Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1885, p. 8

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Obituary From the Kellogg Enterprise Miss Jane Pedlar was born in Cornwall county, England, December 24th, 1842, and died at Kellogg, September 17th, 1881, aged 39 years, 9 months and 23 days. She emigratged with her parents from England to Canada at the age of 6 years. She was married to Thomoas W. Birchard. June 1st, 1859, and with her husband removed at once to Kansas and from there came to Iowa in 1861. She has lived in Kellogg and vicinity for the past eighteen years. In 1864, with her husband, united with the U. B. church and remained a member of that church until within 2 months of her death when she gave her name to the Methodist Episcopal Church at Kellogg, the society of her own church having disbanded. Her illness lasted nearly three years and was attended by much suffering, all of which she endured with great patience and resignation. Especially was this the case during the last year of her illness. Never was there a brighter example of cheerful Christian patience than she exhibited until extreme weakness and suffering had done their work and she passed away to the better land. She was all times filled with abounding confidence in the Lord, and when questioned in regard to her hop, she quickly and cheerfully gave assurance that all was well and spoke of dying as only a pleasant change. As a wife and mother she was a model of faithfulness, and her memory will ever be to her husband and children an ointment poured forth. Her great concern was for the welfare of her family and most of all was it her desire that they might be the followers of Christ and meet her in the heavenly kingdom. Her place is vacant here below but the angels rejoice over the coming of another to join the ranks of the redeemed in heaven. May we also die the Christian's death and share with her the Christian's eternal joy. The funeral services took place at the M. E. Church on Sabbath the 18th, and were conducted by Rev. B.F. Shane. The other churches dismissed their services in testimony of their respect to the deceased and family and to give all an opportunity to attend the services. The church was filled with a large assembly of sympathizing and interested friends. The remains were interred in the cemetery at Kellogg with appropriate services, and Mrs. Birchard will long dwell pleasantly in memory of all who enjoyed her acquaintances in life. She leaves a husband and 6 children to mourn their loss. The family is highly respected and we hope that the virtues and graces of the departed wife and mother, which made her life so beautiful, may be emulated by her children and all others. B. F. Shane [Deceased was a sister of our esteemed friends, Messrs. Samuel and Joseph Pedlar, who live near Eugenia. -Ed.] LELAND , crcryhotlj know* ftb tht FU . **lui J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, KLBBHERTON. . OUT. Money to Loan. .It SJ Per &apos;.Vnt. Interett i.n tftmiyht Loan. WITH lutvreat paid yearly, not in advance. No coiuiuiMiua charged. Apply to A. tiRIEIt. - I IIOK Mtim . CAUTION ! EACH PLUG OP THE fflYRTLE NAVY IS MARKED T. & B. j In Bnmx Letteri, NONE OTHER GENUINE. Highly recommended for BtlloaanmM, II. :nl- Irlir, ..n- II, Itlrilni >.. M. :irll,ur;i, HrvHih. Lou ef |i- illr. Jioiutll.&apos;.&apos;. Litaa of Hear Slossarh, Llrrr mi. any iUnL&apos;att ariui^ f ra.tn the Hle>an- . Bowrh or K ldnr y*. They are pfe, mUd and thorough ill tLuir action. Vrutu 1 toe pttliliadoM Largest Hotel Enterprises o/ Am<-rlct, iy that while a ptMenfer from Nav York tm Loan! a uliip golug arouud Cat* Horn, ill i.. nu y .lay* of emigration to Oil- l.&apos;.miia, hi Inirnrd thnl ana o/ Ilie oflloen of t:i n- ... I liiU curud liiiuiall. ..iiru.jj the voy- a; , of au oluuuato diwaae by Uw UM> of Ayer&apos;s Sarsaparilla. BInre tbm Mr. LLiSD but reeommenileil Avu&apos;s SAJUAFABILLA In nuur Imllar eawi . and be has never yet heard of its fail- ure to efloet a radical cure. Home yean ago one of Mr. I.riANP&apos;n fatal laborer! bniUed lni Irg. Oirlng to tbo bad flute of hi> blood, an ugly ecrofaloiu swelling or lump appeared on the lnjuro.1 HmX Hor- rible Itulilng of tbe lliln, with burning and dining palm through Die lump, mado life alnioet intolerable. &apos;Die leg became enor- mously enlarged, and running ulcer* fnnned. dlwliarglng great quantities of extremely offensive matter. No &apos;.rtatmeut vat of any aril: until the man, by Mr. I.FI.AM>&apos; dlree- luiu waa inppllnl with Avurn KMIXAFA- HIM.*, v. hvli lUayr. I the pain and Irritntinn, hile<l tbe aorn, removed tbe >elUi>B, and completely reitored the limb to UM. .Mr. LjtUkXD ha* personally uted Ayer&apos;s Sarsaparilla for minimalism, with entire inccrM ; and, a.&apos;tcr earoful obecrvaiion, dcc&apos;.arn t!i..t. In LiiU&apos;licf, tliero la uo inc,&apos;..c.na l:i tho \\orM equal to it for tLe our j of Liver III. .ir-Vr, Gout, tlm offocts of high llvln ;. .- i.t lUirum. (><>m, ICi-uuUous, and all the various formi of blood dlwuic*. We Lave .Mr. LcLA.ii/f pcrrn.iilon to invit j 11 vhu may desire further eviJtuee ui rrgard to the eitraonlluarj curative (lowers of AYEK&apos;4 .S II.SJI&apos;AIULLA to afl kiln | I JC :i- a:ly cither at Lit irummotu Ocean 1.. ;.!, Long liraacli.orat the popular Lelnu.l liulo&apos;, Lroadway, IKth and 3bth Streets, New Verk. Jir. LI:LAXI>&apos; i xU&apos;iuiie kuowlvJja of liie good done by toll unequalled emdleatar f blooU |>oloni enal.lci him to give Ui<juir..i much Taiuililc iuforination. fREI-ARCD BT Dr. J.C. Ayer A. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all UruggiaUj 91, * bottle* for S& New Butcher Shop in Flesh- ertoD CLAYTON&apos;S II Ul M<SS .SHOP ! FLESHERTON, Jf thi&apos; place tu ytt >t>i<ir Haiti ttu CulUir*, Jx, Mitchell, nyi ii. yixxl ghjlr. X/I..J, in If. f 7<i.ffWi Boot cf Shof Store, &apos; THE uudeml(;ned n*n]M&apos;rtfiilly takothlx nminr- tnnHv to announce to Ui |>nnpl of I&apos;l.-sh i-rti in and mirr.iuuding countr> , tbat they have tartod A liukvln&apos;i Shop in tliu Htand luixt du tin. Marftle Work". KLKHHERTON. wh tbey will lit. pleaaed to meet with all who favor them with their patronage, r&apos;rwih Meala of all kitidn, aud r&apos;iab, A.&apos; in tlivtr Heaaoui. youri, FETCH i MITCHELL. Obituary. From The A">&apos;. w Unkrpntt. Miai Jane IVJIiu- wan b<iru iu Cum- wall county, Englaiid, Ducutnbur 24th, 1842, and died at Kellogg, September 17th, 1881, aged 39 yean, months and 23 day*. She emigrated with In r parent* from England to Canada at the age of yean. She was married to Ttuima* W. Bircb- ard. June 1st, 1859, and with her hue- band rviniivi-d at oacu to Kanaas and from there came to Iowa in 1861. Shu ha* lived in Kellogg and vicinity for the pa*t eighteen yean. Iu 1864, she with hrr htuband, united i with the U. H. church and remaiued a| uieinber of Uiat church until within two month* of her death when *hu gave In r name to the Methodiit Episcopal Church at Kellogg. the Bociety of her own church having disbanded. Her illneai laited nearly three yean and was Attended by much Buttering, all uf which she endured with great patience and rusignaliun. Eqiecially wa* thi* the case during the laat )ear of her illnes*. Never wa* there a brighter example of cheerful Christian patience than ihe ex- hibited until extreme weakneas and utfering had done their work and *he pawed away to the better land. She wa* at all time* filled with abound- ing confidence in the Lord, and when questioned in regard to lu-r hope, ihe ; quickly and cheerfully gave auurance that all wo* well, and spoke of dying a* oiily a pleasant change. A* a wife and mother she wa* a model of faithfulness, and her memory will ever be to her husband and children as oint- ment poured forth. Her great concern wa* for the welfare of her family and most of all was it her desire that they might be the followers of Christ and meet her in the heavenly kingdom. Her place is vacant here below but the angel* rejoice over the coming of another to join the ranks of the redeemed in heaven. M.iy we also die the chriUian &apos; death and share with her the chri*tian* eternal joy. The fuueral service* took place at the j M. E. church on Sabbath the 18th, and j were conducted by Rev. B. F. Shane. I The other churchen dismissed their ser- 1 vices in testimony of their respect to the I deceased and family and to give all an 01 i|Mirtunity to attend the service*. The church was filled with a large assembly of sympathizing and isterested friends. The remains were interred in the ceme- tery at Kellogg witk appropriate services, and Mn. Birchard will long dwell pleas- antly in the memory of all who enjoyed her acquaintances in life. She leaves a husVand and 6 children to mourn their l*s. The family i* highly i uprcti&apos;il and we tope that the virtues and graces of tht de|rted wiff and UK &apos;t In r, which maxe her life so heauti ful, may be emulated )>y her children and all othen. U. F. SHANK. [Deceased wa* a Bister of our esteemed fru-mln, Metum. iSiinuul and Joseph Ped- lar, who live mar Eugenia. - Ed.] Auction Sale j AYER&apos;S PILLS. -OP - Valuable Property. Under and by virtue of the power of tale con- tained in a certain Mortafte which wil be pro- duced at tbe tnuu of aale there will bu sold on Tuesday, 2nd Day of June, 1885, At Tteo Qtduck IN tiu Aftennxm, BY- Jolm W. Morrw, AucttoBr MUNSHAW&apos;S HOTEL, -IN THE - Village of Flesherton, Lot No. 94 in the 8th connexion of tbe Townabip uf Ai ui;i i m In the Cuuuty of (trey, contain- ing lUOacrea, wore or laa. TKBM8: Due-tenth of the puroliaae money to be paid down at tb time of aalu, two other tenth! witbin 90 daye thereafter, and tbe bal- ancu thereof ao remain for a term of yeara, aecn- red by a firat uiortfjagn on the pro|wrty, beartnt; intrtt at tbe rate of 7 prcent. per annum from date of Hale Condltiona will b made knowu at Uu>c of aale. For further particular* apply to ROIilNBON.O&apos;HUIKN dt CO.. Venilora&apos; Solicitors. No. fit* Cburob ritreet, Toronto. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OK ARTEMESIA. mHK flnt itting of the Court of lUvirioti for ^ tbe Towu*hi.i of Artuintuia 01 A large proportion of tlm iliteiiwi whiek eauae hunmu unVring rwult liom di-iango* luent of the atouiacii, buwtui, and liter* AVI-.B&apos;* CATUAUTIC PILL* act dlivrtly UIH.U tbvao orgaiM t auU aro eipeciaily drolciuii 19 are tue dUvaae* caiiKJ b| ti.uir 4ein jc- Ihviil, llivlud.n^ Countlpalioll, lnl.,; - tiun, I>y>|p>la, Il.ju.,.:, , Dv.. ...... anJ a huet vl uilur ai.iuaiiu, Ivr all i whicb they ar a aafc, lure, rnnnpt. m I j>U...., nl remedy. The IIU.IK I v uae ul i . . . > I&apos;ILLA hy viuiiiuiit |.li>a&apos;iatte iu rrgitiar | r*.c- tice, l...j uniin>i..k:,l>lv tl.e Mliuialiuii ill vlitch Uiuy are bcid ^7 tbe laedlcal pi^K> alou. Tlieie I&apos;ll. I are enmpouu.Ii .1 of tegn: &apos; ) uUluceoii&apos;). KuJ roul luuli fri i .d alouivl or aiijr oilier lujurioiu iug.^ultut. JL gnflerer from ffettlarhe write* I "An u&apos; PiLLa are Inraluuule to mt, nr.1 re my eoniuut companion. 1 liaie beta a eeverw radurcr from HctHlHebt, ami your rn. LI *r tke only thing I could !-.&apos;. to 1 lor ri-lu-l. Uue doae Bill i.ulckl) HMITC uiy boi-l anil free my head In. in |>n!h. lliiv ar> lb miit ellei-livr mil Hit- n ..I.n ) !.;. < 1 li.ive c*r loun.l. It U a I&apos;l. :i>uif lit I. r to Ipeak r* tboir aniae, and 1 al)i Uu te viiau ucuuniou ofeera. W. I.. r-Af.r, of TT. T. Page & nrn." Franklin St., lUcUinoud,\ a., June . lit:. "1 bare naed AVKi&apos;a PILL* In nnn>brr- ]eaa liwtaiieea aa recuniuitfuled Ly u u. . .1 bare never known Ibeni Iu fall to a<-et.n>i i hU the di >irw< rnult \V cunatunilt kerf IL. m on kaud at our lmni and prlwr Ikein a ill. tr.int, aafv, aiid reliable laaiHt mr .,>....<>. *OU UVafKralA the) MI. n.txiu.i e. J.T. l Mexis, Teiai, June 17, IMS. FLESHERTO2ST. MARBLE WORKS ! \r in. -i;t r<iu IK 1 1. E. VANZANT, ALL KIM)H OK r.:;,:, iKhip of Artuinuiiia on the mnt ol IMS. will be bold in the TOWN HAL.I,. FL.KBHRBTUN.on Monday, llt> lit Day of June, 1885, All perrona intereited will gorern tbeuaelvee acoordingly. W. J BELLAMY. Clerk. Dated Hay Met, IKS. Victoria Hotel, OWKN SOUND. Thle houie haa Imen rentted and placed under the management o( Mr. H. H. Mltldaafh. To tboae deifriiiK all tin- couiforta of a quiet home, when visiting Owen Sound, on t.uainuea or pleae- ure. will And the "Vloioria" eijual to the beet In town. Careful boitlera. H. H. kllDDAUCH. Proprietor Tbe REV. FBAHCI* n. l!\Ri/>irr., Trltlr.f from AtltiHtn. (la., aay*: " For f.*.. ; . .1 1 pant 1 liiivr been aubject tu r. mi i.i&apos;iu whleb, In epite of tbe u f n - - rnn-a of variona kindi, I >utter*.l h . .. iiivoiiveiiiunce, until eoute month&apos; i.t I began laklni; AVEB&apos;I Pll.LO. &apos;fl rt LMV in n. -I v correoind tbe c<*tl knl.il, I>LJ tutte Tiuily miprured aiy gejajmti lita.U*. &apos; AVEBV I.&apos;ATII kur;-C PILL* e<irrr<-t nrecu- laritie* of the kowrl>, atinmaale Hie HI : - tltc and dlge<tlon, anil by ilirir LI .&apos;..| i . i d taoroitgb action give tone alktl tl^wi L^ .e whole yliyaiu^l ecuuuuiy. rucr.tRtD nr Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell, Mzss. bold by all I&apos;i:.. k .|tf. YOUMQ, OLD, AND MIDDLE- AGED. All th<* wp. erf. -t > i Ayer&apos;s Sartapari :&apos;.-:. illilrMi irilli ..-... Kara, "i an\ rr Illttc uiiit. urn) U> luado by iu uae. old by all DraggM* ; f 1, lU bottlei (or |e> ri K ii - .. iu -i GORDON&apos;S HARNESS SHOP Advertise in Tne Advance. Sucli as Mouumcuts, Tomb Tables, Ilcadstoiirs Counter and Tabl_c Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on ahort notice. Also Mantles in Marblu and Murblcizcd 81ate, iVc., ,\;c. Kleahurtmi, Aug. &apos;M, 1883. **" * /* mm LOOD (&apos;UK ;s J)i~tni&apos;ais, LoMof Appetite, Ittiliyrstiun, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Jiidncys, Pimples, lilatchcs, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure. lil<)od, Dcranyi&apos;d Stomach, or irrcyuLir action of the Boveli. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PILLS & OINTMENT ^ PILLS IMrif v tho Hlood, correct all Diwrdera of the Liver, !St omaeh, liidn&apos;yH, and Uo-vvelH. They Invluorato and rentore to health Debilitated Comitltutlonii, and are Invaluable in all Com iilaiuln in.&apos;i lent/U t<i Kninaloa of all ages. Kor Children and tliu auod they tru prlceleta THE OINTMENT I j a lufallililo riniuwly lor ]<ad lie^n, Itad Hr.&apos;intf Old Wouudft, Sorui and Ulcen. It Is fauioua for &apos; i MI and Itheuiuatiarn. For ditordera of tbo C&apos;hoM it haa no equal. For SO UK THROA1, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Ulaniluliir , and all Skin Dlaoanoa It lia* nn rival ; and for contracted aud itlff jninle It aetn like a charm. Kamifactured only at Profeeaor ROLIX>WAT&apos; Katablinhuiont, 7H. New o \ r.irrt s< r-..( ( late 533, Oxford Mtreet . London. and are nolil at 1*. \\f\., 9a. M., 4. M., IU., fja., aa< li. oach Mox or Pot, and may bo bad of all Medl cine Vendor* throtiifbotit the World. JOT PurcJuuvrt JumU look tc On Lobtl on tit.- I&apos;oti -md Bomt. If tht oddrttt u n<4 533, Offord tHrtft, loufcrn, thq art tpurimu. Mot in Town Hill, Fluihurton, mi thu 4th int. Praseit, MiMsrs. Christoe, Itlitkcly, Elli.nt, McArthur and McKee. M inutr* uf Inst niu-tiiiK read and cmitiriii- fit. C&apos;omniiinicatitiiM mi follows : Clurk <>f I&apos;riitun, re statue lalxir on town lino ; John .M > Km-, re Tio*. Oanu&apos;s statutv lab- nr. Tliu followingaccounU were iiresen- tel and ordered tob jiaid : A. R. Faw- &apos;tt. jirinting, 813; R. J. Spruulu, post- age, $2.8o ; Kicluidiiiin, itatiotiery and telegrams, J<5.84. McArtliur, McK, o - Tlmt 87.70 be ac- cepted from Tho*. &apos;iane for taze* of his lots in Priceville, otid that thu Cu. Truos- tin-r IK&apos; ruquosted to erase all taxes for 1HK4 itiraniKt said Irits carried. McArthur, Elliott That the Uoeve IK; a|i|Hiinted Ui exainino that, portion of street in Priceville in dispute between St. Columba congregation and John McAuluy and report next nmutin^ carried. Elliott, McKee That the Clerk corre- B|K>nd with (ilunulu&apos; Council, regarding an equivalent to $76 expended in 1884, by this Council nn town line xouth of Mark- dale, and urge upon them to take action at once in expending xaid equivalent in gravelling road ifrodcd as above ; and in the event of the Qlenelg Council refusing nr neglecting to expend the same, that the Reeve and Deputy Reeve bring the mutter before tin- County Conncil at itx June neaaion carried. Elliott, BUkely That $000 bo appro- priated for repairs to roads in this Town- ship this year, $150 for each ward, and that the representatives of the different wards be comniisfiioners for expending the same carried. Elliott, McArtliur -That the special Constables ap|xiinted by the M^rkdale J. P&apos;s, also rent of hall re trial in the Swee- ney and Arnott case be paid, viz., con- stables 97, rent of hall $.&apos;{, order to be payable to A. Elliott, J.P. -carried. McArthur. Blakoly That the first sit- ting of the Court of Revision of the asset mm t of 1886, be held on the 1st day of June, 1886, in the Town Hall, Fbaherton at 10 o&apos;clock a.m. carried. Council adjourned. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. FLESHERTON. JOHN WRITTEN. Builder and Contractorr Flcshertun, r now ready to take tniil.linieontracU for tbe Mon of 1HHS All firrlrn will bo pnii|itl> attendiMlto an nual by a larK* and ftlielnnt - 1 ail ( workniuu. A)HO taken (hit opportunity to liuartllv thank the public fur paat patronage. I SLAND H Stock Farm. Crocee He, Wayne Co., iV.i. n dAVAUK & 1-Aii-NLil, VUWKU.IOJT To Rent. Tbe Itlacknuiiih Hhop on the 4th line. A la. formerly occupied l>> Mr. The*. Addinou. ." rent on eaay terms 1 &apos;onion* ion glvuu at uuce f iiucueury . Apply to DUNCAN CAMl&apos;BKLL, Kmrenla P O. Dressmaking. The nti(lurijpie<l )* to luinounee to the |>eo- ,)) of KUvbiTton Station aiidniKtit>orho4Mlt)int &apos;Hf IM- oiniiii nci-&apos;l liiiHinuBH in Dretuunakin^ in ;he IxtilrlinK oii|M>rit HnnnatVn Hotel. Klmner- xni Station, where tho^o n&apos;-|inrin anytlilnit In ler hue wfll tw iiromptly atttaidod to. .Mantle making al> douu MtUifacturily. M188 COBNKTT. May 4th, 1805. NOTICE TO CREDITORS! ESTATE of Donald Cameron Hacfarlaue, of Mi*Intyni. arehi-rnli) nntiflitd that the iiald IKinald i m. n&apos;ii Macfarlane haa uxpcute&apos;l an nsHiuiiiiirnt of )I|H ntock anil otlirr aaHftfl to me, 1&apos;uiil i&apos;iiii,|il.rll. of thecltv of Toronto, an Tnmt- too for tin- Cn-dl torn of tliu anld Donald Caul- . mil Maofarlann, and arc fnrthvi nntlntKl tn>vnd their claimn to i.it. on or buforr THK KIKHT OP .11 NK n. \i .i<&apos;.-i>iii]&apos;iiiii.-&apos;l with vntu-lu&apos;ra on whicb Kni li&apos;laliiis an- liasi&apos;d. an I will after the Halrl dati 1 forthwith proceed to rllHtrilnit.- tlic amintH of tlm tmtAtr amoii(,&apos; tin- partlen i-ntitl.-.l thorvto. and will not he llal.lo for tbe s*mv to any IHTS..M uf whoKu claim I ahall not tin u have bad notice. PAUL < \ M I i i I I TUBONTO, March &apos;J7th. 1HM. IMPORTED Percheron Horses. Alt Htf-k elected fi&apos;m tbe (rot of lrps and ilatvi of e*&apos;A jii-&apos;ie t rcputAtion and rc:&tcied iu toe Krenc.i an 1 American atu<l hookn. ISLAND HOME N hniititullv iin.itnl at the kea.1 of GMMm Iu in Ihe Detroit Kirer. ten miles below the City, and ii acce*dnte by railroad anl Mearno<iat. \imton n i- n niliar mltli tbe io(mi mv oil u city office. }i (&apos;amimil Ktilirlmi&apos;, undinevott will ^. . .,tniatiy them i > the In in. Send for ritai.iejiic, lice .y AJilreia. SA> AOI ft KABMUU. Detroit. M-.h YELLOW OIL 1 CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN&apos;S WORM POWDERS. Are pleawat to sake. Contain their own PwfatiT*. ! a safe, sore, and tHfctmtl I In Children or A JM* The thorough lirod Short Horn Bull, Dufferin Will ntand for Cnw< tin- aeaiiou of IWH at Lot 140 lit K. T. & H. Koad. Artemeala, Alao tbe tlior- ouxlibrod Aymhlre Hull. R.obl)ie Burns Will ataud for Cowa the aeaaon of 1HM, at tbe aamo place. l&apos;.-.|inr. . of I\|M,V.. linlN can lie >een at nny tlmti ii|Kin application to th proprlrtor. TKKMS: Fur &apos;Diifforin." UM: "linlilil* Muni- 1*4 HP. payable lat of Jauaary. DlMunnt for oaeb allowed. ABCH. CAIBXS, Proprietor. THE Thoro&apos; Bred Bull, &apos; CLARENDON," /. (fcmdtiy u< LittU MilUfor Smies. EUGENIA Grist Mill, U&apos;fl ui Lit: 11. HsviiiK made extenmve m]imvcini>ntii In mv. Orilt Mill, I am conMrat I can give goo<l CHOPPING DONE AXY DAY Good Flour alwy on hatul. Custom Sawing, and Pills fill.-.l nn o shortcut notice. Lniu- ber and Latk siwayAon hand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT, I

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