Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1885, p. 1

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Born. -In Kimberley, on Thursday, 9th inst., the wife of Mr. J. R. Fawcett, carriage maker, of a son. Born. -In Kimberley, on Thursday, 9th inst., the wife of Mr. J. R. Fawcett, carriage maker, of a son. Flesherton Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FA rOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, NOT VOL. IV., NO. 200. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, APRIL 18, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE in. of tli. I- fiuiK I^M-al aiul Family Newp)ir lu Nuitliora Ouuu-iu. l&apos;iil/iilicJ KIIMU TUB - "f, - - Flrxlirrluu, (till. TKKMK OK M r.SOlUM loN >l 10 |iur aMBnm in S&apos;lvaacti; H SO If not |iJ Tlie list of transfei. ill the Canada .Shorthorn Herd Book, rejxirted up to Mareli .tOth, is given in the April number jof the Hunt! Cumuli-Hi. Among the traim- fers we notice the following : "K. Dnunt- h-.vt [ 12006], by Schoinberg I>uke [!!], .T..liii Ijiiuoiit, (Vii-.loii ; Donald McKcn- it tlju i-u. I o! 1| >trt. No papor .mil nil i< - imji.&apos;^Art&apos; juiid tip; and no Biil>*.&apos;i ij. tiom takm fdr IMS than one \car, , trpt whu peclal a -miiKiMiitntH for ulicirtur |*-ri.><M ore witli HIM |>u>lubr. \!>VK.imsINi RATKS. *C. !v.&apos;.ii:m!iit.x. i t)nli.r Irtinvnion Hint Jc, ur.. \iar li&apos;i.&apos; o*-li uHli-M-iiin-iit in it. ..n TrMKK.-M .1 Ivci u &apos; !>.- pai&apos;l f->r whtn .irderel A&apos;lmrtiMmmifcwithoat peJal rtir.x :>! w.ll I.- m-nte.l till forl&apos;i I and ,hii;r I LiiM-i.il .11 Ini-iimeiitH W rogular atlvertiwrs, N.itii /&apos;.mi. if rua>VlB| uiattr. 1(1 cent* |W lillO i&apos;. i . . . nt itiM.-iiniiiiui"l imtU all r- i oara-:. * .1. c^i.l U|. r -..\ * i hwti-omi)ut* nbould rrncli thin lu.&apos; 11 Ivor thmmoon on Tu*<ly to misurr n-.erliim ii cun. t UHVO. A. R FAWCETT, K4iti>r niitl Proprietor. Tit - Bits. at /..!/ iiti <><hrr tfnthrrfl htf 7*Af A&apos;lr /;. /,nrt&apos;r*. It. -The tin-) Spring Assize Court U in i-.euion i:t Owen Sound thia w*-k. lux lordship, Juetiee Gait, presiding. The Thorn bury Ntumlinl man h:in 511111- into tliu oriifiiial story bujiiimse with considerable success. - "That IVautiful River" concluded in this wiKik ADVAXCC. Xw atory iliort- &apos;y. Mr. R. H. Middaugh ha* given up hotel keeping at Eugenia and removed with In* family to Toronto. Mr. Fred. Ge returned home to F!. sin 1 1. in Station from England faat wee%. I&apos;.titiuH wanting first-claas Lenle.ni r&apos;.&apos;in will d<> well to call on or write to Mr. Win. liarnhouse, Flesherton. Ki*Another immense stock of \Vut- chcs, Rings, Ao., just arrived at Hns- seH&apos;n, Kh-Hherton. Division Court in the Town Hall, Kit-nil :i-toii, to-morrow, Friday, before Judge MacFhenon. "Winter linger* long in the lap of Spring." If we had anything tu do with <] i.l&apos;l gentleman, he would get the "grand Ixiunce" instanter &apos; Tlie Reading K.I. mi Committee nn-t :i Monday evening hint, when Mr. J. W. Armstrong was re-elected President. Mr. T!io. Clayton won elected Secretary. Tlie officer* of Flecherton Diviiion, SOUK of T(.-iii|H!rancc, for the current <|iiarter, wi-re nmtallinl op Wetlnexlay uv- &apos;miiK of lant werk by .F. W. .\rn,striiu&apos;. Esq. ASrNow is tlio timo to got a watch or Clock. IliiKKcll, Klcslirrt on, is sell- ing them at price* tliat will .istomsli yon. . - Our MterptWag wntrhmakor and t-wi-ll.T. Mr. .I.O.Rnsucll.has jnt rrn-iv. ..I aiMthcr line stock of wati-hcM, .V&apos; &apos;I&apos;hf l.i^ Imi-^uini nivi-ii l>y him for the )aat few uck.< will )H> continued for a short tiiiiu y-t. Call and nee. Tin- piiu-tiiT -if "EnUier, the IViniti fill OIHTII, iii now biting rushed forward :it the riiti- of two night* p-r week. Mr. Miini&apos;ii. i untiring in ln> n- iu&apos;"&apos;tu effort* to make the affair an iini|iialified KUOCMUI. Our popular carriftge maker, Mi \\ A. Millmru, L.m th rnput;vti"n of Inungft (intt-claas im-ehanic ; and, judging by the number of hnnilxomu riij^ turned out of liilt 8tal>lishliiuiit, biiMliusH is good. Ift.lliissoll.the Noted .Trwr&apos;.ry man, of l-&apos;lcslic&apos;rlon. lias Ixeii lining H IIIK|I- iii"; businpsR tlio paat twenty c&apos;.ayn. No 1 <MO (iixlericli Slt, only T"> . ont per Bbl. :;t K. TIUMBLI&apos;H. The Rev. Dr. Cnrinnn, OUP of the &apos;iiiei sii|>eriiit.-!i<leu<n of tlu> Methodist Clitiirh, will (D. V.) vifiit KleslK-rtoii and prentih in the MetiiiMliwi c-Iiun -h on Sunday L&apos;litli and deliver ;i l-ctur on Monusy t>v- "iiin^. &apos;J7th inst. Kujijivt of Icctur**: &apos;Tr.idr .nirf .Vf nidi. 1 &apos; io Murrains al Russell&apos;s will a litilt longer, so if yo ;i Wntch conic in vit,&apos;lit away. Mi. Arch Glirns, of Lot 140, 1st East T. it K. Road, Arteinenia. advertises his thorough l,nxl Short Honi and Ayr- shire liulU ltnffrrin and liiMiir liunu (for surviee in this issue of tin- AUVANVK. Tlie pedigree* of these tine animals are lirat-claia and can be seen at any time on application to the proprietor, Mr. Oairns. Cit your Home and Hull bills neatly, cheaply, rapidly an<) coriei tly printed at Tar. AnvA!-E office, Flesherton. Pedi- gree or route published in our |>n|>er free of chance to those gutting their work .l.>nc nt thu office. All kinds of printing fn.iu the .smallest x initiiig card to the lurgeet |H>sU-r executed in .lie best styles of the art. Estimates cheerful!/ furniah- ed, ajBjrKiissell.tlie Noted Jewplryman, Fle.sbe&apos;itoii. kccpa nothing but first- class Watches which ho can warrant from two to five years, at extraordin- arily low prices. The t&apos;urinrr&apos;i Ailvorate for April coiu tains, auiong other very interesting mut- ter, a splendid "Prize Essay" from the pun uf Mr. M. Mover, Walkerton, on "How blotto Raise the Standard of our Butter ;" also an able letter by the same K&apos;-iitleiiian in reply to Prof. Arnold s let- Mr in tlie AJrocatt for March, under tl>e heading, "Canadian Mutter for Rrport." These srtielos alone are worth the sub- scription price uf the Parmrr&apos;i Adrnratt for a year. Fresh stock of the renowned D. M. Ferry and W. H Maroon Ifanim !*&apos;i*. aim > i 7..ivi, Timothy and ttnjt ftrni, and selling fast at R. J. SPKOI LK., Flesherton. A number of the )ung |>eople as- scinbled at the reaidenou of Mr. R Clark, Kiesherton, on Tuesday I&apos;vening last, when a most enjoyable time was spnt in various gamus, together with a taffy pull which was not the least enjoyable feature of the evening. In Kimberly, n Thursday. -Hh inst., the wife of Mr. J. R. Fawcelt. carriage maker, of a *on. In Maxwell, on 7th inst., the wife of Mr Johnston Little, blacksmith, of a daughter. .In -i RrrHved. I car lint- (iotliTich Salt- only $1 bbl. at II. .1. S|in>ule&apos;s, FleshsrUm. Uli ;t t UK- "Junior Drii&apos; Heard. Tlie following conversation was over- heiii&apos;Itl llier il:iy by THE Al>TANcR junior "duTil." M)i :\y, B-.b \\.11, wot." "Did ye* hear t!ie sarnioii pnu-hi d Isxlit Sunday nmrnin&apos; in the chapel )H> yiuit T&apos; "Well, wot hif hi did f "Did yp7 notiei- that the praclivr show- ed ujithat some |H.*ople lacked on the oiild ( dnil as 4 soort ax; a lithurary cha^akther, wi<l f. great l&in&apos; lor ["ilnv . " Well, wot lilt In dl<l * <ili. notliiii&apos;. iiiithin : I wiu oi.lv .o.ih.Tiii af the ould ohit|> was suprumi-d tu b* idilithur avanninthry in*Mio|i:i|HT &apos;" For Hair. tira|>. i tziKHi working Horsu, X years old V\ .mid exchange for good Drivmu Horn-, Lumber. <.r Firewood. R. .1. Si-iturLR, Fleshorton. One U"&apos;" chmige fur UCI.M! or IxnuUir at R. J. MA>Y jieopl.- are not awarti that it is the wrapper of the tobm-co which givus the rolor to the pluc, and (ire, then-fore, oFten deceived liy a handsome outayle ap pearance. Tlie wrap|>cr is a single film . !" I. af wrapper around the |.liif. and is nev- er guo<l fiiiokin^ toliaeeo. It is costly "lily U-caiiM- "f lU titieseoinr. ^ In the "\Ivrtle Navy" brand 1 the chief attention in paid to tlie "liller," Mmt is, the insidr of the plTi&apos;f It is this that determine* thr amokmjj tnhacon. A tohm-ro can be maik- t look an well af> tbe "Myrtle Xax-y" without much trouble ur eT|H-nsi&apos;. but ;it the sfljiH 1 ti mp be a very (nferior, Wllll Military Honor.. We have tu chronicle this week the death, at a ripe old age, of Mr. Hainlm. ar., at Maxwell, on ( Thursday of hut week at noon. He liad lieen ailing for some time so that his death was not un- expected. Tin,- fm.ral took place from in-, late residence on Saturday, and was largely attended l>y fiiaitda, relatives and uiintanccs. As&apos;uoeeusud was an old soldier, he was tinned with military honors, the Fl>,-bertot company of volun- ters under cuiumafjd of Lieut. Field, attending in a l>ody. The volunteers marched to the cem. tery in double file, one on each side of hearse, with guns be- hind lack*, and headed by Flesherton HrasM lland, playing appropriate tunes. Rev. Mr. Ward, church of England cler- gyman, Markdale, officiated, the services being very impressive and solemn. At. the close of Mr. W aid&apos;s remark* at the grave, the volunteer* fired three volleys of blank cartridge, which concluded the ceremony. T *(. One good, comfortable, well lighted KIHIIII ; suitable for Draai-Maker. Apply to ^ R. .1. Srnorijt, Flesborton. Purely Pentonal. Mr. The.. Hall. oftheDundalk Hrarld gave us a pleasant call last Saturday af- Urrnoon. Mr. W. T Jackmat, of thr Markdale St. titbit I, ami Mr. Porter, Head Master < f the Markdale Publia Schools, called on ua last Saturday. Mr. W. T. Itenaon, of the Helfast House, Markdale, aad Mr. Smyth, of Mr. W. J M.-Farlaiitii store, Markdale, dropped in to see M on Retunlay. Mr. C. J. fproule ) bee* engaged as Hen. I MMI. r,,KJi>i. - ^mPWieleboT*i in plaoe of Mr..& 8. ftimre reeigiied. We wish Mr. Spmul* j ***. Just opened this week at R. J. Sproule&apos;a, F&apos;esherton, tlirce watt WiJI Papers.Paper Win. low Blinds. Stationery and Small Wares which are selling very low. Whnt They are Haying. I wonder now who put that there colt under the Boy lie water Jiridge under the bridge you know. Citizen. And 1 wonder if the Board of Health haa soei. to its removal yet.- Annther ci- tizen. I&apos;d tar rather they&apos;ll accuse me than flip horse - that s what&apos;s the matter. Jim Henry. Thim half-lire.-. U do bo goin&apos; &apos;il give the (lovernniint throoMe yi-t I&apos;m th-.nl> in. iliiiuio anyway, &apos;"itiwn. What aVH.ut the lnu elevator at tli. St tion the Editor wa.< hlowm-.: otf teun alxiut a nhort tune ago &apos; Outsider Kivht ilviut wheel ouiek n.aieh mark time halt &apos; Lirut Field Tin- bllHRfd icu I* slip|.r\ l&apos;,!a:,..|x Not so lilami&apos;il -!.|ii > stap yon kiekmi; nix .-"at t:ills. \\ iliin Nor yet <o bp|M>ry a when the Editor tri*"!! to kiek the U-m nrn &apos; \x be. i. trying in vain to find out the name of the wniteli who made this rnhrninous i-.-in.iiU Kit.) You and xpueUe \\ iist h.-uul ii..- undhi-r < li:in-e ai..l U,u- in tlui t &apos;linreh <>f Knuland. ye must uiuJlin &apos;.ii,&apos;l lor it Ix-tokens us till Rthaiui up for our cidom. Tom. Davis. Iii;,&apos; rush i-iiiitiniif.- lor clienp Salt, only $1 I!M. net .MS|I, quality, at R- .1. >i:illioii Exhibitlwn. We hop- to nee a large attendance at the Spring Stallion Exhibition to lie lu-hl at Fleshertivn Station on Saturday. Ufith inst. Tlie following prites wilU<e award- eU:- Ili-avy Draught StaKono Ut 8. r >.OO, 2nd IMft Canadian Draught St] lions -1st 94. 00, Cem.rrxl Purpn^- StnBion!< lt ?4.00, Carria StAlli..n l*t Ian $4.00, &apos;Jn.1 82.08. *. R..adstcr Rtallioiu Ut i.M.00, il.OO. Pret t x >1 1 Mm. r > . 4 franl of thr " lr.,l I Lovers of tlio beautiful in nature or The contents of a bogus telegram were or art- will find a great many new attrac- circulated through thi Tillage on Satur timis this season in &apos;Mr. M. Richardson&apos;s day afternoon last, the purpoit of which) millinery dtpartmei.t, which is under the was that instructions had bmm forwarded excellent management of Miss Maud to Lieut. Field, ordering him to draft a* Richardson, whoae good taste in the sel- many "able- bodied" young men for im ectiou of buiiimU, Aa, &M. is wettknown. mediate aarvioe in Uw Korth-Weataapoe* Omr "Fwhiona" rap<t4>rhsjTiiiB^een <>r iWe, within a given time. A nufi.r. r dered out U> write uji a (Jof fight \*> his of young men, who had come into the vil- intensudiagust it devolved upon th(^ ag lage from the neighWho,.d in order u> ricultural editor to take a )>H>k through aee our volunteer company drilled, wet? the establishment in question. He was so much alannxd at this startling hit .1 very courteously received, and soon felt intelligence, that they lut.-heJ up ihrir .|iiite at home, although, at titM. he was hone* and got onto/ town as thouui perfectly dazzled by thu brilliant array of "dogs of war" were already at th-ir boiuiuU, and scort* of other pretty things heels. which met hii gare on all sides. "Then. One of the worst seared of the Im- was a place for everything and everything M ili, lg from the neighl-.rhood of Eug*n- wasin ita i.lace." The. chafming array ui, wu are told-acc<ted a well k^wii if pretty things almimt wvik his brv&th villager thus away. On en.^r, he- found that the -, My _ U it true thiyre spring opening t-...k placv on the 1st inst. , , " . v .... ] Pricing a few article*, the a e. was as- mwi fl " U &apos; C N " rth &apos; W &apos; "&apos; tonished at the exceedingly low pricee " ln myterious whisper, by Miss Richardson "N.. ..n- "Ves &apos; pic 4. .in- u. Thu "You re solid with Fields, eh T satd . . &apos; th &apos; ktl " Wm " rlnk &apos; hut *&apos; 1 sVMMH can dress well now-a-day* ..n mixlerate nirans, though the a. e. , as he hft,a hi. hat. mile S ).t VK.W, and t,.ol> himself off &apos;if I waa a woman P 1 "IM>. a hoarse whwper. blamiil if I wouldn t have f.-athers, Um- "Ye,, ,,f course ; but nets, paraaols, and other thiniit for every "Well, our folk* couldn&apos;t day a. the year^and twu on Sunday. ! &apos; very w.ll witl,,,ut me. you know, and want you V- tell Fields to let roe off." ..,. L . t . , , On, but r it-Ids wouldn t notice me I Another lot of fresh Groctries, Oatmeftl, Drietl Apples, tc., open- all in such a MHOUS .-** a* this,&apos; avdour ed at R. J. Sproule&apos;s. Flenherton. citiien, very gravely. Selling very cheap. " u wouldn&apos;t eh ! Then, by deor** &apos; I&apos;ll git out of this town quicxer&apos;n pig tail I m-t lo-e. litenin&apos;, and don&apos;t y..u forgit it &apos;" (from our 0101 < \.rrnp,n^dfnt. ) And two minutes afterwards a vehicle We are glad to see that Mrs. Thos. Hut- *a seen going K long the Collmgwnnd chinaon who had bur arm severely in jur- mad, aa though it wure really a matter i>f ed some time ago by the cutter capsizing life an death with the driver. is able t<> be around. \nnther youn_> man, who belong! In The <iath of Mr. Johu Scott has cast tlie company, on 1 tafM&apos;B|i.thnT tlier* wa a gloom a*r this twif(kboriAo. Mr < KkeMkood n( him seeing v-tir service Scott lived on his farm in Proton until in the "great I..IH- land." irn mediately about a year ago, when he removed to procuring a revolver ami a large supply Angus, where he lived until the time of ofcactndgee determined nodoUbt, if tt. his death. The funeral took placuii the worst came to the w.>nt, to sell his Kf> if 31st ult. and was largely attended by dearly as {toeaible. friends and relatives from this place. &apos;I wonder what made that other fellrr in i l.n.t IM iivd scoot out of thr town so ipiick fur T en in V-tiVutihalrri&apos;sc sgala " ) quirnl our junior d I, after reading the Mr. Am.* has taken |ess,.,n of tl.e fort>K &apos; > " 1 &apos; fann lately occupied by Mr. F. Teeple " He WM * frawl " f thc <lr * /t -*&apos; m &apos;V*&apos; Mr. Fredcnck Leech has moved to Mr. ***** < ?f*&apos; """ &apos;&apos;&apos; !" ri &apos; |lllwl U * John Ludlow s fann at this place **"""&apos; <l "&apos; who htti t * r " lv tl "" 1 U> duci Mr Richard Ludlow, dentist, Orange- his heex! ere an old ink-bottle thrown b, ville. has been sending a few days w.th Ul * h "" ru l Mlrt * r wlietl by.ln unpleas his ,renu and friends in this neighbor- * nt I* 1 &apos; V1 "" v &apos;" tht% &apos; (1 &apos; <""&apos;""&apos;- T>" - ,,,j horao rrporU-r hates joking under such circumstaucea, Just received and oponed at H I. S]iroule&apos;n, Flesherton, a Perfect soundness of IMH!V and mind i medical authorities of all cixili/ed ...uii i>r:iti&apos;(l Huron Soap Company ; aKo , tnes endorse Avers Samapanlla (u thf iftMkatodl of Thorley&apos;- xvorl.l. K .,, , )UH , ]ltlTtf ,^ n , nM ^ , . r-liowne.1 Cntth- F.-i-.l. Srllilio; I t vastly incn-ae the ,.rkin- al Very .-Iit&apos;np. dm-tive powers "f tx&apos;th hand and brain. The Problem Solved Mi THAT Free Trade vs. Protection Would leiil to trotibli&apos;, our head poHticin 1 to SOLVE THE l-t. 1 ) Wo favor />,-. Trml&apos;, that is, \iv Tiant rvi |-y.-nr to mi). "-,&apos;. with IH. (2nd.) We favor /VofcrdVm. or in otlirr wonlo, wr v.iil j>:..&apos;. < our tuiii. rs against lli^li Pi u-.&apos;s and Haul Times. If yon doubt the accuracy of the Solution. < - omo and oc tin and Our Iniiiicnse S(ock of Dry Heady-Made Clothing, Boots d Shoes, Hani ware. Groceries. Qlnsp-.vu:n. &e. Wiiicli wr art- -selling a! prices that O&apos;it: il &apos; &apos; e r.:i::rr;d B. J. GE.IBR. F, April. 1M. , i u < I

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