Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Mar 1885, p. 1

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I Flesherton Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FA) 'OR"-' 1 PRINCIPLES, JVOT MEJV.' VOL. IV., NO. 196. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, MARCH 19, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE. Worth C/-///.I/ ,v cosU you to see the *tock of boot* just n-ci n.il at II.-.-M- Factory The annual niili of the Fleahurton Globe, and an marine reporter and editor 'y I lini . 1-H.mim Ornra, Ion, OL . i.KM -. OF M ' I is. ItU'Tli 'N : 1 m |wrn>uui IM a.ivanc, S1,Wif uot paid yoari. No ptpor dlseootiuuixl i just "threw l tb! odd of A drunken man, who w "about as full as he uould hold," up" .in a C. P. it. siuuking car on Mon- day evening. Conductor Lewis cauie ..til all raireaiWesV.p.idoVraaaTOsob.crV , * J "t?. " """ some tiesn VaWi. (or tees than on* yaar,z*pt when ( hu became knuwn to all the Ukt tailor* Cheeae Fct.iry fUil>urv<J<k)i>feletiiiK'*q" t 'nt">K thia port. There are few officers, letting iilk contract* and other buaineas men or lawyer* in the city who l>uftiiieaH was held in the Town Hall Flesh w "'l out remember him with roirret, while ertou on Monday, 9th mst. Altfem.h farmer* nd fair-ex hibiton all over the Ue day waaoneof the ilrmut.thM winter Pnivin.-e. will eit fall mias the accustom there was a large number of the Patrons *I '<* "f "'" "ho was nenr hppier tbaii vrMif*uuiiU lur thorur period" ri- with lb advice, and present. A motion thank i UK the Presi- , *heu he was dealing with an agricultural egret tliat such fellows I dent, Secretary and Directors for the very exhibition. He waa ashrewd, intelligent. | could nut be compelled to dean up their wtficient and satutactory manner in which |<uid hardworking a* well a* an ssuiaMi- ADVKRTWINO mATV.H, *r ttMuitnU.ftotmtMnr lt hivrtior. ad 8 o*nl pr !! each vubMHiKfOA iiiHrtinn T random ailvartinvriMIlti U>t>|Mi.l for when li.'l.- I VlMtl t 11VUMIIW Witb.i It SJt.u !! (tlrtlC- ,ion Will Iw hMCTMd Mil forbiii &n<l chart;. ! . m.iuiunu W refill r oM tuionij reading matter, 10 c*nt per . So MdwrUMUiant 4i>couttuul until all ar Mragflt tra p<u4 up Copy lor .lorumiiit ih.iuM raaofa th >!& hot Ut.ii than noon on T <!> u> uure HMTU..I. m currant lu. A. R FAWCBTT, IMiior iiiwf Proprietor. Tit - Bits. ../ /.</ <t HI I tHItrr InUreitituj Itemt '(>,itJr~l by Tke Advance lilthy meaaea. The d. m gave the cou- iill'tot i ulislilfl-.i 1 If Ku8sil, Flesherton, IB selling Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry for the j (l days iiciiuiUy nt wholnde fricei. Scotch A Canadian Tmd ruagnilicent range at ftickardton'i. Road sll the aew advertismenti in this weeks's ADYAMCK. -Notion Mr. W.J. Bellamys change of advert iaestent. Do not fail to see Ruwells Stock of Watches at tremendous low prices. - The rush fnr Job Work of ail kinds mtiuues st THE AI>VAJICV office. Tile Amrncxi* Agriculturist for March an excellent nunber. A number of our prominsut Reform- en attend- 1 the S.uth Orey Reform ''imrsjufcnnlielil in Durhasi hut Saturday. Remrubr Buselli Clearing sale of WattchcB for tbe next M da\ s MHL Geo. Sadler, of CoUiBtrwood Rossi, ArtenMsAa, is we regret very much Warn, danfsroualy ill. The road between here and Harkdale M |*tty well "nUed op" with the beauti- Jul snow. Arteiaeaia Council nnauU-s and other matter unavoidably crowded out : will appear in our next. The first umber of the Chatsworth .Vewi received. The publisher, Mr. (i. J. IflyOte, has mir best wishea fur his JwBt arrived : Another lut of thoae fine luirti Oynteni at Sept. Good'* meat markets Ktaihertoii ; alao a tine lot of Hloaten and Finnan Haddin. Heavy American Watched, at from $12 up, just to suit the hard titm s, at Hiissells, Fleslicrtoa. Wo were i;Uvl to mitice Mr. Andrew Roe in town yterday, after the aevere .u-. nli-ii t which ha> for several weeks ren- dered him unfit to mom about. The Toronto It'./rW i now |irintu<l in the l>u*t liullock wb |rfectinK in OanMia, capable of turning out 22,000 copiea of that prince <>f Tuntntu dailiu* .per hour. Two oommereial traveller*, who were nhown tlmm^li our Howlun: Ri>jtn )>y one >f the members, were pieaiod that they have placed a number of excellent ; 1 1 ..! icalt on fyl, there fur tin- UMI. lit of the inct.tutinn. A number have cheerfully reeponded tu our retjueat to "|y up," and we trust the i I'M of ur subwribera will come fur- ward with the money m aaimilar manner. As stated before, we shall eateein it a great favor it thoae owing Ma fomubscnp- tioiia, job work and advertising, will kindly remit before the 1st of Aunl. The timea may be hard, but the aaaouiita are Roasell's Noted Jtweiry Store it the place to get your Watcheft, Clocks and Jewelry Uepaiied. He can do them properly. Mi.- Editor t MUlAke. To tl,, Kditor "f n, A<hanet. Sir, I notice you used the word "cat- teriiiK" in connection with a inilluiui y n tice in your laat weeks laaue. I always thought the word waa only uaed when speaking of fbtid or something -f that sort. Ora En. [Right you are, friend "Open Kyu ; " but lau't millstwirr foo4 for feast upon, fur malanee I the > to . ADVAMCB.] Th. Shade, of night laat An though oar riliag fall tog treeti there passed a youth whose general appearance betokened that good taxte in drese, especially in sclectiiig a I/at, such M can now be had at a'j ,- the nobbiest goods for Spring wear. When the blood is loaded with impuhtipn and mows slngirishly m the veins, and alter- ative is needed, ai this cumlitiuu of the vital fluid cannot laul long without ri.iii- r. -uli There is nothing better than Ayer' tar>ap- arilla to pun/y the blood, and impart energy to the system. I li County. The bill asking the Legislature t,, f,, MI , the they have duuhai j -d theu various duties during their variofet-.ursM of office; was put to the meeting and carried unan- imously. The Officers elected fur the current year are : . 0. Stewart, President, (re-elected.) J. Brodie, Secretary, (re-elecUd.) Directors ;- T. Wright, W Wilcock, XV. Hill, W. Hutchison, W. Pickle, H Meldrum and D. MeMullen. Auditors W Wilcpck and W. Hut ehison. MILK Dluwcas. RwiteNo. 1. W. Leek, " " 1-J. Molly, " " 3. . Bridie, - " 4. -R. Waller, and highly respectwl man and he ilt greatly mounted t.y hia associates and other friend* Ho leaves s wife and five children. >H<lx. [A number of the relatives of deeeaa ^d live ia the Township of Euphrasia Mr. 11. -yd, Public S l,...,i Teacher, a nephew. Ki>. "Ant IS.-R. ] Pt.ld JMI safferer* from that terrible torment. oralgia, eau bf mode happy in ooe mo- ment by a single application of Fluid Ijght ning briskly rubbed on painfil parti, and 9153 00 w| th 'Ul using any disgusting mediciu* da; 96 00 with littlr ur ou result. Fluid 119 nn ' J *'"' U|! *''* ean * *" effect oally Toothache. 100 00 ' >nm ' > * ((<J ' Rl 'umaUsni. Headache, sod is B. W. Hopper, 7 D. McMuUeu, I'M 00 146 00 7 60 only M renta per bottk- at Biehardsoo'i Drug tore. Ths factory wiU t opened this -war I Ti.alor.l Koail. on th 19th of May. Prom our CorrtqnndtHt , 'IB, The anniversary tea-meeting in sid of the Sabbath School here waa held in the Wesley Church ..n Tuesday evening the Ttrttti Suit* foe boys, from 4 to 12 ioth met, owing u. the nds being in a at KirkarJton' I. vr> bad state after the day U-furr a stortii the attendance was auialler than uaual, but in every other nopwct it was a Mn.h ra I'r. , nlul l> . nxiat decided n IIM To baviu with the >urs. at 11.60 Bee them. la order U> withstand Cholera sad such tea and oaks* were both excellent and ab- lik epidemics s perfect puntjr of Mood, and undajtt. The interval between the fast Ike propei action of the prone* action of the of good thing* and that .>f w isdoui was atoaaash are i|uirerf. T.. m.ur* that end, j taken up by fc*a yottBf and ..Id in the in UM cheapest, most *nilaU* and complete Jibetal distribution of l-senger* irf which , uae MeUit-gor 3y*e4y Cars for l>y- sy*)|nU, and Imi>f , ''.|.d. Then is M purer, safer or nun* v^.. - ence for L^iifotlion, Oyt etc. Ask yonr nsighkor or any parsed who it Hold si Meaardson's Drug Store Trial bottle Kt \vn free Will .H thr LaO i...,,. The will of the latr <;e<>. .Iackon, Kaq. . i M 1*. for Snuth Grey, la yiven in laat work's Ifitrh.un ITtrotiielt, as follows : As many are ansjrns to hear how Mr Jacksun U-i|ue;ithed his wealth, we (five tin- followiiiK .'.n era! paticulani, mnittini: the technicalities. Mrs. A. <Vlininc $ 7000 ; Mr. .1. Tuahrane ff 4lMKi . Mr^ Torrance S ?(XN) ;.fstn. Arch M. Kenzie Mis* Ijissne Ja.-kKoi, J ;MH. . David .Ia<-k-oii Sr. f NW jiaoii, new ('..iinty of Palmeraton, with i years. Win. <J .1 Mt. Forest M a county town, lias been I jouiinc the town cxwiprinini: .'.".<. bilked by their own tu|ji<lity. (>f course The residence sinl vsxiuiid* t.^rtlu r they ci.uld not have entruiite<l it to the resitluv of rssst estate, civ.li. their present member McKini, but they mixht have rulied> mi the integrity of Rlyth, whether ho ws in favor of it or lot. The bill was in charge of Mr. Fer- ris Biuniber for Northumberland, an old neiuber . .f the House, yet he never in- year for 4 - faun :i.l Mltll lank stock, and murt^agM ii'i.it tu Davul Jackwiu jr. the \alev of whu-li M iu>t known, but is geneitllv ii|i|KMte<l to l. t about t 40.000 at tU least. " Aver'i Hair Vip.r stinmlstv* the hair cells troduced the bill, until two days after the ' * healthy condition, au.l pn m. ie< vip.r time appointed for receiving private I'ilhi. , oo ' < g ro * tn - It i">ta^ii all that oan be i up Either he doesn't kuou his Uuinesa yet P 1 '* ' ^ ">'"' !' >"l ban U-aiitiful aud to be an iueiliaiMtibls sup- ply The way u> whwh these swcwtis^uilesi wi-re handled would have surprised t na- tive Indian or Heathen Chinee. Mr. W. Ruchanan acted aa chairman and was in his nvt cheerful mood. The speakers were Mr T. Koland and Mr. D. K Kills, esv-h h.>m niaii" short, pithy and practical |*'eches Tim clnliliviia part of the programme was well rendered and Neemed to please both themselvea ami the audience The report i.f the St- cretury nhow the aclm.il to be in |>r>|r- OUH state. The musical |>rtii>n f th- |.r"v'i.iiiimc wa fumishe.1 by a choir com - IK.IMMI of mime of the Teachers and Schol- ars of the nchiNil anil right well ilul tlu-y till the lull. The |.|.^it.U luclililliig a- cial on Thumla} . v.-nin,- was al.ut |.'U). H..I- n:. n. 111. n l n.ii ; W In n \.itn IMIIIM.- IH galled, BCimtehed 01 nit. or lis any i.i;lv kore, tmih twie* daily, .nd npi'h M.-(,r. ,;..i A l'ark>' t'sri.. li.- { It is iiu 1. ul.i. ll\ the Knest hvsliug u I . i'i-i!i^ i|.ii.i. iiii.-n (or it. IV Jnu L-I l M. (irr^.,1 .,i,.| I'uke .. S..I.1 fur Uit. pvr IKIX. st Hu-harJ>..iis Drug Store. l> r r^hnin N .- . (From osw etna The "Army" iraH-d the Sunday Btnnuag, 8th ins*, be >juiu pop. ilar here, if a well tilUst bsj racks i* any Mr. Joseph Ueti.l.-m > U>ugjit a kit from Mr. Lush, on which he purpoaws t> build a cheese factory M SAM a* thr weather peruits. H us now (Btsias; material ready. The lot, on which there is a good spring iif water, is situated . the tower unuich of the river. Mr. Suwart Baesa, Purser of th Sleinhoff. [id a farewell visit to Keve! sham before K'i>R to join his buat * Sauh Ste Marie He carrie* with him the beet wishes of his many fnemts hen for his prosperity and success, and foi his safe return at the cluse of navigsrfiuii season. Meesrs Paul Bros., oarnaKe-builden etc., have rernorud tu Uuur new ahu across the nvi-r. Mr. K. Rmwn purpneea building - new waggon shop. He ha* Uie matcna.* All tcool Spring Tvrtdi 50 cents ptr yard ; Splendid value ; at Richard- Vegetable Sicilian HAffi EENEWER was th Orsl prspsswslaa perfw'lT sibptrd ta on ilmissi of tae scaly, sad UM km nt- Mssful nMonr of taJfd w jr> ta.r W ila oauiral >Mi, (rvwtk. sad ) uiulvl brautr. It has had umuj touuturs. > IMNM ki * lailr SM< ail Ike mjulniMuM iMmJai fee- is* s*uc*r ifMbuvat ul tk aalr aud IULL n*ia kasrwcs kas la lavor, awl spr*a4 Its tasw I" tTrr 4wr tr of ! f'..b*. lu n.paral- ;. .1 -m tan W iu i,,ii.J ta kal oil* OUM lit saim/>> m.1.: ,; 1(4 ;.... TU* flssilllun ka i>nn I- n snrprlseel at tb rnm , I oram from KMM rrsa mm il Tin- aw for a abort Um* of n 1 1 'i RAIB R^rumi v.'Btlrrfu.iy li ...,., tht prr- SUl.al alil^nriiuM. It cl<-:...<i lUr i.f IWM sll nui>uriiin, rum all I. uu,,..., :, ,tt. u.4 i>lic<, sml Uius prrtinu t.4t..M. It i!,M.u'.tn 11,* noaki n*t j;^i .1- >u.l L ;. s l. -in to puli forvnril a in MI.<| i ' -nli III- .IT.-, l. of Ut.i srl l rv i . t iraiiBivnl, lls Ilioce irf a..-- . |T>(\JI.^ I. ..in. but niwUn a lotif t.uc, v^.vj >... .a lu OM a matter of ecouwuf. BUCKINGHAM'S DYH roa mi WHISKERS Will rlinrr' tb beard In a nmuntl Kroww, rr blark. rt*rfid. It iToUu.-f* n ... rtnasHSiS .t will lu.t a*fa w^. > s iln(l (reparation. It Is spiiLnl viUiuul trosble. BT fi. P. HALL & CO., Kasiiaa, N. H. Bold by sll Dealers lo M A union >;il v EOS ALL TEE TORI'S or Scrofnlon*. Mrrrnrlnl. lltootl lMoiu>r. Mr John has lieeii instrncttxl keeps the Scalp Ire. f r beci by Mr. Hujjh S|,M'..nl ti. .,11 t<k .iii.l unpli in. i.t.s by |,u!. I, T the fatal delay was intentional. Why I '..aiitiful Clocks from tl.90 ,, loean't Mt. Forest elect a man ca,*ble of r Noted Jewolry SUne, (doing iU business. Let them give both * MeKim and Ferris the (i. H Ihirham at I 'Icsliertou. Plesherton Muaicial Kocwty has -n- tornl ii|>on a vigonra* practice of the popular iiraUmi.. "Esther the bnautifnl .111. 11. ' under the etticietit uiaiiaKfinent <>f Mr. D. H. Mniiriie, with the aoconi- plislicd musician, Misi Jennie McDowell, as nryaiiiat. Kichdrdtnu't Stock of S)>rijp Print! now open. New & beautiful design*. -The Farmtr* AdtafaU for March is the l.i-it MiiuiIxT yet receive J hy us, which it RIIMIILT a meat >f the Atlnicatr ali of tin' ninny departnii'iits so ably <Kmduoted by the beat writers. The Ad- fucutt is in its twt* ntieth volume. i. ;nli "' c emlwr of ' The lurgut variety of new and beautiful Spring Drtti Goodt arc now | n| n ut Jtiihiinituii t. no Old Journal!*!. Mr. W. Ifcr-eJoyd, she oldest The GltJtr Btaff, died st Inn residviire, 2HO iiathurst street, yeslvnlny. II.- had been his farm J : auction I .m dan. I. <gi Thursday. Mmrli ^Uth innt., on I.i.t mill? dryjio, Ci,n. 8, Township ..f t lupn-y, coiiinien- " K I I o'rlorli |. in liar|.. 1O montlin on all sums over $*>. l>io.imt for anh. S-o LillK Aycr's Sarsaparilla. old by all Uruoclsta ; |1, iU butUos, <& deal, aa every number "penally interesting in The reawm why "Myrtly Navy" tobacco has taken no strouna h..l.l II|H.II tlie nm. tlcle. community i- brcanan it is the genuine ar- No man lias a desire to smoke any- se than tobacco. Kren opinion if not smoked for the pleasure of smoking it but for its soporific effects. The desire for to bseco in, of oounte, beat smintied by getting the pure, artlclx, and when tn this is aildsd th. fiiiftflt qnslity the satitfartinn in com- plete. Thse two things are combined in the " Myrtle Navy." Mr. !{..!. i- Neil, in, KI. has [K*t|.i.iie<l his salt- of farm >t.x-k, Ar., OWIIIK t*' tin- suffering for many sa..ntlis |>ast from an ""''" "> "f '' '-at her, until Wwtnef- otiacurv and distreasfeiK f"rm of paralysis. ***' 25th - M:llvh . '<. which aff,H-te<l first on. of hu knee., il.en '" " cll>ok " "' " lmr l'. * iole liinli. afUrwanls involving one after anuthor till death at length Him- to his release. Mi It. .\.| wa.i born the at (ilas^oH in . aim- tn this T. A S K nioiitliH cn-iht on all Wt i . as. bills at Lot 1M4. ;!n,l i.l.Ait.-nn'ia. I" sums over $6.00. auctioneer Sv country when almat niii<- yeaii old with Mr .l..lm Martin has in>lrn.-tf<l Mr. hi* parents, lie jo%-il Th, lil.J,, stuff XV. H C, u ,i| uigne to sell his spl.-ndxl in IrtTO.aiid from fh^tunu until incjipaci list of farm stock, Ac , by public .motion, l.iti-il by illiiesa wi >vely engaged in at Lot 1, (', >n. 4, tin- local iincl commw^c-ial .!, -j.ai-l inenU of ut 11 .'click a. in., on TliursaHy, March th.. |m|>er. He was the Hrst to iii.iiitite JC.th. inst. '.i niontlia credit >n all the column of Mitriiii 'intelligence in Th.- ..\,'i / Sue bills. TICK'S k rLOHAOLi GrTJXDE ^.tg! Tutia^^w.srrSijr.. 1 , wm. 1'ilntrit in l It tfllft Whl toll mm- t Col l Fir l.di..*.] It lotsm<l nf r'l'in.njt I" Ih* croivrv .1 -i, . m>V WtmtvMrrr sal*. ).) p*Ml |.. I. >ft .,v 1 al*im..intnH-i<l ftr wMhsi nf *itti'< VICI-H KKKI*. \\ til U*Qf\r,f '; JAKE* VICK. Rook^tor, M. T. Aiirtioii Sale Hills Pfinted on uliort notice at reaso.sK. pi'ic-os fti-r notice nt --am. in TlIK Al.VAXCE.

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