Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1885, p. 5

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Over Fifty Fine Watches TO SELECT FROM. Important to the Public ! [ The Model Jewellery Store, 20 feet Metal Cases Filled with FINE Goods 130 CLOCKS! Assorted, best American makes. Spring and O. (J. I have a large stock, carefully selected, and can give CLOSER PRICES FOR CASH than any dealer in tlm section of Grey Co. Prove this by calling at my shop wbeu you *rant to Watch, Clock, or any line of Jewellery. Elgin Watch, 7 jewels, Exp. Bal., 3 oz. Coin COe, $12.00, 6 per cent off for cash, $11.40 net. A fine Swiss Watch, full jewelled, |9.5<>. My \Vnrruiiis for 1X2 yoar< >v*r all breakages, wliicli means Considerable to purchasers if they invest with me. 3 grades Waltliam Watches, close prices. No article misrepresented. 1 have Fine Lathes and Material for WATCH REPAIRING, which I make u Rpecialty specialty of doing in a practical and careful way. Your work and patronage respectfully Holiciied. OVER 100 KING! 18k., 14k., 9k., Wedding and Engage- ment Gems, Solid .t Filled. W. A. BROWN, JEWELLER, MARKD4LG, 0\T. I everyone knowi no Poulilk-ial bunas have The trrate.sl t'ity in (he World. jever touched me. I dont believe in shams I give pure atr * Rntet city the world ev- ,,., ersaw. uooren within the 15 mile* and Dothlng *be. Through all the three , , ., , , . radius of Chanu"; Croat, lUOxiuuruualuit. and fifty years I have never heard any de- It llum | wni , v]t | lin t | 1WMJ boundaries I suppose it it no dwgraee to be ashamed ] eeut person wake a remark against me, true , 5,000,000 of inhabitants. It . ..in|in-.-s of one's position, |>ruvidvd it bu an honest I have had numbcm run against ine when over !i,000,UOO foreigner* friu every one, by the following of which, no IOH or. drunk aud soiue HO foolub aa to strike roc. quarter of the globe. It oontaiim mm-i- aftVriug U entailed upon our fellow crea- j but they soon repented finding I wa the! "" Catholics than Rome iUelf ; im.ro For Table Ise. Best makes Silverwaro, Quadruple Plate. Uollen & Flat, agt. Mendon, \V. THI TOWN PIMP. AN AUTIOimXiKAI'HY Yet it appears to me a matter of satisfaction, when bnc CUM occupy a In effecting some , Jews than the whole, if Palestine ; moru hardest metal. 1 have in iny time assisted, , fi-|i ^ . >_,. ^ _ g^^,,,.,,,^,, u i Irish than Dublin ; store I cures. Our Town Edinburgll . mort , Welshmen than Caul poaittoo, and honourably maintain for so once bad a chief f 1'oliee who by his iff; more country-raised |>iTw.ii than the many years, a life of unimpeachable iute- haughty bearing bad nimle bimaelf v<ry an- counties of Devon, Warwickshire and grity and ubfuluess. I am aware that to popular. h wan tb< personification of pride L)urhain combined. Haa a birth in it c-v- njany this may sound egotistical aud vain , and pomposity full of official rosjtsty and ' 8r )' >vc minute* ; has a death overy eight glorious, but I have arrived at that period self -important e. The few small nrcuin . '"'nutea; has aeveo accident* uvt-ry day in its M,(MKl miles of strceU ; haa on an of lif*. when reason ha* reached its matur who would venture to play around me, were averai{t , 40 Imle)1 ( mll . eeto 01Kjne a and ily, and cue is less liable to be misled by a unceremoniously cuffed and hustled off. The; lo,UO) new house* built in every year, matter of personal feeling. From a long clerks in our Town foriu'd a leagui; to puuiah | In 1 8H3 thure were added 22,110 new xiwrience of close, daily observation, I him. They blackened their faces one night liouiMsa to the vart ajflfreijate of dwelling* have com. to the conclusion 'that the most and hud for him, he had no sooner turned w 'ch > called the m*tif>iN,lU, thus form- potent educators are not always the uiot the corner of Lowfleld St. tbjin they pounced "'' ' fc I1 * w .. i * IwU W '"!' e " 1 eW "'j"^',' covering a distance of bt> mile* and 84 demonstrative, that tho Iarget amount of upon him, aud in a trice he wax bound hand yar(1 . * h i difticu | t ,,, f ,, rm any lllenu j xood is more often accomplished by quiet I and foot, gagvd aud under the pump, for i pj c tur from theae figure*, continuous labour, rather than by the fitful nearly ten minutes I think I never gave out, Brighton, tho queeJi of watering-places, blast of rainshorns, or the breaking of pitch- so much water In my life ; it took the starch in 18*1 had 20,879 inhabited house*, so or*. All true reformations which have ele- clean out of him. he wa limper than a u,,,.' that London in 1883 added to itself a vated and blest humanity, have invariably Pt. Tb.y then left htta on the pavement t<>Wn - bigKer , th ?' , Bri K ht ""- '< """ ld _ require two Cambridge*, or Oxfords, or been cradled in ob*cur,ty silently yet po- to dram off where be was found by <^n ( , J h , to ri , proTOnt lbe .jaition made to teutly working their way slowly but jfUiwly , stable Lilly-white a short time after. As he London in n single year, staining strength aod life; oatfl that which behaved biracelf better ever after the lersun London haa 46,000 persons annually came without observation ha* become a bad a permanent effect. I must, move on. added, by birth, to ita population ; Ii ruling principle, and an established law in for though of a cast iron constitution I i-an o'er 1,000 shi| it. land. and 10,000 sailor* in ita mv *'? ever > ftjj "* 'Sfu^'S. ' I , 1 " P> and ui n placest as would, if placed aa i ,, e y gid( , , trctch {n>m charing t'roa, Tatnrrh .4 w Treatment. IVrhaps the most extraordinary success that haa been achieved in modern medicine has bet-u tttUiiied by tho Llixuu treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2 000 patiant* treated during the past nix months, fully ninety per cent, have been cured of this stubborn j malady. This is none the leu atartiing | when it i reiui'iubered that not live percent. J f patients preeiiting themselves to Ui* regular practitioner ie benefited, while the ' patent luedicim-n and other advertised cures | never record a cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally believed by the most soit-ntitic men that the disease is due to the i presence of living parasite* in the tissue, Mr. Iixou it once adapted his cure to their extermination thii accomplished, be claims the Catarrh U practically cured, aud the per- mauency in unquestioned, as cure* effected by him four rears ago are cure> still. No one elsw has ever attempted to cure Catarrh in tbiri manner, and no other treatment has i-ver i-urt-d Catarrh. The application of th remedy is liinple, and can be done at home, and the present reason of the year is the most favourable for a speedy ind permanent cure, the uiHjority of canes brini; cured at one treatment Sufferer* should correspond with Mu*rs. II. A. Diion <* Son. 805 King street west, Toronto, Canada, aud enclose tamp for their trt-atite on Catarrh. Mon- treal Star, Nov. 17. 18SS. iilrdual. DR. CARTER, M.C.l 1 . &S., ONT. PHYSICIAN, M K4.I..V Ac. FLESH KKTo.Y Htnd,r,, ,,,.,-f I,. 7;ir,i,, (,,!,, f Hixon. Physic/an, Surgeon, and ACCOUCHKli, PRICEVILLE, - o.NTAKK*. to. not expect to last forever. I notice Though only a Pump. I rejoice that in all handle swings aomewhat more to one sidd the three and fifty year* I have stood here than formerly with a sort of rickety crauk to PorUmouth", a"di*tauo* f 78" mile* at Ibis corner not one who ever earn* to me sound, while my handle has become cracked i has 38,000 drunkard* annual) v brought Las b*en sent tupty away, Ah, and I dare and grown, I -was going to say grey, but I l>"f"r- its magistrate* : has 70 miles o|*n to lay more also (a statement which I call mean green iu the. service. shopsj every Sunday ; has inrtuene- mth opon tbe thouamnd* of our Townsmen to re- 1't* a blessing howeve- U. be useful, and *" ?**? "' the W " rld "l"* 1 *''^ ^ * /Uifth,ydar.M have never d.nl.d tn. in my , on,, long life to .pend and b. spent ^OOO^ later*. ^Twlt hu^roU .mage of Ood 10 man by making him a j for others lias brought to me far more satin, traiim pass CUpliam Junction every day, l.*a*t I hive never put into him that which faction, than I could have had, if I had a ' and the uiidiTup.iiiid railway runs 1,211 ba sfethftjLi.! his reasoo. robbed his pock selfih eilt>uco. There is roch a thing as train* every day. The London omnibus et, filled bis braiu with fire, sent him home gratitude if it* only for a Pump and a ku,,! companies have 1,020 bus. .. which carry to break Ins furniture beat Us wit. and .word dropped now and again, ban oft,.,, been 56 - nO 1 - 000 P-*"X annually. ui'.i.- tlancsfuMis to walk the itreets of abaie his children, and that is what I darejtb* means of keeping in* going, when I have i Lo D< j,,i, tUan to4.ravi by railroad or to aay SalwM keeper in Uus U>w. to say tbey \ b*en UupW ^ttm- fret* negUt* aud ' . the Atlantic, fsMt year 130 person* bav* not done. No, I rejoice Uiat through abuae to slip my lacker and strike. Not were killed and 2.000 injured by vehicle* my influence, uo heart* hat* been broken, , long ago two fin* Kailorlooking mm with 'in tin* atreeta. There are in London, no homes made desolate no sonls k*t. I smiling laoes aud grand broad akonlden, nearl > 14 - 000 I 1 " 1 ' 1 '*- "" ' l ' 11 " 1 ". have *eeu a great deal in my time of U*e stopped b.fore me. Putting down the ban. 1JWO psiw.ns o.mieatad with the post- office. London bus 400 daily MM weekly n*wspa|NT*. I-wt yesvr there wore I',:KHI If her. aint the nr*. The ancient ami famous City ..f House & Carriage P. ,. o ainting .\nill y. Efi*nl>tt<ul\!, and Cktafily per- f'iriiusi 6y GEORGE SAUL i a great deal in uiy time of U* stopped before ine. Putting down the ban- wavs of man and thiugs. aud in the solitude dies which they carried, nald one to the of night have had abundant time for retleet- other "Will I'mc blo ion. I conld point you to merchant,, in old Pump just a* we left her twenty \earr. London was lint founded by Unit.., the this Town .who pa<* uie witb an erect step j ago, lets drink her health." iu the day tini* uever deigiiiag t cast even J Bill after wiping his uioutb a glance at me. yet I have kad these very "I'l Well" said Trojan, in the year of the world 2H.'t'.', ... on his sleeve' tntt "*nce the tint htjilduiK it u men in the munll hour* of the morning crawling round me on ibeir baud* and knees iu thrir besotted drunk. ne*s, gU<l lo have \\inr heated brown, and qurncU their bum- ujj throat at my water, wliiU their ribald theolds*bool day,, old "" ltrbl .vst,,, I,.,, ll'/,., ll-iU > f,.H,>,t ill (I,. oU lta*il, Milliurn'* nirritufr ik-p. Ortlert by mail or ofArnrwr tcill rretitr cartful attmtunt. JOHN WHITTEN. Huilflcr and Contractor, Flexhrrton, I-cntistni. J.P. MAKKHALL. L.V.M DEXTIST, /IIUDI'ATK of Tomato School of Dcutism W will Iw at Markdale the lit and *d Weln. . davof ach month, and at FUaharton on the l.t an I ird Thuridajr In each month for the practice of nil. profession. I. BALDWIN BAUDS B T. BTHI.IM PUTD W r.Anrr* HANDS, ECHLIN & QARVIN. Sutrrttvrt in LaMrirr A llotuit, BAKK1STEKS. KOL1CITOK8. XUTABIESt ( ONVKYAXCKK8. Ae Moo . to l^ . ( ONVKYAXCKK8. Ae Moo ., to l^ Loweit Itatn of ititorMt OtBcw. U kjuft BUM! Kst, Toronto. FROST & FROST. BAKHIHTKH* SOI.ICITOKS. I l'SVKYAX( h Ac. Offloe I'.'ulett Ktnwt. Owxx fkilM) and every Thursday at FLBSHEK : J. W rBOST. LLH ALFRED KKOflT, Crowa County Attorn*) _ Cards. John W. Armstrong, I Ki.inisios. On. Out. TVIV18ION COfhT ' I.KKK (-OVM1SRIONKR ** in H. R. <'iaiw)aue > . uj .\x>atfor purcbax and V. ! H Jt s. Socl..t> Mout-j t.. I*n ucST"""'"'" IM1 r * of -''- FLESIICKTOX Churches and Societies. you see one i* not entirely forgotten. There I is a large elaaa, however of whom I innat speak iu doling. I refer to the animal creat- ion. I am aware that the "Lor In of IT. at I la jiiiemy ainl pointed tnath were almoatj ion" look down oo the lower order of auinml FKVEH rolic, nnnsttsral appetite, fntful nesa. weakness, nnd eanvnlniotK. aru *>uiie of tl.e offrcti. ( W.irius Hi ( liil.lr-n : deitroy Ibc worm* with Pr. Low'- Worm S> nip. ufflrient to choke even a Jjotu 1'uinp. Nfy constituency ls a ven- ext.isfve one, em bracing "all sorts and conditions of iu*n. ' uotwitbslaudiug the l>arwiuiau Uieory ..f the survival of tb* fittist." Few cirruui- bave afforded me grer.ter pleasurr im 2oc. iluz.. Oiun-.-.s 4.V. at It. Trimlil The grey headed old Grandsir** will often than that ariMiiu fn,m the fact of being .1.1,. Brrrea THA.I <ini.i. A f<xx\ name. Rood stop 1. 1 me with their grandchildren aud i to auafo the throat of the Brute crealiou. bealtb. a gnnd eompansn aud a liottlp of affectionately tapping me with their cane f I give it as my nnprejndieed opinion that Hazard's Yell.." ti.l arV among tb<- I) will tell bow thy, when scho >l chiMreul inlnre must hav* been *erinnsly revemed r >u r '^ U '*ij u r ,uiu' \MI used to stop at me for a drink. Tbe faces ihe "lower order of animals" sadly be'isd. Jlrui-.i-h. Barns. Kro'st ^Tlt", Cr..up, of the- merry little ones will look up t.. in* 1 r..ulnd th.-U in many iustaucM I have Tbroat, and all Pain mid wonii. linnly not unuiixed with veiivratlou seu the despined a**, acting with far more I - for so ancient an institutwn. Whole brig. ' becoming gravitT than his owner, tn sail a KKKH nnf<-il. f|sj of Irish Harvesters iu tbe early sum- inau an AM. Is Iu my estimation agro*a Duel ott. t morning would top at mo to wash the " IntellMjent and iiAefol animal, for I pls4sit>i Sore dost and grime from tlirir bronzed laovs, and partake their frual uieal. I have bad sad reeiies also ; Many times have they brought to m > the un*less,b)eed iDg form." of men, aud Kuiet.inr* women, who full of drink l.nve "had wttuds ith ont cause." More than once baa the for- i. ru e*a>esst. dragged Ix.r 1 r.earted lisjib* me, rostlaf Uie burning limn npou uii>, ban breathed out the agony uf Uf* te <ke ootvr darkuei* of a godless d.-utb wttk Do b 1 ; uiyrcpu'.ilunl uvrsaw auawlu iny lift a<r Iiiiujfiliiitt !v : 1 ter load of for wlllfli the his,'l.< s! u iny t a<r ., tuundo. \M,.> .-\.-r taw an ass drink | market ]>nr. s will bo A many t until be could bold no mor* and then IMN-.HI abusive and cndoavor to row with every other aw h mot 7 Wbo rr knew an aaa or a |ck of tbtnj. riuh throui;h tUu streain eb-bawiiio and niAklu* nlfbt hi. l.-on*. ilinturlniiK Uia if.i of paoabl cltlzans '.' 1 must oonfuu. after yaswst I nlv^ It aa my most aolann eon- . that Hie man wsw drink* to <*>. |<lv Trimble's. at U. NATIONU- PILLS ar* sugar coate.1, \ mil. I but thorough, and are tie best Hto lA UmPiU IU use. A betutu'ul a><gf Felt mid btmw Eatf of (louts' opciied out to- I'.mfj uivirr ttiit titttdituj art i rr> t t ttin ;. . /A././ i.v i --'IM.!*) li ..,!. k p 1,1 Sun at 1 p in l'rA\i-r tin ,'tlUK rrr ini; At ; u Hi \ \ Ui.s ,>. pu. .\i ! S^loty 111 c. : 8KII\ICKKrrr> Sunday at 11 a in * ftM |> m. Sin. la. ixln,l all p.m. Vuuuii I'voplr's .T> Monday .v.-uinit a) ' Ihure.li.> . .. Owa Honu.1 IHAirlct. paator. ' >IIUVCtlOU.I . t lin . iLadloi' AM ll.. Jas. K. Sloan, 1 AVBXT, that solid ol.l Plr> Inrsnct Co . tl.v Nomn. H L'xjo*. of Norwu-b, KuglsLd Iuuroc ffeetcd on Hoossi. uuttiuildiugp A. at low rta Imuro aistltiit ll^ht: W. J. BELLAMY. AUTXMBSIA. ItnVRAKOB M;T. ,'. . . . . sa aa4 Ftofsirly ea*eM*s1 Bnrasifj* asns tod Iu ftnt-elau coiuiiauiM M.nn t,, lend si :. >. , -: r>u> f HI \i-f-; AliTlirH LlMiE, A. d F. JK4JOJT4 MKI.T in their Lo4e Room. Strain 1 * Block ii-i f\fr\ fri'lav on or Imforr ilifull nim.n \ iitmt brcthrrn cordially wrlcomml. s in*' nt W \l W J llr-LLAnr. Ul I ' - . i . : ill and 4tli TunoiUv Kvriilm: iu 'a oarli ninntli at H o'clock. lxv((a Knoni. In Htrmli > tilork. Tor:ititm>t. l>.t;rr U- : in.ftinK 111 eu.li moutli. Vxltini; lir.-tlirneor. .lUll) IIIMt.-.l Jo. lll.At KBIBX.N li \V II r.VIAIUNK RH. Canadian Kaihvay. ONTARIO "DIVISION. Change of Time. .r. \ . .V.r. I5ru.. I T'j"NT.'.ileiMrt.78n in . 4 <fl|i|i. do. arm.-. latS a.tn. . - p m uTSjsui . <*> l.atid to sooth the palid brow or ayeak one bu ~ thtir '"' '' , . brother Halaaui'i.<|ni.drii]>,. word of comfort of a hope b*yond. Hut ,. , tUL ,, t]IMAj tr L,,.J.,, <Nhim...|fum*,iiu.,Low*atoanU.eA..h.. ' b; .^uu HM m lit* of K>brt*4r: wmiah. man )<? ;1 1 Tumbles. wttStaJl hlsbua>t<l ItiHUiK.nuo, oftn fslU to H.ran, k.ai,. hollo Let noi tb* wirMjmmi Klorv In his visdcm, from tneir and precarioul applt>'. indicate mi Jw.liMS Will TBS clicks . llni.. Krrilnatl'- WO . , r your patUnoe. ' i|ui.-kly and cffeetually <)>. not do even for a Town I-owp to dwell | rn thou((li from a pump, you mar consider my _ too long on the darker side of life. Life is words itushlu*;. yet my laat tuonfht Is one of mf -, . . , -.., artk.n, aud xvith we a very aeHre one. On I * h n fulno . "* white other well* nave on* , H' II |. \| \ R|V H T > Market days I am iu constant ,,M, from ^' "' '" w.u.r.lM,co u .eunp.l.tal.lMj,iw. , 1 11 Jj IU A t Jl Jj 1 U. alwayn Klti.u forth l*n streams . thorr ha* b*cn rarlv morn- whan OIJ Hetty washes her no pollution, no doftleinunt. Imt at all Umes tho Spring Head Wateremsws" till late into pu water While I dro]. into th*sllnci. of ol. thr darkness when Old Windybauk freshens IMo. It Is with a hoj> that humanity may up bis stale unsold flsh tn make them look ! oM< ' h an ""l" r "" '""" nr aai I d* and hy a . I por laDRUAKO. a |>urc dwlre, a pure tifr. . . I. to pr. Mutable for another day. By the lye I . ni ,,, atel , 1 . twhlohta ,, ur . .,, lovi . ly ani , of bave often wondered how old Betty could t0(H ) report. call her wat*rore<** "Spring Head" when DEACON HNUKKS. he gets tbsni at Huwley? Its like "Yar- mouth Bluters fTom Deal, .uti 'OsUn4" Hbun*froai Fra>lnirbnin. Tktre appi-nrl to me to be "something rotten In the state of Denmark" when people "knowingly, and with malice aforethought" as the Uwyers sty. lie most uiibltisbiiigly one to another. J lujjbt ai well cry '-Ho)/ Water" when FLESIIHHTOM. Hniu- * 7ft to +00 Full 85 to ii hS r . o.ns ^eas .. Butter, of Ilnniiltun. Ont., are the manufnrturers uf Die greatest healiiiK aud fennh in: 1 oomponud known for Soros, llnrna, Cnt, SrM. Sal Bbenm, Frost Hiten, to. It is called Me HI d 5.1 H& o u fri'sli Potatoes [Pork 5 < HHV t>or ton 10 ^H) Oregor A I'arki; Ciirbolic C.THli I II i A Sji 1 get the pruuine McGregor * I'arke a '',"" 9 3 IwUic Cerak- sold by Wm. Richnrtltoii at 0"1 a box. 8hepkinj y .., 045 U HH U (iO o n 30 r, ::, i:t on r, :,.> 20 000 A. o. i: n. TfLKSHRRTON U..I K( , So U4. m-i-t In their AV l.ii lj. I^HIUI. Strain lUH-k. Turouto i.tr*rt. l>t an 1 .iril. Mon ln.v In >-a.-li imilitli.al liarp. \'lltinij brothrun welcome \\ ii I'.. Kitt.L. M.H-. D. H. MOXKOK. Itpr'i FLK*HKl:T\ I.. <>. I.. .V". J.';'. MKKT in their Ix>ilin< Itonui In Htmin IdiKk l ,i :.n .M-nlnii aftor tho full of tht' iniMin In .-A. !i nmntli. Vmllili^ l.ntln^n wi'lroni'- .1 \V ItATK*. \V.M. \V I- Cn.HNU.KV, I I'AI.LKY l>iritilu.\ >. depart sioa iu I ' l arrive. H 4J . 5.55 S..Tr.-Mtv! train lav*t 1'arB.l.lr 1 . <>.\TAl:in tp yi'timti y/r/s/M.v 41 axsatDajasfvS. Toronto \rriv {>sas>i. 4>ip in . I'Atk.lAlc " '.it \\ \\HYTK. M, M. 1-1.1 TB.UNB I.RAVft FUESHERTON STATION i*.in North, at II ST. a 10. b |> m . A 4 OC |> : (lolun South, at I'.H a in 4(O |> in . ,t 9Ou ti . H. T. 0. T. .N. i icv l:..val T*ini>lan f Tuiiiprauc<>. in. . i In thru- ball. . Nt m I .(. 1 Tu. -"Uy evi>n'i| 15 vnch lTWoVI.H'k. \ i-iti'i r.' ( .i.liallx null., I laaUBn^sVC J. O U<-SILI., l: - l-'lcshcrton Meal Market. F-il'Sr \ivni'. o ni>lan lriua'ir FuKHIlKUTOX DIVISION, No ill. nitwt n, tli.-lr new UaiT I>r l')lrlt.M.' hliK-k. . \' ' - ln> 'Vi'tiliik- at 7 o cl<~-k VisitlnR l.rntliicii eordlall) n\.i..i c l Kri>. ii r. W P. W. A Mu.iii-ail. R i. IMM&TON f\iH>ti i VIT\ < vrtilnt: 'Snnlv Cash paid for fat C-.t 1 Sheep. Me.tr. J.\V.AioiiTa<io.rt. Bf CJ. , i ' I

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