Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Mar 1899, p. 4

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* 1 I MARCH g (899 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Advance raei.i-inr.il WEEKLY AT THE orricK, HYD- IN HA at STREET, FLKSUEKTON, ONT., T W. B. THUMTOir. *1 per ;IM mi in st r in I > In advanre Advertising Rates: B* Column, 1 year, . r .O ; half col., 1 wear, 88 quarter ool., one year, * l.V Transient advertisement charged at the rate I cents per line for flrst Insertion and 3 cent each subsequent Insertion. l riniM- M;I Counril The Municipal Council of the township of Artemesia met in the lown halL Flesh- erton, on Saturday, March 4, 1899, all the members prevent, the Reeve in the chair. The Minuted of last session were rend and confirmed. A letter from the superintendent of the county of Wellington House of ref- uge re admitting inmate* wax read. The following account* were presented and read, vis.: The Municipal World for stationery, $6.87, and subscription $6 ; William WaUon for coffin mid dig- ing (t nT e for Mrs. McMillan,an indigent, $10 ; W. Barnhouse. for halL$2.!25. Ky law* Noa 569, to appoint officers for 1890, and 560, ru letting town hall, were introduced by Mr. Hoyd and read a first time. Donald McLeod and deputations from 8 8. Noa. 6 and 10, waited upon the council, pursuant tu application to change the boundaries of Maid section*. The auditor* presented their re|>ort un account* f 1H98, Thompson Muir That bylaw* 659 ami 560 be now read a second t un. Kulli Thompson-- That Council KO into committee, on llylaw* .'i.i'.i and tiOO.- - Carried. Council went into committee on bylaw* 569 and oW) Mr. Kull* in the chair. Committee arose and reported bylaw* 569 and 560 filled up. Council ret>uni.Ml, the reeve in the chair. lioyd Muir That bylaws 669 and 660 be laid over until next session of this council, tbeu to be ruad a third time. Carried. Muir KolU That the account of tliu account of the Municipal World for ta tionury, $ti.87, and subscription, (6, !> paid. -Carried. Muir Thompson Tlmi the account of W. ilarnhouse for wood for lnill,$I.L'.~>. be paid -Carried Muir- -Thompson That tho account of William Watson for cultin and burial of Mr*. McMillan, $10, I.., paid. -Car- ried . hells Muir That J. McAithur be refunde<l $2.1 H, being taxu* charged in error on pononal property st r'lrlini..u Smt inn, he having no p. i>i>ii.tl propoity at Mid place aH*e.s*ttl>l<'. Curried. Muir -Thompson That Meair*. Kells and Thompson bu a omuiiittee to finally audit the audiiois report, I'mned. Thompson Muir That this ('minnl 1 ikYing hnard uach side of thu queMii<n ;i- to i:liangi.ig the boundanu* of *uhool MT thins Mo*. <i and 10, liy duUchuiij loin 142 and 143 front No. ti ami attaching the jyiai' to No. 10, do Hot I lank lliu i II.IHU advisable, and that tlie applirjition <>f 1). McLeutl for said purpom> bu not enter- tai ne J. -Carried. Kull* Tlioiii|uton Tlmi the auditors report for 189M with su^i-sti-d amend- ment l>e adopted, mid thu audiloi* be IMIIII $1U each for lln-ir semc-eN, ami lli.it iWi topio*) lie prmiril in pamphlet form for dlsiribuuun.- -Carried. Hulls Muir Tli.n when the timber delivered at thu horseshoe hill i* inspected and found in accordance with nontract the same Iw pai.l for. Carried. Kell* Hoyd Thatlliu reeve is hereby autlionznd to draw n o sry funds ti py witness furs ill sun Mclnlyro v. Ar temuDia. Carried. Muir -Hoyd--- That the rre.ro, Messrs. 'J'lii'inpiion, lloyd, Kull* an.l the clerk are hereby B|i,.oini-.l to it t mid court at Dwen Sound un the 7ih inst. in nut Mclntyre v. Ailemosia.- Carried, Council .1.1 1 m M. . I raTHMAHrEH* T .1 Colmnan, Tin* IT iHi.-n. W Fleshor TlioM IMhster, Arohy C.uni<, .1 Omul, John Wiiitton, XV J MOTH, Um Hugh Foster, Thos Talbot, Thos Mercer, Uobt. Mercer, Thos Whittrn. Jas Cargo, Isaac Sinclair, Archy Boyd, D McMullen, John Blackburn. John McKuchnie, Jo* II Watson, W. J. Love, John Watson, .lolni Walker, James McNichul, Wm. Siwar, John Knell, Wilson McMullen, Mark Stewart, Wus Buskin, J M Duncan, Allen Parks, W M Ludlow, W J Itlskes- too, Dougal McCormack, N.-il McKech- MII-, Hugh Waters, John Williamson, D Dow, J (i l.iirl. . John McMillan, James Paton, Andrew Dingwall. F McKinnon, Michael Henry, Alex. Stewart, D Muir, .1 W Lyn*. W J Beatty, Jamea Fisher, Walter Simmon*, Jainu* Maxwell, W H Hemphill, Tin.* Sullivan, K Clark, John Euglihh, Samuel Pedlar, sr , Jos Buch- anan, Richard Park, J G Carson, Robert I'uivm. John Wilkinson, Geo Wright, O Warling, Chas Turner, Henry William-', Kolit McMullen, S Frfenian, J Bnxliu, John Braniff, Geo Uorley, J H Duckett, Robt Uraham, 1) Graham, Dr. Christoe, Ricburd Smith, 8 Hemphill, John Adam* R R Smith, K Geuoe, John Lyons R Ni-iKon. U Lawlur. Samuel (bourne, J Lindley, Tucker Phillips, James Nelson, Malcolm McMillan. rKNCKVIEWERM Richard WhitUker.JoH Auasum.Dugald Currie, H D Irwin, Jamu.< Bnclie. Wm Blair, Christopher Irwin, Geo Moore, '' W lii-liiiiny, (ieo Bliiine, W H Hemph'il, Jonathan Hickling, Jonathan Le.'.uner, A S Msdill. I-..I M'KKl.rr.UM P Bolgur, Hurbert Purvis, Rotrart Wright, Joseph Cairns, Puter Mnnahaw, J U Heard, MG Orr. T^e Late Dr. Ma^affy Th* ,-sily tilers ia tnis part of th. country will learn with ri-^iri of the <1*ain of Dr. M abaft v ao old, widely kauwn aud respected former reanlent of Arn ru'..-*, which occured at Lloydluwn on '. r 6th o: February, iH'Jg at the rip* a o( 8ri yar-. A brief . i-si.in- cif hi* tile r annul fail to IM interrsiiii to all who knew him. Pr Maliaffy c*me tu Ailcmesia in about the year !NV> and neli ml at th* bead of the Orange Valley, where he purchased ,'lisj acre* of laud upon which he reaiued lur sum yean. He was an Irishman of an extraordinary genial and energetic temp*ranini u i entered upon the arduous dutns of his pro- feeiiuu itli the greatest eutluisiasui. Hi* nearest ooiiliere* *i that ime were situate in Owon .-(iiimi, Culliugwood (u l Uurhaui and his practice reached fully mid way Iroiii Orange Valley to th *e tawu*. A* a medical man and surv>ri he wa* in th* li.ii.t rank of hi* day aud wa.< rxctiiiarly uconsful in bis treatment of numbers 01 diraoult ca*e* with which he ii..d to deal In fa t when lie wa* in charit* of a oaae It wa* popularly *uppo*d tlial a muster han.i was at tb" helm aud thai nulhmir farther m an earthly senna Cuuld be iluue. He wa* a graduate in Medicine of Trinity tallest), I 'ii ni i n, and iu Surgery ol ihe loyal College ul bur^'una in Ijouduu, EUK- and, aud the eipmmuco game. I by yt n spent ID th* large hospital* iu London, via* i<l liKHlimaMu beuetil to the i-arn settlers iu this region. Food uf travel aud adventure, soon nlier earing college be Went to nrn a* *hlp sur- (i-oii. lu tin* capacity h* vi. it.nl th* Writ* lilaiuU, Cape I ulonj, Alrica, aud Melbourne, Australia. 8t*aiu navigation or emigrant veiselii was nut thoUKlit ol linn, ninl a v<aut to ihosti i.-moln plao** mean', many weary mouths, ofteu o*er half yeur aai nix. He also made several voyage* tu Aluenra, I'ne Dr. llrst aeiilnl u Canada al Three Itlvrm.Qtivtwr. (lom.iiK w*l li and the lati< Dr. Bull of Weauui, i tii' I lu ji.rt ersbip at limit! II, ul. aiutrward removing to aUeintiurs; puiobaaed a larm whi'i* h lived a number uf years doini; a lucrative prai'lioe. The i r as an ardent lover of horse* aud of horah. ck enrrciM, unii man* his long vialU a most always, in summer on home Im k. ami wa* in tlir habit uf n IIMK straight aoros* oi mi'ry iu ttm ii| of tb* y>a wln-n th* crops wern off if he could make a short cut 11 save lime by u iloiu^, clearing trie Fences io his way in remembrance of uld fux tuii'linu <l*\s in Ireland. \i i y stones are told oven yet of the nr. Imping h H liors*over Urm naU- iu preftirance lj op,-n- inn tin m He insiiint,'.) annual steeple chas.' racing III Uranus Vail, y, in wurli in took th* keilit-sl interest, an.l It . as bl* K'eatesl pleaiur* to see Ills horse* Ink the uinVrent Isnces iu poo i foim. Hhliirs wtu ir,|u r-il in appear in mil lin'ky uoi nine ami IIIHII.V itu dulling ra. has HIP wriu-i iti, >..,. I in thoii. >.".-. -o anil valail tlays ol tbe Va;lry uuil*. us >u)>n visinn. Tb* Dr. was an enthusiastic l ii mi,.-, man an 1 lUiunl out MIII, tun |,,,| M . regularly ou tbe I. ill and was ihoirfroin t*rt to liiimh. Yet for sil llii. thcie w.i. noihin^ logo., anoiii his lileioi, in d he liad .irw.no frinnln HIHOIIR the lioinaii Catboliua where h* |n i.-io-i-il, un i lie il h m in as warm **ieeui as tliose. nf o h. r i 1. 1,, lie was a lutimhi-r ol the .'liiin-h of Knu lauH, his father, the Uv. L'.ilward Mahsffy .if lle<iusrt, luniiu Hi* rvo or .>( lUilifhon in ill- I'miniy of (avail. 'I H" i)i'*. pmutioii a T*ry larjie, bni the oonimi al siirei-Hiouof fronty M-IUM ki-ep iiiK bis p'lti. ins permiuii'iitlv piK.r he bo camu disnonra^ud with ill,, ouiiHlry, aoc movrd tu llund h. ,i>l m Mm. o,. county , Irav iui Artnmcsia for goo.i. 1> rinn i.u resi dnc bvre lb | H ,ort it an, I m.,nt rcinoti si'tiler coiilil always rulv on the Dr's aiteo rtanc* sin) svinpslby, mi matttir what rsni lie., ul nine, w.st or Ulior was involvrd ami bun>lidnof Ok s* ul this naturo h atienilu.i lur wliioh, no iluuhi, I., n..v,.| re r.i, .it an.UhiiiK l"ii thanks a.ul KOUI! wish *s. He hm now (June i o hi* lung home, hsv in^ survived his wife sum* snven ytars, an In.* hUilMil al her ic in ilu- ohii oh\r.l n ihe oi-l Kn|i|i*ii I'lnircii st I, ov.li r where in thrlr esrl.v <lny they Uitb attem eil during ihe MiniKtry of *ii n r.|rr. On* of ih* Dr's. ton* is the .Tuilg* Musk.'KK, nautili" |.ini'tM-.'e law al II. i- briilgn in Hut Disinoi. Th* utbers sri- in the UnitO'l iiit.. H , Hi. <i. man* years, wbllo a n. -pi.*w, Mr Car ney Jaiiu-s, 'in i*ideot in Hrleeville. Tbe llrv. Mr. Hauii.uotur uf IJoydtuwn, reached the fJr's. funeral sermon to a rowded oburoh, aodgav* a brief resume t bis life U* was buried by ths Loydtown Orange at thsir rtquest with full Orange lonors. This short and impe rfeet bistury of Dr. Mabafly'i life is written at th* solicitation f son 1 u of hi* old friend*, wiio are de-nuua bath* ihould uut L allowed to pas* away without some retervilue tu bis career. Markdale Mu lard. The resident* of Chealey r justly 111- ign-tnt ot ur the action of Charlus Haiues, coiiliini.il tippler, who went to his nine at midnight and announced bis in- eiition of setting tire to the place. .Mi- iauiiis aud bur children rushed from the lace. Maggie, 1 1 years old, had only line to slip on a oress aud a pair of rub- jnt when she. was espied by the brutal ather.tihu chae>i her out into the snow, aught Ins child and held her till her feet weie terribly f,oxn, her rubbers having lipped off. Mrs. Uaines tried to get hur aughter fr< an J in the attempt her ngur was badly bitten by the diunkeii ruffian. Neighbors rescued the child, ut it will be a long lime before she re- oveis fiom the etti-.ts of her fatbei's rutality. flre You Married Ale you mairitd t the ..!! time belief Itat ciiiiiuiiiption is incuialile ( If so you re vti'dili-u to a nii.>t.>k.<i.le notion, ^hiloh'a Cough and Consuoiption Cure ia overcome many a serious csxe, ami it lever fails wbvn taken in I In- early sUgux. )ne Ixittle will provu more to you than a thole column of argument. Try tt, very bottle guaranteed. 26 cts., 50 cts. nd i a bottle. k.ii.i., rl, > From Our Oten Corretpomlent On Siindty iiiornniK about eleven 'clock one of the oldest pioneer* uf this section of the country passed away in lie IM-II..II uf Ki.lierl Mrl,eaii Purdy. .'p to sUiut two iiiunth* *gi. he had beeo n Eugenia, where he become very ill and wa* moved to the residence of his tisier, lira. J. M. Thurston, lieru he re.-iv,<l a 1 the kindnena that human band* could it-Mow ii|<"i, linn His funeral look place un Tuesday to r'lrhlivrion ct-meu r; . <) IIIK io the illnt'Ha of our pastor, Mr. lolni Coulter of l.on-e tilled the pulpit in n the Methoili.it Church on Sunday, where he gave a very pmhtable disconr-e. We shuuld IHI glad tu hesr Mr. Coulter again. Mi** Dorothy Mundle of Toronto is visiting under thu parental n>. .f Mr. Henry Walton, who has nt*en visiting friends around here, returned to liritish Culuuibia last week. A number of our residents will go to Jwen Sound this week to attend the Assizes in the case of Hawkins T. Kuphrasia. Mix. Kin r Smith, we are sorry to report, is laid up with %\ty severe illness. The Marker. < .in lull v orr, , I , il (..,), \\, , Klour >ats Wheat, white In it, red Hal ley Tea* llutter i;* fresh I'o'atous bag Pork Hay per ton Hides ... 28 -.o IM) to (l 66 to 36 to 64 M K. > 20 o no ,, 4 60 to 00 to 7 00 to $3 HO S>9 06 118 (0 116 16 H 7' i 4 7.'' '. IHI H 00 Kea 1 ** I ti'iiili-rn will Ii. .'IM .1 nt I \. ".I, KIM fi i M|IO| Flan* aud sM at tin' r,ii.i'ii'iir.' ,.( Mi Wanted ' r,Kwlvo<l bv the under- iti,- iirtHHioli of a brick lfleaUoBS osn \M mn \\.I.Jiillan.upto hil- tjUyft^^ fl. Richardson & Co. Flesherton - ~ *Dundalk Goods New Prints New Dress-Goods New Silks New Muslins New Boots & Shoes New Hats & Caps New Spring Cloth- ing. New Curtains New Carpets New Wall Papers New Paints New Curtain Poles. New Window Shades New Tinware New China Glass- ware. VALUES and PRICES - - JUST RIGHT In Every Department . Richardson & Co. Farm to Rent Oooil farm to rent It miles from Fleslmrton oiitiiKtil ri's.l. 'I Uml. iMiiiifortl>li> lioue sin! liiilKlinw- -in* I iirrlianl For furtrmr l-r uclllar. ami term* .|>pl) Io M. HICRAIDMM KltHihortou. out. K ARM: to Two I/->tK. w Kin) w. i'tli con.. Artonii'Kia. con- sii iiit 100 aorss sack. Vfja 4 Iw M lu l"oi'k ; . Kt> IV IfW. The Globe, TOROXTO. < \ \ U> \ The Leading Newspaper* of the Dominion MS CALL * BAZAIC k finTTERNS % Msuli i. \*M Almr that thpy can IHI liad from thti archltevt. W J Hnllnii.l I'olilng- Hl. up to Maifh I*. INN The lowest oranv UT not iiuc,HHHril\ acceptett Tendprn can suparsta or in bulk. HICHAHI> H\WTUN Clmmiiiin of I' H II Judicial - - Notice "Co Creditors of 'Davitt Itfclfea, ', lato of iko tjowtis/ttp of in the County of NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE (JT Tbes pattern* ;* * J in n*}*rf)y rrrry titr **3 town in tK* 1'uitrtl Vl-v II four d**l*r d* not kep them M*J direct to ut On cent tiamp* rcc*Mvcd. AJflic** yoar eM*vrl |otnl. THE McCALL COMPANY, IMI* 141 f. uth sirtii. MraY*rk maiMi-M orncvs : i9 PIHk Av*.. Cklcsifo, nJ ioi Market St., San FrmaceK*. TME DAILY Hn O\IT l j 000 ssore rrgulsr circulrtloo every day tuau it had in 1WT. and nearly 4,000 m, . t i. thaii one voar *no. rr uuows SECAI'SB IT PLKASBS IT HAH ALL THE NEW8 EVKUYDAY The 5aturday Illustrated \Vltb Its 24 or *8 |ite* IV.TV Hatunlay. its UlMttatod nu|>t>leuieut. it many special feat ur 8hort S| r>s snd Hkt'tcby Article* b*- Hiilim havinii iln. currvot iie of the day, ha* h... nine a struug rival to the best monthly MgSJBJsMB, ITICANADA'3 QKIiATEST MAUAZINU Yon can hsve THK OLOKK overy day and the SATI HI>*> II.LVSTSUTKD for sbout the same p U a* you have to pay for many uf the suial- lr dallle*. The WEEKLY QLOBE - - Ha* hail novrral new feature* a>liled, h** all th newiof the wwk In ooscise form, aud MMM* fiMdM* in .-li.su touch with every |i*rt of tbe world, and more vsportally our own country. Subscription rates aud fnll particular* can be hail t ihr ottce of tiis papt-r, any news- il*aler or postmaster, or nenO direct to THE ULOBE. TOBOKTO, Cauada MSCALLS MAGAZINE Srvy. Pursuant In a JmU'iuuent of th* High Court nf (OSVI**, lilk'lo in tin- srtiiin of Mi'\, . v. Me' Sfs, ilu< rimliliii. iiiciiiiiiiiK thoiw liavniK any Mori ihi h.-ii in I'tisrut* upon tl>* tuttatA or any uirli vlilml nlisi-e thnroof of Drtvi I Mc.Ne*. lute ol tb* Towssblp <H \MIIIIII i>i In tin. Countv Of (ir\ . trllll lllllll III III sllllllt tll IIMIIltll lit jKlillnry IHT.t. HI i- |MTH|IV n-i|iuii'.l >m ov bu- fure the iMi"l iiav of Mitrch. I Mini, to en<1 by |>o-t lirepslil l<i Mstr MmUll. Rs ft ()rer. Hnllvltora, ii Toronto ktiwt Tovuniu. tlmlr Christian ami nru *im^. aililruitHi>ts,iiil dtftai l|i- llons, the lull |isril<-nUrr uf their o shos. a slfttvmoMt uf th.'n i\ rntiiiu, ami the naturo of thv secnrl IPS (If nn\ I liHlii hv tn.'in. ur in I!M* Ullll til. ,, ,11 III.') Will III' |l.lll'lll|<tlllll! IMi'lll.l , t from thi* boiifflt of thu rai.l ju IL;* im-nt I'.VIT* c.nvlitoi hoi lini; nry fMfutitv I A to pro* iiuu4 thu SHIIIII Im: .ir< liiin, th Master In Or* dlnarv, at lilxbambw*, M (HKHHIO Hatl, In th* Cfly of Toionto, on th th ilay of Marrh, Imsj, tt tin- hour of ..I. v.-n I.'I-IIH k in the foin- ii ".Hi, lii-iiiii tbstlOM apposite*] for tlie adjuJI- i H' in uf too claims. llateUthls lali day of Kebruart, li0. Mil MrLRAN Obi, Ola.. M. C. Htt,su.t *** THE McCALL CO* V to .40 W utk St.. New V*rk j FARM for SALE For sate, lots in and 7*, 1st oon, 8.1) R. M oie* nlsared and under cultivation ; darn, two stabler, fraiu* hous* ; well wateieil \\illsell eu eaav toruii. Apply to U. T.COHHriHI.rt. Watcham F. n Tell your friends that they can have 1 he Advance for the balance oi this year lor 75 cents. J. B. Sloan & Son P xopxietoi**B fcar UKT Yol'K -**, Sash, Dwrs, Flooring. Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, ETKKOM I's-rn*, Hand Hailing, Corner Blocks, the best of Spruce Lath, No. i and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. Tamil if all Kinds Hoot It Order FLESHERTON ADVANCE MARCH 9 1899 OWuN 5OUND, Ontario Fsr MdnK p op'e are tb* mo*t tuocessful. Thrv Iniik ln B<! si d pUr what is bust for tunr future, ami vith thmoujvct in view get a Useful and loney-.Taking EDLCATION t the NOHTHEBN HCKINKSS roLLEOE. Owen SfinTiil. Out. This institution is tha L.-iytnit 1 -choo) nf it Until In the Dominion. Th* Hniiiti MI* COUTH* of-tmlv is hv far tbo icost tlmr^iiRh ai d eonptvbwaalTs in (- anaila it bs--* al>o sti unequul.cMl Shotband conriM*. h'i.o lar annual auuuunoeiui-'ijt cuutaiuiug 'ull particular- to C. A. FLKMIXC, Piincipal Vicinity Chips i- n-i.-ri-fi-> of thr Past efk .irfluJly < ulinl for thr Cnrious i nntimt timing locnU 'nil be * ckir'i'it itt the rutf uf trn cnit* t * t prr l ine fur , n<7i tiuertiun. A <r,ll br mtult on con trui-t fur I'm lines nr vver. Buttor 1 j. e.-gi 20. Fur nimiey at 4i pvrcnt. VanDu*'ii, Klch--rti.n. > to A. 8. Buy ymir iruiika, vahses sntl shawl straps rrn'H W. M.MII-D housework. Gill ant*xi for tr Apply t<> Mr*. M. Ui. n.ir. < in.- iiiili-li VTIW and a Jvrnvy fur aal. Apply in J. H. Heard. Sufi lm luira wanted at Pricfville nulls. GooJ price* and cash. U. U. Walter. Wood Wanted 50 cords rtme and rurtisce wood wanted M. RICHAKUOO.N Mr. 1>. Madill has purchajwd a lor at the Slut ii in and niil build upmi it this spring. Rapitirs for all kind* i.f farm machinery fc"()t'Ui hand by D. Madill, Flcshertmi Station. M'.iify to luaii on farm properly at five pur cent, free nf cost*. Bellamy S Mr. R"gr* uf Ton tiili i accupied the Prvshytfrian pulpit on Sunday morn- ing and Ynuiiss mail wanted for iteneral farm work, about 17 vearx uf awe. Apply tu Jutwph Buchanan, Meaford ni*id. Frvparaiory service* will be held in the Freabytermi church un Friday afternoon next ut 2.30 p.m., Mr Kugtrscf Toronto to officiate. Tlie Koysl Scnrlet chapter will o|wii MUd hold a iiiuuting at Ceylou on Tue*- tlay, the Uth of March. D. Mathewsuii. cribe. J. U Mi KI-IIZKJ of the loca.1 oMerva- tury at Owen Sound, HhVrs that 16 feet *{ inches of snow has fallen in this dis- trict tlii< winter. Mr. Frei Bunt lu* nld hut residence arid lot tu Mrs. James Allen fur the sum nf f850, and Mrs. Allan will become a reddent of tbe villagu. Messrs. McKuchnie and Uunstadtler eil seven horees st rh Station un NUy uf last week. They will be here n'.'Hiu mi Wednesday, March 15. The sin.w s^prm uf Sund-ty was about the worst of the seawm, and pmbaKly more snuw full than in any equal peri >d thi* winter The roads are badly drifted once more. Mup.'v to loan on debenture* V \\ per Jen*, and on farm ftrcuriry in tums uf $400 and upward* 5. per cent F,x penwft i{Ur*iitei-d low. Apply tu Go. RiTHBKruKi>. Htix 57, Shelluirne Rev . Mr. Ward stlemptd to attend the funeral uf Mr*. Cullis, 7'h line, Gu phrasm, on Sunday, hut after driving nearly three milli-s wa* obliged to return the storm man ing it impussible to pro- ceed. Tbe property known as the MuNea farm WA* sold in two parcel* at Mun- shaw's hotel on Saturday. There were 109 acre* in the w.> lota. Mr. Willum Wright nd fwo sons were the purchaaersi at $820 .<>r he r>: acre* and 9396 for the other 50. PorK Packing Industry While other towns to the rii<hi and left of us li.i\ K-rti irtlkim- up purk pack iu.' fauturiis Flonhertuu baa been aayiMX nothing but doing K deal of quiet think- in, and *> it result, we have at pres- ent a pork packini{ estalilishi>:nt working full blast. It is aitusted in the old Writtht sture and Measra. W. Kyi and M. Wilson are the proprietor*. Tin-Mi L'entleiiii n slrendy have several tons of purk on hand and are busy as nailers these days putting it down. Butter Factory Notes Mr \\ il*ui has ill his ice saved forth* new butter fictorj , which, we under- stand, will bn erectid iu the village thi* - fig. The meeting* carried on l>y Messrs. Sttwart .u il Steven' I...: week at V ictoria. Dundalk, Fl-s!iTton and Markdalu were well attended aud ic was clearly shown that tli.- c..-u|.etativ,. plan of carrying un tlii- nianuf tcluru uf cheese and butter ims supers-led aliuual entirely the home dairy. Frnunce. economy in the applica ti .n uf lanor and uinfur uity in the qual it) of tlie output were the mum factor-, nhicli uiined fv.r lur the co-operative sysii-in from the st*it. Since 1S6^. when thu tirsi co-operative foutory in Canada was npvncd, tlie art of cheese and butter uutkmtf haa b<-eu studied and expanded un'il increased iiifoinnitiun and acquired skill have enabled our chee*e ind butter makers tu win a foremost place abroad for general excellence of (juallty. Meaar*. Stewart and Ste.i'iiM have arranged to locate at Dundalk, Victoria, Klesherti n, Kouthville and Shnley and probably at Markdalv, and tiave made arrangements to equip their buildings and be ready for operations the tintt uf May. The amount of milk handled per day is expected to react. 70.000 pounds. Returned Tt\e Visit About 75 Flshert..iuans of tbe Ep- worth League and Christian KnJeavor so- cieties made up a sleighing party on Wednesday evening of last week and re turned the visit uf .Vlarkdale League to the Methodist church here of the previ- ous wuek. It was) an ideal nighi, and the | arty, consisting f eixht cullers and four large double rigs, thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The Klnhertoit ountig ent supplied a very excellent program in Markdale'i handsome Methodut church, after which a taity luncheon was supplied the visitors by the Markdale fnends. The program, a* up|>hed hy Flesherton talent, wa* somewhat ten.. thy, but it was all lixleiied to with close attention, and so far as we could juduv, was very highly appreciated. Rev. Mr. Ward tccupiod the chair. Two essays were read, one by Mr. Frank VanUusvn and another by G. XV. Sliiugliter. principal uf the Fletiliertoii pnlilic tchool. and the Imlnnce uf the program wits made up uf musical selections, recitations by Miss Clara Strain, Minn Ulanchu Hamilton and Misa Ida Gjtirdruiii, and hort addresses by Kevs. l>rr.'.h and Thum . Mr. and Mrs. Shepfiard, MIK Joy, Mr. Geo. .nd Mias Ella XX'ickens, Mrs. Blackburn, Mini Christoe, Miss Xilla Trimble and Piof. Tucker all contributed to the musical part of the pn>trrain, and all ap|>eared to he m " fey ne fettle, ' all contributiug to make up one rftht finest pro-ams we have listened t for some time. Fur a sacred cuncert it was really beyond par. It was nearly une u'cluck when the paity arrived home, the basement portion of the prutfram as supplied by the good Lulu;* of Markdale proving *uch an at- traction that it was difficult tu tear one's elf away from the hospitality and good cheer. w run of Stones fur Chopping, in all our lines guarantee*! Mr. XVill Hawkins of thin township, who drove the Kpping mail Isnt summer, uiet with a severe accident last fall from which he ha* been bedridden ever since. He i.s nuw suing the tuwnihip of Euph- rasia for gur-stantial dtinagea. Mr. Hawkins is unable to attend the sitting of court this week and wsa examined at hi* borne here last week by the lawyer* inter- ested in the Obituary PCBDT At the resilience of his brother-in-law, jstuee M. Thumton. Kiuiberley. on Snii,lv March 4. lt*W. Hobert llcLeau Purdy. ID bl* THtlt >ear. The subject of thi* sketch was probab- ly one of the bait known men in this towuthip, as well a one of its oldest resi- dent*, lie wa* born near Brockville, May 13, 1821, afterwards removing with his parents to Lindsay and subsequently to Meafurd where the I'urdjg were some of the first citiwns. He came of I K Loyalist stock. In 1860 he settled at Eugenia in company with his iwo broth- ers, William and Alexander these three brothers taking up must of what is now the town plot of Eugenia. The unlimited water-power thnre waa the attraction which drew them to the spot, but only in a limited and disappointing degree wan their hope* fulfilled. This water power has never been developed to th* extent hoped for by these pioneers. They built grist awl sawmills but in no oasu were their veututes satisfactory ia a financial sense, although they were of immense benefit to pioneers of early days. Robert Purdy kept the poatottice st Eugenia for over thirty veais. He was also a J. P and commissioner in tbe High Court uf Justice. For one year he sat in the township council and had his aspirations led in i hat direction might have served the township for many mom. About five years ago he was obliged to give up the postotfice OWIIIK to failing health. He leaves behind one brother and one sister, vis. : Dr. Alexander Purdy of Whatcom, W. T., and Mr*. J. M. Thureton of Kim berley. Robert Purdy was known far and near for his scrupulous integrity. He never married, neither did he ever unite with any church, preferring to do good in his own way. He delighted in the com- pany uf yuunic people and fur many years was superintendent of a union Sabbath school. All denomination* shated in hi* bounties ao far as he was able to give and all were equally welcome under his roof. A peculiar trait of Mr. Purdy'* nature, and one which reached a fuller develop- ment iu later years, wss his hoarding of trifles. He never destroyed a scrap of newapaper uf any description .ind the pust'iltice accumulations uf yean have all been preserved. Anything out of the ordinary in nature waa also carefully saved, and rort* in the shape of snake* and animals were placed on exhibition fur the interest of visitors. To such an extent was this indulged in that for years his residence at Eugenia ha* been known as the "old curiosity ihop. " Last fall Mr. Purdy became so ill that it was nec- essary tu remove him to Kimeerley, where be could be properly cared for, but he has gradually lieeu sinking until OB Sunday morning the spirit took iu flight. He wa* a just man and upright, intell.- Ki'iit. quaint and original in his converta- liun and correspondence. That is all he would desire us to say by wsy of eulogy. The funeral took plaoe to Flesherton cemetery ou Tuesday, where the remains were laid by those of his muter. Mrs. Hadley, and his niece, Mrs. H. M. Bower- uian, who both preceded him few years ago. WBBBB Died At the residence uf his (on. Henry Weber, of Eugenia, on March Jf>, John William Weber, aged 84 yean 9 month* and 18 days. Deceased was a native of Germany, being born in the principality uf Hesse Darmstadt and in the parish uf Overseaman, iinmigrating to America in the year 1845, brst settling in the cuumy of Huron in the township of Tuckersuiith and village of l^mondville, where iu 1848 he wus married tu Mar- garet Halliday, uf Turrs Moor, Scotland. After living happily together for 58 yean they were only separated two weeks by death, Mrs. Weber pausing peacefully away on Feb. 16 last, both dying in the hop* of a bappy resurrection. Mr. Weber in religion ungiually I eloiiged t . the Lutheran church, but ou coming tu Can- ada he united with the Presbyterian church, that also being the church to which Mr*. Weber belonged. Iu puli tic* he watta life long Reformer. .*>. . Personals Mensr*. A. tJ. McKay. County Crown Attorney : W. H. Wright, solicitor for W Hawkins in th>- Hawkins Euphrssia damage cane, and J. Cousby. stenograph- er, were in town un Wednesday last tak- ing the evidence, uf Mr. Win Hawkins, who wan unable to attend v Owen Sound for exnininatio i n account of illnera. Mr Will Proctor left on Friday last for tho Northwest, where % jjood situa- tion m awaiting him. Mr. Ben Hislop of Thornlmry spent a couple of day* here last week %iitin hi* old hnunta. He U looking well and hearty. Messn. A. Foucar nd F. Walls ot Tottenham were the utiesta of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sheppard over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard entertained a large number of \oung people on Fri- day evening last. M'ss Ella McNally, who has for a touple of years had charge of the dining room at Munshaw's.returned to her home in Olenelg this week. Mr. J. J. Lyi.eas waa a caller at The Advance office on Saturday, looking si healthy as ever, and w were glad to learn that the indisposition chionicled hy nur correspondent last week was nut as seroui as was feared. Mr. Lyneaa had a bsd hemmorhage at the nose which lasted four hours before it could be ito|>ed but the consequent physical weeknem waa the only wriou* result and h is now as wel M ever. We can supply you with Anything or Everything you require in I FOOTWEAR jjj BOOTS AND SHOES THAT LOOK WELL AND WEAR WELL \ti In Rubbers and OversHoe! wif have a very large variety selling at low prices. we Custom Work and fftifiairiny attended to Promptly. ii * __ W Agent for Dominion Money Order Express. ** Express Orders Cashed without C.-mrie ^ WM. ci-AYTON T. J. SHEPPARD H!; A WORD OF Hi WARNING ! ! 1 i :: We have been in business here in Flesherton for : H:: six short months but we have made our presence 5 jii felt, we intend to stay and if our efforts will be of Hj j:: any weight purchasers of goods such as we handle ::] : ; will benefit considerably We are giving a word iH Hi: of waining about our policy lor 1699 which will be ijj K*'- <* * yi; Continuance of Upright | BUISNESS HETHODS : A Dollar's worth for every dollar spent with us. jjj j::: Courteous treatment of all who visit our store. The H Hj: best goods money can secure. The assurance j::: that if goods are not as represented that - - I HONEY will i ::i: i *> * HI; BE REFUNDED A word or two about our stock. We don't over- buy or keep goods long in our store. We buy right and can afford to - Sell Cheaply - All of which is an advantage with the shopper. A few hints for the January trade. We are put. ting the knife in deep in all winter goods as they MUST BE SOLD ! 3 ix / / During the month nf February we will offer ' EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS 5 To Cash Buyers in all line* of m\ . . . FURNITURE: . , . j} fr? Intending purchaser!* will find it tu their interest to take ad-rant*^ (*|\ of this upportunity of securing First C\as 'oods ~ AT ~ $ it Sreatly : deduced : flr/cffs |{j * II EiiLY CUL SOLICITED It ! W. H. BUNT, I * * *

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