Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1885, p. 3

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Doiim\ mum. On themotici. (4? resuf .1: K the adjournei debate on Mr. Borgin's i'ao'.ory Bill, Mr. Jamiesou uosoJ iu a:ueudment, tba the Bill to amend the Boon Act be taken op. Be did not mean au> discourtesy tc the bon. member for Bturrnoot and Oorn wall (Mr. Bergio), nor to Liul that bis Bil wae not an important out. That Bill w iteelf brought rp bigbe; on tbe motion paper than it .jiuerwint wunld have been by the action of tbe House. The Bill was an important one but he '.< lieved that the great question of it ooniutntionalit; should be left for further ueliberatiou b' the House, but ili Bill to amend the Soot Aot was one put forward by the great repre aantative boa> u! uaipt .-..; OH men, and b thought it only fair to ilia great body o temperance men in tbe country that thii Bill Hhould be takea up ;:.u evening, tba it might have every opfi" unity of beini at through tbi-< ncaiou. Tbe Bill did no interfere with tbe principle of tbe Soot Aot, but merely provided mean* for carrying it out more perfectly. Mr. Bergin Maid he regretted that tbi amendment t*J bee . t-ou*ht forward While he believ ,-d tbkl t. lion, friend bad brought it forward in good faith, this notion, if pa--"J, would put the temper anoe men in tnt i.uur in tbe position o taking a stand in antagomtm to the Fac tory Act. H< irionqb: tbtt this was not a step which wi.uU be i:. .be interest o temperance. If tuia auict liuent were oar ried tbe Factory Bill ocuM hardly be go through this mn^ou. Mr. Ivesobj' uud :c the ..lUrferenoe witl the order ot bai>iuosb bt: ji it would ae bad precede, l. Tbe jueetion in this motion was wbt'.her tb>.} -uould have fae tory legislation ut all, or whether the; honld have a minor amendment to th Beott Act. Mr. Cameron jVicto-ii.) opposed th mo tic n to bring the Bo^;: Act amendmeo Ant on tbe paper. Ho kcltuved tbe Soot Act was an tweooeeltnMoaal and vicious Act, and be tbouA>ut th. i'aotiry Act of far more importance tLv any trumper; amendment to tbe Bcctt Act. Mr. Oamarou (i'ur. . tid the Factory BUI bad been gucn tbo 3rsl place in the order paper tbr^ugli tho action of tbe House, but the member for Victoria (Mr Cameron) had not object.. 1 .! when tbat proposed, or expressed l^o view that it would lead to ooufnaiou. These amend' ments to tbe 8 >:. .' v-ire not trifling They wsre few but im portent. Mr. Maedonald (iii^gp) Raid tbat if there wae any fear that the pusiage of tbe Fac tory BUI would be delay-id by the [auage of this amendment tbe Government could remove the difficulty t. making tbe Fac tory Bill a Government measure. Mr. Foster aaiil u naua: not be supposed tbat if this motion were cr rried tbe Factory Bill would not be carriod out. Tbe amend- ment* proposed to tbe opatt Aot, though relating to -natter- of ueuil, were of great importance in rciuderiu<; ibe Boot! Act workable. It was necossary to show the good faith cf Parliament in tbe legislation which it bad already passed, to carry out the imnlied agreement that the work car- ried on under tbe Bcott Aot should not be allowed to retrograde. The people bad abown by tkcir voles that tuey wanted Ihe Uoott Aot, and it wait the duty of Parlia- ment to provide [ roj < r uacbmerv for it* working. The member for North Victoria would oppose tbe aaieujinent* necessary to tbe proper working of tie Aot and then taunt the friends of il:<: Act with tbe fact that it was not workable. Mr. Bergio o,mt<iic't j lhal tbe amend- ment was out of order. The Speaker ruled tbe amendment in order. Mr. White (Cardwollj objected to tbe motion as establiiiuiui: precedent, and aid it bad been move- without notice to the House. Mr. Landry (Kent) Raid tbat tbe Speaker had ruled tbat there wsa a precedent, and the mover of tbe amendment wae strictly within bis rights. Thoco wbo desired not to fore* the Boott Act ot. any county but to ewe the Scott Act enforced in counties where it bad been alrenJy adopted, would vote for the amende: fit,' because if It were not carried the pasnage of these necessary amendments wool J | tobably be delayed until next tension. Mr. Fisher said it W*H untrue that notice had not been giveu. A fortnight ago tbe House bad been requested to make this Bill ths second ordtr o-i the paper, and tbe member tor Lanark w then advised to take the course he wafc uow taking. Ths confusion between ttio Boetl Aot and the McCarthy Aot should be put an end to, and this was one object of tuo-ra amendments. Mr. McNeill said that although opposed to the principle of the tiojtt Aot, he was. in favor of carrying out tun will of tbe people, and giving the necessary machinery tor ths working of tbe Act. He would therefore vote for tbe amendment. Mr. Fairbauk urttcd that the proper machinery for tbe wr rkiurfof the Boott Aot should be provided. At present the friend* of tbe Scott Aot bad a tide without a bow. The amendment giviug tbe Temperance Bill tbe precedence was carried on e vote of 96 to 68. Mr. Dickinson moved tbe second reading of tbe Bill. Mr. Cameron (Victoria) said that after the question of preoude'joe had been settled be did not intend to oppose thi* Bill in a captions manner. He objected to the Scott Aoi being carried by a were majority of thum> voting. In IM o >unly, be believed, has il ever been o-rrid by a majority of tbe elector*. He beh< v d that experience showed tbat tbe So u Ant was not enforced. Mr. Jamieson sai>i lie hoped no friend of tbe Boott Aot wouid be drawn into a dm ouHHionon the general principle* ot the Bcntt Aot or itn i>. eration. He had ex- plained tbe Bill on its imt reading. Mr. Bourbeau prupinvdau amendment to the efftot that a priebt or minister should be allowed to grant medical certificates authorizing tbe purobiuie of liquor. Mr. White (Unating-i) thought ministers were as liable to go wrong as medical men, and be thought it wa* not fair to ask this power for them. On clause six providing for Ibe repeal of that section of the Dominion License Aot which tbe Supreme Court of Mew Bruns- wick declared oau-ed the procedure of tbat Act to supplant that of tbe Scott Aot, Mr Weldon objected to tin- feeing done without tbe right of tbe parties nogaged In the oases BOW bafore the courts being reserved from the operation of tbe amendment, and movet a resolution providing for that, Mr. Jamieeon *aid there wa* no interf*r enoe with anybody unless be was a violator of tbe law, and the question was whether Ihe Honte would allow snob a psrson to escape through snob a mere technicality. Mr. Irvme aaid that the oaes* in New Brunswick kept the Scott Act practical!] suspended for about a year and a bait am coat the temperance meu 1500. The law wbieh caused these things wae paseed a tbe instance of Ite Government, and bs believed they should repay tbat sum (Laugh t*r.) After tome further discussion an amend men! was drafted which made tbe exoep tion deeired by Mr. Weldou, still keeping Ibe Bcott Act intact. This, however, wa objected to a* too sweeping, aud was belt back to be moved on tbe third reading o tb Sill. Mr, Cameron (Victoria) moved amend mruts embodied in '.he Bill by Mr. Mo Carihy, providing that not only brewer aud distillers outside of a Baott Act count; might *ell in quantities of eight and tei gallons respectively in tbe county, but those within a Scott Act county migbi have tbe ame privilege. Mr. Jamieaon objected to this as destroy ing the effeat of the whole Aot and the amendment was lost. Mr. Bonrbean renewed his amendmen to give clergymen the power to issue medi oal certificates for liquor, expressing hi* willingness to have il confined to clergy men in places wbere tbere was no doctor. Tbe amendment wa* lost. Tbe Committee rose and reported tbe Bill. Tbe amendment* wsre oononrrei with and tbe Bill wa* ordered to stand to: it* third reading. The It U..II.M <lHii, . Writing from Bala Mnrgbab, Jan. 8th tbe correspondent of tbe London Timei ay* : " I have pointed out to yon tbe great strategical importance of Pul-i Kuatuu, a place which ha* always been considered to be Afghan and beyond the pale of discussion. Even liuasian maps at any rate till quite lately, have placed n with Afghan territory. Well, another important strategical poxition is Penjdeb in the valley of the Murgbab. Il ii separated from Yolatan, on tbe edge of the Merv oasis, by HO miles of desert and is connected with Afghanistan by a short road and through an easy and fertile coun- try. Its inhabitant* have slways been subject to Afghanistan, audit is cconpied by an Afghan garriaon. TJ understand tbe important of tbeae two positions you must remember tbat there are only two roads by wbiob Herat can be invaded by Russia on* i* from tba Caspian by way ot the Akbal, Barakhs, and tbs valley of tbe Heri Kud. and the other is from Turkestan by way of tbe Oxus, Msrv, and the valley of the Murguab or Kbnshk. Of oourte tbe more of these two roads that Koaua can quietly annex iu lime ot peace the nearer she will be to Herat, and the leas resietano* she will have 1C overcome wben she IB ready to fight for Serai. I have mentioned the I sro roads by which Herat can be invaded. Tbree yean go the nearest Russian outpost* on the road from the Caspian were at Krasnovodsk and Cbikuhlar, 700 miles ; now they are at i'ul-i- Kbatuu, about 100 miles trom Herat. Tbree years ago Ihe nearest Russian out lOBts on tba road from tbe Oxus and Msrv were at Katra Kurgbau, say 500 miles ; tow they are at Yolatan, 140 miles from Herat. Nearly all this progress ha* been made by peaceful, unopposed encroach ment since wa evacuated Candabar. Again, in May last Her Majeety's Oovarn ment accepted tbe invitation of tbe Rns sian Government to deiiue tbe northwest rontier of Afghanistan. Her nearest out- x>l on tbe one road was then at Bahadur- oez, about 300 mile* from Barakhs, In luly she advanced to Old Barakhs, and in Jotober and November, after the dale fixed or tbe meeting of tbe commission, she >usbed on to 1'nl-i-Kbatuu. Now take ths itber road. In February laal Ruasia ooou- )isd Msrv, in September she advanced to folatan, and in November Alikhanoff appeared before Penjdeb. Il i* th*e* two aat acts of aggression namely, in the direction of Penjdeh and 1'nl-i Kliatun bich particularly incensed the Afghans. Wben Uen. Lnmsden reached Meshed be leard of tbe occupation of Pnl-i-Khatun, and he promptly proceeded to Sarakhs nstead of going direct to Knhsan. a* b* lad intended, in order to protect against it to General Komaioff, wbo waa snoamped at Old Barakhs. Tbe Russian troops, however, remained at .'ul i Kbatuu. For a long time there bad >een many rumors regarding a possible tuHian advance on Panjleb, but it wa* not until Pul-i-Khatnn bad been occupied .bat Oen. Komarcff and Col. Alikhanoff turned their attention to Penjdeb, so quickly, indeed, thai when Uea. Lnmsden arrived at Kunaan a report was received ibat both Komarofl and Alikhanoff, with a arge body of cavalry, ware advancing on Penjdeb, and that tbe garrison wsre pre- lared for resistance. A fight wa* expected he next morning ; cartridges were served out to tbe Afghans, wbo, throwing aside all superfluous clothing, ware, according to a news-letter from Penjdeh, frenzied with oy at the prospect of blooming ' Qbaxit ' luglioa, religious martyr*. However, Osn. {.omarofl thought better of it, and be eft Alikhanoff to advance alone with 300 or 300 cavalry. The latter encamped ithm eight of Penjdeb, and finding that be Turcoman population di.l not on his appearance rise against tbe garrison, be re- nrned to Merv, after writing a very insult- ng letter to the Afghan general. Il is really a matter for surprise and oongratn- ation that tbe Afgbans in their excitement id not take tbe initiative and attack Alikhanoff. [Prom tbe foregoing remarks of the u-i' correspondent it can be judged bow much reliance can be placed on Gen. Comaroff'e statement that in consequence f hostile manifestations by tbe Afghans be was compelled to attack them. It will be een that three or four months ago this ame Oen. Komaroff did his best to induce be Afghans to take the initiative.] O. W. Irish states in the Iowa Historical leoord that th* word " Iowa " does not mean " Hare I rest," " Beautiful," nor This is the place," but thai it mean* " The laepy ones," or " The sleepy people." Tbe courage of Mr. Irish may be appreciated hen it i* stated tbat he is a citizen of TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY Tba British Conservative* have resolved to strongly oppoee the Egyptian loan. A London syndicate ha* contracted to build and operate a railway in Honduras. M. Briaaon, the new French Premier, is strocgly opposed to the Oorn Duly Bill, aud U is believed it will be shelved. Pern has given formal notice to the United H tales of bar intention to terminate in March, 1886, the treatiea ot commerce and extradition signed in 1870. Oen. Kioei ha* informed the Italian Gov erument tbat Mssimra h is ths most im porlant point on the Red Sea. He says " Italy must guard it carefully and keep it.' Tbe bodies ot two children, who died last week in Cleveland, Ohio, ibowed after dealb snob marked symptoms of cholera as to cause great excitement amoag medica cirales. The Mexican Congress i* reported to be adverse to declaring war against Ouste- mala. Honduras) has seceded trom her alliance wltn Guatemala and joined the allied republics. General Wolaeley and Lord Cbae. Beras ford arrived at Cairo yeateiday. General Wolaeley says be has DO idea ol aBaodoniU) hi* intention to recapture Knartoum ID thi autumn. The Congregation of Kites of the Vatican has approved of the petition of the Flat bead tribe of Ameriaan Indiane to canonize tbe Jesuit martyrs taaaaaared in 1616 b; the Iroquois. Latest advioee from Kassala state thai Ihe garriaon bae provisions for a month an< plenty of ammunition. Tbe rebels attaoxc: an Abyuinian caravan en route to Uella and killed tnirleen person*. It i* stated M. da Freycioet desirss to abandon tbe Freoeb operations in Mada gatcar and will make a commercial treaty with tbe Uovaa, as a pretext for an honorable retirement ot ibe French from Tamatave. Tbe British Government bas re<]ueite< that tbe Alert, whiob was used in the Gretly Relief Expedition, be sent to Bali fax, wbere she will be received by the Eng liah authorities. Tb* Alert sailed from New York yaeterday. John V. Onderdonk, excise commissioner and editor of the Independent and Aivrr. tiier, a weekly paper published at Nyaok, N. Y., wan publicly bomawbipped yeatecday by tbe wivee of Cotttableii buakspeare and Harris for publishing offensive article* about their uusbaods. The whipping was witnessed by a large crowd, and created a great sensation. The pjat'Cffioo authorities at Frankfort- on-the-Maio discovered a euepioioua-looking box, addressed to Prince Bismarck, wbiob, on being opened, was found to contain dynamite and a delicate explosive machine. A special says it wa* supposed il wa* intended to reaoh tbe Chancellor on his birthday, when, arriving with hundreds of present*, it would have ueotped special attention, and, being opened carelessly, would have done its deadly work. Tbe Albion Hotel at Brandon, Man., wa* burnt down at an early hour on Saturday morning. Two persons wsre burned to deatn, Miss Buohac, sister ot tbe proprie tor, and a boarder. Mis* Boaubiar juuipod trom a second story window, and was badly scorched. Tbe rest of the boarder* escaped with great difficulty in their mgbt clothe*. Tbe firemen did axotllent work and saved tbe adjoining building. Insur- ance, 91,000, in tbe City of London. Tbe reeervations made by Turkey on aigning the Egyptian financial agreement recently are as follows : Fust That the Suez Canal Convention ehall give Turkey the right to defend Egypt in the event ot internal troublee or foreign invasion ; second, tbat the Convention shall not deal with Ibe expensea ot tbe English oooupa tion of Egypt ; third, that the mention of mixed tribunals in tbs Financial Conven- tion doe* not imply an indefinite prolonga- tion of the tribunals; fourth, that th; Ports reserves the right to recognize any com- missioners of foreigner* deputed to inquire 'into the financial reaouroee of Egypt. n 01 1,1. in ike !. . i in itinu A Bridgepett (Ct.) manager has adopted a novel method tor the preservation of morals in his rink. At Recreation Ilall, >ppoeit* tbe band gallery, stands manager Eleusted. His puritanic face is visible trom all parte of the ball. Hie hand ia upon tbe bell cord attached to a large gong suspended in the middle of tbe build ng. Tbe rink floor i* divided into eeotions, which are numbered and watched over by detective*. Each section, at iu tbe fire alarm system, i* connected by electric wires, with an indicator at manager Hsu- sted's station. Each skater is piovided with an alarm card, large (aosin.ilee of which are printed and expoeed at various parts of the rink. Tbe different offences which must not be indulged in while skating ire printed and numbered on these cards. For example : Upon sec. 8 a young man addresses a young lady without an intro- duction. Tbe detective rings eeo. 8, rule 21. Manager Hensted strikes the numbers on tbe large gong. Every one at tbe rink ooks at tbeir cards and understands tbat ome lady ban been elandeetinely addreesed. Ae the pair " roll" on to aeo. 9, tbe detec- tive for tbat division wiree to Hensted, who in turn rings gong No. !t, rale 25. If ihe young man still continues to impose lis society upon the young lady the gong continue* to sound the alarm, and Oflioer Jenning*, wbo i* detailed to arrest offend - ng parties, skates after the youth and akes him in. The ! ike *<!. I am told by a gentleman wbo has travelled in the Soudan that among many of tbe tribes supporting tbe Mabdi fat rives are the fanhion. To develop the lesired form cf feminine beauty female ohildren are perpetually fed upon sweet milk, and even when they reaoh adult age they are allowed little ezereiie and their ood is chosen with a view to increese tbe unnatural obesity so much admired by heir husbands. I fear tbat Barah Bern- lardt would not be a very great attraction lowo tbat way. Ltdy'i 1'ietoriol. The Alontptllier iltdital thinks that whether or not imoking is an exciting ause of oanoer, tbe use of tokaooo often ireservee people from con tagiou disorders. - Pretty Wives, Ix>velT daughters and noble men." "My faim lies in a rather low and miaa- matic situation, and " My wife 1 " "WhoT" " Was a very pretty blonde I " Twenty years ago, became " Sallow I " " Hollow-eyed I " " Withered and aged t " Before her time, from " Malarial vapors, though she made no particular complaint, not being of the grumpy kind, yet causing me great uneas neat. "A short time ago I purchased your remedy for one of the ohildren, who bad a very severe attack of biliousneea, and it occurred to me that tbe remedy might help my wife, as I found tbat our little girl upon recovery had " I .... 1 1 " " Her aallowneca, and looked as fresh as a nsw blown daisy. Well tbe etory is soon told. My wife, to-day, ha* gained her old timed beauty with compound interest, and U now as handsome a matron (if I do a; it myself) as can be found in this county which is noted for pretty women. And , have only Hop Bitters to laank for it. " The dear creature just looked over m; snoulder, and sayi ' I can flatter equal u the daya of our courtship,' and tbat re minds me there might be murt fretty mvet if my brotbsr tamers would do as I have done." Hoping yon may long be spared to do good, I thankfully remain, C. L. JAMBS. BxLisviujt, Prince George Co., Md., I May 36 ih. 1883.) ! None genuine without a Luoch of gr**n H ips oo tho wbiu label. Shun all the vile putMuoos ttuff wiUi " Hop "or ~ Hops " In Uitlr nauM. An eagle, which bad been making great bavoo with the lambs about Lexington, Ky. was killed by a colored boy a few days ago and measured seven feet from tbe tip to tip of ite wings. Tkr t. in m. I i*hi Is a matter of small importance compared with other application* of electricity. Bj this agency Poison's Niaviusi is made to penetrate to the most remote nerve every bone, muscle and ligament is made to fee ite benefioieut power. Nerviline U a wonderful remedy, pleasant to take, even by tbe youngest child, yet so powerful, far reaching in its work, that the moat agoniz- ing internal or external pain yislds as it by magic. Neglect no longer to try Nerviline. Buy to-day a ten cent trial bottle and be relieved from all pain. J. Wilson, druggist, Uoderiob, writes : N'ervilme give* good satisfaction." Bold by druggists and country dealers everywhere. The tomb which Mr. William B. Vender- bill will erect on Htateu Island will require about 8. 000,000 pounds of granite, marble and limestone combined to complete it. Tbe coat is estimated at 1250,000. >o IH.p|M>loliu> m. Disappointment* of on* kind and another crop up all along life's pathway, for unfor- tunately it ie tbe unexpected that always harpens. Tuere is at leaet one article ot acknowledged merit that never disappoint*. " TNAM'rf PAJBLCRI CORN EXTBACTOB is sure to remove the worst oorn* in a few days, and as no claim it made tbat il will cure anything elae. it cannot disappoint. If yon bav* hard or *oft oorn* just try il. Be- ware of tbe article "just a* good." N.C. L'olson ife Co., proprietors, Kingston. In India il is a (lauding joke, in connec- tion with agricultural experimeote, thai a native will not use an English plough because he cannot reach tbe bullock's tail to twist it, whiah ia bis only method ol urging bia beast to further exertion. I I h. r> B Cure lor I ll>ulplln W* answer unreservedly, yaat If the patient oommenoea in time tba use of Dr. L'leroe's " Golden Medical Discovery," and exercises proper care. If allowed to ran ta course too long all medicine ie powerless to slay it. Dr. Pierce never deceives a patient by holding out a false nope for tbe lake of pecuniary gain. Tbe Golden Medical Discovery" bas cured thousands ot patients whsn nuibing else seamed to avail. four druggist has it. Send two stamps lor Dr. Fierce'* complete treatise on consump- tion with numerous testimonials. World's [)iH(insary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. It wa* no easy matter to keep tbe crowd n order on tbe occasion of th* marriaga of Jen. Tom Thumb's widow. Inspector _)ilk gave up tbe job iu deapair. Yon oan'l club a woman worth 13,000,000." be complained, ' and yon oan'l keep back a woman who look* clear through you," so ,uey had tbeir way. Tbe woman wbo seeks relief trom pain jy tbe free use of alcoholic stimulants and larootio drug* fluds wbal aha seeks only so !ar a* sensibility is destroyed or tem- porarily suspended. No cure was aver trough! by such means, aud tbe longer they are employed Ibe more hopelesa the case become*. Leave ohlural, morphia and Mlladoona alone, and use Mrs. I'mkham's Vegetable Compound. A happy combination ot beet Grape) Brandy, Smart- Weed, Jamaica Ginger anal Camphor w ter, a* found in Dr. Pierce'* Compound Extract of Smart- Weed, oure cholera morban, diarrhoea, dysentery or bloody-flux, colic or cramps in the tomaaf*; and breaks up oolda, fever* and tcfla tory attack*. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'tl VEGETABLE COMPOUin) j . . * IS A POSITIVE CURF * . Kor all of" IhtM* l'i. Inlul < onpUlnn i * \\ t.-n. <, .-nun., in t* our L. i ' . , i i >i \ i ! riiri 1. 1 nuv . .1 IT will. C1-KB FITIKrLT Till WO M T WBB O* ft ALB C->Mn_AINT. ALL OVAHlA*! TltxIBl.M, l*j PI-AM XATH IN AMI l'l> KIUTI.il. KAI MSB AUD Del I1.AI IHE\T, AMI Til K ..\-l ^|-v r M-INAO. W*A MKM, AND IM I'AUTI' ' l.Al.LT AIIAITED TO T*B ... r or Lirt. **** IT wiu. DIW>I ii AI> xr*i. TV Unas pw.. m I'TIRIH IN AN Kill T TA<.r. ' V l>t\ KUil-HNT. TBS i fi w rr.'t -lit muuf TUUUHIULBCUS . rut nri>n.i it IT i i .. tsT mrn AI l.i m-. iv.. r :.-y:Hi LAXT>. AN:> IU1.1I> u WlASb NCHUPTIlKVT<i/< II. In I HI- II: , ATI MI, || Ai HE, WllHol : I; '-THATHis, I.IMHAL llUHJTV liri'i.irMi'S AMI I:.:. n .r-ii. s. * e TiiATrrri rN'iur Metiuxo !>,<. < rn.i \VtluHT AMI llA' kl 111, II AtOATt rSIUf A I UIU IT IT1 1>S. * IT WILL AT ALL II e AMI CMHa A1X CIi -TAN'C* Ai T IN ll . .1 WITH Till LAWS <.iiTU THS rm\i( -1-Tin. e * e * arlTsrri:l"-r - rl.l'.LV r-illTIIILCUITIBlTml HKALIXU op l>l-l OK AMI Tlir Kf.'.tfr PAI. l(m> THAT IT 1'L> Al.l. I.' < I. UK- !. : .. Tlliil-'AK L SB> I.AlilU CAN CLAIILT TKrTiri.'he . , ^ FOB TUB eras op K. - i < I-T.I'TI IB] rmilH fEX TIIM KIM tilt U I XHI RI'A.-Ell. LTUIA K. P1XKOAM1 VK.,,rrBI r iriMIMt-XD ' Lynn. M- prv- f L ate kuMli* for sa, . Illli or !>> on rar,l|4 ..f |,rtn - ml-,**. B>. 11i.khm' -OukW. to BnUU" .111 W mfH-a tnr t* So funllT BnoM W tlh....l IT! t > IMMA -VKI. 1 1. i.s ; .-! . , ... *> i. _ IT HA NEVER BE WITHOUT COOK'S BEST 1 How Love Is Made in 1'ersia," is the title of a recent article. Il is probably made tbere of tbe same component parts as bere, that is, millionaire's daughter one >arl, impeonnion* nobleman one part, lesire for title forty-nine part*, deeire for vealth forty-nine part*. ' Bad treatment or stricture iften ocmplioatea tbe diseaae aod makes it iimoult of cure. The worst and most nveterate eases speedily yield to our new and improved methods. Pamphlet, refer- noes and terms Rent for two three-cent tamps. World's Dispensary Medical Aaso- iation, Buffalo, N. Y. Salvador has turned Ibe table* on Guate- mala, aud threaten" to invade the latter 8 tale. ''OWDEB SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. J. WINCKLER HATKNT SELF-VENTING PUMP FADCBT Tae simplest aa-l beet In ih* market Prteet AJdrees flH Hobson stn*t soatb Hamilton 'S SEEDS aro THE BEST i tl < ii. tic .'in 1 fur GAKPEN ft FLO* *,-. . XDS R. U. AWARE Lorillard's Climax l--Mi{*r.',lfif,i l ; I U.,.' I ml 1 i. .-.it . thai i lippi'i u . i t aaa 0lMni*ii, quality J . -uM>. A i . EYE. EAR AND THROAT. DB. 0. B. BYER80N, L. B. 0. P. B. B.. Leorarar on th By* Bar and Throat trinity Medical Ooll*c*, Toronto. Oeallti and AarHI Hi U>* Toronto <tcnrl Bocpltal. late Jliuloal Awlftani Koyal London OpbthalmJe loepllal, UtKircfleM't and Central fhrnal and Bar Iliwpltal. 17 Oborab Btra*t. Toronto. Artlfloiml Haiuan BVM CONSUMPTION. !> I |<.li:,.t.n 4 ., i.. (I. In ltafflr*rr. Ib.t I w i m*t i i . fUlrHb Vtl IAKI K THKA1 in/ nfcrif . uu Kit.n*. i r PR. T. A SLUCim. li Wl*ti PI. AO to iw riDtitMBi Idoeattua or (Mwneerlaa FIB maaabli' at h Hruvi BB 'AH HUHINBW- ' i l ? Vd irr"ln fr

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