Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1885, p. 3

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i ' march el the u .,, i. . , . The following song, by Mr. Win. Morris, appears ID the uew Eugliah Socialist journal, iln Cummonu,<ii To tbe tune ol John Hruwn.") What i. tlin tno nouutl au.l ruuiur '.' VM.at is tin ill uienhear, Like tbe wind lu bullow valleye wbeu the storm 11 drawing near Like the rolling on of ocean in tbe eveutide of fear :' 'Tin tbe people marching ou. Wmtbergoiliey, an<i whence couie they ' What re UieM of wbuui ye tell ' In what country are tbey dwelling 'twill tbe ifHtrm.l Heaven and Uell ' Are t.'.i-y mine or tlime for oiuuey ' Will tbey baric a matter well " Btill tJbe ruuior'a marcniuic on. (-'L..rui-Hark, tile rolling- of tin thunder ! Lu. the nun : tod lo, thereunder HiM-ih wrath, and bup, and wooder. Aud the boat oouuui uj&rcbiug on. Forth tin y ootue from inriel au.l tonueot , on they wend toward health and mirth ; All tbe wide world their dwelliug, every coruur of tteeartb. Buy tbern, Mil them for thjr service ! Try tbe bargain what in worth For tbe dave are marching on. Theee are they who build thy buLaea. weave thy raiment, win thy wbeat. (Smooth tbe rugged till tbe barren, turn the bitter into aweet, All for tbee thin .lay and ever. What reward for them ie meet '' Till tbe boat eouiea marching on. Cboroa Hark tbe rolling, etc. Many a hundred >eara pasted over bare Uiey labore.1 deaf aiid blind . Never tiding reached their sorrow, never bope their toil might find. Now at laal they've beard au.l bear it, and Uieir cry c. tuea down tbe wind, And their feel are inarching on. ye rich men bear and tremble ' fur witb word* tbe aonud ia rife Once for you and deatb we labored ; changed heucefurwaru U tbe atrife. We are man and we aball battle for tbe world of men and life , And our bolt ia uinrcbiog ou Choral Hark tbe rolling ate. " It la war, than f Will ye perlab aa the dry wood in tbe fire *' li it peace '.' Tben bo ye ol ui, let yuur hope be our deeire. Come and lire' for life ewaketh, and tbe world hall never tiro ; And hopu ia inarching on. On we march tneo. we, the wurkere, and the rumor that ye bear Is the bleudvd aound of battle and dellv'rance drawing near ; 1 r tbe bope of every creature u the banner Uiat we bear." And the world ia marching on. Clioroe-HarB (be rolling, etc. r " We walked by tbe aide of a beautiful river, And alowly and idly we loitered along ; lu muaical murmur* made melody ever, Auiuur boaru were attuned to the low, rip- pliog auug. We whiipered of lore aa we walked by tbe river, Of love that found joy juit in loving alone . And our heavru. u we epoke, throbbed with tremuloua ijuiver, In uuic.u tbrobted with each gladdening lone. On the banks of tbe river we gathered aweet flowers, And twined them In garland* moat fair to behold. \Q'I we laugbed an we thought bow the taut coming boun Would brloii to ua treaaurea mure prucioua tban gold. We aat on the bank and toeaed flowera in the river, And ul, aa we watched them Boat lightly away, So our liven ahall flow on. full of praiae to tbe Giver. And crowned with bright ttowere aa we eruwn tbee lo-da). Then turned we away from the fair amilluu nver, Au.l never Main di.l we wander alone lu ibe uanke where, that day, we nave tbanki to tbe (liver That we In our livee ao much pleaaure bad kuuwu. for tbe Death Auel carried her over a river More dark tban tbe one where 1 claimed bar aa uiiue; But ahewhiepertKl, whih- craning. " Death only can wvur My aoiil but a moment, my darling, from Uiiue." So, with heart full of longing and eyea fall of wee|>iuK, I look toward tbe river on wboae farther ahore My lovr I one la waiting. Aud lifv'a abadowi Mwptagj Toward auunet, give comfott 1 aoon will be c/er ' mm* Wllr. It'atbe itrungeat tbiug that e\er I knew. \u.| tbe moat i>rov..kiug. twist uie and you, I- MI a winian wbohaa got a man like me, A good pn iv liter, aud atva<ly au.l free With all bee folia, with finite ealted down Aud aa Due a bouae a* any in town, To be lamentiug 'cauae one child in ten Aiu't .|Ulie aa K<x>d aa he wight have beau. ' I t'a a pretty good ahowing, It aeetnt to we. That only a touth of tbe lotibouM ! \ little off color, aud that i what I aay To their mother twenty tmioa a day. But I can't mako bar nee it in that imlu. An.l ue ImteTie au.l it night after mlit >'or the auuud of bi* atep. till 1 grow ao wil.l That 1 almost curie both mother and cliiM ' She ought to live for the otheri, yon know, Anil let tbe tormenting vagabond RU Aud follow hiawuya and take the |>mn . ' Hut 1 turn lumont and nbe cull* linn again I Die uakea a hardueee between livi aud inn. And Ibe worst of it la. tbe chll.lruti axree That I'm in tbe right. Vmi .1 j.ity her then ; Such tiuii'it 1 think I'm tbe meaueat of uieu. I have argued and nool.led au.l coasod without ail Her aiiiwer ia alwaya : ' My boy baa one friend Ae long aa I live, aud your charge i uutrue That luy heart holda u<> e<|ual love for \ > u An>l all the reet. Hut the one gone aatrat Neetla me tbu must, aud you'll Hud In tbe way Of all tuothera to bold cloie lo the one \Vliu Imrte her tbe moat Do ion'a work u done.' Now. wbat can I aay to inch words aa those " ! in nut convinced. a tbe biatory ahown. Hut I often wonder wblcb one i right. Aa 1 bear bur light atep uight after nigbt. Here au.l there, to tin wiu.low and dour, Aa aba walte with a heart that in heavy au.l eon I wiab the boy .lend, wblle the Kivee ber Ufa To aave niui from em. Tbero buaband and wife." !>. I I -I.. .... I. Turee nibermen went gayly out into tlio north du: mUi the north ere theiiuu waahlgh. And tlir) chuckled with ijleii a tbcyaalheit fortli. iieeulvc.l t<i cnpture tbe trout or die. 1 .T mm will flab an|l mea will lie. Ali. MI! the trout they " caught on tbe My " Their Sunday Khuol leaaon* acorning. Three rthor* lay under the treoe at noon, An.l lilmiiml " the whole of the tinny race {or never i nibble ha/1 tmirtr.l er IPeoea, Anil each aighad aa he wet tbe bole in bit face I- or men will nib anil nieu will He, And the way the> caught truut when uoboily'l nlgb Ii aonietbing to tell- in the morning. Three ftahermcn came into town al night. And their " epecUed beantiea " were fair to ate, They talked of their anorta with Keen delight- Tbe envy of all the fralernltv Hut men will nab aud men will lie, Aud wbat thuy can't catch they're lure to boy. Aud never repent In Ibe uiorniBK. Four thousand eight hundred jollars hai been lubnoribed by tb* Yale aludenti (or their Davy < I ICICI >l TOPICtS. M. Hoivuf, of tbe Bruaeela Royal Ubeer vatory, hai publiHbtid tbe lirst reault ol tbe Iwt traukit of Veoui, in which be plaoee tbe BUU'B diBtaooe al yl,756,biKJ milaa. Of (be previoua deteriuiuatioua of tbe diatauoe made linoe lii'i'i, Leverrier'o wan ueareat, toiou Ul,3a7,000 milen. M. PADTIUH reoeotly reoommeoded a member of tbe Aoademie dee Soieooaii to experiment witb young auiiuuU in order to aaoertavin if they can be uuurmhed upon the absolutely pure food wbiob inauy people regard M au ideal diet thai m, a food bully free from miorobea. lie believed ibat Huob a diet would not nuulaiu life, aud that the preaenoe ut ojmmoo microbea to tbe dijjeative orRUii WM neoeaiary to tbe proper functional action of those orguu. Tin Aaaete Oompatiy, wbioh, it will be remembered, took over nearly (be whole of the Moaritie* ol tbe memorable City of OlMgpw liauk, bat just iaeued another report. Short a* tbe time U linoe thai duaatroui failure, il ha* been auffioient to oover what U probably the moat laooeeefal li juidatiou of modern times, and to convert a property whiob onoe seemsd to be hope lenaly ruined into a leveo per oeot. -paying aeoarlty. That u Ibe dividend declared by the company for the paat year, and to pay Ibis a profit of 940,747 ha* been secured, making a total recovery siooe tbe forma- tion of tbe company of ai7,70-.' A FEW remarks on tbe ears of watches are made by a writer la the " Popular Science Monthly." A good watch should be oiled onoe a year and cleaned onos in three yean. If a jeweller tells yon that there ie some very serious trouble or break 10 your watch, which will coat several dollars lo gat repaired, ask him to take the watch " down " and let yon see tbe trouble. II U belter to wind one's watoh in the morning than in tbe evening, since, if you wind at bight and ezpaue the watch to tbe oold, the chilling of t tie tivhtly wound main- ipnng may break il. Frequently empty out IDS dust that aoeomulates so quickly in your watoh pocket. 1 1 will not injure a watoh or clock to turn tbe bands backwards. AT tbe recent sale of the Lyston Park Library ID England Mr. Quaritob, Ibe Lon- don bookseller, purchased a Litin Psalter, published in n.V.i, by Peter tiohcffjr, and which be is willing to dispose of for tbe mm of ?'.'7,^.<0. This seemi an enormoai prioe, but the bibliopbilist will soaroely think so. Tbe book is the first and almost the only early example of printing in two colon, as the art was almost immediately lost, and bae only been renewed, but to a much inferior degree of excellence, m tbe present century. Moreover, of the even or sight extant oopiee all are in pub- lic libraries excepting Ibis and Lord Spenoer'i copies, and it is, therefore, tbe last copy of the book that ie likely ever to oome into tbe market. TIIKHI! are probably not ten peers in Lon- don who live on their own property. 8tsf ford, Bridgewater, Spencer and Montague booses are all on crown properly. Even the Duke of Bedford Uvee ou another Duke's land, ae did the late Hake of Port- land, for his reaideuoe, Uaroourl Bouae, albeit in Ibe milat of bis property, was uot hie. Lord Dartmouth, who owns consider- able London properly, livee ou the Duke of Westmiueter's. Sir H'obard Button and his father leased tbeir Cambridge Home to Lord i'almeratoD. Tbe only great booses wbiob are the properly of th;ir owners are Chesterfield llouse, Djrobeater House, Hertford Hooae, Montague llouse, Poituian Square and Orosvenor Ilouite. A mw daye since several Detroit families who bought meat of tbe same establiabmeot discovered their beef to be strongly tUvored witb onions. Research discovered that the cattle bad been feeding on wild obions. Ua this priDOiplu all meat rui^lit by proper feeding be served with tbs correct flavor wholly permeatiug it. Onions for beef- steak and onioni . sage and onions for dock ; geese or swine fed with apples would be already prepared with apple sauce ; turkey with chestnut stuffing, etc. The California farmers are said to give their pige and cattle figs and grapes, producing an extra tine quality and davor. A grest deal can be accomplished by the mede of feeding, as tbe lobbyists at Ottawa have d i noovered. A BILL has been introduced into the Pennsylvania Boose of Representatives giving tbe boarda of Health of cities of the tirst elass control of tbe licenning and registration of | '.ambers, and pjwer to make mch roles and regulations a* may be necessary lor tbe proper performance of work, tbe regulation of house drainage and the conitroctioo of oeespooli, aud punish- ing by fine or imprisonment any peraon retailing or negleoting to comply witb tbe regulation of the Board of Health. Already the cities of New York, Brooklyn, Wash- ington, Boston, Baltimore. Ktn FranoiwM, Newtoo (Maea ), Lawrence (Mass.), Jack- sonville I Kla ) and Long Island Oily have rules governing plumbing. They have been recommended for Philadelphia, Buffalo (N.T.)and liartford (Conn.) O i MI, from wbioh tbe British advance guard was compelled to retreat on the ap- proach of tbe False Prophet, is thna de- ocribed : Tbe Nomads m tbe Uayoda Desert used to say, lo Bbendy one should lire, io Oubat one iboold die." Tbe village, which is really a soburb of Shendy, al- though it is on the other aide of tbe river, oonsisti only of one hundred and thirty housei, and hai seven hundred inhabi- tants. It is sorrounded by vegetable gar- dens, which supply tbe population of Shendy. Here is also a burying-ground containing some graves sacred to tbe whole Mahometan world, those of laintR who lived and preached at Shendy, as well as of local chieftains and dervishes. Tbe place ie visited by alloaravan travellers. 1'nder Ismail Pasha a good road was commenced frouj Metemneh toward* Kbartoom, but it wae completed only as far as El Hadjir ; but on tbe other bank there ia an excellent road all the way to Khartoum. Tii"-r who regard themselves as victims of caterwauling bere may take consolation io tbe thought tbat they would ha\e had a worse time in ancient Egypt. A recent writer ia>a that cat worship was carried to its greatest extent by tbe ancient Egyp- tians, whose devotion to tbeir pete was such tbat, according to Herodotus, when a tire broke out tbey cared for nothing but thn lately of their cat*, and were lerribly afflicted if one of ihem fell a victim to tbe tl*uie. On tbe death of a oat the inhabi- tants of tbe bouee shaved off their eye- brows, and the deceased cat wae embalmed aud buried with great aolemci'.y in a kacred i-|i it. Many oat uiuruuiiea have been found lu the Eiop'.iau tumbo, and aome are to bv aeeu in the Bruiub Museum, together with similarly preserved specimens of buman beiugs and of Hacred oalvee. Their move- ments and their cried were consulted as oracles, and tuu murder, or oveu tbe acoi dental felioide of one of them was puuiebed by death. This invitee tbe assumption that tbe ratio of increase onold nciroely have been tbe same aa in New York, or oats would have assumed the proportion of one of the plaajnei of Egypt. i III POMKK Of i.\ - -II I I Il le Vrcallv Ovrr-mletaeiral und '" p n rdrd aw B Kaala>elvr. Dynamite in its simplest form closely resembles moist brown sugar, and is nitro- glycerine absorbed in an; inert bane. Il U not yet twenty years old, having been first offered for sale in June, 1867. In tbe form in which it is licensed, dynamite mut con- sist of 75 per cent, of nitro-glyoerine and 2o par cent, of an infusorial earth known as kietelfuhr. Of dynamite properly so called, there are only two kinds, diatingmJaned as dyca mite No. 1 and No. 3 No. 1 is composed of 75 per cent, of nitrj-glyoerine and 'i per cent, of the infusorial earth ki'-elguhr No. 3 of 18 per cent, nitro-glyoerine and -. per oeot. of a pulverized preparation com posed of nitrate of potash, charcoal and paramae , a mixture introduced to replace Kunpowder in coal- working where dynamite No. 1 was too powerful. Nitro-glyoerine u a very pals-yellow liquid, about half ae heavy again as water. It is simply a cold mixture of one part of u i trie acid and three parts of sulphuric acid. It has no imell, bat a sweet aromatic taste, and, though it ia not in a strict sense poiaouous, yet a single drop placed on the tongue will almost immediately produce a violent headache ; even tbe handling il, before the dynamite cartridges were in 1-70 wrapped ID parchment, would do tbe same. The " dynamite headache " is a dis- order very well known io the trade Tbe discovery of dynamite was not due, as has been generally supposed, to accident, but to direct experiment. Tbe first made consisted of charcoal and nitre-glycerine, and, before the porous ailieia known as kttttlyulir was finally adopted, numerous trials were mads f variouH other atiorb euts, such as porous t irra ootta, sawduil aud ordinary aud nitrated paper soaked in ths liquid sxplosive and rolled into cart 1 1 Iges. During tbe sieve of 1'arie, when tbe kiettlguhr ran short, the French engineers found tbe best substitute lo lie in tbe ashes of Boghead coal, and next to that in pounded sugar. Tbe hours of Ibe supremacy of dynamite are numbered. Tbe txp'.oaive of the future is undoubtedly gelatine, tbe latest inven- tion of Mr. Alfred Noble, of Edinburgh. Already on the continent the manufacture of this new agent baa at earned important dimensions. Many of ibe later operations of the Si. Oothard tunnel wre carried out with pure blasting gelatine, and in Austria, tbs riobeet of all the European countries in mines except Oreat Britain, tbe factor ies where dynamite was formerly made are now given over to ita manufacture. It is simply dynamite ( batt aflii containing '.'3 percent, of nitro-glycerlue, witij a base of 7 par cent, of collodion wool, tbat is itself an explosive in place of Ibe inert kittglguhf. As s blasting agent il IB more homogeneous tban dynamite, and on account of its elasticity i< lend seneible to outward impressions, while in handling or cutting tbe cartridge* there is no lose of the material, as sometimes occurs with dynamite. Its further advantages ars tbat tbs gaees after explosion are lighter and thinner and leave ho ausl, dsvelpicg al the same time considerable more power. Taking tbe power of dynamite at 1 000 and uitro-glyoerino at 1,111, blaslint! geUtiue ie represented by the luures 1 ".",:.. ia add! tion to which superiority it ia capable, unlike dynamite, of retaining its nitro- glycerine when brought into contact with water. Ihe destructive power of dynamite, which, contrary to thi corn-Don opinion, does not act downward, but equally in all directions, and with the greatest violence where there is tbe greateet resistant'], has been greatly exaggerated. Althongh it has from live to seven times tbe explosive power of gunpowder, il is comparatively trilling in its effect* at even ehort distanoes. The dynamiter, witb all bis daring and cunning, has, after all, ruroeeded in Joing un no more damage thaa gas has often done before. It woulo\ be better for bim, if be desires to oentinne bis warfare, to return to bis ancient ally gunpowder, wbioh above ground is a much in >re noisy and demoralu ing agent. Dynamiters cannot by any means at their disposal lay a whole jity in ruins nor even a street. Tbey may injure peoial building", and tbat is tbe most they can do. Tbe dynamite employed for these purposes is, in the majority of cases, of tbe kind known as liguiu-dynamite, a wholly unlicensed exploaive, composed of sawdust and uitro glycerine, and in its effects considerably weaker tban that in oonmiou nee. Corn- liill May >n inf. A Boston paper says that in January, 1-71, the therm iraettr at Jokanisk, in Kastern Siberia, registered 101 degree* below /.no. "Mercury iu that region," it saya, " is solid for hours al a time, and can be worked witb a hammer like lead ; iron in brittle like glass, and is useless ; even tire itself seems to freeze, for the gases which feed it lose tbetr beat, and during tbe winter it In impossible to go out with out a mask to prevent losing the noee or ears." AD important discovery of gold, siys tbe Alia California, has been made within the last few days near Ban Fernando, Los Angeles county, Cal. Ihi location is within four or live hundred yards of Maolay Station, which is three miles south of San Fernando. Tbe range of low bills wbsre the mine il located resembles the famous Silver King mine in Arizona. The ledge has been traced aboul naif a mile. Tbe vein is from four inches to a fool wide, and assays 8'2M) to JHO'.i psr ton. . a While tilling a water tank in a passenger j car at Altoona. 1'a.. tbe other day, work* 1 men found in il a trout eight inches long * UIM.MI UII. ,!,, ,.,,,1 II. II. , Those languid, tiresome aeuialioOH cauv t-g you to leel boaroely able to be cu your eel ; thai constant dram that ia taking 'rom your cytem all i. luriuur elasticity driving Ibe blourn from your cheeko ; that ocuiinual drain upon your vital forces, rendering you irritable aud fretful, can easily be removed by the use of tbat mar- vellous ismedy, Hup Bitlora. Irregulari- ties and obetruotiou* of your ny stern are relieved at once wuile the a|>ecial oause ol periodical paut are permanently removed Nona receive BO much bout tii, and tiuue are ao profoundly grateful aud inow auch an interest iu recommending Hop Bitten as women. A i-..-. .1 tare! -...,. I was att -oled witb kidney and urinary Trouble - " For twelve years i" After trying all the doctors and paten medicine* 1 ouuld bear of 1 uaed two bottles of Hop ' Bitters ;" And I am perfectly cured. 1 keep il " All tbe time ' ' reepeolf ully, 11. F. Booth Kaulabnry, Tenn. May 4, lB*3. KHAIIFOIUJ. Pa, May S. H75. It baa cured me ol Mveral rtiiaaaia. auch a> nervouaueiu aickuesa at the a to mac h montbl troubles, etc I have aot aeea a aiok day In year alnoe I took Hup Bitten. All my neigh bora use tbeui. MHS. FAXMIE OBBSS A tour to Europe that coat me 3.000 .Ion me leaa good than one bottle uf Hop Ditt.-ra tbey also cured my wifeof nftneu jrearn' uervuu oak uoaa, aleepleeeneei S*d d vepassta." II M ., Auburn. N V HO. HuioMiN'.t U.I.K. 0.. slay 1. 79. but*. 1 havu been tutlerinx ten years, and tried your Hop billeri. and it uoue me mur good than all me duclora. Miaf 8. S. BO<J>E. Hub. ,...!. We are so thankful to aay tbat our nuraini baby waa perniant,ully curl of a Oaugeruu an.l iirutracied cuti(ialion and irretjularily o tbe bowoli by tbe UK of Hop bittura by lie uuther, wbloli al the tame tiuje restored ber lo iwrfuci bealtu and atrengtb. The 1'u-eute. Bocaaetsr, N.Y. He- None genuine without a buncb of give H jpe un thu white label. Hbuu all tbe vili l>uieouou> null with "Hop ' or " lla|x " m th.-i Tbe Uaineeville (Oa.) I'rta makes tbe 'ollowiog aetoanding announcement ' Numerous diaiunnda have been found n our county of princely value, and are in existence t > day, ornamenting Its bosom of fiugere of American uocnle. We know of ou, picked up on onr streets a few weeks MI.O> . fur which tbe owner bai beeuct: jrd 8:1 (XX)." " When I am correcting tbe proofs ol any of my wnuogs," said tbe late M. Kdmond About, " if 1 oome to a sentence, or even a word, wbioh 1 sLooid not like my daughters to read I at onoe strike it out." Tbe elder Duma* need to maintain that some of bis works were fit readiug for bis wife, but not for bia daughter*. 'I ,U. >.,!. ,,l I hi. Pain banished as if by magic. I'olsoo's NEBVIUM is a positive and almost instane- ous remedy for external, internal, or local pains. TBS most active remedy br.heito Known falls far ibort of Kerviliue for potent piwer iu tbe relief of nerve pain. Good for external or internal use. Buy a 10 oent sample bottle. Large bottles -''. cents, at all druggists. Out of ^11 members in tbs Dominion House of Commons, only 81 are married as many ae 1H ant bachelors, while \'l are widowers. " Wbat furniture can give such finish l > a room, as a tender woman's face," asks George Elliott. Not any, we are happy to answer, provide tbe glow of health tempers tbe tender (ipresann. Tbe pale, anxious, bloodless face of Ibe consumptive, or the evident sufferings of the dyspeptic, induce feelings of aorrow and grief ou our part and oompell na to tell them of Ltr. I'leroe's " Golden Medical Discovery," Ibe sovereign rsmedy for consumption and other diaeanes of tbe respiratory aystem an well as dyspep- sia and olber digestive troubles. Soli every- where. There u no preacher listened to but lime, whiob givee us tbe earne train and turn of thought wbiob older people have tried in vain to pal into our heads before. -- Many ladies who for years bad acaroely ever enjoyed tbe luxury of feeling well have b en so renovated by tbe use of Lydia i'lokbam's Vegetable Compound thai tbey have triumphed over Ibe ills Sash M saij to be heir to, sod life bis been crowned with added obarmi and fresher beauty. That good old woman. Florence Night- ingale, in engaged ID ber good work and at (Jo ia bustling about as lively as ever to raise funds to provide assistance for sick aud wounded British soldiers in the Boudan. ' * Delicate disease! of either sex however induced, radically cured. Addre-s. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. V A gargle of strong black tea used cold night and morning in now faabionable in London as a preveotive of sore throat. ^ li.. .,., WHatlB. It IH said there is a rankling thorn in every ueart, and yet tbat none would ex change tbeir own for that of another. that as it may, tbe sticg arising f r tbe heart of a com is real enough, and in this laud of tigbl boots a very common complaint also. Pi INAU'H PAIM~ COI.N EXTHACT..R is a never failing remedy for tbie kind of headache, ae you can easily prove if sillicted. Cheap, sure, painless. 1'ry tbe genuine and use no other. The Edison Electric Illuminating Com- pany accumulated profits last year to ibe am 'unt of aboul .4 per oenl. of tbe paid-up capital of the company. il. . . lived* <" i'"' In "1111.111. i fan i l. The old proverb is certainly true in tbe cane of Dr. I'ieroe's " Pleasant 1'urgative Pelleta," which are little, sugar-wrapped parcel*, scarcely larger than mustard leedn, containing as much cathartic power ae is done up in the biggest, moat repuUive-look- ing pill. I'ulike tbe big pills, however, they are mild and pleasant in their opera- tiondo not produce griping pains, nor render the bowel" o M'IVO alter using. Tbe true test of friendship is to be able to sit or walk together for a whole hour in perfect alienee, without wearying of one another'! company. LYDI/S * VEGETABLE COMPOUND.' . IS A POSITIVE CURF ' . ..^ For all of lke* l>lful ('aaplalata mm* ' \Vrrkareare *e r..in,<> lo oor bral . . FK.vlAI.I.-t'OPl'I.ATinN.* . ,y IT wnj. in as r *TIHH T nil wnaer F..BB or F ua C 'rt AIS-TV AI i. o. iiUAi T iu H suu, IB ' ri.ABBATI.Kf AMI I'M i-HATI'-v >': M*tt A.MI>I>> !! 4< EFINT. AM' TUB < >N njlfN T Sl'INAL V Vl>. AXII ! I'ABTl. I l.ABLr AllACm. TO TBS ' ii AX.. i ..r Lira. ****/ IT n i M-I \ r AXD um. Trvoas riw>B TBB[ I'rERt * IN' N VAKI.T aTAusep DBVKi>.rm<(T. TBSJ Trii.rv i T". i-' -n". lii u- MIIHEH. BBCBS* \IBY rsEim.Y BT ira fas. * e * e i IT nE"vr KAISTXB". Ki ATI i ri T. UBiTanvs Al 1 . I.AV 1N>. }' . r: ^I'LANTH. AM> KK1 I IT Be VI' BAB t n IT M ar* MioATi<(ii. llaao] A' lir, NrK>"' I"M.-TBATI"1. ,B<IIKAL I'SBIUTT, liiri;t-l"N AM> lN..iuETl... e * e * THAT rsEi.i>.. ..r l:ri.i\.. I i..i. . A ri*e> PAI*, WBWBV A.M. HA. kA< UK. 14 AI.WAV* rKUBAMBim.V . i BED BT irm i - e**e*e IT WILL AT All TIVSI AMI I MIEK AM. riaTTSJ ! A>. r.n AIT IX UAaBUHt WITB TBS UAOa TBAV kUTBBll TNI PIMA1* -TTB a * * * e erln n i^ i x'LKLY PI>BTBBLB.ITIBATB HBAI.1N.. or I>1>BAE AMI' TUB BBLiar ..r TAIN, AXB THAT IT IK.Ei- Al.l. IT . I AK- T.I 1*>. TII.K. Aua i AiiiB* i AN i.LAUi.4 TBariri % e * K'.H TBE rt BB .P KlltNCY "BrLAIXTa Of r.lTHIK rEX TU1> HEVEIir L- I S.I BrAMBD. * t.Yfii r. rixKHAVs vb.ETamLC . . Br.pafd u I MUI. a rrvrs. L Biz battue for fa u( Hiu . r Ueiaen oa iwrtpt .,r aAvaaalvnk Mra, TA.IT frmtUag iaai ,lMb.ran.Bfl.leiUallTaiwwerA7* -.' ' --KHiB I II I.- Thr? jr ' ristiiH,'! - ; ll.ntAOOM MS) T -ri 1 ' l'*y !'-- i , ( I. . I l l tt NEVER BE WITHOUT pONN'S XTHEN. /COOICSN BEST SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. J. WINCKLER I'ATKNT SELF-VENTING Pl'JIP FAUCET The ilmpleel an.l beet In the market. Price t A liireee 6R naihaon utrMt aoatb lUmMtoo RENNIE'S SEEDS riTREKST |llolr;iii <l 4 ni.*l*tUf for I >* -.. ._ , , i i. OABDI.N & FLOWER SEEDS W^RENNI TORONTO EYE. EAR AND THROAT. DR. 0. B. BYER80N.L.B.O.P. B. B.. Leevnrer on tbe Rye Rar an.l Tnrrat Trinity Mlloal College. Toronto. Oenllet ant Anrlal to the Toronto Oenaral Boepllal. late Oltutoal Aaaiataul Royal Uindoo Oi'hlfaaloj Hoeplaal. Uoorenel !' and Oentral LonJi a Tbroat ami Har Hnepltal. SIT Ohorob wkreel Toronto. Artificial Rnman Rree CONSUMPTION. Ih % , atAndinj f. N In It* . gf\tifr itli \ I kino lit R. U. AWARE i n vr Loiillard'8 Climai Plug U * I r 1 hf.jrl. ( 4 ujt,llt/ r..r- met. PI. A Bf to aeeri a rioeini Ulaeatiou or HpemMrlao f- a maniblp al Ihe NPMWRH LUI BD8IBVH OOLLsll'e tree

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