Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 May 1885, p. 2

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THE NEW BIBLE. lajame ol tho Rvi.l Old Tawttunent. SOME OF THE CHANGES MADE. A last (Friday) night's London cable ays : Oopiea of the revised version ot tbe Old Testament were given to the newa- papera at midnight laat night. All tbe papers this morning contain copious xtiacu from tbe work. This revision is the most important nvent in the history of tbe Engluh Bible siuce tbe publication of King Jamea' tranalatiou in 1611. It involves no changes of tbe Hebrew text ; BIO older manuscripts than the Maaoretio having been discovered, aud the idiom of tbe authorised version is moat cartfully preserved out of regard for the conservative feeling of tbe Church in its attachment for the language of the old veraion. All the errors ol translation, however, bare been removed, and tbe revision will be pro- nounced by every competent Bible reader to be a very great improvement. It pre- aenta the results i f the combined labor of a large number of tbe belt Hebraists and biblical scholars of England and the United States ; most of them protestors of Hebrew in universitieit aud temmariee. It bar. moreover, the advantage of tbe van advances of the laat fifty yeara in oriental philology, biblical geograi by, history and antiquities, all of which were but imper- fectly understood by tbe lorty-eeven translators of the King Jamea veraion. Tbe new veraion is not a good version iu place of a bad one, but a great improvement of a good version. Tbe whole Bible, after twelve jeare ot labor, appears iu its revised English version before the people of Great Britain and America. The revised version ia now 1 FACT OF HUTOBY. Those who bave labored in tbe prepara- tion of it bave carefully examined and re- examined every verse, sentence and word. They now commit it to tbe Englib-speak- ing world, kt.owing that the book will live while critics will die, aud wishing only tbat their labors may contribute iu this genera- tion or the coming cnea to make the scrip tares clearer in their true meaning to all tbe men of tbe Eogliab race. Tbe Bible appears bound witb tbe New Testament. Tbe preface opens with a statement of tbe Kara! principles on which tbe reviaion been conducted. The revisers have borne in mind tbeirduty not to make a new translation, but to revise that already listing, and bave departed from it only where they disagreed with tbe translators of 1611, upon the meaning of a word or sen- tence. Tbe terms of natural hiatory are only changed where it is certain that the authorized version ia incorrect ; where it is doubted ; or there ia an alternative render- ing given in th- margin. In aome worda of frequent occurrence tbe authorized veraion being either inadequate or inconsistent, CBASOB8 EiVB BBBH INTBODfCIL with aa much uniformity aa practicable. For instance, " tabernacle of tbe congrega- tion " baa been everywhere changed to tent of meeting." In regard to tbe word " Jehovah," tbe usage ot tbe authorized version is followed, the revisers not think- ing it advisable to inaert it uniformly in place ot " Lord " or "God," which, when ing a suggestion ol toooeaaive stages with long intervals. The " apples of gold," ot Proverbs xx. 4-11, are now encased in " figured work" of ailver, uot in " pictures.? " Vauity, snd vexation of ipirit " (Eoelef siaataa li. 17), has become ' vanity and striving after wind." " Happy ia tbe man tbat bath bis quiver (nil of tlinu " (Psalms oxxv. 11'.), baa been changed into " Happy is tba man tbat batb filled bu quiver with them." ritlftOaKM 0V PKAC'K. TELLGRAPHIC SUMMARY lJ;Uf.-t New . i -HIM All Over the "World. I ' Warh 01 ill, l jBilii*. ike Hi In,... I \ .1. . ...,,l Ike ov.il l-rln. , ... A Dariuntadt cable aaja : When the diplomatic history of the Afghan incident OOUHH to be written it will be Been bow much the part of peace winnera womeo bave played. Tbe fair aud noble women who played the moit important part ia bringing about a peaceful remit were the Czarina and her (timer, (be 1'nucem of Wa!ee, wbom the Crown Princeaa of Ger- many baa oiled tbe " Ooddea* of Feaoe." Tbe Crown Princess herself did not inter- fere. Indeed, tbe it in tbe highest degree, being English born, diesatibfltd with tbe present condition cf things. It moil not be understood, bowever, that tbia tender- hearted prinoeaa wished war ; but abe regards tbe part that Oladatone baa ukuii a* bringing about tbe bcmiliation of bia country. Tbe Baron von Stookmar, eon of Ibe late Baron von Stookmar, who waa tbe most intimate friend and advirer of tbe Prince Conaort, and tbe Crown Priuoean' fatber, earneatly requested tbe Queen in a letter to pat all her influence in the scales againbt war, aa be could not believe, by reason of circumstances well known to him, in Eng- land'a ability to achieve victory. He called to mind that the Prince Conaort, in bia political txquest, denoted Rueaia ai the greatest entmy of Europe, and especially of England. Baron von Blockmar u para- lyzed, and lives in Berlin, enjoying tbe friendship of the Crown Prinoeaa and of Queen Victoria, aa did bii fatber. It ia well for England that feminine influence ban been 10 successful. THAT -inn. IIIHI I h. < hHU lloi II., I.I. . Iu I- n.er ( ih. printed in anoall capitals, repreaant words aubstitnted by Jewish custom for tbe in- effable name. Of technical terms from the Hebrew one in three seems to bave been gradually introduced. Tbe word " grove " (Judges vi. 28) baa been replaced by " aahers " with ita plurals " asherim " and asberotb." In tbe poetical books " iheol " replaces hell," which has been changed in prcie paaaagea to " the grave" nd " the pit," witb " tbt sheol" in margin. Of these rendering* of " bell," Bays tbe pre- face, " if it could bo taken in ita original aense as used in creeds, wonld be a fairly adequate equivalent for the Hebrew word, but it ia BO commonly understood aa the place of torment, tbat to employ it fre- quently would lead to inevitable misunder- atanding." In Isaiah it. 4, where " hell " ia used in more of ita original sense, revisers bave lift " hell " in the text, putting " sheol" in tbe margin. " Abaddon," which has hitherto been known to English readers of the Bible only from tbe New Testament (Revelations ix. 11), has been introduced io three passages ouoe in Job and twice in Proverbs. TUB TI1H " UEAI-Ol TEBINi, " baa been changed into " meal-offering," the former term having ceased to be tbe generic name (or all food. A new plural peoples has been introduced, although sometimes this becomes " gentiles " when the contrast to "chosen people" in marked. All tbe headings of tbe chapters have been dropped, aud tbe text has been divided into paragraphs. By tbia meana tbe revintrn bave been enabled to rejoin Psalm x. to Psalm ix. and Psalm ziu to Pnalm xii. and to begin lnaiab lui. at chapter lii. verae 13. Tbe xeveral days of tbe creation are rnadti more prominent by breaks of a line between tbe verses. This expedient baa enabled the revisers to make nae ot a dialogue form and to show tbe dramatic character of tbe Bong of Bongs the first chapter for example is divided into seven speeches. Tbe Pnalmu are definitely divided into five books, tbe last four beginning renpectively at Psalms xlii., Ixiii., zo. aud ovii. A striking im- provement ia noticed in the printing of all tbe poetical pusaKes in poetical form. Thia ban been done iu Pstlm*, Proverbs, Job and Canticles, but the prophets have been left iu prone, however passionate their oratory. The songs of Lamecb, Jacob, MOHHH, Deborah and Hannah, of Jonah and Habakuk, and Lament (in II. Samuel i.) in verified ballad. Tbe A anit wbich baa created more than ordinary intereit waa tried thia week before Vice- Chancellor lit yd in tbe Chancery Division of the High Court of Juatioe. Tbe damages were) placed at 1 100 000 The particularr, briefly itated, are aa follow* : In tbe early parluf 1S83 Meters. William Bell Jt BOD, organ manufacturers, of Guelpb, and Mr. A. W. Wright, of Toronto, formed a company lor tbe manufacture of auel under a prooeaa diaoovered by Oeorge Marbkell, of Niagara, Out. Certain teata were held in February, 1888, which were reported in tbe Tima, at which tbe pro. visional company attended and which were at tbe time deemed satisfactory. Beaidea tboae immediately interested a large number of newspaper men from various parta of Canada and tbe United Btatea were invited and all aeemed thoroughly pleased with tbe result of the teat. Every- thing went on awimmiogly for aome time, when it is alleged the company fc iced tbe cecietfrom Mr. Mankell under threat tnal uo more funda would be forthcoming unleaa There are no aigns of smallpox abating in Montreal. The Parisian, with '16 cabin, 60 interme- diate and 584 steerage paaeeogers, arrived at Rimonski at midnight on Friday. Her mails were forwarded al 2 it.m. Kingston Women'a Medical College faculty baa been reorganized. Dr. Lavel rtmaina dean of tbe college, and Dr. Alioe UoGillivray returns from Toronto and becomes professor in two tubjectt. Depoaits in the Dominion Postal Savings Banka for IsBt month amounted to I547,- 118, and the withdrawal, to 1601,47'J, being an increase in depoeita of 963,630, and a decrease in withdrawals of 913,872, as compared witb thoae of April, 1684. Traoklaying on the last C. P. R. gap, near Juokfish Bay, was continued yesterday as usual, and the last iike was driven by Walter Kom at ;i 45 p.m. Mr. VanHorne and his party are expected to reach Port Arthur over the completed line to- night. About 3 o'clock yesterday morning burglars enterejl the residence of Mrs. Gil*, -ot Ktrauroy, and abstracted a quantity ol b.lveVwur*. jewellery and other articles without disturbing the family. They gained entrance through tbe cellar window. An extenaive seizure of valuable machinery for printing bank notes baa been made by tbe enatomi in Montreal. Tbe machinea were imported from New York, and the man who brought them endeavored to evade payment of duty by representing tbat they were " settler n aVMtV" A court-martial is being held at Halifax on tbe lieutenant of H. M. S. Garnet, who waa io charge of tbe boat tbat captured Captain Boytoo and other, in New York harbor after tbe captain had placed a dummy torpedo on tbe Qarnet. Tbe invea- tigation is still unlioished, and the naval authorities will not epeak of it. A locomotive and all the oars except the passenger coaches of a mail train, went through a treatle near Yale, B. C., sixty (eat high, yesterday morning. Tbe fire- man and brakennau were killed, and tbe expreaa messenger and mail clerk aligbtly injured. Two kpans of tbe treatle had been warned away. Bismarck is ill, confined to his bed witb bronchitis. The iloniteur aaya Mr. Errington will tbe aecret was divulged. It w- charged Ibat after the aecret waa given lao up to tbe company they backed out from their previona arrangement and refuaed to con- tinue tbe works in operation. Suit waa ioatituted against tbe Meaars. Bell A Wrigbt by Mr. Marskell for breach of con- tract, tbe damagee being laid at (100.000. Meacrs. Rowland, Arnoldi and Ajeraon appearing for the plaintiff and Messrs. McDonald, Q.C , and B. B. Oaler, Q ( : . for the attendants. Tbe trial waa closed yes- terday, tbe judge diamiaung the case with oosta. Tbe defendants were prohibited from using tbe secret in any way, but were awarded tbe works at Niagara, tbe plain- tiff having tbe right to purchase them within thirty day. An appeal from tbe dtoition is now under consideration by tbe plaintiff and bia attorneys. i ill IIKIII <nc ! t/UH A a mi. >i Miriam Psalms David's appear origin atand on. i 10 I . .1 riniHiiu-. f -lain br Ikr I ! Anrilkrltr. An Erie, Pa., deapatob aayi: In the aeooud trial of the oaae of Louie Rjsenaweig against the Lake Bbore A Michigan South- ern Railway for 9100,000 damagea for injury to bia person by being ejected from a limited New York express, near Cleveland, a year ago, Colonel Reyse, tbe Lake Bbore attorney, atartled tba court with a motion to compel Kosensweig to be put under tbe influence of anesthetics for tbe sake of making experimental testa of tbe alleged paralyMscf plaintiff'* lower limbs. Rouen- sweig offered t> submit, but bit family doctor demurred and testified that be would not be responsible for tbe patient's life if he was chloroformed. Tbe Court ruled that tbe motion waa preposterous and ordered tbe case to go on. *y re'.uro to Rama as British Ambaasador to tne Vatican. Hon. JohifNainh, formerly Attorney- Qsneral, baa been appointed Lord Chancel- lor of Ireland. Gen. Graham embarked ytkterday at Buakim for England. A number of officers left during the week. Tbe Russian police are making domi- oihan visits. -A man arrested killed an inspector of police and wounded a aergeant. Tbe Parnellitea intend holding a demon- stration atifewry next Sunday, aa tbe 7.mmenoen*Ja't i< * political campaign in 'Uter. The Duke of Edinburgh will succeed Admiral Bir Jehn Hay in command ol tbe British fleet in tbe Mediterranean, it peace is definitely aeonred. Mr. Parnell, eiuce hit marriage, baa taken to keeping a carriage, and cow redden in a fine villa at Blaokbeatb, aud receives but a few of hia old friends. A special aays it waa rumored iu London last night that Russia bad demanded an obtained from. Persia the release of Ayoul Khan, tbe depoaed Ameer of Afghanistan Oen. Wolaeley baa iasued a tarewel addreas, announcing the withdrawal ol tb British troop* from tbe Soudan, and highly praising tbe conduct of all depart menta during the campaign. Cardinals Manning and Newman bavi contributed to the controversy of tbe desirability of founding a Catholic college under Catholio authority, in the Oxforc University. Tbe latter favors the scheme bile Ibe former is opposed to it. Tbe London Ntiei denies that England baa given way to the other Powers on th question of the supervtaion of the Suez Canal. It asserts tbat Earl Oranville' circular stipulating tbat the regulation o belligerent traffio in time ol war abal be entrusted to gypt is still maintained. The Czar ban usued an ukase tbat here matio papers yesterday, stating that it will be compelled to regard M a hostile aol any movement of Kueaia toward Herat. It in alao announced that Huasia baa spontane- ously disclaimed any menacing intentions with regard to Herat. Tbe Bri'.mb Gov- ernment is therefore favorably inclined to consider tbe question at ieaue between Eng- land and Russia settled aatiataotorily to both countries. Tbe approach of tbe general election campaign is bringing forward unexpected political fctrength among the Bntibb work- ingmen, who are concentrating every where upon labor candidates for Parliamentary seats, particularly in the larger boroughs. A movement baa been organized to raise a number of workmen to tbe magisterial bench in Lancashire and Yorkshire. Several members of tradea asaooialions bave already been offered magisterial appointments. The final instalment ot the Graoviue- DeGien despatches on the Afghan dispute will be issued during the recess of Parlia- ment. Tbe Conservatives will postpone parliamentary action until all tbe papers are presented. Tbe dominant feeling among Liberals ia that Earl Granville'a conduct waa weak. The Obuntr (Liberal) aya tbe despatches chiefly show tbe cyni- cal humor with which Ruasia pursued her aggrtasions. On Parliament resuming Mr. Buurke, in tbe House of ComanoLs, and tbe Marquis ot Salikbury, in thu House of Lords, will propose votes of censure against tbe Government. Tbe debates thereon will be tbe laat parliamentary demonstration bef jre tbe close of Parlia- ment. Parliamentary circles are greatly excited over tbe attacks on the private character of Mr. Gladstone, Bir Charles Pi Ike and tbe Marquia of Hartington in letters sent to a Paris paper by Count Paul Vaaali, tbe advance sbeeta of which have been sup- plied to a number of English papers. Mr. Gladstone's name is connected sensation- ally with thoae of a lady described an Laura B." and Mre. Langtry. Count Vaaali refer* to Lord Hartington ' alleged long connection with a celebrated Dnohe**. She governa him entirely," tie Count aayi, " and is diaoreet enough to respect tbe proprieties of society, which, thankful for thu concession, closet ita eyes." Equally unicrnpnloua ia Count Vaaali * reference to Sir Cbarles Dilke. It ia rumored steps will be taken to suppress tbe publication of tbe letters in tbe Englmb papers. Jennie Yarnell, a young lady, aged I'.', suicided at Bbenaodoah, Pa , yesterday by shooting herself through the beart. Her father had been drinking heavily, and the killed herself to avoid diagram. Since last report seven deaths have taken place at Plymouth, Pa., and many are reported beyond recovery. It will be a week or more before tbe critical period of many of tbe new aiok will have passed. It is expected tbe death rate will oe high for tbe next few days. Ben Van Eyater, once a prominent veaael owner and lake captain, tuioided al Chi- cago, on Sunday night by jumping into the river while intoxicated. His property waa swallowed up in expenses cf trials for kill- ing a tug captain six years ago and a back- man in 1882. Of late be bin been little better than a thriftless laborer. Hairaton Terry, son of General Terry, operintendent of tbe Sate penitentiary, Virginia, presented T. A. Jetter, a pro miuetit citizen, with a dog recently which tbe latter named after Terry's sister. Meeting Terry on Saturday, JetUr asked him why be did not come and see bis kins folk (meaning Jetter dead. tbe dog), when Terry shot after the Ruasiau language shall in all aohoolii in the German be taugbi provinces of Joshua's miracle, Ban, thou still upon Gib eon," is indicated by its verse character, so also is tbe triumphal cry of Simeon (Judges xv Id ) Examination of tbe more familiar (MuiRageB and pbraaea discloses the faol that care waa taken in preserving intact tbe household worda of the Old Testament. Tbe old literary form baa been held naored, and tbe revisers cannot be charged with any pedantic straining after the original text, bat not all tbe familiar features of the Scripture bave escaped untouched. Tbe bigb priest no longer oasts lota for the scape goat, he does so fora"MzsL" The summary of each day's work at the creation now runs according to formula " and there waa vening and there was morning, one day," there waa evening and there wan morning a second day," a third day, and so on, giv- A IflillKIIM lollnl. HIM, ., b, I, , . Mr. I. I.,\. II, an Engliah botanist, announces in Kadirr tbe iuterenting fact at Dnffield there ban beau successfully cultivated a variety ot strawberry many petioles of which will bear five leaflets, while the fruit U symmetrical and of rich flavor. Tbe ordinary strawberry is trifoliate and the Duoherue strawberry unifohate, but the excellent variety described by Mr. Lovell i< unique and snig.Bta still further poBsibilitiea o( development in tbe genus to which the " fragrant berry " bclongR. The strawberry has become ao important a factor in our fruit supply that every improvement and extension of it cultiva- tion will be welcomed by many million*. In Memphis and Chattanooga tbe death rate of the colored population is more than doable that of tbe whites, yet the negroes increase more rapidly. The explanation lies in the difference of the birth rate. A given number of whites, for instance, have six children in a year, of wbom two die. The same number ot negroea will bave ten children, of wbom they will lose five. Than tbe negroea lose two and one-half times as many children as the whitH, and yet gain upon them iu the census records. Muakrata destroy the levees and alliga- tora destroy the muikrata. The New Orleans Item therefore reoommefeda tbat the protection and propagation of alliga- tors shall be encouraged by ao act of Aaaembly. along tbe Baltic, and aball entirely replace the Garman language. A similar edict has been tsi ued in Warsaw, making the Russian language tbe oole language taught in ele raentary eohoola throughout Russian Poland. A large force of returning Royal MarineB from the Boudan arrived at Chatham y ester day afternoon. As they disembarked they were greeted witb cheers from tbe large crowds that lined the docks and decked the harbor witb small boats. The marines were afterward reviewed by General Wil llama, who applauded their bravery in trying timea. t The promised official papers relating to tbe Afghan frontier question have been laid before Parliament. They cover the well- known ground up to tbe Penjdeb incident, and throw no light whatever on the nature ot the negotiations mnoe. Tbe documents show aggreaaion on the part of Runsia upou the Ameer'a territory, ot which Herat is a salient point. A Glasgow procession of Orangemen marched into the Coatbridge suburb yester- day aftbrooon with Orange flags and regalia, aud tbe band playing Orange airi. Tbe Catholics attacked the procession witb stones and clubs. A fierce atreet fight ensued. The local constables dually restored order, after several on both aides bad been injured. Sixteen rioters were arrested. Mr. George MatbewB, manager of the Waterford (Ireland) branch of tbe National Bank, has been killed by a bicycle accident. He waa riding at high speed in the suburbs of Waterford when hia wheel came in collision with a dog, and Mr. Mathews was thrown over tbe bar upon bia bead, falling with such force aa to break his neck. Tbe British Government issued diplo- ' Julia Kramer, aged 18, while conversing with Wm. Newman, ao accepted suitor, at Locust G.p, yesterday morning, waa approached by Peter Knolbanob, a rejected lover, who joined in the conversation. A moment later he drew a revolver and aent a ball through Mias Kramer's bead, remarking tbat be would either marry her or kill her. A aecond shot passed through the young lady'aband, but a third abot aimed at New- man did not take t fleet. Kaolbaooh waa arrested and an attempt to lynch him wae prevented by tbe police. The lady will die. HINTBiOIV IK t-i i |>. HIM >..' *u.ii. io I'.opir Wb* Travel the K>II, u,,,i Many people bave travelled all their live* and yet do not know bow to behave them- selves when on the road. For tbe benefit and guidance of suob, these few crisp, plain, horse sense rules of etiquette bave been framed. In travelling by rail, ou fool, turn to the right on discovering an approaching train. If you wiab the train to turn out give two loud toota and get in between the rails ao that you will not muse up tbe right of way. Many a nice, new right of way baa been ruined by gtf.mg a pedestrian tourist spattered all over its first mortgage. Oa retiring at night on board tbe train do not leave your tenth in tbo iov-water tank If every one should do so it would occasion great oonfunion in case of wreck. Experienced tourist* tie a string to their teetn and retain them during tbe night. If yon bave been reared in extreme poverty and your mother supported yon until >ou grew up and married, so tbat your wife could support yon, you will pro- bably bit in four aeata at the same time, with your feet extended into tbe aisles ao that you can wipe them off other people while )ou snore with your moutb open, clear to your shoulder blades. If you are prone to drop to sleep and breathe witb a low death rattle, like the xbaoat of a bath tub, it would be a good plan to tie up your bead io a feather bed aud thin insert the whole thing in tneliren closet ; or, if you cannot reoure that, yon might stick it out of tbe window and get it knocked off against a tunnel. Tbe stock- holders of tbe road might get mad about it, but you could do it in such a way that they wouldu't know whose bead it was. Ladies and gentlemen should (.narfl againat travelling by rail while in a beastly a;ate of intoxication. In tbe dining oar, while eating do not comb your muntache witb your fork. By all meana do not comb your mnataobe with the fork of another. It is better to refrain altogether from combing the mustache with a fork while travelling, for tbe motion ot tbe train migbt jab tbe fork into your eye and irritate it. It your dessert is very hot and you do not discover it uutil you have burned tbe rafters out of tbe roof of your moutb, do not utter a wild yell of agony and spill your coffee over a total stranger, but control yourself, hoping to know more next time. In the morning u a good time to find out bow many people have succeeded in getting on tbe pattstcger train who ongbt to be in tbe stock ear. Generally, you will find one male and one female. The male goes into tbe wash- room, bathes hia wortbleas carcass from daylight until breakfast time, walking on the feet of any man who tries to wash bia face during tbat time. He wipea bimaelf on nine different towels, because when be gets home be knows he will bave to wipe Die face on an old door mat. People who have been reared on hay all their livee generally want to fill Ibemeelvea full of pie and colio when they travel. Tee female of tbia same mammal goei into the ladies' department and remain! there till starvation drives her out. Then the real ladies have about thirteen seconds apeoe in which to dree*. it.,.. . , . First, let your plot of ground, or snob of it aa yon bave ast apart for your future roses, be trenched and manured by some man who knows bow to do it. If your soil is a hungry one gravelly or sandy, or mere A <.rn..hoppr, oii lor Harm. A gentleman driving a little bay horse attscbed to a buggy left Folsom the other morning for thia city at tba same instant that the train pulled out lor Sacramento. He arrived jnat five minutea alter tbe train. Tbe animal be drove was a com- mon mustang, but evidently bad consid- erable speed and lota ot bottom. In con- versation he said : " I turned him out about two weeks ago on a field near White Rook. All be could find to eat was grass- hoppers, and I think for giving ammalx speed, limbering up their stiff jomta, giv- ing them a kind of a Maud 8. style or a Jay-Eye Bee gait graaabopper can't be beat. Allow tbat borte to feed on grass- hoppers for one month and I will speed him for 100 miles against the best loco motive Stanford baa got." Sacramento Record Union. i .. n. K ftmmtm, "They certainly do quarrel, Mrs.Cr.p- sey." ' Pshaw ! I don't believe a word of it. Why, they fairly dote on each other." " But I heard her call him an old f >ol myself." " Why, bleas you, that's nothing." " It ain't ? " "La, no; that's only a way she baa of being loving and cheerful." Chicago Ledger. I ' I II. . I ( lull,,,,. Boston Girl (to Unele Jamea, a farmer) Do you like living on a farm, Unele Jamea ? Uncle James Yes, I like it very much. Boston Girl I suppose it is nice sough in the glad summer time, but to go to be cold and anew to gather winter apples nd harvest winter wheat I imagine might se anything but pleasant. Nev York imet. Lao Hartman tell* James Redpatb that ut of three thounand men and woman whom he knew personally, enrolled in the evolutionary ranka between 187f> and H7H, nearly all bave been killed or sen- tenced to hard laqour in Siberian mines. I know," said Hartman, " of only two hat are alive. By alive," be explained, ' I mean free not ID prison." Revolution- prison are tha brick rubbish dig into 'it as much silky i.t., adhesive loam as you can get. Don't spare it, and don't buy tba atoff called loam iu tbe neigbbirbood by the jobbing gardiuer. If yon can't gettilky loam, send for clay never mind how stiff it ia and how uiuob tbe mind of your gaidener rebel H against it ; His tbe natural food of the dog roe, and only wants tbe admixture of a little manure. Of course, if you bave a spare corner, and can heap up your clay there for a month or two, and cpriukle it heavily with sand, and occasionally turn it over before digging it in, ao much tbe bet- ter ; it will be rendered more permeable to Ibe rootlets of your plants, and by exposure to air be richer in chemical saltn and numua. Lt all this be done now. I( yon can do it yourself, y> n will save money, and yon will come in to breakfast with a good deal more color in your cheeks than yon bave aeen for many a day. Now, if you bave a friend who really grow* good roxea, ask him to at* p ia and aee if it is all done rightly, and what be would advite as to placing your roses. Avoid the drip of tree* and sloping banks exposed to tbe south- west for your rose atations. Draugnty oornera, angles down into which dust aud smoke have a wretched habit of descend- ing, are obviously bad ; tbe more expoHed to tbe open air and sun the better for your Amateur Gardening. I ' ! I ... ,, i - Never out aaida your friends, it by any poimibility you otn retain them. We are tbe weakest of ppendtbrlfts if we let one friend drop cfT through inattenticn, nr let one push away another, or If we hold aloof from one for petty jealousy, or heedlesa slight or rougboets. Would you throw w ay a diamond because it pricked yon '. One good friend is no', to be wished agaiuat the jewels of all tbe earth. If there is coolness or uukindness between uu, let us come face to face and have it out quick before tbe love grows cold. Life in too short to quarrel in, or to carry black thought* of friends. Ii is easy to lose a friend, but a new one will uot oorue for calling, nor make up for the old one when be comes. Tkr M ... Tkrv U* li la miner. " Ab, Monsieur, why do you look at me ? " " I'ardonni/. me, MadamoiHt-lle, but my eyed were very weary." " Weary, Monsieur ? " "Out, Madamoiiielle a beantitul f*oe alwaya rest, them." Pittiburg Chronicle. , It ia announced tkat as soon an tbe Anglo- RuMian difficulty la adjufted the Czariua will vi.it tbe Prinoeaa of Wales in London. The United Btatea papera which bave been amusing themselves oyer Mr. Tenny- son's alleged poetical epitaph on General Gordon will bave a obanoe to say what they think ot it, now tbat it turns out to be Mr Wuittier'e which he sent to Tennyson with a request to forward it to the projectors of Gordon's monument in Westminster Abbey

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