DOMINION MKLIP1KM Mr. Gharltoo moved for the eorrespond anee received by (he . jveruineut niuoe uury lt relating to the reduction ot the letter postage to two oeutH per half ounoe, or any other redaction. Mr. Oarling thought that the time bad aot yet oome when tail reduction should be n*de. When the change WM made in the United State* toere wa- a surplus in tbe revenue from the postal ner.ioe, but DOW the Postmaster General of tbe I'uited Slate* estimated a dye-million defioit. In Canada there was yet a K-ftoit, and be .bought tbe reduction would be uuwiee. Tbe opening- op ot the van! territory in the North wet and the perfecting of tbe postal facilities in tbe older Province* involved ijreat expenae, and it would be better to ipend tbe money in :bat way tbao in reducing the rate. The motion was carried. Mr. Bergeron moved for the oorrespon- ieuoe between tbe Dominion and Quebec Government* regarding tbe working of the Lie*oie Law. lie referred to tbe recent Itoi-j"" of tbe Supreme Court, and said that the poor tavern-keeper! did net know to whom to apply for a license. He .astanoed the oaae of an hotel-keeper who paid two hundred dollaro for a license, and ilso paid fifteen or twenty dollar* lor a Dominion license. The person who iaaued the Dominion license wa a magistrate, and waa named Denoyers. After the Supreme Court decision tbe officer* of tbe Quebec Local Government arreeted tbe hotel- keeper referred to for selling liquor with- out a license, and had him brought before Mr. Denoyers, and this very magistrate who had granted tbe license indicted a heavy tine on him for celling under it. He understood there was some arrangement between tbe Dominion and Quebec Govern- ment* wbioh would prevent occurrences iuoh as these Mr. McCarthy introduced a Bill respect- ing the sale ot railway passenger tickets, wbioh be explained was to provide) that she railway companies should be compelled to pot up a notice in stations telling where tickets not used would be redeemed. Tbe Bill was read the first time. Mr. Sutherland (Oxford) presented a Bill to amend an Aet to provide for the em- ployment without the walls of tbe common .ails of prisoner* sentenced to imprison- ment therein, wbiob wan read the first time. In reply to Mr. Blake, Sir John Mao ion aid said DO understanding had been reached between tbe Government and tbe Lieutenant Oo\ ernor ot New Brunswick a* so hie continuing to fill the office for any length of time. Sir Richard Carlwrigtat asked whether it i* tbe intention of tbe Government to repeat the Catholic Clergy of tbe 1'rovinoe of (jaebee to snppy the Government witb saeh information as they po-<eee. in detail, showing tbe number of tbe actual resident Catholic population of the Province of Qae- Dec in tbe yean !->.( and 1 >>!, respectively. for tbe purpose of testing the accuracy of :he statements mads in Ibis House and alse where touching the large emigration from tbe Province of Quebec iu recent years. Mr. Pops replied in tbe negative. Mr. Kobartson (8helburne| asked it it is the intention of the Government to intro- luoe a Bill amending tbe Canada Temper- ance Act of 1H78 in tbe direction aeked for by tbe delegation of temperance men wbioh waited upon the Premier recently. Sir John Maodonald The Government have not com* to a conclusion on that sub- ject. Mr. Caagrain aaked *ben the papers respecting the Short Line would be before tbe House. lie had been receiving com munications daily on tbe subject. Sir H. Langevin *ud be observed that the bon. gentleman bad a notice of this inaction on the paper and suggested the matter should be postponed to Monday. Sir R. Cartwnght, rising to move a reso- lution in connection witb tbe Exchange Bank, expressed regret that tbe documents on this subject bed not been printed. He closed by moving a resolution recil tag the fact* of tbe case, and declaring (hat the House regretted the action of the Finance Minister in this matter. The motion wa* lost on tbe following iiviaion : Tea*, ">'' nays. 11*. OTTAWA, March Mr. Hoberlaon (Ham ilton) presented petition* from bankers, liquor dealers and otbers, praying for the appointment ot a commission to inquire into the working of the Canada Temper-' anoe Aot, and that no further action be taken under that law until tbe com minion ha* reported . also asking for compensa- tion. On account of several irregularities the Speaker ruled that tbe petitions could lot be received. *! mlonl.1. ii. r 'I.. I- Ht in. . The I'aiiii Telejrafk has a good deal to iay about General Booth's novel movement of invading tbe rural regions with caravans llled with Salvationist* who are to carry in evangelizing operations among the peasantry of England. Having discussed the probable effects of thin visitation on a society that is generally dull and wbioh may therefore hail it with delight and on the minds of ehnreb and oonoonfoimiet ilergymen indignant at an encroachment on heir own spiritual preserves, the TeUgraph <oea on to consider whether it has any political ignifiaanoe. It may conceivably be, lays our contemporary, that tbe astute leader of tbe Salvationist boats is a politi nan as well an a religionist, and baa taken to heart the vast change about to be effected by the 'extension >f the franchise to the agricultural laborer. He may be determined to do what ia him lie* to assist the State in tbe work of lifting tbe peasant out of tbe mice of ignorance in wbioh he is now plunged ; and for that object what coarse could be better than to despatch flying columns ot enthusiastic disciple* Into every nook and corner of rural Britain, thus arousing tbe new voter* both to a **ns* of their own position and to tbe fact of the existence of General Booth and his Army. But, after indulging in the eon-, jeotnre, tbe Telrnrapk adds : We are not concerned, however, to examine the doubt- less exoelhnt-motive which have influenced this step. It is enough to be assured that lot country in tbe coming summer will pocaees a new feature of interest, which is all that the self conducted tourist and tbe holiday sportsman care to know about. Not even the dictionary of Litter son tain* tbe word ' microbe, it u said. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE Mr. Mowat It is known to the House tbat siooe we adjonrned on Friday one of the members of the iiouse has gone to hie long bom*. Mr. MoOraney ha* not, I bolisvc, been iu attendance any nay ot the prsjwut aaauoii of tbe Legislature, lie became ill about tbe commencement, and bis illnee* baa been going on gradually from worse to worse till tbe end came. I ufortunately from day to day the new* only got from worse to worse, and ainoa hia death the respect in which he waa held waa manifested by all the member* who were here going up to bis funeral, including my friend tbe leader of tbe Opposition and several member* on that side of the House, ao well aa several ot my colleagues and member* on this aide. Mr. MoCraney wa* a genial, kind-hearted and exceptionally amiable man in all the relations of life. Ha wa* also a man known to be of unbeuding integrity, undeviating truthfulnetm, ana of unwavering fidelity to every duty that he undertook. He waa, ib fact, in a word, all hia life a well- living and well-doing man. He formed many friendship* ; be had many friend*, and it is pleasant to be able to add tbat he had not a single enemy. He wa* a man of excel- lent judgment, and suooaeaful io the affaire ot lit*. Here, being modest and unobtru- sive, he did not take a prominent part in tbe affairs of the House, but witb much talent, and being well informed on public quectiona, he took a live interest, if not a prominent interest, in tbs .juentions which arias here. Hut he was extremely well informed on mnnio'pal matter*, and on queation* affecting tbe rural con- stituencies we frequently consulted him. Though, a* I bave said, taking no promi- nent part in tbe affair* of the Houae, yet when be addressed it hia views were always forcible and well deli-ored. He was public -(pinted, too, and took a keen interest in his own municipality, which bowed tbe estimation iu which ha wa* held there by electing him Mayor six timea. Shortly after b* ceased to hold that posi- tion a vacancy occurred in the repreaenta- tion of the riding and he was chosen to fill tbat, continuing to represent tbe con- stituency for about ten year*. I need not say to this House that be is deeply regretted here. I know, too, that he wa* regretted a* a citizen and mourned for by hi* loving family. Following tbe custom hitherto observed, I move now tbat thi* House do now adjourn out ot respect to hie memory. Mr. Meredith, in seconding tbe motion, said : I oonour in the propriety of showing this mark ol esteem to our deceased friend which ia involved io the motion of my bon. friend. I bed tbe good fortune many year* before Mr. McCraney entered public life to make bis acquaintance, and every- thing wbiob my bon. friend baa said I oan tolly endorse, and I may add tbat not with standing the bitterness of party strife tbe kindest feeling* existed between myself and himself to tbe very laat. I oonour, too, in what my bon. friend baa aaid of hia good qualities io other respeeta, and I agree with him tbat this House and tbe country have suffered a serious loa* in tbe death of my bon. friend. Hon. gentlemen on that side no doubt were more intimate with the deceased member than we on tbia aide of tbe Hooae, but I think I oan aay for every one of tbem that nothing but the kindest feeling* were entertained towards him by them always, and tbat wa agree moat cor- dially In any expreaaion of sorrow for hi* Ions, and of sympathy for hi* bereaved family. Mr. Fraser'i Bill to regulate the public fisheries of thi* Province oame up for second reading. Tbe Commissioner ex- plained that nnder a recent decision of tbe Supreme Court tbe inland fisheries, hitherto suppoeed to be nnder th* control of the Dominion, were under the jurisdiction ot tbe Province. Tb* Bill empowered tbe Commisaioner ot Crawn Lands to take con- trol of the leasing and licensing of inland titheriea. It provided tbat no leases should b* granted except by public competition. Mr. Meredith protested against tbe mea- sure, contending that tbe decision of the Supreme Court only concerned non-navi- gable and E. a tidal river*. Ever linoe Confederation the right of dealing witb tbe iibarie*) waa always vested in the Dom- inion, and Ontario could not aaaume it without entailing considerable loaa to tb* revenue. Last year the receipt* were 111,845 ; the expenaes for salarie* of offi- cials, 915,192, in addition to *'2~.^'< for nab breeding and 91,100 for legal and adver- tising expenses. If Ontario claimed tbe rigbt to deal witb tbe nsherie* of tbe 1'ro vinoe, tbe Maritime Province* would claim tbe far more valuable fisheries of the Atlantic coast. Th* debate wa* continued by Messrs. Fraaer, Carnegie, Creighton, Young, Clarke and Ferris, and on a vote being taken tbe amendment was defeated on tbe following vote: YKAS Bankervlllp. Blyths. Brereton, Brodr Cu-netjte. Usury. Clarke Toronto , Creighton, DenitoD, Krmatlnaer, Pell. French, dray, Hauimell, Best, Hudson, Kama, Kerr, Leei McOhee. aUrodlth, aferrick. Mvtcalfe, Monk. Morgan, Malbolland, I'rstton. Bow (Cornwall i Nr Awrey, Badgerow, Hal/our, Ballantyne, I'axtcr. Btotiop, lilecard, Caldttell. Caseadcm. CuUholm, Conk. Dill, Dowlinc, Dryden, Ferris, Freoiuan, (iibaon (Hamilton), Uibion (Boron', (tould. (traham, Hagar. Haroourt, Hardy, Hart. Mcliilvr.-, Mitckon/tr. McMahon, Matter, Morln, Mol. Murr.v Nmlon, I'M-dM, Ktyiido. KOI* Huron RowiMlddleMX), Hills. Rnliler W*tn. Widdifleld. Tonne -41. The Houae then went into committee and panned a large number ot item*, including all under the head of publio institution maintenance. Hon. C. F. Fraaer Mr. Speaker, in moving tbe firat reading of tbe Bill to further extend tbe franchise, I do no with all tbe greater satisfaction and all tbe greater delight to myself because it i* the fulfilment of promisee made by the Liberal party prior to the last general election, that during the present Parliament there enonld be an extension of the fran- chise. The franchise now is limited to owner*, occupant* and tenants of real estate wbo are aasewed for a certain amount, to posseesori ot income of a cer- tain taxable amount, and farmer*' sons, wbiob 1 Alter claa* are placed in the posi- tion of joint owners or tenants, and are thus entitled to vote. As the law now stand* the owner, occupant or tenant ot real estate oan have a vote in a oity pro- vided be is annealed for real property to tbe extent of I400,in town* to the extent ot*300, and m incorporated village* and townabipa to the same extent. In thi* Bill we pro poa* that tbe franchise, a* far aa th* owner, tenant, or oecnpant is concerned, hall b* extended fur the same olasn to those assessed to the amount ot 9200 in cities and town* and 1100 in incorporated villages and townabips. Hon gentlemen will thus eee tbat we reduce tbe amount of atweuament by one-half in oities, and tlOO iu towns, villageH and townehips. A further change we propose in tbe olaas of owner*, occupiers and teuttnti U that those only shall exercise the franchise who are actu ally resident in tbe electoral district. In this respeot the change will work satialac torily to both *ide*. and the trouble and expsnae hitherto ueoaasary in getting in tbe outaide vote will be obviated, and greater protection and safeguards will be thrown around tbe eieroiae ot franchise so that only thoae really entitled to vote will be permitted. Mr Meredith A single vote for esob voter? Hon. O. F. Fraoer A aingle vote only. At present as regards tbe ordinary income franchise, a peraon only oan exereiae tbe franchise where be has 9400 taxable income, and baa paid bia taxa* on that prior to tbe time at which the election ia being held. What we propose now IB tbat tbe income qualification 'iould be reduced to i-WO and that tbe provision making it taxable income should no longer exist. We also propose a great deal more than thin, and that every man earning wage* to the amount of 1900 shall be entitled to vote, and thus, prae tioally, tbat every wage-earner in tbe Pro- vince of Ontario shall be entitled to vote, nnder this designation, if be be .|ualifled to tbe amount. We also give a vote to tbose who may be called householders, and not entered upon tbe assecament roll to tbe value of 5200 in oities and towns, and in vil Isges and townships (100. We propose to give a vote to every such householder wbo i* living in a separate dwelling, and it follow* tbat we have adopted tbe bouse holders' franobiHe, for many year* existing in England. Everybody appearing on tbe assessment roll a* a householder will hereafter be entitled to vote. Here we oome to tb* farmers' sons franobiae. In future they need not be sons of land owners, but the ptesent Bill will include landholders' ion*. Landholder will mean any peraon who being tbe owner of and residing and domiciled upon real property of at leaat twenty acre* in extent, or of al lean an actual value in cities and towns of 400, and in township* and incorporated village* of v.'(X). , m the last revUed assessment roll of tb* municipality where such property i* situate, entered and assessed as owner ol said property of at least the number of acre* of asseaaed vlue aforesaid ; and any peraon actually residing and domiciled in any dwelling bouse ae tenant thereof, where such dwelling bouse and tbe land, if any, held therewith by such person aa suoh tenant ia of at leaat an actual value in oitiea and towns of 9400, and in township* and incorporated villages of t'JOO, and ie at not lese than aucb value entered and aaaewed ia the name of uch peraon in the laat revised aaaessment roll of tbe municipality wherein tbs same ia litutta. Tb* expression " landholder'* nan " (ball mean and include a son, step-son, or grand- eon, a* th* caaa may be, of any father, stepfather, mother or stepmother, wbo is a landholder. There will be changes to be made in th* aaaesament law to provide th* machinery, and tbtoae will be provided tor in another Aot. With regard to Aigoma and tbe unorganwssd diairiota the law remains the same except that actual resi- dence in all case* Is required. The fran- chise aa regards Indiana is allowed to remain a* wa* amended laat session. Tbe Bill wa* read tbe tirat time. Hon. O. W. Roa* moved tbe first reading of tbe Bill to farther define the powers and duties of tbe Education Department. He explained tbat the object ot tbe Bill wa* to define more clearly certain power* of tbe Department a* to wbiob there waa some uncertainty. It also gave tbe Depart- ment authority to eet apart flv* High Schools or Collegiate Insti- tutes for the purpose of providing instruction in tbe theory and practice of teaching for aaaiatant High Hihool teachers. There were at preaent about 12,000 pnpils in attendance at the High School* of tb* Province, of whom about 1,000 graduated annually a* teachers, to tbat tb* import- ance of tbe work was apparent. Mr. Meredith Doee tbe Bill provide what High School B are to be set apart Mr. Roe* No. Tbat U a matter ot appointment by Ib* Department on tbe recommendation of the High School In* pec tors. Mr. Haroourt aaked whether additional grant* were to b* mad* to tb* five institutes wbioh were to become Model High Schools, and also whether the teach* getting tbe benefit of tbe professional training in them would be required to bear all tb* increased expeoae. Mr. ROM said the proposition waa to begin witb three training soboola, one in the east, ons in the west, and on* in the oentre, and that the sum of 9300 would be placed in the supplementary eitimat** to cover tbe expense, a* the work was looked upon as Provincial in It*) character. No faea were to be imposed upon teachers attending these training school*. Tb* Bill waa read the firat time. r. ... "Hon AajalsvM Burial % 1 1 Tbe interment alive of Mis* Cox, al Okonoke, W. Ya., recalls to mind the curious ouitom practmed by an old Virginia family, tb* Feudal*, of Alexandria. When- ever a member of tbe family dies tbe male representative of the older branch thereof, just before tbe hour tor interment, buries a dagger in tbe heart of the dead to assure himself of no re-awakening. The dagger used i* one sacred to tbe purpose, and has been devoted to its use for many generation*. Tbe ouatom originated because of th* burial alive of a member of tbe family and an inherited tendency to a peculiar form of heart diieaae. Cumberland Timrt. The tJaintr Hti,domadaire dt linlifint states that French bakers are making n*e of vaseline in oak* nod other pastry. It) advantage over lard or butter lies in the fact that, however stala tbe r**tfy nay be it will not become rancid. The Council of Hygiene disapproves of ibe praetioe, on tbe ground that the derivatives ot petro- leum contain no nutriment- It doe* not sav distinctly, bowaver, that they are injurious to health. THE NEW CONSTITUENCIES. RecJivition of the Province of Ontario for tlectoral Purposes. SUMMARY OF THE CHANGES MADE. In the ease of Algoma to ere were exceptional circumstances to be considered. Owiug to tbe great extent of that territory it i* beyond question impossible for any one representative to adequately aerve tbe dwiriot in Parliament. The territory is therefore divided into two electoral division* to be known as But and West Algoma. Tbe former will couaist of the territorial district of Thunder Bay, and the latter ot the remainder ot the old electoral district of Algoma. The unit of popul lion lor a constituency is placed at 21.621, as agalnit Is, 414 under tbe oenius of 1*71 . The prevent division of the county of Bruce is abolished, and the county ia divided into three riding* to be known as tbe south, the oentre and the north ridings. The new riding will be composed of Greenook township, Kincardine township, Kincardine town and Huron township, takes from the old riding of South Bruce and of Klderalie township, Cbaaley village and Paialey village, taken from tbe former riding of North Bruce. Tbe electoral district of Cornwall ia abolished, and the town and township of Cornwall are included in the electoral district of Stormont. Tbe three riding* of the counties cf Leeds and Grenville are abolished a new electoral district oC Broekville is created, and tbe remainder of tbe riding* 11 divided into two counties, to be called, tb* one Leeds and tbe other Orenville. Leeds will consist of the townahip called tbe front of Leedi and Lanidowne, tbe townsbipe called rear of Leeds and Lansdowne, South Crosby, North Croaby, bastard, South Burgeee, Kitley and Elmaley, and tbe villages of Gananoqne and Newboro'. Grenville will consist of Augusta, Edwards- burg, Oxford, Wolford, South Oower, tbe town of Presoott. and tbe villages of Keiuptville, Mernckville and Cardinal. Tbe present three ridings of Bimcoe are abolished. The new West Simooe is com- posed of Nottawassaga, Collingwood town and tbe village of Soayner taken from tbe old Weat riding, and of Toeaorontio, Etna and the village of Allistou taken from tbe former South riding. Centre Simcoe ia composed of Floe, Snnnidale, Veipra, I'.arno taken from West Simoon, and of liny taken from Eaet Simooe. Eaet Sim- ooe remain* a* it waa, with the exception of Tiny added to Centre Simcoe. Caledon i* taken from Cardwell and added to Peal and West Gwillimbnry. Bradford village and lunisfil are added from South Simeoe. Peal remain* a* it wa*, with tbe exception of Caledon added. In tbe oaee of Toronto the principal of minority representation is introduced, and the present electoral division of tbe city into two riding* i* thereby abolished. Parkdal* u added to the city for electoral purpose*, also tbe new ward* of St. Paul'*, St. Matthew 1 * and St. Mark's, and tb* whole i* mad* one electoral district, and voters will therefore have the privilege of voting for two candidates. Tbe township of Tusoarora is taken from South Brant and added to North Brant. Tbe township of Eaat l.ulher ia taken from Centre Wellington and added to Duf- ferin. Tbe townships ot Bedford, Portland and Lougbboro' are taken from Addington and added to I routeuac, and the township* of Kingston and village >f Portamoutb are added to Kingston. Arthur township and tbs town of Mount Foreel are taken from West Wellington and added to Centre Wellington, and Pilkmgton i* taken from Centre Wellington and added to South Wellington. Tbe township of Proton is taken from Eaat Grey and added to South Grey, and Sullivan ii taken from North Grey and added to Eaat drey. St. Thomas is taken from Eaat Elgin and added to Weet Elgin, and Port Stanley u taken from Weat Elgin and added to East Elgin. In view of tb* annexation of Yorkville and Riverside to Toronto, Richmond Hill is added to East York. West York there- fore losea Parkdale, Brockton and Rich mond Hill. Tilbury West it taken from North Essex and added to South Esaex, and Anderdon is removed from tbe South Riding and sdded to tb* North. Reach, Pert Perry, and Sougog Inland are taken from North Ontario and added to tbe South Riding. It waa found advisable in this oaaa to regard territorial consider- ations quite as much aa tbe condition* ot population. Verulam and Boboaygeon are taken from South Victoria and added to North Vic- toria, and Woodville i* taken from tbe North Riding and added to the South. London Eait is taken from East Middle- sex and added to the Oity of London. Till HKW concur*. The new Electoral Division* created or in part created by tins Bill will be constituted aa follow* : Algoma Weet All that part of the old Electoral District of Algoma situate west of the meridian of rt7 degree* ot weat longi tnde, being all that part of Algoma District known aa the Territorial District of Thun- der Bay. Algoma Eaat All tbe rest and remain- der of the aforesaid Electoral District of Algoma. Sooth Bruce Tbe township* of Brant, Carriok, Cuiross and Kinloa*, town of Walkerton and tbe village* of Lucknow and Teeiwater. Centre Bruoe The township* of Green- ook, Kincardine, Klderslie and Huron, ,tbe town of Kincardine and the village* of Paisley and Cbesley. North Brace Tbe township* ot Bury St. Edmunds, Lindsay, Eaatnor, Albemarle, Amabel, Arran, Saugeen and Bruoe, and the villages ot Southampton, Port Elgin, Wiarton, Tara and Tiverton. Leeds The townnuip called tbe front of Leeds and l.tnsdowne, the townahip called the rear of Lead* and Lanadowoe, the township* of South Crosby, North Croaby, Bastard and bouth Burgssa, Klttsy and Klmsley, and tbe village* of Oaoauoqne and Newboro. Grenville The townahip* ot Augusta. Oxford, Wolford and South Gower, the town of Presoott and tbe village* of Kemptville, Merriokville and Cardinal. Eaat Simooe The township* of Tay. Metohadanb, Orillia, Medonte and Oro, tbe towna of Orillia and Peuetanguiabaae and the village ot Midland. Centre Simooe The township* of Tiny, Vespra, Flo* and Bnnuidale and the town of Barrie. Weat Simooe Tbe township* of Toaaor ontio, Ensa and Nottawassaga, thetown ot Collingwood, and the villages ol Staynar and Allistou. Toronto To form one electoral district and return tbraa members. Broekville The town ot Brookville and tbe township of Elizabetbtown, tbe town ship called Front of Yonge, tbe townahip called Rear ot Yonge and Esoott, and the townahip called Front of Esoott. !' route lao Tbe townships of Wolfe Island, Pittsburgh, Howe Island, Storring ton, Longbboro', Portland and Bedford, and the village of Garden Inland. Addicgtin Tbe townships of Camdan, Sheffield, Hinohiubrooke, Ktladar, Kenna- bee, Olden, Oeo. Angleaea, Barrie, Claren don. Palmereton, Effingbam, Abinger, Mil ler, North and Booth Comonto, Asnleigb and Denbigh, and tbe village of Newbnrgb Tbe change* relating to tbe Greys, Wei lingtons, Cardwell, Dufferin, Peel, Cora wall, Kingston, tbe Yoria, tbe Bran**. Elgin, Essex, Ontario, Victoria and London are tally explained above. COMl'UtATlVE bTATI.MKM OF POPCI.a TION. LJKrroRAL nmsioN AND POPTTLATIO* Old. New. \IUM\I.TOS. rnOKTKNAr AKD KINGSTON. south Hruc* Sort!) Hruoe . North K*M- S^uJi Kwtt Kut Klgiti . Vimt KlKiu Houth Kraal . North Braui North Uray South Grey . . HI. 4M* r:'.l i I . South Bruce 93,394 North Krue* 90,196 Outre Bruoe il.O* x. North Itnaex.. 93 n*7 South Ksaex. UOt I I ..IN. Kasl Ellin 19.M8 1U** WMI Ulim BRAS i SI..T5 H..utb Brant ll.i*4 North Brant. 14.TH6 '.III T 43.TK1 Bast (trey 3,641 North drey Jl 1*7 South (iray... LONDON AND M1DDLK1KX. London City 19,746 London City.... Middlesex Kast... 30,ilOJ Ml.ldlwx Rut. BIUKOK. CABOWKU, AND rSUCL. West Biuiooa 91,190 Wcwt Blnioo* Kii-t Himocw 94.110 Ha>t Slmcos . 9,im South Bimcoe 17,:i50 C'entr* Hliiiooa.... 17.406 Cardwall. 17993 Cardwsll ... I'trl MJBT Peal voam. I. A. t York >i:i!9 Kast York. Wust York 1KJM4 West Vork.. ToaonTo. Torouio 86,414 Toronto Parkdale OXTAB.IO, NurtL outario *,4.'t4 Nortti Ontario ... fkmtli (Milan *..f7" Boutb Ontario VICTORIA. JU.HI;< south Victoria... U.7W North Victoria... lOBNO Atl . 9.904 Stonnont ilocluj ing Cornwall) ... . . 96 710 JO. 1.14 kuth \ictorm North V icioiitt . Cornwall ....... htor!iiout.__ . 91.Q8T 15*980 IS.Ttt . N6.41& 1.1 ru . l 9T.H06 1T.4TJ 17.1 .) JJW LI:K.H-. c.lll S Ml.l.K AMD IIKIH-H \ ll.LK. 1HJJ8J Lods ....... _ __ . Leeds and (trn rille ...... ____ (iri-iirllllr Brock vill- 90.TW 'J9.741 1T.TB4 ItWU l.\*gn OreovilU 1M Urockvilla ALOOMA. 'i<|>ulauou la 1*71 .............. . ......... &.007 Population m 1-"1 ... ... 90. t*i A census waa taken of Port Arthur on its becoming a town laat year, nnder tb authority ot tbe Connoil. Tb* population was returned aa at about 6,000, an inoreas < of .:-'.' ovsr 1881. . u ,. M '! lor - .. i. i. ii .. An extraordinary IT air has oooorrad ellinA;, D *ar Newoaatle. A woman, aaid to be respectably connected, wa* appre- hended on a charge of killing oat* and nailing them aa " Scotch bar**." ribs waa in tbe habit of taking oats from doorstep* and conveying them to her own DOOM, where she slaughtered them, oot off their heada and paws, skiuned them, and ex posed them for sal* at a (billing Forty oats' skins ware found in tb* 1 Tbe aflair baa caused considerable tion. For some time oats belonging to different families have mysteriously diaap peared. Borne ware never much though i about after, bat in tbe oase of aome ladies who bave become muoh attached to the r (aline favorites diligent inqairie* wens made, bat without suooeis It has now transpired that the woman waa in the habit of going out at night, and on teeing a oat on a door step or on a wall *h* wonld go qnietly toward* it, -ttroke it gently for a moment, and then suddenly **izt tbe animal and place it under her (bawl, bbs after ward*, in tbe scullery of bar bouse slaughtered the eat, skinned it, and next day would offer it at a " cheap" rat* to coma neighbor or other under tbe pretence tbat it waa a " beautiful Scotch bare." A few daya ago, a family on sitting down to dina off a " Sootoh bare " which bad been pur chased off the accused woman were anable to eat in oonaeqnenoe of ite strong and peculiar odor. It waa shortly afterwards offered to a oat and a dog that were on the premiaes, but neither of tbem would touch it. The attention of Sergeant Tillar, of tbe Durham County Constabulary waa drawn to the matter, and he made a search of tbe woman'* house. In the garden ho found the skin* of nineteen oate, with tbe bead* attached partly burled. H* found the remain* of oat*' paws, part* of legs, etc., buried in the aab heap, and also a large oat, partially disembowelled, ia a hen house. Tbe intelligence of this find baa oaused an uncomfortable feeling among the people who have been in the habit of buying the woman's " Uheip Sootoh harea." Several of the victim* are very unwell, and their suiteringn are made much more aouto by young fellows following tbem wherever they go out of doors shouting, " I'uss, puai." Tbe word* of the Bishop of Glouoenter, Dr. Ellioott, in which be condemns certain practices in the Church of England, stirred ip tome of the High Church papers to makn remarks not wholly respectful. Tb* Church limit says : " The poor little prelate in a sore trial, hot. aa wa oannol suppose tbat anybody oarea a straw for what be say?, w* suppose be oan be born* with."