Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1885, p. 1

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w Flesherton Advance. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, WOT ME*. VOL. IV., NO. 195. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, MARCH }2, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE. Out of tli-! limiting I.onil and Faiuilv Nt-w in Not t Inn Ji ( >iitttiii >. Publish uil Another Mini Fluihurtmi S >ns <>f 'l\-ni <>iu -rl. ijirr.incu gave ;:n exrelleut eiitcrtaininent in the Town Mall last The and inatru- J ItuM I'll! , | CM $1.00 per nuiim in eulYAii. < . *! '.- n i..-t pnM Mlb*ndol P >>%:., No j-apti .lisr.irtiiiin'tl until ft) urn- tnii;** HIV )iti<l up , anil no mih^ i ;]> tin;. - ' ' - 1','iii o!n \cu. -\' nt w tii-ii ii evrrtni;tminU for hhertdr |itrirt'U ttrr uid*j with the- puUliKlmr. ADVKKl'ls.M. KATKH, AC. in i .( cantx jiur im*.- .'.icii *ubwin. nt in** ' , ,- ,r lauta to 1 ,'.ii I fui v. hi"! i i.u .lirwc- r-t''>l till f.'llijil Mi 1 i ' Kit - al Hi liicori. 'tit 1 -* to rinMir julvortin*!-*. N-> n. iv*-it.Mu."it th^con tinned until all ar- t'uj' * ' i.-'MU'iit-* xhnuM rf;u-n this office ni l.i'tM tUtvti ini'iii oil TtwsJay to ounur* ue. A. R. FAWCETT, Tit - Bits. 1.'ntiffiii'i "f Lt- ll 'ii 'I Oth-'f hit' i : ithrr. i '.i/ 7V A<if,ii,cr Mim Mart Wright returned from tlio I M"iiday. MIM. Tli. MI. as Aikj-iilioad nf Toronto came to Flesherton last Monday to visit at her father's, Mr. J. W. Annstmni{. - The regular monthly meeting <if tlio Klt'idii rtoii Reading K'>m aa held on Monday niifht last. but had to adjourn for want of a i|iiorum. The r.-aiiiny room authorities made, a ttrr last Tuesday afternoon, split uptheir wood, |>iled it by nicely and madu a _-i cat many other improvement*. Thr regular mrtithly Cattle ffcir held Here >'ii .Monday wai wvll ntU-uded by wll era, Imt -.wini:. tin dudt, to the stormy \icatli"r. few I. livers put in an a|>)H'aralicc a;i.lcoiis>.|iielitly iiolma'y 1mviiivifhaiit;cd hamU. heo Kichardsons now stock of (ioiUs felt Hats lutt-st styles Mi-mr*. Fetch itnd Mitchell announce in our odvertiiiiii^coluiiiiisto-day tlmtthey have ojiened out a UutcUvr ihup in the stand ni'jtt <n the I'h< >t"ifTRph (tallury, Flr-,1. .., and rmpictfullytiilicitftaliari! >f pu'dic |iatri>naur. Fresh meats, Fisli. Ac., in their ?a<>n. Ordoni filled and duliTc-<l in the village. Sec advt. .lauici Kiioji'a team of honws, t- t.i. li, .1 tu a douKlr ninth had a circus all in tlicinsulvea on Tuesday ,ittrm<Hiii laat, in Fli--<ln-:tiin. Stinting in tin- neiirhhor- IKHH! .if thu hotel w|uaru, they niudu it tour nt' UK' village at a '2:40 u'ait, tinally l.riii^nvj np with a terrific char^o on the residence >A Mr. R. J. S|.iuulr, li.-r<- they were necurixL Miss Maiwl llichar<Uon is in Toronto inakiiiK her sulectiont of SpriiiK Millinery. Sin- will npnre, no jniinn to secun 1 the choicest anil clicapwit ^<>iU in the market MiiM Ilk li.'inlson has IHIUM very iiirOMtful in entering to th< wants of the fair sex ill thin direction in the |>ast, and i> feel aalntied in tayiuK tJiat the^iMHlaiinw hemt; selected and jiurcliasfd l>y her will n\\a unlmiinduii latisCactioii Loth ajt re^unln jualitj and prim Signs of Sjniiif arc not wuutm ' altLotl^h tlie old adftgo seems Vrnli'd an "the dy lenjftlietis the <--<\,\ fltren^tliens" Knys of S[>rini,' Suti- shiue ^liKtt'iiinK rn\ tin- Snnw inki' tlie li/ht (I:i7.*lin<{ atxl tlio piles of New Spriii 1 : l>ry (inmls now oncitiiiK' at Iticliuixlsons make it evident Uiat Winters rei(^n is nearly over. : mental mimic vtan unusually tine. Dr. i Cln. St.,,- w.i- iiii.-'.iiiiii sly chosen chaimiaii and tilled thu position in his usual i till manner. The atlair o|om-ii with an .exc..|!i':it instrumental din-ton the or^'an and violin l.v Mr. Ii.in. I liiinpln-ll ami Miss .Jennie M. I>.. .-II A. K Kaw.-.tt reail. Mr. \Vm. Thompson recited. Lit- tle Miss Leak sanjj the ''Roue of Lucerne" well, anil was much applauded. Mr. C. j.l. Sjn-oule .-alii,' a solo, accompanied on , the organ by Mis* Bella Chi-it..e. Mi. Hen. lucks uave a military recitation in fuli rtx'inicntals. Mrs. Leak, who lives a little Letter than half u mile from thu vil- l:e-'-. made her first K>w to a Flesheitn auuiunce as a public winder, in that grand song, "Drifting with the Tide." -Mi- Leak possesses a swe*>t as well as a strong . ami her a, -. entuation is clear and dmiMc!. Hie will prove a great addition to our already sphndid nrray of local tal- ent. Miss Chr.,tc accoin|ianied on the 'i-Mii. Our Tillage orehestn composed of M ins .lei.uie McLKiwcll (..r.'aiij, Mr. N. CampU-11 (Hans violin*, Mr. Dan. Cainplie.il (viulini, Mr. C .1. S;.r.,ii!c (vio- lin I, and Mr. K. Vanzant (cornet) gave a grand instrumental selection which which "brought down the house." Itwas vociferously encored. Miss Milly Van- Dusen sang in her imual happy manner. Miss Hopkins na\u a humorous recitation about the "Editor." which was duly ap- preciated. Miss Belln Chriitoe nan.,' ex- ceedingly well poweaainc;, as she dnus, a voice of rarti aweetnvss and great com- ]>ass. The original dialogue, or play, "Jonatl.nii SI, . ,\uii. Km.; IXnlds, and the Scott Art," came next. It was well put on and created ureat interest. The var- ious ; aits wcie w.ll at led. and with the (ion of an additional feature intr.. duccd at the close of the fourth scene (not in the oriental M. 8. S.) was an un- qualified success. Tlie author. Dr. Chris- toe, is to be congratulated most heartily, as the play was timely, well written, and conceived in excellent taste, showing that | the Dr. possesses rare dramatic alulities. Miss Leitch sane very nicely. The ( >r chestra gave another instrumental select- ion which held the marked attention of the audience. Mm. Leak and Mr. I> S. Munroe sang a humorous duet, whn-h was heartily appliunlu.1. "\',, H \ sa\e the i, " l-y all pressnt, closed the pro- ceedings. 3Ionla)'s Sturm. From the Kockiev. Cottons ;ife Bttwk Value w-o in iaiK an Ki :il>t-rh Honor Roll. FiHirth Class. A. Thurtt4.ii, ) ; E. I>yne, HO ; I!. Carruth.-ts. (17. Sr. Third Class. Ella Can u then, 7< ; J. Hurd. 7'. ; K. llurllmrt. i.'.i , Jr. Third Class K (Jnmen, 68; 8. A. MaCee, 47 ; S. rlcwes, .".'.I ; Sr. Second Class. B. Howe-, 41 ; I'. Dynes, l!'. : Jr. Second Class. A. McC.,1,,,,11, 47 ; S. A. Knott, 41 ; \V Proctor. -Jli. Average Attendance 40. S. G*t prw, Teacher Get your Sjuinej SiiitinK* early be- foro tlie tnildr^ are tx> buy to make up you can net a s|ilnnlnl tochooso from at Kiuliard- "1;i-.'iir.i!r> Court. Win. Tlnirit was hroii<;ht iiponTuesJ. i\ . the 3iM nit., before John \V. Armstr> in; J. IV i i eoniplaint c'harx;t d with allowing; iwiluht..Kml other mill rulusli to drift from lile mill into thu Iktaver river in contravention of the tinhi-ry act, and was fined ."In and csts. Let all mill ownen like a lesson and Veep mill ruln.ih out of .(isluii v Mtrnanui. A stitch in tinio av. s nine. JOHN HOIM'S. NATIONAL FILLS art promptly upon thu Liver, regulate the Bowel* and ,* a purgativojjfcimiH ami thorough. 801)8. T tit- V.lit'tr of Thr Sir, I am informed that the Uooin extablialieil in Flesherton hv the rillaKiirs nt lieinK '"'"I for certain (.urjios- es not in confonnance with the principles uhich are sup]Miscd to govern it. I am told, on reliable authority, that card play - ing, for pleasure as well as for protit, is not an iiit're.|ueiitiK-eurenoe. Thisfdionld not In- tolerated. Butter far better have no reading room, than one in which the youths of the village hecomc adepts in the art of gaiuhlinpr. Yours truly, PUBLIC OPINION. The worst wind and mow storm of the i e . ,, r . _ .., v , SSom uf Mr. J'-hii Fatoettfi Exptnencet season visited this Coui.ty lastl Monday | ,, tht y,..,,, , . /. A . H r It was a perfect blizzard, and completely tilled up the roads running ?fcrth and We are having a rough time here now. South demonstrating;, tu noUiing else s ix feet of snow fell here during the first coiilil, thu necessity tor ^*e ieiic. * i> days of January, Prior t.. that we along our public, highways. wH, in com- haJ twu feut ot miow, and from the tith pany with t\v.. others, drive in a single """' tne ~Mi of Jaiijory we luul tine cutter, -with an excellent horsu belonging , weather. Then we had another fall of to Mr. Sept. to (1, of this village, attach- , >;'".' '> the 81t ed thereto a distance 1* miles, the "** continue.! so for six days in success- journey U-invf performed between a [loint '- I think durinf thst time it was nuar the village. .flK'.itliNite and our own snowing on the peaks of the mountains. village of Floshcston. \Vefacedthestonn ltu t"* 1 '' may, there were a largo the greater i art of tlie way, and can as- "umber of snow-slides. The MbwUkJ sure our readers tli.it there are many lirief jottings taken from my diary will pleejtanter things than having line slian' K lvo - v " u * f ' unt conception. ,f the nuniU-r hail driven witli territic force K wind in- ""J maitnitu.!.- of the "slides" which to your face for houre at a stretch. At oanie under my own uheervatiou : tunes the hail and snow were dnven in Feb. 3rd. A slide came down t such "clouds" as to obscure everything which completely buried Mr. Holt's but the horse, cutter and occupants. Just house, containing $50,UOO of supplies and a* we were ascending the last *luo|> ilecli- sJinost cnveied Mr. Hill's t..re. in which \ity U-tweeii KiinU-rh-j and Eugenia, the proprietor was sleeping at the time. ,ne of the most annoying tliingii, which He was not injured but liodly fnghteiietl. oan happen under such ciiYuuuUuce*, *" eo - *''" \nother slule came down occured, viz., an upset, is which we werj'' un "b' '''.- nij!.-. , :.,p'.. tely demolishing unceremoniously " dumped out int.. the'" t>l""ity from winch the occupants n ir- HIIOW. Hut this was not all. When row ly escaped losing their IITCS thn.uwh within less than lialf u nsile of Kuifei.m, tno fal'in,! ''''TIS, by runninu in their we weio again upset into tile sjiow, and i bw * feet lo *ii..ther shanty about half a the cutter shaft broken. However we mi ' distant. managed to n-ach Euifenia, where we r ' ob - 5th Another slide cam* d..wn were fortunate enough to Wore the ser- 1 t"->W where Boss <fc McDenuott t men vice of an excellent mechanic -Mr. Bow- | were "ortuig, "u OB of them was bur- vrman -who mended the shaft very neat- ied vulder the Inow * d n * 7"t been ly. Hy holding the ciittet with USM hand and driving our sure Imrso with the oth- er we reached the "gravs4 " road in safety from thence to Fleeherdfci the journey wat easily performed. To Mr. Parks, Master Sloan, Mr. Middaugh, and others wesre greatly in- recovered. The others had a narrow es- cape. Feb. 6th. Another slide came down at (o'clock in the menuig and swept away Mr. R. McKenzie's camps, completely burying them. There were five men in at the time, and when thcj ilebteil for many tin, 1 1 1, SHI RicliardBong sliewu lc new dn-M goods all tue . in Cashm- \. itU>w. !'> i-rshaiii Xrvts. | as they o 4Mkjfl|Mle.t :n PR* - heard the slide coining, they ran as fast as they could but were overtaken and the snow. Three of them wen lightly covered, and got , ut MIA soon afterwards ; but the other two were not found until U o'clock, four hours af- terwards. The "boss" had just said, (Pr,,m or .,./- C.^r^m.i.nl. ) " |l.,y., we had better get out of this: There ate a great many luga being bm't there is no use of us risking 40 lives for to the mill this winter. the sake of two," when one ..f the men The population of rY\irh.un is incicaa- uni;ae<l in shovelling the snow, said he ing. 'saw the hair of a man's heatl Hen,, \.-.i There will 1 . ;,i. a.-hin-jin the Methu- away some more snow and saw it was the list Church -M-ry Suinl.n henceiorwani. cook >mt he was dead. They g.-t him To.- lienevolelit Vrmy of Jesus openeil "in, am! near hut feet they found the their new Larra. ks m thi place on the other man. The latter w is -till aim- l.ut .'-n.l Ke binary, to attend which numliers insensible. 1 think he will nvover The 'ame i ven from tin to fifteen miles .Its Jamage to proprrty will n<>t \-c less than ant Captains liiiioni l 'riJgi' and Wyln- live ..r six thousand dollars, |.rol..iblj coitdn, i. .1 tl.r -. n .. . >. A Uin.|ii.i H.I.- m, ic as it is not exactly known yet. The ,'uen on the exenuiL' of th<- '.'."ilh Fell other evening tli.To were .M ven slides After tea a | i, n parssied the | rim i within one milo in less than half an hour MI eci* ,,f tlie \ lilacs lii.uk. i by a I W:M not at the camp at thti tune of the nimiU-r of otHc. rs from a ilistance Th. y sli.le and I am very glad I was not. The carried a numbtr ot IMMHIS. tin tin- ^,^i ,t afterwards wa< eoott^l lo* me. Tlie iir following a social was given '1'lic nn.>w was 'an ! is) hllrd up to the hcie,hth proceeds of these meetii,js aiiioiii.'.^l t.. ofov.i !iKi;,,t. Trees foul feet t!ir. n_'h are like n thing m front of a BII..H sli.ie. Tlu-ic li-i\.- IHTII several other slides beside* those inchtioned, but I have not heard any particulars about them \\orkliw betMi going on all winter so far ..n the C. IMl. and likely to continue until the road is completed. There are three very hiah hridtfen under c.,n-ttii. t ion here. The lowest is not less than HK> and the highest L H .N> feet. 0, which pa:d all th- ladebtedneM m the l.iniilne.'. left a dollar or lw,> |,> spare, and in.i.l.' Ca[>tain flrootnbridge liapi'y. He desert is credit for his perse- NEO All pornons iiiteiiding tu build should get KiriiimlsoiM (JUOtfttionB lor Intnl'A . Anrl Ion Hairs. Mr. \\m. \\ili-.n, >r ,-Jiim instru. ted Mr. \V. fl. Cain;.aii;iK-, aueliotieer, to sell his farm Ht<vk, Ac , 1^ public auction at Lot .'tl. Con. li". Aiteui-Ma, -.n Huns day, March I'Mli mst., comneiicmg at 1'J ii'clfK-k, noon. Ti-rnis can'. See bills. Mr Hot.irt Neilson, sr., lias instructed Mr. \V H CanipitiTne. auctioneer, to sell his farm st..,k. Ac. \.\ public aintion at Lot !<>. '.'n-l ranee K . . T. .t S K,,a.l, Artemesia, --n Monday, March Kith mst. . comineliclll.' at ll.' Oilock, noon. I - months < ix-iiu -.11 all nun,... over #.' l.llls. Mr. P. M<M'ormaok, aurtioiner. has been mstrucied l.y Mr. Hector Mcdivn or, to sell his farm stock, ini|.lements. and household furniture, at I>ot '.'4, Con _'_', Tonnnhip of E^ix-niont, eoiiinn ncing at 1'-' ./clock, noon, sharp, ..n Thursday, March l'M\ inst. 10 niotitlM civil. t on ill sunn over $ r >.(X) and disce'.int ill.weu for siuli sums when cash is paid. See bills. JOff^KBOfm Tr> r>l^F*srs, (.,mr Ljiwi s ami Afcl wh.h liA..v.x.>' V rLlA' v <> i i. Ir-.l to curt or relieve i BSAST. TAKN nrrtRKAiir r.-. gtwran- <t: i Mj-s, ionn nii:n.tr, .t.+ tiiv.i, coi,nn, Jtc. *PCUEO EXTtR;.All.Y FU Kin '' .- i 'iff. N.I. t: ..;/. r/f //.::/ l/\.v, i 11,01 , i rMfS MI i-t i ; vi;-. .%/;:;. fjf\ rs. JI//s, tl;i,,-i:irK, i i >/; i <iv//,- i. i/o.vs ; f MII mo. /mi. ni--.ii nut, i- iiv iv imif, tritt f.v.v, / 1 1 v in s / 1> i , .,. Kmy boltU ruinlncoevl to giv* i.tii<ac- ti i u or nioiK-y rtti.njcci, OlltlTIOM WITH UOM MTTLL PRIOf !). T. MIL3 V fc 00., Propriotora TOKONTO, ON I . Printing ! The addition of a most excellent stock of Colored and other Inks, New Designs in Type, Ornaments and Rules, and a large and well as- sorted stock of Stationery, enab- les us to execute Job Printing of a quality and price which defies com- petition. A trial order solicited. In this connec- tion we might say that The Advance will be sent from now until Jan. 1st 1886, to any ad- dress in Canada or the U.S. for 75 cents. Address, A. i*. FLF.SHKUTON, ONT. A tiC!fii! w..r* ' lact.Mi i,, ii^, iii, ,,. Vevt-utl-lrt. I'M, .s f thni. ITIntl in I i-nils. whl, h llisv l ll t. 11 i, It lnt*s'l ,.f rii.'., 1- .| n.jr U ' ' . aiming vit\i BIV 0-NL< \ JdMEJi ViCK, Roo,tr, M. Y.

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