! IMbscnbc-n who do uoi re-unfa ttieir raffulatly will pl**M notify un at One*. l.illai HIP <>Blc- lor advritiMiiK rale* TIIK AD\.\\( 'I-. Kl.Ks|IKK'lu\ Bits of Wit, Th lift* of a clonk nindel Is a trying one. Wluui hlrdi sleep ou ihe wing they u** fwther lieds. liiU-s* thehotvl gui xts put up tho land- lord must shut up. An apt quotation Is sometimes better than an oriirinul remnrk. ( 'Klflsh I alls HP.- not liarred Iu Chicago orlul i-in-les diir.n Ix-nt. A |ioct und u stove form prncticnl ex- aini'le .if the manufacturer and cn-iiniiT. \V.ni:en aru fouli-!! if they lieliere'he fool things men s.i\ hen they are in love. Tliere never ii->. mi.: never will be, a on.M-i-.il p in ii >. i. i ' "IIP rein*<ly, for at! Ii.- tn \\IIU-M lies. i is !-. r Hit* very nature Of many curatives luing Mich tliat wer* the terms o( oilier ami ilifferenlly oented diwa-e-. rooted in Ilie system of llie patient what non'.il relieve one ill in turn i.unl it|;;;niv.it<j the nlher. \\ bnvp, liowevrr, in Quinine Wine, wlirn oiiiiiin.iii.e In u siinnil unadulterated stiup. n rrmedr for ninny Hml previous ills. liy Us craitnal ami jiiillciuns use, the fruilest s\ -u-ni' arr .etl into con rnlcKcenca ml strength, l>y HIP infjiirnce hicb yui- Blue rxeris on Nat arc's own restoratives. It relieves the ilnMiping -pints of th.isa With whom chronic Mat* of niorhlrl ile-- Sniilrni.v anil la. k o! interest iu life N a seiisr, Hml. li\ traiiquilizing the nrrvM, disposes to Hound ami rr'reshiut; itteep lm|uiris vigor Io the action of the blood, Win Ii, l>eillg llii.nla:eil. i inirnrs thrnnu'll- out the veins, m ren^tlieiiing tbe hralthy auinntl functiotiN of the *ustrm. thereby milking Hitivity a necessary result, treiiglhening the fr.imt, and giving life to Ihe ilij-c-ure organs, which naturally dein.iiiil imrraseil MiliM-tncc result, im- Moved appetite. N'nrtlirop <ft 1. \ni.in of jnrnnto. have ci**-n to the public their luperior Quinine \\ in at the usu.il rate, anil, pau^eil by the opinion of acientists, tins wine approaches nearest perfection of atiT iu the ni.irkPt. All ilrnguists sell it. John. ll,..n, ... Id. I, MI. I. t ir The popularity of John Is believed tn be due to ihe mip|>ow*d suitability In bap Ism of the Ilaptist ' name, ju*t as .Ionian was a name imually given to hllilren who wcra baptized In wutvr liniught from I'alentlne try pilgrims or crnsuilen. The prevalence of William Is <!u.. to William the Con- queror, that of Roliert to sympathy with th misfortunes o his son. Thomas cam* In with tha murder of tha great arch- bishop. The cniKad Ing exploits of Richard I. uuule the name -Hipular. while to tha ailventins of the I'ulullns we owe Ko- lund. K<I,-IT unil H-^inalil. In the fonr- tounth century ITarles. Jiimm and Georg* are almost unknown, i lutrles only bo- eauie popular after tho i*x* tionof c'hnr- kis 1., ami (icorge c .me In with the lluno- vcrlan dyna'y. Plt rhenin nml nil (cri'mfltoii* eno- Jitlons) of tho skin nr.* curi'il hy the use o( Miller's ('IIII[IIIIMII| Ir.ni 1'ills. FRIGHTFUL AGONY Endured bv Victims of Stone In the Bladder. It-. 1. 1 >l ..I l.-r. In I *w. PrintwM Lonliw, MarchloneM of Lome. h.-is had the rather uncommon xperlsno* of bavin*; throe mothers la-law during her married llf -h.-r husband's father, the Duke of Arr le, having beea aiarrUd three time*. * of i .. ,|. Eseepl l, , i . , ij.i.r. Kidaur rin. TII.J R. <. tb >. Mm. ki r . K...HJ aad l'rii.tlT. Montrml, P.Q., April 8. No agony that fall.-, to the lot of -.uttering humanity 1* (rre.iter. more terrible, nor harder to hear than Is that caused by tbe formation of a stone In i he bladder. The complaint Is so common and aa frequently spoken of that the terrih e sig- nificance of fie name lt*lf IM lost. If we were to >>peak of u "M me In the brain," or "a stone In the heart," the terrible nature of thedlHeaxe would be apparent at once, because, we ore not used to tbo expression, and IM meaning forces Itself upon us In- stitntly. Now, "a stone In the brain" would not be more out of placu than "a stone in the bladder." Nor would It cause near no much suffering, as the nerve cerure* would become paralyze*! and feeling woul j die. But Ktune In the bladder m alarmingly common. ThoinancU -ullcr the moot hor- rible torture* froiu It. Thuuiiands die from It. And yet it In very easily cured. There 1* a remedy Dodd'n Kidney I'tlls that cures it quickly, easily and 'uiinleiwly. In proof of this statement, it Is ncces- ! sary only to quote the following letter, | written by Madame Cuuipugne, of 167 M. UrLmu Straus: "I have stiff erod with stone in ihe blad- der, and though I underwent different treatments, and used various remedies, I got no relief till I took Uodd's Kidney Pills. Five Ixni-i removed the stone, built up my health, strength and flash, and mode a new woman of me. " Dodd's Kidney 1'llls are a positive care for stone In the bladder and every other form of Kidney Di^e.i-i: A The Mtlmntes of the statlstleiaa* at latter* that Mr. Kipling Is paid at the rate of a shilling a word so stirred a penay-a- liner's semt of fun with the notion of re- tail quotations for wUdom that he wrote to th author, Inclonln*; a shlllinK and ordering one word. air. Kipling retained the shilling and politely returned (written on a ktrg > sheet of paper of the best qual- ity) the word "Thank*." They Are Not Violent in Action. 8om persons, when tliey wih to rle.inn* lh >-ti>iiiiicli, resort to K|x.>in and oilier purg- ative sails. TlieM? are upeeily iu their ac- tion, but nerve no permanent, good. l'|jir * pfodocvja iaeipwot ehilks, and if per- i in tuey injure tne s:ouiooh. HOT do they net upon ilic inte-tuie-, in a beix*- llciul wy. Puriue.e* s Vegetable PnU aawerall puriioses ia this reaped, aud luiva uo superior. Kzcas ..f llrlU. Mistress Mary, Mrs. Julius tells me tint List night she saw a policeman la th* kit< buu with you. Mary Yes'm; I had him there to ks*p thu other men awny. II ..I.I. " ... AfrnM. Doctor Thetv is une thing more. Toar wife iniiKt not Npvuk a word to-day, le.ll her t!..ii 1'ittiriit llu-Utml W-wouUi yoi Ulling tier yuiirwlfr crape hair and gummed it to my can be done, -ir Bat you mast see that Miller's Wiirni I'owders cure fv ahlldran. In f ll \\ .. k ..( *.<!,...,. Mr Ilroniwell H.cith, In his pniii*>hlot defrrlpllvu of the MI 1 il work of the Sal- vation Army In lw<7 s. .. a yn nli ree-poct to the "drint l.iwn" of Kiii/Unil: "'1 hero Is Do t\rn~' ,f llmt the present. syHtem of forcing pnlilie house* on ihopmplo whether they want thrni or not Is a fruitful i-.m-w Of cruelly, of lunary. of M|ii.il.ir. TICO und crime. Ihe tim*itatn>u to ilr nW I* put down :it e\rr> Mi-lit i-orner: the limn tnip, with ltn Inliiurds und Itit beor, Is lliorv at very turn." An End to liiliotix lleadiiche. Blllons- wl.ii-h In ciiu-wd i.y excessive bile In the stonmch. Ins it murkeil effect upon tin* nerve*, and often manifests itself by severe hrailnuhe. This in the most ilis- In-Ksing liendxche one can have. There are lieoditclirs from cold, from fever, and fruit othrr causes, Imt the inont excrnci- nlinu of nil is the hitinu-i hf u.l ich. I'r- melre's VegetHlile Pills will cure It cur* It ^1 most immediately It will disappear K*I HOOU as the Pills oprrnte. Tber* Is iintliiiiK surar in the treatment of bilious beadttchs. Cblak OB I., i.i Cut *om cold runst or boiled chicken from the bones and put It In a chopping bowl. Chop the chicken very fln<i. Put a litile butter and a little cream In a sauce- pan. When the butler Is mclt*d and the crc.-un befflns to luililili* odd the luuhed chicken. Lnt It cook i.v. ru quirk flre just Ions; enough to nlisorb the cream. The hash must be moist. I'm as many slice* of dry taunt, w 11 buttered, on u platter as there are perrons at l.re.-iUar. .-he Although my father is rich I have m \.<r r.ii. d for wealth but us a muius to KIl i-llil. lie Well, I'm rt*udy io go as *ud man at a mumont's nutli*e. Elephants an- Niul to tie fond of gin, bat rill not touch ctiampague. The Owen Electric Belt TndMrfc-Ut.Oww Mlotrd's Liniment Cures Garget Io Cots. TMp**try I.IMIIII. The rmperor of Amtrta ha" Ju t red IT- ' ad s> pli<<- of tn|n>Mry n-pn-M-ntlnK an al i lrK*>rli*l dn-l^ii tli.it win* woven by a new , pro>'r*i In a few honnt. It 1* 80 Inchtw square ami Npfej*a****tastXM)M l QOOat*ja**B*Ba, 'lluix* hiiiiilnil sllL ihivm!- till onn Inch. Dy th onlliuirjr pr.>o- Hie work. Incliul- Injr li*-if'iuiTif wlin-h in not m-c -.-^iry In the imw iiii'tlnxl wnilil lutvc takun ibrim yearn. Unird's Liiiiioent Cures Distemper. Ii. rliiir In \\ tied Iru .. The trrinrndous fall In prlcos In th* blrycle trade Is wll lllu-ttrn cU hy a re- , mark rwrntly mailn hy a joblwr of cheap machine--, He will that ho wan now m-ll Inn th*-Mi ina 'lilnns for li-xs money than he bail at <uie liniit puiil for llrr. Ami this ass oouiu about In li:> lhan h.ilf a do/on yours. n Is ni'ir* CaUrrh in n, ' tha ruuiiiry 'liaii all . ilu-r ,h-. ,-. - .1 i .L I.HT, lllll Illlt I till' I .t 'l-HT VHin 4 lipJKKail II IK- I ours I* 1 . KT cri.it tiiinjr \rnn <i >t > nrimounc il it a lix-.il il n,-. anil |.irrr ,l.,-.l Iwal i uinrilirg. antl l>> I'Oisiaitlv laUtn(tof*f* w.ttl I' i ..] U , .IL .! .tl, t*i MI in i il II I .. i r ih'r. Homer lia* prvrn .it t i Ii t i in- a i ' .lil,.<i"ii al il ,-;>a<v ami HHMI-I . . M-c|inn<s uniltuli >nal tri-ntincnt. nsjrs Cttlsrrh 'ure. maniii&i'iiiff J by K. J ' icni'i * < '.*.. 'I'.il. .1 .(I'n, i< tlir only c Mi-titiiii >nil riir* o i Ihf iimk.'t It l> t kn I nter i a U I > il * fi ,,m pi i|ro|i to a tcapi n- lul It acts iilret-tly o UK* I.I <i,| an um m Rllificiaol Ihn n> nil-Ill T>'<'V i<IT, r IMI> Uuuiirt'd ilo.i im ( r miv i 1-1 II (i>i o >ii. S u l fur i ir. uUis auil li-inl nl I* Address K .1 i II 1st Y a CO.. Toledo, O. l*. The only scientific and practical Electric Belt trmilr. (<>r general UMI. tut ins; batUsriM that freiirrntun ulrong ciimintof KTcctrieity that U under iH'rfecl control and can be applied to any part of the body, fur ttiu cure of Nervous Diseases Thouiai.il> of people nuffer from a variety of Nervoiu DlMMwea, *urh a* Seminal Weokrir***, ' Impoumcy. Lout Manhood, cu ., that the i>ki modc of trealtnent fall to cure. Tlierelsalna of nerve force or power that cannot be restored by any medical treatment, and any doctor who would try to acoompM-h thin by any kind of drtiio* l*i pnniuirig n tljxnjternu*. practice. l*n> p<Tly Uv.iu.-d, the**) dUfu*. can bo Positively Cured Elivtrieity, na applied liy the Owen Klcetrlo licit mid .>ii*>pen->ury. will most lumureHly doao. Il U the utily known power that will mipi>! what U lacking, namely nerve force or power, iinp.irt ton. ii'. .1 vurnr Io II,,. or*.-an anil nni-c . ' hy uctuM) the *A tiulu nertout 1 synXalu. It will uul OMuridly cure, Without Medicine, V.irl.-oeelc. Vervons Prontratlon. Rhenmatlrm, A, Ki.liu-y DiMOM, Lumbago, Lauioliexk and l>)r|*e|Kila. OUR ILlUSTtylTED CAT^IOCUI Contnln*i fullert Information regarding theenre of acute, chrome aad nervoui dte*-r. i howUiorder. etr . rruulc.1 Weak constitutions nra built up by Miller's Compound Iron I'llU. All I r.nl. v,<r.ii... Illiirked. The prentet dr.'ivvluxk to Die ti men just now Is tho -mor country roads. A ven urn of trade are priwilrnlly |j linked on account of the m-iiU We hope to see IsfflKlatlon M> coinpliiio In this rmpect that a uian or woman c.un go all over the coun- try on o bicycle. Alny on II in. 1 Mr. Thomas H. Porter. I*'*T IreUinl, P. CJ.. writes: "My son, IK months old, had croup so Ixtd thiu Ufithlnx K.-ive liini relief until a nriL'klM>r bruiiuht. mo otne of Dr. 111. .inii-.' Eclecmc ().!, whiili I gjiTe him, nil in MX lui.ir. lie n .11 cured. Il Is Ihe esl ineiliciiie I ever n-i I, and I mmld But be w Illionl it lx> tie of it In my house." inbi.t.'in tiMii't Kitr*. Scientists aswrt that oarly man us.-d to be nl.le u> WUK hiii eurA ai an Indication of pU-untiie. or to hriii.li awny tllu* from under als Liii'k hulr, hut us iho lunacies wero not brought Into couUuu*! usu they buooiue rudiiuuiilary. \\ i M i ii \ ..i . Turin held un Internuilunal pxhlhltlon last sniMiner which will remain noto- ' worthy throiiiih the risvipt* njivlnK ex- orvded all ei|HMnliiiireii l>r tl.o.miu No sooner was tho rv-iilt known than tin Itullnn trinerni.il 1 i Hcnt In a t.i\ bill, ds- luainlliiK ten per rent of the prollis. The Owen Electric Belt And Appliance Co. TORONTO ONT, A dose of Miller's Worm Powdepi occa- sionally will ket*[> Ihe children hualthy. Plan M i n u i.-. .. i l 1 Im*. Everything for the Printer. Mr. niKKim-H-So you wunt ten dollart with which to K *>ho|>*i|ii|*7 What do you Intend to buy? Mrs. lilgKuns I don't know, dear. If I did there would bo uo une of my going shopping. I could huve you stop In soiue- whure and gut it Mnilehy the celehrated Arm of Ault & Wi boric. New life for a quarter. pouud Iron Tills. Miller's Com. I blllll. "Man." rnlil the xclentUt, "wa* origin- ally ill iv ([:- "'i- -t iti 1 "1> >uii think, ' ipierlod ths innlilrn, "tluil ho will ever : i t out nf It unurvly !" Penman 1 Mil you nay that ngrnt who called on you today was selling some ol my liooksf 1 1. in ..in No I ill In't >n that. I said be was trying to wll them. The Iveii and best. Ne*T, Mlncellany, S-rnU. etc. llest In the world. Cuit IIT the "C.nt l;n^" l'nx*ii. The only plant of th kind In Cannd.k. Of nil m\ki-i and khnU new aud se- cond h.unl. Millers \\..MII Powder* are ths best' Inxntlve mudiclne for chlldrou; as nlos as sni*ar. Mraltli for tbe cbUdrea. Miller')! 1'omliT*. Moilmn nchiHil chlhlrun onn allowM to smoke during le-- ,n tuns, provlilwd ihey hnve nUaluod > luitaln staiid.tnl of ex- oellonoe. "A man Is never too old to learn," said Willis. That's nil very true." replied Wnllace, "but he lie .--r HI di It out until its too UU , do hi in any good." TV* Hnlran's wives are divided Into throe * five of tha first, M af th* second, .Oof liMthlf-a. CANCER otnan WITMOCT -iirs oa rLAVrsa. T, N. STOTT & JURY, BOWHANVIUf Ml INKS TYPE PLATES ROLLERS PRESSES READY-PRINTS l'nti|U illed l>v imy othor in I' In m.ittor, pitp<*r and preuurork. STEREOTYPING l'i ini|ii ly iiinl effectively et -eiire.1. ELEGTROTYPING l-'i'ie dei*i> shriN, and clear K<i ir.-mteeil. Q$ty$fyfyl$l$$i$ TORONTO TYPl: FOUNDRY Co, l.liult 44 K.n 8t., Toronto. t.flr I, . | euli ' >i ( tit., tlnin<al. I1A (IWKII HI. , \\ I ,lpVf <0 < ..r^ ... -I , >..!,< .(Tor. l S l w.r WaMr 111 . 11-: i .. Ask the 6ENDRON Rider what he thinks O fhl wheel, and W n W *! ablde by wh " t he **'* A-Js ia-)le, the handsome eaHj.running (. -n.lron again leads the procewion for I ^**J. ( .rn<ln>ii MTr Co., Limited TOUOMO. O.N 1 bend for a Catalogue 1 i.-. . Established J824. OF ENGLAND. Established 1857. OF NEW YORK. Combined Assets, $15,000,000. Head Office for Canada: TORONTO. Jas. Boomer, Manager. NATIONAL THE BEST FERTILIZER KNOWN RESUSCITATES worn out Lands, IMPROVES Good Landt and makes the Best Lands BETTER. IMPROVES the QUALITY or the Crop and increases the QUANTITY. ETAQENTS WANTED IN EVERY DISTRICT IN CANADA. NATIONAL FARMERS JX)*Y, TORONTO, QNT. J. J.Vipond & Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Correspondence Solicited. Advanced Mnde on Consignments. MONTREAL, EPUBLIC MINING STOCKS. R 1 1 ^k I Itivlt* lh liiln> Ing piirrh er lo write lor ,[) , . ..ulj . llinin,- ^ r..,.r of m rerenl pnbli.-.i i..n. niillle.! KtpUOIIC I'linill}; I IIK l< n Illilr (Tori al mine .l^xll,i( with >*. i lh.- ni'li.-.i ,-..M i-r. .,!,,<- ins; ren In th*- Wt.rlil. 1 mm el<--itlon*4l; T w*l I I n furmetl tn pfn(r.. of 4v nl* M! K Mhllr. Itii'l I run p>>al ! y n(|n iier Mini Jtft Tl*w> Ally Inlenil Inf purrh4*r. At i--.*^nl I eau r.-r.*iiiineiitl l.i-ni- I'll-, ll.i i t :.. .1 l!.-l..n, l*rliir- MsN. rUln< i-rr ,! J umlio. I . t T 1 I Y I 1 t I- I I.. >llnli e II U.'r. | .' (,,1 .,,!, | ...... ! .,i ..i,l. T**tul I>ltM**i of thfl* Traplea. A "school of troplctil medicine" has bm<n itarlrtl In Ixuulon nnd may he sub- Idlzed hy the Hr,!i-h (rovernmcnt. 1 he school's ohji-ct U to discover w,y*t of cotn- bntlnxthe tll-touxe* which render (ho trop leu so diinsr 'nms to white r.ien. and dotibt- Iciw continual study \vlll I* richly r,v wardtvl PILES * ^' f PILESI II nree all f>ris* <>f thru) -eTenaftei the knift ' a* tteen uaeil. It m * n.lerfsl ra> itv. It I* alaiple, aad aaf* ad Is frss 10 bones) tutttrtr* Mend mdhoM and xct it free. A. LEWIS, H2 Sboltr Strut. Toroati. Tlie host remedy fur ncrofnla to M : l- lers Coailiound Iron Pills. r>0 doxos 1*5 an may roM'inhle either a tain or a molehill. It dopauds on tho dis- tun.-.- y..ii are from It 'I here AIM lots .>f I old tnul men In tho world n ho never CM n triitl to imrehas*) a >..' in t!u- I'nite.! Mites --n.ite \Vo itm lold tha' iMihinx lit the universe In wanted, yet uti nit nin tenth* of the vlT(irt> -'...-nt In literary work aie unao- connlisl !or B|.rri.Y . Desk D Tvreatte, Oatk WCAS, SIEElf & BRISTOL, J|~Jj .T'^av.. IM*04ttM u* *KXM . IfcM. AH. KK * *%> IM0TtM u *a><X* Writ. U*. HAMILTO*. ... N. * II. L.s. * -i> <-.. BINDUR TWINE AND ROPE. 1110 lllMiril TWIMK 'O., r.. nt Ml. We**. Torouta. Out. TMt l ,. _ _ bule I. . . with "r<l or *l*M<*l&iD ff MMlinf 3 lloL 4 oil/ full ii.xl Linrn lXyylto*r.l.lv)o. 0cn, lAtly llrar Wt.u* for Mlltns In UM tu.J T., wll PLOWS, ROLLERS & HARROW* 11. -II. . *.(,.., I-. -.-,., | '..r i ,i, !..;.. roi'K-iirTr l*t.o\- r<i . nit ti iioi.n. BOYS AM) GIRLS ti-in \\ liidlns) ii,' iv Stein \Vlndlns} \\.itthfi. Kenui'ie Am 'if r inn Met. '. SolldOols) Itlita;* * ; > 'eil it'-nr .a- t _ M.:-i,.il lnitra> itie.it* K (many olhi-r y*kl- ui> U> Mriiilu-nt for II. HIT J4 PERIAL ENGLISH INK POWDE ten . nil |-r I.M. kK<- t i iaeK.ie nik *ieeiil r h << Hn illX. .- IM- ER * i jiaeK.ie niks Sen, I your BSSSe OSH i.l.l'*sw ftl|.| we will f. I ward y. u. i>ie;i4iil, Ihe Ink I'nwder and caul u 1 "' <' I'l'rni nni w ta lull lastructli sn. Wlicn tol>t si-mi iu our m<Ty .in.l WM will eenil you ibit pi. iii.iiiu you tfl*o4. l> n t !. this grtstl opp. rtu. liy \\rua fee lh* i llrtl to-day. llMitUin ihi |*ai*er UH>KRlALlMKC0..1UIiaTO.O. A BEAUTIFUL ^PIRATE By Guy Boothbjr 14oyl to do "Bat wl.o oa earth Is Maxi .ind what ha* tbe Olympio t >: r. Maucbeatcr. with oar HO. -uie?" "Lverytl.ing. In tbe first ploe yon mast HlllH the fact thnt I am Mn- millieu ^tr.i^auii, tbe world rcn< theatrical . n:repreiietir, and tbat v.,u are bi *ecr* t:iry, Fairligbt Lonnsni.iu. Having rt*. . ived a rrply from Maoeiiea- tar, I dei i ie to opcu tbere with tny wonderful ..-.-I intetisuly exciting [n-iu drama, '. 4 av*il by a Woman's Ploik, ' oa tbe tl:i; ' .-^tturrliiy iu June. Hi>- 11 tbe prelm. i ixry aooonnoenjeDt. truck off t.iis afteruoon." He took fn m tbc auiall bait be broagbt into tbe room witb bim a la-*.'** thoatrioal jprster, covered witb of all colors of the rainbow. It raai u* follow*: BOYAL OLYafPIC TBBATXB. UASi-HF-STKK. Ossses Mr. William Osurrlckf-ird rOK TFX N1OHTB ONLT. Onnc: eo-'inx BBtnruay. Jons BMh. Ml. MHIIII..: '.l* :! istratcwu' World j- . K.ntncy la tbe IiiH*aa-ti Prima Drasia. BT A WOMAM-8 PLCCI. DaecUTe~ P ! ;oe Bloodhoonds-Bssl Bor^n . 4al I*ri..n Vasa. iota kUnatxr aad Pn*pr-i.*r Mr. kUxImlluni iaeretary ... Mr. Falrlivht T nasasns* "Tbrre! Wbat do yon tbink of that (or a post'-r'" "Very startling. " I answered. "Hut I mast rvit-Mti> tnv former remark, tUat I do not undcrstaud in tue very least lagTM* wb:it it ba*i to Ao witb as. " 'VNby, look here, it mean* tbat to morrow morning we go to tbat c>'b builder I was (peaking of and give Uim an order f, r a pri-ion van. Incidentally w* will b* w bim this potter and suite tbat owing to change of dated we niuat nave tbe van delivered tbi day w. . k Ooo't you nee? If we hadn't come- to abow, b might (aspect. Tbi* punter acwever. will set bis mind compli t< ly at rest anl ut tbe aame time be an ex oa*e for ha-tr. Now, you understand?' "I do. and I uitwc say I admire jour wonderful resourc*. What noxt?" 11 W. 11, iho next tbing will be tc ct) tain two polio* uniform* and two worthy men. one to drive tbe van. tbe other to net as guard. Tbat, bowevi r will be easily managed. Tbe uext u.-n will be rather more difficult I" " What is tbat?" "Why, to find a tan and our f am mean* of stopping tba real van ou it way dowu to the court. ' ' "We couldn't waylay tbe driver -m h-erp bim talking. I sappocer" "We cooIJ try it, of conrae. bnt i woaltin't l ' rare enoagb. He migbt L a eonkcieut: >o* man, you sue, and > like to stop, or be migbt stop m-it ward whip up to muke op lost tiui- No, we t'iti-t bit on sumotbiug tbat \vi. abaolntely prevent him from tot at leait bait an boor aud yet n rue thing tbat will not excite suspiu-ioii think I *FO way to doit, but itvriil raqnire the most miuute aud careful working <>ut to im-are its succettti. --y the way, v. ii! it be couveuieut for yon If I call In 10 ut balf past & tomorrow moruiuv We must be at the builder > by 7 o'clock." "Cornu ut 'I if you like, yon will bud **M quite i. :uly. " "Then gotd night. " Be weut away aud I to bed. At 8 o'clock I wok*, bad a batb, dressed aud went dov n Main*. Panctaally. lm' ^t to the ui.uuti', a Mligbtly Jewish, black ringleted uiau, weariug a profuv diamuntio. ut in an appuanuice, but; in hand. Tluu:^h I should never 1m v ot^uui'ii liim i Walworth, I fi'lt certaiu it wa* be, so 1 let buu iu aud we weul Into my >tuily together. "Now, " said my friend, for it wu Walwortb. as I suspected, "1 don't know what you'll *ay to it, bat it'* ab -oloU'ly iit.tet.sary for the raocoH of cur rbeme that you tboold awame M.uie disguise. As yon are known to be tiie affianced busbaud of ber ladysbiti, tbo police will !< certain to have their eyes eta you." "Do witb mo as yon like," I replied. "I am iu your baud* entirely." "Then with your permission we will et to work at ouce. I have rjk> n tn liberty of bringing a fi-w tbtuo me. V. u 1 ive an old fiuhioued frock ooat, I pr 1 suuie." "A very old faibioned one, swereil. witb a laugh. "Then p:it it on, also a pair of light check trouM t it you bave them." I weut to uiy rooin and did an b>- >'.e- aired. \Vheii 1 retarued to tbe study, be bad amuK* <l a uomber of articltM tH'"" the table crape hair, peotaclaa. a on riously li-w cut collar and a soft felt bat with a dcutml crown. He gaaed at n>e with api'iov.il aud tlieu said: "The i -flirt will be excellent. 1 fevl tore. Sit down here. " 1 did is commanded, and be imwedi- ately fet ti' work. A* he was invuim-i tohmd uif I could not of ooartw m-e wUt be WUH I'.oitig, but after awhile be took off n. y own collar, fnt ait tbo Io has) broagbt with bum. cot up with what I believe is technically termeiJ "spirit gum," trimmed its tin- oerauce* with u pair nf scissors and finally combed i.-iy u.uatache over It This arrniupli.'i. <l. hu glared the spec- tacles upon my uotm and tbn soft felt bat rather rakisbly npon my bead, pat- ted me DO the shoulder and said : "Look at yourself in the glaam." I roae and wevr over to the UrepUce. tint, tboutib 1 louked in the mirr r above the chimuey piece, I did not recog- oiz n:yself. ily mustache wa* waxed to a poiut and *tood out above a close -beotDOt beard, while over my coat collar bung a profnsiuu of curls >.f corresponding color. Indeed my whole appearance suggekted a man wboae aim life u was to copy as nearly a* po*- l- tbe accepted portrait of the bard of Avon-. It is wonderful." I aaid. "Nobody would ev t r rtcoKnize me. I feel a theat- rical ugent all over." euifcmber yon are FairlightLonga- the author of several farces, and joy secretary. Whatever yon dc, don't forget ti.it New we mn=t be going. Com* aloUK- " We left the house unnoticed, and, Caving bailed a hansom, were driven tc iue carriage builder'* yard at Vanxnall. Walworth bad evidently written pre- paring him for our visit, for early a* it wa* we found bim waiting to receive us. 'Zir. " bepan Mr. Maximillien Stra- in broken English, a* soon a* be bad deecended from the cab, "is it yon dot are Mr. Ebridg>?" That U my name, sir, "said tbe coach tjuil-ier. "And joa are Mr. btragaos. I Dot 1* my name. Dis sbentleman is rgratary. Mr. Fairlide Longtiman. yon know, and *o we can oar basi- bcgin to dalk. " Perbap* yon will be good enrouh. entlemm, to step into my cf&ce first. We ahall be more private there." We followed him it to tbe room be agent ioned and took poasctuion of the chairs be oCered us. "Now. Mr. -jtragan*, in what way can I be) of service to yon?" be asked, | seating himself a* be spoke at bis desk. "Zir! My aegrutary cprecbeus de UtUer nor me. He viil dell me to do my in a cuutiden- yon. I felt that behoved best, so leaning forward tial manner I laid : "My employer, a* donbtleo* yon are very well awara, Mr. Ebridge, i* one of tbe largest theatrical entrepreneur* in nglaud. Bi* dealing* are gigantic. And it i* tbe bnsines* connected with one of tboe enormous production* that brings us here. In the first place, yon rjju.it know that on tbe third Saturday in this present month he has arranged to produce tbe entirely new aud original drama. 'Saved by a Woman'* Pluck,' l the Royal Olympic theater. Man- chester. By tbe way. have you tbo pre- liminary poster with you, Mr. Stra- gans? it will mean night and 'lay work for us all. And tbf cbargr will have to be on a comxpi.uding scu. " 1> t is uodinM' to me. Yon do de work, aud I vill ]uiy de money. You agree? Den it is arrauged I shall send my men for de van 'ere on Dueaday night at 12 o'glock. and yon vill 'ave it gomplete. Den ve cau zend it on by rail vorst ding in de morning. Bui. mind yon dia, if it in not done deu, i vill not pay yon von fardiug. You agree?" "I agree. I have given you my prom- ise, Mr. Stragaus, and whatever hap- pen* it shall be completed by that time." "Dot i* goot Ton might, too, ' are a tarbauliu to cover it niit, so dat de pah- lick khall not s>- v u Ten ve dake it away Now, zir, I viiib yon goot morning. You vill be paid for de van ven my men datt<* delivery." "Thank yon, air. Cuod morning, gwi tlemen. ' \\b-n we were once more in the cab and i r.r way back to town, Wai- worth iiiM ardid hi* lierman accent and re*uuiHd his natural tongue. -,i far so good. That bit of bnniuM U satisfactorily accomplibhfd. " . "Yon did not say anything tn bim about observing secrecy." "It wasn't necessary. That poster, wbicb yoo will notice I have left npon bis table, will account for everyti. "Bat suppiwiuu the polio- get to iwar of it aud it runse* their snspiciona?" "Well, let them net to bear of it If they sahpect, they will call ou Eb- ridge and moke inqnirie*. H-- will then describe a* and show tbe poster. Thi y may then poscibly telegraph to tbe Olympic. Manchester, and learn that |lr. ttragaus has booked a season there for bis new play. That will put off tbe (cent completely." "And what are we to do now?" "Well, now, yon bad better come to breakfast with m-\ I think, at my lodg- ing*. You cau tb^re resume y^ur own everyday appearance. During tbe morn ing I aui g')iug to meet two men I have in my mind for tbe policemen. After that I shali visit a till r , shop aud ortier the uniforms a* arranged. In tbe afternoon I'm if, tag to bunt for a bouse." "Can I do anything elbe to help yon?" "Not just at prevent unless yon can find me a trustworthy lady who will content tn mas<in<-rade for a little while a* a bnypital unrse. " "There I think I oan help yon. My ister Jauet, I'm *nre. would gladly do o. I'll call npon her this afteruoon and trust, cuuw surii iiamage a* will delay their arrival tor at least half an hoar. In the meantiujH oar own van will be in readiness, aud tbe instaut tbe caae i* over will drive into tbe yard and ?'tr the neceasary preliminaries, all of which I have personally worked out and ar- rauged, tbe prisoner will be pat into it, the door locked, and the van will then drive off to us. We tuall be awaiting its arrival you, madam, in your nurse's dress, sod yon. Dr. De Normauvil.0, a* I shall prepare you to act the pan of a middle aged naval man whose cne hobby in life is yachting. Arriving at the bouse we shall carry the patient, wrap- ped up to tbe eyes, to an invalid car- riage in tbe front street and drive off to tbe station, there to catch the afternoon express for Portsmouth. I have second A Pullman car. Tbe house is also en- gaged and ha* been partly furnished in order to deceive the neignborn. I have settled that the invalid carriage shall be at the door earlier than it will be want- ed, and the yacht, which I have char tared for six months, will be in reac> nea* to get under weigh thu instaur we're aboard!" [COM: FKANTF;> CHAMBER Of DEPUTIES A NOISV AND UNDIGNIFIED BODY Im iMlr.in'O I . Makluc l.v.. Hew Umrm Ar* *ll In answer Mr. Stracans produced from his butf tbo placard before describ- ed and spread it upon tbe table, at tbej request I arranged tbat my sitter Jsuet time looking at tbe coach builder sboold be prewint. I wrote ber a note to I did an, and of coarse secured Janet immediate promise of co-operation. CHAPTER IV. BOW WB 8CCCEKDM). At lut tbe \V, i!iie-Klay preceding tbe fatal Thursday uuwned. Tbi* wa* tbo last day permitted a*i in wliuu to per feet our arrangements. I had been warneil by Waiivurtu 'uat be would call u; i a me late in tbe evcuing to maki his lin.il report, auil at ui*> particular gj if to demand bit opinion tjne display of color. on such a "Yon will observe, Mr. Ebridge," I were alon contiuned when tbe other bad read it, 'that the whole production will be OB scale uf unparalleled splendor police, jloudboond*. live horses and cne large prison van, all on tbe stage. It will le one of tbe greatest successes of tbe cen- tury. Bnt we want your assistance.'' "Yon mean, of course, tbat yon want 0je to cjake you a van. " "Exactly." " Ju-t a makeshift affair for tbe stage, j presume?" "Ub, dear, no I That i* net Mr. Stra that effect, and at 8 he drove up to toe door. precisely When w* in my r -001 titgetber, I amid Janet, it is Walwortb's wish tbat yon iboald be presvct at our interview. Have yon made up yocr mind definite- ly? Remember there is yet time for you to draw back if you wish to do so. " She drew berstlf ?p proudly and looked me in tbe face. "There will bo no drawing back ai fur as I am concerned." she said. "No, if yon and Alie leave England and wili take me, I will go witb yoa gladly Wby -fbi'dil I not? I bavo no one 1 ft now to CMIIM.UT, aud without yoa both way of doing bnsincM at all. If; my life w< uM bv too lonely. " "Janet, dear, wbat can I sav to yon?" I answered. "Bnttberc, you know bow I au- ha* a fire engine on tbe stage, as be bad iu his last production, it iriu-t be a real engine, with every detail complete I |aal about yonr generosity, don't aod iu proper working order. In the i "I do. So let's say no more about it. " game way tben. when be order* a police' Just then there wa* a riug at tbe an, be wants it made in every particu- , bell, aud a few moments later my mau jur just as you would make it for ber pjajesty'* government. There must be o difference at all in any ono reipect, neither tbe -minting, lettering, uor the (pternal fitting*." "It will cost yoa a lot of money. Mr. ^traejaui, " >1 to bailder. "Dot is no madder at all to mo," re- plied Mr. Stragauu pompunsly. "I vill , 'ave de ding b. rfect or nod at all. Vot 1( inore, I mu*>t 'ave it at once." "Mr. Stragans, I may poiut oat to yon, Mr. Etridge, " I continued, "is iu s very great hurry. There has been a oligbt pushing forward of dates, and ia order to insure a snccess hois willing to pay yoa baudsornely if you will com- plete tbe work iu a short space of time." "Hi-liar liitiu nn.il Tnn crivAntM. Kir?" ushered iu u t'.eorepit old ueutletuaii of about TO years of axe, wbo iuimediat ly tbo door bud clewed bebiud bim straight- eued bin back, allowed bin eheek* to liil atcaiu uud decLired bimself to be the ever cautious Walworth. Hu buwed to Janet, shcuk btuiOa witb me, and thun aid: "Iconldn't call in tbe capacity of either Mr. Muxiuiillien Stragana or my old frieud .--aniuel Haiti r agniu. yon wa. So I adtiptiil this disguise. By tbe way, it may surprise you to learn tbat evtry 0110 wbo lUters ur leave* tbis bonne is watched aud followed. If yon go to tbe wiudow, you will * a man leaning gaiust tbe lamppost on tbe otber side 'How loug can yon give me, sir?' "A week exactly. Not a day lougrrl* "luipoHbible. It cannot be done!" of the street. He is a police ageut. let us privu'd to business." "Witb all my In-art." I said. ' sick with loog'aVR to know how Bat Den ve must go elsewhere, mine j preparations are i;roce**diufi!" rieud, " said Mr. Stragaus. "DutiialL "Nothing could be more antigfac- lf yon will uudordake to do dcvork aud I tory, " be answered. "Tbe case, aa yon to 'and we over de van gomplete ou ' well know, will uot be called un till tbe D ext Dnesday evening at 13 o'glock, I afternoon. Tbe instant it 1.1 over tbo fill pay 7Ot> dwice de sum you ask me man I cabled to America for and in now." Xbe man looked up in surprise at this gjtraorniuary offer and asked to be ex- for a moment while be consulted hi* foreman. While he wan at> Walworth whispered: I think he'll do it. And if we cau wboin I bave tbe moet perfect trust will drive a pair of vicious horses, pur cbased yesterday, out of a livery stable yard in tbe direction in which tJe van willtravel. When bo sees it ahead of bin), be will act in such a niauuer a* to lead people to suppose bim to be drunk. He ( rrange it that way we shall be able to| will also begiu to la*h hi* animals, wbo get it amfely op to tbe yard of tbe bouw will certainly ran away. He is one of gpobmrved. " the finest whip* living and will drive Hero tbe ooach builder retnxnvd. those horses crush into tbe team of toe "My foreman tella me be think* it van and by *o doiug will, we sincerely 'TWAS A WILD COW. AND A SAVAGE COW, A VERY FEAR- SOME THING. It. mtr It Kept All C**4 Folk* Ri Hard. Nur i ., old Bold Meat i rim.-. Retard Till Cleeks' Tr .a DM Kl. For months the good people wbo aroand Wsntagb, N. Y., have beea ter- rorized by tbat oow of Smith'*. Smitb is tbe lsudl<;rd of tbe Wsntaxh villace hotel. H formerly owned tbe row, *nd he tried by every gentle method he knew to civilizo ber and make ber be- have like lady bat she was a wild, giddy thing from tbe first, and a* time went on she became more and more an- raly. When good Landlord Smith talked to ber io kind and gentle tone* and point- ed oat to ber tbe error af ber ways, ibe imply mortrd and bellowed and tried to kick bis left ear off. Tben Landlord .Smith built him a barn of 1 inch planking, braced witn steel band* and stadrled witb railroad (pike*. He persuaded hi* cow to go into the barn one day by prodding ber with a pitch fork. Tben be ebut tbe heavy door witb a clang and put up tbo iron bar across it. In two minnte by the watch tbat barn wa* a wreck nf broken timber* aud tw;.-tpil teel plait*, and tbe cow wa- gayly cavorting in a neighbor's cabbage patch. Alter tbat Landlord Smith net Tne*- days apart to pay bill* for damage* to surrounding property indicted by hi* disreputable cow. At lust be declared ber an outlaw and desperado and pat a price en. ber bead. He offered f IU re- ward for ber dead or alive. For a loug time tbe reward went beg- ging. Tbe cow was hnnt.-d occavionally by bold men. bnt tbe bunts for ber usu- ally ended by the banter* sitting astr,i'!e the bigb limbs of trees which tbe oow made desperate eff rt- to climb. Tbe olber day Norris Cleeks. a mighty banter, started out witb a doa- ble birrelvd obotgan loaded with slug*, a trnety bnuting knife aud two six shooters. He Lifted In- wife aud cbil dreu goodby ai:d bada thtu be of good cheer, for bis *.m was sore and hi* heart strut. he struck tbe trnil of Smith'* ow4r, and st.'iiltbily followed it Before long be fouud ber stauiliug under a tree. He tiled to stalk ber, but sbe cented him "U the morning air aud bel- lowed u defiance. Taking hit knife between bi* teeth and itfnpping bis gnu :ubt, I' leeks wjitnl T- i--ault like a toreador in a Spunisb bull ring. There was roar, a deep a whirlwind rn>h t'f fiyius turf and tones, but Cleeks kept bi* bead aud fir ed both barrel* of but gnu straight at tbe forocions beast. She staggered, dropped to one knee, lorcheil frrwiir'l and fell dead! Trembling aad wenk from tbe reac- tion of bis tense nerves, Cleeks walked to tbe WantMgb village hotel and told Landlord i-milb wbat he'd done. "Yon!" exclaimed Jones incredu- lously. "All alone, you've killed tbat oow? I can't believe it. " Cleeks borrowed a wagon and took it where tbe cow lay. He put ber in tb wagon, with tbe a?i<tanon of two other A hi.-h Kr^nrb tkr lln.lnr.. of I nixipular tffm The French chamber of dvputlea, wbon sessions hav of late been of such a lively and important nature. ca scarce!/ ur uiilii-.l a deliberative bo<l7. An American *ho watches is sittinga and compares them with thosi* of our house of representatives or with thus* of the bouse of commons will u* highly entertained. The iM*ts ar arransred In a gmt semicircular amphitheater, the aislea converging In front to the hurhlv ele- vated desk of the president of toe, chamber Just In front of til. a .leak U built out a little shelf roached by a short 'light of stairs on either side. Thla U tbe tribune. Instead of MreMinj) th chamber from wherever they may happen to stand on the door of the bait. u do our conjr"*men (be French dep- ut.es walk forward and climb up to the tribune. There they turn their back* on the presldinc officer and talk to th*i fellow members. Sometimes two or three member* tart for the tribune at tbe same time, Th's leads to an Impromptu foot ra^e* which add* little to the dignity of the proceeding*. But the deputies do BXX M a Isurk of dignity bother them. Even when be bus gained the tribune) a deputy is not aura tbat be will be al- lowed to speak. French lawmaker* have) good lungs, and they use them to drowt) out the word* of an unpopular speaker. If thin does not answer, tbey slam the eovrs of their .I.--RS. wbicb make* a noise that is almost deafening. In our congress Interruptions of a speaker are rare and are always made la a courte- ous manner But the French deputy does not stint upon courtesy He shouts and yells la- sultlng remarks, taunts and accusa- tions with the utmost freedom. The members speaking from th>* tribune shout and yell back, making tbemselveg. heard If tbey ran. but adding to tne up- roar at any rate. Even the president at the chamber often Interrupts speaker* with sarcastic remarks or comments. Then the speaker turns bis back on th* deputies and "has It out with" tbe praa- Ident. Some members can always be depend- ed upon to create a disturbance. Paul Deroulede. the Radical Socialist. Is OM of these. He Is a picturesque flcure, with hi* bristling; mustache and hi* nsv.ng arms. What he say* Is seldom known, fur h. appmtrsnce oa the trib- une is always the mgnal for a torrent of shouts and catcalls, but tbe general tenor of bis remarks Is well known. Tbey are ll*-ry and denunciatory at - erythmu and eerybo*iy. M. Baudry d'Arnun. the Royalist member, is another disturber. At ev- ery congress he takes advantage of the most exciting crisis to rush up the stvn* of the tribune and before the ushers caa uppress him to shout "Vive le roi'" two cr thr*e times. This done, he goe* | quietly back to his nest and takes no bellowing I further part In the not He was one* lmP r "'onl f r tw< > *** becaus. of on* of the*e .>jtbreak. but it bad no per- manent effect on his enthusiasm. Tbe other day. when tbe senators and deputies were In joint session and had before them the serious work of electing | a pifaident of the French republic, tbs I session was just as noisy and undigni- fied as usual. Deroulede. as usual, wo* ne of the chief participants. When It came his turn to mount tbe tribune and cast his vote, be tried to a-Jdreea ll) chamber la spite of the rules against peuklng while vote was In progress^ Being hooted down, he turned le Presi- dent Loubet and shouted up at him some sentiments which were doubtless very uncomplimentary. M. Loubet men, smi carried ber in Smith. Then smith g< him the re- ward of f 10. And now the Rood peoplo r*f WnntaRh go abont nnariued, ami tbe cbildrrti ir llowfil to KI< to ooW'l oui-e mots. New York W, rid. trinmpb to I ah^uted back and rang his bell. Her Kate. Mm. DeWork I have tmlned mTl<1ot dsuirhter Int > a thorough bousvkw JT There M t!v. I ; ^h. dne not know. Miw IV' : lijiht What a nie. handy naldou aunt si',- will make for j-oiir other daughters' childrvu 1 New York Weekly. B,..d.bol 1 Ton don't think you will moke anv one think you or* younger by dveius* Tour besvrd, do you?" "No, but they will realise how old I am and trvttt me .th l.itle mure oooaldco This to us Is one of the odd feature* about the French chamber sf deputies. Th*> speaker of our congress pound* with a gavel on bis desk. The apeaket of the house of cummons shouts: "Or- der' Order!" Tn French speaker rings a gong. If he cannot quiet a dis- turbance. He ha* the recourne of putting ft h'.s hat. and thin mere act adjourns the sesolon. Th- xpeaker of the house of commons can leave the chair and thus suspend sitting when bis boy* r.re ungovernable. In both Carls and London the presid- ing officer con "name" member, tin* aim or suspend htm temporarily from membership. The speaker st Washing- ton has no such arbitrary power con- ferred on him by rule or law. Neither tn Franc* nor in England Is such a tains; permitted a* arM-cellng fr->m tax decision of the apee.*r. and la Frasme there la no such padlock game aa oaav- tsjg the previous guest loa. n I