Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1885, p. 8

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c^^^* - \ \ FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! ltrlil-.li t'oluubin. ANOTHER 1NTEKE.1TIN'G LMTF.R FROM MR. .1. M WKHMTIElt. E. YANZANT, ALL KINDS Or Mis d Uo&UDS&l&l Such as Monumenta, Tomb Tables, Headstones Couuter aud Table Tops in American and Italian Marble aud Granite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marblcieed Slate, &c., &c. Flesherton, Aug. 30, 1883. Riuduck Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidney*, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Halt Khevm, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Imjmre Jilood, Deranged Stomach, or irreijular action of the Bowels, GET YOUR Spring Clothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE FI*$h*rt$& Tailor, HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the lUood, correct all Olaordere of tbe I >i %!-, Stomach, Ki<lny, and 13o-wel. Tby tnvlgorata and rtMtore to health Debilitated (nnitltiitloui, and are Invaluable Iu all Com- plaint* liioldeutal to Feuialea of all agon. For Children aud tbe aged thoy are |iriculeM. THE OINTMENT U an Infallible remedy for llad Left*. Bad Hroaiti. Old Wouudii, Horea and I'lcen. It U fauioua for Gout and lihuumatUni. For dltorden oKbe Che<t it baa no equal. For SORE THROAI, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS UtU'lular Hwalllnga, and all Bkin Uliieatiee It ha no rival ; and for contracted and tlH Joiiitu it acti Hkii a cbarui. Kaiiufactiin.il only at Protestor HoixowAT'a Kitabliahment, TH, New Oxford M n*.-i < lute 533, Oxford Mtrrvt ), London, *.:>.! are told at la. l}d., la. Od., *>. rl., IU.. 'i!i and 3Ha. each Roi or Pot, and may be had of all Uedi cine Vendora tbrooKhout the World. P<trchatrt ihouU look t(. '!< /.''/ on tit* Poti and Barf*. If the aitdreu ii not 5AJ, lhfnrd tftwt, Lwlvn, tlinj y/iin'oiu. J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FLE8HEBTON, ONT. llcnc v to Loan. 1' -ii Pr <':n(. Intent on .Strait Loan. WITH biteraet paid yevly, not In advance. Mo oommlMlon obarged. Apply to \.Ukll.K. - THORMtl RY. CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! MESHERTON, It the fdace to yet ijmir llarna* CMart, <tr, made ;> in guod style. Shop in W. Clayton's hoot <t Mu>e .Store, Fltthrrbm. New Butcher Shop in Flesh- ertou ' Peich & Mitchell. PROr'RIKToHS. CAUTION ! EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY 13 MARKED T.&B. In Bronte Lrtttr*, 1TOVS OTHER GENUIKE. THi; undentifinml ronpectfnlly take thin oppor- tunity to minoutice to ttt i><>npla of FlpHh- rtoii Mid Biirrnuiidlnn country, that they have wtnrt>d a Butcher Shop In tho fitaixl ni*xt door to the Murhlfl Workn. VTjMHKBTON, where :hov will bit pleaoc-fl to meet with all who favor )n M i with their patronano. Frenh Meats of al nU. aud Fish, An- in their neaooni. liBpectfully yriurs, PETCH ft MITCHELL, PfMLT I I'm 1 1 '.y rccnmmendod for Blllo*Mw, ll.nil-tih.. <i.n lion, DUstmena, Hmrllwrn. Buil ltr.nl I. . l"- of i>- 1 III.-, Jnunillrr. IMS of eater?. Hour Hlomnrh, Liver .ira- horn the fjssa Tlieyar* ssftL acUou. From 1 tot mrmnry. Hour Hlomnrh, Liver < urn- plala (., T an/ 1 UIK-M ril n f iom the H*m aeh . Bo wr I . or j.i n r , .. Tbaran sar*. DiM and thorouKli in tUuIr action. From 1 to I Mr. Etlitor,T.u my last to tho Stand- ard, which was datod up to Sept. 4 at I which date I mentioned my abhorrence of ! auch continual rain. And huro lut me aay, that I expected a gi>oddeal uf rain in this country and I have not at all been disappointed. September, October, and November, it rained by computation about 20 days in each month. Oh, yes ! I and nights also ! The ruin fall for Nov- j ember I know is given at 8.77, or nearly 9 inches ! enough, you will say, for whole year. Frost set ill about the 19th of Dec. and for a few weeks we had pretty cold wea- ther, the thermometer getting down to 10 below zero. But, although that doesn't indicate much cold with you, yet 1 think it as cold as though it was 20 below ; this I think is owing to the damp atmosphere. About 13 inches of snow fell, giving four or five weeks sleighing. All din,|>i>eared during the tirst week in February. March very dry, and up to date, April 12, only a slight ahuwer. Seeding operations, potato planting, <tc. is pretty well in hand. Now, Mr. Editor, I have given you as correct an idea of the weather as could be given, but still I find I am misconstrued. Some people say I give a bad account, and then reason by saying it cannot be bad or else I would nt stay. All 1 have t" say in that the mildness of the climate is favorable for cattle raising. And, although I am suited, 7"i per cent of those who come here aru disappointed. I know parties who, after a short stay, have went home, and lo ' here they are back again. I wish to itate nothing to induce or otherwise prevent those desirous of coming or staying from doing so. I have before stated that land is hard to clear, and I think settler* here should be placed on the same footing u regards Free grants as in Manitoba. The Domin- ion Ciov't cannot be so hard pressed but this could be done. You cannot imagine the difficulty there is in clearing timber land, that is, fir lands. In so far as travelling is concerned, I may state that the most timid need have no fear. The North'n Pacific officials from r'li-shrrti.n through the whole route, are most courteous and attentive and give every assistance to paaocngers. Such is the experieuc* of my family. Even if the C. P. R. was compleUid to-morrow I wo'd not risk n.js. If on it. a I iSll The "coNHTArn.! TIRED-OUT" feeling so oftra riperirnevd i the result of impoverish- ed blood, and consequent enfeebled vitality. Ayer's Sariapacilla feeds and enriched the blood, inereaaei tin* appetite, and promotes digestion of the food, and the asiimilation of Its strengthening qualities. Tbe iTttem being ton* invigorated, Ibe feeliug rapidly changes to s grateful se<is of strength and energy. Honor Roll. 8. S. No. B, Art.-iiu'Hia Second Class, total 478 Elio McKee, 439, Eleanor McKee 410, Hansou Badge- row 240. Third Class, total 531 Maggie Parlia- ment 474, Hannah Stafford 374, Charlie Stafford 342. Fourth Claas, total 470 Bella Thomp- son 414, Alice Nicholson H'.'l, Marion liadgerow 284. ELSIE I s K - mi. Teacher. FEVER coll*, unnatural appetite, fretful ness, wenknetts, and convnUinnx, aro some of tli eflVcts of Worms in Children ; destroy the worum with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. "The Farmers Friend." This fine Ueneral Purpose Stallion already noticed in theae columns will make tin* season as follows : Monday, will leave hi* own stable, Lot 30, Con. 8, Artemesia and proceed by 4th line to I : I .t. Fenwick's, lot 10, con. 4, Oiprey, for noon, thence by 20 side road to W. Roberts, lot 12, con. 11, < >-. prey, for night. Wednesday, will proceed by 8th line to his own itablo for night. Thursday, will proceed to Munshaw's Hotel, Flesherton, for noon, thunce by way of Cairn's corners to D. McLeod's, back line west, for night. Friday, will procoeed along back line to S. Wauchob's for noon, thence by way of Proton Station to Samuel Sheardown's for night. Saturday, will proceed along back line to for noon ; thenco to J.Allen's corn- ers, thence by 4th line tu Chard's corners, thence to his own stable where he will re- main until the following Monday morn- ing. Above route will bo continued through- out the icai.ui. "The Farmer's Friend" is the property of Messrs, Win. H. Colquett and Angus Kennedy. See bills. "Fnrnell." This is tin* name of a stipberb Trotting Stallion owned by Mr. James O'Brien, of this Township, and which will make the WHS. n i of 1886 on follows : Monday, May 4th, will go by Flesher- ton to Maxwell for night. Tuesday, May 5th, Wareham, Mr. , Wright's for noon ; Dundalk for night. Wednesday, Hopeville, for noon ; Or- i clur.lv ill.*, for uight. Thursday, Durham, for noon ; Price- villu for night. Friday, home by way of Fleshertou Station. Above i-i. ut I* continued throughout sea- sou. Pedigree, Sirv, Clenr Grit, tho founder of the family ; hu by imported Lapadist. Dam, grand-daughter of lmi>ru*d Glu- coe. Bee bills. 3w. THB HECTIC FLUSH, pale bollow ch'Tks aud precarious i pi-.tiu*, indicate wuruis. Fruiuiau'i Worm Powder* will i|uinkly aud effectually remove tb*iu. 1 1 \ rr-liain News. (From i/iic wni t'orrrsi*>iiilent.) Tho Cheese Factory ii to l>e erected in a few days, uixler thu management of Mr. \Vm.McGruthur. It will be completed and ready for occupation in about two* weeks. Hall Bros, have got their saw mill re- fitted and running in full blast. Capt. Ned has not yet returned from Toronto, but the Barracks is kept open by other othcialii. Our worthy school tacher, Mr Thomp- son, has gone to Owen Sound to fill a more prominent |>ositin. and his place has been ably filled by Mr. Geo. Allistor. [The above was misplaced, and should have appeared in our last week's issue. A Wide Spread Erll. The great source of consumption and of ugly eorei* i* scrofula iu the blood. Bur- dock Blood Bittern purify the entire system and cure scrofula, ss well as Uie mar* com- mon blood luiuiorK. Plant M, &f. for Hale. The nndernigturd has a quantity of Hons* I'UuU, Perennials, Bedding Plants, Toma- toes, Cauliflowers, Celery and Cabbage Plants for isle. JAI. BEECBOFT, near Fltiherton. Arbor Day. The minister of Education ha* pro- claimed Friday, May 8th, as Arbor Day in every rural and village school, for the purpose of improving the rondition and appearance of tho School grounds, by lev- elling, tree-planting, walks, flower beds, Ac., in which it is expected the children will gladly take an active part. The idea is a good one, and no doubt to-morrow morning the Flesherton and other school- house grounds will be a scene of bustling activity. THE REV. (iEO. U. THAVKB, of Bour bou, In.l , ssyi : " Both myself and wi(s owe our lives to Sllll.nll s CONSUMPTION CUBE. S. .1,1 by D. 8. Mum,,. To Rents The lilackunith Shop ou the 4th line Artcme- ala, formerly ucoiipled by Mr. Tboa. Addlaon, la to rent on i<an\ tormt. I'oeiieealon given at once ifneeeaaary. Apply to DUNCAN CAMKHELL, Eu#nla P.O. Dressmaking. The un<lAriffu<l IN-IJH to auuouuce tu th peo- tatU ple of Kltt*hrton HtatUm and ni>iclil>nrhoo<1 that lie ha* comim'ticiM bimtnens In DruKHt the bulItliiaM op|mt*it*w Hfcinmh Hotel lie ha* comim'ticiM bimtnens In DruKHtiiAkliiB In bulItliiaM op|mt*it*w Hfcinmh Hotel, Kleftber- U>n Htatidii. wlutrtt th(m riMjuiriDK anything in her line wfll Iw prumptly attended to. Mantle makiuf! aUo done ffatiRfactorlly. MI8H COBNETT. May 4th. 1NM. NOTICE TO CREDITORS! EHTATE of Donald Cameron Macfarlane, of Mclntyri, 1 , aro hereby notified that tho iiaid Donald Cameron Marfarlann haa enorute*1 an ainwniiMiit of hi* itock and otbnr aravti to me, Paul Campbell, of tbe citv of Toronto, an Trunt- toe for th* <V*ditorfl of the aaid Donald Cam* ernn Macfarlane, aud aro further notified tonnnd their i-lainiH tu IIIH on or before THR HKsl OF Ji'NK n, -\t. accoiupatiied with voucnera on which aald clalm> am liMed, an I will after tbe aid dat forthwith proc>*e<l to dlatributc the anatitfi of the estate amoiiff the partiea entitled thereto, and will not he liable for the lam* to any poreon of whoeo claim 1 Khali not then have had notice. PAUL CAMPBBLL. Tract**. TOBONTO. March 87th, 1HH.V AVER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other complaint* are lot Miciu in thefr Attack a* those affecting vlie throat anil lungv: none fo trifled with by the majority of RnlTirr- en. The ordinary cough or cold, i. m i.i * perhafje from a trifling ut u>i ,*<.MOM 1 1- poeor*, I* often bat the befini.ii-i; < > la'.kl tlokuMa. .11 1 i.'*. Ciif.nir ! - u. l.i-i> weil proven it eflicaoy in a lull; >.! Cjl.t with throat Dud )aii( iliieaKf, auJ ihuukl I* tokuu m all cute* u iiLuul ilclay. A Terrible Conftrh Cured. "IiilMTI t""k a*ev!o;<l.wl*,ii*liaffi*cteJ my luitgc. 1 bail M tmbl ^I'^'u, tu <l >.,i.i I infill after uiglit mitliulit hle<-l>. Tli" iu-lol J-.IYO uio u|i. 1 iiml AVER'S CiikHKV ]'[<- TUB vi,, wuicli relii-teU my lunga, ii.<Jtii*<tk lf|i. Mini nlli>ril*tl uiu tbe rrt nvt-n*' \' I' r I|M* rrr.-v.-IY of HIV ktlxligtU. l-l it com i nurd uw nf lli I'M l.'ll.ll a |fii..- nciil cure u;i* i-lfi-rle-il. 1 i.m m-w t ; - >'.i: i.;.l. li.ilr ai.l hearty, and uui bai.Lcti j,t.r CHLUKt J tllult.Vf. NUVU II-**. HuNn'K KAiimuTiiri." i, \ l., ,:u 5 16, 1^.'. Croup. A Mollkerti TVfl.nV. " \Vhilo iu (lie cuui.tr r luct \<ii l< r n.y ll!l! 1* \.Uin->- yarii<*kl,wilWKt-ii lilnrih , r, JK . It in-cuu'.l a* if U*j MoiUd *iif f >.. rrrin.j.i- lutiou. On.*f tlie family nuiir^Kittl tl, UMT of .VtKll'x ClIEIIHV PEC run. '.I. buttli* if wliu'li \.n uiwa)a ki>l hi il i- l.vtue. 'IMa WH trli'J in miiiill ami frci.uf i d.*.*!, ni.il to our (Jclijylil in It-en ll.iii. r*:i . i. In ur tlic* Huh- ).nl.n.tM: l.riiilh'ng c:ifi.|. I In- doe- tor HSM Ihilt llltl llll l.l.V I'l'i 10BAI. U.Tt M, -< i > ituiing,'* LI.-. C .in ; ou Molulcr ut vur gr.kiltiiue'.' s.i.*' i- 1-. , m-. Vm. KVNA <;trNFT." iv \\ettt I.-.LI St., :i. Wk, :<U) 11, I*--;. "I !*/ iw! -*.r' Ciiimir l'i < ;. KM. In iny f.rinil) |,>r IM-*VI r..l *.Mti,. -iiiil I** int lu-.t.-U" 10 |,,OIIUIM I* II ll.v II nut ptftCltftal ruiueJy lor cougUt ami ct/kis > !. "i' Uiod. A-.l^'KAMi." Lake Cry jtal, Miuu., Murc-L U, I*-."-'. ' I Mun". list fitr i|jl,t ycl.ra fl"iu Briu . hil ainl .\ii-i l. \ ( i.^ u.wu> ri-i'L^.i,.p ,. i- n.u- pifi. 1 ;vi curini t> Utw llv i.f A v t i, .- HI **- in I'MloKVI.. ,lur.|-H V> i * I oAuuot my emotii.'li in praiM of A vt n' CiiKiii'V rKtToiiAi.. iH-lii-Tii.u H 1 *lo Uaat tut for iu u**- I fhuulii loug IIMCV liaTo ilieiL In. in IUIIK trnble> >'. UH.AUOO>'." I'alwtliic, I >..!?, April 22, IM-.. No cafe of an afTeettm of tue throat or ItuiK* eifiti wlilcli cantxil be greatly relwvtkl by tho iwe of ATEB'S CHZBR\f PJJC-TOBAI. nil it wtll aliraft cm when Uie diMe** .1 not already beyond tbe control of modioaa. BT Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mi by a Advertise in Advance. ISLAND HOME Stock Farm Cross* lie. Wayne Co. * bAHNUM. lrh. FMnele Ko. M (lleTV a>.|MPORTKO* Percheron Horses. AH stock setetted knn tbo nt of dree and of eatablhhe.1 rntation and reglsUnd IB Frencb anJ Americen Mud booka. ISLAND HOME It bmuUfullr fltuftteri at the hm*l of OWMB ILK la the Detroit River, ten mile* trcl-.w the City. 1.W is accessible by railroad and tteatntxMaL VWlUMft n n farnillar with the location may emit at dty oflSc*, 51 Campau Huildir.L'. and an r vn t will aoeoaipMiT them to the (arm. Send for i (al<>ce, free by maJL AJ-Jreai. SATAUK A KABNUU. Dctrutt. " The thormmh-briwl Short Horn Hall, Dufferin Will ntaiiil for COWK t IIK M.HB.HI of 18M at Ix>t 140 lit E. T. & H Hoail. Arteniettla. Alao tbe thor- ough bred Ayribiri! Hull, Robbie Burns Will Ktanrl for CHWH the aoii of IMS, at the ante place. Poil ifir ecu of ahovo Iliilln can !< mien at any time upon application to th proprietor. TF.KN18 :- -For "Duflerln." tl.SO; "Robbie Burnn 98.00; payable let of January. DIacount for earth allowed. ARCH. CAIRNS, Fropriet.. HAG YARD'S -Tit ..SVtjg^VJL..! ^ v -> YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. An pleaaaat to take. Contain their own riraUv*. Ii a tale, lure, and rrtrftmmi par W wurmf In Children or Adtttf* EUGENIA Grist Mill, SO Hi M Ml Having inmlr fiitennre iiupnivciiirnts In KIT OriBt Hill, I am eon fi (font I oan Rive goo* tntiif action. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAY. (lood Flonr iilwuyH n Imnd. THE Thoro' Bred Bull, " CLARENDON," II (.,. /in.* at LittU SIMlfur .SrrrioJ. ( iisfom Sa\\ inir, and Bill* filled on tbe ihortent notic*. Lum- ber and Lath aJwn>- on hnnil. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. Bt. AKITT,

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