Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1885, p. 4

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J. a. RUSSELL The Noted Jewellery Man ! FLESHEBTON. REPAIRING! In all its Branches Satis- factorily attended to- THE ADVANCE. A. R> Fawcett. Editor. FLESHERTON : THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1885. . THE OUTLOOK. The most tremendous events in British history hang on the issues of this week. Tin. war cloud with Rus- sia which lifted for a while uow lowers most ominously. Gladstone asked parliament yesterday for a cred- it of fifty-five millions, which was voted clui rfully by both Conservatives and Liberals. The Ameer of Afghan- istan ftars tbo admission of Hritish troops into his territory will re-kindle the smouldering fires of Afghan hos- tility to tlu-iii, and be the means of liis own destruction. Turkey feels her iiniwrtance and will close the Dardciitllc'h iif-uiust war ships of all nations. France exerts an influence adverse to Britain and favors Rusiua. A government organ in Vienna 8y: "TIio lut days of British power and prestige will be the last days of political liberty for Europe." This mdicnU'8 Austrian good-will. Germany waits her opportunity to play wliatevr c:u-d will serve her best in the coming struggle. Nearer home we wait with anxiety the news from our boys in the North- \Vest. It is expected tluit General Middlctoii wiil *tnk< Hid to day, ami possibly at tl.is moment our volun- teers arc engu^(-d in the fruy. \Ve arc not doubtful of the final issue, hut the simple may be a bloody one, and will be enormous in cost ; but tin 1 man who would grudge to bear hia !:-irc when his country's honor and liberty is at stake, is not worthy the name of Briton. "The man who 1ms lividtosee the destruction of his country, lias lived too lonjj, and the wiTtch that could enjoy life uftc-r such a catastrophe deserves not to have lived at all." "SCHOOL MA TTERS." Another characteristic effusion from ihe Beaver Valley Time* on this sub- jc-ct, is at hand, and for violence could ;:Ki-ly he surpassed. We are a little puzzled us to the propriety of bringing the ADVANCE down to its level to notice it. We arc reminded t' the Scotch ministrr and Sandy : i.itt. r was rather too full of gca- :i'-:ilatii)ii ami whine during divine service. The minister, as in duty bound, reprimanded Sandy, but as .MM us dismissed, an elder accosted .he minister for his severity. The minister very naturally required a icason. The cider's reply was : Dinna yc km that Sandy is daft!" A sufficient excuse for Sandy ! Seeing onr dilemma, then, and the t'licvmpttency of the Time* to discuss imbliu mutters intelligently who sub- stitutes passion for reason and has the simplicity or temerity to suppose '.hat it will pass current for comment. We will not add to the weight of his AM vitui .crutiso emanations to sink him lower in public estimation. What wo have said on the School Ouchtiou and the necessity for com- j>i;tency, both on the part of Teachers and Inspectors, is unimpeachable and defies contradictwu ; and if the Timet have a friend who is an Inspector to whom may be applied tbe term t'ncom- pte*t we are not to blame. In- spectors arc public sarvants ; their ability and their work are fair subjects for criticism, and our knowledge of those facts comes from sources so well authenticated, that it becomes a duty a public duty to speak out. If the Timet did not feel sorely the force of our arguments, why get so angry ? But the reason was not far to seek. Any one reading his former replies can conceive nothing more clearly but that they were apoltgctic in style, and painfully so, But, bearing "Daft Sandy " in mind, we may repeat with very great propriety, incompetency to comprehend hereditarily possessed, no doubt, and therefore a matter to bo considered at it is We have only to say, further, to the 7\mrt, that independent of its charges of hypocrisy and ravings, this School question is destined to be ventilated still further. The County Council's Committee is composed of meii fully qualified to judge of the ability necessary, and that possessed by our Inspectors, and the propriety of a ehange or otherwise. Already much information has been obtained, we learn. The Minister of Education has been interviewed, and other evi- dences obtained to assist in arriving at an intelligent conclusion. And as the Timet leaves us the fort unassail- ed but by wrath and balderdash we do not deem it expedient at pres- ent to continue the subject, fearing that so irritable and fatuitous com- position might bo precipitated to a homicidal tendency, and Clarksburg become suddenly benighted for want of its "lumiuariuB." We may say, additional, that our position is an independent one. Our clue is not derived from either the Thornbury Standard or the Din-ham Chronicle, who happen to endorse our sentiments. Those papers are well able to take care of themselves. They are correct echoes of public opinion on this subject. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Township Council of Osprey is determined to cut down expenses to the lust cent this year. The determ- ination is a wise one, so long as the policy pursued is not a "penny wise and pound foolish one." An economy detrimental to the best interests of the [K'ople is as often the rule, we re- gret to say, as the exception. The fact that the "Frog Lake M acre" has been emphatically con- trailictcd l>y those who ought to know wherrof they speak, rotloote very dis- creditably upon our entrrjiriiiiiy and reliable big dailies* The Globe got ahead of all the papers in the Domin- ion in chronicling an event which never occurred, we arc told. In fact there has evidently been sc much tall lying done by newspaper correspond- ents in the North-West, that a (,'ront many intelligent people in Ontarin/ are actually under the impression that there is no rebellion in the N. W. T's at all only a tc&re t Spring poets are not plentiful this year in Grey. This must be owing to the fact that our esteemed brother, Mr. Seneca G. Kctehum, hits removed to Orangeville, Only one poet struck the ADVANCE office, nnd he is now in the land of the departed spirits, where they have no newspapers. He was very polite, and even asked pcrmiss- '(iii to read sonic of his poetry to us. In an niignardcd moment we consent- ed. He read two lines and a half, we think. However, it doesn't mat- ter. Our mountain howitzer was loaded to the mu/zle with boarding bonne beef steak and gome of the Owen Sound Atiorrtitcr'g articles on Sir John, the Conspirators, and the C. P. It., and we shot the poet in "cold blood." He never kicked after the discharge of our cannon in fact there wasn't enough of him left t-j feed a inosmiitoe, to Rav nothing about i i ' THE SCOTT ACT. The petitions were held to bo gooc and the Scott Act will be voted on in Grey, on the '22nd of June. The CIIKOSICI.E was right about the tech- nicalities. Durham Chronitle. Wo have been informed that the petitions referred to were not good, but arc glad to know that snch i not the case. The leading anii-8eott Aet paper in Grey ought to be well posted : hence we the more readily give publi- city to the item quoted above, kno ing the source from whcuec the in- formation emanates. Fluid Lightning, All lufluren from that terrible torment, Neuralgia, can be made happy rft m> mo- ment by a single application uf FlaW Light- ninu briskly rubbed on painful, Pfrti, nod without tmiig any dingusting inriirinr day after day with little or no rmnh. Fluid Lighting also eorei ag effectually Toothache, Lumbago, Hhumatinui, Headache, am) il only 25 oenta per botUe**HichardMNl'l)rag Blore. IMmdalk. (From our ouii f\irr*pondrnt.) I hare after looked for items from tins point, in your ipicy i>a[>er, and as I drop mt. the .village, occasionally, I will gath- er a few items for the ADVANCE readers. You know the litrald man was blowing last wuvk about hit correspondent*. Dundolk i*|n. <t|w it h. .nt its in. n of learti- K, and for aught we know there may be editorial talent lying dormant. There u the dudish looking clerk, who scribble* for the Pott, whose talent consuU in u tilizing the poetical productions of var- ious authors and leasing them off a* hi* uwn, thereby astonishing the native*, by his wonderful efforU, Then there U $300 a year M. A. with hi* unintelligible jargon- also a correaiHindent in embryo, and a linst of others, of which space doe* not allow me to ipeak. The arrival of a number of young ladie* to conduct milliner} 1 and dreaiing oi>era- tions has created quite an excitement among Dundalk "boys," and they may be seen in their beat attiro, cane, etc., en- deavoring "make an impression." The joy ex|ierieuced by the old maids al the arrival of their favorite Mr. Kelly was only ihort-lived, a* ho i* loon to leave again. They couldn't all have him you know. We noticed Dr. Leitch from your vi- cinity in Dundalk, were informed hu came to lupply the {ilaoe of Itr.Mc William, who returned on Saturday evening. Mr. J. U. Russell of your Tillage was here last wek making arrangement* for a branch of his biuinf.sa, in the repairing line. Several "grass widowt-rs" can be *een sod nnd pcn*ive-lookin<( in our midst. A new school house M to be erected thi* summer in the village, Mr. Largo of Markdale ha* tliu contract. Mr. Irish has hi* ['l.-uuni,' factory near- ly complete. Wo note the recovery of several penons who were ill fur some time ]>ast. Liirgo qiiantitie* of timber (till remain in the station yard. It was reported, that Mr. Symington, our station master wan going to take charge of Shelburne station, lt^ we hopf not as Joe is well liked here. - l in- Kraiilirul In v.run . To Hie E'lUi* uf Thr, Ailnmcr. Picturesque icenery at home not jtut the work of nature, as in some distant and rocky country, but right here at home, even on tliu struct* of our town the eye may feast itself upon romantic scenery until it is tired. Why, on one the front street*, the gigantic l>eech log lying parallel with tlie sidewalk, and the large chips and beautiful brush-heap surrounding it, are attractive enough to stay the attention of nny person, and cause them to wonder who Hi the world could have tfone to much trouble in the "decorative art" -it looko so beau- tiful, shall I say well, hardly ; back- woods like HI .mills better. It would pro- bably ! as well if such piles of rubbish, and also some piles of wood in other parts of the village were removed and not left in quito such conspicuous places. If pathniofttera attended tn their duties as they xlmuid, these unsightly "piles" would not likely have remained an long as they have. SERIATIM. [Tho Horse Reporter thinks with 'Seriatim," but the Agricultural Editor is of opinion that there are wono things on the streets than wood piles. Some- how he i* a little touchy on the subject of wood piles. Ed.] OBSTRUCTIONS of the 8tom*ch. I iver and Dowrli, are promptly removed by National Pill*. AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the <||MHM< wblck auM Uuuittu uir.i iii^i retuit Irum ii..rniio- mrut of the nifiiia-li, buuili, ituU lr.r. .Avi:*,'* CATUAKTU- P:u. net .ilr.rily u|uu l;. -, organi, .i'M are M|H-c<iii:y .!.. . i, ,| to cur* Iho dlfriiMS <MIU,| (-) luoir il :>,i ^c- uic:i(, liiclua.l (j Coi,.li|.. j.in, In,|i|-t ( . ti '!>. L>.VfcIM|l 1. lit.l'ltuh*, 11 -, Illrr: . <uil a li.-i uf ..i.i : u. iiiculu, LI all , i v.ii'.h lin v urn K r..!'\ tare, | mi .|.|. at. I J.li'ii-.uit I loudly. 'i ite i XI. )!-. Vu UMol I'r'.i i'lLL* by ..!!... u! |,l,; c.nn lu l.yui.ir | i , tie*, li'HU uin.-, ' il. y tl.o . ..... MI. .11 l:i Wliicii UK* urn lu..j bj tUu intuit*! |nui.- iou. TlimPll.M ar foiiipouv '",1 nf T S . ' > i-.luu.iro> on!.,, m,,| urn nle ... .n ..;> i,, i i. u iu r oibtr ii.jm-i u u iinj.^u.ut. A Sufferer from ITciilartio writ** i Avi.k'd PILL* are invaluxl.k t>. m. nnd r my cousuiiii euui|>aiin.ii. I 1.; i beni * M-I...I; Mlll.-IOr <lt>UI II.M.ll.tlir. HI..I your Jll.|ji i.i.: lUe oily thine I i-.. u .,l |..<,\ i,, *r r<-llr. ((no die* u.il ,,i.i..i.i> nmvt my fcvwu anil Irw ixy I..*. I I.. .1,1 jmn. -j i,, > rr\. I,., ,,,; eiiatin,. ,,i,.|||,,. ,..,., ||, v .ia J n.it,. . ,. r 1.11111!. It U H I 1. .'Mint I ..... i'. to fii.'iik in ilii'ic I.I.TM., uuJ 1 h,i,; uo K feiitu ooo -.-I. tiUt . .-. \i. 1. r.t..l..,f >V. I.. !->< A Pro." Fi-iinUiu si, !tti..,.iii.,i,\ i,., ,,ui i . . in.. 1 . "I hav iivil AVICI'S I'u.i.i hi m-intwr. V*1 Ill-linn, l n'.-. .uili .!. : vl | l.t .,,, : ,. I bate IMXT kl.,.ll Iliri.. lu I ill t<. i.i '; . <li t:i.;,|.'ir,l rivlllf \\ . ii.-l.u ill k, | I IK in n d ... J ui our U.H.I. , i i..; 1 1 ixt- i .., n. . a plrXKIIit. *!>. III., I If.n.l.:,. l:unih I... ..^.ug, t'Oil ItVtPXntA tbr) un nit III I. J. U.kC*,** ileiin, Texaa, June 17, i^_ T1i( HKV. Fu \scis B. ll.u-.r m-r. m-illug from Ati'tuht. i, a., .>: ''lor >i, o )t:irs J>:it I IIHV.I b.-n lulijett !> i-ci. l.|.,i.. ii Iruni wlilcli. in rpitu of t'-e , : ! *lln of >Mii..|| klli'ls, I fl. I. r.-i i 1( -ii... , ^ I ...... ilrin. .ii.'i-. Ulllli miut UlUl.lUl i.i. T I ikii ^ ...i.ll 1 * PlLU>. 'Jl.cj butt eiuiri-lv .-.. i.- i i iii d c.i-lii In. I.. l, .- _a L..i viully iMn'tvwi u} K ei.rii>i bnllb.- J. 6. RUSSELL, The Noted Jewellery Man, FLESHERTON. Selling Watches. C:ock*. Jewel} y, $c- Cheaper Than Ever ! AvrR' CATUAJITIC PII.IJI corrwt Irrt-fu- '.11 U of tbo U.U..IM, n 11,11 ..it li.,, :i| t .> tilu flll-l illg.-5(.ii.n, mill by ti.eir |.uunpl .u.vl l action giro tuue ouU viuur w ^b.0 I'HCI- 1:1 l. ny Dr.J.C.AyeriCo.,Lc'.ve:i,Ma58. Sol, i IP) ....: iJn^^Kti. YOUN6, OLD, AND All efwrifiioc UK* - Yrful wn. i ..4. etli ri . ; Ayer's Sa 1 saparilla. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertoa. Kepalring, Kavetroun>ilnK. "" {1 >" 'act every- thing lu the t>u0inenB will receive u > prompt nn. I cweful Kttcntloo at reasouable pricn. \ ii Stci ?l::::r:::, Carriage TMs! Milburn & Gadd, PnoriUETOKS of the aboTe orki arc lire pan il to iitti-ixl to I-M-I > t liiui; ill tll Can iage Making & Blacksmithiug : Hun promptly anil well. Repairing ui loth Branch '.- Promptly attondvd to. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY- . 1 .ir, ui *H\ >> mf uiOT* t*i *>|ib* ltic i.i. lit, iu) be IMftUl i.iailL) uiui UfuUf y lu uf. , flokl by all Urucciiu ; 91.sU bottlw for f*V GORDOIM'S HARNESS SHOP R. R. LANDS FLESHERTON. JOHN WRITTEN. Builder and Contractor, Flesherton, Pnow ready to take building contractn for tbe Ma*ou of 1MX5. All iirdem wUl l.e promptly attondod to an uaual by a larffe and fflci0u% Btnff of workiueu. Almt takev tnm oiiportiuiity io h.-artil v thank the puhlic for pant patronage . N T In Mineola. North Da****. * | Una. r....u. Washlngtoa aid Urf iin r I >! llk MI|MTllll (A rnC'l SVUII'l. ftlnrici* rinjin'j chlr trcm 2 to ' ptr acrt. on B to I )nr f tim. llilt II h But Courrtr > lor (Muring Good Homes no optn tor iiltltmnt. ,Ti<> ''rr of <>v.riuenl I.MI..I i;-...- , ".;,'; ,,,,:, ^ -10.HIH.4.-I3 *.-r.. '* JMHIK TrilAJI H4L ..I i.i II.;- I'. ^--^ '',.. M'a'p.'-''' f'ilKK. r'i'inr II'- >rhrrl rarlflr uuiilry.il"- >;l!f'J I.' r rur* m-i.t IJIL.I-. A.i.ir -..i H. LAHbllll.N.I.liilloni'r. N. I'. II. .... l'ul. 10' Bcurmg 1.0110 FREE I have a Full Supply of Boots & Shoes ! On hand suitable for tlie Season, having just received a large addition to my. Htock and will be constantly making additions to it. INSPECTION INVITED. WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTOK Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FAHMEES AH) THEESHEES ! Ask jjour Merchants for McCol! Bros. Lard ine MACHINE OIL

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