Married. -At Flesherton, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. W. Ayers, Mr. Benjamin Staples to Miss Eliza Ann McLauchlan, all of Glenelg. V J. G. RUSSELL, The Noted Jewellery Man, FLESHERTON. Selling Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, $c- Cheaper Than Ever ! Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. Kfect, Afmioy, JW'/ 27th, 18K5. Colnu North. foronto Leave TlOai Oardwell Jmicti.ui 9UT Obe.rle.tou.^. ; Ore>nge- 1 Arrive V villa. I Leave ilO< ' OrM(evlll Junction jlo IT l_ 11 3B Wllliain.f.Tl i ftouod 645 " 70S" T* " IU" 804 " H: 100 8M" f " 9 '* !.' 10 -jo " oiiiK South. BTAT10N8. Oeeu sound .. Oka>SsworUi - Markdale rucaKKIITos Dun.lnlk gbell.irn. Ormtlr> illr JllUotioD.. Oranc*- 1 Arrive vUle. ( Leave Charleaton Cardwell Junction Toronto Arri. W. WHYTK. GBII'I. Scr'T. K|. >" i Ti5 690 05 at " 310 S SS2 ttt " 4 08 T W. " 4 31 " t 31 " i 4 W - 8 00 " i S 21 " 8 19 " . 6 " ; Has " I B " I H.V, " 61-i" Q 07 " , 6 3D " ' 10 45 " B 90 " I D.MoMCOLX, DR. CARTER. M.C.P. AS..OKT. FLESHEKTON. Jleiidencc, Hftt lu LHvuitfi C</r< offict, M - i ]>r. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUC1IER. PRICEY ILLE, - ONTARIO. nl !: i .Km.' near l v robytrlau Jruti^try. J.P. MABtHALL. L.W.H DENTIST. AUADL'ATF. of Toronto School of Dmitlntry, W will lx< lit Mrk.lnl.' tin- Nt nnd Irl \Vdnaa day of na^-h month, ad at Klcuhrrton on tho lit aiut 3rd Thurwlay in eath moutli fortbo p~ FROST & FROST. EAimiBTKRS SOMCITOHS. CrtNVFTASntS. to. Oltlno I'unli'tt Stri . t. OWI.N HollKD, and vsry Thnnday at Fi.l'.Slll.ltTCN. J. W FB09T. L.L.K. ALrBKD FHO8T. Crowu County Attorney. . BALDWIN HAMDi. n. BOH1.IJI. V UICD. W. O ATtTrX HANDS, ECHLIN & GARVIN, Huctttum In Isintlrr <i- llnmlt, SABRIHTKKS. ROI.ICITOKS, NOTABIEB. idSVK> \NCI.KS, Ac Money to l*ma at *Mt RaU' of luteroit. Oflioes, it King Htra**, ass. Turmrto. MORPHY & MILLERS, t, Kutarut I'ublte, ('anveynneert, A-c. Omen, Over McFarlane'i Drtifl Btora, DURHAM, ONT. Cards. tlobn W. Arnistrcng, Fi.r.KiiziiTox, Co. QUIT. TvrVTfHON rol'RT CI.F.KK. COMMISRIONKK t* In B. B.. Oonvnyancer. Ac Aijcuttur pureliaae and lain of laiidn. Aiiprtunor for I' L (' Coin- aud F. P. B. A R. Rocloty. Moony to Ixmn 011 tlio <Mt r<inonl>le tcrnii. IsmTii or UAHIMAdE tilOENSKB. Jas. . Sloan* JNSURAXCE AGEXT, EVUEXIA. KeprcMntlnff that nollrl oM Flri, Iiiraranee Co .lhe NuHwica UNION, of Norwich. KnxUnd In>uranc effected on Honi-. oiitl>ullillii(in. Ac.. At low rat. Iniarca ai;aini. W. J. BELLAMY. TWr. CLKH* AIlTFMfBTl. CON VE YA JfCEH, ( '< >M \f I MI ONER, INSURANCE AO'T, <t-C. TVKKDS, MOKTOAOKB.I.F.AHEH, *o , |m-par- \J *d andproricrly t>icnt<l. InsaiaaaeaBSS- d*d In Ant-clwu companlM. Mouoy to lead at lowMt rat. Victoria Hotel, OWKN SOUND. Tula hoiiu bae hmm reflttd ami ulaoo.1 under 4h iaanafirnent "f Mr H II Mil.lmiKli. To -thole dlrtntt all tlio Sesftfcrti of a qnli<t lioin*. whn vlaltinK Ownri Sound, on biiMlnoii or pleaii- r*. will Bi:<l tin. "Victoria" equal to luo boat In Careful bontlen. B. H.MIHHAUl.'H. Proprietor FRED. RYDER, Brick and Stone Mason, FLESHERTON. Orders In Town and Country (ii^Inptl/ and eanfully uncuted. Money to Loan. M 6J Per Ceni. Interest on Straight Loan. WITH Intront pnld yonrly, not In axlvano*. No eoininlaalon eliaived. Apply to A.J.KIH: - New Butcher Shop in Flesh- erton Peich < Mitchell. fTIHK nn'IflnilRniNl rtwpertfnlly take t til* nppnr <a tam to aMoanse to the people of Kliwn- rtnn ti'{ iirroni,,lii,|! i oinitrt . tlmt tlioy liave Started a rltrtobar Shop in tin atantl n..\t ,i,Kir t th Marole W<irk, KI.KMHKHTON, wharo they will h pleased to meet with all who fnvor them with thnlr patronage. Freli Moata of all , and Klali, Ae. In their aoaaoiu. llo*|>ectfully youra, J-JiTCHAVITCIIELL. Flesherton Advance 1 TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, JVOT VOL. V., NO. 221. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 10, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. J. G. RUSSELL The Noted Jewellery Man ! AYER'S PILLS- A lsrf proportion of the dlaeasrs which aiua huouui >arferni( reiult from derange- aueut of Iho stomach, bowels, and Uver. JtvKH'a CATIIAU:!.' PiLUaet dircetlj upoa aiiiae organs, and aro especially destcaed M car* tho cluMoios caused by tbeir dran9- snuut, luclikliug Coiitl|>ullun, ludiRua- tlon, l>jrpr|>kln. llcaulucte, l)j sratery, uxl a huM u( oilier auiuuiuU, for all o( which tln-T are a 'o, turo, prum|>t. and plf& rtiniMy. Tlio (jxU'tifcive use tl tl.< >J 1*11.13 by emtm-i.t |ili)iirimis in riguUr | roo- tlet, iliowt uuiu 'itakabiy llio eatiinalloii la which thu) are Lc:j by tbo uicdicil profv*- eioo. Tan sr C"tnr>m!i V>1 of TOfotuMl raUuiiiciuoiily, and are absolute); frr from ajuuiel or aa> otlir lujurlou* lugietlK-ak A Sufferer from H oadui lie writes I "Avi.n'ii PILLS are tiiraluable to sir. sn4 aro my constant c<.r:i|aiii'n. I have he.-n a ten-re iuilt-rtr fini li, n.Urhp. an.) year 1'ii.Ln are tlie only lhii<K I roulil look t* for r-lt*f. One d"*e will quickly more my bowi'lt and fr*o my lirad fium pain, 'lli.y art the in.41 eifei'ln anil lhe i .-i. -i (hyuii) 1 luii- ever fouutl. U ia n |'!i'Jui to me lo l*-ak In Um.r i>:., uuJ 1 alwaja do M whvu oci'uni.jn oarers, rraiAliut., KKuinuuil,\a., Julie i, it.'. "I hsvo need AvruM Pun In r !** iii9t*uc<M a> rrcniuincm!(Hl by y Iiaie never Liiowu Uiriu to fail to .",.."-.:, ; i tliail<tirilrrult Vi/ r>.i,si.u ilj k, ( llr.-m on h.iiiil at our bom* KIP! \ > . t' . i M* a >leaaaiii ir, aud reliable tasulh inrili<:uia> Wvli DYEPgnLA they aniiitaliul>ic. .1. I. ILAICA.** aid la, Tesat, Jane 17, 1W2. number- cu. HI..I The Rrv. FruNcii n. ]I\ra/nvF. writln* from Atlamtn. (!ti. t *r>\: "For so.uti j.-rtri }>tut 1 hnr brea auhjccl to c.w ii|.;.u..n roin which, 111 spit" ol ll.u Ul" .1 n.t-ui. rinrt of >ai|.>u! kinli, I iutfen-%1 h orciuu iii,-on.-iii.'i>or, until some muiiili* up. I kefaa taking AVKE'S FILL*. 'I I . ; li.n i entirely comwMd the etetit* 1...1..I, aul nave isstl) Improved lay gcueral huallh." Area's CATIIAUIIC TILLS correct Irrega- lariUtu of Uio b..uii>, stimulate the oi'i-o- tit? mid iliguatloii, :.:j.l by tbeir prompt au4 tJUoruugh actiua give looo SJiJ vtgvr 10 LLs Whole fltjalcal cooncny. ram&Lti IT Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Maj*. bkild by u.l l>ruiils. YOUN3 A " c '"'t ' th. Tonilorfol fU n ir\n Ii. t -Bcial effect, of M^'DLE- A y cr ' Sareaparitla. (,'Iiil'lrop wllli Ron* E> Aott). Fxm, or m T *-rr ful. ? or t\|ie> flitic mint, uuy bo i.ue hi.U.) _J tiruof >> iu uso. ttoUtryallUnicKUU; * I, ils bottles for Aa, THE ADVANCE. A. R Fawcett. Editor. Tit - Bits. Coftutiny of Lontl and Other Iiitrrettiny Item* pithrrtd by The Adnince Jiqxirlert. FLCSHTUTOK Churches and Societies. (\inis Mfufcr thu heading are i'ii*rfcd frte ofckarijt. rREHHYri:u.i.\ i un;< -11. Mr. 8. Pamudo is off holidaying. Dr. Chrit<>e went to Toronto to-day. Will Wiugate, uf Itruce Minun, waa in town this week. Mrs. Ciibsun, of Noir Yurk, Is visit- iii.' at Mr. Gordon's. Bplcndid Yhic in ^cns and Boys j Stogua at D. S. Munro'a. A vury superior new ( hyim, 14 stops, and seta of Reeds, f<* ralo at a great bargain at C. Treadgold's, FleshorU>n. Dr. Sjiroola, M. P., was in town on Sundny laat, rpondin? the day with our esteemed citizen, Mr. H. J. Si>ronlu. >Jo more trouble to dry your foJt boots get tho "Telescope" felt Boot at D. S. Munro 's. The ci<d in the Drill Shed, Flesher- ton, liut Friday tvi-nin^ wai well attend- ed and waa a plfuauiit alFair. Master James K refer lias goue to take a position as operator in a telegraph ntlice in the town f 1'rtrolia. ( i.-iit i.'iiu n. conn? and fleo tlioso woudcrful "Telescope" Boots at D. b. M unro's. Mr. (ins. K{>roule arrived in i'lasher- ton laat (W'odneaiUy) evening from Mex- ico, where he has U-vu located during tho Iiast year. --Mr. Henderson, Deputy P. O. lu- poctor, of liarrie, visited Fleahertun thia wt'i-k mill found tilings all 0. K. in con- nection with the rii'st-oflicu her*. lm'i'iiso slock of lioots A Shoes jiMt rtci'ivi'il ut 1>. S. Mmiro'l. . 1'rruui nntidaeretiAded our popular citizen, Mr. \V. K. Fleaher, last eviiBHig. Tbu ly< were handsomely ne- corupeusetl, u wight uatarall/ be xpect- 0d !} who kouw what liberal, SK.ltMCK erery HuinUy at day Scliuol at yi.i.i 1' |i.ui. K in - %^r H AliFs.,.-i,.ty lu oonuuvtion I 8ERVTCKK i-voi y Knintay al 11 a. in A r.::*> p m. Snin1T Hctinol at f p.m. TOUIIK l'i-. .pl.-s Prayer in<trtlni; rrnrv Moridny rvfiiini; nt 7 > General 1'raytr un-tliii:i ry ThuriMtny t-vi>iiind t 7 :w HKV. \VAi.rki: AVKII, panlor. (Liadlar Aid Hocloty In connection I MAtOM* 1: MKETIn tli.-ir I. .On. lloom. Rtraln'l Ulnrk on fv. r\ Friday on or N-fon- th> full nioou VUitiug lirullirun rordlally rlr..lnt. B. Dint us, \V.M \V. J. llr.LJjMT. Bc'y. I.<HH;K, I.O.O.F. If Kl'Ts ,.TITV Sri'l an. I Mil Tuesday Rvi-nlofrjn JU. acb month at H oVIook. I^.IK- ko4>iu, in Ktraiu liliK-k, Toroutoitraut. Ii,-Kri< U|K,'. I.I uia<-tliiKln (neb inoulh. Vinitlnif brutlivu cor- dlsJIylnvttorl J<>M Bl.AOKSI RS.NVd. \V Tl. C'AVTAIliNm IIH. A. o. r. IxxlB- So 149. tuoet III thi'lr C lx>'ta" HXOIU. Htrmn bloek. Toroate stnst, on thti Nt. and ir't M..U.IAV In cncli luniitii, al 7 so p m. aliarp. Vtaltlng brethren welcome. W. U. r,, HI . ... M u D. H. aloMRoi. Koo'r S L. 0. L. NO. 4X9, MERT In tli-ir Ixxloe I:. .om lu Mtralu'i Itlnck orery Friday fvcniod alter tbe full of tb.f moon In r%r}i iiionfth. VlBliUsx bretliron welcomo. J. W. BATBS. W.M. W. P. Cuonsut . rtoc'y. R. T. O. T. POrSTUNCin sru. No 14. Roral <>f Tsotpsrancfl, moot In thrlr hall. HI ram r.nd:ir.l Tnditv i wn ' in vaoh month at 7:30 o'clock. Vlnton are cordially imit<l. J.O. RrsurLL, B.C. J. OOBIXJX, U.S. M>\8 OF TEUrKHAXi'E. PLKBRRllTON IHVIfiUiN, Ko. 244. meet In their new hall, Dr.Ohrltoo> Mock, fTnry Wvlnrtday i-Tpning at 7 .u o'clock. Vlaitin brutbrou rordlally inrited. A. R. FawciTT, W.P. W HV.M.MH is. H 8. FLEM1EKTOX KEAHIXH ROOM. OlMncvpry pvonlnu (Sun.|v csn>|>ttli from T o'clock P U until lu f. M. Stiaiixors a CordUlly luviu-d to v:it. J. W. AanwrsoHo. lret. THOS CLATTOS, Hcy public spirited ({entleuait Mr. Flesher ia. FarmiTB 1 remember, 1'. S. Mun- ro takes Bijeepekius. wool, pelt*, In 1. -, potato< -. i|'|>!< x. plums, flour, io.,Ac., iu excliai >^e for Lin cauli prices. Our Itnnd in under uxcellent training |.ifwtB V - for BM* itimj tail >kiUtia. on the S.-th an<l llUtli of this uii,iii. Mr. E. Vaurant, the (>opular and excellent leader, ia sparinx no pain* to ensure uc- cean. A largo stock of lilaek and Colored VelveU'din, Just opene<l at Kiclunl- son's frum 37| c. a yard op. Our KttUUil and cnergvtic frieixl, Mr. \V. K I>dll, attoiidi'il to rv icon iu the Me- thodist church here l.i-t Sablath, and loks well ftT his recent severe illnesa. lie is tho guest uf Mr. NT. Richardson. Mr. \V. K. Fluaher leaves to-day for England. Our llrosa Hand formed a torch light procesiion, laat uight, ard marched to hi* residence acoonipaiied by i uuuilicr of the villagers and serenaded huii. They were very kindly rtx-eived by Mr. Flesher and family and loft with kindest remem- brances of him. Mow ia the UIXM to carpet your rooms when RiuLtrJsou lia got Rticli a IUPKC stock of Tupcatry aud Hemp Mr. anmul McOilloch, of Uondalk, U one of thu inoat socccuful dealer* in Krain in North Ontario. During thtpaat season he humlled nearly a hundred thou sand buahels of graj and has so clevtrly managed his aalus as never tu bo caiiKht "nappini?," which is laying a great deal when one considers the great rink run hy grain buyers. The organ of Mr. C. Treadgold'a, which was used at the Graod Jubile>ihere lant week and which proved such a val- uable addition to the musical pint of the prograuima was sold the next day to Mr. Robert Triniblo, nKruluuit, rleiabru>ii. Mr. Treadgold ia a iMnroughly rehable aKOirt and we mo*t ' eartily reoorumend the public to call on him for anything in thu musical initruineift oraewin|{ machine lintM A NATIOIII. ETIL. There is no qoettioo but thai l)vii|ieuua ii tlio national disease of onreouctry, and whon eoinplicat<l witli diseaces of the Liver aod Kulnrra in Ui cause of nntold numry. Itardbok Blood lliKen will almost iovartahly core the wont caca known. A grand concert will b given in the Town Hall, FleahertoD, on the evening of the second day of East Grey exhibi- tion, under the auspices of tho Laoiea' Aid uf thu i'ruahytdrian church. The services c.f the KU'herton Olee Clabhave been secnn-d for the iccuaioii, and as this FREEMAN'S WOUM PoWI'KKS ar, fi'. >ur and iuc0dy to rvuorc soruif from ehildruii or adults. bef< the will be their fimt appaaranco public this luiison, it will be intercstint; t<> aeo whutker their <kb*t will be as suc- cesful aa OB a former occasion. \Ve be- live it will bu much more >. DOI'T BK r>>cirvsu>. Bwaro of any drn (ist who will trv to iodsce you to taJtu au> thiuft in plaoo ul slcUr4gor It Fark'i Car- bolio Cerato. It ta a niarvol of bealiui; f< >r Sorri.. Cuts, liurui.. *tc. No family ilmuKI be without it. It hss no equal. Qt Mo- in' . -ir it t'arkf'i, ami kave no other. Uolv i5c. pur box at Kicbarutoni. The latest sensation among the C. P. R eiui'loyi-e.s in :hat one of Uieir nuinU-r M-.-iin-d tli. alTn-tions of ayounif uirl and inrited hvr to Lvwiiton. consented to go, and un reaching thcrv he prevailed on her ti> narry him. Friendiof thsgirl, iua|iectiu|{ sossrthinjj wroiif, elicited f- m her (larticnlars of tb* marriagw. Sbe b- ing quite yitiii^, and he so olderly man, they coininunicaU-d with friends at the Junction, when it waa ascertained that the hnde^Toom waa already married and ttlst Battalion Ordrm. j able Uno<l a he win being removed U>lna No 6 (Fleahcrton) Cuiiipany will isMljstaM bjr tin- i;etitl,'iiu-ii iu>-iitioii>:d. It at tho Itrill Slie.1, KlenlnTtoii, on ISitur- l iiirr than |ir>.lmlile that th lad would day, 12th inat, at 2 o'clock p. m. sharp, ' have aulfocatnl, fnmi the poaition in Ui prepare for ukinp. Any inuiuVier ab which ho wan found, had nt help be<n hiniM'K on the aboAo dato will bia.j cl.e at hand. Dr. McHrirle tsattcml Ultg him, anrf thrre ii a ponihitity the lit- tle fellow will pull thn .'i-!i ailii.-!.:. \\ . atnoeruly hope an. trenti-d an a <lcwrt. r. J. J. Lieut No 6 Co'y. LOWS found with every toilet, healing. SOAP ihould be U is eleauaing and Big Tun. |R Kl Frnm our oirn C"orrejvni,ln<l, We had a lively time hero on the even Tfct *MK! JLcmy ml bund a Ik. J i|)g ,,, . :tlit ult Thrrf! Wcw ^ rt The O.pel Arniy Is doing a grvat work | c <n|,l4iits ina.le bofore Vim. htewart, J in our aiater villai{e, Dundalk. Wu lustra i p (who, by the wsy, |nnniisis to make a that on Monday nipht last tome forty v ,. rv ,.fjj, j, ,,, j. p lt . , ,!,tant dat personn profeisttd that they had found | Jhe inf..riutious were laid by Thus. li. aalratiou, and that over tifty peojJ.' t. >d , GilliUii.l, P I. S . ,.f K-iif.-nia, hr of up to be prayed for. Thia must have been wn i c h were againut Mn F. T f '.u N one of thu in out rcmarkaUc met tinjji jet J M held by Majoi Satherland an.l his IniiJof earin-*t and faithful worker*. I in . -i i Borklyn. (Sprrull tu titt A'lrilliCt.) < >n Monday laat Mr. Reynold's ure and thu Enplirusia Town Hall, ll<*Uyn, were destroyed by tire. Mr. nh<> was in be<l at its hei|fht. hsd a close, call, and only anvi-d hiuiielf fniu a flii(btful death 1> illiiii; himself op with blankets and tbr*iu; liaiiavlf out of the window. >l"n, aiul MP T. Crone, I- r tn-aa- IHIM, tl-a person* havinf wlkel . bis field on a beaten i-.ttli in i. rr_, j i. kni^ time. Theotlerf'iir informationi were laid aa follow* : otiu aeainst SI. Akitt, f..r d'.^'iiii; (attle, and hrmkmffhnni . ftu-er, in which ilain.i^ea werv claimvd to the ex- tent of 910 ; one information each atfainit T>i"H. Oowc, Mn. Crowe, and Mias Oruwc, for d'^'x'iii^ c.ttt'e aji i.ikni|< |rt of tho tail off otse beast, witb also a claim for ;<< ifio damages. I CAUM t thefirewaa nearly I M 1VO >" u lhe MiJ <* "' l . lit can say there was a I such as it was, which was very patiently by the 1- n. h, c. iii|x.'.l of . Stewart,. I hn Crut' (tilrsy, (ieo. Kicharju. >n, and J. V. Ann- from Fli-aLirti 't. Tli srnipatby to Mr. ALWAYS BEyllBKIV-A cood eathartio medicine. National 1'iUn will not | ,,f (he llonch had to b U-ndered run. W. . . M. . ul: - I,. In our recent report of the caso of A. Davidsou, Dundalk, charged with having who kin.lly an! avctcd as C'leik in litin.' the depuaitions of thu iimny witnetsea, which work wu verj- faithfully jK-rffrmi-.l. The result of complaints Feloniously taken money f n>m Mr. Mid- w ,, ri |, fllnirt caine up ,,, t ' ht . ',,,.! dletou, of I'ri.ton- and In-fore sijtiire Aruutroug wo omitted to ..n . McC'ulloch'a name in full ; weahoulJ have said W. G. McColloch. \Ve, do thia now, as thurv ate i>then of the uf MeColloch li-inK lni)aiidalk who had 110 connection with the alfair. NOXB Bni i. Them i no more whole or deli--., us fruit on rartb tuiu Uir- !.. f r there waa a !.!. f $1 1111;-. >! in Wild Strawbprry, and thrre is no more tl had i family. The inUTeateU |*rtiea are factual mu>-d]r for CLolera, Djraoater) carpettt lowest. and at prices aa low as tbe We forgot to mention in our laat is aue, that we h.l a plosssait call from sir. Hall, of the Dundalk UeriM. Last week the ll-i'i'-l nterd its fifth Tolmiio. We wish our spicy contcnipomry erery suc- oeas. Beantiful all wool gray flaimols at Krniu-o* (iilU-t.<l(ii(;lit-r of the foreman of tin- "'aiKi.liaii Pacilic railway ynrda at Carltou. Milne wai arroatod at KIVLT kink, about livo tnilea fmm Arthur, and taken to Toronto where the caao waa in- . t.-d on Saturday 22nd ult. , and the prisoner committed to trial fur bigamy. Ox till IIE. "Leatea hir^ tbrir tiuie to fall," aaya tbo put- 1, but wild ilr.ivln rrr laaren are i.n tin- ri>o jukt now, IK-ILK uti L. , .1 in mieh ru..ruion quiititi. in link ing l*r. Fowler'i Kxtraot of Wild StiunU-rry tin- iiifullil'li- rrincJ) for C'lmlcra M, i> u-. l)i.nili.i and other Siiminrr Comulaiu'.H. Itariiiini mailu inillim.a by rw>niatont advertising. '< 'in- tiling I to say,' ho ruuiarkod, 'you d > not any of y u ad- vertiio enough. V u ought to invoke tho printer's ink every day. You aru aleopy and want tho businoaa to run itouU Standing advertiaonfiita in K p|Htr coniniand, eoondmce. Tho man who for a year rwaidcs in a community ami lead* a reipcotablu life, even t'i-ujh he he of roodorato ability, will gruw in tho esteem of his fellowi. On the lame principlo, a ncwsjiaper adrertiiienient In' coiuea familiar to tho eye uf tho n:\ U r It nmy loldoin be road, null it ini[>reasi thu name and liusuiew of a man on the [nMii: mind, rvs tho lua dooa a man's |H>r- trait on a chemically -jirq t\rcd plaU 1 of ^Uuu.uid its presence in the columns of a pn|>er inspires confidence in the stability WtM Strawbtrrr. Wo diroct ; I -ml attfiiti. .n t<> the im- (x-rtant ajiiiDUiioi-uifiit in "ur .vlvertiainx i-nlunina today by Mr. (>. 11. Sjiencer, who haa loaaed Mr. H^vx aaw and lath mills at Little Falla, mar Kl. -L,-rt n. Mr. Spt'iKvr has put In new aawa and th- crwise inij lovnl tln> nulls and U nw in a |x*itii>n to attend t" uverythinu in the luniU'iin;!, and hit other liiu-i of buiineai in tho iiiost '.itinfact^ry manner. Rivl hia advert laement. A KviK-ii. CUANOI. The bt of foul humor* of the Blood ia IturJk lllood llittorr. A fw butUi produc^t a radical cuaug I.T tlic U tt r in health ami I- ..u'.y. It ii ! tho lil.-<l taint ol Sero- fula, that terrible diteaatt ao euuiuon ill thi country. is the Defendants cunfesw-1 to hav- ing crossed Mr. CTillilaiid'sfield.butcUim- d that It was an old sand beaten |<atb and that they were not aw arc thoy had b*B d'lin^ any K-tnU wron^ in e<iasitlrati<>n of whi' li Mr Stewart aii'i hi* l'natat !, Cleo. Latimer, niiwlc n>> claim for fen ex :i'^ 23 r.'iita t" f : tuLle. 1 tl. nil:, r ,nr -e, ajramst M Akitt, Thna. Crowp, Wr Ornww and Miss Crowe, there waj no evidence i- wlih li tiic Itench D'tilil !* inv clivir- lii.ii, conse<]iiently they wire each dis- missed, wi: ' ! Tlin>ui;hut the whole proceedings, the Magmtmlca n*invl t-i \v in:; n-ased that these coiiipUints WITV made under f.-< of lather a malicious n .tun-, aai.l liillil- an.l having soiii thirty nine h.-ad f cat- tle ruiinii.j :it !'.'. an<l inn: j as beat they rould taking ailvantaffr "f |i>w fn- ccs and g"<xl p.-wtiin-, ... i, - easily : . s'lini- fi>ur <T t". e 1: . . i< r their eyes tho "r'KUes spectaelea," or, aa WM remarked In i ' 1's, "thu outward and vimiUt aiyn . f ii esty. " Wu thin', after t!ie ir^ at Kimtvrlcy, Mr t;i''i!a::il l a "s.vldcr and a nUir uian." RichardBoiis 26c. a yard ap. TheOoapel Artny held its Brut meeting in " f thtf entcrpriiK).' tho Meth.xliit church,Duiidalk,lastThur-l M>O*o.m & PAniiE'i Carlxdif Corato U inirajualile d>r Wouuds, Htirva. halt Khriitn. I'uti, llurni. Scalds aud Ketcra. ax a heal- J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, KUSSHKHTON, - - ONT. TUE MAMETS. FLEbllKltTUN. Flour (8 75 to 4 00 Fall Wheat $0 85 to 88 Spring Wheat 086 088 Uarloy 6O Oata 8O 80 Peas 058 060 Butter 12 12 Eggs, freuli Oil Oil PutatocB '20 030 Pork c HO 5 76 Hny.prr ton TOO 700 Hides 5 00 6 00 Woo! lc, 20 45 HO sday evening. Thorn was a vtrjr l attendance. Quite a number of people! Uag'and purifying dreuiDK lionot b un from Floaherton were there. Some fifteen i posed on ith otter nselus tircparitioiis, or twenty ,.rsoua printed themsel- vos at thu altar for jirayor. Thu best uf UicLardaoni. ortler prevailed on the inarch and through- nut tho meeting. Drcas Goods in tho latoflt styles aiul shades to soit everybody at lUcLurtl- sons. Call and BI-O ill. in. The Agricultural Editor haa been having delightful visions diirinn thu pant few weeks. Why ) Simply because hit) subscribers have booo paying up nrr.-nr agos and renewing their aulisrriptions and furwardiuK names uf new subacribera hk^i<.H.d fellows. Don't forget so pay tho printer snd you'll sa chunk* of \\\\- pincss. Fall and winter Btiitiugs in tlio mi i-! d. -ii-iilili. patterns extra cheap at Kiclianlsons. s,., . i.ii Prlie. Mr. Robt. Plaiitt, of Eugenia, will give a Kpecial prizoof $'.', at East Uruy exhi- bition, for bust calf got by his bull, "Young Briton." DR. I.OWH PLEA8AKT W011M SYlilT is a iiafo and rtliublo worm remedy (or all Worms ulllictiiiK children or adults. MraTortl Road. t'r*i>n our oirn C'orrtifxiuJfitt, Mr. A. Johnnton received some hard knoeka from a hull li: h he ylkt>d up with another 01. He driving them to work after having torcd them, when thu bull inadu a charge for him, kn.fkini; him down and hrttii- ini; him very ldly. not help ar- rived in tho meantime he would have been killed. very had wai wat- Married. At KlenhiTtoii, ou the 4th iiint., by the Rov. W. Ayors, Mr. Boiijaiuiu Staples to Miss Kliza Ann McLuuchlau, all uf I, Km Ig. Upward! of 2l>J loia of FU and Winter Dry Goml are beln# roopived and | I n-'.l iu Htock byW.J.McFivrland. KtW til irrtNf ti Saw Mill, O. H. Spencer. Strayed D. McMullt-n. Ornnd Coloiual Exhibition. Mortgage Hl J. W. Froat, Solicit.. r. Farms for Salo Ac. . .. /.P. K. M. Hums. To Kent Tho. Oshorne. Farm for Side E. A W. 8. O Urien. A WiRrJn* .rTion.-l>uriuK HIP Sntu mrr snd FU pMpto am baele lo mddCD nl , Uc . k , / ^^,\ compUiuU, and ith n.. medie Sabbath School on\rntion. In connection with thu Financial Dl. trict tin .-tin',' of Owen Sound diitrict, Methodist Churcli, t be- held here not wwk, a Sabbath School Convention will be held in th Mi'tlnnlist t'hurch. Flesh - erton.on Wrdnusd.iy and Thunwlay, Sept Kith and 17th. All sesnions will !< \<>\\ to the public, whoarv cordially invited to attend. Tho Programme ia a lonijthy and intrr- estin^ one, commencing at 4 o'clock p.m. on \ViMlnesdfty. Kach suliject will IK' op,-iu-d by i\ pfj>er r rvtdrcss, n^t to exceed 20 niinuteH, t" bo followed by five-minutes' ivddreasea. The lttwicl IVpartiu.-nt will be under tho direction of the Flesherton Choir. A Collection will bo taken up at tin close of tho ThuM.Uy Kv'ua S,-MI.'M t.' defray ('Uarrk A\rw Trralmrnl 1'erhspi the moil ritraordmsry that ba been schinvexi In m>*l<*rn mr<liesBe has b-< 11 attaiin''] l>y thrt>iiua trratmvnl for Catarrh. Out if l MUl rwtiruU l..aUJ during tin 1 put -n tuonthii. fallv n.i . oral, have been fiir--l <>f th: itnbtxcn malaity Thu ia none tin- lev* startni , when it ii r mouilxr, ,1 that u. I livv j.r c. ut. uf pat. 'Uti pn-.'i i.nji tb>m><ivi'< to tl.r r.'xular pm-titinnrr are t*nen'te<l, while the aatrnt mediciuri> an 1 . :' ki.r: .. I ouns never rccurd a cure tt all. Start, i^- * itu th* claim now p urrliy trbrv< ,\ by tli* m wt sritutit'u- iii> n that tin- .li ..i-. M I .. pr- n nc of living parailtr* iu the U<n*, Mr. I'noii at onoe i l|<l< I hi- c u- t ' thir etlemioalion thiiseoompl -lairoa th* C'atarrli i prn^ticallr ftirH. and llie per. maoenrr la nr>.pi.-:,. i.,.i. a our.'* rff, <* 1 by In in fi ur rears tgo are eurr" ti ' l' rvrr allcrripUj to ear* Catarrh Hi thin nuiiM' r. .r: 1 n. i ilii-r tii-alm, nt ha" .'. r .-iir.,1 ..tir rh. i ,ti. n . f l!i rruirtiy u 5imp|i>, tinl can bt>* al hnir. and t)i pn-smit * u i'( Ih" ji-.r i.tii- un.. 1 . (j ur 1. 1. (or a |)F*dr tud parmAiwnt cur.', tin- uiHjnriiy of t*f* brinu r -in- 1 at one treatment - ..-ulil eofrnayeod with Mfanni. II. A. 1'n >n . lrt'rl ,-t. T' i.'iitu, t'anaJn. an.) n >tami< f.'r tlu'ir t . ,--h - Mou tn-al Slur. N..V. 17. To Rant, floods luvi lx<cn HulccUnl by an cxporii'iiccd buyer wlio visitH tlio En- ropraa Markets twiro aiinimlly. l! down in every iii.--'.niK-. lius )<< n pniil for tbrui winch will enable call Mr. MeParland to giv* liis of riiHtoinors (,'(>( nln nt lower j tlmn OMT. \\licn in Mni-kihilo prompt rnufjj or tuaf be in dauber. ieal aid at hauJ. lifn Those whose cxufrirnr* has fiven them wiadova. alwayi keep Dr. Fowler's Kitraot of Wild band lor prompt relief, and seldom Htrawbmy a 1'h; sn'iun Our Rrndlnu Room. Nrrlous \r. ill. -in. Al the sMspkfMiB innil carrier, Mr. Curry.WM driMtrj; KmiK r!y and Kppin^ afConi|>anifd by Mr. Frvd. Sar- K'.-nt.of Markdale laat Wodnesd.iy even- ing, they met a little pirl, who.with tears in her eyes, bosuught tin in to come and brinit her dead brother hom,. Stvtl.-.M.y Frdlllillg Hllll HUU86- this infonn.ition, Mcinn. Curry and Sar- T'I,. iin'i.-i>uni<.i i i'"ir-i tt- nc.iu l gent told li< i to lead t<> where In i l>rt<tli- The CcUac* tn.l r l.-n nrvnilr - o hi . k- ur .,. \i . lr h. Fli-l f i i. i 1 |i-.u ilw< n i> i i. i ii >'. Jin*. . rlrlor FARM FOR SALE. m -n ^. I I'l I ol the tl<<uri.'iiuK x * inilwi from Ki^c* On th* iMdlnnn-it'l \|. r> rrl B. \V H niilKN, er was an<l they would follow. They did Tin- r.'iiul.-ii- inoiilhly in.'.'t in,' uf Kl.v- li no, and M t'i.. f,.. t of tlu> ort.'ii H.-.i lin RIMIIII Society will be hi-ld mid M r In , ininii ii>c stuck, it will well repay you. in thu aociety'i room next Monday even in -. 14th inst., at 8 o'olfvk tO.irp. A full atU'inliincn i riMjui^ii-d .T matters of iin fouinl a little ft-llow- a son of Mr. Ixiuvhrad H lyii.i; MI a aeini-unconii<-ion< stair. It Kc'Ctns ho had U-i-n clnnlnnij up the trer win n ho iiiia<il KIM Kolil .ind fell piirtanoe nrc to IH? discu.iiwil, well till' HelltTill I'll:. IllCC. of till' n* on his head on tho hard uroiiti'l nii.lir , nvath. Tho little fellow voimU-d consid I to him f ! tli < fin ! l>-!l,iuii 1 1 'i.i /Yituu UMi*$, - <l< I 1rn I I '.f .m PUsbrrton Station if itsi .-I'll I. .V. I t la a j.i M'l-' .Got Tho Adraac:. In nil it.i I f art or iln Sntis- NEW ADTERTISEMRNT& Farms Far Sals and To Rent. .o I Nth on.. Oa|>rejr Tin.hlp. for eato c ..! Uriin y U U nlit mam 1x4 lutii OKI . UMray Town- DuutUn at *.%. Tei ui> niaiili X> rtgBt , to I' h M Stray Celt, 8TUA V >.Ii 111' ill UM |>rm,lMa l th nhrl- tar. Leu iv. A IVUU ln.f. a t.T a -. Huwt. Aru-moOa.*, <Uik ( I with Muftil hiw Oar MI Ant w Important ITotics ! The rurHctibtr tx HI andtan : . - 3 tuilM fmni K**^h<*rtefl. *n<l U U' w ptvfttpad to wkh MM* of *njr 1- nt'> or iw of 1 ! LUMBER LATH, i SHINGLE:. oa baud. Cmtooa bawir c *> t>r REASONS Why Lnubot rat bf p*r: lie- try Saw ta UM Ui.l w X aad Ik* Bill U ta ordr. . 1 u.. tin T, in uM hic I, t . t: -uW. .U b-i |)l in a l.oa-Wr boar-U an >aiB< ml Un from) and aJl *jd to th . i-caoM you caa t*kc a load of lopi to UM mill and a load lumber 1MB* MBM 4a> HI >* k* cnM*aa lo cut all aoi ork la a wuikruaulika m*aar aad aaMatavtio*, r", :.. ffl Banaam all aawtnc > O.H.SPEKCEK .1Kb, HPI. Mortgage wale or VILLAGE PROPERTY. I " I by irto' of fowrt* of HeJeoDn- l -ionas to IH \ . - ' , odueed at uaaJ.l ..le Asvtteu. al Aiaiu- WD H..I. i. ia iho Village sf Priccville. On Till K-['^^ at Ui bour .11. i i -L* f m . UM fal ... i -. I - .- .t . , .'. rssstss - . ., , ,. .. . . . , ivirr. ; l.ft to lh i.i .1... h:f.. > <r-e.ssmi or . . . . , ., .,',-. ' .. ir of Hi.- i o haw cnoiM> mev fmain o a-ontmt*. furth.-r letsM aarf Bartiewlar. - then be DUMle anwn. r may iSjalaiJ |- n ' ' ~). J W KRTHT. PaU-l Kt Ja> '. tat* . Us* GRAND .:!:::! "i 1 '::;;:: is r/fofxiv ID. i. ti. i \Hiitirio> . IMIi. ; ' . I . s>s*at< i f-i.'t to n.jk . , poh In Ih* rrUttoM n( all lh |ita of tl. Mnn.h Knn>ir wllk Mh tu orOrr t MI . ' b**ti JK r. :uiil. . .! .. th I ,. !> .J- .r EKT-<. Ill Caaisli -. hn- I ilaw* o| ssvil r> Hr 4 Dowilnlon of Canada I. ii Wnt. UM H....I H VSM*> - ' . . .- i r. -.' lt> l n ih. a*, la li.'HTi, t i IK mttte \r AkT*. In ihr M M i . TI v- .. M uis.i MAI Hi i. WgsssVI and Dr- i t . l>r< alrc trade '. j uin- : It harlra u, u.l 01 of .' : lMtar> lit