CSO o FH u. CO OQ 02 CO U fc, CO o i o s 1 H 6P U C c 81 bO w H < s a OQ xi a Mf O -M *> Si?? s A * S3 - 3 I s 1 J -g < s en a Jj s g* If * jj ' 1 S Q) 1 2 Q Clocks, ^4 1 & 1 j -2 ' o n a z W a J) J i 1 u S3 "$ <u CQ OS t * , W O tH c/: 00 r^H THE ADVANCE.: . R- Fawcett. 1,'ii/or. PLESHERTON: THl'llSDAY. MAHCU 12, 18H5. The 25 ynu$ experience would have I" rii a valid argument was there the advancement corresponding to the re- 1 quheuituts of the times. Educational institutions and requirements have CM revolutionized duhug this period. Tlie standard for Teachers has Km placed llH> IIIT o nt. higher and if it IK- fair for Inspectors to master roll uiiilcr notable und persistent iiiad- 0'iiiiiey, wlij 1 miiki- the Teachers AN ELEVATOR NEEDED. The necessity fur increased facili- ties tor handlim: grain at the Station is becoming uioiv an<l more appar- ent. What in wanted, in sliorl, is a first-class elevator with a capacity for storing nay BtVriily or eighty thou- sand bushels of grain. This idea was first suggested tn us u fuw years ago when tlic limitation for a spur railway * n was tin till-uiiiurliintr topic of discuss- , xo puon f Minister Kosa may have | bn> by ft K011tlMim|1 ' who know whero . h,,Mun"oldfogy,"butevi,l,,,,^sl,ow !of TheJMOMr KcWf nmm has ven- thi-mselves that hu has advanced with SCHOOL XATTLKS. tund a criticism anent our n-miirk-- the vequin iiunt- of the time?, and oil School matters, and \pn ss, s r. - tl^refore not to be placed in the catc- gret we did uot give it -more thou-hf g()l . y o f incompetent*. before uiijuitly itttai-kin^ !; ^11 in cneh i t ; ,- OU mikable, tl.at the Timn. important pixitionsns the Insprctors wlli ,.i, of Public Scliools." If we scheme," said lii-, "is impiacticalilc ; why not, tlirrtlnv, turn atteutiou to an elevator, \y|iich is a practicable chi HU, ;n.il would give us all the marketing facilities pjssible under the AYER'S PILLS. James Sullivan, 'The Tinsmith, - Fleshertou. Bei'aiiint:. Kaviar.nitfliiiui.aii'l i IIM.-I ei tliinu i" the buslneM will r..-. ivu m;. pii mi't iiit.l careful attention at rfaixiiiuM.' I'ricoa. jSlow & Holm:? ii Carriage Wcrh! tf factor, PROrlllKTOKS of tl:e alM.ve win kf. arc | pMed to attend to everything >li tlie dl.vi/., tin impropriety of Inspectors tune I" nix divided one half, for . \ uiiiplr, diinii: and acting oftiecs und the other in tin- duties of an InsjH'ftor. As the Timit l>\ its -iK HIM- luliiiits the force ofuui- <i Mark* mi this ixiint. it is not ir\ luiiliei to discuss it ,ud the one winch ilic hardest, is the irtrom l,,i,t,,,,,i,,,n. t.,1,,: ( . irclimsuuct . 8 , aml pi ttco U8 in a po. post, d, should Btate, tint. ,,ot ,-- out , BlICCCMfll|1 with two points on this subject were touch- of ,;, l, lh , K .otor8 could puss an ex- , , any of the neighboring villages hand- amiiKttmn for u fir+tm ctrtijicaK. } ,^ ^^ ^ ,., W e, along with \v. hav,,, tMNtrepinboofthaibod? oUi( w( . uwuy , iy lho 1 o. jiulilie s.rvuntMi* a ruin ' ' " know of some, however, who could not. The Timet says: "Tho I'IIMU mental examinations are noi for the [Mtrposc of testing the educational railway question. Iu all seriousness, itrcely at or pity to laugh \V<- have al- im, and did not pay inueh uiiriiti.ii: to the suggestion. Now we see the mistake, and frankly confess our error. NVe trust our cap- italists will consider the mutter at once and put tlicir shoulders to the :i will. In the id it i.,,t a question that lias be<-i, well wayg thonf? , it iu onr inuoccuc} , ( that considered? Does tlic Tima not the iiiachiiu ry of teaching and ex- uppreheud the fact, that outside of the amiliationH _ ,,i iliary and c-xtraordin- time we invite correspondence on the subject. profess! >n, many arc found well nuali-; w u tho 8momlt O f lied in judge of the ability of men far Kducatioa . and COU ulii)g with it. the the work nndcr diacuaBiou ? Aud x , , , Model what do teachers thcraselvcB declare, ! ft j ) -j- t . in o far as tho County of Grey is con- ,,, ( , eemed ? Is there a Teacher who would court the visits of Inspectors Examinations the the duties of a Wr think the 25 years ex- perience arruiiient has very little to do \\itli the uc<pui-uiu nt of ability. A N.IT llm. It ii 10 agreeable that cvfn an infant ill tak* it. For cooghx. colda. buarcencm, cr.iup, axthuia ami broiicbilis Hapyaril * 1'ifturkl lllnm in rliaM for young or old. who, , conversation and address, ^ Qf fcmale Wll)ioiu m B titude _ inr.rdi T the Quosu'g Knglisli, and therehy i\ lUctn mvm the men or body df men who appoints them ? The Tim:* admits the duty drvolv- -.in-]' < i iorstoexii'ini > llie"foM:i". " \Ve presume it means the schools, for a natural ability und acci>ni|>aiii<d with a liking for the occupation, will require not ouly .25 years, but the age of Methusalah added before he or she would be fit. \Ve arc asked to accompany the In- :nly there would bo more than specters for one week to judge of their 100"ii)inis"in KK) schools. 15ut let a |,;iuy. We don't think it is neccss- us say "forms." The intention of the 1 arv . \Ve have adequate evidence- Act ; to exanuiif tluse /;,rmi, and iterated and re-iterated by Teachers, \vr vvill snpixjso the highest "form" is R,, t . vc g ,,,! ^.ntleraen outside alto- iindti . xiiiiiiiis'inn l.i^hor mathc- 1 gcther. The ouiinous words are writ- uiatics the subject aud the Inspector U to 11 port upon the excellency of it, w!ii> r.ueely knows ;i triangle from a .inn; a rhomboidl li"ui. I i |nne heterodoxy, whilst an ^liiic equation would be wonv iliau Kgyptian liicro^lyphics. Now ten ou the wall "Mtne, men?, tried, iifih'irtin." In future wo may (,'ive a more de- tailed and explicit Kiiiitiiscence on this subject ass it pertuinnto the County of (irey. And we hope the Timet, if it sec fit to discuss further tin 1 ijtics- sirhaii Iiispi^ction would eclipse altion, will do so on public paradox ! in fact we have not a word \prta8 it iidci|iml. -lv, und there- fii. pu: -s 1 1 say, in addition, that so i . unity of (irey is concerned, luini th;it ^n'ith (irey has about ili < iu v or the North p.rt of it, has (!'>, the iSontli part !MI -'. -thereabout. Take the South Kid- i. ;iecordiiu< to the Timet, one Jnilfa duy sufficis for one school, so tl.at 1'2 days work accomplishes one half the duty; 84 day* tho wlwlc duly .1 \iiii- I'm- each sehool, or days 1< M ihau a months ! Tho Timet Rys that fully onc-tliinl of tlic Inspector's tirno will be used in offic* work. Nonsense ! But sup- posing \i will which is not and can- not be the case, for one-twelfth is ii..i; ' tli. iniirk it would make but n months out of the year !! \Ve coivteud by no mode of argu- mentation ixjn it be made appear but an inspectorate of 125 schools ^an be oversell) and the work efficient- ly perfcrnwd with case aud comfort tj- ou t- flicuiot Inspector. Tins kind of argumentation, that justifies a wixmg because minister Uoss, or auy othi r man, may lw impalwl, is unfortunately weak. We want live men, whoe ability and vim are he- youd suspicion. " IM u Oltinntc iikin <liii- runes, humor* of tlic lili 'I. crn|ttinnfi anH nl. I Bortit rr> rurr.l hy lluiiliick Klond Bit- I- r. which purify aad regulate all the se- cretions. It was thought at one time tlmt iineral \Volwley would bo recalled and the command of tbo Itritish army in Egypt entrusted to General (Ira- ham ; but recent doppatehos dhow that \Volseley is to be given another chance to redeem his somewhat sullied fame THE SCOTT ACT IN GREY Frvm thfMraf<r<i Mimifiir. The Scott Act p. titioiis were de- posited in tho office of the Sheriff, Owen Sound, mi Saturday the 28th inst. This tinn the CoiHinitt. . liavi- taken the precaution to act only on legal advice, and therefore it in not likely any technicality will again hinder it bt-in^ brought to a vote. The following letter explains the sit- uation : ()wx SOVSD, F-b. 28th, 1885. DKAR SIK : UR Srorr ACT PKTITION. I have carefully gone over all the petitions from the oflbimt townships, and have had nr'niii n regularities rectified and fre.sli ihcl.ir.it ions in sonic cases m:nle, ,-ind to-day they were dejwsitod in the ShiiifTn (tffice. There are on tho names tike. petitions 4,489 nunuW is only 3,77()~ so Unit tin re is an exccsa of 7fl9 nnrnr-R. In my opinion the i>oti- tions now fully comply with the ro- ipiircments of the Act, and I have so advised Mr. McMilhin I am, Yours truly, (Sij{mdi ALFRED FBOBT. C. R. SIMI, F.sq., S. A. Com. Menfonl. Our corrrsjiondentH will please bear in mind, that wlmre a jterional attack isiaade upon any individual, tho Kditor of this jvipor i i v the right to publish tlic 11:11111 of the writer in full, tbat is, when the correspondent writes over an ;is-ninn'd niiino. Wo do not believe in th" system < if always attack- ing intlii-idnalt over a nom tic plume : there is too much of the assassin about it, except -./here the public iu- as a great "leader of men." In con- 1 tcrcsts roiiHy demand it and the exi- Rcquence, however, (Jen. Graham will j gcncies of the case are such as to reu- r. turn to England said, to be second Wolscley. -not caring, it is|dcr it necessary, in command to TIIK REST COMBIHATION. The of M". il clentii.iii|r. health giving hrl>*, ronta and liark enter (toon ADVICK. Hour roadcru will accept prufTi ril nJvico, they will always krep a bunt com- | liolllr <.f HHfyiird'a Vfllow Oil at hand for I nae in omi-rppncios, mrli an Iturni-, Si-nliU, i, l,aiiii-ii<>H, (Irnnp, CInllilaiiiH. Hhe- into Hiirilurk Hlmnl IlitUtm a purely veca- umatiam, mnl all vnritiuB of itchee. paini discanos ef toe i and inUamationR, it "ill ever bo found re 1 liable. table n ily tlmt cnrrf Hood, lirn utd kiducvi. A large proportion of the dttcasei which cause liuiuan auttrrlii); rwult from >lcran(- iii ut i>l tlia aiuuukcb, buwl>, aiiU lvr. A\ . ii'H C' t m.titi n 1*11.1.4 act directly ni u tli^-M orgaia, and are upeclally deniirn- i t > cure ilia duxmaea cautxl by iLon dt.iai^o- uiv':it, iuclifc!in|{ Corutlputlun, luiiivca- tlmi, I)>|i.'i'-i i, Ii t..ili.. 11,1.1 iii. , ami a liotl of oiber ailmcu'.i, i< r all . I w.ii.-li Uiey ar* a aafc, mr . r>rni|.t, ai> t l -.'- r.Mirily. 'llju i xuuuvo UM ol Hi - J 1'lLLi by ciiii:,,-nt | U\- ,ail Ul Tf^al.- tlce, eli .n uniu -,.4:. .I.!} Hi... t M.^i..t.uu la lucli tlifjr are Ldd by lli DiuOical yn-ki- liou. Tliee Prtui are corrrsun.lf.l of Tctl ! ulwtaiicnonly, ami are abEolulcl) fire fiuiu caluuiul ur auy other lujurioiu iug.itliL-ur. A Sufferer from Headache writee I " A\ I.II'N 1'iLi.s uu invaluable to me, and aro ii. y coiialant coiupaiin.ii. 1 lutve br. n -i.ii-ii-r from llrariudir, ami your 1'n.ut an tlie on IT thing 1 o..iil<l look M I..I r. .1. 1. line duw will quickly IIIOT* my - jCaniage Making & bJacksmithiug : liaiw promptly ami well - unit free m lh MI Hit y hvn.l lioiu 1*111. I U. y 'liu- and tin- t:.M< I | li\-.,i . ., 1 h.itu rial louud. it U a l>liiii to me til iiwak Iu tlwir praiie, aud 1 aUaja du M *Ucu iH-.-aii..n onera. W. I,. I-A..I . ..( \V. I.. Tagf t Ttro." Franklin St., Kicbiuond,Va., Juue 3, l !-.'. "I have owd ArrR'n PII.L* In namVr- kM intn(-4 ae reooiumeii.lxl liy you, n.| kavo unver aiiuwo ilinu tn full l" arciMii|ih>h tin* dealrad u-ult Ur c.i.nMnih kr. |. iii.m ou hand at our borne, ami |>n,. i],i u, H s a iil'aaaiit. wf, and reliable fainily lu'dicma. h>it I>XBl*PBL4Uie]rareiDtaluable. J.'i. lUvu." atexla, Teiaj, June 17, 1882. Tlie Hrv. FHAKCII D. HAKLOWE, writlnf from A ' ufci da., uyi: " Fur aou . yvurt put I n .vr boen lutjurt to c<>h-l;|<li"n, from wi.ich. Iu aplu* of the uae ol n . <ii- tluee'ol laii.nu kllnU, 1 aulicrtnt li.-rniii iiwouT*iiii-iir.', uutil aomu ruumli* , .- I bafan taking AVEB'I PtLU. TLey bnva mUrely corrected tba coatlve babit. ai.d ua>a lullyiiupruved 1117 geuwal l AI-KR'I CATUABTIC PILL* eorreet larlliea of tlie bowela, atimulau tliv a|.is- tlie and dlgtiUou, and by lueir inompi aud lU.Toiiirli act. on giit tone and vig.ir U> the vliule jiuyilcal economy. PREPARED BY Dr. J.C.Ayeri Co., Lowell, MIM, 8old by all Draggiatf. fic/tii it-it/"' in htif// Promptly Mfc : ! I t > HORSK SlIdKIMi A Sl'KClALTY. YO'JNQ, OLD, AND MIDDLE- AGEO. All ezperlrnee th bDtlcufcl etlcc Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Chlldrxti iritli sore Eyea, Sore Aut ). r.ara. or any a^'rofuloo ur >iih. Dltle taint, may bo uuule UvalUiy IMfMag toul by all I>nigliu ; II, aim bottla* for W. IR. R. LANDS! O I ., I In Vlnneitfa. North Dakota Men- | | (ana, hho. Washington aC Oregon I i ..m Lakt> iivrlor to Fmurt Xvua.l. At prices ranolna ch!efl|rrrom 2 le fl per icrt. on 6lo 10 tnra'Ume. Ihll ia tha Belt Cufltr> tor ((Curing G iod Hornet no* Ci.in !.ir tetlltaient. ~ 3 1 1 rre of <;M'fi-nnirnt l.uiu! I -. - ''""Stfti n. | I iuilr- ru!i '' I * w <. N O i r. II). KIH. 4:-:l Arr-. MoafK TMAS ll.ii.i-- . I ' I .' I '." lt *- t l .-.' l-.rlt-r<niiln. Mai.. -.- nn::, d.;riMi,ii u,, ... MM iiin.'i . .. lV. l,i,.IC.m'r. S. T. H I. . si . I ..ul, Uluk GET YOUR HARNESS! MADE BY DAVID CLAYTON Shop In W. Clayton's Shoe Store, Flesherton. WM. CLAYTON Has on Land a Large assortment of lens, Womcns & Childms BOOTS AND SHOES, BWgMftbk for t'ao Fiitt and Winter ir,<ir. Call aud sec Quality and Price Second to Hone ! WM. CLAYTON, - FLESH ERTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S,