIH OOt, O irmra an unknown In Mr I bourn*. 1 h. |ir-st port of tb* city I* th* Chin*** quarter Brantford STEEL TOWERS MID WINDMILLS AM) GIRLS ' W also maks i rue i .fr.. Ontli. (.rl.iilrr., Iron iknct \\ i..,. rniin>-. lt s,,|.|, I, n<l for Nf w <'l in.. nwy Stem Wlnilln Wllfrlll-s. if'li"*" 1 - Ann-rl- r n MI M.IH. : : ".il lill.nlil ItlllffS With ri'*l Illllll* . Ir t n_-, Munlrnl li i. n- nit-iits >i 'I n.anv oth. i TI|- D* Ir prrinlu'iis fur cllniir -4 mrk.-ovs ( ur rrnu i .- IM* PERIAL ENGLISH INK POWDER " en e nts |XT |>.i. KkK-i- K .1 U l.*.i- ins.tf* Soronu wir h uf line Ink. Sendy..r nni and ililrrss >n I ws will f iwsril v- u prepaid. Ins Ink I'nwilrr nd i-ul ifiir of |>rin-u.ns * th lull Instruct! n. When .olil si-nil u> uur in n*y mid w will . ml yii Ih* pri-m nin you srlft. D'n'llnsc this iti'-nl '|i|rtu Ity. Writs (or the ini to-dsr. slt-ntiuo ili.i |A|*r. IH I'EBIAL IJ(K CO., TORONTO, OST. BINDER TWINE AND ROPE. ONTAIIIO HI MM u T\VI\F CO., 114 Kraut tit. \Vt, Toronto. Uut. iyCAS.STEtlE* BRISTOL, J'T!: , T '" -... M . , , ,, a Wll'sus. HAMILTON. t'L- * II. *p. PLOWS, ROLLERS A HARROWS MOouSirn " : V..>\f i", 1 .'"' ' u t'^Woitn. Jra...ii.i . trll I ...m .lrr Jerusalem Is now nothing hut a shadow of the nmnlflr, nt i-nv of anrient times. It Is about three mile* In oirrumfurvox-e, antl U situated on a rock mountain. Are yon mifferer with corn* F If yon arc net a Uittle of llolloway's Cora Cur*. It baa ucvtr Iwen knowu to fail. The Owen Electric Belt Beveral states In New England aav* tatuuw forbidding klsdng In UM stNcta. The law Is an oltl on and obeoUte. Only en* man In 7UO my* Inoom* lax tn In, i la, thotiRh the tus I* levied ea all Incomes ef UO and upward. llotrd'i Liniment Cores Distemp3r. Mow tn Ill-line* It 1s not a wine thing to tnke mefllrln* to retlure tha weight. Kx n-ls* and a UTS torn of dieting are to be mlvi-isl Avoid tarchy and fatty foods. A prominent ao- tn.wi 1* quoted an saying that she k.i-iw bur flgure by riding six mile* at a HM-UIR SIH-.X! on her wheel, having u col<l luthou her return and sluoplug for two hours b tw*eu blanket*. Trwontv srlenti.lr and pnv-i !,-.] n*otrle IWt unit, fur KiM>nU UM, having battcrls* that fetert itrofi* cnrraol of tlectricity that I* un.W-r iwrfect coolrol and can be applied to aar pan of UM body, for UM cur* of Nervous Diseases rhotuands of poopl* infTr from a variety ( Norvous lluigain*. sarh an SIIMII] 1Vis>ss*s. ImiHiiMK-r. Lost ktaobeod. He., that the *TJ nnriiwof tmtiment fall tocurr. Ther* I* a loos tt nrr* fopoe or K>WOT that o. nnol bn rwtorrd y inr motlical tmitlnient, snd any ducU<r who would try to an-oniulUh this by anv klad at irurf* Is pursuing a dn|rtroim pnvetio*. l^o> srl; Irsated. UWM dlMw can It A ew buck for nO rent*. Kidney IMli and Plaster. U liters National Binder Twine. Maple Lake Station, Ont March Uth, 1899. NATKWAI. KARxrits ( o , TOUONTO. 1 >-r Sim,- 1 n-teiv.,1 the Nntioiwil r.indcr Twine, whii-h wo arc well pi. .i--i-.l witli It 18 jr.nMl, also, tho 14 kni'at ir"ll (ilnU'tl n-,itt-li. \\'c think It In 1'ivi-lv, and (fives pootl RatiHiiietion. \V t, tl,. Til. s, \ ours truly, owmoB WAUCII. A (irnrulit 1 11 > , uu >,.. Hero Is an Illvltilttoli II is .\ ,.nl<lin-> Invltiitloli II entiie* nil the wny fnmi WIW.M in^ton ouunty.'aud It's jusi a* ll wo* wrulo ' Mlw l.iime Wlrkvr voa sr* hsv* s niprrt* HOD ou th Uih uf fvbary to Mws fUlii* IliinuB ad Mr Buili.ii Hivulmas wwtkUa. s |itmn \l U aut but It (Mat wurth Positively Cured Elect heltr. * sppllwl by tho Owrn Kl re trio [Mttaad Mintvsn^.rjr, will rno.LMsure.il/ do so. It is ths >\j known power that will supply wht Is ls:klnK, namely nerre fore* or IHIIMH UM o and riaor t Ilia organs sml h> beaMay *et**a tn*hul* ocrvuusuvl will OMMI ,ts*urcdly cure, Without Medicine, Vsrloowls, K*rvous Prwtrstlon. RtMmnietarm. nciatla*, Kilnoy U|UM, LuiuUuro Luu*BMk ad UjriH-ila. i OUI lUBSTRATlO CAT^LOCOI CMtatm f ill f*tlnforTOtlonrgnrdlngtH*ore ef soul*. clLvuio aiul nervous li-<-.-i-. priM<L how iiini-iicr. etr., ButOo-l (st-alotl) - FRCK to kuy tuldr Itie Owen Electric Belt Ami A"iUanceOo. TORONTO ONT, 213 A BEAUTIFUL ^PIRATE 87 Guy Boothby. I TS. .i-jz m- band, and then, h. oab, be ji:riped loto it and eet off .. r olico cti.tiua. ug befurn 13 o'clock I was in tK waiting for tbe cxarniuatiou t . ion. 1 . > news of tbe caw max gone abroad, for tbe ball wan ly pn> d with people onxioa.-. tc. npiiini.-" of tbe famona Beautiful lite L)f>il wboee exploits were nl pet us well known iu England an tu W east. Kv. ry rank of lifo seemed t i s-i;-.i!, and when tbe :. |te took lii< seat on the bnncb I n I tbat the chain on either - ni were nvapied by two illostn im whoe rli({Lity shoald bnve Rented tli'-m !rim pivmg such an ex- of idl cariosity. Seeing rue nth there was to (tare at my pour, an fortunate ewevtbciirt, I could bavefou.nl It iu i. _\ i. ..- 'u bit out like a uiBdnian t those roui.'il me. Precistlv .t 12 o'clock the door mi the riffht band aide of tbe court opened and Alt" p>-d into the ball and -is- cend"d (! : n dock. She walked witn b-r u-iu! -i-i-nly step, beld her hea.i high, ami 'icti ?be renrhed her pl.n-.- looked pr. 'ly round Ihu diogy bull. 0ocb was tu.. effoct of ber wonderftil beaatv apou those present that, despite the efforts of tbe officer* of the court to prevent it. u loud bosa of admiration rame fmni the ipcotatoro. 8h wii dronotd entirely in black, a color which. aa I bave paid before, displayed b--r white skin and bear-tifol hair to tbe verv bo.-t ndvn- jf. Having taken her pteoex he bowed rolitcly to tb preaiding mag- litrate, wuo rettirned ber salute, aud then tbe examination cotumenoad. Thu flrtt tiroce.iittig ii for the police tu make a rtatement of their caw to the court. It wa then shown that, although warn.nt ht>d long been oot for her rrest. tbe lieaotifal White Devil bad raded justice for many years. Indie I ft was only for the reason tbat infotuta- i>n bad been supplied to tbe London police witnin tbe latt few day* tbat tbey bad txcnme aware that th* Beaoti- <ol White Devil had left the eaot aud arrived in England. Inquiries were in tautly made, and on the strength of them the j.n..nner now iu tbe dock bad been arri-steil. They, the police, did uot propose to call witnesses at tins pre- limiuary bonriuR. bat would merely ask tbat the inclination sliould bo reai) over, tbe rvi Vuce of arrest given, and then a rem:iud grp.ated in order tbnt tli' 1 arrival of nn officer from Sinj;;i] " snigtit be awaited and farther inquir.>: made. At this point Brandwon rose to hi* feet. itiU. .i-'-.ptiug a qaiet. sober atti- tude of respectful remonstrance, beggoil to be n'.lc-wed to place before tbe court what ho c' 11-iclcred aud would unh- >i taticglycal. a deliberate and cruel in Justice. H" jxiiuted out the small like- lihood tberii was of the charge beii.g trne, be dilated upon the fact* of Alie'k arrival from Australia, of ber quiet, ladylike demeanor, spoke of ber im- pending niarriagn with a gentleman, a pernjiml frini'l of bis own, well known and nnivein.illy respected iu London, aud brought bis remarks to a clow by de taring it a moostroas thing (bat. i > this nineteenth century and in this laud of wbirb wo pretend to be ao proud, it aboold l(- witliin tbe power ot a public body like tbe police, without a tittle, "f evidence at tbeir back to bear tiit-ir CIH ut. to bring so shameful a against au innocent girl, who poesibly bavu to suffer from tbe efftctt f it all brr life. He wonld not oak tbe court to consent to a romuud; on tb" onutrary, ho would aik bin worship to dismis* tbe raso altogether, and at tli- enuie tnue t > issu a stinging and well aeriteil rebake to tbe police for thuir fllciousue.-n aud quite uncalled for ao- tiou in tbe matter. Clever nnd iiiipresclveaa faiahorangqe was, it, however, failed utterly iu its purpose. The magistrate had evidently carefully considered tbuaue befoi-eb mii auid determined upon his coo no of ac- tion. Tbe decision given, therefore, van . "Remanded for a week. Bail refused. ' ' I taw Alie bow gravely to tbe court, tbe policeman open tbe door of tho dm- W. lid a iu< incut later, feeling qnito KK-k and giddy, 1 was in tbe throug leaving tho court. My tbe timo I roaubed tlin atrcet my darling waa on her way to Bolloway. That afternoon, at 8 o'clock. J;itn-t and I drovo out to tbo priaou. and hav- ing shown our authorities were instant- ly conducted tu tbe room iu which [iris oilers are pvrmittod to interview Un-.ir friends. What the two women I loved best In tbe world Mid to pad) other during tbut Interview 1 cannot rcuiaiubur. I only know that Jauet kissed Alie and err I over her, a. i I that Alie received itu'i with that ^I'titlo gruciou.suoss which wni so wnu.li-rlully beuouiiug to lit r Wbeu li.ul discussed tbe ev.-nt.- which bad 1 il up to tbo arrest. I asked Alie if diie were, quite conifort.iblo. "Prrfti ti\," sbe OUSWT|. "My oell I* by Di> ii'i-.ins an nnplramiit oue. 1 Have some l>.u>'.i*aod writing material*. Hi and I have arranged to have my meals brought ic to me from a restaurant ont- id*. ' ' "What did yn think of Brandwon 'n tpeecb tliis nioriiing?" I then asked ber. "I tboagi ; u very clever and im- pressive," tbe answered, "but I wot nol surprise! when it proved of no avail. No. there is very little chance an far M I can see. In a mouth tbe officer from Singa in- will be in London, ami unless miniei mix bappcu* to prevent il I shall be wait oat estst to stand my trial." "Something mast prevent it," whis pered Jauet. "But what? Yon cannot escape ao easily in England. I find," ebe an- swereil. "Tuesa stone walls are very strung, and tbe discipline is so perfect. " "Be ecrc we will find a way tu get yon off. Trust os." Then dropping rny voice, "jiml if wecan'tdoit legally we'll do it ilvsiny." "V.m must run uo rik for my sake, George. 1 < uM not alluw that. " "If only Walworth were Wre! il would bit on something. " "Walwortb nnfortuuaitly i 10.000 mile* away. So it i* no noe thinking of him. But, see, bere ia the warder. Your timo is np. Goodby. dear Janet. I pray that you may find it in your heart tn forgive me for having brought this trou ble upon yon." Bat Jan. ., who by tbis time bad learned to love tbis fascinating girl with all her heart, wonld listen to no inch talk. When tbe door opened, like tbe kind lister t-he was, sue wctit out first, tbui peTiuimnu a* an opportunity of aying farewell alone. When I joined ber strain. I had a little note iu my waistcoat pocket tbat seemed somehow to make me a happier man than I ha 1 been for hours pant. From tbe prison I drove Janet to her own bouse aud then went bock to Cav- emh-li square. When I bad disminetl tbe cabman. I let myself in and proceeded to my con mlnug room. Opening tbe door, I walk- ed ill, only to coine to a audden halt be- fore a man sitting in my own armchair. He was small ami qnifrly built, wore a loos coat that reached nearly to bis heclit. bad gray bair, a ferociously cnrl- ed mostucbe aud a short, closely crop- ped white beard. Tbe effect when he looked at me over the edge if the paprr lie was i eriisii',; was ni"st nmuai K' r a moment I stood bewildered, but I was destined tu be even mure so win n be row and came toward me, boldiug out bil band aud saving: "Bon jour, ni'iiMinr!" Then in bro ken English. "Pray, do yon uot rouj em- ber yoor very old friend?" I thought aud thought, bat for tbe life of uii 1 could tint recollect ever bav tug *ren bis face before. I wax about to peak wbeu be (topped me and. rbnngiug bil Vtiic. , s;-id in ex -eli. Ut Ki "Xo! I can fee you don't." Then palling off bis wig: "Wvlll Do yua uow?" It was Walworth! CHAPTER XIV. FIOTTINW AND PLA.SMS-0. Directly I nalutd who my guest was, I 1 1 shed furwunl and ai-utd bin buud ui-j a aliow of dtligbt greater thuu, believe, I h.iv ever felt ut meeting mail U-f i iro or siuce. If I bud beu give tbo pick uf all men iu the world at that particular juuctore in my life's history. I believe I should have declared for him. "We bad no idea tbat you were in Euglaud. ' ' 1 laid w hen the lirst excite ment bad muiewbat auunided. "Bulb Alie and I thought you were 10,00) miles away. Yua have heard tbo awtu news, I Runpoae. " "How could I help it when every board iu the street* sets it forth and all tbe paper DI>VI are uellowiug thu lutust newt of tbo capture of tbe Beautiful White Devil? But 1 want to kuuw tbe roal facts. ' ' "Yon shall know every tbins directly. Bat first tell me what bas brought you home in thin providential uumucr?" "I came because 1 beard thai Bark msuswurtu was ?oiuiug. I received i watuuiK from Huugknug that be bat applied for leave, aud I knew tbat if he found out her ladyship waa iu Euglaud bo wonld lose no opportunity of rt>veug- inu linn-. It for that affair outside Sin- gapore, lint he gut away before me, au<l my well-nine to Luul- ni yesterday wa tlii- new - uf her ladyship i arrest. You did uut se me at the preliminary exam- ination tln-i nn ruing, I suppose?" "N". I certainly did uut, and I thought I scaninil every face." "Aud yet I wa< itaudiag betide yon all the time." "(Jootl gracious! How do you mean?" "Pray tell me who stood uu\t tu you: Wasn't it u medium sized, military look- ing HKiii iu a much wuru frock coat with a velvet eoll.ii.'" "Now I como to think of it. it was." "Well, I was tbat nitiu. I'm l-.-u u niog to think uiy ihsyuiscs are artistic aft. r all." "But why all this ditgnise? What arc you uf raid of iu Lou "1 am alnixluf our fricud Barkmnna- worth, if you want to kuuw. 1 was tl" niau who took Inui uuT the mi: it. n- meml'i r. .11,. I my fait- must K- ri i autly familiar tc him. If in MW i-j , 1 iliKu'il lc an. -tid svitliiu au bcur, uud whatever buppt-us, seeing liu work that lie* bcfiiru u>, tli.it niu.-t uot." "Do vou tliuiK you can be of nsu to ber la<l\slii], m her ill leuse t. "It must never come to a dcfciiac. It would Lc fatal to allow her to be lout to Hongkong. They wuuld convict ber at once. No, there is uotuiug for it but for us to plan some means uf escape for ber, and yet when one thinks how per feet English police arrangements are that seems well uigh impossible. How- ever, doue it most be by hook or crook, and we must t about it at onoo. " "But how? Have yon any idea iu your bead?" "Not at present, bat it will be strange if I don't bit upon one before very loufc. If culy ber ladyship could help ne!" " Wait oue moment. Perhaps sbe can. When I left her tbU uf teruoon, shegavc me a note, which I was uot to open uu til I gut home. Let on see what it says. " I took it out of my waietcoat pocket, opened it aud read ic aloud. It certain- ly coutaim- 1 the germ* of an idea aud run as follows: I hsve been thinking over what wi spoke nl this morning, snd it KWIUS to ui last, if I un to eca|* at all, lb* attanipt most be uinu. during thv tune 1 aui being conveyetl ticu. Sow tr!t tu lli.lluwuy in ti.e prieun van. Tin quustluo w whether sutHcl.-nt ti-n, pt:i:im OOUM. Iw pal before Iliu driver *nU la gourd tu in doc* tiieii. tu a>M<( m*. Will you think thi> out? When I bad finished reading, I aske.l Walwurth for bia opininu. Bot f. T nearly five iniuotea be allowed uo i^ii to escape him to show that he bad beam my qaestiou. ouly laid himself back .;. bis chair, 1< nked up at tbe ctiiliug, an . meanwhile slowly tore my newipapet into rags. Wbeu he bad nuisued in- work uf destruction, be fat np straight aud -lap nl Ins baud ou bis knee. "H. r lady-hip is always right. I be- lieve I do let! a way uow. ' ' "What is it?" I uek.d in alnio.-i breatlileus excitement. " You must uoi ask me jnit yet I'll (O away aud make a few inquiries first Tonight at 9 o'clock I'll come back here, aud we'll go iuto the matter thor- oughly. Fur tbe present, then, goodby and keep op your heart. Have no fear w'll rescue her yet. " There waa Miuetbing *o strong an-i cootideut about tbe man that bia assur ance routed and braced me like a tonic. I stopped him, however, befure he could reach the duor. "One word first, Walwortb. Do yon know the position in which I stand in- ward Alie?" "I know that yon were to have been married witbiu the next three week*, if that's what you mean, "lie answered. "Aud so yoo shall be yet if I cau brine It about. Dr. De Normanville. yoo have got a woman for whom we all wouM die. Tbia is yoar chance to show your elf worthy of ber, and if yon will allow me to My so I think yun will. I a -i yoor faithful servant as well as hero, re- member that. Now I in- -t go." "Good luck go with yon." It may bo guessed how anxiously I watched tbe bauds uf the clock upuu my mantelpiece. At last, bnwe\.r. tin v drew round to tbe appointed hour aud I prepared myself for Walwortli'i ar- rival. But. tin i-.nh I saw no sign of bim, I bad not very long to wait f'U- -i visitor. Tbe last stroke if 'J bud hardly died away b.-loru my ear caagbt a get to busings without any further waste of time." "With all the good will in the world," I said, iteating myself again. "Goon. Tell me all. " "In tbe first place I bave ascertained that tbe van leaves the prison at a defi- nite konr every day. It drives down, takes tbe pris< rjers op aud drives tack again. This being so, it is certain tbat it mnM be stopped on iu way from tbe prison to the court and iu such a way that it cauuot go on again fur at leant half an hour. Iu the meantime another vsu umnt drive down equipped iu everv way like thu real one. Tbis one wiU take up the prisoner aud drive off. Uiici- out cf sight of the itatiuu. it will drive iuto the yurd uf an empty house, a con- veyance will tin 11 be iu waiting in the other Ktrt-et, her ladyebip PUHMS tun uyh tbe house, gets iuto tbat aud drives ufl to a railway station. There must be iu readiness to take Lu r tu tu> oeotiide. whence a yacht will cunvey her) to some place where we cau ha\ the Lout) Star to nj> 1 1 her. I shall . able t< Patti Tbon to net uff and be iu reatliu. to pick na np directly we have decided where that [luce shall be." "But huw will yuu cable to him with oot exciting suspicion? ' " Yon uet.il have uo fear on that score We have a uieaua of -oniniuni' uli.i . if ear owu wliich I would explain uuw ouly it wuuld be wa.-te cf time. WLat do you tbuik of my scheme?" "It sounds all right, but is it work- able?" "I really think so. However, we will discu.-s it item by item au.i try a:. rivu at a c(ucluicn ihat way. Tu ucgiu with, money must IK- considered uu ub ject. If even 10,000 is n'ces.-ar> : success. iu.UUO will be spent, lu the first place, we most dud a competent coach builder at unce. If lie has a v.in n baud, which is har.ily likely, we'll pur- chase it. If uot. well, then he mu:l ).ut on all but bunds and make uue, eveu if h* haa to wurk day and nuht tu do it. " "But buw will yoa explain the pur- pose for which we wuut i: ' "I have thought of that, aud when I Uft you I wut tho fulluwiuK t. ,. yi.nu.' Here he [induced a duplicate furui from ins |.ocket aud read it aloud: To the Le-.- Olympic T>IMI- What duu- mi* uu. n : I; I . . .-..-. Mr i as, *>i hirmad u N uiupli ulnrv. [TO BE MILK YOUR COWS CLEAN. utbrrv. i. Tk7 Will T>a4 i* Dry V) ! Short llrdrr It ia a well known fact that cowa mat milked clean will tend to dry np IB iboit order say* Profetwor D H Otis of tbe Kansas college Anuther impo*> tant reason for milking clean ia to ire* all of tbe batter fat. which ia contained I in : uiiu-b larger per cent in the loot (ban in tbe first milk drawn, aa ia 1 ibown by the following experiment ; which tbe college dairy baa comforted. p'V '' showing the importance of clean milk- ing Five cow* that were giving % fair quantity of milk were aelectei ind tbeir milk collected in half pint bottle*, each teat contributing iu share to every bottle These samples were tested with tbe Babcock teat, with UM following t. suits Cow No 6 varied from 8 of 1 pet cent to 7 2 per cent Cow So. 10 varied from 2 of I per cent to 6. 6 per cent Cow No 14 varied from 1.6 per cent t* 1.8 per cent Cow No. IS varied from l.S per cent to -I. H per cent Cow No. JO varied from tl of 1 per eeot to 7.C per cent Tbe r.-unlta show a gradual although not entirely uniform, .m-reaoe in tbe per cent of fat from the begi ning to tbe lut of the milking except with the laHt two camples drawn from each cow Here the per cent of fat wonld take a snddfn leap, amounting often to it tlnril .-I u half of tbe total variation Tbia shows very clearly now important it ia to get all the milk. By averaging tbe r->nlts it was fonnd that tbe lust .Barter of a pint was worth from Uiree-fonrtbs to one and a half pint ot milk first drawn from the adder Moral Milk clean and get fat BRIDAL FASHIONS. i ,,ni,nlrnl Caltl* Hark. R E Carroll in The National Stock- man presents a plan fur a cattle rack wtin-h do* not waste fevd and lu which the animals will not get strict Thu r.-n-k is !> feet wide it bottom and tup and can be made any length corner pota U by tt or round pole* 9 feet loaf * t in the ground 'i fet . top end piece* 2 by U pinned or spiked to poets top iile PL-CM* b by 6 or t! inch pule UM length rack u wanted, placed on tnatde ever recnynUt me." at tbe bell and a moment later a "Mr. Suuiuel Baker" waa atiliered into the room. A i be eutered. I took stock of him. half feariiu lie uiig'.it be some sort of police ulhcer iu oi.-nuite. He was a tout, rather pumpuuH man of middle height, with DufTy whiskers, clean haven .-bin aud upper lip, aud from bis drew nn^hr bare beeu a liuen draper or small tradesman from aouie cathedral town. HavitiK warmly shaken bauds with me be put bis tup bat down ou a chair, matt-d himself on aimtbi r, mop- ped his foreboad with a red liaudarua ban.lki r. hi. i. took off aud carefully wiped bis spectacles, returned them t. bis nose. nu<l then said quietly. "What do you thiuk of this fur a make np, Dr. De Nnrmauville?" "Walworth," I cried, in otter amaze- ment. "Yua don't really mean to say it's yon! i was just kxiCiuuinK to wou- der huw I should iuatia;:o to rid myself of Mr. Samuel Maker before you should arrive. You are certniuly a gcuias at couct'aliug your identity, if ever there was t ue. ' "I have bad to do it so often, " bo re- plied, "that I have reduced it to a aci uco. ' ' "Have yon aoytbiug to report?" "A giii ' ili al, " lie auswefd. "But before I Li K iu, may I light a cln .T. . i . I lee from tho a.-u truys you buiuke iu ten I" "Smoke aa much as yoa please," I replied. "May I also offer you sou e TC freihn '-:' I- MfM ..-on liaxeu't il:ni il' If no, I can tcli tuuii to bring you up something!" "No, thank yon," be ouswerinl. uud excellently. Now let ui TaHoas Strlv* of Wertdinic antl Ike Material* Umplojed. Wvxliling gowns arc never prufuwly trim mod. <u* the effect nlwiiys aimed at lit dig- nity and groccfulncKit. and thi>o ;irc better cciirvd l>y long, flowing lines than by the choppy, broken line* prodiicixl Iw lavish drapery and dLx-oratlon. Kvcry sort of or nument whidi tends to render the t cluniMV or conceal tho fonn U csch> and rlchneiis is aocuml by iiiiujuidii ' material, perdvtion of cut ,-ind mako and the u- of rostly liux 1 . which is never put on very full, an that would iiinifal the hi-auty "f tho pattern. T!: pr. \l usually preferred, although *Llrt and botUro gowns are aim worn. There Is al- ways a long train, luul sntm U thu cm i . f.i 1 ru- most froijucntly choecn. White velvet. -;' K-.! silk, even brocndi , U aoinutinteti i-niploywl. however. To iMvurv the llov.'ing offii-t* around the foot frills of silk, Lw-o and ribbon in- ewitl iiitidt- the hem of tile gown, and the pet! '-o:it. which fcmchcs the gniuml all around, but dues not trail, is also IliilMy trini-iii.fi iu far up as the kncv. The .km of the guwn comes down to tho Hour In front, so a* to concuil the feet, for few things tire more ungraceful than a trailing skirt which U tin it in front Tho Litest fancy is to f:u.tcn n Intiquec of orange blossomo at the left side of t'le bosom by a huw with long, limning undx. This is a reminiscence of the Umi.s (Juin-i period and U an anachroniHiu on the usual type of wudding gown. But an achronlsiiis In continue an- the rule rather than tho exception, and historical accu- racy of dniu is conilned to thu stage. As a role it U Dot poMible to hve dost free air in a barn if the cows an i fd joet previous to milking. If tbe bay cr tfvd it daily, it should be Bptiukletl and fed n lofficient time beforg milk ing ao that tbe 'last may b sett<i*d and the stills ventilated, cltoaed and sprin- kled or flooded previous to tbe tinia of niikiug. St. Petersburg is to have in interns tiotal pool try sbnw from tbe I3lb to i tha -'Stb of May, 180". Exl.ititun will be granted redoced rate* for tbeir ex- hibits on all Russian railroads and free entry for game on condition that tbey ' be exyotted frcm Kusna within two mouths after tuecloaaof tbe oibibition. / Hi tfftMADB HACK FOR OOWS. of pouts notch in a 2 by 8 piec* 18 - ftntn tbe grnnnd in poet* at eacfc end. and on tbe crnb-r of end piecej lay a inch pole Tins pole make* tb bottom of tbe rack Then take 1 S by b. anls 7 feet or flat rails and make V shaped ruck by nailing one end to bottom pcleand top end to top pieces ot pulea Board np tbe ends with any *ct ay Inuiber. and on eaeh side pnt 13 luck buttoui board and 10 incbe* abovt thi pi.icf inch top board, and by thui ! you will have a manger to catch any | buy tbe cattle may drup in palling thete ' bay out of tbe rack, and by (tripping | tbis manger sbeep can b* fed when not ; naed for cuttle. Th* I ml.. . of Gmi The ludien of liranada. A ihuy met at thu pesnda. Declared In niuvlng accents that their hearts cr.- very sore, And In th>-ir .|. i-p contrition They condi-mred the rash ambition Of the recent Chris Colombo who sought out the western shore. And these muchly wrought up ladles. All these matrons and ih.-s" ma With their tmxrrs full of pebbles marched across viran.ija's s<j\iare. And his SMI He they bombarded. Stones and curses inUTl.ird.il. Caaadlae Abont I'l years; ago. suy Profeaaot Bobertflon. CanmJi.ius adopted a sys- tematic plan of c-beeseniakioK. UIM prodnctng a antform quality wbick fou od favor in the British uiarketa CM late tbe taut* of British conanmera bat changed, and the demand now ia for mild flavored cheese It is necemary t*> cater to tlr.s demand, if tbe market U to be retained, and aolea* Canudia* makers core tbeir cbeeee at a low tem- perature tbeir trade will decreaee The. cnnng room oogbt to be kept at 81 a* 62 degree* f A warm curing rooa make* tb* cbeeee) strong If the temper- tare of tbe cm ing room goee op to M d'-grees F . there will be awakened ia tbe cheese d -.ui.-int life, which cannot be easily killed Some makers have one tore in the caring room, and tbe re- snlt is that tbe cheeee near tbe store roHsta. while tbe temperatnre at a dis- tance from tbe ittove U allowed to f* down to 80 or 40 degreea f Improve- ment in tbe cnring room U needed ami a uniform teuipemtareshonld be main- tained, Donble door* and winiliw* faiiulJ be pnt on and kept on all sum- mer The walls and floor* should b* made ti^lit andcloae by two thu.-kne**ef ot bnilding pupei and one thickneai of tenoned and grooved lumber An old coring room tbonld be wavhed witki lime to kill tbe fangons growth A car- ing room in tbe cellar, properly venti- lated. wonld make a good curing rouat and tbe cheese would not sweat a-kn.K-Kln I the ivi lulled clay! traauty tram hi* Kr.* I. liiv.irc* i.... Fmmv has now :t law by whirh mar- tad they wreuk.-d lh*lr liltla vnanc . lnav lw Uiis,,lv,s.l nl: >nr. ooct M in a vicious mumn-r tnow. STa|^Mtta, A I. K. for poor old Colon! While ll:iv:i'i i s h.-n wra tollln O'er th' CO was tH-arlng bis dour a -h.-s (;.r iw :iy I i.i n.- of Ursnadn. There tx-for* the quiilnt pvsaU.i. Tho I'nr niir* itons ileoivea, Un one duv n-- woopJa* W*J*) di.orvtl during a M-S-IK n if tour hour*, an average of mon- 'S.ui oiu- .Mvoree a nilnulo. TTi* appli. -'- Is-lonwd to the working olus*. In which di"-os W before thu passage of th* lav i