Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1885, p. 4

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J. 6. RUSSELL The Noted Jewellery Man ! FLESHERTON. REPAIRING! /// all its Branches Satis- factorily attended to- ol our frieud of the Times, like a dog badly bitten not upon a broad, ad- vanced educational IMMK, but because it happens that Inspector Grier a gentleman, no doubt, in all bis inter- course with the schools and but unfortunately not quite up in the educational requirements of the day is a relative. The Times will not ex- pect ns to reply to its superciliousness mere gloss to cover the real issue. If the Times undertake to answer the queries above, we might feel it a duty to pursue tho subject further, but not otherwise. HEADACHE. Headache is one of those dis' treniug complaint! that depends upon iierv" ous irritatiou, bad circulation, or a disorder- ed itato of the stomach, lirer, boweli, etc. The editor and proprietor of the Canada Vreiliyteriau was cured after years of suffer- ing with lieaductie, and new testifies to the virtue uf Burdock Blood Hitlers. THE ADVANCE. A. R- Fnwcett. Editor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1885. TREE PLANTING. The article on Tree Planting in this i=sue, from the pen of Mr. R. W. Phipps a gentleman of broad and in- telligent views u]K>n this and every other subject which lias been dealt with by ! iii n, through the press or on the platform comes just in time to lake advantage of its wise suggestions. This part of Ontario can plead no ex- i inption to the- charge of our best f.irms being rr.pidly denuded of all tree hht 'H< r and ornament. Aftrr the hurry t'si-cding is ovor, a little time and at- tention pvtii ID thia subject on each homestead, wi ild soon leave a most marked improvement on the face of the country. If you can do no more plant ONE TRUE this Spring as a begin- ning. Do it carefully and well. It will bn a reminder and help your good resolutions for next yew. OUR SIDEWALKS The man who has the temerity to say the Flcshorton sidewalks are in good condition at the present time,' may be safely set down as the cham- pion "prevaricator" (how poliU?) in this country. It is simply shameful that sidewalks in an otherwise tidy and go-ahead village should be allow- ed to fall into such a terrible state of disrepair. The Police Trustees at- tended to them faithfully ; but since onr village dispensed with the services of that useful body, the sidewalk busi- ness has been badly neglected. Citi- zens may be able to walk a few rods without tripping over a raised plank or endangering precious necks by a sudden descent "between boards, " but they've got to keep their weather eyes open. As for tho unwary stranger well, we've had some experiences in other villages oursclf, where the side- walks are equally dilapidated, and know all about it. Either one of two things ought to be done at . once : hang up lamps near the bad places at night to show where they arc locat- ed, or repair them and thereby save coal oil. SCHOOL MATTERS. The Ik-aver Valley Times, like a wonnded snake, wriggles and twists fis indeed hr may in defence of a cause of vital importance to the Edu- cational interests of the County : we thought its snarling had ceased, but its determination is to die hard. We will not be induced, however, into a position never taken to decry ngainst the character or the duties performed by Inspectors according to their educational ability but we do f-ny, nnd have said, that Inspectors unqualified to conduct an ordinary school through its various forms should be replaced by those who can. We put : ratogorioal question or two will the Times answer them ? Can cither of onr Inspectors take tho schools mentioned, say the lowest grade and examine the pupils as it is xi>octf!d a teacher to do? (Jan it be said an Inspector dischur- fs l.i.s duty without such competency and action ? Why is it that outsiders arc brought in by the Department to preside over the necessary examinations for Teach- ers at Owen Sound ? Why was the Northern or Gordon's inspectorate divided when it contained no more schools than otic live man could attend to ? Why did the Hoard. Gordon, drier :ind Ferguson, constituting tho major- ity, grant tho unreasonable salary of .<1<;0 per year to Gordon for duties of Secretary, when this said Secretary also charges 38 per day for every day i mi>loyed upon examinations besides ? Wherein lies any justice, that these Inspectors, educationally unqualified, should presume to examine finally Teachers passing the Model School ? In all candor, should not Inspectors be enabled to distinguish a noun from a verb, or analyze a simple English pcntence ? These arc t!ie principles we have been discussing, evidently overlooked by this champion for, incapacity. If any personal allusion, has been made, it was forced upon us by the yelping "QUESTIONABLE QUALITIES" A Markdalo cont.ibntor favors us with a vigorous, well written letter, under the above heading. We regret that it was received too late for our present issue, but will appear in our next, Tb Tirtuu of Carbolic Acid for healing. <!. Hii-iiii/ and purifyinK Is ' H known ; but from thu many modeb of applying it, the public is IIIIIM rtain how bet to use it. To meet tint want, McOregor & 1'arko's Car- bolic Cerate is prepared, and may be n*ed ith confidence. Do not IK- misled. Take only McGregor A Parke's Carbolic Cente. Sold at liichitrdson'i I >rn:- Store. REOPENING OF THE FREE IND US TRIA L DRA WIXG CLASSES. Mr. Editor, Will you please in- form the numerous teachers who are your readers the Hon. The Minister of Education has directed the Re opening of these classes to be con- ducted during the summer holidays for the benefit of Public, Model am High School Teachers, coinmcnciiif on Tuesday the 7th July 1885 am to continue till the end of the month The classes will be conducted by com peti'iit Instructors on the following Primary Subjects : Primary Kirade 13.) Freehand from Flat examples, Practioal Geometry Lenrar Perspective, Model Drawing and Memory and Blackboard Draw ing, 12 lessons each. Second or High Grade A. Shad ing from Flat examples, 20 lessons Industrial Designs and Machin Drawing, 15 lessons each ; Drawiii] from Dictation, 10 lessons. Exami nations will be held at tho close when certificates entitling holders U teach Industrial Drawing in th< Mechanics' Institutes and Publi Schools, will be awarded to thoe successful, (05 full certificates wor granted last year). Early application will be necessary to insure admission and should be addressed to the Super intendent, Dr. S. P. May, Education Department, Toronto. Yours respectfully, W. FIROUBON, I. P. 8 Am* TWBITT-TBHEI YKAR.V Rev. Win. Stoat, of Wiarton, wan curei of scrofulous aliscrsn that seventeen dooton could not cure. Burdock Blood Bitters wai the only itircenful remedy. It cure*) al impurities o( the system. Do Not Lose Another Swing. 'o the Etlitor of The. Ainuux. SIR, Nothing impresses the travel- er through Ontario with so deep a sense of wasted time and lost opportu- litiss as to observe, hero and there, crimps even ten miles from each ther, some few farms well sheltered rom the north and west winds by the I'liutiful and impervious evergreen windbreaks which arc so easily and uickly grown in this country when iroperly set about and then to pass, mile after mile, by farms from which he trees have been taken till what might have been a handsome farm and esidcnce is hut a number of squares f earth with some buildings in one orner a place from which the sum- mer wind will dry tho moisture before t has half bcuenttcd the crop, and where the snow, the protector of the winter field, cannot lie evenly, but will be blown by the wiud into drifts which permit no good wheat yield. The stranger passes by, and thinks nily, " Now, a little work a few years ago, and all these farms might have !! as well protected as the one or wo I have observed on my way." Why not use this spring ? In the irovince are many places where thou- sands of young evergreens are spring- ng up in clusters ; if transplanted early in June WITHOUT ALIX>WINO THE BOOTS TO DRY IN T1IE BUN EVEN ONE MIN- TS they will be just what is wanted. )r, if none be near, nurserymen supply them, and there is no better invest- ment. Plant a thousand along the north side this ipring, and in ten years the land will be value for much moro money, and grow better crops for all .inn' thereafter. Plant them ; give a ittlc care for a season or two in mul- ching or stirring the earth near them either will do and every recurring rear the planter is more glad that he did the work. Yours, IK., R. W. PHIPPB. Toronto, May 7, 1886. DUNDALK. From our Cvrrapondent. Farmers in this vicinity arc busy with seeding, and having less time to spare, croak and grumbK? l-m than they had ten days ago, t the wea- ,her. Our woolou mills man isn't at all tickled at the putT < lie Advance gave liim last week. Some say you were "about correct," others uf course arc "mad". You were however Mr. Edi- tor u little astray as to Peterson being the instigator of the resolution. He- ing present at the meeting, I think the blame rests on others, as well as on him. Dr. Leiteli is winning many friends hero. Ho hns b<en very successful in Rome di Hi cult cases. Mny his success continue and iucrcase. A large crowd is expected here on thr '25th. It is said a large attend- ance may bi expected from Sliel- liunie, as the Scott Act has made them very partial to Dnndalk. Ituvs. Snoulo;: and Shaw expect to leave hen abont the middle, of Juno. Mr. Ross the now Presbyterian minister will be ordained here in a few weeks. What malts A. O. Hunter look so sad and loney. "Wait till the clouds roll by" A. 0., don't be downhearted. Our new kstinaater is giving very good satisfaction so far. There is less sickness now than there was a x>w weeks ago. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, \ DROPSY, INDIOESTIOH, FUITTERIHQ JAUNDICE. y- OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY Of SALT RHEUH, > THE STOUACH, HEAHTBURH, DRYNE88 HEADACHE, ' S OF THE SKIM, And .yf ry aaacla* Of rllSMla arltlnr from d UVR. WDMV8, STOMACH, BOWEL* OR BLOOD, 4 Gordon's Pride Tho new and thrilling story now running in the ADVANCE. J. 6. RUSSELL, - The Noted Jewellery Man, FLESHERTON. Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbiis.Ty- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea t> ness and Summer Complaint ; flAra Cholera Infantum, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T. MILBURN & CO., Proprietors, Toronto. Dominion Organ and Piano Co. Watches. Clock*. JeweLry, $-c- Cheaper Than Ever I L James Sullivan. I The Tinsmith, - Fleshertou. I Koi'Airiny. Eavetroughhig, and iu fact evn > thiiiK in the hull DM* will raccivo tuy prompt and careful Httvutiou at reasonable pricea. Slew li \iw\ i: M. ?i::::r.:s Carriage Mil Milburn & Gadd, PROI'UIKTOKS of the alx>VB wurkx. are pif lutrwl to attend to > \, r\ tl.in;; In ti Can iage Making & BJacksmithiug ! Hue* |>rnin]>tly and well - Repairing in bof/i Branch's Promptly attended to. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. )!u th Urgnt u1 m<Mt nomub-to factory la the I'.|biit Ecun inr l*ariid U uy Kiiir It til WirU. Medal and Diploma at Ostennlal. 1871. M'-iUI an>l IXiili'iuA at Syilnry Aiutrmlln. W17. i. ill M.-I|.II I TOTlnrla'l Kinmltlon. Toronto w. Hlyhi-ol Anl a| InduiMrlul ExhlbltluD, lorunto. WK ARR NOW M VM r V' T''BI\, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. / I'.i -I IN TUB MMUFT Corrrapondrarr Hollc1td. s.-nd fur Illuilnted Ca niiik-ii< . inallnl f r.-. Addrru DOMINION OIUiAN AND PIANO COMPAKT. lu IWM \ > ti.i r. ONT. R. R. LANDS! In MlnattMs. North OikoU V jj B tsn. U>Hc.aina>onai* Orf^" ^pr , ,,111 I ,,k r Nu iM-rlt.lr I., I'|I4-I I. M.I tnrieos rsnglna cni)r SZ tall a*r ar.. on 6 to 10 nr f flats. IWa b lk t'X Coun'r- lo- securing Good Mount w>* open lor .tll)m-"l mmm^ MB *M 3 o aT^ W <;n ,.rnln-f ^Sf^^^'^5 II !. ,,(' u ih I''JI- i, ' ' ''' ' -, ' '' l * ; .., ii... >..,..,., r.c.r., ..u. '"'<."' Vi.u ,!>' tKf.B de%rf*mn* ("* ^>rinrrfi PiySllrSBOllilrj.iV-Kiill^ci'll 11^^ ( |( _ UMBOlUi.UlrtKWr.lf I 1 , it H..8t. Pul, Mia* I have a Full Supply of Boots & Shoes ! On hand suitahle for ilic Season, having just received a large addition to my Stock and will bo constantly making additions to it. INSPECTION INVITED. WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTOM. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FARMERS AND THRESHERS! -Ask your Merchants for McCollBros.Lardine MACHINE OIL

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