Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1885, p. 1

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Married. -At Flesherton, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. W. Ayers, Mr. Benjamin Staples to Miss Eliza Ann McLauchlan, all of Glenelg. V J. G. RUSSELL, The Noted Jewellery Man, FLESHERTON. Selling Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, $c- Cheaper Than Ever ! Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. Kfect, Afmioy, JW&apos;/ 27th, 18K5. Colnu North. foronto Leave TlOai Oardwell Jmicti.ui 9UT Obe.rle.tou.^. ; Ore>nge- 1 Arrive V villa. I Leave ilO< &apos; OrM(evlll Junction jlo IT l_ 11 3B Wllliain.f.Tl i ftouod 645 " 70S" T* " IU" 804 " H: 100 8M" f " 9 &apos;* !.&apos; 10 -jo " oiiiK South. BTAT10N8. Oeeu sound .. Oka>SsworUi WlllUin.ford - Markdale rucaKKIITos Dun.lnlk gbell.irn. Ormtlr> illr JllUotioD.. Oranc*- 1 Arrive vUle. ( Leave Charleaton Cardwell Junction Toronto Arri. W. WHYTK. GBII&apos;I. Scr&apos;T. K|. >" i Ti5 690 05 at " 310 S SS2 ttt " 4 08 T W. " 4 31 " t 31 " i 4 W - 8 00 " i S 21 " 8 19 " . 6 " ; Has " I B " I H.V, " 61-i" Q 07 " , 6 3D " &apos; 10 45 " B 90 " I D.MoMCOLX, DR. CARTER. M.C.P. AS..OKT. FLESHEKTON. Jleiidencc, Hftt lu LHvuitfi C</r< offict, M - i ]>r. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUC1IER. PRICEY ILLE, - ONTARIO. nl !: i .Km.&apos; near l v robytrlau Jruti^try. J.P. MABtHALL. L.W.H DENTIST. AUADL&apos;ATF. of Toronto School of Dmitlntry, W will lx< lit Mrk.lnl.&apos; tin- Nt nnd Irl \Vdnaa day of na^-h month, ad at Klcuhrrton on tho lit aiut 3rd Thurwlay in eath moutli fortbo p~ FROST & FROST. EAimiBTKRS SOMCITOHS. CrtNVFTASntS. to. Oltlno I&apos;unli&apos;tt Stri . t. OWI.N HollKD, and vsry Thnnday at Fi.l&apos;.Slll.ltTCN. J. W FB09T. L.L.K. ALrBKD FHO8T. Crowu County Attorney. . BALDWIN HAMDi. n. BOH1.IJI. V UICD. W. O ATtTrX HANDS, ECHLIN & GARVIN, Huctttum In Isintlrr <i- llnmlt, SABRIHTKKS. ROI.ICITOKS, NOTABIEB. idSVK> \NCI.KS, Ac Money to l*ma at *Mt RaU&apos; of luteroit. Oflioes, it King Htra**, ass. Turmrto. MORPHY & MILLERS, t, Kutarut I&apos;ublte, (&apos;anveynneert, A-c. Omen, Over McFarlane&apos;i Drtifl Btora, DURHAM, ONT. Cards. tlobn W. Arnistrcng, Fi.r.KiiziiTox, Co. QUIT. TvrVTfHON rol&apos;RT CI.F.KK. COMMISRIONKK t* In B. B.. Oonvnyancer. Ac Aijcuttur pureliaae and lain of laiidn. Aiiprtunor for I&apos; L (&apos; Coin- aud F. P. B. A R. Rocloty. Moony to Ixmn 011 tlio <Mt r<inonl>le tcrnii. IsmTii or UAHIMAdE tilOENSKB. Jas. . Sloan* JNSURAXCE AGEXT, EVUEXIA. KeprcMntlnff that nollrl oM Flri, Iiiraranee Co .lhe NuHwica UNION, of Norwich. KnxUnd In>uranc effected on Honi-. oiitl>ullillii(in. Ac.. At low rat. Iniarca ai;aini. W. J. BELLAMY. TWr. CLKH* AIlTFMfBTl. CON VE YA JfCEH, ( &apos;< >M \f I MI ONER, INSURANCE AO&apos;T, <t-C. TVKKDS, MOKTOAOKB.I.F.AHEH, *o , |m-par- \J *d andproricrly t>icnt<l. InsaiaaaeaBSS- d*d In Ant-clwu companlM. Mouoy to lead at lowMt rat. Victoria Hotel, OWKN SOUND. Tula hoiiu bae hmm reflttd ami ulaoo.1 under 4h iaanafirnent "f Mr H II Mil.lmiKli. To -thole dlrtntt all tlio Sesftfcrti of a qnli<t lioin*. whn vlaltinK Ownri Sound, on biiMlnoii or pleaii- r*. will Bi:<l tin. "Victoria" equal to luo boat In Careful bontlen. B. H.MIHHAUl.&apos;H. Proprietor FRED. RYDER, Brick and Stone Mason, FLESHERTON. Orders In Town and Country (ii^Inptl/ and eanfully uncuted. Money to Loan. M 6J Per Ceni. Interest on Straight Loan. WITH Intront pnld yonrly, not In axlvano*. No eoininlaalon eliaived. Apply to A.J.KIH: - New Butcher Shop in Flesh- erton Peich < Mitchell. fTIHK nn&apos;IflnilRniNl rtwpertfnlly take t til* nppnr <a tam to aMoanse to the people of Kliwn- rtnn ti&apos;{ iirroni,,lii,|! i oinitrt . tlmt tlioy liave Started a rltrtobar Shop in tin atantl n..\t ,i,Kir t th Marole W<irk, KI.KMHKHTON, wharo they will h pleased to meet with all who fnvor them with thnlr patronage. Freli Moata of all , and Klali, Ae. In their aoaaoiu. llo*|>ectfully youra, J-JiTCHAVITCIIELL. Flesherton Advance 1 TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, JVOT VOL. V., NO. 221. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 10, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. J. G. RUSSELL The Noted Jewellery Man ! AYER&apos;S PILLS- A lsrf proportion of the dlaeasrs which aiua huouui >arferni( reiult from derange- aueut of Iho stomach, bowels, and Uver. JtvKH&apos;a CATIIAU:!.&apos; PiLUaet dircetlj upoa aiiiae organs, and aro especially destcaed M car* tho cluMoios caused by tbeir dran9- snuut, luclikliug Coiitl|>ullun, ludiRua- tlon, l>jrpr|>kln. llcaulucte, l)j sratery, uxl a huM u( oilier auiuuiuU, for all o( which tln-T are a &apos;o, turo, prum|>t. and plf&.s.int rtiniMy. Tlio (jxU&apos;tifcive use tl tl.< >J 1*11.13 by emtm-i.t |ili)iirimis in riguUr | roo- tlet, iliowt uuiu &apos;itakabiy llio eatiinalloii la which thu) are Lc:j by tbo uicdicil profv*- eioo. TUr.ie Tan sr C"tnr>m!i V>1 of TOfotuMl raUuiiiciuoiily, and are absolute); frr from ajuuiel or aa> otlir lujurlou* lugietlK-ak A Sufferer from H oadui lie writes I "Avi.n&apos;ii PILLS are tiiraluable to sir. sn4 aro my constant c<.r:i|aiii&apos;n. I have he.-n a ten-re iuilt-rtr fini li, n.Urhp. an.) year 1&apos;ii.Ln are tlie only lhii<K I roulil look t* for r-lt*f. One d"*e will quickly more my bowi&apos;lt and fr*o my lirad fium pain, &apos;lli.y art the in.41 eifei&apos;ln anil lhe i .-i. -i (hyuii) 1 luii- ever fouutl. U ia n |&apos;!i&apos;Jui to me lo l*-ak In Um.r i>:., uuJ 1 alwaja do M whvu oci&apos;uni.jn oarers, rraiAliut., KKuinuuil,\a., Julie i, it.&apos;. "I hsvo need AvruM Pun In r !** iii9t*uc<M a> rrcniuincm!(Hl by y Iiaie never Liiowu Uiriu to fail to .",.."-.:, ; i tliail<tirilrrult Vi/ r>.i,si.u ilj k, ( llr.-m on h.iiiil at our bom* KIP! \ > . t&apos; . i M* a >leaaaiii ir, aud reliable tasulh inrili<:uia> Wvli DYEPgnLA they aniiitaliul>ic. .1. I. ILAICA.** aid la, Tesat, Jane 17, 1W2. number- cu. HI..I The Rrv. FruNcii n. ]I\ra/nvF. writln* from Atlamtn. (!ti. t *r>\: "For so.uti j.-rtri }>tut 1 hnr brea auhjccl to c.w ii|.;.u..n roin which, 111 spit" ol ll.u Ul" .1 n.t-ui. rinrt of >ai|.>u! kinli, I iutfen-%1 h orciuu iii,-on.-iii.&apos;i>or, until some muiiili* up. I kefaa taking AVKE&apos;S FILL*. &apos;I I . ; li.n i entirely comwMd the etetit* 1...1..I, aul nave isstl) Improved lay gcueral huallh." Area&apos;s CATIIAUIIC TILLS correct Irrega- lariUtu of Uio b..uii>, stimulate the oi&apos;i-o- tit? mid iliguatloii, :.:j.l by tbeir prompt au4 tJUoruugh actiua give looo SJiJ vtgvr 10 LLs Whole fltjalcal cooncny. ram&Lti IT Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Maj*. bkild by u.l l>ruiils. YOUN3 A " c &apos;"&apos;t &apos; th. Tonilorfol fU n ir\n Ii. t -Bcial effect, of M^&apos;DLE- A y cr &apos; Sareaparitla. (,&apos;Iiil&apos;lrop wllli Ron* E> Aott). Fxm, or m T *-rr ful. ? or t\|ie> flitic mint, uuy bo i.ue hi.U.) _J tiruof >> iu uso. ttoUtryallUnicKUU; * I, ils bottles for Aa, THE ADVANCE. A. R Fawcett. Editor. Tit - Bits. Coftutiny of Lontl and Other Iiitrrettiny Item* pithrrtd by The Adnince Jiqxirlert. FLCSHTUTOK Churches and Societies. (\inis Mfufcr thu heading are i&apos;ii*rfcd frte ofckarijt. rREHHYri:u.i.\ i un;< -11. Mr. 8. Pamudo is off holidaying. Dr. Chrit<>e went to Toronto to-day. Will Wiugate, uf Itruce Minun, waa in town this week. Mrs. Ciibsun, of Noir Yurk, Is visit- iii.&apos; at Mr. Gordon&apos;s. Bplcndid Yhic in ^cns and Boys j Stogua at D. S. Munro&apos;a. A vury superior new ( hyim, 14 stops, and seta of Reeds, f<* ralo at a great bargain at C. Treadgold&apos;s, FleshorU>n. Dr. Sjiroola, M. P., was in town on Sundny laat, rpondin? the day with our esteemed citizen, Mr. H. J. Si>ronlu. >Jo more trouble to dry your foJt boots get tho "Telescope" felt Boot at D. S. Munro &apos;s. The ci<d in the Drill Shed, Flesher- ton, liut Friday tvi-nin^ wai well attend- ed and waa a plfuauiit alFair. Master James K refer lias goue to take a position as operator in a telegraph ntlice in the town f 1&apos;rtrolia. ( i.-iit i.&apos;iiu n. conn? and fleo tlioso woudcrful "Telescope" Boots at D. b. M unro&apos;s. Mr. (ins. K{>roule arrived in i&apos;lasher- ton laat (W&apos;odneaiUy) evening from Mex- ico, where he has U-vu located during tho Iiast year. --Mr. Henderson, Deputy P. O. lu- poctor, of liarrie, visited Fleahertun thia wt&apos;i-k mill found tilings all 0. K. in con- nection with the rii&apos;st-oflicu her*. lm&apos;i&apos;iiso slock of lioots A Shoes jiMt rtci&apos;ivi&apos;il ut 1>. S. Mmiro&apos;l. . 1&apos;rruui nntidaeretiAded our popular citizen, Mr. \V. K. Fleaher, last eviiBHig. Tbu ly< were handsomely ne- corupeusetl, u wight uatarall/ be xpect- 0d !} who kouw what liberal, SK.ltMCK erery HuinUy at day Scliuol at yi.i.i 1&apos; |i.ui. K in - %^r H AliFs.,.-i,.ty lu oonuuvtion I 8ERVTCKK i-voi y Knintay al 11 a. in A r.::*> p m. Snin1T Hctinol at f p.m. TOUIIK l&apos;i-. .pl.-s Prayer in<trtlni; rrnrv Moridny rvfiiini; nt 7 > General 1&apos;raytr un-tliii:i ry ThuriMtny t-vi>iiind t 7 :w HKV. \VAi.rki: AVKII, panlor. (Liadlar Aid Hocloty In connection I MAtOM* 1: MKETIn tli.-ir I. .On. lloom. Rtraln&apos;l Ulnrk on fv. r\ Friday on or N-fon- th> full nioou VUitiug lirullirun rordlally rlr..lnt. B. Dint us, \V.M \V. J. llr.LJjMT. Bc&apos;y. I.<HH;K, I.O.O.F. If Kl&apos;Ts ,.TITV Sri&apos;l an. I Mil Tuesday Rvi-nlofrjn JU. acb month at H oVIook. I^.IK- ko4>iu, in Ktraiu liliK-k, Toroutoitraut. Ii,-Kri< U|K,&apos;. I.I uia<-tliiKln (neb inoulh. Vinitlnif brutlivu cor- dlsJIylnvttorl J<>M Bl.AOKSI RS.NVd. \V Tl. C&apos;AVTAIliNm IIH. A. o. r. IxxlB- So 149. tuoet III thi&apos;lr C lx>&apos;ta" HXOIU. Htrmn bloek. Toroate stnst, on thti Nt. and ir&apos;t M..U.IAV In cncli luniitii, al 7 so p m. aliarp. Vtaltlng brethren welcome. W. U. r,, HI . ... M u D. H. aloMRoi. Koo&apos;r S L. 0. L. NO. 4X9, MERT In tli-ir Ixxloe I:. .om lu Mtralu&apos;i Itlnck orery Friday fvcniod alter tbe full of tb.f moon In r%r}i iiionfth. VlBliUsx bretliron welcomo. J. W. BATBS. W.M. W. P. Cuonsut . rtoc&apos;y. R. T. O. T. POrSTUNCin sru. No 14. Roral Tnni.lr <>f Tsotpsrancfl, moot In thrlr hall. HI ram Mook.lat r.nd:ir.l Tnditv i wn &apos; in vaoh month at 7:30 o&apos;clock. Vlnton are cordially imit<l. J.O. RrsurLL, B.C. J. OOBIXJX, U.S. M>\8 OF TEUrKHAXi&apos;E. PLKBRRllTON IHVIfiUiN, Ko. 244. meet In their new hall, Dr.Ohrltoo> Mock, fTnry Wvlnrtday i-Tpning at 7 .u o&apos;clock. Vlaitin brutbrou rordlally inrited. A. R. FawciTT, W.P. W HV.M.MH is. H 8. FLEM1EKTOX KEAHIXH ROOM. OlMncvpry pvonlnu (Sun.|v csn>|>ttli from T o&apos;clock P U until lu f. M. Stiaiixors a CordUlly luviu-d to v:it. J. W. AanwrsoHo. lret. THOS CLATTOS, Hcy public spirited ({entleuait Mr. Flesher ia. FarmiTB 1 remember, 1&apos;. S. Mun- ro takes Bijeepekius. wool, pelt*, In 1. -, potato< -. i|&apos;|>!< x. plums, flour, io.,Ac., iu excliai >^e for Lin goodti.at cauli prices. Our Itnnd in under uxcellent training |.ifwtB V - for BM* itimj tail >kiUtia. on the S.-th an<l llUtli of this uii,iii. Mr. E. Vaurant, the (>opular and excellent leader, ia sparinx no pain* to ensure uc- cean. A largo stock of lilaek and Colored VelveU&apos;din, Just opene<l at Kiclunl- son&apos;s frum 37| c. a yard op. Our KttUUil and cnergvtic frieixl, Mr. \V. K I>dll, attoiidi&apos;il to rv icon iu the Me- thodist church here l.i-t Sablath, and loks well ftT his recent severe illnesa. lie is tho guest uf Mr. NT. Richardson. Mr. \V. K. Fluaher leaves to-day for England. Our llrosa Hand formed a torch light procesiion, laat uight, ard marched to hi* residence acoonipaiied by i uuuilicr of the villagers and serenaded huii. They were very kindly rtx-eived by Mr. Flesher and family and loft with kindest remem- brances of him. Mow ia the UIXM to carpet your rooms when RiuLtrJsou lia got Rticli a IUPKC stock of Tupcatry aud Hemp Mr. anmul McOilloch, of Uondalk, U one of thu inoat socccuful dealer* in Krain in North Ontario. During thtpaat season he humlled nearly a hundred thou sand buahels of graj and has so clevtrly managed his aalus as never tu bo caiiKht "nappini?," which is laying a great deal when one considers the great rink run hy grain buyers. The organ of Mr. C. Treadgold&apos;a, which was used at the Graod Jubile>ihere lant week and which proved such a val- uable addition to the musical pint of the prograuima was sold the next day to Mr. Robert Triniblo, nKruluuit, rleiabru>ii. Mr. Treadgold ia a iMnroughly rehable aKOirt and we mo*t &apos; eartily reoorumend the public to call on him for anything in thu musical initruineift oraewin|{ machine lintM A NATIOIII. ETIL. There is no qoettioo but thai l)vii|ieuua ii tlio national disease of onreouctry, and whon eoinplicat<l witli diseaces of the Liver aod Kulnrra in Ui cause of nntold numry. Itardbok Blood lliKen will almost iovartahly core the wont caca known. A grand concert will b given in the Town Hall, FleahertoD, on the evening of the second day of East Grey exhibi- tion, under the auspices of tho Laoiea&apos; Aid uf thu i&apos;ruahytdrian church. The services c.f the KU&apos;herton Olee Clabhave been secnn-d for the iccuaioii, and as this FREEMAN&apos;S WOUM PoWI&apos;KKS ar, fi&apos;. >ur and iuc0dy to rvuorc soruif from ehildruii or adults. bef< the will be their fimt appaaranco public this luiison, it will be intercstint; t<> aeo whutker their <kb*t will be as suc- cesful aa OB a former occasion. \Ve be- live it will bu much more >. DOI&apos;T BK r>>cirvsu>. Bwaro of any drn (ist who will trv to iodsce you to taJtu au> thiuft in plaoo ul slcUr4gor It Fark&apos;i Car- bolio Cerato. It ta a niarvol of bealiui; f< >r Sorri.. Cuts, liurui.. *tc. No family ilmuKI be without it. It hss no equal. Qt Mo- in&apos; . -ir it t&apos;arkf&apos;i, ami kave no other. Uolv i5c. pur box at Kicbarutoni. The latest sensation among the C. P. R eiui&apos;loyi-e.s in :hat one of Uieir nuinU-r M-.-iin-d tli. alTn-tions of ayounif uirl and inrited hvr to Lvwiiton. consented to go, and un reaching thcrv he prevailed on her ti> narry him. Friendiof thsgirl, iua|iectiu|{ sossrthinjj wroiif, elicited f- m her (larticnlars of tb* marriagw. Sbe b- ing quite yitiii^, and he so olderly man, they coininunicaU-d with friends at the Junction, when it waa ascertained that the hnde^Toom waa already married and ttlst Battalion Ordrm. j able Uno<l a he win being removed U>lna No 6 (Fleahcrton) Cuiiipany will isMljstaM bjr tin- i;etitl,&apos;iiu-ii iu>-iitioii>:d. It at tho Itrill Slie.1, KlenlnTtoii, on ISitur- l iiirr than |ir>.lmlile that th lad would day, 12th inat, at 2 o&apos;clock p. m. sharp, &apos; have aulfocatnl, fnmi the poaition in Ui prepare for ukinp. Any inuiuVier ab which ho wan found, had nt help be<n hiniM&apos;K on the aboAo dato will bia.j cl.e at hand. Dr. McHrirle tsattcml Ultg him, anrf thrre ii a ponihitity the lit- tle fellow will pull thn .&apos;i-!i ailii.-!.:. \\ . atnoeruly hope an. trenti-d an a <lcwrt. r. J. J. Lieut No 6 Co&apos;y. LOWS found with every toilet, healing. SOAP ihould be U is eleauaing and Big Tun. |R Kl Frnm our oirn C"orrejvni,ln<l, We had a lively time hero on the even Tfct *MK! JLcmy ml bund a Ik. J i|)g ,,, . :tlit ult Thrrf! Wcw ^ rt The O.pel Arniy Is doing a grvat work | c <n|,l4iits ina.le bofore Vim. htewart, J in our aiater villai{e, Dundalk. Wu lustra i p (who, by the wsy, |nnniisis to make a that on Monday nipht last tome forty v ,. rv ,.fjj, j, ,,, j. p lt . , ,!,tant dat personn profeisttd that they had found | Jhe inf..riutious were laid by Thus. li. aalratiou, and that over tifty peojJ.&apos; t. >d , GilliUii.l, P I. S . ,.f K-iif.-nia, hr of up to be prayed for. Thia must have been wn i c h were againut Mn F. T f &apos;.u N one of thu in out rcmarkaUc met tinjji jet J M held by Majoi Satherland an.l his IniiJof earin-*t and faithful worker*. I in . -i i Borklyn. (Sprrull tu titt A&apos;lrilliCt.) < >n Monday laat Mr. Reynold&apos;s ure and thu Enplirusia Town Hall, ll<*Uyn, were destroyed by tire. Mr. nh<> was in be<l at its hei|fht. hsd a close, call, and only anvi-d hiuiielf fniu a flii(btful death 1> illiiii; himself op with blankets and tbr*iu; liaiiavlf out of the window. >l"n, aiul MP T. Crone, I- r tn-aa- IHIM, tl-a person* havinf wlkel . bis field on a beaten i-.ttli in i. rr_, j i. kni^ time. Theotlerf&apos;iir informationi were laid aa follow* : otiu aeainst SI. Akitt, f..r d&apos;.^&apos;iiii; (attle, and hrmkmffhnni . ftu-er, in which ilain.i^ea werv claimvd to the ex- tent of 910 ; one information each atfainit T>i"H. Oowc, Mn. Crowe, and Mias Oruwc, for d&apos;^&apos;x&apos;iii^ c.ttt&apos;e aji i.ikni|< |rt of tho tail off otse beast, witb also a claim for ;<< ifio damages. I CAUM t thefirewaa nearly I M 1VO >" u lhe MiJ <* "&apos; l . lit can say there was a I such as it was, which was very patiently by the 1- n. h, c. iii|x.&apos;.l of . Stewart,. I hn Crut&apos;trvf.Tfi.is. (tilrsy, (ieo. Kicharju. >n, and J. V. Ann- from Fli-aLirti &apos;t. Tli srnipatby to Mr. ALWAYS BEyllBKIV-A cood eathartio medicine. National 1&apos;iUn will not diaapiK.mt | ,,f (he llonch had to b U-ndered run. W. . . M. . ul: - I,. In our recent report of the caso of A. Davidsou, Dundalk, charged with having who kin.lly an! avctcd as C&apos;leik in litin.&apos; the depuaitions of thu iimny witnetsea, which work wu verj- faithfully jK-rffrmi-.l. The result of complaints Feloniously taken money f n>m Mr. Mid- w ,, ri |, fllnirt caine up ,,, t &apos; ht . &apos;,,,.! dletou, of I&apos;ri.ton- and In-fore sijtiire Aruutroug wo omitted to ..n . McC&apos;ulloch&apos;a name in full ; weahoulJ have said W. G. McColloch. \Ve, do thia now, as thurv ate i>then of the uf MeColloch li-inK lni)aiidalk who had 110 connection with the alfair. NOXB Bni i. Them i no more whole or deli--., us fruit on rartb tuiu Uir- !.. f r there waa a !.!. f $1 1111;-. >! in Wild Strawbprry, and thrre is no more tl had i family. The inUTeateU |*rtiea are factual mu>-d]r for CLolera, Djraoater) carpettt lowest. and at prices aa low as tbe We forgot to mention in our laat is aue, that we h.l a plosssait call from sir. Hall, of the Dundalk UeriM. Last week the ll-i&apos;i&apos;-l nterd its fifth Tolmiio. We wish our spicy contcnipomry erery suc- oeas. Beantiful all wool gray flaimols at Krniu-o* (iilU-t.<l(ii(;lit-r of the foreman of tin- "&apos;aiKi.liaii Pacilic railway ynrda at Carltou. Milne wai arroatod at KIVLT kink, about livo tnilea fmm Arthur, and taken to Toronto where the caao waa in- . t.-d on Saturday 22nd ult. , and the prisoner committed to trial fur bigamy. Ox till IIE. "Leatea hir^ tbrir tiuie to fall," aaya tbo put- 1, but wild ilr.ivln rrr laaren are i.n tin- ri>o jukt now, IK-ILK uti L. , .1 in mieh ru..ruion quiititi. in link ing l*r. Fowler&apos;i Kxtraot of Wild StiunU-rry tin- iiifullil&apos;li- rrincJ) for C&apos;lmlcra M, i> u-. l)i.nili.i and other Siiminrr Comulaiu&apos;.H. Itariiiini mailu inillim.a by rw>niatont advertising. &apos;< &apos;in- tiling I ii.li to say,&apos; ho ruuiarkod, &apos;you d > not any of y u ad- vertiio enough. V u ought to invoke tho printer&apos;s ink every day. You aru aleopy and want tho businoaa to run itouU Standing advertiaonfiita in K p|Htr coniniand, eoondmce. Tho man who for a year rwaidcs in a community ami lead* a reipcotablu life, even t&apos;i-ujh he he of roodorato ability, will gruw in tho esteem of his fellowi. On the lame principlo, a ncwsjiaper adrertiiienient In&apos; coiuea familiar to tho eye uf tho n:\ U r It nmy loldoin be road, null it ini[>reasi thu name and liusuiew of a man on the [nMii: mind, rvs tho lua dooa a man&apos;s |H>r- trait on a chemically -jirq t\rcd plaU 1 of ^Uuu.uid its presence in the columns of a pn|>er inspires confidence in the stability WtM Strawbtrrr. Wo diroct ; I -ml attfiiti. .n t<> the im- (x-rtant ajiiiDUiioi-uifiit in "ur .vlvertiainx i-nlunina today by Mr. (>. 11. Sjiencer, who haa loaaed Mr. H^vx aaw and lath mills at Little Falla, mar Kl. -L,-rt n. Mr. Spt&apos;iKvr has put In new aawa and th- crwise inij lovnl tln> nulls and U nw in a |x*itii>n to attend t" uverythinu in the luniU&apos;iin;!, and hit other liiu-i of buiineai in tho iiiost &apos;.itinfact^ry manner. Rivl hia advert laement. A KviK-ii. CUANOI. The bt cra.lii-st.ir of foul humor* of the Blood ia IturJk lllood llittorr. A fw butUi produc^t a radical cuaug I.T tlic U tt r in health ami I- ..u&apos;.y. It ii !in.vc tho lil.-<l taint ol Sero- fula, that terrible diteaatt ao euuiuon ill thi country. is the Defendants cunfesw-1 to hav- ing crossed Mr. CTillilaiid&apos;sfield.butcUim- d that It was an old sand beaten |<atb and that they were not aw arc thoy had b*B d&apos;lin^ any K-tnU wron^ in e<iasitlrati<>n of whi&apos; li Mr Stewart aii&apos;i hi* l&apos;natat !, Cleo. Latimer, niiwlc n>> claim for fen ex :i&apos;^ 23 r.&apos;iita t" f : tuLle. 1 tl. nil:, r ,nr -e, ajramst M Akitt, Thna. Crowp, Wr Ornww and Miss Crowe, there waj no evidence i- wlih li tiic Itench D&apos;tilil !* inv clivir- lii.ii, conse<]iiently they wire each dis- missed, wi: &apos; ! Tlin>ui;hut the whole proceedings, the Magmtmlca n*invl t-i \v in:; n-ased that these coiiipUints WITV made under f.-< of lather a malicious n .tun-, aai.l liillil- an.l having soiii thirty nine h.-ad f cat- tle ruiinii.j :it !&apos;.&apos;. an<l inn: j as beat they rould taking ailvantaffr "f |i>w fn- ccs and g"<xl p.-wtiin-, ... i, - easily : . s&apos;lini- fi>ur <T t". e 1: . . i< r their eyes tho "r&apos;KUes spectaelea," or, aa WM remarked In i &apos; 1&apos;s, "thu outward and vimiUt aiyn . f ii esty. " Wu thin&apos;, lli.it. after t!ie ir^ at Kimtvrlcy, Mr t;i&apos;&apos;i!a::il l a "s.vldcr and a nUir uian." RichardBoiis 26c. a yard ap. TheOoapel Artny held its Brut meeting in " f thtf entcrpriiK).&apos; tho Meth.xliit church,Duiidalk,lastThur-l M>O*o.m & PAniiE&apos;i Carlxdif Corato U inirajualile d>r Wouuds, Htirva. halt Khriitn. I&apos;uti, llurni. Scalds aud Ketcra. ax a heal- J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, KUSSHKHTON, - - ONT. TUE MAMETS. FLEbllKltTUN. Flour (8 75 to 4 00 Fall Wheat $0 85 to 88 Spring Wheat 086 088 Uarloy 6O Oata 8O 80 Peas 058 060 Butter 12 12 Eggs, freuli Oil Oil PutatocB &apos;20 030 Pork c HO 5 76 Hny.prr ton TOO 700 Hides 5 00 6 00 Woo! lc, 20 45 HO sday evening. Thorn was a vtrjr l attendance. Quite a number of people! Uag&apos;and purifying dreuiDK lionot b un from Floaherton were there. Some fifteen i posed on ith otter nselus tircparitioiis, or twenty ,.rsoua printed themsel- vos at thu altar for jirayor. Thu best uf UicLardaoni. ortler prevailed on the inarch and through- nut tho meeting. Drcas Goods in tho latoflt styles aiul shades to soit everybody at lUcLurtl- sons. Call and BI-O ill. in. The Agricultural Editor haa been having delightful visions diirinn thu pant few weeks. Why ) Simply because hit) subscribers have booo paying up nrr.-nr agos and renewing their aulisrriptions and furwardiuK names uf new subacribera hk^i<.H.d fellows. Don&apos;t forget so pay tho printer snd you&apos;ll sa chunk* of \\\\- pincss. Fall and winter Btiitiugs in tlio mi i-! d. -ii-iilili. patterns extra cheap at Kiclianlsons. s,., . i.ii Prlie. Mr. Robt. Plaiitt, of Eugenia, will give a Kpecial prizoof $&apos;.&apos;, at East Uruy exhi- bition, for bust calf got by his bull, "Young Briton." DR. I.OWH PLEA8AKT W011M SYlilT is a iiafo and rtliublo worm remedy (or all Worms ulllictiiiK children or adults. MraTortl Road. t&apos;r*i>n our oirn C&apos;orrtifxiuJfitt, Mr. A. Johnnton received some hard knoeka from a hull li: h he ylkt>d up with another 01. He driving them to work after having torcd them, when thu bull inadu a charge for him, kn.fkini; him down and hrttii- ini; him very ldly. ll.id not help ar- rived in tho meantime he would have been killed. very had wai wat- Married. At KlenhiTtoii, ou the 4th iiint., by the Rov. W. Ayors, Mr. Boiijaiuiu Staples to Miss Kliza Ann McLuuchlau, all uf I, Km Ig. Upward! of 2l>J loia of FU and Winter Dry Goml are beln# roopived and | I n-&apos;.l iu Htock byW.J.McFivrland. KtW til irrtNf ti Saw Mill, O. H. Spencer. Strayed D. McMullt-n. Ornnd Coloiual Exhibition. Mortgage Hl J. W. Froat, Solicit.. r. Farms for Salo Ac. . .. /.P. K. M. Hums. To Kent Tho. Oshorne. Farm for Side E. A W. 8. O Urien. A WiRrJn* .rTion.-l>uriuK HIP Sntu mrr snd FU pMpto am baele lo mddCD nl , Uc . k , / ^^,\ compUiuU, and ith n.. medie Sabbath School on\rntion. In connection with thu Financial Dl. trict tin .-tin&apos;,&apos; of Owen Sound diitrict, Methodist Churcli, t be- held here not wwk, a Sabbath School Convention will be held in th Mi&apos;tlnnlist t&apos;hurch. Flesh - erton.on Wrdnusd.iy and Thunwlay, Sept Kith and 17th. All sesnions will !< \<>\\ to the public, whoarv cordially invited to attend. Tho Programme ia a lonijthy and intrr- estin^ one, commencing at 4 o&apos;clock p.m. on \ViMlnesdfty. Kach suliject will IK&apos; op,-iu-d by i\ pfj>er r rvtdrcss, n^t to exceed 20 niinuteH, t" bo followed by five-minutes&apos; ivddreasea. The lttwicl IVpartiu.-nt will be under tho direction of the Flesherton Choir. A Collection will bo taken up at tin close of tho ThuM.Uy Kv&apos;ua S,-MI.&apos;M t.&apos; defray (&apos;Uarrk A\rw Trralmrnl 1&apos;erhspi the moil ritraordmsry that ba been schinvexi In m>*l<*rn mr<liesBe has b-< 11 attaiin&apos;&apos;] l>y thrt>iiua trratmvnl for Catarrh. Out if l MUl rwtiruU l..aUJ during tin 1 put -n tuonthii. fallv n.i . oral, have been fiir--l <>f th: itnbtxcn malaity Thu ia none tin- lev* startni , when it ii r mouilxr, ,1 that u. I livv j.r c. ut. uf pat. &apos;Uti pn-.&apos;i i.nji tb>m><ivi&apos;< to tl.r r.&apos;xular pm-titinnrr are t*nen&apos;te<l, while the aatrnt mediciuri> an 1 . :&apos; ki.r: .. I ouns never rccurd a cure tt all. Start, i^- * itu th* claim now p urrliy trbrv< ,\ by tli* m wt sritutit&apos;u- iii> n that tin- .li ..i-. M I .. pr- n nc of living parailtr* iu the U<n*, Mr. I&apos;noii at onoe i l|<l< I hi- c u- t &apos; thir etlemioalion thiiseoompl -lairoa th* C&apos;atarrli i prn^ticallr ftirH. and llie per. maoenrr la nr>.pi.-:,. i.,.i. a our.&apos;* rff, <* 1 by In in fi ur rears tgo are eurr" ti &apos; l&apos; rvrr allcrripUj to ear* Catarrh Hi thin nuiiM&apos; r. .r: 1 n. i ilii-r tii-alm, nt ha" .&apos;. r .-iir.,1 ..tir rh. i ,ti. n . f l!i rruirtiy u 5imp|i>, tinl can bt> it.itv* al hnir. and t)i pn-smit * u i&apos;( Ih" ji-.r i.tii- un.. 1 . (j ur 1. 1. (or a |)F*dr tud parmAiwnt cur.&apos;, tin- uiHjnriiy of t*f* brinu r -in- 1 at one treatment - ..-ulil eofrnayeod with Mfanni. II. A. 1&apos;n >n . lrt&apos;rl ,-t. T&apos; i.&apos;iitu, t&apos;anaJn. an.) n >tami< f.&apos;r tlu&apos;ir t . ,--h - Mou tn-al Slur. N..V. 17. To Rant, floods luvi lx<cn HulccUnl by an cxporii&apos;iiccd buyer wlio visitH tlio En- ropraa Markets twiro aiinimlly. l!u.li down in every iii.--&apos;.niK-. lius )<< n pniil for tbrui winch will enable call Mr. MeParland to giv* liis of riiHtoinors (,&apos;(>( nln nt lower j tlmn OMT. \\licn in Mni-kihilo prompt rnufjj or tuaf be in dauber. ieal aid at hauJ. lifn Those whose cxufrirnr* has fiven them wiadova. alwayi keep Dr. Fowler&apos;s Kitraot of Wild band lor prompt relief, and seldom Htrawbmy a 1&apos;h; sn&apos;iun Our Rrndlnu Room. Nrrlous \r. ill. -in. Al the sMspkfMiB innil carrier, Mr. Curry.WM driMtrj; rH-tm.vn KmiK r!y and Kppin^ afConi|>anifd by Mr. Frvd. Sar- K&apos;.-nt.of Markdale laat Wodnesd.iy even- ing, they met a little pirl, who.with tears in her eyes, bosuught tin in to come and brinit her dead brother hom,. Stvtl.-.M.y Frdlllillg Hllll HUU86- this infonn.ition, Mcinn. Curry and Sar- T&apos;I,. iin&apos;i.-i>uni<.i i i&apos;"ir-i tt- nc.iu l gent told li< i to lead t<> where In i l>rt<tli- The CcUac* tn.l r l.-n nrvnilr - o hi . k- ur .,. \i . lr h. Fli-l f i i. i 1 |i-.u ilw< n i> i i. i ii >&apos;. Jin*. . rlrlor FARM FOR SALE. m -n ^. I I&apos;l I ol the tl<<uri.&apos;iiuK x * inilwi from Ki^c* On th* iMdlnnn-it&apos;l \|. r> rrl B. \V H niilKN, er was an<l they would follow. They did Tin- r.&apos;iiul.-ii- inoiilhly in.&apos;.&apos;t in,&apos; uf Kl.v- li no, and M t&apos;i.. f,.. t of ti.r.by tlu> ort.&apos;ii H.-.i lin RIMIIII Society will be hi-ld mid M r In , ininii ii>c stuck, it will well repay you. in thu aociety&apos;i room next Monday even in -. 14th inst., at 8 o&apos;olfvk tO.irp. A full atU&apos;inliincn i riMjui^ii-d .T matters of iin fouinl a little ft-llow- a son of Mr. D.io. Ixiuvhrad H lyii.i; MI a aeini-unconii<-ion< stair. It Kc&apos;Ctns ho had U-i-n clnnlnnij up the trer win n ho iiiia<il KIM Kolil .ind fell piirtanoe nrc to IH? discu.iiwil, well till&apos; HelltTill I&apos;ll:. IllCC. of till&apos; n* on his head on tho hard uroiiti&apos;l nii.lir , nvath. Tho little fellow voimU-d consid I to him f ! tli < fin ! l>-!l,iuii 1 1 &apos;i.i /Yituu UMi*$, - <l< I 1rn I I &apos;.f .m PUsbrrton Station if itsi .-I&apos;ll I. .V. I t la a j.i M&apos;l-&apos; .Got Tho Adraac:. In nil it.i I f art or iln Sntis- NEW ADTERTISEMRNT& Farms Far Sals and To Rent. .o I Nth on.. Oa|>rejr Tin.hlp. for eato c ..! Uriin y U U nlit mam 1x4 lutii OKI . UMray Town- DuutUn at *.%. Tei ui> niaiili X> rtgBt , to I&apos; h M Stray Celt, 8TUA V >.Ii 111&apos; ill UM |>rm,lMa l th nhrl- tar. Leu iv. A IVUU ln.f. a t.T a -. Huwt. Aru-moOa.*, <Uik ( I with Muftil hiw Oar MI Ant w Important ITotics ! The rurHctibtr tx HI andtan : . - 3 tuilM fmni K**^h<*rtefl. *n<l U U&apos; w ptvfttpad to wkh MM* of *njr 1- nt&apos;> or iw of 1 ! LUMBER LATH, i SHINGLE:. oa baud. Cmtooa bawir c *> t>r REASONS Why yoa.boo:d(.oor Lnubot rat bf p*r: lie- try Saw ta UM Ui.l w X aad Ik* Bill U ta i-.rl.tt ordr. . 1 u.. tin T, in uM hic I, t . t: -uW. .U b-i |)l in a l.oa-Wr boar-U an >aiB< ml Un from) and aJl *jd to th . i-caoM you caa t*kc a load of lopi to UM mill and a load lumber 1MB* MBM 4a> HI >* k* cnM*aa lo cut all aoi ork la a wuikruaulika m*aar aad aaMatavtio*, r", :.. ffl Banaam all aawtnc > O.H.SPEKCEK .1Kb, HPI. Mortgage wale or VILLAGE PROPERTY. I " I by irto&apos; of fowrt* of HeJeoDn- l -ionas to IH \ . - &apos; , odueed at uaaJ.l ..le Asvtteu. al Aiaiu- WD H..I. i. ia iho Village sf Priccville. On Till K-[&apos;^^ at Ui bour .11. i i -L* f m . UM fal ... i -. I - .- .t . , .&apos;. rssstss - . ., , ,. .. . . . , ivirr. ; l.ft to lh i.i .1... h:f.. > <r-e.ssmi or . . . . , ., .,&apos;,-. &apos; .. ir of Hi.- i o haw cnoiM> mev fmain o a-ontmt*. furth.-r letsM aarf Bartiewlar. - then be DUMle anwn. r may iSjalaiJ |- n &apos; &apos; ~). J W KRTHT. PaU-l Kt Ja> &apos;. tat* . Us* GRAND .:!:::! "i 1 &apos;::;;:: is r/fofxiv ID. i. ti. i \Hiitirio> . IMIi. ; &apos; . I . s>s*at< i f-i.&apos;t to n.jk . , poh In Ih* rrUttoM n( all lh |ita of tl. Mnn.h Knn>ir wllk Mh tu orOrr t MI . &apos; b**ti JK r. :uiil. . .! .. th I ,. !> .J- .r EKT-<. Ill Caaisli -. hn- I ilaw* o| ssvil r> Hr 4 Dowilnlon of Canada I. ii Wnt. UM H....I H VSM*> - &apos; . . .- i r. -.&apos; lt> l n ih. a*, la li.&apos;HTi, t i IK mttte \r AkT*. In ihr M M i . TI v- .. M uis.i MAI Hi i. WgsssVI and Dr- i t . l>r< alrc trade &apos;. j uin- : It harlra u, u.l 01 of .&apos; : lMtar> lit

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