- I THE ADVANCE. On* *f the leading Local and Famlljr Newapaperi In Northern Ontario. Publithed Every Tliu.rclay, FBOM THK OFTICB, CMingwvoi Street, FUfhtrton, Ont. TKBM8 OF 8CB8GBIPTIOM : Bl.OO per ann mil In advance, * ISO If not paid at tbe en d of 1* yeare. No piper dieoontluuod until all arruiir uKua are paid up . ami uo nubucrip- tloua takoii for leu than one year, except whmi ipoclal arrangeuientii for thortor period! are mad* wltli tliu publiaher. ADVKBTIBtNO BATES, dc. Oaetial adert isemenM , 8 cents per in Lnaertion and 3 oentt pr line each tubaequent Ineertion. Transient advertieemente to be paid for when ordered. Advertltementa without specle.1 direo- tione will be luaertad till forbid aud charged accordingly. LlberallnducemenU to regular adTortiaen. Notice* among reading matter, 10 cente per line each inmrtion. No advertisement discontinued until all ar- rearagee are paid up. Copy for dvHrtiement should reach this office not later than noon on Tueeday to onaure naextion iu current issue. A. R- FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. IFleshevton Meat Market. SEPT.UOOD, - PBOPRIXTOB Caali paid for fat Cattle and Fresh Meets constantly on band for Cash. Orders promptly filled. CORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTQN. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertou alriiiK, EaTetrouRhlng. and In fact every- ing in the buaiuess will receive my prompt and careful attention at reasonable prices Is IB CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It (A place to get your Harnett Cotton, etc, made up in good stylr. Shop in W. Clayton' j Boot a. Shoe Store, EUGENIA Grist Mill, SW ui L... 11. Having mad* extensive improvement* In my Oriil Mill, I am confident I can give good Mtiifaclicn. CHOPPING DONE ANT DAT. UoodFlonr alwiyi on hand. Custom Sawing, nd BUI* filled on the shortest notice. Lum- ber and Lath always on hand. Cash Paid for WHEAT ft OAT8, AKITT, BE IS THE MCBDBBEB. A book of 100 pages. Tbo beet book for an ailvertlter to con- toontalne llstn of newspaper* and estimate* bfUie<>c*t of advertising The artri-rtlM-rwho want* to *pen>1 one dollar, flnrti In H ihe In- formation be re an ire*, while forhlm wHo will Invent onr numfrM thouMUKl dollar* ID art- Tertlnlnir. a ch<-iiir la Indicated whlrh will I hi* every roqnlnrnont. or ea.a6e.arfe <p . 10 eoTSon* bar* been > ianed. BcntpoeTpal.1. to any addreatfor lOoentt. Write to QKO. P. KOWBL1, * CO., KBW8PAPBR ADVERTISINU (108pruoe8t.PrlntlngUoue8q.>, Th. Horribl* Conleiticn of WlltOCl at Chicago ProM to b True. AT LaBT. A HY8TBBY BOLVBD A Chicago Je*i>etcb taye : Tb* ttrange *ud wild .lory of John M WiUou. wbo t.Wjered luto Ihe Twelf tn lireet MkliOD on rUlnrday night lam proclaiming hi mi.ll murderer, it true. The following detp*Mh, received Uet n ighl tram Philadelphia, OM firm* hi. talc : Bold WUeon. He U Wanted lor mur.ler of Anthony Daly, wbo dletppeared mytteriouily boat middle of February, IBM, from Lu farm In Montgomery county, near ITT Bill Cemetery. Will MU J oo for blui. V. R. KILL Y. Chief ol Deteetlvee. In bU drunken talk, Wtleoo told o( the tumble manner in which be killed Authony Daly, a farmer, ol Chestnut Hill, Pm , ID February. 1684 ; bow after I e bad worktd lot him ha Baked (or monty, and on being r*fueed vitiled a neighboring vi..*i and >('j| on it, druuk. Kalurolug, betlealtbiU entered ibe aleepio*; room ol Ul), Mid, picking P * meat eltaver, brau-ed Ib* lecpiug victim. Tliu detail! following art aJujoet too humble to relat*. 1 be mur- derer deliberately haoktd tbe body to pieces, aewed tb* tevered member* in ban aud dumped them into tbe Wieeabiekon River Wbtiu tofieiently kobuad to reahie Ib* deed he bad oommitled, be fledtbe oouulry, arriving m Chicago alter almoel two > ears' wandering*. TIB.BOU UMOMB. Wilton wa* teen in hi* oell at the police aUtioo laet oigbi Be IB a email man, about 27 yean ol ag*, a native ol Nova BoutiB, where hi* parent* aud relative* reeid*. BID** bit arrival in tbie (> he hai worked lor m milkman on Weatwurtb avtnot. He aaj that he bai been nearly (rantio ever itnee be eomomled the deed, and bai veinlv tried to drown hie retnorie with liquor. About two week* *inoe be mt a ehild greatly neembliog that ot tb* man he had murdered. Blnoe then be hat known BO pteo* ol mind, and on Saturday uigbi got dinok and hired a boy to lake him to the polioe nation, wbere be made hie eocfeeatnn. Wbeo told thai hi* ekorj bad been verified hy tbe Philadelphia deteetivee Wileon ex- pretted no lorpriae ; if anything, be appeared pleated el tht information. An to bie paniohmeDl be appeere tomtwhai qarelee* what dupoeitioa Umade of Lim. He would ralber not be banged, be aayi, bui accmi to ibink tbat will be bis (at*. A ICTIM or Tbe nnlorlonati KeQUogtoo batober, Gbarlee A. Dieierle. wbo wai arreeled lor tbe crime, alter the diamembered '*** meute ol the body bad been identified ai tbe remains of Frederick Blabl, an em- ploye* ol Diiterl*, wai only eaved trom indiotmenl and almoel eertain oonviolioo ol murder by the earliest and inergatM way in which on* of the Philadelphia L*WI- paper* ioTeatigated tbe eaee and disproved every theory ol tb* polioe detcotivee at fast a* they were advanced. They attempted to manufacture evideno* tgainat tbe unfortunate butober by secretly taking hie oulr borne, the eole friend that atood by him nave hi* wil*, and driving Ib* animal ov*r tb* WitiabiokcD road al midnight, in tb* e xpeotailou that tbe steed wuoid die play a reeogbitiuo i! > hr roole or atop neat the pond at which th duiuni. beted body wai thrown into tb* ereek, a* will perhaps be recalled. Tbe unfortunate mat/* boi- neea wa* rained, and be wae made an ooloaet. Tbe borre (topped al one of tb* boteU, and it we* afterward diaoo vered thai tb* batcher bad actually drivtn bin lamily over tb* road one Bonday i d bad atopptd at tb* boetl*ry lor a glae* of b*r. Bueb i* tb* vain* of *vid*n* made to At a theory ol erime. e> K< 1 1 l.lral. Urhwrr- i-mf+r t.nk A lael (Bonda>) nlgbt'i Annapolie, If d., aiipateb aay* : Tbe United Btate* Naval Inautote, eompowd ol cffioen of the navy, dieooBKed al tb* Naval Academy laet night Lieal. Daneobower'i paper on North Polar Beeaarehea, In wbiab D* takea th* groand thai there ie DO oontio*Dt yet aDdiaeovered in tbe North Polar basin, and tb* only land* yet onknown are tome imall ulaudi and groai<* of ielande, and thai tb* OI*L tiflo knowledge yel to be ohtaioed I* not w. rib the loee u f ill* and treaeore) that will he required lor latore eipediuoo*. Chief Eogiueer Oeorg* W. MelviU* write* that be agree* tbal ibe work of tbe ciploreu ol Ibe pail hae been w*ll dont, but be doe* not concur with Litut Danenbower euber in bi* e*l*otion ol a rout* toward Ib* pol* or hi* tic meui tbal b*cau*e ol tbe b*rJ ebipe endured, or tb* loee of lit* and traaaur*, the reaearob aboold be abandoned. lie urge* thai Frani Joeef land baa It* two eeeential feature* reoomoaecding il a*) a bate for an advaoe* toward tht pol*. Lieu I. Ortely write* thai be ha* no inclination to deny Ibe mtritt ol tbe) eeeay, bai it* tendencies teem particularly unfortunate, and be tegret* that il *maoated from aa ofBoer cl tbe terviee. Prof. H. Bink, ol Norway, *U| porte Lieut Dao*nhow*r in hi* Ineory ol iilaod* and (coupe ol Ulandai in tb* Polar ba*in, and believee that further aouve rtetareh ie not wortb Ita ooek fewhtrr'aAec* Ihrrr ! awrt Thirty. A HaUlax despatch aaya : Oouaiderable excitement wa* created about tb* Oily yenlardey morniD| by a rumor thai th* >a*hler of on* of our moat prominent loeel baoke bad got into diffloallle*. Inquiry ,bi alMruoon, aft*r Ib* dirr*eton bad Bad an upportnoity to InvMtigat* the matter, revealed the f aot Ibal irreKUlatilita 10 the amount ol IM.OOO exiet io th* aecoont* ot H. T. Clarke, wbo eooeeedcd a few year* ago, on tb* death of Mr. W. 8 Stirling, to ibe petition of oaibier ol tbt Union Bank ol Halifax. Tb* director!, however, itate tbal Mr. Clarke ha* (toured tb* bank latufaetorily for tb* amount, M tbal they will raBtain no loam. Th* trreu laritiee have extended over a number of > < am, and an investigation wai oommenoed eome dayi ago. No proMeding* are being taken, and Mr. Claike baa not diaapptarea aeinmorrd, hot U with hit wit* aud family at Bedford. A DIW oatbier will be appointed ehortly. m I <M tll>\ K. O I.I* M UK I I* NBITtl M * JI I I It. Pei*r, (ran Ib* door ol aee>v*a, *) A STKIKIIMU KIOT. -eveewJ arete* Oe aTlclu ! M. aTBtmlly efc.i b r r reepte lejawcel. A latl (Friday) nigbl'e 81. Looie, Mo., dwpleb eaye : About noon to day th* treoi ear !riken began to aaaemoie in aijut in vanone |<ari* of the oily, and tbiog- preeenlod an uminoo* appear an ee. FIMI a liol uoourieu on Ibe Ohoateu avenu* road, and atveral ear* we*e dumped into th* gutter, and the driven and eon duoton were **verely handled. M*zl a btf erowd ol etrikem attacked ttvaral care ol tb* Voion Depot line on tbe Terallth tireet bridge. Tb* ariver* and ooodoaltor* were badly beaten, on* eoodnolor beiug rendered intentible. Tb* riotet* w*t* In auob a hurry to tip over the oart thai tb* paaten pr* w*r* not allowed lim* to gel oui, and two lediea wer* badly biumtd on th Twelfth itreel bridge wblle leaping ln<m a oar Mayor Fraoouawi Chief ui Poliae Ilr riau with a iquad of polioe arrived on tbe bridge toon ttterward* aud made tome a -reel*, tbe rioten ditptning tulUoly. About 8 p m. a not broke 001 on Caee areone, ibe erowd extending trom Ninlh to Fourteenth tlreele. Al Isael a dosen ean ol tbe Oeee avenue line wtr* laid in tb* gnttere by the mob. All th* oonduotoo and drinr* were bandied very roughly and th* team* turned looe on the *lr**te. Shortly after thie another riot ooenrred on Ih* track* of tb* Union line, on O'FaJion tree i, near Tenth. Her* tb* oare wer* toaaed aboal and Ib* wtidael *zeit*m*nt prevailed. Tbe two mobe were in oloe* proximity and tb* arowde toon united, eome two or three thoneaod peopl* nllmg all the adJMoa! treet* ana prevcoUoK treAo. In a few minnlee another mob began to overturn the oare ol tbe Liu del Kail way on Eighth itreel and WaehioKtoa avenne, and her* too an immtnae crowd Katbered. Tbe flmt really terioua eyeul, and on* involving tbe low of lile, occurred about S o'clock thia *f Mrnoon on Btoddari aveno*. Ou* ot tb* eare of tb* Union depot hue wa* enuiog op Ib* aveou* in obarg* ol Polioercan Oriffilb and Hannoe, and whan near Hickory *tr**t it wa* tnrrouuded by com* fifty men, wbo began to oal tb* barn*** and make other demon- atrationi. Tbe tffloere twioe ordered the Ben to deciat, bat they paid no attention and aetenlttd tbe ofie*r* with uok and rook*. Hannoo wai air uok with a rock and Gnftib wa* knooked down by a man nam*d Jobn Bavey. Wblle the latter beating Griffith, Hannoo drew hi* piatol and abol him in ibe bead, killing aim. The body of Havey wae taken to th* morgue. Haonon went to b*adquatter* and reported tbe affair and wae placed under arreet. There i* a diffwreno* of opmion aa to whether Hannoa wai junti Bed in hooting Hav*y, bat tb* w*ibt of th* teelimony eo far ia in hie favor. Bavey wa* a bricklayer, but ha* been driving a war on th* tdodel 1m* of late. Four ol ib* riot*/* in the Twelfth etrtet bridge affair, lour el tbe Chouteaa avraue aug, flv* ol tboee who npeel the ear* on Washington avenn*,and an of tboee who eiopped tbe oare on O Felloe tlreel w*r* arreattd bia afternoon and locked up. Wiu Jaokaon, chut clerk of Ibe Arling- ton Hotel at Hot Spring*, Ark., while going to tbe fair ground* in a Oaa* avenue ear, wa* alruok by a rook during tbe riot and bad bi* jw badly fractured. H*nry Oyaager, a promuieal oitieea, wae aleo etrook in tb* laee) with a rook, and received a Mvere wooud. A <-OOI) I <OH I -1. t.0 1 I a. nnii,in( mpeeeivr i a BleurlaJ- A Hartford (Oonn.) deepatoh aay* : The puitoalitle ol tbie oily are txoited over tht tzpoture ol Mr*. Kngta* Beele, the wtU-kuowo UlumutaMd maaeriaitamx medium. Bbe be* bewildered tbe people ol cultured Botaoo, wbere ah* bad otoeeed eeanoer for two yeare, and ihe ha* aUo fven enoeeeeful nhibiiioue in Haw York, biladelphiej and Waahingtpn. Hue eame to tbie oily al the invitation of leading piriiaalUw>, and a aeano* wa* given oej Saturday, atUnded by a teleol few. An tnorednione lady determined to teat the gtnDioeneB* ol the viaionary form* at the out exhibition, and laid oarafol plane. Bbe obtained Ihe ooaeeot of Mr*. Hone*, at boae home tbe medium wae a goeel, and two atoui men w*r* **er*led in tbe kitobtn while the iuviled twenty al 91 apiooe were lormluK ibree eirolee in ibe ao join- ing room. Mr*. Beat* chatted with th* p*ate>lor* niitil 8.80. wbo tb* room w^a darkened. Two enaira bad beeu pUot-d a|aiul the kitchen door by tbe medium i i a wire i ui io fioul cf tbe iuaide circle. Thi*, the lady laid, would have an tlectrie uVoi. Tbe medium then retired to tb oabtueot termed by enrtaiai inoloetng a bay eiuduw. A death Ilka tileuoa pirvadtd the rootn, wh*n a tall Agnr* appeared, dvaneed a few etepe and aang in a deep bee*. Tbe ntxl figure wae Daiay, a child tiine feel tall, who talked in a iwael voice. Then earn* an illuminated oriental figure, wbo wore laaiinou* robe* and wae expected to diaaolv* before the tyee of the epectaton. Tbe light we* beautiful. Blar* parkled and Ib* blu* fir* *nv*loped tbe flgore. Suddenly the kit*b*n door fl*w open, and two men ruebed in, aeiaed tbe aiparition, which uttered apierning ion am aud called {or b*lp. Liht wre pro- cured, tb* poentcd tuz was torn off Ihe figure, and Mm Qeete toad before the cxntexi twenty, Bb* dwpUyed a one form, arrayed in oonet*, a ihorl ohtmia* and blue *tqckio|*. Bb waa allowed to drem, alter which the mad* a oouleeeion, wbiab *bc pal into th* *bap* of aoi attdavit by a lawyer preeenl and aigued by Mr*. Beat*. Bbe laid ber robe* w*re eoaked in a tolntion ol pbotpboru* and paltered will) illuminated pain I, which produced tbe Inminoat (fleet. The** w*r* oonceal*d under ber dree* when tbe ot*red Ihe oabinet. Tall Agnre* w*r* mad* by rataing tbe arma over tb* bead and Bmaller flKure* by kneeling town, bh* eaid all th* Boeton mediama were frand* and tbal aba bad deceived Ibonnaud*. though in eonntanl l*ar of expotur*. After rvfuudiog tb* lau. whifh wa* given o lue two men wbo caught her, *be waa allowed 1 1 d*parl. Bb* left Ib* oily on tbe Wa*h ingtoo *ipree*. In ber affidavit the awear* nevtr to give) another *xbibttico. Tbt* 11 witnaeeed by W. Bur*, ol Ibe lim and other well-known gautltmen. Tbe medium bad great vroal powers, wtnol. bo oa*d to advantage. The leading Hi'intualntM lay they tre pleated at tbe di'co very of frand wherever it eiialn. from n.ture'i well known liwr Mulior., DAHDELIOM, combiwd with many r roo... h.rk. and herb., h.r.nf . overfill .ffcci on th Kidnry, Ston-ch, BoweU aad llood. 600.000 COLD >wr vu-kmlf millim / Dr. Ck^'i Rid* R<**> err* ttU in C*~l *l*u. ' "T7 ?."* MUM* < ikl'U *< il tnmbitd milk Livtr CM- 1fimt If try tkit ntctUtnt rtmtdf. teWTMMNnr. CivtN AWAY Fm 'rapped arannd erwy bottle of Dr. Chen'. I Jr Core arahaibU Hoauhold Medical (lW and Recipe (14 pecct), conlminlnf rmr ton nicful rcip, uiced by medical iiwn and dniit M inTmla nd worth tea tim the price of the medicine. CNAM'I C*Tnn Cewl, * ah and podtite . Prtce, es centft. CKMI'lKlteiYMOllVTlPUL*. t] el*, par be*. BOLD Y ALL DIALERS A t nn l tllrl Kn...r. i. marry a en i 110. An Atlanta, Ot., denpateb *ayt : Mian Lillie Bo**, a beautiful mrl d 1?, waa to have married Jacob Wetbtringlon, aged 66. at 8 o'olook yeetetday morning al Valdoale. Tb* marriagt had been arranged by ber p\rent*. An boar before tb* boar named Lilli* fl*d Iron her bom* In ber bridal drtee, and at a ntlgbbor't bout* met Jaete Hardee, a farmer tweetbearl. Tber went to a majilatrate and wire married. They then returned to Ib* bride'* hooae in time to meet tb* gaeati wbo bad avetmbled to nee Wttberiogton't marriage. Mt. Wethttington took tbe affair quietly, hot declined to May to tht leaet. Tb* girl'* parent* forgave her and all i* now ortn*. In a resent compctitloa moog tbe b**plp* player* of Obicago tb* Orel priat and oh.mpion medal wa* awardt>d to John Ortrar, whom pluylng ol " Lord Paomore'e Marob " fired Ibe bearle ol both judge* and aueotatore. Beaeonifltld talked In a tot I. low voter. Oladeton* talk* diatloatly In medium tiOM. and Lord Baliahary loudlj, often boliteroualy. TIIK LADIES' AUTlval eX U We're menaced, I hear It aaid, with crinoline. But I do nol fear tbat wearing hooped petticoat* will ever again be obliga lory. Fcehiuu it now anarchical, aid rapid looomotiou t*t.di to make tfaooe wbo ar* prominent n^uro al place* of public amniamcnt favor wbal 1* convenient, \ vael number of frooiu aod abort gown* can b* packed into an ordinary ladle*' travelllni track. Tb* frock o* gown require* vuj little filling oat with underskirts and ia quickly donned and doffed. Thi* is a great advantage to beauties, wbo in rammer rail from out seaside racecourse to another anc ar* too buay finding out wbal bone* bav* tbe beet obanoc* of winning to b* serving aa lay finare* to tbvir moditta and Jemmit ie clumiire. Climbing to tap* of mail oo*cii* aod tram-care I* alao to much mor* eaty in a short, oliogiig skirl. Tbt opera liou would be dreadful trom a Mr* Oruody point of view were ortoulio* la mutt Tb* exoua* for tb* threatened revival in that vatoe U not giveu to tb* large pal tern* on rich brocaded tUki wb*n tb* ekirl i* not spread out on hoop*. Tb* r'rmoee* Mary Amelie trie* to r*viv* wbal wee laodiah wb*n her grandmother, the Duobeea of Orlean*. wa* young, married and on widowed. Poru Letter to LenaVm Trutk. Wsesb tTaekitaei NeMe*. A favorite fancy n a email knot ot ribbon tb* color of tb* drees act on tb* *id* of Ih* high, oloae collar. Several n*w v*iling nek* are tbown, aujni'K other* a flot ailk fabric, ao worn Ibal it look* line a *ac*t**K>ii of liny *tan. " Iniibmaeaaint " lac* i* really very elegant, and, although quit* expensive, u to durable tbal II i* a gooo investment. Btriped or obeeked material* are fre- quei.tiy eombin*d witb plain cashmere or merino for walking eoelaoi**, but plaid* are quite got* oal ot fattaion. There it a noticeable absence of button* on all Ib* LB wer Pan* drawee, and many of tbe front* have a fold of ailk or lo* down ib* middle, or a > birred jabot oonfiuDd by ribbon*. Plain and velvet, but cut and fri**, will b* aptoielly popolar, and ib* pltio and broeadid good* in which th*** sfloou a i pear will DO among tb* tuo.t preferred ot all material* for autumn wrap* and cloakt. The new color* are Afrieain*, a neutral gray ; Flor*olin, a deep clear broiiae ; vieui veri, old dull green. Old mahogany U a popular red brown, lingo is tbe color of Id leather. Bauriann* I* a moat-green. Oceanic it eld dull red, like old brick*. A handkerchief of bright oolored *ilk preferably in a ( *lan plaid will be worn in ibe front ot the drcae if ol black, acd with color*, torn* shad* to barmouixe or eon- I. Several young ladie* of faehion lave a handkerchief IO match every drtas. at any ot them are fnnged for an inch or to all arouLd. In millinery bonclt fabric*, or thoe with Aitiakhan iff ecu, or, a* they migbl be termed with mor* oorreoinaae, " Aalrakhan xraretle*," ar* eitremel) pretty, and wnin tyliahly mad* up and combined with any of tbe ntw fancy feathert will b* among the ipeoial attraction* of ib* Mtecn. They com* in all color*. Bridal v. iu of real lac* are now put on io a* to com* down to tb* eyebrow* only, caving the reel of tb* face uncovered, wblle al Ibe back it fall* within a lew inches if Ibe skirt. Tbie arrangement U suitable 'or laoe veil*, which are never to wide ei plain lull* one*. Tb* latter are alwayi orn ao M to cover in* figure entirely, coming down below th* waial in trout. Bbort jacket bodioai an quit* the suooeaa of th* Maaon ; tb* shape ol the jacket duos not vary moon ; il moat alwayi be perfectly well cut, ec.remely tight utung, even to under tb* arm*, witb a very eborl batqoi, and faekanad in Iroot or al tbe aid* ; In tronl il op*n* over a plain vrn or elte over a full plastron of faille or surah, iltbtr white, tareb-blue, cream, sulphur yellow or poppy nd. The moel coquettish eiodel OJI exmetly like tb* bjdiee ot a dress Ml about two inches shorter, and opens over a narrow veil, witb Iwo revere which com* taptriLK down to th* waial, aud are of *ilk of a contrasting ehade of color ; ibu style of jacket i*, more properly apeaklng, a bodice , il i* often mad* of tearlet cloth, aerge or thick, rough-looking woollen material. The wU MrktB mrr Awfcwaa-4 mm* km taw New/ was** are WeekCere. Two ligni in tb* abow window of a Bar- clay street dsalcr in inrgieal appliances read a* followa : " Old Utyl* Ltg." aod 'New BiyuLeg," They abow thai tbtre u a fatbiun in arlifloial Itgs. Tbe old-atyla ,ag tooeiBted of a abort woolen itntnp and ooket, whuh wa* to be faetened to ihe aaiutug. portion of the ""*' "g member by a atoai broad itrep. Ii wae of tb* earn* i) Ie uauaUly exhibited lu piolur* book* end on tb* COMIC opera Mag*. Tb* new sly U> leg wa* a flosti oolored copy of a human leg aod fool, light aad apparently aa corn (urvable M a cripple would requir*. Th* old style leg," aaid tb* proprietor, i* a clumsy ttflair, aad u bletfy worn by tboee wbo are not proud ol their pereonal appearenot, and by poor men wbo are oustbls tu pay tb* price demandtdfoc nuer work, W* still bav* Urge ordars for them. aud alwayi xpect to bav*. They *o*t rum 16 to 126. according to workmeoiabip The new *i>le of leg ooee* from 175 to t'JOO Tb* former price U tor a log Irum tb* kit** duwnward, white tb* laM*r sake* in a bole leg. beau the bip joint to Ih* btg to* THCBC lega an very ligbt. They an hollow, and ar* mad* of a great many layer* of wood, a* ibm aa wall pepsr, otmeoted together. Tn*y ar* alaiaal a* toogb as run. Tb*y ar* comfortable to th* *nmp, and th* eptiuge in tb*m give their owner au almoit natural gait. 1 here is a *priny oinl al tb* to**, one al tb* aokl*, which hltt tb* loot to band up and down, aod aleo a lateral joint at the lame plao*, that allow* tne lout to turn from side to side. It i* to arm*, however, tbal tbi* buei- tit* be* mad* tbt rnoet rapid advance ment," euutiuaed tb* aeeJer. " Tbe mail wbo inviutM the artifloiisl arm aud baud t* a practiced philauiibropial. When 1 we* a hoy a niaji wbo lual hi* arm . obliged tu wear a wooden llump witb a iw *oek*l at Ib* end. Into thi* bt ooald acre w kotle, a ipoon or fork to blip i. m wblle eating, Mid a book for aae at ibex time*. Now weoaagiv* him a wrist, band and finger*, wbion work witb springe, and almuat eooiplei*ly take Ibe piaoc ol as miaali g members. He oao pal a hulls, poon aud lock between bia Auger*, which ii| bold them with a grip ol eteel, and boa b* may *at witbonl discomfort. B* can aleo pot a pen between hi* finger* aad rue almost a* well a* he eoaid wiib hi* siurai hand. Ten yean ago tbi* would have been regarded a* miracle. This lyl* ol arm aelU lor 1100. 1'ney mak* arufloial portion* ol a man'* body now almuai aa eervtoeable ai tb* real one*." Mrs? York Sun. A VKW fTi<n .1 MKI-. r. 1 k> II l.i .TT el Ike > . . n. c .1. rr ml *JU i ..i. . i ior ruree. Tb* advent ol cold weather every tall In. for torn* rea-'Hi. attended by an ineraae* ol flre*. Tbe Philadelphia Ltdftr lurottily aa)K tbsl housekeeper*, jaoitar* and oiharn bonld now " ace that all beating tppara- tu* i* In good order, *o thai when the Are* bav* to b* ligbtrd they may not endanger property. It i* a rnlitak* to inppo** thai tbe bonte flute which wtr* Monud enmiKh when ib* Arc* w*r* put out In June ar* equally ao after having weetbvred th* lira- m*r. The dampoee* to which they ar* xpoeed in *umm*r bae don* it* oxidizing work upon them, though they have not beeu heated artificially. Ao iodiapenaabl* con- dition ol taf*ty againal autumn fire* oauted by the proverbial " detective floe," **p*>- oially in cheaply built houaei, i* to over- haul tht beating apparatut at carefully a* p Mwible al tb* beglaiii'ig of every fall Tb* price ol a young giraffe I* from It 600 m 16,000, ol an old one tram 116,000 to 186 000. A cultivated intellect U to b* daaired. bat the h.arl in toiereigo. Intellect danlea. Moel people ar* aware that Toronto, during let non-age, or [ orioJ ol aoioeorpur. ated esMt*ae, wa* aBuwn aa Turk, Cop*r Oauada, and that tbii name wa*giv*o to il in honor of Frederick. Dub* of Y >rk, eeoond eon of Oeotge UI. The projector ol th* Canadian Tork waa a p*r*onal lav iriie with th* old king on account ol hi- exploit* during tb* war of tbt Amtrican revolution, and b* *bow*d hi*, devotion to tbe reigniug family by not only naming tbt capital of the new Provtue* of Upper Uau- ada alter tbe title of the young toldier Pnno*, but alao a**igmo( to it* tboroughlarcc namca ooajqienioraeiv* of Mvcral other mcmhtrt ol tb* royal honaebold. Baaiiie* loyally giving Ib* Bentl name of King *tr**t to ihe princi- pal tboevugnfare, and Uoke and Doahoet tlreel, reepeciively, to Ibe two parallel thoroughfare*, h* dittiogaiabtd tbt oroe ilrcete, tbe moel WMterly out, by eelliot il Oeorge tireet, in honor of tht heir app* rent, alterward* tb* r*g*nt and Oeoritt IT ; and th* n*xt *atr.y on* Frederick tr**i, from the baptumal name of tbt " eponymoo* hero" of the whole plac* ; and th* o*xt taclerly on* Oaroliaa *treet, trom Caroline, wit* of Pnnoe Otorg*, after- ward* ao unhappily famous aa <iueeu ; aud tbe next following on*, aud tb* moel eati erly, Pnoae* Mr**!, oull*otiv*ly, out ol regard for Ik* five other too* of the king - naiuee which continue in Aommon uae in Toronto, with tb* exception of Caroline treet, which hat been extiDguiibed tbroOKb tb* recent extension aoutbward to the water'* edge of tb* nan* "Bhwboarne etreet, ' and Prinot* etreei. wbieb, oooa eiooally al leant, it BOW numtaoingly writ ten and printed Prinoate ilreel. H 8' < tt Week. Oct. 9th A He p.nrr . Mraeig* MeerMo. The taioide lael week ol Ih* local editor of the (Jau.cy, III., Timet wa* alltodtd by a CUrioui oiroooiltancc Brfnre o mnnittn the raeh deed, he eat down in hi* room auc wrote oql long aooonol of the fceliugt il a ac.uated him Tni record covered xevtn teen oiowely written pag<*< end wa* ad dreaned to hi* felloe--re|iorier* la Ik* oily lu It h* d-olared Ibal he bad been inxanr lor Iwo >ear and had often fill impelle< to lake hi* life H* detailed tb* gradua giving way d hi* mind to tht impaU* Mlf-deetroo'ion. and oloaed with thi* uriow* rt flection: "At you read tbee* line* no doubt you will wonder what can b* Ibr n luiluinn nl a mind tbal would dlotalt Mob word* Tn* novelty ot tbie paper, i I am allowed to at* tbt term, will tho thai an affected mind ii at tb* back of II No aane penoo would writ* a* I have. Thai tb* man wa* Inaao* there can be little doubt, but b* bad nev.-r cbown eign Ot aberralioD, and wa* looked apoo b; tboae wbo knew him aa a ebarp, mteltigeb reprcMnlative ol hi* protteaioo. e> Tb* procea* of Qtreaanisi ug tbe peopl of Aleao* and Lorraloa iiaaiJ by tb* Rev Dr. Philip Behaff to be golatJAa itiadil aod irr**i*tlbly, **p*Oiall|^Kb* ichnoli B* Ibiok* thai, in a maflaJ and eduo. lionai point of vi*w, ^T annexation tionai point bMeieWT a*l*in : i -n i < Tke lae*>rawire>i>le arrt el la* * n ,n ih. W.rld Wm I udr,.,. u 4. IBr An. All our tealakio* come from London, 'be Alaaka Far Company paid Ib* OUT romeol tSOO 000 twenty year* ago lor a Inety-niiia year franehiae to all tbe aeait akeu in or about Ibe euuutry. i'jr the rel flv* or an ytara th* k*ven men com rialug Ibe company wire n*ai!y bonk unteo. Tbty oauthl th* *eal* aad aoia be lui* tot IS eeeb. Now they being Tbe oompaoiy'i revenae uow amotu,h- to million, a y*ac, but none of tbe tore ar* old directly in ifai country. They all go to ieoodoo to be dyed. Tb* orimi oulur u like thut, and he (bowed m* an undyed baby" eealiim II we* eteel-gray in ihe oeotre, with ao amber nndcfgrowtb, aod blended oal toward* tne *idee ink) a yellowiab attbcr. Tbey all to London," be eoutlnuedaj be- tbere la oaly on* man in Ib* world wbo underiiai.de tbe art ol dyeing Dem. Hie naru* i* Martin and be ha* mad* a vaat fortune oal of it. No one bet vtr been able to diacover Ib* prop*r mix- UN of obemioala. Uoiauli*l* have aoalyMd b* ounteuteof tb* dreoo* aod **w*ra *>biob from hi* place, but witbool ucoti Io oo* know, bow ibe dyee an mad*. A oaby aeal nudyed 1* worth aooui 18. A utt-aiaed Mai uudjed u worth about VM. u LLiak.li g cloaae, LiCwiuarkete, doliaauia, o , we out off tb* flauk* and uae tb* reel. V* eell full length piece*, and uever make croee eeam. There la au Albany (NY.) man wbo dyte tb* teal very durably aud ueoeeeluUy, but u ia a aorl cf livr oolot have two dytre lu oor plao* direct run. L, mdob, aiid we red)* tbe Lundoo- oulored lor ao thai tbe repairing oanuot b* tooted, aod wa hope ouu to be> able to du wiibuot Martin, vl Lj-iudou. Tbi* won.d Tula Ionian tbe tor trade and break urue terribiy. Tbe avaragj* life of a aeai-aaib aoqu* i* eigbl yean. Ckitayo Ntui. Two Liberal candid*,*** are in the Held for tb* representation of Piulev Provuet Clark aod Mr. W B. Harbour, London. Sir Andrew Clark wa*, oa ibe ii6ib alt., entertained to dinner by ihe MadioaJ Faouliy ol Dundee, under Ike Pmtldaney of Dr. Or*ig. Beterenc* wa* made in Ibe oourai of tb* evening to ib* propoaal to Miabaab a medical tobool in Dundee. A* westing of tb* ICilm*jmock Town Council, on Ih* Mad all., 11 wa* rteolved to ooufer the freedom of tb* burgh on Lord Kotebtry on tbe nnoaiiiin of lu* unveiling Ib* Early lUforiusra Monument, CO October 17th, aad alao to a*k Hi* Lordahip to lay the foundation of tb* Art Ball. Tb* Marque of 4 lie* presided on the 16ib alt al tbe annoal meeting of tbe Glasgow Ualted YuuLg Men a CbriBtiao Aeenotalloo U wa* reported that there were 611 mien ber* on the roll on Jan* 80th aa increase: -f 119 ao tb* preceding year. *9S bad been ouUeeted by braoebee tor their own working sxpeniei, aod 174 aad beco tabeonbcd for ttntral and aeeuooal eipeo***. ItetBBB. D*ai* Howard, while At tt'*t . for Mr*. Toran, ot BUgo, iroppad dead into adyk*. Tb* death ot Mr. T. U. Bcolt, manager of Btirael Bteamahip Compaay, look recpntly Miebad Connor* was aooidenlally killed in L>i*a*rick on Hepl. lltb by a fall trom a soaffotd On bepl. litb a trial trip wae made over ibe new eleetno tramway lint from H*wry to Baasbrook. TIM 1*1 BatMOioo Hlgbiaad Light Infantry (tb* old 71*1 FM) ha*) changed quarter* frum Dublin t> Belfaea. The will of ib* 1st* Mr. Jamet Cbau*. M P , let* of BaUyertsry, *bow* tb* vain* of tne penonal **iat* in jglaod and Ireland to b* over LU 000 Ottarlee Usury Jam**, cffiaeJ aetitrae*. Dablie, ha* beeu charged befor* tb* Magi*. irate* wub having fraudulently appropn- k-d iJOe belonging lo estate)* in bank- rupsey. Mr. Angela Beck ha* jaal oompUted a boat of the greeM Domuiean orator, Ik* Ui* F.ther Bark*. Tb* work, wbiab u iili-ei, will b* ubibitad at th* forth- coming winter eiDibitioo in Dublin. A tragic occurrence i* reported from Tipperary. Ou Sept. 19ih, ale plate called SbaUee, tear Nenagb, a yooag farmer named Jam** Ryan had an alMrealion with a man named O'Brien, whom b* called a py. Tn* latter u atattd to bav* gone borne in a rage, and having ptocoiwd a fouling piece, fired al Kyan, talaJly wound- ing him in tb* side. A M OH i ui *. gaivwcxt IVal "f. *>. U i. I ,n.<l.,, r ,._ a*) ii..d New/ Tcrei rtrwe. A eborl lime ago Jobn Deermg. of Exeter. Outario, aaw in a otwepaper an advertiet- meut r*pr*entiug tbal Lome e> Ward, of Ntw York oily, wer* abl* to obt^o divoren tor tbot* deeiriDg tb*m. Oeencg wa* unoua to atparal* from hie wife and applied to Lome A Ward to obtain for htm a divorce ou the alleged ground of adultery. lua tew day e be received wba* purported to b* a divorce, tint C O. D ' witb IW ofaargc*. A letter explaiued that Ii of Ihi* aum wa* lor court leee and tb* baiacoe lor l)|al Mrnaee. Tbe divorce purported to ban been leaned by tb* BupreOM Court of Adam* County. I1L," which wa* rtpraeeoted a* beiog located al Clayton, a email town en the Wabaah road in that county. It bore a aeal, apparently inch a* ua>d by a court, and lb tuiuature* of " W. H. Uieki, clerk," end " A. Bale*, judge." A Canadian lawyer to wkom Deenog bowed tbie paper told him il waa) fraud. Tb* (.Hoar* of tb* buprime Court of lUmoiawere oommpjjioaied wub. aod B A. Buively, Clerk of th* Court, collected eoeb fact* a* war* Mtaiuabl* m ton Hiaaa eon oerning the fr*adnl*ol divorce toaune. Il wai evident Ik* mail* were btiog ated by ibe arm, and ibe proof* war* turned over to Lulled Sit tec Uietnoi Altoraty Hoc*- betk, wbo to-day forwarded tbeou to Dulled Hiaiee Uutriei Atk-rney Doraheimer al Niw Yark.-.Vnc York IIXM n\ * i i 1 1 MI TIOM tl. i i i t > i f . .1 H,I, r .1 tae l \ i,.. A London cable lay*: Tb* approaobiog Uptial* ot 1'riiiOe Waldemar, of Decmaik, and tbe Pruieete M .rie, ol Orleaua, axed tu take place on ibe Hud iutt., an no* oocu )ibg tb* atteutiuu of aoo,*ty journal! 'be alliance will bring Ib* Urleau. lamil) utu Intimal* relation with ibe (reat*>l oyal bouaet ot Europe. Priooe Waide mar i the brolber of the Cxariua of Hu>- la, Ibe Ku>gol Oreeoe and the 1'rlnoeee t Wala*. Hie marnag* will make him hi uei new m-Uaw ol tbe Oomte dt P*ru. hi* r*l*>iiun*bip to tbe Prioeeoe of Wale* b* I* olom.lv ooooeoted witb tbe Jrown Pnnota* ol Ocrmany, aod h* ilaod* qoally oloa* to tbe King of Bwndeo aod i .rway. Th* virtue ol family tie* will nui tbrow open to tb* Pnuoet* Marie ibe urta ct Londou, Bl. Petertburg, Berlin, btuokhokn, Oopeuhag*n and Atbca*. ana bi daughter of tbi Doc dt Cnarlree will M able to reetore Ibe Orleao* lamily to it* >reetige wiib tbi retgniog houace ol Europe. Tb* marnag* will D* *clmuii*d u France. Tbe Priuo*** will take a beau- troneeean and a large d jwry tuOjfMD- Baa baa a fair ikiu aud a tretb but I* not eoueidared prcll). 1 1* eaid tb* French Boyaliett an over loyed al th* protocol ol their prinotta olertng into family relation* witb Ih* mperial eenoDage* of Bl. P*t*reburg, and , rofeat to believe Ibal ib* connexion may ulp them to effeoi a monarchical re.tora tlOD. e> A Bl.h.p .n t I r . ! Ih, f u ll>ll " lu all probability." tayi London Zmik, tba Bitnop of Utb and Welli nevtr antioitiated for himaelf ao narrow ao **o*pe fro . tbe late of Cranmer, Ridle) aod Lttimr ai be anpeare to bav* *xp*ri*uoad al St. Mary'* Cburob, Bridge- water, laat we, k Ti.* Bwhop had juel a-0'ud*d tb* pulpit, and WM giving out bi* ten, wuru bit ar ui cam* in contact witb tb* pa pit aanalm evideutly d**igu*d for no more ample v*e mania than tboee of a vicar t a eurte and iu a moment tb* lawn olatvM were alight. A Biahop wiib bia lOOuioal robe* oo flre U in aa critical a aeayoang lady with btr bajl-drte* ID tbe *a(D* pUttbi ; but, fortuualely, Lord Anbor Bertey bad hi* wit* about him . and oooceeded in pntllog tl.e fl*m** out witboul ii'jurv- If ihe iucidcul main to ihe HttioBal Dreee movement mendiun to E,iiaoopal T*tm*ula few touaibl* people Will ngr*t it" Tb* tudden death it announced from BruMcl* ol Ibe celebrated violonoelliil, Joioph Bervaii. B* wa* Ib* eldent aou of tb* *till mor* famon* Adrian Fracgoln Harvaie, of whom Roawioi eaid tbal be we* ' ibe king of violonoelUete even (till more Iban the vralonctUtet ot kinge." Jjeeph Berrai* wa* rropoetd al tbe Bruaeeli Con- tervatnire. and wai Ih* fnrlunal* po*e*eor of the Blradivarioi violoneeilo preatnted to hu father by tbe prince** Yxuaoapoff, aad aid to b* th* ft nent *p*aim*n of th* gnat OnmoMM maker m o..l ... a l>.lr . < .. n ir . Tb* southern latitude of Canada al ill low** I point ie tbat ol Madrid, Borne, or (Jooitactinoplt, and it* northern termin- ate* al the North Pol*, eo tbal il may b* OppUMd tn have all tb* elimalv* of Europe from tbe Mediterranean lo the Frti-xi 8^; till no part of Oe>uada ha* a sammer oliiuai* H> aubaaltby aa -h t > f Horn*, oor ie it* gi ueral climate ao coala a* lbe>t ol Europe ; a* a general thing u may b* eald ibal tb* climate ol Komhern Canada re- MOiblc* that ot Weetern and Central Europe, tmoepl Ibal it* summer* an aumt- wkal hoiui, and lie winter*, as a rule. mon e*v*re, yet neither kbt heal oor Ihe * Id of Canada I* eo bard lo be born* a* tb* came degree* ar* to Europe, mainly oeoeuee ib* air i* drier. Bach a crop a* Indian corn, wbioh will aeldooa npen in Kagletnd or in tbe northern department* ut France, it cultivated to a vaat txteal m ib* valley ol tb* Hi. Lawrence, aad ia ike N irthweel Territory II comet to maturity in a laMtode tquivalaol to that of L>ivtr pool. Over Ihe United Stall*, especially ovtr tb* Weetern once, Oanada bae the immeoa* agrioullural advaata*** of a u turner raiolall, wbiob prwvtola tb* land from being parabiDd and Boorohed with exoeceive heal and drought. Wheat will ripen al latitude M , and barley at M , wbieb la tome 800 tuiOO mile* north of tb* Orkney* and Bballauid* ; but tbie ocean only ia tb* northwest ct Canada, lor in tb* north***!, in tb* direction of Budaone Bay, tb* Arctic currents thai weep down Ib* ooeel ut Labrador lower Ibe temperature, end push further eoatb tb* limits ot grew* and gret**. Bai wherever wheat and bavrley will ripen, in a climate whoa* tutamt* rainfall caa b* depended apoo. there M a good proepecl for grata** and note and r**o erope gerjerally ; and abougb Ib* win tera ar* severe, making th* winttrtog of lue stock an ardneoe doty, they begin and leav* off with a regularity wbieb enables Ibt farmer* to mak* nicer oaJcalalioo* than b* can think of doing in tbe Urmia Island* ; and, a* the Irock* ar* keen, and lail a* a rule for a eooaiderabtt period, the ground u mellowed and pulverised to a dtgre* wbieb greatly U***ot tb* work ot preparing II fur Ibe eeed, while tbs gradual melting of Ibt acow in tpriog givat to tb* oil a enpply uf muielure which i* of gnat aetvio* to the newly germinated from " Cmutlit Oeiry frwu " Vuvth* Bret am* to tee tb*wa*Ui Both pearl D taekeia They wer* far brlog back flowari Tbaa kwAvUaf roee aad Mooanleg keMiearei aM ; >D< ibe prala* ofall aeSetMtc Baeklntbeii Ttiey wr* to brluc ibe pvalae Th* nel ol Tbaokadv Uoaokl a bo(* ham Bai the Collittor of Wlifca uciv.op, fnllnfgM, pwr baif ae big *&; . Pealileat eee "' * I WBCD they returned Bt PeMr. a* be gal wiin hit totdec key* aetar* Ibe Bat each appeeree io be in wnohel Aboot fcle beekN Tl Aoel of Ftitiooe Dor* a *aek Cram (nil. aoJ boaod aaooatbJyoe buVtaak ; Tel eiao Uieu u aaacaed ebal be kei iael Ot tag aod baeke*. Tbve 1aa*' at TaaakaxtviOBi bloated to leal The awntjllihleeaetf hit mlcbl}*r* "But UuarSe mattered, tviuageei To blda bl< I i bevy ut fair (trU they i aw/el tiBedlag baey . Mae4eewed a*ee) a araiy raa\ Ada..did.lewiaa4 t-Uate; Wbll* feaale taloud ee a ta* keeae eaavwing eaerwb Baeea. ABB B*U aad Hell nb* txilfeirf Woe farete at eraCry lee**. Bai re*, la wkea* ' Tho ipoke Bl Peter : " Waeaagela y< Da a prayer ittbaftBg, TOO wfllMNeer Thai ueo'i LwUUooe la ibe worU Fill* big hi tkN - But vbea yea to to tafber ap i For prayer* wall aaewen* ao 1 I Par health ie*tie*' or llanaiBglil I ' I'r-t 1 --" |T4 Wormi Wita ritbeeii. etatfv iteelta Darmi-foo drawn oa ittaaa baail Tae*o*o ber eOk ata Her CBuarv, elaak till Ob I eoeb t ptotore t* *ae made, tb* Bldeti eanneame itaeMlai pco tkmr n.eil. w to aad fro BOB w* jl * ia giaue *a*r%a*ta4. Ber i<jiy browe wer* ailfk tly been, Hex lit* tlneid ralae* I (buy . On eaw M ouee ber taek wet* aet 4 taah to think of luthtly Wllk ean uu lr.w ibe lae tkntd aaJ wii-i bar eedle etereed av beart While danlog Ibal aflk avneklaaV Tbal oWaty. biaok eilk The Or* apoa tbe bearta I* low laj trjen ta euimeea at* Like wobli eau-iui aen Tb. Orm.^tt ebaJ^we flauerlaj ao. An u toe aaadowe ree>e4 aa* Aad eottly mm e fa Now I , AM Aai ir An 1*4 Mr Or wiin tbat little vrekyt WMI treble ia uay ear*. il eeee he**, u <tiataa* wim etfevec* iBtre HIT eblKTe leaea, at awr ata* I eate oA*Biya*ia Ob. for aa hour la tbal eear Ok, for Ib* patoi uf Uut l*mi Oa. tat U* ctnuuab BraM Mbliu Ok. for a (limpe* of amlkar-* fate Yet. m* UM a<te4^wi roo ^4 I Ju no* taaea to be Aad ' Mew aufte of that arvtie tone jw 1 lay DM dow* io Bleep " At Te*>C-wa> At m tap MOM. wneo dav it dec*. daseUaw And awllow lbi of a file*. Ukrouo uae i Ljfoliiui tmu ttam* wiib its beaax A lltll* wntle ana UMU Ie *ua*. WL.en.lu Ctuilmarkaf i Tb iBOlthvedia J roctMMo are bie ilog aad eu. KeMb jsune of te*al*b* kaet ww* He B>aee* r the fragrant *e* I'oare leodeny tae v*Uuw er*4 Aa4 oteou lui pieaean jaat I gkert to HIM., bj Tb* favorite. " beat ' of u.ueJIy the ape* wber* h* died. oreor to keep him *i laaet f rooa the I K.ft r* carry a eiefc m ao ool ilk) tb* open air to die. and tb* Maori* need M remove tbe aia* into abed*. If a K Jar o* Maori died btf or* be aowlld b* tarried oejt, tb* booaa we* tabooed aaj4 waawrtwd. TBMT* art trace* in Ore***, Bom* aod .dun* ol thi* CUBOID of earning dying penoMknt* th* open air. BBI to oa** tb* tbould. deefil* of all preoeviwoo*, i hu way haa* trom tbe |ra* iteipt taken to barricade tb* bnee* aeaaoe) Tboa, IB .otue (art* ol Piowta aa axe or i..k u laid oo t 0*1. or a knife ie HOD*; over ataeaoov. tad ta Otrmany at toon a* tb* eofftn uoaoned owt ot ibe boOM all tba door* aud window* mfm thai . where**, at long aa the body au tb* b JOB*, in* wiodowc (ana BOOMWIDMC t jlour.) an Isfi eooetaotly open M cUlow tee tool io etaap*. In BOOB* part* of X*fltaa4 tvery boll an< look in tbe hoot* t* nfam coed to Ibal tbe (boat cf tb* y u>| eaaa may ly freely away. Bai if pruuatv* man kn*w bow to bally h* alao knrr fctww to oalwil tbe (bott. For tunnel*, i g**kw) ceo ooly ftnd hie way betek to Ik* hnoa by la* way in wbieb be left it. Taawwlle eaAnt.* did not inafji ibe -gf- cf OQf anceetor*, and they took tarwe accordingly Tbe eoflc oal of ihe bomee, ool by th* door, bi try a hoe* mad* for to* porpuee in tb* wrall, mmtt tbi* bole we* oarelully alopped op M *o*a a* tbe boely had been peteeed tkrotagt t*, a* th* gboet ilroUed quotl; bakak trom the gravw. b* toajad to Ibal there wa* no Iboroaghtar*. credit of tbie iag u shared equally by Uoetentott. Uvoboanw*. B*itxi>*>, Ojie- wmyt. Aatookloa, L*jOl*stl, fiitdoo*, Tibetan*. Siacneee, Chuieee and FIJIO*. Theee social oveoing*. or " doorw *t the dead," ar* ekUl to b* teem ta a nil** ai Anuwrdam, aad they were eoavjocai b) tome town* m central Italy, a* aod, AJSSUSI. A trace of the tn Tbonagcn. wt>Ba tl at "t" ^rt la* gbeel of a maa wbo he* b*eo baoir*d will return to a boo** If Jb* bwdy b* ool taken oal by a window ia*t*td ot tbe J wr Tb* Hiamec*, not contain wnlb carrying tbe doad man cat by op*iing. endeavor to BMtki doubly cor* by hturyiog kita three jojaed tbe boo** ai toll ia*eil i tag wall calculated to bewtkier tat poor tool io tbeeoflla. Ta* Atmaeanxaai adopt Ibe plao of ttrw wing aaba* trtklnil thi cofBc a* it l* beta* bora* to IBM grav*, to tbal th* (boat may Lot b* abl* ao fta way back. CiiailieiatiBry Rrwuw. A rrrlly Brtelal C'eetwaaw. Ref*rrtt>u to the marriage ot Mm P*tti n to Bir Cnarlr* Dillu, IB* Radioal Baronet, a Loudou cab egram aayi : Mr*. Pattteon IB a lady mayb* of M, with a frank, intelligent and winning f aot, genitc ree and a wealth of *be*tnnl hair. Bar dree* wae rich, bat simple, for obvioac reeeoD*. Tbi* ben g Ih* **cond marritg* of both th* bride aod bridegroom, ii bad been decided not to have an elaborate wddiD. She wore a Ugbl flltio cornan* and aklrl of tle fawn com* o*JI it oream -aolored brocade. Th* drew ertnioaled in a soon train and wae awaghl op at Ibe aid* by ribbon* of th* earn* material. O* btr head wa* a dainty Prince** bonnet Io match. Around her ihapaly throat we* a broad laee collar. A tooiely paper, in deeOTibing Ibe ord* in wbieb a bridal parly passed down tb* church ami*, aay* : ' Tb* bride walked on Ihe arm of her father. " This may b* all f f bt. but II atcm* to n* what a ehnreh w* k.'.lly the place to* n r > display ber Th* Ntw Zealand Mtamer Rimataka Bbinptng eawitly amvcjd u mr rumDte>aa reeeeiuy amveM u Fly tb, Bug., attar an e**dioglw remark- voyag*. The vim! let* w *lluv|toa ^^k sea _^fl *9^ * * ahl* . _ la* tettb of a atiff -uiherly gah, tbe making "lean braaobe* over th* detk tw**fiing Iwo large boat* oat) ot chocks. Tbt veetel drl act ** Ik for two day* aod iheo u wa* oolv o ter vreaihcr of Ik* bsttereet kl*. so intense tiial ib* ally *overwd with tdelee. and arpearaaaeof a veeeel In Ib* Arwkt* Tbei rape* kweawM eoe mat* ofieawai tbe SIKH*! balyarda beiDg rwitswa) aii lame* their ordinary dimenslous O* ah* kauri- caae tb*r* wa* ie* to Ik* depth of kvatt a foe*, and aaaer tbe forthaiek il lay II tatw.it It-f Tbe KioiatkBi lay ewnoaei ta* M for fl v Jay*, tb* tbamoaet lag U a below aero. Kifhl *f inalnding Ihe boauwmia. wwn in %b*ir bands. Oapl H evllel flaatty to obengt ber oooree, bai it wat ew tbe Bora w*j rounded aba* Ik* aitogttbn? ttvtr ot TWwe,. -4J