Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1885, p. 1

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Archibald, the only son of Angus McDonald, sr., late of the South Line, Artemesia, died on the 14th inst. at Santa Rosa, California. The family removed to that country last May in great hopes of getting on well in their new home, but this severe stroke will be hard to bear-Angus McDonald himself getting old and with no other help in a strange land. . *. Flesherion Advance. &apos;TRUTH BEFORE FA VOR."-" PRINCIPLES, NOT MEJV.&apos; VOL. IV., NO. 203. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, MAY 7, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE. Ouu of thu lt)a<Unu Local ami Fatuity N&apos;owi.i>u|>tir |n Northern Ontario. PublUhed JKvet-y &apos;.T&apos;hui-iscla.y, FHM I HE I ItTll K. Cuttiugicootl .Xfrwf, - - FkthertiHi, Out. TKHMHOF SUBSCRIPTION: *l.OO pr KIIUUIU ill advauce; SI .Jo If not paid At the And of 1} yearn. No pajwr diacoiitluuud until all arTi.armijud AI-O paid up; aii-l no milincrip- tioiin taken for le*n than out) yeaJT, except uh.-n special arriLuuuniout* fur shorter pvriuea are iuadj with tin- publisher. ADVERTIfUNO liATKH. Ac. Casual advertinfiiiHBin.Xroiitiipw Utluaertion and 3 cent* pi-r line uaoli siil.-*-.iu. n t iiiMirtiou. Trauiient advertiMtuvuta t-> l- paid for when ordered A<1vurtiomeMt without upecial direc tloD* will >H- Inserted till forbid and chaired ooordiugly. Liberal iuducoiueutw to regular aavurtiaeni. Notices among reailing matter, 10 cenu p.-r llnoearh Inwrtinn No aJrurti Affluent discontinued uutil all ar- re*rt(..K are paid up. < >pv for H-lvi-rtUi-tu.-iit* nhould reach this ifllro not latur than noon on Tuesday to uuaurv nastrtion in current insin. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. Tit - Bits. / of Local and (Hhrr Iittfrentimj Itrtiut yatJurnl by The Advance, Rrpuritn. D. 8. Munio has a very fine stock of m w Boots. Come and mm them. Mr. Jas. G. Brooks U rushing the work on his new house. Quarterly meeting services in Flesh- rton Methodist Church next Sunday. Lovely QinghamB very cheap at D. 8. Mnnro&apos;s. No trouble to show them. Mr. Fred. Ryder is busy at work, with a staff of hands, bricking up Mr. Harry Piper&apos;s new residence on the hill. Mr Walter Woods has purchased Mr. Robt. Parks house and lot, near this village, and hat moved thereon. &apos;I&apos;h.&apos; very latest and most fashion- able Dress Goods to be bad at D. 8. AI Hiiro&apos;s. Mr. B. Good has arranged for a sup- ply of fish for his meat market as soon as the season opens. Blacksmith Shop to rent on the 4th line, Art. -mi MI. i See advt. in another oolumn. Very fine Teas and Sugars at D. 8. Mnnro&apos;s. Miss Cornett has started in the Dress- making business in the stand oppoaite Hannah&apos;s hotel, Ftaaherton Station. See .advt. Mrs. A. T. Buchanan has started a Millinery and Ladies Notions&apos; store in Kimberly. Also Felt end Straw Hats cleaned and done over. Bee circulars. Prunes, Raisins, Dried Apples, Evaporated Apples, Onions, and a full stock of other Groceries at D. B. llun- TO&apos;B. Mr. J. C. Griffith formerly of Flesherton is driving an immense trade in the Harness-making line in Owen Sound. The case of Hopps e*. Hogg ad- journed from the last Division Court came up before Mr. B. Damodo last Thursday. Decision reserved. Don&apos;t forget to call at E.J. Grier&apos;s tin- leading store in Pricevilk. Mr. Milbum our excellent carriage maker bought t lie building which has been occupied by him for some time past at the mortgage Kale last Thursday, for the sum of 9500. Mrs. McCumb, who lives near this village, lost an order drawn on the Treasurer of Artemosia for the sum of #4 in her favor, on Tuesday evening last Finder will kindly return same. Grier selling goods at a small ad- vance on cost. We had an "infant" snow storm this week. Manitoba has got to take a back scat now, and Moaus Gates had better step down and out of the weather busi- ness. Mrs. C. Trcadgnld put the Editor&apos;s sowing machine in tine running order last Saturday. In thw laxly, Mr. T. has an Ably auxiliary in the large sewing ma- chine, organ, &c. business carried on by him in Flesherton. Success to them. Another large consignment of Hardware just received at Richardsons Spades, Shovels, Forks, Garden Rakes, Hoes, Window Glass, Ao. THE ADVANCE till Jan. 1st, isMC., for 65 cents. Subscribe now and m t the splendid new story complete, "A Gordon&apos;s Pride." Besides this and a large and ex- cellent selection of miscellaneous matter THE ADVANCE contains more home news than any other [ .ijx-r in Urey, as coinpar- ison will show. Worsted Diagonal Suitings ii Nuvy, Brown, Claret, Myrtle & Itlack at HichardsoiiB. The newest, nobbiest geods for the season, only |7, suit length. Social A grand social will be tfiven at the resi- dence uf Mr. E. Vanzant, Flesherton, un- der the auspice* of the Presbyterian Church, on Tuesday evening next, the 12th iiist. A cordial invitation extended to all. Grier does not pretend to sell goods less than cost. WHY Wir.r, YOr coa^h when Shiloh&apos;s Care will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and II. Sold by U. 8. Mimro. For Male. A three year old Mare for sale ; good worker and likely to make a pood driver. S IMI KL BADOEKOW, Lot 33, Con. 4, Artemesia. ll:M-1iallrr-. Attention. A meeting, for the purpose of organiz- ing a Dase Ball Club, will be held in the Reading Room, Flesherton, on Friday (to-morrow) evening at 7:30 o&apos;clock. All interested in this matter- and we hav no doubt a great many are should not fail to put in an appearance. Encourage the boys, and nee to it that Flesherton takes a foremost rank in such pastimes during the season of 1866. Oner&apos;s pay tba highest price Butter and Eggs. for ARE TOU MADE miserable by Indigo* tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss uf Appe tit.-, Yellow Skin &apos; Shiloh&apos;s Vilaliier is i positive cure. Sold by D. 8. Munro. FleahertwH Htation it. By O*r Own Artful Dodger. Considerable indignation in connec- tion with that auction kale racket noticed by me last week is expressed by people in this neighborhood. Will both auction- eers rise and explain, or allow some one else to do it for them 1 Our baggageman has reason to beproud of his new official cap it&apos;s a dandy. To tell the truth, Jim&apos;s a guod.steady fellow, and I would scorn to poke fun at him. McQill, the much respected station master, has been accused of writing the "Artful Dodger" items. Let &apos;em guess: McOill can stand it, and so can I. But they&apos;d better walk "buttered side up with earn" or I&apos;ll drop upon, them like a thou- sand of brick. I&apos;m an artful dodger, I Grier does not buy goods at 75c. on the $ deal class goods. in nothing but first .SHILOH&apos;S i ATAKHH REMEDY a pols live cure for Catarrh, Diptberia, an.l Canker Mouth. Sold bv D. S. Mnuro. Sons of Trinperance Concrrt. The Flesherton Sons of Temperance never do things by halves, as has boon evidenced by their public entertainments in tho past. The free entertainment by special invitation hold by them in their hall Wednesday evening last week, was no exception to tho rule. The attend- ance was Urge, and a more cheerful-look- ing gathering never assembled in the vil- lage. Every one present seemed to en- joy himself or herself to the utmost. The hall was nicely fitted up for the occasion a handsome wreath of fl >wers from the greenhouse of Mr. Jas. B*ecroft attract- ing considerable attention Refreshments were served at 9:30 in roral style, in the shape of coffee, and sundry tasty edibles, after which came dessert, in the shape of a bountiful supply of beautiful apples. This wsJ followed by a short musical and literary cencert, in Division took part. Mr. M. Richardson occupied the chair as he always does- he making a short, witty, and most ap- propriate ipceeh, and getting through the i;rognuniiiu as riiidly aa (he circumstances permitted. Rev. Mr. McDowell made a short, humorous, aad timely speech. The i>n iti-ilni&apos;.;* were closed by the singing ot the national anthem. The largert, lacs* (took of Dree* Goods now open at Richardsons and for cheapness they challenge compari- son with any stock in tho country. V -. --IIH- n I of I r< MH--IH. IMS. \\ are m< lulitad to our popular and en- ergetic assessor, Mr. John Whitby, for the following vert interesting statistics in connection with the assessment of this Township : Total assessment of real and personal property, |1,077,MO. Population, 3,7fO, increase 10. Cattle, 4;t&apos;.rj, inmaae 132. Sheep, 4457, inereasc 163. Hoggs, 1 -&apos;.&apos;:&apos;., dssreaa-t 42. Horses, 1273, increase 102. Births, 81, dedsaje 9. Deaths, 31 , deosease 2. Number of resident ratepayers, 821, in- crease 7. Number of nonresident ratepayers, 48, increase 8. Acre* of uon-rasjdeat lands 2,485, uVcruaM 7 A Fall Wheat, 076, decrease 264. Number <>f ratepayers on tho roll, M70, increase 16. Methodist ratepayers, 378, increase 18. Presbyterian ralspayera, 143, increase 9. Church of England ratepayers, 76, de- crease 2. Haptist ratepayers, S3, increase 8. Church of Rune ratepayers, 16, de- crease 6. PRICEVILLE PICKINGS. w *y th ^ the i**- *** ^ "* *eii M lofrs, stumps and other rubbish, ruaheil The Banquet to Dr. Vbent and en moue with great force against the mill Other InU-rmlnK Mews IteDM. .hich had to auooidnh at last. The !.. (From vur own Cvrretfviuitnt. ) <* *** MoOowan e*uu<* be less than The banquet to Dr. Ghent in the Com- * 1500 - "***> neighbors turned out laat mercial Hotel, on the 28th April, proved i Monday to Ml up the breakacre .m th,- to bo a, great succees, by so many of the j daln &apos; and did B 1 work Others are ex- Dr&apos;s friends meeting together on the eve I**** 1 this week to give their help, in of tbat Kntleman&apos;a doparturc for Tonm- wb * t th *J **** do- No doubt the can*- to, where he ha* recerred a good appoint-!" 1 th *o5 thb year was uwn u ment. The table was well provided f,, r * the draining of Profe.n and Melan,- by the host and hostess of the Commercial. The chair was taken by the Professor Konold, who filled his office in a practical aa wall as pleasant and judicious manner. His owning address *** Hi* 011 ! back horn hii Ujur,aeeing h fri ad &apos; Middlesex. He is quite c &apos;ry good after his trip. Mr - THr left this place lately, aud WM on friendahip and true happiness. " : "&apos; h chr tc of abode in Durham, Rv Bir.McLeodfoUowed,aud inhisspeech | wf >ere he will no doubt make many new n -f t-rred to hU first acquaintance with | Wends and drive a auccossful business. tho I >r, and his opinion of htm ai a medi- cal professer. Knowing this by axper- Archibald, the only soa of AUKUSJ M Donald , ., Ute of the Booth Line, \r ienoe, he also spoke in behalf of the Dr,j^maia, died on the 14th lost at Santa Duoipl* ratepayer*. 4, hi -Tia 1. HHILOH&apos;M CURB will immeJiately n-liere Croup, Wbooplug Cough tiid LIruuckitu Sold by I). 8. Mnnro. Nails, Glaji, Putty, Hinges, Locks Latches, aud all kinds of builder&apos;s Hardware can DOW be had chi-apor in FleRhertou than anywhere in this County. FOR DY81&apos;EPS1A and LiTcr Complaint yon have t printed guarantee on every bottle uf Hhiloh&apos;i Vitalitar. It never fails to core. Sold by 1>. S. Mnnro. "Bay Champion/ Tin* excellent Draught Stallion, the property of Mr. Bobt. Paton, Proton Township, will nuke the season of 1885 as follows : Monday, will latve his own stable, lot 9, con. a)!&apos;th. Proton, and proceed to Muiishaw&apos;s Hotel, Flushcrton, for noon ; thence to Thos. McArthur&apos;s, north line. Arti-musia, for night. Tn. xilay. will proceed to Atcheson&apos;s ho- tel, I&apos;n. rvillu, IMOII ; thence along Dur- ham road to John Stewart a, neiir Huiieas- .111, for night. Wednesday, proceed by way of Robroy hotel to Walter Nicklea&apos;s, Ulenelg, noon ; thence toQuentii Pettigruw&apos;s, near Or- chardvillu, Norimauby, night. Thunday, proceed by way of Holitein AUx Mutches, KIJIVIIII.III, noon ; thence MI Js*. Paul&apos;s, lot 22, con. llth, for night. Friday, proceed to Cedarville, noon ; thonce by Russell&apos;s cornen to Win. M. Lareu&apos;s, 10th oon., I*roton, for night. Saturday, proceed to Thomas Aldcorna, oon. 17th, Egroutont, noon ; thence by N.th i cornen, alum; 17tli con.. Proton, his own itable where ho will remain until the following Monday morning. Abovti Mute will be continued through- iut tin- season, health and weather pur- nutting. See bilk. better half, and made a lengthy speech, in which h paid a fitting tribute to her character M a Christian, especially to the Mr. Jenkins, of the Durham made a clever speech, vfaiok provoked considerabte mirrh. Mr./amei Oeaapbell, big-hearted, genial, and popu- lar License Inspector far Bast Orry, ex- pruesed his sorrow that the Doctor was tearing the Cvunty, bat hoped to meet him occasionally in Toronto. Mr. John MrArthur, the excellent representative at the AiteaBesta Council Board fcr Ward Nu. 1, and Dr. Hi* to Dr. Ghent each gave short speeches, suitable em, OaUfocua. The family remuved to that country lait May in great hopes of getting on well in their new hume, but thia severe *trukt> will be hard to bear Angus McDonald tuouel/ getting, old ao<< with nu other help in a strange laud. A Ui> RSUJCT. Neglecting a eonstipal- d eondUion of the bowels U snrs lo bnuif ill health aod gr*at talf*ring. Burdock Blood Bitten regulate the lx wl* in a uatu- ml maancr, panlyug tn blood and prustute a healthy actlno of the itcmach, Uvsr, kid- neys and Buwels. A He*YT, Ail- Wool Canadian Tweed Suit, length for any man in Gray for 13.60 at Richardooo&apos;i. for the ooeasioo. Dr. Ghent thanked the many friends who had assembled to bid him farewell He read a letter he had received fonrtoen years ago from Mr. John Gordon president of the T. O. & B. R. at that time in reference to the railway rbenmatish, stiff joints, paio, inflamnia stations on the* line. "God save the **&apos; Queen" was then sung, when a number left fur home, the rest, aonvt 90 in num ber, remaining until the " wee sma hours," ilrinking toasts, singing and making speeches. "Our Country," responded to A Tnotr Crw. A rare for Croup There is DO better laaxry fur croup tfcau Hagyard&apos;i Yellow Oil takra internally anj applied awording to spteial 4u*eti.>os. This U thf great hooieboU rjansns kit MSB, Tb HUD. TUe MlnlHer ul Kdssaltnn. in stal I ton nt ImprorlDf Ute condition tail e>|>petrtuice if tho Hohool ground*, by IvrulUng, tnt?;>ls.i:Ui:n. wsJk*. flowerbeds. Ac. In wLlch the eblldroo will by Mr. Smiley m tho song, "And s-y &apos; ^ ly u,. p rt , ^ whk!b ^ ., > we Yet,&apos; Ac. The Army andloalv ratxler tbo schools luora plMwaoi and >t tractlvv. but also be prouwtlvo of bes>ltb. eoui (urt, taete. and reflnsiuent I would re|wetfully ruqueet your Individual au 1 hearty c<> vi^rii n and interest lo ao deelrable a matler Tlte tlm* steted 1s a proper one lor plantluf hard stwoods. t-Iios. Urohee. rtc . left for efrKTeas, wblrli sliould unt be traiuplautol bofurv tin- Orst . i u(Jna. I shall be glad to rtceivv from each teaolier. a ruport of the prwiasxItiisTS and su cooes of our flnt prorlnelal Arbor Ds>> at th>> ..rliet "i i- &apos; tunlty. afterwards. Nary," responded to by Mr. Smiley, in the song, "Red, White and Blo." "Our Uuest&apos;" responded to by song and chorus, "For he&apos;s a jolly good Fellow," led by Mr. Oeoige Alexander ; song by the lat- "* * M mapl ": ^ ter, &apos;ScotUad&apos;s HOI. and Ltlaud&apos;s Nowea." "Our Host and Hostess," re- sponded to by Mr. Atkinson. Thu whole concluded by the singing of " Aiil.i Lang Syne." (>TRR ITIMS. [The fnllowiuK w * received too last for last week&apos;s paper Bn.J The spring floods did a great deal of damage to Mr. MoOowan&apos;s mil 1 diun, as well as carrying away the old grist mill, &apos; which stood si. many floods for tin- last! JO yuars. The Ixmm across the Jam i;avri W. FERGUSON. April. 18H. EASILY CACURT. It Is vrry easy to i-a:. S eld, but net so easy to tun it unleas ;< i me Hazard&apos;s P<-otoral Baluuii, tli bmt rvmedy (ur all thruat. bronchial anil Inng troubles, coughs, colds, and consumptive The Problem Solved -( FORESEEING THAT Long lams at Clear Hacon Uichardsons. aud Smoked Above are choice meats and selling cheap. i .olu>n Opinion. Mrs. Win. Allan. <>f Acton, dsclarni that Hagyard&apos;n Yellow Oil is tbe best household remedy in the world for eolds, croup, sore hroat, tmnis, soaldi and other piiinful eom- which a number of the members of the j plaints. Her opinion is well founded. N Free Trade vs. Protection Would It-ad to trouble , our head politician molvcd to SOLVE THE CONUNDRUM ! (1st.) We favor Free Tmde, that is, wo want everyone to trado fn. h with ua. (2nd.) We favor Protection, or iu other words, wo will protect our cus- tomers against Higb Prices and Hard Times. If you doubt the accuracy of tho Solution, ooroo and sue us aud examine Our Immense Stock of Dry (roods, j Ready-Made Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Glassware, Ac. Which wo arc selling at prices that ought to command your attention. B. J. OEIBR. PRICEVILLE. April, 1866. *

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