Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1885, p. 7

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I lh , Sweep, lMp, In the snort December Jajl And dun, dull, doll, Fn the Bummer s silvery h* -c Jt'i O ! to be a u 1 1- And forever a dutttur flirt, And wear the y tmrn of our life awajr In tbe hauil-to-hanil buttle will dirt I THE LADIES' COLUMN. i, sweep, sweep, while tbe dust rises up to your ee, And hcrub. scrub, scrub, Then drive out those horrible dies ! HunbauilK hungry and tired, With buttoulou trouaenand shirt. Meekly retire from tbe awlul scene, While we fight pitched battle with dirt. 4)1 men with brow serene, How much work you make for your wives I Xaviu( your boot* and sbos under loot " Ami caliuii cues, tarts aud piua. Cook, cook, cook, To meet tbe demands of our kin And bake, bake, bake, Though the heart IB faint within. 1 for a little change A respite, however brief I from tbe patty trials of housework Ire* From inutuiu. |wrk and oeef. Kef songs to gladueu tbe ueart. To all would bo far wore sweet Than tbat ol.t. ol.l Una uy bouMkeepen sung : - What i-.hall we have to eat '" O I but to breathe Uie breath Of toe fragraut new-mown hay ! And in pastures aud woodlands green To wander far away. J or oujy one short bour A*\y from ibe housework to steal, And dreamily rt by a uabbnug brofc While uuie out) else eoolu tbe uieal ' A lriu.l Hip Vmm A rival ol Hip Van Wiukle bas just HMO to lame ID Wororater Couuty , three mile* from here. Ou Thursday last Levin Newton, a small farmer of good repute, disappeared from bin borne. Hu family, knowing thai be bad made many enemies on account of bu oppoaiuou to tbe five acre oyster bed law, which give* citizens tbe right to take up oyoter beds (or private nee, feared tbat be had been murdered. A rigid eearob wae made for bim and be wan given ap lor dead. Late on Sunday after noon a neighbor went into Nuwtuu'n barn to feed the bor*ee and oatUe, and to bit tonitbmeut noticed tbe miming man tretobed out at lull length on bis back on the top of tbe bay. He wai aleepiog Bonndly and only awoke after being vigor outly shaken. Newton exhibited no ur- priite whed awakened, limply saying " Well, John, ii it late ?" He evidently thought tbat be bad been slbepiotj bat ao hour or so Inquiry showed tbat Newton roue at 6 o'clock on Thursday morning, after sleep log from U> o'clock tbe bijbi before, lie went to tbe barn, where be fed bm bornei. feeling drowey, be aay>, he laid down on tbe hay. " 1 don't remember, anything more," be remarked to-day, until Neigb bor John called uie. I then thought tbat 1 had been aaleep bat an boor at moil." Newton'e sleep extended from 10 p. m. Wednesday ontil 6 a. m Tbonday, and from 7 a. m., one bour later, until 5.3b p m. Sunday. Excepting the bour on Thuri day morning be was anleep '.'0 bourn aod M minute*, tbe longest natural eleep known to pbyeioiani in this BtaM. Saotr Hit' Special tu I'htUtdrlphia Tima. 1 h. l.l.x III ol I on. Ion. It may indeed be saieiy aanerted thai London le tbe greateat eity thi* world ever aaw. Never before in tbii planet's history has there been gathered together such a concourse of human being*. Nineveh might boast of a population, according to the Book of Jonah, of HOO.OOO or 900,000 Borne, which, like moel of tbe olJn oitiei reeembled London aa tbe centre ol a world wide empire, never reached a third part o lU population, good autboritiee setting down the kiigbett number its people ever reached, which wan m tbe days o( Nero, about 1,080,000 ; and I'ekiu of modern times in laid to be tba only city wbiob baa any elaim to rank bemde it , but eye witneeees tell ui that I'ekiu in rather a peopled diltriol than a oily. I'aru, Vienna and Berlin united would but a little more than equal it in tbe number o its people ; and twenty three o( tbe other largest mum of these lalei muet be rolled into one to make s second London Bir Balar Jung, in visiting it, may also while describing Paris as " tba oily of plsa are," well refer to " the severe aipeot and activity of London," seeing that 10,488 vehicles course through twenty-four of its principal thoroughfares rrery tour, mat 381,000 pedestrians and 7*i.UOO v*biole pans over its bridged daily, lu the word* of Sir Joseph liazalgette, it is now without rival as regard! in size and populstion, not only in tbe present, but a* lar as we know in tbe past history of tbe world. Its popu latiou is cqaal to that of the liole state o Holland, i greater than tbat of Scotland and double thai of Denmark, and if it oon tiuuee to increase at the name rale until the and of tbe present century it will then equal tbat of Inland as iadeed outer Lon don now does."--Chrutiaa Chroiuelt. on. n 1 um lo . r. Bags netted of steel beads art carried an sort of semi-shopping bag. Sleeves of svening dresses are as short id glovee as long as ever. Gveijsoketa of beaded passementerie are o be worn over colored waists. Plain slippers are again worn trimmed ith black ribbon bows. Tinsel will be very prominent m fans as ell ai in every other depart meat in dreie nd dressy accessories. Novelties in crepe lissernohingbave little oiled points, on tbe tips of wbioh are liny >earl beads. For morning wear, especially with flannel code, colored cuff* and collars are agam oming into favor. Bustles are worn very large, because there a tendency to do away with muaea o! rapery on tbe toornure. Plain costumes are transformed into very reesy toilets by flohni, scarfs, plastrons, and many other accessories of laoe. The short pelerine mantle, short and igbt in tbe back, high on the shouldsra.and oose in front, is the leading spring wrap Gold and silver braid and all sort* of gold eoorative object* trim many bala and nonets intended for early ipring wear. As was customary last year, summer muslins, lawns and other summer diaphan as gowns, are being trimmed with velvet tows scattered over tbe bodice and skirts. Tbe Eton is & new cutaway jacket ointed m4he baok and very abort on tbe ides, where i; barely reaches the wuh.t ne. Salines are less glossy this year and consequently look better when they are washed; tbe designs alt< are in many nstanoes smaller ard more suitable. A vsry handsome wrap is a combination Bullri W*niU ( Ibr Hurl. Dr. II. L. Harrington, of Monmouth, III. writes as follows to tbe Mtdical Record " In your isnueof April 4 tb, under tbe title Is Death Necessarily Instantaneous Afte Bullet Wonnda of Heart ? ' you relate a very interesting eaae. Let m detai another very remarkable otse, wbiob cam under my obsertalion while house physician in Cook County Hospital, Chicago, in th year 1875. One evening at dunk a man aged about 30 years was brought in a. express waggon, rapidly driven over rougl pavements a diitacoe of over a mile, wit! a bullet wound in the, left tide ; he was in condition of profound Bhook, and wa treated accordingly, by means of bea externally applied, stimulants and rnorphi internally. Reaction ensued, and pro grenaed sufficiently to admit of his moviu about in bed, aod talking in a loud voice when be suddenly died, three hours at te receiving tbe wound. An autopsy made b me tbe next morning revealed tbe faot tha the bullet bad perforated tbe apex of th heart, traversed the entire length of tb left ventricle and auricle, and, after nassin upward through the right long, bad beoom imbedded in tbe right shoulder." A theory new and novel that tbe vas depressions of tbe ocean beds are to b Mounted for by tnppoalng tbat tbe mo broke away from tbe earth more tba 60,000,000 years ago. The basins are th soars then make. Tennyson, with the aid of Bir Franoi Palgrave, has just arranged and annotate a " Golden Treasury " volume of bin choice lyrics. It doeH not include LIB latest poem of indignation. Add just floor enough to rell, and out io amali eakee with the paste-outter, gkzi witi. I'tf- and bake a delicate brown. A tlnioly cream IB made of aprioots. Btuw twelve canned aprioots with bait a ponnu of sugar, strain throw a sieve and 1st then oool. Mix them with half a glass of niu wine. Pass toil mixture again through tbe sieve and add sugar if it is not Hweot enough, pour it into a mould, snd heat u by placing it in a pan tilled with bo-Inn water. Serve in oustard oupe. Tbe ttul.r ol tub. nl. i.o. Hit Higbnes* was d(esed in military ratataKstVKU -i >-tn . i The lu..p.,.bllu> .1 I.IM' " I . A Brrrel ir I l^lo^ Light and life are inseparable, tbat is, such was ths generally received opinion many yearsejjtgo, and in aooordaoos with it, bouse* were built liberally supplied with windows, and as liberally now but go along any of tbe fashionable streete in New York and yon will nnd not less than three, and often six, distinct oontmanoea M keep out tbe sunshine and gladness, says llalii Journal of Health. First, tbe Venetian ubutter on the outside , seoOLd, 1.1 i K 1 1 THAN .. 1. 1 A Wvsaasi'e . Tw HUB.I >d mm* eoetume; hgbl-oolored eo*t, astrakhan cap, shining broad and loose trousers tuoked into top n . -. Bis waist wti girt by belt htudded with silver ornamente, and be wort' i sword with richly ohased scabbard. He nut bis horse well aod wore the air of perfect felf-possestion and impassiveness whiou aiwaya marks him. He is too am nil: ei. even to show surprise or astonish- u.ei.i m.d takes everytbiug as a matter ol ooarnr. ills Highness Abdurrahman Khan, Ameer of Oabul, is rather a tall, burly man, lar,-- of limb, broad-shouldered, tligblly atoutness, his face not of tbe The Bristol (Eoc i T.nxt ami Horror at May ' th bas tne following : " A woman leaped from tbe Clifton Suspension Bridge yeeierday afternoon, but, siratigc to es>y, did not u-eet with her dtalb. The occur- rence took pUee at about heJt past 13 o'clock, at which bour she waa leen by several ptasons to tall from the bridge to tbe mud OB tbe Chiton side of the river, near the water, which was then receding, and was about half tide. Jobo Williams, ouotiau nuuwbOK uu 1110 WUIDIUC , .wrvwu, ^fjQ WaSaDOUS hajl 11OO. JOnt) IT llliaOl*, the close shutter on the iunide ; third. tuaLj Ashtoo-gate, and Uiorge Drew, who f velvet and Sicilian illk, elaborately rimmed with baud- made Spanish laoe and all jet beads, aud lined with changeable ilk lustreen. Upoo laoe bonnets are frequently placed wo rowi of roses, set closely together aod ne above the other, these going around tut edge and next Ike wave ot hair, tbe flowers partly veiled by falling lace, to correspond ith Ibe crown trimming. Among light silky materials there ia thi toile du Louvre, a new kind of foulard ot toll hues, sewn, as it were, io bouquets all over tbe fashionable grounds of ha van nab, moss, cress, strawberry of an intense hade, etc. Embroideries will be selected even more han laoee thii season for trimming anm mer dresses. There are navy blue goods embroidered in rid and while effect*, oar- liaal grounds embroidered in black and rhite, and also those thai are done in olive and brown. Canadian ladies are M fond of blank dreases for street wear tbat the most antir ng efforts have been made to secure fast dyed hose. Buooeea bas at last crowned this research, aud those goods mown as tbe " anchor dyed ' may be pur obAsed aud worn witb perfect asaucsuioe of immunity from such vexatious discolor a- lions. The pretty checked and striped ailki make very oool and stylish suit* for cum mer. There are very pretty obine Bilks Ibat are adapted to tbe same purpose. Ohiue lilks oome in white and all dehoate UuU, both plain and embroidered, and make most lovely dresses. Embroidered pongee* lave the patterns done in red, blue or brown ou tbe natural color. A very practical novelty is the new velvet ribbon bow attached to a clasp pio. These x>ws some in all of the popular nhades, aud are extremely serviceable as * garni- ture. A lady i only to pin and unpin them to apply them to any toilet that may please her fancy. They eome io Mis of six o a box, bat are also sold singly in the retail stores. There are several kinds, each very stylish and " Freccby." For dressy toilets io light materials they are exactly the thing needed. s- mil I. . In t-U~r r.. Brocaded stuff* for wraps and for parts of costumes have the figures outlined with gold. A universal fashion in tbe spring time, and a very pretty one, ii of late the wear ing of flowers. Kibboni, cords, braids and laces glitter with gold, and lometimei cords, braids and aces are ocmpoied entirely of gold. Oold pins, slides, butterflies and ill norU of ornaments aid in giving golden elegance to bonnets and hats aod accessories cl dressy evening eottumes. Plain silk gauzei, designed for wraps to place of a figured design, are powdered ith gold and black brown and colored veils of all sorts are dotted and sprigged with gold Flowers are tendrilled and tipped with gold. Oold catkins and aigrettes are made to lend tbeir illumination to tufts of golden brown ostrich tips, and gold dots appear OL wing feathers for bats aod bouuets Not ooly women appear with tbeir bunohei ot roues, violets or daffodils, bul men are not ashamed to take tbeir daily walks to store or office with a geranium leaf and a spring forget-me-not, a primrose or a pansy io tbeir button-bole. Oold tinsel ot silver and steel, but especially gold, grows in favor as tbe season advances. On all tbe counters gold tiaeuei glitter and gleam. There are gold gau/.e ID every tint ol green, blue, rose, orange, amber snd purple, to be uied for bonnet orowni ind soarti. Many were tbe eritioiima passed upon Charles Dickens when he appeared upon the platform with a rose in bis button -bole Now il ii tbe general expression of homage to the incoming spring, tbe beauty ot tbe fruitful summer, and so much more charming because spontaneous \ orU lor \t em. u. A delicate potato cream loup Is made as follows : Make a puree of potatoes, thin it witb boiling water and pass it through i ileve ; add the yolks of six eggs ; mix well and add a little finely minced parsley and obervil. Serve witb orontons. Very good little oaken are made by this recipe : Mix thoroughly a quarter of pound of pounded almondi, a quarter of I pound of powdered sugar, two ounces ol itrouf>)% marked Jewish type wbiob prevails io uiuct, in Afghanistan, but round and full, witb b trse growth of wjsiskers aod beard, tricot of gray showing jn ihe latter, tea- turei olsarly marked, aod eyes keen as Afghans always are. From bis face one woulc. loaroely judge the Ameer to be a man o' strong will and determination such as at bu shown in his past career. Rather one would judge him to he of a quiet, paeim character, woro somewhat by ibe street aod strain of fortune, but now ooo- tenl tnr tbe world to take its way, a man approaching -"<0 years of ige, and witb every year , J to the full siooe early manhood, lie cat- Buffered much of late from gout, wbiot hit journey from Cabul must have kted, and in itsppiog from tbe oar- _ bis temporary lameneti became apparent. He was dressed in a uniform of lira color, and without the elaborate gold embroidery which eoma of his officers boMted He wore a richly ornamented tword and had two small slam, of silver, I thine, on hia left breast. His headdress wa* u iow conical cap ot grey astrakban or for, with a broad, turaed-np border, oo wuion glittered some jewels. He looked a soldierly figure, aod bad an air ol dignity ruicl well became him.- Pall Uall Qaiettt. \\ mm,a HU.I Optuto !i u r course of bis lecture oo " Effect ot Aleonol ou tbe Hnmsn System," at the Bit: 3 bobool on Monday evening, Prof. T. B. t tcwtll, of tbe Stale Normal School at Corllai.il, made tbe statement that " opium ID eouicform or other is used by women just a generally as tobacco is used by men. Ciina jsi opium aa muoh as boys use cigaratwi. If the druggists ot this oily wou J tell what they know it would arouse t: e oity ID a night. Il ii owing to alcohol, tohMot and opium that we find so many tuioideb, maatie psople and cranks." When sp..B.Mi lo on ihe subject Prof. Baoou, f tbr High school, aaid tbat be bad read ibe lecture aod found it very hard to Mlievi tbat there was any justification i !aci for the remarkable utatemeat ol Ihe it'.turer. He knew Prof. Stowell lo tM> biqb reputation IB kit specialties, but be tLuuKbt he bad been lid into exaggera- tion -inder tbe eioitemiut of an oratorical Sort la Prof. Baooo'i experience as a teauuer be bad niver known a single case of opium at a tcbool, and be had almost posutive knowledge that the uee of the drug is no; common among either boys or girls lit thought tbe confectioners might possi SI; LIVP made me of opium lo enhance tbe valut of tbeir goods. L>r llrownell, I'rofeesor ol Chemistry at blind wbioh is moved by roller* fourthly, tbtre are the laoe curtains . fifth, the damask or other material. In the same train come tbe exelunou of external air by means of double sasb, and a variety ot patent oontrivaooefl to keep any little stray whirl of air froaa entering at tbe bottom, sides and tope cf doori and windows. At this rate we will, in due lime, dwindle into Lilipntt, it indeed we do not die ctl sooner, with all science and art, and leave tbe world to begin anew, from the few SODS ol tbe lorest, who persisted in eschewing civilisa- tion. We lay it down as a health \xicm the more outdoor air and cheery butiihinea man can use tbe longer be will live. Bat tbe preserved sunshine ! What about il ? Tbe very same sunshine which so lavishly beamed upon our continent with all the tropical lervor in the earlier aget of crea- tion, what has Become of u . A oaeual reader of tbe Journal will exclaim, What a fool of a <juestion tbat is ! " Lit ud Isisnrely inquire into it ; but in doing si we must take it for grantefl Ibat the reader knows something. In Central America, where tbe sun bbines witb all its brilliancy and fierceness, vegetation i of fabnloun growth, of a luxuriance almost incredible. But why does a tree grow ? Without light no wood m made in any vegetable growth ; the woody fibre is from oarboaie acid gss being abftorbed by ibe leaves and through the bark of any growth. But light separates ths two constituent!! which com pose Ibis carbonic acid gar, carbon aod oxygen, and two ditferent uses are made ol it ; tbe oxygen is liberated, thrown out and breathed by animals and men, while ibe oarboo or " coal " goes to form the woody fibre of the plant, which presents a kind of ring, plainly uen in sawing through any tree, the number of rings indiosling tLe age of the tree ID years , some ot these nogs are broader, some narrower, iodical ing most probably Ibe more or lees BUD shine of lhal year, for a plant will not grow as much 10 a ooid -urnmer as in a warm one. In a section of a California tree a part of which we have seen, more than .'.000 such rings wers counted, showing thai these trees mutt have lived in Ibe times of David and perhaps of Abraham. In the earlier ages of tl.e orld, some great flood or diods swept over tbe immense growths of tbs warmer olimts, which then DO doubt included wbat ia now called Onio and Pennsylvania. la process ot tims this growth was covered with earth and atones, and eventually became " coal," the anthracite and biluminou*, with which we are so familiar . and the very identical carbon wbiob tbe sunlight of ages ago separated tor the purpose ol vegetation, is now, by lie com biuaiiob wilb its old sssociate oxygen reluroing to its original < nliiioti ol carbonic acid gas, and in making tbat change by wbal we call " burning, " warms l ' jeu were Dear, at once went to her aid, brought ber to tbe bank and took her into the refreshment room a*, tbe Avonmoulb Kail' ay booking ofl'.c*. xlraordina\y t> re- late, the woman wan alive and o u-ciou*. She was able to reply to question** put to ber. and stated tbat ber name was Barab Aon Henley, that ber age was 22, aod tbat she lived at No. 30 Twiooell road, 81. Phillips. Dr. Griffiths, of Uordon road, Clifton, who waa pasaintr, exam- ined the wcmao and advised bet immediate removal to tbe ioiirmary, whither, however, the WM not immediately removed, owing, il is said, io the tbamelnJ conduct of a oajtmao. Hr living oear, wasi requested by Detective Robertson to tafet the woH.an M file itfjrmary, but although payment was. offered be oijected, beoauM kba would make hie vehicle dirty. Robert- son remonstrated and eaid be would put a sheet around bet, which would keep the mud fron Uie cab, and added tbat no douM she was dying. 1 don't care,' tho cab map is reported to have aaid, 1st ber die.' Men bad therefore to be sent to tbe Clifton police station t-: procure a stretcher, opon wb: b she wae removed to tbu medioal institution named, but not before nearly an bour bad elapsed. Reaching tbe infirmary, she was ikamined IB the casualty room by tbe medical ate t' and then transferred to one cf the wards. Her oondii'.jn WBJB found M be critical, for besides receiving a shock to tbe systen. she sustained other injuries. The probability is tbat she will succumb but there is a possibility tbat she may recover. Rumors were rife tbat the cause of the womac committing tbe act was a disagreement witb her aweelbeart. Tbe height of tbe bridge from t >(l water is Hi (set. tbe Li IKU School, wae present at the lect -re, and afterwards expressed bimeelf as utter); at a loss to account for the bold klateuiGDls made from the platform. His olataes ot girls were equally astounded at Ibt ucolaratioos. Dr. tirowuell bad known ureuifly rare iuatanoes of girls who indulged lo anenio eating, but he bad never benn: of one who had been guilty of tan.- l*rii > with opium. tram a Syracute (N. l 1 "-patch. run M muurrr Tbasi Mr I It is a 'jueKtiou whether the d >U' barre or tbe spring boooet has " the call " ID Household discussions. Many old and experienced observers stake their money on tbe s. b., while to a casual onlooker the f. b." would i-eem to be of greater import- ance. It waa just after tbs aermoo and they were wending tbeir way home tu a koolbed and peaceful frame of mind. Ou, Job, did yon see tbat deligotful new boooet ot Mrs. Arbutus' ? I tfawk 1 want BDmstbing like that." Like Ibat ! " exclaimed Mr. Shuttle. Tbat : Why, it's the worst phantasy in roses I ever aa*.' Now, Job, you know better. That bonnet is a complete symphony io har- monious tcoee, an effect that is perfectly bewitching, and I'll have one like t: if I have to sorape tbe ilivers off ths inside ot tbe flour barrel for me ncil loaf ot bread." //ury rdPott. our bouses, lights ap our street*. preparing to grease our rail earn wbioh it is capable of yielding. by snd II tbe oil A d Tbe bride . .l.llllt. f,. . ..lou herself with a timple J tibould think," said tbe doctor," tbat tht< farmers on tbe new, cheap land of tbe Norti'wfit would go into tbe raising of beaci on a large scale." When I was ID Minnesota and Dakota last fall," said 1, " the ssms idea struck me. The soil and the climate are favorable. But possibly tucn would be a difficulty in procuring tbe Deoesntry labor to pull the beans." " If they i-hould grow tbe crop on a large scale," laid tne doctor, " they would very soon bavi u machine to pull tbe beaoe, or, pos- ibl to thrash them where thev stand. Wo ought to raise beans enough to supply tb> world. As matters now are, beans are growl oo a comparatively ciroumcribed ar< a and any trivial csuse may greatly enhance prices aod thoa effectually stop tbe foreigt' demand. Borne years beans are dowu to a dollar a bushel and ii.eu up to tbrer dollars per bushel. Uf course, such (tr-vno fluctuations seriously interfere wilt 'oreign trade, iful let the Northwest lake hold of tbe matter aod we should have a large area to draw from, and steadier price*, and a larger trade would be the resnU. Beans ars tbe most nutritious of all Y ti'ntablea. They will keep from year to year. They do not need grinding into tlout like wheat, and moreover can be easily Irar. -ported any distance. Let us have more beans especially fcr export." loirfi 1 llnTT.i n A" frican .liiricultur.it j'ir Jutii ^ I i it i n lulu* III- I'o.li l..n Yoaug Featherly, who was dining with the lamly.was unremitting in bissltentions to the oldest daughter. " ] don't see tbat lister is eating any talt." ventured watchful Bobby. " Never mind what your litter is eating, Bobby," interponed tbe father in alarm. " Little boya should be seen, not" ' Well, she ought to eat salt," insisted Bobby, "eoe ma told her last night thai everything wbat Mr. Featherly said to ber must be taken wilh a grain o' sail." Neic York Timei. butter, a little grated lemon peel and one c / ,vagei." Among a number of startling axioms in tbe late Dr. Beard's " Neurasthenia" is thin onrioui one about cannibalism : " Why is Dot mao good food for man ? aod why iho u ld not cannibals be healthy and itroog? T In' aniwer ia tbi.t man is good food, and cannibal* are the itrongest and healthiest bore graceful dignity which would have done credit to a fine lady. Then began our pro gress to the church, at tbe other cod ot tor little town ; tbe bridegroom acd bride* maids walking near Ibe bride'i carriage. Young beech trees bad been out down and set in Ibe ground, forming ao allre ol tender greeu foliage from the bouse to tbe obuicb, through wbiob we passed. At least a tbou- tand people were oo foot about us, throw- ing torpedoes beoealb our bones' feet, inging and shouting, and sometimes dancing in couplts. 1 can givs you no idea of the noise and contusion, and of the dis- eordant music , of tbe mad plunging of our horses, ot the wild capers of ths ponies of tbe : nn./iTii, : aod, but for tbe continued and smiling complacency of those btwide me, I thould have experienced terror rather than of enjoyment of this very novel and on-American bridal procession. One of tbe most magoilioent darsl dil plays ever gotten together was that at the recent fioral fectival in Sacramento in honor of Mrs. Margaret E Crocker. This lady bas crowned a life of good deeds by presenting to tbe city of ber residence a spleudid art olleolion ihe finest private collection in the ' tiled Slates. The day set apart for ibe formal aooeptat: -s of the gift was fixed upon as the proper time for offering a tribute to the, *uet".iiv of tbe donor. Flowers poured into the city from all points of central and northern Cali- fornia in endless profusion. A pleasant feature of tbe occasion was tbe review by Mm. Crocker of a procession of some 9,000 Bohcol children, each one of whom in j-ani Taw feovr ) TaSTy. A tramp sneaked up to tbe window of Col. Merrill's kitchen, aod taking off hie remnant of a hat, said to Matilda Koowball : "Fair lady, can t you give a pcjr, but resptciable mao something to ilay LIB tlomacb? HaMyon no pis, foricilaaoe?" Matilda bad both compassion and pie, and eutling tbe latter in balvsa, gave po bf them to the polite visitor, remarking that be was a gentleman, even it he wae while. 11 Thanks," he responded, may you retain your present beauty for a thousand jears." 11 Dat's twice too tt uch, aaid Matilda, blushing. > Well, il it e twit* too mush, fair lady, give me Ibe olber half ol the pie to make us even." He got it. Itxa: Sij'mgi. Il- ...nu. Ibr < h.i. u. We were very much shocked aster day at sec iog Col. Percy Yergr. one ol the most iijflut-. tial oiti.'jus in Austin, in an ad- vaooeii stale of intoxication. 11 Wny, colonel, wbat is the matter with )uu asked several of bis friends, where- upon tbe colonel steadied himself on a lamp- post, and asked them in a broken voice if they had not read the papers, to wbioh they replied thai they bad. " Well, then, didn't yon (bio) read tbat Asiatic cholera s comin' this way ,' Be here in lesbn three months (hie) Brandish and wbiskiib only lure remedy. I'm ready for Asiatic! cholera right (hie) DOW." Tixat Sifting. qurl lo Daughter'. !. Mr. The body of a marine engineer uarced Peter Rubiuaou was found lying on a grave Flowers poured into the city t\ om j ln Kirkdale (Jlmetery , near Liverpool, aud beside bim was a bottle containing laudanum and carbolic acid, some of whiott he had evidently taken. A short time avo Robinaon'8 daughter committed luicide, and was buried in the grave on which L:s ing placed at the lady's feet a handsome bouquet. __ _ %n One afternoon I bad occasion to visit a newly-erected oow-houie on a farm on ray property in Shropibire. In one part ot tbe oow-bonie, partitioned off from the rest cf the bnilding, tbe farmer bad six milch cows tied up, and also a litter ol line young pigs running loose and separated from tbe sow. Whilst convening, I obxirved one ot tbe young pigs wai busily sucking tbe milk from one of tbe cows, wbioh was Handing perfectly |Utet. Tbe lucking pig, which bad paid no attention to our entrance, was ireot, supporting itself with its foreleg! against tbs inside of Ihe cow's off bindleg. In this manner U was able to reach, aod continued sucking vigorously, witb evident relish, until tbe farmer's wife, to save her milk, drove il, wilb tbe other young pigs, out of tbe cow-house. A'of/i and Qutriei. " My hair is eighteen years older than my whiskers," laid a lawyer, " and I can- by her. not nnderitand wby my whiskers should! "Elias Joeepbus turn gray first." " Because yon have Diana " were the body wai lying, aod subsequently bis wife died. In bis pocket was found a lettr addreeied to bii brother, stating Iba: he bad walked all the way from Perth , ID Scotland, to die ou bia daughter's grave. Tin Htoriee wbien have tbe largest popu- lar sale of any are those which havo " T!:e Duchess" for an author. The identity ha* been carefully concealed. Tbe books are) originally published iu London by differ*: t firms, through whom American rublii>ber of advanced sheets have dealt. All efforts] to get at tbe writer have tailed. Now i: te asserted that tbe production* are tbe work of various bauds. Next in the order of market value Maud tbe novels of Berth* M. Clay, and a lawsuit has revealed Ibe faot tbat Cbarlotlle Brame, tbe writer of the lirst few of the series, bu been dead for year*, but Ibis bas oot interrupted a regu- lar supply of her stories from 1/oudon. Mix* Braddoo's Action i third in point of ftale in America. Several of the novels issued in her name prove to have been only editd aud names Marine Aid* two colored . worked so much more witb your jaws thas ' infanta received recently at a baptiim held your brains. in Ueorgii, A

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