Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1899, p. 1

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MARCH 23 1899 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE M-CULL.OUOH * UXO Hanker*. Uarkdnle a seo.r.l beiiiu bu.lne... Money loaaed ...wi.. (>l> C.llOU US. U.uttr of Marrlafe Licenses. tJo w J r " > "'" I I luiarv Public. Auctioneer. Monev to loaned fcuui to v' "* thr moderate. M.KMIKHTUK T O U l .11 lertaketbo collection ol all klod. of debt. lute. bouut. accounts col'ected. ete. M N HENDEKSON, Fls.berou TCHI8LKTT Pla.berton Station Postme.tor. Co:mulealouer In H C J, Conrey- ancer D|B, iiiortRue. lea.*s and wl " Jrewn. Moo.) t lend at .%* |r cent .and up- war.U. Ueb*. collected. Charges moderate. R Hl J Bl'ROCLK tm.kt.pr, Fleiherton iijillooer in H. C. J.. Auctioneer Con r, Appraiser and Money Lrn-ler K.tete "<! Insurance Agent. Deed. Chaw* low. Ag.nt for Ocean Dominion fK..i>hip Company. A call ollolted. MUUUAOB MCESCKH-Al Qownment iir!i-i-. Doren* ot tliem ; Nw Vertlon, riratcUM : f K . andJubllw. Kor .ingU per un, iii pairiorix at a time. R. UCLBAM VI-BDT. Icr. BiJu. O U W nueta every nut and third Monday In each mouth. In .ntlr lodg room. CbrUtoe't lilook. Klealierton, at 8 p m. A. N. LeUaril MW . A M ()ibon. Hecorder ; W. y, Financier. VUitiuij bretbrec IcTlted PBINCK AKTHTK LOOOB. No. MS. A. A U. nn-t In the Maaonlc ball. Htrain i block. Fleaherton, every Friday on or before H>. (nil moon. U Mcl.ill. W Mi W J Bellamy, 8<Ktarj. flOUMT KLKBHKllTDS, 1. O. F. BeeW In v cbriitoe'n 111... k tli laat Kri.la cvenini U vacb month. VUitlnK K.<r*ctn heartily elcome. C.K..H. H. Dyaon ; 11,8.. K. Van- Dusou. DR. A. E. null Deutlat. OieJuat* Unlrrltr of Toronto and Koyal Coll(. of O.ntal Hurgeoni. rieabertou Monday and Tueeday ot aaeb week. Diitnlalk -Tburailay, Friday and Saturday of M.'J week. JP KAMBALL M Dri, ODB, LD8 Honor Graduate Toronto Uuireriltyand Hoyal < U.ntrnl HurgeoDf. Viaita rieaber'-in erery Krlday afternoon TBBNDBKHON b I) H, M D 8, Dentl.t of Toronto Mal'l Mcdah.tl will vim Flnaharton pro- re.*ioiialh (In- rtiwt Wedneii4ly ot each luontu aed UuuJalk til. followiux 'Jay (TburtUay.) JOHN W KHOHT, L I. I.KI II-I.T, Holloilur CnnTeyanc.r. ete nm e N.'xt to iXMtoWrn. Hproul.'i block. rl*lirtou. .rry hatm lay and court daya, V H ii..ii Hound .. M.. p. Froat'i block Poulett tret a.t. LI i AS WKUiHT A IIATKON I.... i i-i.-i- Hollcltor. Conveyancers, ete OrncoH -uw.u Hound, Out and UarkdaleOut. W H w II.'.M i . U A HITION t H l.i . ti N H-Klo.lierton offlc., Mitchell's Bank every rUlui'lay. TLCKKK * PATTEKHON llarrlntern, Hollcltors, eto UoUou . Itauk, Owen Sound HAIIKY O TUCKKk OK'.i W PATTERSON ACKAV A SAHPSO/1. Harrllter., *o OPiriUlM . i..,, s. 1,11,1 Merchant iik in.,, k, N ( l'tt.ii-...ii House. Uuiidalk Main Htieet, every Skluol.y A.U. M^CKAV. U A , U.K. HAI1P8OM, I.. I. I' Cru*.i ...i... nr, for Qrey, iUrdual \ I Photos I are done in first-class style and at | lowest rates. Special attention | given to copyinii a specialty. I DH HUTTON Ml)OM, MCF48 Ont. Prlc.vlll. tifrij.'.c iH'it .Ictcu to Urnwn'. Ktore ; residence fip|Hit in. mi- ..1.1 |>n*t oillce, re.ld.nce <>l late Ainu Iliuwn. Office .lay. I'uuidayi and Hatur day*. DB CiAHTT.H M C P A H Out. Phy.lclan, Surgeon, ot Klatthitrt.in "ill. -.< -Strain's block. Keildenoe Muu.haw II, .to) TOHN A SCOTT. M B Menili.'r Cc.llpue Phrile. * Snrroon Ontario Or<linita In Mrriiclne <>f Tornnte Ovlvemlty. Fellowship Diploma, Post Urariu at* M. lni Mionland llnniiltal. rlilcacr in<r*.<H of eve, nr, noe ?id tnrnat >prriall irt'l Ul,locce UaiKll,vli 'rbui>lya< 1 1 T P OITV.'M i.i. Vtrluaiy Snri<on -.<ii*ti< i>t Ontario Veterinary Onllea* H-'|.|.ic r,ncnn<1 door noutli WMt a . tr,.,.l Thll ttTMt ruin *ni* Priitif lt*riaii ("uroll. BOAR for 5ERVICF The registered Tamworth Boa ,.T IW 1 - f . . t I < TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery I liahies' photos, Pictures framed. MRS. BULflER \VATCH REPAIRING Silverware, watches clocks and jewul- trj, SEE OUR PRICES t 1 icfore purchasiiiR. No truuble to ahow onda. Greatly reducMl prices on every iiiiw in viock during February and larch. J. F. VanDTJSBN Just Arrived ! fl Nicely Hssorted Stock of TRUNKS and VALI5ES Atle Grease Hnof Omtmtnt ItiiLiw-y Washers Harves'. Mitts 8 went Collars Men's Leather I3race Whip* and Lashra Harineat Oil Polish All kinds of harness kept on hand aad made lo order. Everything in harnettx aud at right price*. WM. MOORE Logs Wanted Allkiudi of w'oai wftnte-1 for which th* Jiit(l'i0-t priofi* will D paid In h, t t l(<H'kv..lt> uiiMi i I'.iittMnif C(irnr.) Arteine .VD<1 M in*t..htirton Ht*tlno. Fur full f>*rt*cuUri ftiiply *t null or bead offloe, Mnr ki'alr AUMKTKONO ItKOH. Logs Wanted Any quantity nf Hnft I Im. Kauwood. and Mplr [,"H-i;ool ttlnbt-r -that will inainifar- ture Intn nirrchap table lumlwr. at the Kuiienia awinlll, tnr whli-li * are prepared to pay .. rle.i lu caau. H.e ai lor further particular*. K. T. C.VHH Cash : for : Hides! 8heep*kin> snd all kinds ef furs pur chsned, fur which highmit market price will be paid. Homemade us nsai- oa hand, alee al kiada of meats. M. \VILBON. Fit nln Ttuti Meal Erupoiiara BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS TRADE MARK* Of SI'-.NU - . . . CO*rIUHT AC. An TOO. >tidti\i a nHelrri and ancrliiiltw mr qul.'fclv n.rorlal.1 i.'ir ripli.lon frev wnellti-r an IliTnnllnn U pr.'hnt'lT imteptnliie. < .iniuiunlr*- toaistrtotlreonDdenilaL linn. II .nkonl'.tuU - u|.1'M Hfpncr for nruniijf patent*. I'.I^I.IN i^k.-'i Inr.'iiiih Hun x I ... recolTS f'tt ntUtt, wlin.iut cTinrce, In the Scientific American. Proton Council The Municipal council of the Township | of I'ri.u.n mil at HopeTills nn Saturday, ' the I ; tli of March, 1H{9- Members of council all piesent. Keeva I presidio^;, Minn ri ot lust mealing tettl, iin.l ou motion adopted. The petition iu regard to foriuln| s new soli, ol was Ilid uter nniil uext meeting of ci uneii and also the petiiioaot Thos Fuher and olhrs in favor of a Dew school ou cou. 7, or the alteration of the bouudariex of school section No 10 and 1 1. The trustee* of the school sections interi-sini to be iiou- tlKil'thul the council will meet an a specinl meeting at the Queen 1 . Hotel in Duudalk on March 21m to consider the alteration of school Heelions. Wright- Wilson -That John S. McMil Ian, collector lor iN'.'S, be paid bis aa.aiy, 906, and postage and stationary I.V Cooper Wilson Tbat Isaac Trsjnor, Tp. Engineer, be instructed in ha?e the drain running through lota 7.'ni and 4l', extended and carried t.. a jirnper nutlet under the provisions of tn Muuinpil Drainage Aei. Cooper Wilson That the Trcaeuret be instructed to forward t<i Treasurer uf Art* niesia the sum of f S '25 l/einn pay tor U. difference iu statute labor ptrinrmed I y Artcmenia iu axcex of I'rotoa 101 the year I8y8 as per agreement between ihe two munictpaiitieii, utatute lab> r be.nu eomput- id at So ueuts per day, and that ti e Tieas. aivo forward u> the Registrar at l>tirham sum of S 1 1 li for registration of dra'u- age njlaws NOB. 21 and '.'"> Cooper Wilaou 'Ihst Hunry Bird be MM 114 lor keep of Whittle until Maieu 13, !99- Wi.*..n Coope that Mm. Bell nc ire Un MIIU iif f.'i. beinit in destitute circum- stance , ttir same 10 be elpu.ird I y the wve. Co<-pr Wilson That Geoige Wright be mtl.i.iiied to have I'eter \\ bittl removed Wm. Mo.xly at once, br to rroeivr 1 ! 2."> per week for the maintenance of U In ttie ss long a* deemed expedient by he council as per agreement of council with Mr. Moody. Wright Wilson That Hart and Ki.ldell >e paid (I. i" lor repair of eal press for Pp., and Municipal World |4. V> a. pe. bill las. Deans for boons nd stationary tor . Witoon Wright- That Darid Hrnce be paid lur 60 }ds. giave! ef IHyH, DiT. 1, MJfc \VriKlit Cooper That Wm. Richardson x> | aid 134.00 lor repairing bridge on tne gib eon., lot o grant of ys. Wilson Wright Tnat tne eommiutoDer of Di Mo. 3 beompvw red to have bridge on run. 18, at lot lo, repaired, Cooper- -Wright That George Bagemau i paid 15 for gravel, div. 4 ; Geu Wuolsejr 12 lor gravel ; Joseph Es*ex lor gravel, div. 5. 11.60 ; and John Dex fur work mi div. i', .78. Cooper McArdle Thai this council meet at Ihetjueen s Hotel, In the vidagr ol Dun- dalk, OD Taeaday, March 2], at 10 o'clock* for ti;e oonatderalion of aohool petitioun. Herald. HU Life Was Saved Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent oitixrn ol Hannibal, M >., lately had a wonderful dr- livsrance from a fripbtfur death. In telliun f it he says : I wae tak>n with Typbui.l Fever, Uiat ran into tmeumonia. My Inngx beeauw hardened. 1 was so weak I couldn't ven sit up in bed. Nothing helpeii me. evpocted M soon die ol ousumptioo, when' 1 heard ol Or. Kings New Discovery. One bottle favr great relief. I continued to use it, and now am veil and utrong. 1 can't say loo much in its praise." Tms marvel- ous medicine is the sorest snd quickest cure in the wot I.i lor all throat and lang trouble. SO ou. and tl, at anv Drug Store . every bottle guaranteed. Harkditle From Our Ou*u Mrs. Sewell Ims the. huniK. .nie.st baby in town according to the Kickapiu com I'.'inic'ii vole. Mr. W. Fanninu ami Mi.s E M. Wright were in, nli- inui and wifti last Wednesday by .Rev. J. M. We hear there is to lie a band concert mi the 6th April, and under the aMi Irauemhip of I'rof C'harlton we predict fur them a grand HUCCUSS. lin|.rrtor r.m|.!iell > isiteil our academy last nek ami reports overything in a very satisfactory condition. Uwen Sound curlers played Maikdale tualn hero last week and nucct'eded It iirli-.iiii.k. the Intler by .even shots. A skaliiiK race, wu are informed, is hemu arranged between Lakina of Dun .1 ilk nnd Uol.i-rt. Hutli, to take place here llCXt week. No Right Tl * woman who is lovely in face, form and temper, will always have friend*, hut "i.. who would be attractive mutt keep her health. If she i weak, sickly an J all rim down, she will be nervuiix and irritable. If aha has constipation or Kidony trouble, her impnro blood w.ll ciiusa pimple., blotchen, skin erupii.'iiH and a wretched Complexion. Eleotrio Uitters in tun bent, ineiiiciue In the world to regulntn stoniHch, liver tin. I kit neys and to purify thu blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvets skin, rich complexion. It will make a good- looking ehrniii g woiuitu ol run down in li i. Only .!> cU, HI ni.y drug .tore. Mr. A. A. Jordan, late President of the Ontaiio Tauhora' Associittioii, hm i . H gi.ed the I'rincipalship of Meaford Model Sohool to accept the position of PrinciiHtl <>f the I'lusjott Public Schmil at a salary of $800. IT Wu.trV**! wekly. I...rireflt clr- ^leatiflti U.nrnal. Tirnm. J.'t ft Til... tl. BOM by nil re"**d< 1 'i' ir *. o. 3ri( "^- New York > u. Volcanic Eruption* Are grand, hut Skin .rnption. lob life o joy. Ducklsn'a Arnica Salve ourts them aKo i Id running and fvv> r sures. I'loeii H ilr, KI Ion--, C'.irui, Wails, Cut., Bruises UuriiH, Hcai.i., Cnappfd Ha-ult, CliilblaloR i ' i<- pa si.itli. I'nvt. i ,ii pain ;ij u i, tli ]i-.i i nx Cur ,.'.! -it Is \m \ TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' Flealierton, Ont., Thursday, March 3O 1899 W. H. THURSTON, EUI P ^' B I * PHOPKIETOR ^5^ : T1 - ~-mJ+-M*> -*^riJU _^ You'd N.jvtr Oic If your heart never stopped beating. Yuu woul.l never be sick if your heart was alwnyi able lo carry nch, healthy bloo.l in luthaent quantity to every organ and tissue of your body. Whrn your heart, through wi-aknfss or the strain due to worry and overwork, is unaliX- to supply the necessary amount of rich, hniltny blood, every part of your body hejins to show signs of >-knrvi ami .!i ease. DR. ACNCWS HEART CURE Strengthens the heart and purities the blood. It positively gives relief in thirty minutes and effect* a speedy, prm.inent curt It cures nervousness, sleepless- nej. neurilR'a. headache, despondency, female diseases, and all other ailments that spnng from diseases of the heart and blood. If yu suffer from palpitation, we.ik or irregular pulse, shortness of breath, fiuming spells or a lack of normal strrn/fth arJ vigor in aoy put of the body, you should secure Dr. AcN".w'l HEAMT C'unit. Da. ACNCW'S C'ATAXtHAL POWPH is efwiorsed by Ouiatia'sKreatestministera and statesmen. Try it. DR. Ar.NIW's OINTMKSTH without a (jeer ia cure of skin diseases. Rrl .-I H -i .! .v. 31 Ots. Use lx. At-Nk.w ' PILLS, 20 Cta. m * -- H. .1.1 l)jr Klormrdon D. McTavish FLESH HILTON KEEPS ON HAND REPAIRS... For Ma.isey- Harris, Noxon. Fleury snd Wilkinson farm implcnente Kleury ano Verity plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs >Z Kr th" tame. W manufacture Wagons. Buggies, Cutters, Sleichs, etc. (Jorseshoeiiv '"onipily attended to. Special attention to tender con- tracted feet, .jogging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. Dcardlcifi Barley, the esrlirflt barley known. The straw in ah nit the height of common Darley but better and will stand tip on HIIV l.jn.l. It hafi (.Todaced 8e bushels per acre on good land Price 90 cpntn p^r buahel 91. We have come and see Aleo Ked Fern Spring also a few cnttera and sleigl Wood in exchange for them at JOHN H. HEARD'S per bushel * fnr Hale. vehicles. Cheap, IM|-tllMH St. ADVICE. Tomkins. " Oood morning, Mr. Waunamaker, I have calltd to se if you can give me a \ sit ion in your establixh- m. nv I cau turn my hand to almost n\ thing." Mr W. "No, we re full in every de- partment, and you are the twentieth man 1 have rut used to-day. V.l.y d.m't you take up a line in which there m lss com- petition and bettor pay V Tomkiu*. "I'd only l>e too thankful if you can put me on track of such a poxition. Mr. \V. "When I was twerty years of age, I was n stranger in a strange land, with neither work nor money, when a friend of mine, a lawyer, advised me to take a U>ok agency, saying he had edu- cated himself by canvassing ; like drown ni_' men uruxp at H straws, I took his ad vice, and in five yuan saved 45,000, ami wiih tin-, sum start i- I my preent buftin- em. It in just titty year* ago to-day that Mr. Bradley, the founder of the present tinn of the Bradley Qnrretson Cumpauy, Limited, i. f Toronto, sent me my tint ! '"It prospectus, and to hm beautiful let- ters and good advice, I owe much of my present success. Yen young man, if you have anything in you there is just an good a chance for you to-day with this old established House AN there was for me. Write them and see what they have to offer." Tomkini. "I have sueu the advertise incuts of this firm, for agent.*, for yeara hack, Mid liHTe oltan thought of writing them, I ii' luve IICVIT Uono w>. I will nit) I HIM very tli.l,;;ful til > . sr good W. BARNHOUSE Wisheg t-> draw the attention of the Public to th foll<winu : FLOUR IN BA GS Of all nizes and as Cheap a thi> cheap i-t. Special Bargains in 3 and 6 Karret lote. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . , . Groceries and Provisions. OOO and COON MITTS and LEGC-- IN(;S made to order and) on Shortest Notice. WH. BARNMCUSE, Fleshertori FIESIEITII SltlllE PIIUK Jf. V- Pro If you ftunulil wiili an .acv shave As now! tMi bar ever KVP, .Tut oll at in y Kbavlng aloon At morn, or t.'ve. 01 hny noon. I'll cut an I .Iras* tho hn.r with grace To Milt tilt) contour of tn.i (ace. My room Is beat, tow-In cl*an, bolMon -IIKI i> nnd raxor* kean An.l.-v..;>tlliiiL- I think vou'll tlnd To nil ti,.' tiwl* an. I ill awt.he lain. 1 , Au.l all llmt art or >-kill CKII .lo If you'll ]; call. I'll do (or yon. I uluvetho you ,,1, th. old, the Ray, I'll Bhavu \.--i rll ff . K' i>av. Aud cloau me Uead a; any time, And (or arnave I jet a .|in> ; I do not ini-an H ilinia In truat For tbat woulu make the barber basi. 4* - AQENT FOR ROLSTON JTKAM LAUNDRY AND ---- 4h v .-. . F.T.HLA MARKDALE. and Quality Win Merchants' Battles ! No Advance in Prices. No neglect of Quality Mil MO IP-TM1TE STTIE FBI SP91IG 1199 We are prepared as usual to fi^ht the Mercantile Battle. Our success in the past has been due u ri^ht qualities at Prirrvllle And :viU be so until the end. New Spring Goods New Dress-Goods (Richness) New Black and Colored Silk (Elegance.) New Gloves New Prints New Muslins New Laces New Curtains New Carpets Elegant Stock Wall Paper. New Shoes New Clothing for Men and Boys In the past our assortment never was as complete. VYr are showing and have on sale some of the best values in Grey county. Alwavs remember cash buyers can save money by mak. ing their purchases at F.T.Hill&Go '- 7 SOHO FOUNDRY SAW and PLANING MILLS We have a number of Hulpern and Wheelbarrows that we will Hell cheap for a*h or would exchange them for SawlogN or Shingle limner. Those about lo build should nee us before placing their ordtr, HK weca,-ry a larze stock of dry tim- ber, andean furnish Kmine*. Sash and Door and the different kindit of dremrd Lumber un short noiu-w. Cubtom Sawing and Finning done nn usual and SATISFACTION GUARANTKED R. P. LEGATE & CO. Skatnm, December 8, 1898. FARM to RENT Two Lota, 38 and M. 9th con.. Artemeala, con- taining 100 aoret* each, wou'd!be let In block ; I 100 acre* improved. Apply to J. HICKUNO i Maxwell. Kel. i:,, ixast. For Sale at Eugenia l.nt No 10, Pell'lnr tret. K'iuol. onn half acre uf laud nn which Is a comfortable dwelling hottiw. <!!* frnit treeii. bearing, well fenced. Will aell (feeap. Mdraas MBS. I.. A. RLOAN Muaford. nut. LOTS II EOGEIll FOI SALE Lot No 97, on the corner of Napoleon and Alma Rt..oontainiUK tacre. Also park lot Nn 3 on the north sidn of Honth Ht.. nontalninK :I4 acre, both in the town plot o( Kugenia. Apply to J M MoWrflNNKY Hec.~Tr.aa of the Hvnod of Huron. London. Ont. BULL FOR SALE A wall-bred Durham hull, twelve month, old. Apply to W. H. IR'UDY, PrlcevlUe. Tuea,. Maroh It, IHM. Fmm Our (hen CorretyotuUnt Tjtst y.-.ir old Kim.- Sol, aided by the wind, oveicame Jack Frost early in March, hence a crest deal of winter's work wan l.'ft undone. Saw IOKB, onrd- w.-od, ties, piles, oto., lay to the bush all uinmer, causing a IONS in this vicinity alone of hundreds of dollars. This year, however, thn tablet! are turned and if the M-aHon's program has not been completed the hlamu cannot be attributed to the ve:tlhn. NKlllliy IM it llHM liet'll. The fulloAiiiL' are making preparatioim for new Iwrim, to be urectpd this sum- nuir : Alex. McLachlan, Chas. MoKiu- no. i. Times are gixid. Mr. K. Mci joMitn is putting unuther water wheel iu his mill. We trust this one will privu satisfactory. An intellectual treat is in store for KiiiitutvorerN on April the 4th. Un that vuniiiK th Uuv. Mr. Mathuatm, B.A., mill ilrhvur a lecture on Lord Byron in the Preeb) terian church. A numl..T of I'ncrvillams (?) attended thu lecture and views on Japan itivuii in the Meth...liM church, Fleherton. last Monday evuiiing It is nut necessary to say that all returnud home uiceedinnly well plfsnetl with what they heard and saw We nre sorry to learn that Mr. Thoe. liini, still continues in a very low state of health. Thu manv friends of Mr. Duncan Mc- Donald will be ulad lo know that ho is sici .lily improving in health. It is reported that a man who wan aiking for Charley lust week from our villnynrs waa Hen with two companions staiuiinu st a bar not many miles from hare. It m tune such mendicant huui- IIUL'H wcr iiiatlc an example of. Mr. C. E. Watson left for GexirRetown laat Saturday, where lie intends working tlllH NUIIIUHT. Mr. Alex. Cameron is working for Mr. A. Tucker of Ehenezer. Thus one by "lie our boyn are slipping aw.-iy. Mr. and Mm. Switzer of Norval were the guests of Mr. C. C. JameH lant week. Miss Ma|>uie Keruunon Hpuut a week or so lately with friundx in UolHtein. Miss Lirr.te Cnmphnll of llopeville was Kuest at the parsonage last week . Rev. and Mrs. D Campbell %nd MasUr Murray of Dromore vi.iUnl frfVudi in the village this week. Mr. Archie McArthur has returned home, after u week's v.j..urn in Durham. taken posaeasion of Mr. Bowermau's house. I Miss Alioe Sloan of Meaford was the guest of tier iiunt, Mies Bescrott, the pait w-ek Mr. Schmidt of Mt. Forest is a gnest at the Kuiienia House. Mr. Robert Hawkins has been seriously ill for some time past. Mrs. Bell has goue to Mitchell for an extended visit. Masters K< lil.ie Bail and John Williams hove guue to Stratford foi the summer, Mr. Sandy Cameron ha goue to the Northwest for the summer Mix Edith Care is visiting her sitter, Mrs. Taylor. Horn -To Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Taylor, daughter. There is quite) a migration ainon;; our onr young men this upriug, but we hope they will all return iu the fall, In thu meantime their presence will be greatly missed in our social gatherings. Mrs. John BfoGruuier lias returned to Muutclair. N. J. A memorial itermun was preached by Rev. Mr. I'h. 'in on Sunday un the late R. McLean PoreW. When Children should wear glasses Iterr\B Frorr\ North) Mr. James Elliot of Williamtford has tieen awirded the contract of carrying the mail daily from Durham to Chatsworth and return for the uext four yearn. He will take charge of 'he mute on April 1st. Messrs Mitchell Bros., the big null men of Berkeley anil Holland Centre had a coiixigniuiint uf upwanU of a thousand dollars worth of maple i 'Hers on board the Ntrmiixliip Labrador whuii she waa wrecked on thai Irish coast ou the first of March. Mucsrs. Mitchell Broe. fortun- ately had the timber insured for its full value. M. (>*orge C. Sinclair of Arnott ban a Cremona violin upwards of one hundred and hfty years old. Mr. Sinclair has re- f until lug money for the uistrumaiiL aov- eral tunes He in also the poaseasVr uf a munket tha> waa used in the war of 1812, which lie pnzea highly. Mr. Jamesi Frsser of Toronto Line, near Arm.lt, makes a rule of feeding a | few head of oattle for the market every 1 winter nnd wholher largo or Hinall he turns them out finished beef, and of course nets tlm best pnce going. Last Monday Mr. Fraser sold a pair of steere, risunj three juars old, to Mr. JHIIIBS Hiillnhiy. one of wkich wighud 1500 llw. and thu other l.'W.'i HM. The price |utid I WUH ttvu centH per pound, or a total of C141.26. Chatsworth Nuwn. 1. When their eyes are not straight 2. When they cannot distinctly see the blackboard. 3. When reading, if they squint, hold the book sideways or too close. 4. When they tire easily of reading or studying. All mire signs that great benefit will be derived from wearing glsejti. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, FLESHERTON. Mlnbrrley /Vom Our Own CorreiponJmt To Mr. and Mrc. Albert Ellis we ex tend our congratulations aud welcome them to our ninlHt. Tin! iimny youni! friimdn of Mr John Stewart will la- sorry to lean of his de- parture to POWIIKBIII, where he intends to manage a stock furm. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fawcctt of Kt.-li- ertoli are VIMMHU with their son, Mr. J. R. Fawcult. Mr. and Mm. Plowcs of Kiikville vis- ited fne.li>". in town lnt week. It is wiili ruKrut that we luarn of Dr. Bibbey's ilupiirtnru from UH. Uf iho Dr. wu can H.iy ihiit it is n long time since such nn nble practitioner practioml tn this viiliii'e. Last Wedmiwlny evvnini! 11 rmtRR meet- inn of th lector* of Div. Ny. 7, when the candiilatua, Dsvis and PaUersoti, were liroHent. The ulectivu hir.ges on tin: poor house i|UUHlion. Mr. Noble Lowrrnce of Pcwsatm is visiting friends Hrouuil town. Wooil li.-o-t liKve recently lieen tlm order of thu day and " hoe-JowiiM " the i c-l i ho M'Jit. Town Line A. and K. From Oiir (>vm Cnrrt*f*mdet Again we are called npun to chrotiieia the .lent:, of one of our ueighhoro. On Tuesday niorniiii;, tlm Jlst JDSt.. Mrs. Itolwrt Kr ikine paKcwU away to the pirit land. She was tskeu iiilHnnly ill mi Tttnsmlajr evrn- m|i before witn inflammittion of tne lungs ami grmlually grew wnrne until iluath umli-.l her suffering* Sue was in her .17 tli year. She leu vi H behind a husband aud two nun. tn ni.'iir : her n. nun.'. J. M. Davis is making a thorough oan'a. for the vacant county council peat. Mr*. I. nii.i- i. moving away this week. She will Maiden for lh present with her | ilaughler, Mrs. J. Brooks. A quioi wnddiug took place at the resi- c|i'nae>o( Mr. Jam> Nolsou on the 15th in.t, wlietj>bi ilanghier Isabella und Mr. John Maxwell were macin husband and wife. Mr. K. ','ull : B It-lives this week for Brit ish Columbia nud will bo aocompnniod by D. Kills of \Vmlehoii8e. Eugenia iKcnla The I Prum Our Own Car respondent Winter liugeis (u the lap of ipring. paat week was one oonti ual sinrui. Mr. John Kowerman has moved his fsm- ily to Muikilalc nnil Mr. .) ti. .I;unn -on has It Will or It Won't Slnli.li's Conauiiiption Cure will either cure your cough, or it won't. One or the other nure. Try it ind s. Tf it cured, the liniKuiHi keeps the money you pay for it. If it don't cure, the druggcst UIM- back the money Fery bottle carriuH giiartntee. 2octa., M>ct8. and tl "0 liot'lu. (looil fur ('onsuiii|itioiis. Cough*, '..Ins. Croup, Kioiu-liiiiK, and Throat Troublefi genurally. Thou. Mcllfatenck, a Red Wing farm- er, ilit'il uituHlate l.'int November. His widow nouiiht to administer the uHtiite. Mm. John Hillitt of Muafotd, a sister of the decvAHctl, lo nppheii for adminmira. tion, tiinkiiig aliidai it that Mrs. Mcllfnt- crirk is not i.'.-ilh Mm. Mcllfntrick, and that Blui was the wife of one ('.unpbrll whi'ii i> lie unterod into an alleued illfgxl niHirmi;.' contract with the decKHHed Un the other hand Mrn. Mrlllat. nrk swenrr- tlm: h.-i former hin>lnini WHS dund when nho niHiiii-il Air. McllfntcricU. Thereby hn a law suit or two. The local judge found ,i way out of the dithriilty by or denng tlmi. th entutu b.- adininist -red hytlmTniKtw Uufprmtton of Ontario. Mm. Mcllfaterink iKhtill in fxistietiiiiou of the farm, and Mr. T. U Sutherland of Meitforil. acting for Mra Htllm, served noticu of art ion for eject inunt. ThiH ac- tion was HubHH|iientlv dropped, but the following order WHS ohtaine<l at Onuoo.ii> Ha.ll hist Thursday : " lie McIlfHterick Ilillis v Tiuata irporafnn of Ontario Dnugliui Armour, for the pliniill', obtained on coununr, order for mlniiniNt- ratiou of cubit" of ThoinnH Mcllta'erick. deceMM-d " Mr. T. H. Dyrr, of Thorn- bMiy, in '.. h.ili .1 Mm. McIlfHterick, wil' move to liavi- ibis set asulr on thu Kroiind that no notii>, was itiven Mr. Mcllfalei- ick. Standard. Stop it I Stop tt 1 Doti't imagine for a minnta (hat a Cough amount* to n..tliiiit . ThoiitanUn of people are in their yraves today who let H cough ink.- i' o.nirve. Si..|i that cough at <>nce uitli Shiloh's Con- sumption Cnn', which all druitgiM* sell at 26 cts.. 5it.-is anil 81 00 a bottle. If it f^ils to hulp you, your money in re- funded A Miracle > MADE EASY At the roqueM of neveral laditm wlin know Ha virtutm wu have cured a sup- ply of the fHinnuH v| Miracle Washing Compound g> \V!n li dtw* your WAshing while you rent. A vury Uri!>' wKithiiiK can li> UMIUI in two hour. Wjtli thiH eoinpound there it No riililinikf of riot III-N No Milking of ulotln-s ovur iniiht No liack-bruiiking unililxHtnl work THE PRICE U very low : One cake, Hufflcittnt to Jn a laryo wnnhing, for .'to.; two cake* for 5c. anil 'MIc per Uoceii. Will avnd a trim cake I iy IIIHI! for 4c. Full dirrctioiia foi use Hccniiipuny every cake. Mom-y re- funded if it ilniw not do all that i claimed for it. Addruu or cnll at. Advance? FLESH KHTON Mr. Wm. Manning, who claims tlu> diitimctioii of I.eink! the oldest man in town, celulirntud ins 86th birthday <tt \\ '-.ines.lity, l.'ith met. lie wns .if. mini town receiving tin- coiittra*ulaiinns of bis friemlN, UN bright .mil chipper M a lark. His ftlier lived to be '.'_' and his grand- father 120, but In: li.inlly expects to ruach the age, of the latter. Crvemoie Star. Mr. J. I. Smyth, who lives nem l.'lin ston'H Harbor, captured a larito gnlt'i-n *gle 'In- other day, which is now on . \ liilntion in one of (imfton A Go's, win- down. The bird hnd been sleiiling Mr. Sin) ih's chickens. It it a ferocious look- ing creature with immense beak mid tal- ons. Tile capture was made by meant* of a trap. O. S. Sun. Henry E.lniumle, of Bentinck, died recently under peculiar circumstances. Contrary to medic*! advice. He persisted in the list of milk from a cow Hutfernii; f i ..in "lump jaw." Some time ago u growth begun to develop n his neck. Hint gradually giuw worm, nntil Saturday last, 'Ui.'ii thu lump bunt, and the K> of blood theriifrom canned death. The Markeirf. 4 Potatoes are 80 CIMIIH a ban at Cree more. DUIIUH! CarmichHi'l. u well known real- dent of NoltnwnKM.r.i .!.,,! | H nt week. ;m mil v Corrected Each Flour .............. Oats ..... ..... '! Wheat, white Wheat, rod lUrley 1'e.as liutter I'jj^S frrsll 1'ork Haypert.in Ml to 06 t Mo to Bo to 14 'o ll! O 60 'o 4 76 to 00 to 7 00 to JU1 iO 'M IK- rtH to >.~i l.'i 1- till 4 7f" 6011 8 (Ml / J

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