Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 May 1885, p. 1

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Born. -In Flesherton, on 26th inst., the wife of W. J. Bellamy, Esq, Township Clerk, of a son. . Flesherton Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE ."-" PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.&apos; VOL. IV., HO. 206. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, MAY 28, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE, Ou of the lea<liiJK Local and Family N in Nuitliuiu Ontario. ruuliihud KHOM THK Orru-K, /;vT, - - Flakrrton, Out. TKIiMS OF -M.OO pr aimuui in aUvano* ; SI. ."ill if not )ald 1 t)i and uf 1) yari. No papar clincoatinuod i til *11 arrearages art* paid up ; aud no uft>MOrip- tion taken fnr ln than one year. eic|>t wli.-n *-l>ciu) arrautjuiueata for h.rt4-r p. HIM!* an tuadtt witb th* |>ul>liabr. ADVKHT1HIXO 1UTK8. *c. OMual advrtiMiiont-,*e*ntii per l*t luavrtion aud 1 canto Mr liut* aach unbiuMjiient in-^-rtion. Traauaut a-lvur*4M)iii-ut*- to \M paiU for wbou >r>lorvd. .VlvarUwmieiit* without Npocial diri&apos;c- tluan will bo InMrtod till forbid and Liberal iuUuoemetitH to regular Nutieaa aui<nii ra<liui( matter, 10 oritU pur line oaoh luaurtiuii No a^vertlMinent dUcontimiMl until all ar rnaraite* ar paid up. Copy for a-lTttrtiMHiii-iiiK boul4 reach tlil> o-Tlco not later than uouu on Tuunday to misur uiertlon In current iwue. A. R FAWCETT. /,&apos;././... and Pruptirtnr. Tit - Bits. < -., .i,f,&apos;,i./ of h;<l li II- nn ij-ithfrnl by TV .4i/n<n,v Mr. Samuel Cunningham lost a val- hnxxi mare laat week. Mr Harry Piper&apos;s brick cottage U about completed. Mr. Bruce and family mored to Or- ilia laat week. 10. A quantity of good Mr. B. U a fine median- On- Potato ions* for sale. D. S. Munro. The addition recently made to our bakery by our pushing contractor, Mr. John Whittun, ii quite au improvement. Ladies call and m* our ipleudkl stock of Millinery. I). S. Miniro. -South Grey Touchers Association in session in the Town Hall, PleaherUni, to- day and to-morrow . Grand free enter- tainment to-nii;ht, with Mr. M. Richard- I- &apos;it as cliainuan. ( U ntlciii.&apos;ii you can (jet a Rood {wir Boots for 60 cU at D. 8. Mim i-o&apos;s. Correspondent*, please aend in your items nut later than Tuesday evening for i-nrrent inline. We g-o ti pi em nn Thurs- iay morning now, and if communications are received on Wc<ineailay,iii the major- ity of ciuuut we arecompellcd to leave them over fur following isaue. - First class Lemons only 80 cU a dozen. D. S. Muuro. Th April numbor of the (Vnfury ma Ziuine was taken oat of the Flesherton Reading Iloom lately and liaa not yet been returned. The party who took it U known, but pothmg will hi aaid if the magazine i* promptly returned to Head- ing Room or the owner, Mr. M. Richard ion. A large quantity of Sued Pota- toes for B&apos;iU&apos; at 1). S. M unro&apos;s. Mann. Friend and Reynold, of Thornbury. says the Thornhury Bom. In Flesherton, on 26th inat., the wife of W. J. Bellamy, Ksu,., Township Clerk, of a nun. Call and ueu those lovely Dress Goods so very cheap at 1>. S. Mun ro&apos;8. 4&apos;uncrrt. The K!i -ln-rt..ii Orange Lodge purpose giving a gmud concert in the Town Hall on the evening of July i:kb, in which a t&apos;.uiiou* family of Sctittuh vocahita will ngurv prominently. Further particulan h .rtly. 4 Yl ;m Trick. While our friead, Mr. Wm. Ricliard- aon, was enjojrinf a iie*ta in hi* haniiii< k which was attached to tree* in Plott- er&apos;s park and watching the progreM of the ihain ftght on Monday afternoon, some thou^htlea* ignoramus out thropa and Mr. Kirhard**i fell with consider- able riuleuae tthegrv>iut<L Fortunately he mnuiiiej iiu aa/ioiM injurkM ) wiae the aforvaaid^&apos; ^tunMMi Voifc had "to pay dear (or hia whiU.". >&apos;a Birthday In Fh-shert^n. , ~ , V * r 4<>rn V" hav CATAEBU CUHD, hraltb asw braath MStued. by ifciloh&apos;g Catarrh Bainadr. tViee 50 euU. Xisal lajastor tn. Soli I by 1>. S. Munro A fine stock of Muslin&apos;s, Km broideries. Collars, aud Lacea ; New Goods arriving daily. No trouble to show them. D. 8. Munro. sirui-k by Llgbtniiif. The bnrn, stables and all the content*, belonging tu Mr. Jamei Bell, Meaford K<4td, ArteBMsia, worn destroyed by fire m Sunday last, during the pmtfteaa of the big thunder-storm. Tin- buildings were itruck by lightning, miJ the fire spreswl no rapidly that there wasnochance for saving auything. Printed Dress Muslins, put re- etived at Iticliitrdann*. These goods are in great request and are scarce. SI.l Kfl,Kj*J KUfHTS, K. Itnil.lini; Hi Mr. MrAUar, who recently took charge hr tlia , Urn t,u, L if the Eugenia Hotel, is having the atvpn , rvmwiy fur you. leading undenieath tho falls and which Sad Drow^ac AccMent. A young man aasaad MeLjtrwt abosjt a \ .-nr and a hul/ oat froai Scotland was haUiing iu a pond of water, on the farm of Mr. I&apos;atfenon, near Rooklyn, Kiij-hriuiin mi Siiaday lait. in company with twu other }"tK men, when he took .i-.i!n| ud *aslnwnsKl. Our informant KAyH tin- pond of water, in which ths ae- cident nccurrvd, wnnt nmrc than three iii i&apos;lth Tl> funeral took plaoenn by the Oddfellowa,U| wUak ko was a ffi>4>s bsta| iatermd in &apos;th Hnc (ErekiM) buryiaf (rr.,und. luwl no relattTss in this coun- th.- try. and was emplofad on the farm cf Mr. Win. John Boyd. niissfalW bluloh&apos;i Con u Ike bv I H. V nnr., Her Majesty&apos;s natal Hay was duly cel- ebrated in Flesherton by a Sham lik&apos;lit be- tween the Volunteers and a number of citizens who represented the North-West re)*jla. 1% Bear, Pound-Maker, Louis Riei, Doasoat, and other notables were math s* that had they been met la Ike jangles of the fnurie they would have passed for veritable red men. The ground selected for the contest was admirably suited to represent the ground described by the war correspondents as the scone of the various hettlee in the North ridge, rarioe, and jungle, with tiie "Boyne Water meandering gracefully tho&apos; one of the aurges. Aa occasional shot from the rebel camp announced that the enemy was in view. After some delay it was discovered that the volunteer* had outflanked the when the latter, by a sapid aast their opponents just sa they were maudiiiK officers terminated the "hand t > i hand" encounter, and shortly afterwsriln rebels and volunteers dispersed in the very beet of humor- the former firing off a grand salute and giving three cheers fur the Queen, while the Utter paraded the streets iu fcit style, ore hsiym the warlike red coats for the more peaceable attire of the civilian!. THAT HACKINO COT&apos; OH eaa be so cared by Saitoh&apos;s oar* We guarau- antee ft Sold by D. 8 Mnnr... A clioic* lot of Ladies and Trimble R. of DyspspsU. Trie* 10 >>* P bottle. Sold by D. S. Moaro. Bo > al Tc mplurx&apos; Coacert. The Town H^l h w wall 61W OD Monday eveniuK on the occasion of the Royal Template of Taatpstanee second seeied to U wuK the rebela for. Twy w ^ ri. Carrying thaw, ed to the rear waa esrried out with A monk were destroyed by flr but fall- re-built, so that the likelihrxid is Eugenia will oiitiinii- to maintain it ivperinnty as the most |>pular picnicking ground in iior- therr. Ontario. Full range Cashmeres iu Hlaek and color* ainl an iuimenae variety of other dress fjoods at Riclutrdson. The I.I.,.. The Fighting Editor lukud th* A|rri- ultural KiliU&apos;r the follosing tutuundiiig (Ueation thia iiioniing : -"Will theru be any real pretty gurrnta t the T*achirs&apos; iivi-iition here t <I.i\ alid t< &apos;-nnirrm* " The A. E&apos;I reply waa uiort: eniphatic than ...lit.- so much that the F. K threat- ened to punch his hood fur him. Over n Itninlifd of captured three bear cubs near Kimberly .in the 17th inst. The. old bear did not tuni up, and consequently tho capture was easily effected. When dincoverud the cubs were "ruosting" on tho tops of an ultn and hemlock tree. Just received 2H boies of Soap at D. 8. Muiiro&apos;s. Mr. Th<. A. Blakrly goes to Allis- ton this week to take a | ution in tho well-known one el Krujrht A Wllsnn. Mr. Tllnkely is a young man whom to know is to esteem and respoct, and while regretting most sincerely to loso such an excellent young citinen, we wish him that unbounded success his abilities warrant us in saying he wilt achieve. A fine stock of Straw Hats at D. 8. Munro&apos;s. On Saturday evening a peep into brilliantly lighted dispel the idea of hard times : tho crowd of purchaser*, taxing the ability of all hands to serve them ; the buntle mid hum of business waa a cheering siiilit. in a noason when there is so much talk of depression and lull times. We trust it in an indication li.it tiiiius ace not so bad aa croakers wi.nld have us believe. >:* arrived, a fine stock; pf Gloves at &apos;.). 8, Munro N. Richardson&apos;s large, ntore, would tend to Tweeds and Worsteds to soloct a nnit from, may be seen at Richardson&apos;s store the Cheapest House for oidei&apos;d Clothing. The public will be plvaw.1 . . li am that Miss Hind li.-ix re-upvnod licr Icr Ooejn liarlors for tho summer seanon. in thd old place, just aonMw the Buync. Thin will bb a great convriiiriicu to tin public dur- ing the hot weather, luiil many will no doubt avail themwlve" of the opportunity prosoiited to indulge in tho delicious ice ream, in tho making of which Mi.su Hi ml * so proficient. We&apos;ve thud it.nmlknuw whurtMif we s]H<ak. He IMoM-,-,1 On dsy last ,* a gsntlen tbe County of Kruot paid a fanes&apos; visit to Kleshortoii tho visit was brief fur more reaa. >ns than . >ne. ,- M,e enejsjswej n with one uf&apos;iiir citizens. dents&apos; FiiinisliiiiK&apos;H. SliirtR. Tio, Collars, Cuffs, in Liiu-n or Cellulnul, aiul Summer I&apos;mlt&apos;i-clothing, opened at Ricliardaous. As 01 h, rx Hf* Id. in. , The Dun.lnlk athletic sssociation, re- |ire.sntiiig th<- luueball :unl lacrosse clubs f that villain-, hn pnaae<l a unanimous resolution to the effect thatthey will "nei- ther accept from m>r issue challenge to the Flesliertoji team, in u in any way re- toifniztt i Li ni an a club." For h.&apos;iiuo, gonHenien ; this is worse than child&apos;s play, and can only rvAWt on your >wn character, and l%<ld yuu up Ui the ridicule of the world. - Mta/oni Afirror. how leaked out that the Bruce man be- longu*! to one of the volunteer companies m th*- .&apos;Wild batt, recently ordered to the North -Wast. Acting upon this cue, ua of our practical jokers wrote out a tele- gram in official style and brought it over to th. Munshaw hotsl The Brace man was in the bar. CeOing tae ^ar tender i one side, our j<ikW read the n legram aloud, the |&apos;ur|.ort \t which was that a in in -answering the diMcription of tho llruci- man aforesaid exactly had tie sorted tho ranks, with n request that he be il.-t .uiuiii pcndiag f&apos;irthur act! on. Tho Pr-ice maw liesr.lj&apos;iB wh..k- thing through, nad with fear anT treinliling in rvery l<ik and future, clle<l for n glass i&apos;f whisky to fortify himself, no doubt. Uiut Ave minutes aftorwsrds ho mi^ht have lxMn seen making Inn way stealthily and swiftly along some "f ourl<-V tn to. finally >linap| waring from our gaze "like a beautiful dream." Tint in a fiu-t. WILL Vi&apos;l HUFKKlt wilb D)|"1&apos;MS .u.l Liver Cuniplsmt ? Shiloh&apos;- Vitsliir muiiar- tuteed to sure vim. 8M I.-. I&apos;. S. M n,i... kinili. . I. > /Vow our oir*<&apos;iirret]>oinlriit, Some uf the farmer* are througli - . .1- ing, out generally th< n- in still a ....! dual t lir done, as the early wet weather tine tine Another lot of Millinery received ri week, consisting of Huts in Straw and Freneh Chip, Fliwrrs, Feathers, Laocs and an iinmenso stock of Para- sols at Hicliafdson&apos;s. For lame l*rk, sUe <n obest, oeo Rhllnh&apos;s &apos;oroiiti 1&apos; (sr . Price 26 oeuts. Bold by D. U. Xlunro. the work hack. Mr. W. Stewart it the owner <>f a At. James colt. Mr. C. Knott has been building a picket fence nroinul hin lot. Mr. McKen/je IN als<> making improve- ments in the name dinH&apos;tinn. Mr. J. R. Pawcctt, our eicellunt car- riagu-inaker, rocently built a neat little boat for ye ADVANCI editor. The members of th. R. T (>. T. gave a concert on the evening of tbe 25th. Mr. Iliiiiiiniiiiil gavu an eitvllent Tem|>erance speech on the occasion. Mr. W Stewart IIM Ven sppointed J.P. Hi- in jnnt the nian to isoliiUY&apos; 1 the duties <.f the nfliiv without ffir or favor, and no doubt the dignity n(Ue law will bv main- tallied. Ibn. battle. &apos; man who really "MT* in thej days prueeediugs waa oar essseassd cW- | mist, Mr. W. Richardson, who gut ISM- \ bled out of his kasssaesk which was sss- peadsd between two srasa, ssssa impish &apos; <Ulay WM by Un ahsenci of on of the Inwhitg pr (Ppally uit in an appser off "as sssrry following pr- Ui Uw mskaual IUM! Uumry ( , Mi*s at smoke puffing not froen irpeahip the thickly wo. ld si&apos; >pM on the south- juncture tho rebel scouts announced that a detachment of red coats from the main body were rapidly advancing towards the rear. A number of the rebels under Riel (8. Oo4>d) were then detailed to defend the position fronting on Toronto tr>.t. while the remainder under Duniont (Fawoi&apos;tt) op.&apos;iu-l up a rattling fire upon th inain b...ly of \oluiit. i-rn, which was wnni.ly returni-d. At this point heavy tiniix ill the rear announcwl that Reil and hin men were hotly engaged with the de- tachment of volunteers sent to outflank the rebels. Scarcely hail the firing com- menced ere the main body of volunteers charged down tin- slope in front, when the engagement became general, (.&apos;on- hssy to the intention of (&apos;apt. Campbell and Ln-iit r&apos;leM, tho volunUvrs came in to clrtso <|iiarters with the rebels, when ..me amiisiim scvnes were witnessetl. .Mkiit>eU <tinl nllo* bulched forth flames of fire and Miixki- in the very faces of the opposing for.-ei The Arrival of the com- j M me Stsflssea, and the Flesh * t. |C\ss ensjspsss^ of MesatmJJ^el. Munro. , Fawuett, with Miss Jennie McDowoll ,n organist. Readings,- MasUr Joaiali Strain and A K. Fawcett Recitations, -- Miss 1&apos;age, MISH ilop- kinn, Mr. Wm. Th<uu|>sii, and Master Kdwin Richanlson. The chairman complimented the varimM performers, liut p.utiei.l itly tin- (.!! (.&apos;lull, whieh made its first IN.W t.i tho public on this invasion in "Speeil Away, song of rare |>athos. Iu this, Mr. Mun r&apos;s magnificent tenor voice appeared ti splendid advantage. In comic iingint:, Mr. Munn is ifiute at his ease and act* his |Krt t|>erfertion~ and what isoffqu.tl ini|itanc, the w. r.l of his song* aro clearly n laiiMsadiil snd not - as to., often the case with our pul&apos;lic mugon -lost 11 SSSnHsMd and meaningless incoherence" . , rhitin nun. .levsd by s,,U t,y D S Muiiro. - "&apos;" 1 The Problem Solved FOHKSEKIXO THAT Dried Apples Tc tisvib. or 1"> for $1 at R. TrnoJU . SMIl.oll&apos;H COUOf Mid (;..nnmption Oini is soil hy 1). S. s^iaru oq s It cure* <Jnemiiylsm, Mil Free Trade vs. Protection Would lead to trouble, our head politician resolved to SOLVE THE CONTXHKTM ! (1st.) Wr favor Frer Tr<nle, that is, we wntil i \irvone to trailo f with us. (2nd.) We favor 1&apos;mtcction, or in other words, wo will protect om totuers agrkinst Hi-jli Prices and Hani Times. If you doubt the accui-acy of tliu Solution, conic aud soc us and examine Oar Immense Stock of Dry Goods, Heady-Made Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Gla*ware, &c. Which we arc sclhug at prices that ought to comumnd your attention. B. J. GRIER- PRICEVILLE, April. 1868.

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