Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Mar 1899, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VO. IM. NO 936 Fleshcrtoii, Ont., Tliursday, March. O 18QO W. H. THCRSTON, EDITOB * PBCPBIKTOB Kxxxnfxxxaf | Important Announcement d Go. We beg to announce that during the Underwriters' Fire Sale~ in Montreal of the Entire Stock of Messrs. Mclntyre Son & Co. our manager, Mr. F. T. Hill, was among the largest purchasers of Bine I* Dress Goods Colored Dress Goods Prints & Flannelettes Messrs. Mclntyre, Son & Co, are known throughout the who'e Dominion for carrying only goods of the very highest qualities and although their goods were sold by the Fire Underwriters at auction only a very small proportion was in reality damaged and that but slightly. We are passing these goods into stock and ; uhursday OF NEXT WEEK !! When an Immense Sale Of these goods will be inaugurated to clear at a great deal less than Mclntyre, Sons & Go's, wholesale pric- es. Watch for our announcement next week with and TVIARKDALE happily proved to be leu eriou than Frm Our ' 'wi Citrnrtfimdfttt The roai's were m> Imdly blocked up las' Sunday that the Key's Humphrey*, Darrocli and Matheaon failed to reach their afternoon appointments. Our Brim mill has m'tm changed hands. Last week Mr. R. Mc< jowivn tixik charue of the eotaMmliiiient once more. Mr. j Walter, however, will run the lawiuill until 'hi- first of May. KfKVD McArthur left for Owen Sound | on TiifH.Uy in order to attend theaatizes. \\ . urn ci.xlident Hint our reeve will leave no -.tone unturned in the intereit ot our municipality in the Mclnryre cue. MIKC Tilli* White returned to her home in M.trk<Ule "his week after a pleasant oojouin in our l<uru for a mi-nth or . Mia W. J. lil.iki-Mtoii and Miss Alma .ir" vi.itinit friends at Swintun Park this week. Miss McKillop of Harriston and Miat St.'wart of Quebec were the gueats of MI.SHOS ICiy and Maggie Keiguimii last Week. Our yi mils; inun are beginning to leave for spruit; work already. Messrs. Lome Hogarth and Donald Tryon are the tint tn make a start, tile former to Whltby and the latter to Bramptou. Mora to follow. Mr. W. J Berry, who has been in the employ of Mr. Walter, haa gone to Dur- ham to work for Mr. K. McUowan. Mr. Berry will lie xreaily mimed in the Sun- day school and EL I,., where he waa an efficient wnrki-r. Mi Jennie Robertaon of Toronto ia visiting with lii-r mother, Mrs. Rjbert- aon, at present. Tli.' K.-v . Mr. Darroch has commenced -; i il meetings in the Baptwt church. Proloii >l;.(io,i /'nmi "tii 11,11, I'urrrifxmdrnt Mr. D. M. !. m, section foreman on the railway, i* confined to his bed through an attack of la grippe. Mitt* Kinma Clark returned to her home in Midland on Tuesdsy mornmir. * The Sunday sch, ol entertainment held A llltle 7 yeM old boy named Lome hl " ' M "" UH y I11 llt "" '"' ver y Anckorn. of Owen SouDd, saved a 6- largely attended uwmg, r.o doubt, to the ,,,,., wh<> haU bri , k)JU th|1>Ui(h the ice at tirsi Benny Stone returned to Mineaing on Saturday lat. MISH Ethel Williams left here for LihJ towell on Thurmlay last. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson made their farewell calls on friends in tins iiriuhbor- hoo.l on Friday and Saturday, leaving for Bowiuauville on Monday, where they will remain a few days previous to 'heir departure f r their future home in Moos- oinin, N. \V. T. Bon >-yage. The dog on the corner lor .if liaae line, i becoiniiig a perfect terror. Neither < equestrians, pedestrians, quadruped* or ! bipeds can paaa alng the roatl without 1 tear of having to carry home with them | the impreflMioii of his teeth. Hotter tia him up, Mutter. UYMB.NIAI. I in \Vudni-sday fvcning, the 1st inat., a quiet but mteresi ing event took place at the residence .a Mr*. R. S|..n.-, Stmie's line, Arteuiesia. The occaaion waa the mamaiie of Mr. Stone's eldest daughter, Mis* Edna, to Mr. John Anderson of M> osoinin, N. W. T , sou of Mr. James Anderson, formerly of Orange Valley, tins townahip. The ceremony wan pur- forme.! by the Rev. W \\ilfiauis, D. D., of LUlowull. uncle of the bride, aasisted by the Rev.Mr. Humphreys of Priceville, The bride wait suppoi t.d by her lister. MINK Ida May Stone. Mr. Donald Mac- Kay of Bruce, officiated aa groomsman. After the usual congratulations the gueata were right royally banquctted by the hostvMt. A very enjoyable evenini; was spent and the party broke up about midniubt. Tlii' wed-Jing presents were numerous, ornamental and useful. The happy couple left by the 5 p. in. train on Monday for Bomativillc and other point* on a ihort visit to fiieinl.-., after which they will proceed to their future home at Mooaomiii. In leavi'ig this part Mr. and Mm. Anderson carry with them the best wishea of a lame circle of friend* May their journey through life be pros perous and pluaaiit. F. T. HILL & CO i aWHMMpS had condition '< the roads. There was a lengthy progi un in winch thx children performed their parts very creditably. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Hunter and Mr*, \ilen for tho very able manner in winch they had trained the children. Mrs. freeman has been under Ur Me- william*' care, but wu Are iflad to report her recoveriug Mr. K. M. Caryle of Knox College occupied the pulpit here last Sunday ev- ening. His msijy Iriends were glad to see him again. A meeting of thone interested in the manufacture of butter was held in Oiuii.e hall here Saturday evening. the river and wan in minimum danger of being drawn under the ice. Tha little Auckoru lad's act is one of great heroism and he is the lion uf the hour. Four animals, a frog, a duck, a Iamb and .4 skunk, recently .it tended a jircus. The frog vained admittance because he hsd a urvenback ; the duck not in because it had a bill, the lamb because i: had four quartern ; but the skunk was refused ad- mittance Itecause he only had a bad SOHO FOUNDRY Maxwell Prum o-ir Otrn Corretpondent One of the greatest storm* of the season raged Saturday night and all day Sun.l.y. W O. Mackie, V. S., haa hia office located in Brown's store. Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Railway from Notta#a spent a week among friends in this locality Wu are called to Announce the unfavor- able news this week to the people in the village, also the surrounding country of We have a number of Pulpvra and Wheelbarrows that we will sell cheap for; Mr - w - McWhmney. our favorite ach.wl >r would exchange them for Sawlogs or Shingle timber. Those about to | teacher, reaving at Kaoter to take a posi builil should see u before placing their order, aa we ca.-ry a Urae stock of dry tiro- 1 tlun aa , teacher in Walkorton public school. We wish him success, and what ia our loss is Walkerton's gain. Mr. II. 'libs of Toronto i* spending a P LEGATE &. CO fewd *y sw ' tnhi fri )iid ' i)r - Mockie - SAW and PLANING tier, and can furnish Krsmrs. S*sh and LWra and the different kinda Lumber ou short notice. Custom Sawing and Planing done aa SATISFACTION GUARANTEED of dresaed I usual and PWaherton Station, December S, 1898. Clbubblnt Rat**. Bat. Mail Empire and Advance. . . i 1 80 Weekly Mail Empire slid Advance 1 40 Farm and Preside 1 46 Weekly Olobe 1 M Saturday (llobe 8 45 Dily News and Advance 180 Ftmily Herald and Advance ... 1 80 KaruierV Sun and Advance .... 1 36 \V r anted, t ! Maple, Buawood. Kirch Ilni.Spruon an.1 all At Bovrt't Mills. KI.IK\- Rm.k ' ' ' i;*wihiite<) in an? quantity. CeOar tlw. X f*ol loon. V Inch top. cellar loas," from 10 o lAfeetloiiR. *nil 1-o.Ur pllni from 90 to 44 faaft long Mpeoially %anii<1. Otlar ami Rock Kin. may b* delivered t Plenharton HUtios WUhf-t .-ixh iirjoea paid, far further purtico lej-eaj.pl> W J. * W. UOYD La Grippe ia visiting us, but not with such severity as ill some sections. Mr. Win. Fleming haa been spending somo time under the parental roof. Considerable building will be done dur- ing the coming summer in this locality. Stone x s,-l ( Icnu-nt AVom otir man Corrrtpuiuitut We are ttlsd to announce the recovery of Mr. J. J. Lyneaa. His recent illnew A shocking case waa presented before the Judge McCurry at Parry Sound recently. | It was a charue of cruelly to an orphan boy who lived with a family named Slact y, near Sundndge. Freddy Stacey the boy, about ll! years of age, lived with his uncle, John Stacey, on a farm and waa made to do work around the place. The evidence revealed the fact 'li.it the boy was starved almost to the point of dtatli. Hi became literally a living skeleton. C.tnitrunu had set in in hiH finder* and tous, lr"in tliueffecln 'f which he will .suffer for life, having lost some of hm toes at the tirot joint. When Or. O.innichael of Sundridge was finally called in he found the boy unconscious, and in a dreadfully emaciated condition. No other restorative tsan fond was ailinitiister.il. snd by good treatment and a liberal diet during the last m mth the boy is fully restored, except from the effects of the gangrenous s..ivs, which still affect hm hands and feet. The lad s'at .1 that, he got nothing else than one or two potatoes and a small morsel of dry bread. At one time he fed on raw peaa, oats snd chop stuff that he nnt from the barn, snd sometimes raw turnips. For a MI, e he maimged to ( steal eggs from the fowl house. He ran sway once, but ho waa brought Imck. Tlie case IB certainly one which foi- utterheartluaiinesaiithardtopar Clearing 5ale JEWELLERY FOH ONE MONTM I have decided to make a clearing sala i >f Jewellery for one month in order U> reduce my very large stock and make PI. 1 1 n fur spring ^u.l. PIICB - HUTU - IHIQI ox- Silvorwarg, Sola 1 and Stolid Plate SBroocMis, Cmf, jCinks, Buttons, 3t,o* 9*i*t, <Situr Tfouottias. arrinys am/ fanay S/asjivary. Alll these things -nUSTGO - And anyone who can make OM of these thmus should never let the oppor- tunity past. W. A. Armstrong JEWELLKIJ. F A Miracle \- the request of several ladiaa who know it* virtues we have aecurd a tup- ply of the famous III Miracle Washing Compound ^ Win -h does your washing while you real. A vi ry larue washing can b dona in two hour. With thi.s 'niii|i<nind there ia No ruhhieitf of clotin-s No xmking of clothes ovr niht No back-breaking wathlxwnl work Is very low : One cake, sutticient to do a larae waKtiiiik:. for :jc.; two cakes for 5c. .mil :Ute IHT docrn. Will aend a trial cake by mail for 4c. Full dirvotiona foi utw> accnmpaiiy every cake. Monny re- fnndfil if it .loes not do all that is claimed For it. Addreaa or call at. Tne FLESHkRTo.N For Sale at Eugenia Lot No. 19. Pollxior straot, KiiReniK. on* half i ! >r Unil on which In a comfortable dwllior tiitiiM. i-iwht fruit tree*, bearing, well fencm). Will hill ohea|i. A.ldrew MK8. L. A. SLOAN Mefr.r,l. Uok. enter into a bond of two hundred dollars to appar later on for sentence, prea- uroably to be given when her husband ia ibrrated. Five The five diseaaea for which Shiloh'a Consumption Cure is especially recom- mended are Couuhs, Cnlds, VV hooping "i'Ui;h, Croup and Consumption. No nedicine ever nia.le by man ia equal to it n uny repei-t Sold under a |M*itive guarantee. Money hack if it fails. 2& cu*., 50cu. and f l.'tM) a bottle. n -In Klmhorton. on Kriilav, March X to Mr and Mr*. Maloolw MoOonel.l. too. Mrrlf<L McCallum KKLI.H- Hn March 1**. bv Rev J. Want. *t tbo i r-iilrin'ii of th briilen father. Artni.Mii. Mi. Win I Vol alliini to Mia* A mm- Kells. I'uiiliu,r ot Thoe Keili. B*q. BROWN ->t the raeiitonre of bi III*'* parent*. Kt-b H, bv the He*. Tnoiu. Mr. Kranra* H. ThoinM>|i to MrtbKIU.b,tli UrawB.all of tbe hiu tha W. Mlee Hismark's Iron Nerve Was tho resnlt of his uplendid health. In- domit* 1 le will aixl trrinen.lons energy ar* not toiinil wliere Siinrli. Liver. Ki.lnsye and Bowels ara out uf urdar. If you want thp ';uiitin and tlni Hiieeetn they bring, i uaa Dr. Kinv's Hw life pills. They develop ,i lei S*^y waa sentenced to six mouths I , TerT , , b j n ^4 j^jy. 0mlT 35 impriaonment and his wife wait made ta o*nt ny drag store.

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