\ .1 *Next uinming I called for Janet and. illy uilly. carried her off there ami en to cull ou Alie. We found her , walkiiiy in m r garden, which led dowu f to tint river. :iud I must be excused if I any that, pinuil an I wan of my darliutr. I wan iiitin." ly prouder UH I noticed tin: look of M-I i:'.-in)i.-nt and admiration I that came ii:tu Janet's face when sin was iutrudu - il to her. Alie's radiaut , beauty uud . narmiug manners were ir resistible, UIM before tiny iiad IMMI to- gether h.i. an honr tue two w wer on trn -i ot term*. It w:is eari hat we should reman ' luucheou. ami sue hcr.stilf walked l.> . railway suuou with UH when wo ..< lust tn.k oar departure. "Now \vbat do you think of weetln art?' I tuked us we steamed nut of the ttati' n. "I think that the in a very bountiful and charu.,::n Kirl, " \v;is 1117 si.Uir'j. tmuiediato r-ply, "and if I know ui v -thing of my MX she is an good a* sho's beautiful." TLi.- i-leaned me, as yon may be rare, and when Janet weut on to tell me that ihe hud muted Alio uud Mm. Barker to spend a few liays with her uiid that the visit wouid coiumeuco the follow iim afteru'iiiu my opmiou of my mstei - kiuduesH 1:1 1 ami! evun more exaggerated than before. Ami so tbnt week went by and an- other after it, till Alie bad thorough v settled down among us aud nearly all the preparations fcr our wedding were complete. By that time, you may bf inrr, she bud w<:u golden opinion* on erery Ride. Ou each occasion that I Haw Janet file was more and more i ; in her praises of her, nutil I had r-'iill- to tell her that unless hhe moderateil them a little I should soon become in- sufferably conceited about my good for- tune. One unTiiim; when I wa beRinniar.' to think of getting up the following Jwoffceii fluff three (jmtlcmcn entered Hit note was I'l-ought to me with my snrv- ion wai' r. It won from my Mster uu1 ifcud evidently becu written the previous VUllillK . ii K KMU.IUTON. Monday Erentnu- DCAK i -i i> liLunuK I liavu r/ocoodi-d In 1-1- ducui* -A. ic anil Mr*. Barker to prolunii their Tisit to n i-- until Smur.iujr. Oa Wodnextli.y veiling We In |* to wltnnaa the now play >it Drury Lnne. Alir*. you know, has nover IM-CTI ipaelneiilnr me! ulrriina. Wo Hboll of oonn-o went a k''ni H^rm to tmcortna. Would you run* lor I lie poMiion, or inuiit we look nujawl.i-M-f . Oil tbnt w i .i-:nn we dine at 0:JO, aoil, unl H I i krar fmni \ .. 10 the contrary, I itliaJl Iii > place fur you. Ill luuto. Your affuctii nntu HI ' l*r J i> Need it be said that I accepted. <ir that ou Wednesday evening I wan proud Of my charts as thoy took their sc;its in the box Janet bad been at souiepuiuN ti cure? The bouse was packed from pit to gal- lery, and I noticed that more than one (IMS was levied at tbo beautiful jjirl who t-jou her place at Janet 'H side iu the trout of the box Alie herself, howovi-r, Memetl quite nucouwious of tbeadumu tioo the c vi ted and throughout tin- piece kept her eyes fixed upon the si ip 1 With never lulling earnestness. Wbut the play was 1 have not the very vaguest lajcollc-etion. Ii> the 1 1 nli 1 le of tbo first act I noticed that turci ' ii'.lemeu entered the box Opposite us uud from the vociferous na- ture of their applause gatnored that they had evidently beou dining not wisely, but too well. After awhile thnir glasses wt-n- so conticually brought to bear cu our IDS that I began to feel luy- Mlf, Joolis'-.l/ oiiougb, becouiingexciHx- Ivelyauunji'ri. Tbo faoe of oue of Uiuin truck me a.s familiar and during thu next interval, seeiug that they bad loft their box, I made an excnae and wout oat to endeavor to discover who he wun and where I bad seen Ins face before. for H litiln \vmlo I was unsuccessful in uny search . then, Justus the next act was j-niiiiiii in-ill^, I turned a ooroer ami liuoot run i'ltn tl- ir arms. The inun wboso f jcu I bad jeoo puzzling abut. was fun In-, t frou- iu-, but 1 knew him Instantly. It WUM Barkinaimworth ! My Mteart Rceuieil to stand atill with terror, And wlien I recoverud uiy wits ho waa gone. What WM I to dor I clmrwi out tall Alie before my nister and Mrs. Blrker. and yet I knew, if Barkmausworth had KUi-M (I b-:r, not an iuataut must I u in getting her out of harm's way. Fur a moment I xtood in the ventibnln feeling more niik und giddy than I have ever felt before or since, aud all tn> time trying vumly to think how to acl. Then, when I took my seat again ami Haw thut the occupant* of the box oppo- site bad gone, I resolved to put off all riiii-iilerain.!! of the matter fur thut evening and to call and tell Alie lir.-i thing iu the morning. Oh, thut little bit of inde<:i>iion! How fatal were its consequences I When I bud conveyed my fair charges home, I made u severe headache an ex- cuse, and bidding them good night set off on foot for my owu abode, but my bruiu wan ton full of anxiety to enti r turn uny i'li u of bed, so turning off from the direct ronte I wandered down to tin i .r i u park ami on to thu ombuukment, tin in u through Lincoln's luu Fields to Oxford Htri'ut, uud so round to Caven dinti square. By the time I let uiy-d: into my bouse it was nearly 8 o clock and a bouutiful morning. Fussing along the ball, I weut iuto my coDHUltiug room and lit the gas. A letter luy upon the table, addressed in my sister's hand- writing anil ;::ark.-ii "Immediate. " With a sicLeuiiiK fear iu my heart 1 toru it oi-eu uud reud : DKAU Gcoftua Come to me at once, without an inntaiii . -.. Iny. Alio baa U:a arronlod. V'uur frau, u' J v.vrr. The blow bad fallen. My little shirk- in); of an nnpluubout duty bad ruun d the woman 1 luved. Uh, bow bitterly I reproached myself for my deluy iu re- porting my t'.iacovery I Bnt if I bud bra- ituted then I did not do so now. A see- on- 1 or two Liter I bad let myself out again ami :i j tT UN fast as I could ga on my way buck to South Kum-iugtou. CHAPTER XIIL UEMA.NDE1>. Never shall I forget the misery of tbnt waik buck from Caveuditih s<inart |o ^ontli Kuuiiiugtuu. 1 ruug the bell, nd the peal had nut died away before poor, heavy eyed Janet hail opi -ned tin door to me. Without a word HUB led me iuto bur uiorniug room, tbu room win r> I hud first told her of uiy love i .r Ali and having made me sit dowu would not Int ma speak until I bud partaki n of some refreshment. I tilled my glut-.-. bnt pnsbed my plate awuy from me. I could drink, but 1 was far too miserable to cut. "Janet," I cried, "for heaven's sake tell me, as quickly a* you can, all thut has happened '" "My pour 'iuorge, " sbo said, "an I told yon iu my unte, Alie bus been ar- rested. You bud not left the bouse in- i> tbau a "(inner of uu hmir lieforo two incu called and asked to lit allowed t see UK- on most important business. They were shown in In n- and when \vn \vrru alum! rei|uested perim.- nn to ce Alie. I weut to fetch her uud broucnt her dowu \\itij me. Then one of the men advanced toward her with a paper in bis bund aud -unl. 'Alie Uunbar, iu tbo queen's name I arrest you ou a ;> of piracy upon tbo bi^h seas.' Oh, it wait horrible, uuU I cuu sue it nil now!" "And what did my poor Rirl say?" "Nothing. She was just us culm and coll'-ct' il as ,||i- ahv;.v( i<. ,<ho simply took tbu pup-r frniii tin- imiu'sbuud uud looked at it, after which she said: 'Th-.Tu must be some mistake. I low \ i r. yon arc only dmnu your duty, Isuppo-e. Where do yon wish to tuke nn-?' 4 To Scotland Yard lir-r. madam. ' tlio man said, 'tuen ou to Bow street.' Ileunn/ that, Aii" turned to inn aud, puruiiK her arniH nuud my neck, said, 'Ymi will soften this blow as much as you cau for (i.'orxi), wou't you, JUIIHI?' mnl then unnouiiced tbut as soon as -lie bml changed her dresx and procured her ha! aud cloak she would be ready to uccom pauy ib'-ni. Thus-) chanties iu her roc- tuuiu she was permuted tu uiuke, uml when they were accomplished we M i off, bnt ut before I had written thai uoto to you. We expect i-il you would follow ux at uiicii nud bu able to arrange tbn matter of bail." "I did uot gut yonr letter until after 8 o'clock. 1 as in sncb a ntrunge state of mind lust night tbut I weut for a long wulk after leaving you. Janet, it is ull my f.tult. Did you notice tin men iu thu box opposite usut Drurv Lane? If so, yon uuiy have observed that they continually stared at Alie U>rnui;l> tin ir glasses. " "I did in .ice tbeiii, and very ill bred fellows 1 thought them. I thiuk Alie must have thought HO too. Bnt what have they to do with this matter?" "Why, the man at the buck of the bos was uoue other than the person mentioned in that lust newspaper pur- agruph about Ihe Lieuutiful Wliitu Devil. He was the uinu BarkmaiiHworth, iu fact, v.houi tbo Beautiful White Devil took from the mailboat and flogged iu midoceuu." "Bnt what has this to do with Alie?" "Why. simply that no, there can b*> no shirking it uow, it must come out, and I know it ii: perfectly safe for me to tell yon simply, Janet, because Alie if the Bfcun'ilul \Vbito Devil." "Oh, Ueoixe, iny dear old brother, i.- this tcrril l thiug true?" "Perfectly true, Jauet" "Aud you of all men wore going to marry tho Ut-autit'ul Whito Devil- ' "Dou't sa.y 'woro,' suy 'am. ' Janet, it is only h li past 5 now. Au honr uud > half must i Upu before I cau do i.ny good sit the police italinn. If you will may. listen, I will tell you the story of Alie's iugnlar life aud bow I liecume mizod up with her. Then, remembering what you have atten of her yourself, yon will be able to jndgu whut sort of woman the Beautiful V\ nite Dttvil really is." Thereupon I set to work uud told her 11 my udvi utureo. Tin n I looked at Janet and fouud big tears staudiug in her eyee. "What do yon think of the Boantiful White Devil uow?" I nsked. "I thiuk that, come whut George, we mast save her." "Of course, wu must, and now I'm go- ing off to sen ber. Muy I give her any mes&uitu from yon?" "Give her lay fondest love aud tell her tbut, come whut may, she shall lie saved. "It will cheer her to know that in ipite of what bus happened you believe in her. (iondby. " "Goodby, my poor Georj3. " I left the house, uud hurrying down to Gloucester road took the underground train for the Turn pie, walkiug theuce to Bow .-tr 1 1. Ou cuteriug the police sta- tiuu I anii d to see the officer iu charuu To this grim official I stated the natun of my business aud begged to be permit ted uu interview with his nrisnuer. Tbit- be granted with a very civil grace. The juili r was uceoniiiiuly culled, aud I wut led dowu a I'.iu' corridor. "Seeiug tbut she is a lady," that offi- cial haul as he unlocked the doer '.n tin right, "we have given ber a suuiuwliut better room thuu we usually ulluw our prisoners. I have orders to permit you a quarter of an hour together." He opened tbu door, aud I went in With u little cry of joy, Alie, who ban beeusittiug ouueofa at the further end. aprauK to her feet aud ruu ruwurd me. eryiiiK as sh did so: "Oh. George, dear, I knew yon would come to me us soon as you could. " I took her iu my arms and kissed bet again aud aguiu ; hi r dear eyes were flooded with teurs when I released ber, but she hiii-in-d them awuy aud tried tr look hruvu for my sake. Then I led In r buck to tUu sofa aud sut down bumde ber. "Alie. " I said softly, "thin is all my fault I saw Barkmausworth at Drury Luue last uiht uud ought to liavi- \% aiu- ed you. I intended to buvo dune so thin morninu, liui it was too lute." "Hush!" she answered. "Yon must not blame yourself. I, too, rccogni/cd biui hi. t uiwlit aud should buvu spi'keu to you about it today. It u tuu lute now, us you soy." "Cau u-.i.oni{ be done, Alie?" "I cannot say yet. 1 huve heeu too much upsut since ruy arrival hern to ihiuk. but you niu.it find inn a lawyer t once, (ieoryu, who will defend me at the preiiiinnary examination, and if it looks ax if the case will go uguin.st mu you must liud some means by which I e:i:i - .ire ' "Escape? Alie, yon do not realize how impossiUu tbut in." "Nothing is inipiihHible when one has brains enimuh to devise u plot and auf- flcieut money to work it out." "If I could only feel as yon do bout it Jii.L buve you auy scheme to aug- It was preparing sat down to read the account ot the arrest. It wus bnt a short report and ruhlishud the barest deta s. Nine o'clock had jnst struck ivht-ii a cab drew up at the door, aud braudwun jumped out. I opened the front door to him myself, and as I did so felt as if we were one su-u at least on tho road to Alie'n release. "Look here, my friend," beaaid, as I led him across the ball to my diniug room. "Thin in all very well, yon kuow, bnt whut iu the mime of fortune rnuUes you send fur uiu at this unearthly hour? THE FICKLE EA Who baa Iwnni Hit- '! nui> inirinir > nr bow Who him hanleri 'Mv flfcuiunr pmy acro^a t WR!H Who tin.- fen thK arm linn* itlnxinit "" < When thnoat )alla ai<Kr neath Whi> ttns hint him in lilt- -nutMnif of th Kail Whllr till- ililvlllMltl'i 0|U1|I1K alOKUT IO Not yet, but I shall devote my whole attention to it, and it will go hard with me if Icuiiuot hitou somethiug. Would yon have the couruge to dare very much for my sake, George?" "1 would dare anything under tho ran for you, Alie. ami though you asked mo such a question I do uot thiuk you feel any doubt as to what answer I would give." "I had no doubt Do not think th.i . And ii"vv, George, tell me what your nistcr buys, uuw that she kuowi who lauir" "J. ii n't i morn yonr friend than ever. I told bur your story this moruiug, and the bailn me give yon her love aud tell you wu would save yon yet" Agaiu i lie teurs rose iu Alie's oyoa. "What will the east suy wbeu it hears that thu Bcuutiiul White Devil is cangbt at last/" "I dou't kuow, and I don't cnro. One thing I'm certain of, however, aud that is that I should like to havu llvu min- utes with Mr. BurkmauHworth alouo. I tbiuk theu he'd kuow that" But what I was goiug to say WUH in- terrupted by the entrance of the aiVoor who bud brought me to the room. "Time's up, I'm sorry to say, -ir. ' I rose immediately aud turned to lay good by. Beiug a good beartod fellow, the man left ns aloue together for an- other moment, aud duriug that time I was ablo to whisper au assurance tu my sweetheart that no utoue should be left unturned to secure bur ruleaae. Thou bidding her be of good cheer, I pussud out, foeliug as if the bolts clanging be- hind mo were closing ou my buurt. It wua well after 8 o'clock before I left Bow street aud turued homeward. The shops iu most cases had their shut- ters dowu. bnt tuuugb I looked for a newspaper heard it was some timo be- fore I sighted one. Then for the first time I taw the headline I hod been dreading: "Seuhatinnnl Arrest of tbo Notorious Beautiful While Devil." I stopped and bought a paper and then continued my journey, punsiug at a telegraph office to seud n wire to my old chum, Brundwon, iu which I asked him, as be valued our friendship, to couio to me without a moment's doltiy. Wbeu I got homo, I changed my clotLdfl, bad a cold btttb, wbicb restored me oinewhat, aud then order- d breakfast which I felt I could not touuh, and whila Janet kletnl .1 He and cried over her. Have yon poisoned a patient and find yourself io need of me to square mutters, or have you been jilted and hope tu bring an action for the damage done to your broken heart? Out with it. But foraive my chuii if it's anything mure wrioas." He inti.-t hnvn seen by my face that something was every wroug, fo r nn joc- ular manner suddenly left him uud bo at dowu ull -ernm.-ncMs. "There is Mimetbiuu very mnch the matter. Brmdwoii, " I said. "Head that. ' ' I handed him the morninu paper and pointed to the paiayraph detJiliiiK -ii' arrest. He read it through. i:d tlnu. seating himself at the brakfa.-t nine. pnred himself out a cap of cull'ce and batter' '1 :i pi' of toast before he spukti. When he uid so, he suid soletnuly: "I thiuk I understand. You are inier-sti-d in this hnlv aud want me to uudertuko ber ilefeiiw. Is thut "Tbut is exactly whut I waut. I was at my wits' end to know what to do. when suddenly it Hashed thrnuKh mv braiu, '.--i::'i tor Edward Unnidwon.' 1 scut that wire uccordiiinly. and hero you are. If tlur- i- uny man hvinj; whoiun save thu woman I lov, yon are he." "I'll <lo my lest, you may be sure. for your sake, old buy. Now wiioru la She- ' "At Bow street. She is to bo brought before the court this morning at 1- o'clock." He took ont his watch and looked at it. "Well, I've none too much timo. I'll go dowu nud have au iuter\i--w with her lit mice. K i up your heart, old chup. We'll do onr beat, and nobody can do muru. " [TO BE And nun -lumlwmt till tb atara crow dim and i in if ' Fill viiin iiinii|K<r Join the choma of 017 croon Oh. th flpkln. fiiminE, frolir fretting: Deal Ub. the limpid iiii.ii.ni:. laiiKhifr kiTlnf MB Wu whu Ion- li-i lill -HIT . luanea To the IMWI uf nil ttu- laaaM, And WB drink a briny immnrr to the t Who ha* lam unun the HIIMHIIK dock awiubf Who IKI !i.e.:i-ii and i-k-wdd and cbanind hi the wiii.l-' Who tiu- sv.iK-lird i lit- uminmait bendinx nirn While Hit- rival buafii a-dropjunit nff l-htnd? Who htm U-uiil nvain-t tlm creaklun julllii( Wllei'l ThroiiKh a muonlit -unniier ntght on untl* Til * Who has fell the old wa lun^ini! that I fwl Fill vuur i.uiuiH-r-,. men and vhoul aloOB wuh me' Oh. th -inuinK. iUK'nnic. *dtT crwntMl aaa Oh. 'In- i-'i-iniii;. ri.m in-.-. ran'iHnii. rm[in( aaa> On yonr li-> ' - i n \nur ulaaaaak 'To I III- ln-Ht tM-klVI-(t ,lf IllMMM Here H n firniniinik' i>* my iminptr to the Mar 1 * Kn-liard snlln, m I'uwcll in Criinnua. A similar i ii.i-. TOHUK Doctor I was just going srouinl in Ren yonr brother. Uow is he this morniMK ' Patron He in no better. Yonu Doctor Wbut I No better? That is certain!} very strange t The prescription I gnvo him yesterday con- tuiued -ivt-r 40 different things. New York Weekly. lllllMU '.-M.U. "Let ns," mid the ezbortar, "go tbont doing onr fellow men good." "And plenty," added the man with the horrible tie. The i ., c 11,1. i ,-i i.-r. "It's woudertul. haul mu crednlons nan, "simply marvelous " "Have yon been to see that fortune taller Hxain'' "Yes. " "Don't you think most of those peo pie are ainuiuied by uu^ nieroiu.irv motives;" *^ "Thin oue isn't Just think of his being willing to goon telling fortunes at f 1 apiiic" when be could give him elf a tip ou a horse race or a lottery drawiuif uml Kt everlaHtiiigly rich m , tide of 'J4 bonrs!" WaslnugUm titat Pfppvrmlaf on Sv<*SI* Kurm. A modern application of Samson's parable, "Out uf the strung came forth weenie**," is provided by the district oonucil of Sutton. in the county of bur rey, England. That body carries on a singular industry It grows peppermiut on its sewage farm and manufacturer peppermint oil. About fonr and a bull acres ot the farm are given up to tuu cultivation uf peppermint plants, aud gruw luxuriant crop*. The yield of oil Is nearly $1.^0 per acre, and the price last realized was |ti. 13 per pound. THE PROFESSOR'S ADVICE. It Waa Followed, hut II Spoiled tho \r\l ll.-i-iniiiiMi. They tell this -lory of u colleni* prankr the hoys at Princeton played on Profess- or "Winky Voiin^ profwvior of aa- tronomy His recitations were recently held the tirM thiir.- in the mortnim. and he bad to udnn.ni.-!i the student* in nn division to corrwt the fault of turdi- ne-s. which he chummi WHS increaMtta; in a lamentable manner ami when on* of the stndenta explained that they ill studied HO late at umht they were Hpt to oversleep in the tnominK he kindly advised them tu xecure nhirui clofkm, which he raid were one of the moHt val- nalile and nsefnl inventions Th neit day nearly every ntndent in the claiw CHIIIC into recitation witli HB alarm clock in his pocket which by pav- tient und muted effort were wt -i thai one would Kootf promptly at every <iic- cemive minute of the hour The effect can be mummed Shortly after the rirtt student was culled to recite one of tna> clockn in the p<K-ket of a Ixiy at the oth- er end of the room went off with a ter- rible clamor aud lietore it bud tim-lied a second in another part uf the room made even a louder nickel There was n brief interval which th* prufetuHT utilized to call ii|iiinothei -in- dent, bnt the latter w.-ii. ->-nrcely on His feet before the third i IIH i> went oft Th performuiice was continued tor half an hour or more when the prole or who hud a keen sense ol Humor reco'/tn/edi the situation and cut -hurt the tun Of terminating the recitation The txivi explained that thev had followed in* advice und -ei ni'ii alarm cluck- willed thev were carryini; iiriiiiil with them becaiiHe they were likely to lull asleep at most any tune M Loom Ulube- Tho i ierniHiix huve intrndnced what tint m n !< u> slave liibtir in their cant African (..ilonien Each native village mast fnrnish a certjnn uniulx-r of in- bahitants to labor for the imperial gov rumen t. on plantations or elm* where without pay Pooled ' '.. MU. inn.- A Brooklyn woman, whose '* bills were iilmust he\uinl computation und certainly lH<yoinl her pur-e. bail one ol the t|Uiiitcr in the slot machines put in her rial und anticipated xrent pleasure in keeping tub on l.er us pxpenilitnre. in. n limes, by the way. are fed quarter, and when the quarter s worth - is burned they shut off aulomut- it.'aJlv Toward evening of the dny in which tho nun hme wu installed the wended her way to the slot and deposited her money, bnt when an attempt was mad* to liwht the as the machine would not register ami thu evening lih, was dhed out of lamps and cundles. A wruthy note brought the company inspector to the scene the next morning, and h thoroughly vinilicaled the reputatn n ot the contrivance when he unlocked it and drew from the inside three nickel* and u dime. New York Mail and Ex- press. The Wrong Hoanv. A wcntlier Uateii member of the tired fraternity who hud lost a leg iind had it replaced l.y a wooden substitute, stinnptil his way up the main street of a Lanarkshire- village the other day and paused at the door of the tirxt like- ly looking dwelling Knocking at the door which WIIH opened by a brisk, bntu'nenslike hoiiHewife. the man began bin ster'iityped whine "If ye please, niniii. I lost my log" And before he could unfold another word of his tale t-n Miarp retort came "Aweel. yo didna lose it here I" Anil ban.: went the door in hm face. Liverpool Mercnrv Oar Child real. "Pauline, what huve yon don* with yonr doll?' ".Mother. I have lost it" "Well, well!' "Oh. but I know where it 11 I tort it on pnr|K>se. to have th* pluiuor* ot finding it I" ffitfaro. Knrrr Her llnalneaa. Lady I wish to get a birth lay pres- ent for my hnnband Shopwalker How long hav* yoa been married, madam T "Ten years. "Barx>iin cnnntr to th* right Bud- * Truvlm