Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1885, p. 1

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The wife of Mr. Geo. Gordon, who lived near Eugenia, died on the 8th of this month, leaving a husband and three small children to mourn her loss. The bereaved ones have the heartfelt sympathy of every one in their sore affliction. Many of our readers will be surprised and grieved to learn of the death of Annie, daughter of Mr. Jos Pearce, of this Township. The sad event occurred last Sunday at her residence near Orono. Deceased had not been married long, and her death must be a terrible shock to her husband, who, more than any one else, should have the sympathy of the public. Fleshertoii Advance V. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, WOT M EJV.&apos; VOL. IV., NO. 202. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, APRIL 30, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. HE ADVANCE, Out 1 of the li-R&apos;IiTix l-oonl nnd Kninilv Newxii.ij&apos;.-r l> SoiUiaru Ontario. I&apos;llbluth...! IIOM THE OKKICX, TirilMH OF HI&apos;HHCRIITIHS- > per annum In Ivan.-.- *l&apos;J&apos;if not jiai.l at th.&apos;w<l of 1) yuan. No |mper i|ioont:niic<l until all arrura^cHar i>aid up , ml uo .ul^*-ri| iiuii talttm fur lu*> than one >uar, ntcupt wkru -]MH&apos;il rrBii^&apos;im nt- f.ir shorter ii.&apos;iodn ait .iia-lu with tin- piil&apos;. l:.\ I i:s,i-. Omvial ulv^rti>uuiiiiit.Nio:itK]>r l>t iimertkm 1 n-.-rtiou. Trail-lent u Ui&apos;iti-c:ii&apos; M- to Ix- paid for when "rdertvl. A&apos;lvfitisrujtifili* without t-jifiial ilfr.T :uim will liu iuM>rtJ till forbiil anil chaw I ^ i-&apos;>r.lmKU - . Liber*! iM-lucameiiu to nnjular advurtiiMin. N-.t&apos;t.&apos;.-- ni.ioii^ ruadil:^ i. utter. 10 cent* i-r llueuach in-.-rtlnn. No a1v>.ril.iiii<nt diaoontinuixl until all ar reariuri are pai-l up. i .,>. fur &dvuj*tiiw>iituuU nboulil reach thi* i&apos;. &apos; iti-r thKTi I&apos;ooM uu Tuuulay to ensure usertun in current i--iir A. R FAWCETT. Tit - Bits. &apos;.,,..,,&apos;/i&apos;,i &apos;&apos;.&apos;( Tlif A&apos;lrnucr Suedni&apos;4 i>i>erati.in commenced in Eu- (ihnuia Tuwnahip hist wevk, Thoae wantinK &apos;> purchase fint-clan Houdan Egg*, will do well to call on Mr. 3. W. Bates, Fleihurton. -Mr Andrew Boattie haa four or five humrred buahels of fimd Early Re Po- tatoes for aale. See bills. In the list of improvement* given by in last week, tin- name of \\ m. Taylor should have beu David Taylor. Full suit length nf Scotch Tweed, fast colon;, for $6 at Richarrhon&apos;B. Plow in&apos;,&apos; commenced in Euphnwia Towmihip the weok Iteforu hut. In Ar- tfiuesiii, our fanners were busy at the KSIIIC work last week. Thv popular mail itage driver, Mr. Curry, retried the roads very heavy be- tween Eugenia anil Epping the latter part of last week. By this time, however, they will be in much better condition. Jimt rtetiutd : t largo casks of fine (,&apos;old-lined China and beautiful now coral pattern, Htono Tea Sets, at Richardson&apos;s. Priceville and Inistioite correspondence jweived too late for this week&apos;s paper. I&apos;lenee send not later than Tuesday even- ing as *e. qn to pt*aa earfy every Thurs- day morning. Our young friend. Mr. .1. A. Carbert I 1 . L. S. ion of Dr. Carlwpt, Orangeville will kindly accept our wan-must congrat- ulations on the occasion of hi* pniuimi the ivi-i&apos;iit nii&apos;ilirnl exaiiiinationi at Tor- onto &apos;i successfully. Apples are a very scarce article at this wagon of thu year, but the Kditor wa mado thr recipient of a good big iMidketful last Friday by Mr. W. J. Ektiu, who will kindly accept his warmest thanks. Kvrry builder can get a good equivalent i&apos;i.r his iiK>ncy ill Hiohanl son&apos;*. IlanKv.irc - -Tlic thoniiigli-hred Diirlmm bull, "Y&apos;wiii;; HuriJ&apos;irk," will be for nerv ice this season at Lot A, C<i. 4, Euplinwui. Thii tine luill is tir.^ property of Mr. H. V. Gaiidin. For terms, &c., Ac., mo bill* just | r n&apos;ed. Tlie third number of the Ti&apos;i;> Ham- mrr, puMiihed by the employees of the Maiisuy Mfif. Co., Toronto, is on our tab- le. It M isHued monthly and is really a cnpitnlly edited paper, containivj;, with- in small compass, a great fund of useful ti ! interesting reading matte*. Suc- cess ! I -. Strayed from the preraioeii of TYintnaa Iirewnridt;e, Lot 12, con. 6, Os- pi-ey, on Sunday afternoon Inat I&apos;.Mli init., u dark brown < &apos;olt, rising two yean old. Any pi-moil ;^Wini; information which will lead to to the recovery will be suitably Cfjvardcd. .^A jot) line of beautiful check .1. istri&apos;s. only 15 cents per ynrd, at Hiclianlson&apos;s same goods wcro sold wholesale at 20 cents this spring. CKOl I 1 . WHOOPING roi?OH, A Dron- rliilin iinnifsliatrly relieved by Shlloli&apos;s Cun-. Sold by D. 8. Munro. -The. wife of Mr. Geo. Gordon, who lived near Eugenia, died on the Hth nf this month, Icaunj; a hutband and three small children to iimiirn her !*. The Iwreavud one* have thu heartfelt ftvmpa- thy of every one in their sore affliction. Full suit length Tweed, all wool, choice $3,50 at Hichurdson&apos;s. of Canadian patterns, for I . (i Dr. (ihent so l<ig a familiar "land- mark" in our western sister-village, 1&apos;rice- ville recently sold hi* practice to Dr. Hizon, a rising and popular young physi- cian. Dr. Ghent haa alia succeeded in disposing of hit property in and around Hricuville at a fm.-d round sum. -mil haa I purchased a handx^pe residence unQuuen Our weather prpht>t, Mr. M. Rich- 1 street west, Toronto for which h paid ardson, ha* in it ventured any furthur pre- diction* concerning the weather since his lant Mici-esMul "forecast." Wo hope he will not loii!( allnw us dark in this respect ; t<i remniu m the but unlike Mseit Oats or Dr. K. Stone Wiggins, "let his light shine." -Many of our readers will be surprised and grieved to l.-.irn f the death of An nie, daughter of Mr. Jos. 1&apos;earce, of this Townidiip. Tlie sad event occured last Sunday at her late residence near Orono. Dece:tsd had not been married long, and her death must be. a terrible shock to her husband, who, more than any one else, should have the sympathy of the public. Straw Hats for 800 men aud boys just opened at Richardson&apos;s. Tins is tlic prettiest and cheapest stock ever offered here. Our energetic friend the well-known and highly esteemed Markdale Jeweller Mr. W. A. browu, is a firm believer in the judicious and extensive use of print- ers&apos; iuk. as our readers may judge by re- ferring to our advertising columns. If square, honest, upright dialing lead* to to all to success, then friend Brown ought eminently successful fr he poss of these desirable characterixtic*. Mr.F. O. Reddish, of the well known medicine firm of 8. C. Wells & Co., of Le- Koy, N. Y., waa in town last Monday. Our Merchant, Mr. D. 8. Munrou, has been appointed agent in this place for \\t-IN & Go&apos;s medicines, viz., Shiloh&apos;s Consumption Cure, Khiloh&apos;s System Vit- alizer, Shiluh&apos;a Catarrh Remedy, Shiloh a Belladonua Plaster,* Well&apos;s Persian Per- fume "Haekmetack." New Ooods arriving daily at R. Trimble&apos;s. While ahoeing a horse one day last week, our good citizen, Mr. Robt. Clark, met with a had accident. He raised thr foot in the usual manner, and had juat commenced preparing it for the khoo, ,-b.eii, without warning, the animal ki<&- ed vigoroualy, breaking throe of Mr. Clark&apos;s ril and otherwise injuring him. Mr. Clark tins shod the same lume many times before, aud had never known him to "kick up such didoes." Another lot of Clover and Gras* Seeds just received at H. Trimble&apos;s. Mr. George E. Tuckett, of the firm of Tuckrtt & Son, manufacturers of tobac- co has just returned trom thv North- West, where he was the the aum of fM.OOO \Ve wish the evory >ucoBa in IIMOSaS in &apos; <_ . : U*r>- wen. informed set era! week* of the facts given above, but fearing it had no foundation- &apos;a* in the case of the report circulated sum* time ago we de- termined to say notaing until we had the Dr. in person. For Garden Seeds. Dutch Setts, and Top Onious, go to II. Trimble&apos;s. II. ... 4 .1 111: In. While the fire was at its height in Heshert.in last Thursday , Frank Hoppa sauntered into Mr. Jaa. G. Ruasell s jew- elry store. The proprietor was absent his place Ix-mir filled in the meantime by hU smart and courteous apprentice, Mat- ter Josiali Strain. While the Uttur&apos;s back wan turned, Hopp* ijuickly iiiitch- ed a plain gold ring out of the case and lecreted it about his person. Young Strain, with the keen perception of a detective, &apos; smelt a rat, " so to apeak and noticing that a ring was missing from thu case, at once accused Hopjis of the thvft. The latter, of tout*, promptly denied the aocuiation with seom. The servieea uf Mr. K. J. Spronle were now called into requisition, and Hoppa interviewed. With thu cleverness of an experienced diplomat, Mr. Spreule soon succeed. <! i* brinxing the iiiinble-lingenxl Uopps "t<> tisae," when the ring was promptly brought out from its hiding place and r- stored to young Sir ,nj W undnuMid *3 I- ., lucceodcd in getting an order fr. .in Hop], s m Mr. H. Kichardsou, ostensibly with the latter guntleinan&apos;s signature affixed thereto. Enquiry toon elicited the fact, that the order was a bogus one, tin name of Mr. Ricaardaon having been forged. Thusire find a young man wh.4.i the majority of peopla, at Any rate, previously considered ** honest and reapectable guilty of the crimes of liufl and fi*yny. 8HIU)I!&apos;H VITALIZEHit what you need for Consti|iation, Low of A|.|x-tite. I>lme and all nyinptoins of Dyspt-inia. Pnc 10 it 75 cent* per I., ttle. Hold t>y I &apos; K. Monro. detttribution of "Myrtle Navy" t. &apos;> . to the volunUicn, who were all highly de- lighted with the kind aot of thin well- lown firm. Mr. Tuckutt says there is u great deal IIP . excitement h.-rc in Ham- ilton over the rebellion tlitui there is in Winnipeg or the North-West. Turinibi Mail. An immense arrival of Ladies and Children&apos;s Shoos in all styles at R. Trimble s. Mr. Curry, the popular mail driver between this place and E|ipitiK, liul not succeed in getting thro&apos; to Klenhcrton on | Friday and Saturday of hint week, owing to an accident. His n--.- was hadlysniaah- ed in n luul part of the road on the "long cross way" near Kiml-erly, caused by tho freshets which carried off about 27 feet of turnpiking constructed lait fall under the superintendence of Councillors Black and Hurd. Reeve Oilray promptly attended to the repairing of the "breach" by let- ting the contract last Friday afternoon by- public "bids." - Any quanticv of Cumberland Cut and LOUR Clear Itacnn at lowest cuncli figures at K. Trimble&apos;s, IT i* with thn iitm.<st confidence in thr re- unit that tho manufacturer* nf the "Myrtle Navy" tobacco tk all who have not tried It to do so. The th.iiKRinl* who have already done so are unanimous ip tbe verdict which they givi in its UvQf , Flrshrrton Nlatlon 1 1. m. /(y Our Own Arijul /&apos;./;;T. Mr K H. Hiddatitth. late of the lugenia hotel -ami who has U-en put tinK up at tin- Station li-.t. 1 for son* time pant lin-t I naked the \ &apos;in. ;TI House, Dwell Sound. Takes j n l*t May. Our good- look ing baggage limn win n- b seen eiliil.iting to the gllT of the wondering iniiltitides, win. tl,i..i,_- our lUtion at train time, a handsome new cap. Arge quantities (<f si{uan> timber can be seen passing along the C. 1&apos;. K. line, ei. route f.r Kastern Canada, erery day. Tlie timber lying at present at this tat ion will shortly I* shipped also. s iiaid an inqsest win toleninly held over the remains of one of the dogs which lately "kicked the bucket." Ver- dict : death by ^Atoning ; an individual a irhilt man ssspected. There i> no foundation for ths suspicion whatever, all thu same. One of the leading auctioneer* in this County refused to sell Dave White* stuff imiioiin.v.l to bt sold by auction on the day of our itsllion show nnd now tin 1 people iir. 1 wondcrine; what lead th.< auctioneer to act in this manner, after FLESHERTON SENSATION. Mr.Auitin8hackalforirsvc.it Thr First Firr iu I&apos;iftrrn Years, but the flames were s....n Efficient W i.rU of tin- r ir Engine. Shortly after one ocluck on Thursday :ift,Tii&apos;H.ii laat.Binokc was noticed issuing from the tides and roof of tin- building occupied as a residence by Mr. H. \Vil- kerson, on QoOfatgWOod street, near the a bucketful of water judiciously applie.l. Of the ladies, Miss KiiiniaDaniudu per formed the most efficient ser. The opinion of tlino wh.j saw the engine at work was expressed in. tl. word* of a bystander : "She&apos;s a daisy, and I think its high time the village his nama to appear at tho foot of the bill* for nearly a week previous. Dave irot anthprauctione.&apos;r, and. utrnnge to say, tho "new-eomer" alo n- fused ! tell tho *tuff. THAT HACK1HO COt (ill can ijnirkly onrtd by Ssilnh&apos;s enre. We lantee it. Mold by P. S. klnaro. bf < liuivU. The alarm uf tir*^ cured it and organisMf a f<-<A coq* . I was K^- i and in aniacrediUy ahort time, fireman !" So we think, a large nuuihwr of our citizen* war* on the Th building destroyed by the fire W- ipot. Thani wan nobody in the houu- at longed to Mr. A. Munahaw, and wu not the, turns, IUK! the doors were all fattened injured. Mra. Wilkenon being in Owen Sound The be originated frum a defwlive on a visit to soon* friend*, and Mr. WU- i flue, and not, as lome thought, "frum a konon having juit (ton* down itroet to &apos; pipe of bunting tobacco." tret his mail. Mr. 8. Dainude and Mr. The village people - ai a whole de- \Viu. RUM were fint on the scene After terre the greatest praise frthoir energet- forcing their way inude, Uiey wore ur- ic and pronipt action in staying the pnsed to l.n<l 110 aignc of fire, and HOT ITEK TU SHELL Of SJCOKI ! CloainK ths doora they went oat again and made their way to the back of the of the fl.iiuun andruacumg fumitorr. building, where the tmoke waa now roll- rtmsdy for von. ing ut in denae volumes. They went in- to the house again, and I y this time the tUinea luul wurited their way inmde and the room* were rapidly tilling with aaaoke. By this time large number* of the ril- lagurs and farmer* who chanced to be in SLEEl&apos;LKRS NIGHTS. roaUe by that Umble oongh. Shiloh&apos;i Cure .- ti SolJbvD S. Munro. had arrived, and by strenuous eff- orts the most of the content* were saved U.fure th fire had gained inch headway as to prevent working inside. With each gust of wind, the firu increased In fury, and sooa threatened th residence of Mr. W. W. Thmble. jnst accrow MM itreet. Water wa* brought in largv quantities by m.iny wilUng hand* sad asahed < both buildings, bs: with very little effect on the oss. At this lilnilN-rlrjr (From our win. L&apos;orrtif<*ulrni.) Although of late not figuring very prominently in your column*, Kiiiibcr!. y is itili alive, healthy, and progressing. Mr. B. Howell having rented his farm to Mr. J. Howe, has moved into the vil- lage, built a shop, and u again at the blacksmithing. Mr. J. M. ThuisUm i* preparing to build a front to hi* Temperance Hooss. Messrs. McKenzie & 1&apos;ruchard mtvn&apos;l making brick this IUUIUM*, aud are m w gettirn; ready their brickyard, which is nthe North- West uf the uf the branches nf tlte f clay for thn to be f iiiul. The floods were very high thia spm.*-. Nearly all bridgui and crouways en th of crery one present a Urrib havt, b*n cut acrnm the MS.&apos;S in i>ut TIB and soon a steady strsam of water snb- lined the names tad prevented , - the them le destruction uf property was averted by the opportune arrival nf the hand en- gine, which worked most admirably- de- monstrating bey.md the possibility of a doubt its usefulness to be much greater than the most sanguine could haveeipect- >-d who never it at work. Mr. J. Uurdon, who is an experienced fireman, engineered it in the most ikilful nuuiner, bring ably assisted by Mr. Win. Clayton ami i then. A hand pump, brought up by Mr. John H. Heard, also did good ien-ice. The fire lasted .v. r an hour. IfOTBH. A pile of icfuse in the yard of Mr .lames <ilau nearly a block distant from the burning building, caught tire from a spark blown thither by the wind, but iurtiinately was discovered in time and put out. Mi.&apos;Mi&apos; I V.mdiisen harl hix eye- lir.iw - .&apos;I&apos;ll! ;. . !.I-H|IU* H-4.ruhed nil&apos; I&apos;) tin- places requiring a bridge t.. cross them. The fall wheat lias uouie through the winter in ^KH! condition. The fanners have been plowing some- thing over a <*>k, but owing to the late wet weather vary littlw sowing has Wn done. The members of the council <>f R. T. of T., intend giving s concert sn the even- ing of the l&apos;4th of May. During llir winter, the Sunday School Ixiugiit a St. .Tame* or^ran, which Ri.f > gowl satiafactiou. Mr. J. White, ax. nt <wen S.nd. Last Sabbath mniing Mr Su^gitt IIH k Rev. Dr, Strongman&apos;s place hvrv .m.l preached a very acceptable MTIIIOII, th<i&apos; a smail congri-gation hail assembled, . winu to (tie wet weather. WILL Yul SI FKl.K Mitlil&apos;v. r< .,,-.asnd LITIT Complaint ? SlnluliN Vitii7.er i>g&apos;iar snl.-.- 1 t.&apos; .- n \.-n. :-i I.I l.y |i. 8. Munro. The Problem Solved 1 FORESEEING THAT > Free Trade vs. Protection Would lead to trouble, our head politicnin rerolvcd tn SOLVE THE CONUNDRUM ! i 1 -.1 Wo favor Frtt Tradt, that is, wo want everyone U) tradr fret!\ with us. .) We fiivor /Vo/^rriVdv, or in other words, wo will protect onr cn- tomers against High 1&apos;rices and Hard Timon. If you doubt the accuracy of the Solution, come and coo ni and Our Iniiiieiise Slork of Ih*y I Heady-Made Clothing, Boots d Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Glassware, &c. Which wo are selling at prices that onght to command your aUcntum. B. J. GBIBR. April, 18tJ5,

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