Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Mar 1899, p. 3

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|HE IS SICK Al RECINi Serious Illness of Lieut -Governor Forget of the N. W. T. SHOT THROUGH THE LEFT HAND tog a fl bill to a l'l V-ll W.i;s,,n uf I Mull Laid tho Information .it Kulm-town ' and Chief Grant of that iwn arn-sr.il the lUtm. WhO paaMed oil. uf II:-- r . on Mr. Watson s business partner. Mr. MrC'nrvie. They had *!.">. it rcvul\er and cartridges when arn--.li.il. PARLIAMENTARY NERVOUSNESS v.i. <...,. i -i..,,. , Putllir >ln III t- ..f \Vall-Knawa mag* of a < anadian Daaf Mate (.,,. N.T.. >ulfTr From n.. ma Ui.abilltjr A I.JOO,*** Block at ItuiMinc l B BMet- d In Wiaiilpv A Mapasaa Hr. Revelstokc. U.C.. bos been proclaim.*! citr and will soon el.x;t a major .<uU aldermen. A block of building, to cost $1,SOO, 000. i-- already in -ight for the coming summer in Winnijit'i*. It is reported that l.i. nt.-nant liorerBor Torgi-t. Hi tl . N-irih\vci.t Territories is a Terr -i. !; man at Kcgina. and hi* friend* are apprehensive. The >iiprcme livnnd Uslgr of thr Sons of Kngbnd Benefit Society will anply al , the e-im.n-r ~ -s. ,ii ->f Parliament for aa I act uf iiiciirjxirari-in. Nlra* His* Ka|iutation. Mont* Carlo, March rt. Nice U at-qulr- )Dg & most unsavory n-putatlun in . v.-rv sense of thu wunt and having a ruin nusiy bad season. Thu great hotels uru half ; empty, the Kiifillsh and Americans being j driven away by tin: abusive tune uf th* Jiiicolls press, together with the uutbrmk of drain fever. C. . Thaukxl for li. iHTir. Washington. March 0. Sir Julian Pauncef.jte, the British ambassador, call- ed on Secretary of the Navy I.ong on Saturday, and on behalf of hU Govern mciit expressed tluiiKi fur the tender uf the Brooklyn to beiir Lord HerscheH's remains bu-k r Krv.'lund, but explained that the British I iuvi-ruuient had ur'cred a vessel, probably the cruiser Tulbot, from its north Atlantic squadron at HIT niutla, for this mi--io,i. Kin il plans for taking th.- viild*p*Bd on definite official nijiiile.ttiou to the embassy of tbu despatch of the oruiser. u -'in-lay the photograph vi WV-MIM. niv gallery of J .-. lli.iett was dest.niywl by ; tin: .!->> Jt I'erry's irrucery lUvk below J was badly dat!..i .'<-.! by water Kour burglars in dn-*! nitn, fully [ armed, and driving to the hoiii-M of their , victims in i irriagc. on* the 1 latent nwv- eUy iu Chiea-^n niiuinal circle*. Daniel S-uiivn, thu Detroit inUlmnain toboeoi ni.ii<-.:.i -lurer. U >liil. a*." lii- -state i> . sinnat.xl at $S.(Xx- Heart trouble was t.'ic cutue of dtaUi 'lh.' .nii.niiieeiiii nt is made iu the U>n- don uewpapeist thai the S<'iuik> -if (!Uu- fovr I'niversity li.is rvwolywl tw ix.nhT the degree of LU 1). upoa Kir lleury IrrlnK- The new Italian priest >riipowr, 1'rruM, U the hero of the h-nir :t: I'.irin Perosi declarm that all Ins talent xliuU bu d- ot<t! to m-nsl musie li- l off-'rs for an UJMTH. Ooorct) Lvery. a farmer on 1, Ktbi>sjke. was Mi.ldenly miami With apoplexy and itiiil 1 furc he ixmld l' K"' home rrvm Islington on Satunlay !> OUiMol was 71 year* of atfti. While C. A >. -mi of O. W. Ann* banker at Wiiiri-m. Out , was pbtyint; With a revolver -m .-sat unlay the IDHU-II Ii:.'iit -xplmliil. the luill piUMd thniugh kin left hand, narne.vly iivvplng hi eliii* Th<> in; st.Tioii- ..i-si;i|K'anuu<i* at A hi. Bwh is still tlie s, nsiitinnal topn- al IJuart. Ont. An imit.it.i.-ii i+ (Hi foot t-> petition tlie AIUUM- y (leiieral for a lull ni|uiry Into Ueu>-U s siruuu-* diiAp|Hr a-i.-e. J. M. Cook, the head of the irruut tuur tot ajreney. U liead at Unidiin, Knu !! never nvovensl fnun tlie illiur* whit u I h eunlrueutl while ., .n-lm'i iii i h. I-^-.M tour of Kiiipenir \\ ilKiiii of tit-nibtuy in Palem M i- "Dr." Alice C. lAjns4Ukle of Keuisnt lit ebart(ed with icaiisiikiiKhtor, and the deUvtivi-M have ask--l !- a warrant lor her am-rtt in i-onm- > <n will) the dtukh o( Cora K. Heihenn , -. \\li<> <l.e>l .t xhuri time ago from a eriiinnal opural ion Wolves tnssl J.ili-i linrku of Maitawiv Who Inft MaekeT s Station for DtUT l.ik on the Diiinoine l.-i-i \vek. about m mile* alHive lies .loai linns. Ills Irien-l Timothy Toineny. r*i-iitHl him fnxu hlx pprilous |Nisiii.in. killing many of the wolvea. AdvkxM to l>etiviT Irom 1'mnlehi nidi- i BU- that a inuwsji-le on (iruniiv Mnn tain has killisl M.S. Alut su.nt. aii<l Mr. and Mrx. Willbim -\vae and nue -'( their ehildren. U -i.!.-. il.iitroyluK $1'C).000 worth of propurty of the tirtniti' aloun tain Mining Company If the prvwnt warm weatnttr oontinum thtre 1* every likelihood of th lev In To- ronto Bay breaking up N'fora It did lust imtHon. The buy was elar on the 10th of Karen la*t yi-ar. and thil muion no fur the whole easturn end from Yougv tiuwt to th icap is fruu of i--e Hi ury A. Aehi-soii, at one time chow pion runner of t.he L'nitod Htettti, WIM married by Mayor Diehl *t Buffalo on Siturday to Miss Carolyn A. Mailer i Batavia. Both aru deaf mutea. Aehiwuu was born In C'ayiiKa, Out., 30 ywrx ago. and IB a printer by tnulo. A new iHvupation for women has N^'ii found Iu Vienna. Tho nret |>n>lcsMon.ii woman KraveilixttiT in Kurvpe is Kii.u Albert Mueller, a sturdy widow Knm Mueller was appointed hist Wivk to - oeeil her husband, who. until hi diuib. Wan inunleipal Kntvi-ditcKur The brig Urent Kni|K<n>r, whleh wan Bpnt from Liver|MMil u> try t<i rtfuver tin- malls from the wnx'kud stean r l.ihni dor. has returned to Tobennory. having buen unable to salvage the sh.p. owing to the heavy weather. It in mid that the Labntdor has broken in two. P. M. LeHrelon. Imither of Mm. Lily Langtry, the a'ii''ss. obtitlnod a dtvrtv nisi In the Divorce Court, London, on Stlnnlaj, owing to h! wife's inisroiiduei. with Lord Cinintley who wan muleusl in iiistH. They were nmrr'ed In LeBn-ton and 1/ois.l (irantkiy we.rv almost like two brothers. Hurto.i. the last of the dynamite eon Hpimior-. ha< IKI-II n-!.i~il l.niii jail Me *ii- 'i\u-ieed in !! for i-ompUrtt.y in the e.\|ilostu:i iu the uiitlergnnind railrniui at I i.nsl -i.tvt.. In IMIKi. who.-vby iin.ny pa*>e - ers wen- injnted. and in the i \- pli.i..Ti at the Towi-r of loiiidoii In lO.i. r \.iii.-h -veil vlalton were I. .i i M-\eniii f-.ir tho i ii;f riiding K. I., ,'s \N.I, . - in 11.. preikse uf $l.,'ils.i (Hi ovi. the p. year. The expendi! i.n- Im i Jie -,.ti:.- ;Tiinl WIM $2:1.697,000, an incnww of o\er t~. 000.000. The net liuin over tie previous year la |d,5]tl.00<). Capital luxxmnt in ONMed from :<.46A,000 in 1M97-8 to K>.- 084,000 this year. Two men naimsl Warren and Harrlaon ar Iu Jail at Chatham charged Wttb ruiit- >~UDrl Srl.i- Vtlneh \Vr 4niiilr<l IJT tha rrr.i. !rnl ni.l -ml'. Washington, Man-h tf. Funeral serv- r tti- remains of the laiu Lord - Hero-hell wi n- I'.elii in .-i. John'f Bplaoopal Chup-li at I A on -at- urday afternoon. 1 ho services, which wen- cnndiicutl by K.-V Dr. Mackay- Siiiirh. ineludisl th- nnding of the i eojuil burial ruiial. thu -insiiii^- uf the hymns. "Hay- ami M i'kly Klying," and ". \sl.i-p in Jesus. ' by a double quartette, and thu rendition of Chopin'* funeral Man-h upon the organ. The attendance at the a>rvtOB wan one of the most notaluV that has ever gathered In Washington on sueh a ad <xv . Ac a little .1 , , ;.>,-k l'r.--..lent Mciviuley. thu Ministers of his Cabinet, iSvivury Hay. -ss r.'tary Gaga, Secreiary Alger -ss-i-i i.iry l..m^. -xa-rotary llitch- e.H-k, Swrutary Wilson and Postnmstcr- "ien.-nil Kinory Sun': -utered ihci-hurch, the audience rising 1'hcy wore shown to mts In front ol the . Imreh next to the chancel rail. In their mimediatu rear vated the im nilxTs ,,i ilie United Stattua Supreme Court, hoadetl by Chief Jiistic* 1 Fuller, ami tlie IU-'II:ITS ol joint high i-oi:.-.-:s.iDii. .il \vhirh Lord ili-ro-liell WIM pninldi-.i: !).'< ly op|HMIM Wot<a HBUad the iiiemUr- of i he diplo- matic corps, heatli-i i ~.r .) iilntn I'aiinuo- fouv and to their right maM> t! r- of high rank In the army, t.he nuvy and marine eoqw in full iln-ss unifnni's. The body of the eliurch \vas .i.eiipli-tl by -.-n i - .ml KcpresentutiM--. in i <> ii;ruM aud disiingiiislnsl eiii/.ens of W isiiin.M HI. 1 IK- -MI'. -.-,- \vas a very impressive one and lasiisl imti'ly all bo'.ir. l'h ehurch Was o|H-neil slmrtly hi-tuiv 3 <i ,-loeU for the reception ! Moral offer! ngs, which were as notable for elegance, an they were in mimU-r 1'ari leulurly beautiful wan the tribute of the Anglo-American high juint ..mur",.i.i. It .-Kiisisted of a wreath of palms, which was massed red and white rowel and ealla lilies. Kxtending upward from the ba.se of thu wreath were the British and American llagt, entwined with crepe and gracefully looped bows of purple ribbon lay Ivuvis.n thorn. Th offortngs sent from the Kxeoutlve Mansion and thu British uuibassy were conspicuously btnutl/ul. Numerous wraiths of ivy and fragrant violets wera among thu tributes wbioh lay upon and about the AT STAKV 1110* POINT. .i,-l Cheyenne, Wyo . Maroh 8. An urgent mCMoago for rdief was received yesterday from the I'heyenne & Northern train In the snow at Iron Mountain. The provi- sion* are ruducud to a few beans and a little coffee, with 44 persons on board to be fed. They havu been snowed In for six days and the conditions are desperate, a* the adjacent ranches, whom food baa heretofore bcuu obi-timtl, ore about out of provisions. A relief train with a supply of provisions and 1<H> shovellers will ba Kent out immediately, but it cannot much the Imprisoned train before to-day It Is a curious fact that rhe House liken new nii'm'*T- who are u-uallv *-li--- 1 --I to discharge the duty uf n ovi- _ the id druw ro liefniy xume II-TTOIISICHS. -ITS 1 tie I,.. ml. m Mail, and it is seldom that the hou. gentleni.-n are disiippointed. The cose uf a young Irishman who icot up to speak -me night In 1879 provoki-d a storm of liiiiirht'-r Hi- was unable to utter a single word. For a -|uart<-r uf an hour he stood on his feet, and although he indulged in a great deal of IPHII n-i.| i. -nil nut a sound sawned to ocular..- his lit*. I he would- be orator was in such an extreme comli- tion of nenousin i thar. while thinking he was addreasiiig the House, be was in reality talking t- ' Then 1 is -me more point." "aid a well- ' known mem INT. who had been sp-akiiig for some time in a delwte in Atiu'"-'-. the ]XJint was he had i-ly foi-B->tt''n. and he candidly told the H.-II- .- A N'fell "he lute Lord Id) ule. in- was niak . . ' M-oua ..y. At the elu-e - I saiil. Bef-irc 1 mon- chaw agiim-- the Prime Minialur, and ii is in-. .;.,,-; - 'IT. ind was ly pe: 'en what the eharjjr was. l\Vi.-e agnin did i puat what he ha-I Mini, but the puiut would nut come back tu his mind, and he had perforce \-i n:inie his - - in support of the address, at ' . any ot!-. I .-in- n->' to be real in I'ri.-iiaincnt; bu' mi H.in-oui-t. .: diaries Ollku their intended i. as did likewi.se the late Lord Derby. 1 he Mamuis .it DiitTerin has staU-d that, when asked by Lord 1'almcrston to , move the ,ui.!-i-ss to the throne in thu Hous- - Dti the reassembling of Parliament, al'i.-r I'rm.-e Alu-i he deemed it a.i\ .sal-le to sit down and write out every word -if his speech. Then he con-fully committed if to memory, and wa- thus enaliled u> deliver an ora- tion of an hour and a half's duration Without rec-mr>' t<i his manuscript. line of the --ssful speeches ever made in support of the address in | reply to the Queen's speech was that of Lord Rosebery. as seconder in the House of Lonls. on Feb. '.i. li?l. It was also his maiden elT-i.-r. uid v-iki'd the warm- est oongratulations "f the l.-mlers of both nortii-s in the iJ.ldnl ChamNT. A certain member u! I'arliament one* went down to tin- ll.uise intent on deliv- ering a great oration, but he lout hi* manuscript somewhere within thu prw M-iilse. It was picked up by another rn-mluT 'il n - pru|x-nl- tleM. whu. sts-imt un upport unity for a gtMid pr-eticnl juk" forthwith omveyed .n.-xinx-utl "llnd to Sir Thouuts \\\~.- Hie latter icentlcman at once sought the seclusion of the commute nxim. wlii-ro ho diligently applied himself to thu task of learning the speech by heart. This accomplished, he returned to the House, and w.-it-h-il f >r an opportunity of taking port, in the delmu-. Thu chain.-* -ame at length, ami tlio 'stolen thun- der' began to rvvi>rL-crat through th* Chamber, to thu gnut delight of a num- ber of iiiembum who had been let into III.- S.VIVI. The original owner of the speech was flattered at MI-M . In.- when, as the umLion pn--dl. he mm-- to recognize his own well minuted and familiar phrases, hi* face assumed such a comical expression of mingled surprise, indignation and con- fusion that the gravity of tbo member* tntuTSBtud completely broko down. Jxpaa Waal* aa A(r*aal. London, March. 6. London diplomat* are Informed that Japan may send Mar- <|iiis Ito to England and the United States on a special m isHlon. Tbu Japanese viovertinient strongly detilroH an agree- ment With the I'niii-.l Status and Uruat Britain on various questions In the far mist. It has not Us-ii dually Mottled, how- ever, whether the negotiations will be entrusted to a special commission or con- ducted through the Japanese Ministers at London and Washington. Swift riuili a Comab Los Angelus, l ':.!., March 0. Prof. Lewis Swift, observer at Mount Lowo Observatory, Echo Mountain, sent the following on Saturday: "I dio-ovensl last, evening a new bright comet in eridanus right ascension S hours 45 mluutes, dmllnatlon south, 39 degrees. "It i bright, has a short tnll. It to just visible to th natal nyo, and Is mov Ing slowly." Th. IM...,..r -.1 HI* i -nuiaaT. A San Francisc> hcMtcMs, farooun for her tact and reomin-cfuiueiw. tells a giHid story on herself. It seems that an ofttivr in one of the TVuuctvw companies, a very shy young mail, brought letters with him when his regiment came to the coast, mid pn~H-nt.il himself one evening at the Van Now avenue residence. As he was the son of a well known publlo man, and a member of an old family, hi* hostess exeriod herself to entertain him. "We should be glad to have thu pleasure of your company on Friday at dinner," she Mid. as hu was leaving; "the Hawai- ian eominissioncrs an- to be with us." Friday came, and so did thu commis- sion. Shortly before the hour for dinner the butler oxcltxlly entered the nnjin "Thes a regiment, o' soldiern, mum, outside." "No doubt In honor of the coininisslonerH." the lady replied. "I will u-11 them " Just then the lieutenant was announced. Ho cainu up to tho lady and said: "When you aix- ruuly. I Will have the men march to their places iu forma- tion." Thu lady was nonplussed and mid: "Why. what 111011?" "It's my company," was reply, "all but. ten, and they were sorry, but they were under orders anil could not conic. " Caili lana'n Man -a* Pvls, March 0. Cointe de CoatcHnne Is developing a mania for acquiring chateaux. At Pan I- '-.id jn-i, piux-bosed the Chautouu d'Hivcr fo: I3!/0,000. A 1. 1 Ilia liirl Klliril. .- lh (* vvr old daughter of John Uuvis raincht 011 to a passing sleigh load.-d with wxl The load upset and tumbled over "U 'he girl. She was got out as uutoklj as possible, but llfw was i.xlinek Mo in.. ...i This <l,.,. Benjamin Hi-nlell. a wnndering olock rt'psirer. is dcaih un file*. Thnw years ago. when at Kahw.-iy. N.J., during n storm he was pieking chorrv.-, when the tree wm struck by 'lightning. Benlcll r-ceivod a severe shock. It trnmrfornnsj him Into an clt-cfrie - .-i An >ne Mrho shakes hands \vith hi'i: t;<. v nveivo* arvere shock. By pn-ssin^ the blades of a knife between his thumb and linger dur- ing a storm he charges tho metal so strongly thnt heavy weights cun be lift- isl. When Hies alight on him they drop ile.-iil. When hu is in a dark room spnrks flash from his tl.-sh and his evi-s shine like incandescent lights. Whenever a norm approaches Berdcll beconivs highly charged with electricity, and It U dan- gerous to touch htm. Ho says that he feels uo inconvenience except that he will not go near a moving locomotive for fear of being drawu against it and killed. !. 4CC4 It it the uist thing in the world to bsvc Lumbago or Lame Back And u a tusi u ttty to get r.d of it. No remrdy hu mad* surer *oJ quicker cures than ST. JACOBS OIL IT RELAXES THE STIFFENED MUSCLES. ^)9)&9f)9OO999O99C909C9o) *sNaV0'*HM Thr Chnnu.- Hnlird Them. "I hoar Tom wu well iiiKiir>tl. ' "Yes We've that ,-umfort. anyhow Tile pour dcr' w-.rih more dead than he ever was alivo. Ally .-lopcr raarv Lrnulli uf Man's *lrlde. It** I of a mun's sir: . j and the un cover at 'this rate at ..-t an h-'ur. or 119 ynr-ls a r strides v.- >uM b T ."UO an hour, or '.-'." a minute. The length of the strides In the - is us fin.' In t . I* 31S i' with K .-a.. .' step* per m: In !'. with a cn-i ' ^0 per minute: In t:ie It.i th a e French . with a f 113 per -.. .ih uf 116 oer uiinuiav one of these hand nf-me prrnnumj bT selling '.f -I Silver Alum- inum ThunOles u 10 ci-nts each. They are mora durable than Steel or iterlmr i.ivrr. Tap* taauura or prkin> of D*-lle Civen free with nwh thimbl*. Kvprrladr burs u -xm *s she thrni. No m-n-v rqMlre4. bend us yuur muiif and aiidrnsa aotl wa will nd the g'>ods mid CRtal<>erie of Drcmnims mrd if nut mid, lien, women, tx^ys and tr:ri.- nr&011inff thous- and* why ' ' :.emold!" our muni-y B:K| w will send tiia premium yoa *\A~. - "Jll.. T, PAINS IN THE BACK. Are I jr clt^ It ^ n It -f I IIK part r- 1 \T-irk- liissut tha Hi.ui.-i. Ihr. Can Only a ' lCf>lur*--l to I It.-, r N.ir-n.il 4 .111-1 1 llo-i b r a I il' L'sx -if Ilr Ullll:iin- l-lllk Pllla. Mr Albert Miutie. of Woodstock. Ont.. now nidged In the insurance biisineaa, Is well known ri that eity and surround- ing omutry. S)me thr- e years ago Mr. .-was living at south Ri.er. Parry S'u.-id District, and whila there was atr t.tck-^i with severe | aitis in thu back. At ptud but little attention to them, th.iiit.ug that the trouble would pass : away, but as it did not he consulted a locu.1 phy-lcian. and was told that bis kid- neys were affected. Medicine was pro eLTibvd. but beyond a trilling allevtui ion of the pain .t had nuelTect. In addition to the pain In thu bask Mr. Miotie was troubled with headaches and a feelmit of ide. He was forced to quit work, ' and while in this condition, weak and de- ponuuat. he decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He purchased a half do/.i-n boies ;uid was not diap|>ointud with tho iv-iilt. lie f re they \'er all used Mr. Mm ic was feeling almost a* well as over he had done. 1'he pain In his back had olmo-t disappeared, the heoda-.-hes were one, and he felt grvatly tiiiproved In strej){tii. I'-.MJ ui-iru bozos completed the cure, and he returnmi to work hale and heunr as ever. Mr Mintie as>urts that his return to health U due entirely to Ur. A tins Pink Pills, and hu still occa- sionally uses a buz, if he feels in any way "out uf sorts." 1 hw kidneys, liku other organs of the body, are dependent upon rich, red blood and strung nerves for healthy action, and it Is because Dr. Williams Pink Pills sup- ply thes.- conditions that they cure k trouble as Weil as other ills which ha\<> their origin in watery blood or a shattered nervous SVSIKHI. >oUl by all dealers 01 sent postpaid at 5Oc. a box or six boxes foi K.AO by addr, siting the Ur. Will aius Jiedlcmo Co . Urockvllle, Out. If you AGENTS WANTED i un- of our trasb r M-II .-:-., ul ..ii .liar ea rt IMii*. 11 uni- i.l .. -. ! .1 . .1 .1 V) I. K . . . OlIS. -- -t lue. ana M x u< i-lova. / of 11 our ur rtrsit 'i 'l-'i \ . 4-1: > I 1C*' I - l-Un- ' I - I r :n : WsMSMroetlM ir.l fi veil yo*i - ' i & at once. \\ .. BtHle whu h li ... vi.ur-s,u rr to ll. Duuilalao veltj o.. . .'. Cliui-n si REIDS' PIANOS In TOUCH. TONE and FINISH thty bav no equal. Correspond- entj wanted in every town to act u agents. REID . THE DR. WESTON PILL CO. m \*Mf* St.. TMialn. Oak Itraadlaf. fur WHIM MaaL The majority of poultry eaters like th* white meat better than the dark, an.1 th* fowl that best suits the majority of pur- value your health do not take a substitute- i chasers has a large amount of breast lues*. ^^^_^^^__^^^_ | The beet market fowls carry this whtte> meat not only on the breast proper, but well back between the leg-. A grmt derU of thu market poultry fails to be thtck- meatod between the legs, which Is a vitsvl defect. Fowls should be seln-tod for breed- ers whose legs Hand well apart, with th* body between them of Rood width and Th* Friend And how d:d yoa learn that s'-e had su?h a big appetite? Th* Fool To my cost. Bight feet U the usual width >.' stre* la Chin*. If th* children require physio Don* acts so nice as Miller's Worm Powders; very pleasant to take. with a tendeni-f farming tu put on flesh there* The guinea pig iirows more quickly than ' any other i]iiadru|sj It is fully grown when six weeks obi and begins to beal youugat two months. The custom of keeping birthdays 11 many thousand \cars old. Pbor.ioh'l birthday festivities are mentioned In Uis I'elitateliL-il. My wife Is having the hest uf health now Miller sComiiound Iron Pills did it. The depth of water affects the speed ol steamers considerably, tho vessels moving more slowly in shallow than In deep water aad THalr Kaapar. It 1* really surprising how much bettor a lot of hens do If they am on good terms with th* one who t.ik<- core of them. They have a way of si/.ing their keoper np that Is astonishing. U they like him they are profitable; if they do not there Is some- thing wrong with the k-s-per It isa pretty good thing to get on speaking terms with th* hens. They have a language that to easy to learn, and are great talkers if pro- psrly encouraged. I Weed Oat I'oar Ce*rs. The dairyman who wants to obtain the highest yields should weed oat his poor cows, keeping the cows that pro- duce high yields of butter fat at a low cost, cows that consnm* large quanti- ties of feed and turti it into uiilk. Liv* Stock. Keep Hoard's Liniment la tbe Hou&e. Klicitiuc tha Fact*. "How long have you been married, Ur*. Ashlelghf" "Eleven years. Yoa wouldn't beliew It, would you? "Not after seeing your husband." "H* Is young. The fact is that we ran away from school together and were wed- ded. ' "Oh! Then b* must have been one ol those boys w* read about wh > are olwayt falling In love with their teachers." i

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